irclog2html for #tacobeam on 20041107

00:03.31purple_cowbetter to be cut by something sharp than something kinda-sharp
00:05.15ChipX86TD: scary thread to start :) I'm glad you wrote that doc though
00:06.43TDthe libs thread?
00:06.53TDit had to be done
00:07.03TDi will continue to argue for backwards compatibility and a stable platform until we have one
00:07.44ChipX86uh oh
00:07.52ChipX86I assume jdub's comment is because of galago-daemon and notification-daemon
00:08.23ChipX86I don't know what people want. One mega daemon? No daemons? That's not doable.
00:08.45ChipX86I'm getting tired of it all
00:08.50ChipX86people want magic
00:09.47TDyeah :(
00:09.54TDi just jdub just likes being contrary sometimes
00:10.28ChipX86he was so pro-galago and then all of a sudden seemed less than enthused
00:10.29ChipX86I don't get him
00:11.39TDhe is inscrutable :)
00:11.48TDi kind of like him though, oddly. even though we argue all the time
00:15.09ChipX86see if the libgalago docs work for you
00:15.33TDoh wait
00:15.36TDi just don't understand doxygen
00:15.40TDit *looks* empty
00:15.42TDit's not though
00:15.47TDthere needs to be some "main page" content :)
00:15.57ChipX86yeah, at the top
00:15.58purple_cowyay doxygen
00:16.03ChipX86we can add main page content
00:16.04ChipX86I just haven't :)
00:16.13purple_cowit'd be nice if doxygen & gtk-doc could be overlapped a bit
00:16.34ChipX86or at the very least, gtk-doc index file output for doxygen, or doxygen support in devhelp
00:16.45ChipX86jdub is speaking nonsense
00:16.51purple_cowmostly i'd like to see the class hierarchy stuff in gtk-doc :)
00:16.57ChipX86there is absolutely no gain to his method. he just doesn't want ps aux to be so big
00:16.58purple_cowbecause those graphs are so very useful
00:17.14TDi think that sums it up
00:17.23TDpurple_cow: i'd rather gtk just used doxygen but they have valid reasons not to
00:17.29TDfor new projects it makes sense to use doxygen though
00:17.34purple_cowthere's no reason not to have bazillions of processes anymore
00:17.48purple_cowaux is a silly set of flags to use if you're looking for something specific
00:18.03ChipX86point is, jdub's arguing for the heck of it :)
00:18.05purple_cowwell, i prefer gtk-doc's API reference style
00:19.04ChipX86I'm not going to argue this with him
00:19.20ChipX86it'll get nowhere
00:20.16ChipX86TD: wtf? I'm lost now
00:20.50TD"aggregating the functionality, single lifecycle, knowing wtf does what, etc."
00:20.51ChipX86"Everything should be one dameon. They should just be many daemons, that's all" <-- is that what he's saying?
00:20.58TDfirst is just a statement of fact, not a rason
00:21.06TDsecond is unsupported and of dubious merit
00:21.18TDthird appears to be the exact opposite consequence of aggregating everything into one superd
00:21.22TDi mean wtf does kded do?
00:21.35TDjdub clearly thinks it's kdeinit which it isn't, neatly illustrating the problem
00:23.05ChipX86I'm so confused
00:23.34purple_cowdarth_mall: are we playing tonight?
00:24.57ChipX86earthlink commercial
00:25.07ChipX86one lady has that flying earthlink logo around her head
00:25.44ChipX86the other one says, "Some of the other mothers and I are a little concerned about the... thing... moving around your head. It seems a little dangerous."
00:26.15ChipX86"Oh, no, I just wanted better Internet and virus protection. And this isn't real, it's an earthlink marketting device."
00:27.07TDthey said that?
00:27.12ChipX86it was great
00:27.27ChipX86there's been a few really good commercials on today :)
00:34.00TDmoving parts?
00:34.20ChipX86he's arguing for the sake of it
00:34.22ChipX86that's all he's doing
00:34.35ChipX86notice how every time someone agrees partially, he has to change it?
00:35.52TDChipX86: s/notify_is_initted/notify_is_initialized/ ?
00:36.11TDhmm, why does that function even exist actually? why would the library user care?
00:36.48ChipX86I believe it was because of the app name and stuff
00:36.54ChipX86but it was from the first impl
00:37.06TDah, yeah
00:37.15TDfair enough. i guess it makes sense for libs that might generate notificaitons
00:37.19TDno harm to leave it in anyway
00:37.29TDoh man, this is so classic
00:37.34TDremind me what code jdub has written again?
00:37.39ChipX86almost nothing
00:38.11ChipX86jdub thinks gnome is his nowadays, I've noticed
00:38.38TDi think that's going a bit far, but yeah, he tends to be quite domineering
00:39.17ChipX86maybe it's an exageration, but he does talk sometimes like things are his decision
00:39.17TDChipX86: want me to reply to the email?
00:39.23ChipX86yeah, please
00:44.29file[laptop]gonkulator: what'cha up to?
00:44.34ChipX86I'll probably reply to it as well
00:45.03gonkulatorfile[laptop]: trying to get nova's monitors working as they once did
00:45.17gonkulatorthey all work in winderz...
00:45.18file[laptop]gonkulator: have you tried fairy dust?
00:45.23ChipX86TD: this is where we need people like J5 weighing in
00:45.32file[laptop]J5... Jumper Five!
00:46.30TDpeople who are actually coders, though i'm loathe to point this out to jdub as it'll just cause a huge flamewar
00:46.51ChipX86ed is very sarcastic
00:51.28ChipX86pfft, the nearest Pizza Hut is all the way over in Mountain View!
00:51.32ChipX86of course, that's 2.4 miles away..
00:52.33purple_cowewwwwww @ pizza hut
00:52.51ChipX86I'm craving it for some reason
00:53.07ChipX86I need a change in pizza
00:54.09ChipX86an automated machine thing is taking my order
00:54.29ChipX86I don't trust this
00:54.42ChipX86but it promises free pizza if I buy 5 from her over the course of some period of time
00:56.55purple_cowpizza hut is so greasy :P
00:58.08ChipX86don't know why I want it.
00:58.16ChipX86that automated girl is scary :(
00:58.21ChipX86but she sounds cute
01:01.10gonkulatorcute even, yes
01:02.32gonkulatorthats the spirit!
01:03.31*** join/#tacobeam orchid (orchid@orchid.user)
01:04.08ChipX86aww he's playing along
01:04.18ChipX86the fighting stopped though :D
01:05.18fileapparently we've partnered with some sort of foreign company...
01:05.19fileIn a joint venture between Quasar Softech (Kuwait) and VoiceConduits (USA), quasarsoftech brings VOIP technology to India and Kuwait market.