irclog2html for #tacobeam on 20051108

00:04.02CIA-9navi-misc: 03evan * r9256 10xchat-gnome/plugins/notification/notification.c:
00:04.02CIA-9navi-misc: After playing with it a bit, this tooltip idea wasn't as useful as I'd hoped.
00:04.03CIA-9navi-misc: DELETED!!
00:04.32darth_mallwow... Aerosmith rocks so hard in their old age that they're doing Target commercials
00:09.02purple_cowgo me!
00:09.47CIA-9spacegrant: 03dkuester * r1788 10mck/ (5 files in 3 dirs): yay states status icons
00:10.24darth_mallpurple_cow: did you rock their socks off?
00:10.36purple_cowi did
00:10.49scanlimepurple_cow: you'll love Dinah's
00:11.12scanlimeand I can give you a ride to/from the airport if you don't want to just expense a taxi
00:11.16ChipX86purple_cow: awesome :)
00:12.32numistscanlime: dont answer that, its a trap
00:12.53darth_mallpurple_cow: they're flyin' you out?
00:13.05scanlimenumist: huh?
00:13.10numistscanlime: #vmware :)
00:13.17purple_cowlike any interview, it ended with "we'll be in contact with you soon"
00:13.58scanlimepurple_cow: could have ended with "Sorry, but any further attempt to contact VMware will be met with a court order"
00:14.05purple_cowscanlime: true
00:14.11purple_cowman i'm loving this osd plugin
00:14.47numistsomeone's telling ChipX86 how things are in vmware, thats worth rolling another spliff
00:16.16purple_cowhe seemed pretty satisfied after talking to me
00:16.30purple_cowand surprised at how succinctly i answered his programming question
00:19.11ChipX86it was philip, right?
00:19.42scanlimewhich programming question was it? :)
00:20.32purple_cowChipX86: right
00:20.38scanlimefun-list makes me feel inadequate
00:20.45purple_cowscanlime: linked list thing
00:21.02scanlime700 MHz is a 'really old' computer, and there's a guy looking to upgrade his P4 2.4 GHz...
00:21.07scanlimepurple_cow: ah, yep
00:21.39numistsomething makes micah feel inadequate?! 0_o
00:21.50numistoh, that kind of inadequate
00:22.11numistits not the clock speed that matters, its the code you run on it
00:23.11scanlimeheh :)
00:23.20scanlimeeventually I might upgrade...
00:23.28scanlimewhen I get tired of 192MB of RAM and 700 MHz...
00:24.02purple_cowscanlime: x40? :)
00:24.03numistI'd say that shouldnt take long, but you've already exceeded the time I expect
00:24.36ChipX86scanlime: that was on video-games, not fun-list, right?
00:24.39scanlimenumist, purple_cow: yes
00:24.47scanlimeChipX86: oh, I guess it was
00:25.24ChipX86talking in private to TreMobyl now
00:25.27ChipX86I know him from #gnome-hackers
00:25.39ChipX86he just isn't grasping how big a problem it is
00:25.47hardwirethat would be a very fun hacking project
00:25.51ChipX86his mindset is very much in the "today's distros"
00:35.24ChipX86this day is going by fast
00:36.34numistyeah....  unproductive too...  I'm sick now, it's official
00:36.44ChipX86I'm fighting it still
00:36.57numistwoke up with a sore throat, and its progressing awful fast
00:37.18ChipX86isn't there an, erm, heat problem with that?
00:39.22numistChipX86: broken
00:39.31numist404 :(
00:39.36purple_cowChipX86: yeah
00:39.58numistoh that..  yeah there has to be a problem with that
00:40.10ChipX86heh so Alex came in and just wandered around. I asked what's up. "Just thinking..." "About what?" "Thinking about porn."
00:40.12purple_cowit's ok running like that for a while
00:40.25purple_cowChipX86: yeah, there was some discussion on the subject in #gnome-hackers
00:40.36ChipX86it was just funny :)
00:42.55numistdon't eat chocolate if you have a sore throat.  it doesnt help :/
00:46.31darth_mallI love Daniel's e-mail
00:46.36darth_mallthey're always so awesome
00:47.32purple_cowdarth_mall: what do you think?
00:47.38purple_cowshould we give him a serious roll this time?
00:47.57scanlimemmm, I could stand to eat a serious roll...
00:48.00darth_mallif he bothers to show up for meetings and contribute work, I don't really care
00:48.37darth_mallthe only reason he didn't get to do anything on the 3 previous papers was because he couldn't be bothered to show up for the meetings or anything
00:48.53darth_mallbut I'm not going to hold his hand through it
00:49.29purple_cowwell, arguably, the only paper meeting we had that he didn't come to was the architecture/UI one
00:49.32purple_cowsince we've only had 2
00:49.43purple_cowbut he's not very proactive in asking how he can help
00:50.45darth_mallwell, I did send out an e-mail about meeting for the Requirements Spec and no one responded
00:51.00purple_cowyou did?
00:51.01darth_mallyou were the only one I had any contact with about that paper because of IRC
00:51.37purple_cowoh, maybe you did
00:51.46purple_cowi'm tempted to invite him to irc, but i think that would just piss me off
00:52.12darth_mallcuz then I can't vent my frustrations with him here
00:52.21purple_cowwell, even if we made a #smrt and didn't tell him about here
00:52.29purple_cowi think i'd just get angry holding his hand through using an irc client
00:52.41darth_malllike today, how he came up to me and asked me again about rmiregistry
00:55.12darth_mallpurple_cow: the order of the bones in the AMC files doesn't matter, does it?
00:55.33darth_malldidn't think so
00:55.34purple_cowspec says any order, so long as that order is consistent throughout the file
00:57.43purple_cowthe MSDNAA ISO downloader is a windows app
00:58.16purple_cowmay have to have you do it next time you're around
00:58.47purple_cowwine wants some activeX control
00:59.10scanlimeno windows VM handy?
01:00.10purple_cowscanlime: no, if i had that, i wouldn't need a windows iso
01:01.10ChipX86don't fight! Practice peace and love
01:01.39numistlove is good, peace is for the birds
01:01.43scanlimeLoaded decoder module 'Bluetooth'
01:01.43scanlimeInstalling decoder VUsbTools.Decoders.Bluetooth.ControlDecoder
01:01.43scanlimeInstalling decoder VUsbTools.Decoders.Bluetooth.EventDecoder
01:02.16ChipX86scanlime: oh, I wanted to ask you about bluetooth
01:02.25scanlimeI don't do bluetooth! never touch the stuff
01:02.29ChipX86if I have a list of bluetooth phones in the area, is there a way of getting those phone numbers?
01:02.50scanlimeI think there's an AT command you can use to get the phone's number, but you'd need it to accept a connection first
01:03.20scanlimethere isn't much you can do with the phone itself without actually opening a bluetooth channel
01:03.28ChipX86there goes that idea for presence
01:03.35darth_mallhmm... yeah... now I'm getting a segfault reading in the AMC file too...
01:03.50scanlimeChipX86: you can get the BD-addr of nearby devices...
01:04.02scanlimeso if you could correlate that with people you could get a list of nearby people
01:04.07ChipX86I was hoping to look up the phone numbers, cross-reference with the addressbook, and use that
01:04.36scanlimehopefully that isn't possible.. would be a bit of a privacy problem :)
01:04.44ChipX86screw privacy
01:04.51ChipX86I want presence data, damnit!
01:05.32scanlimewell, there's always the BD-addres.. but then, a lot of people disable that too
01:06.04ChipX86I want to head back to my old college, name my 770 "Software Upgrade" and connect to some random person's phone
01:06.08ChipX86see if they accept it
01:06.27ChipX86I bet someone would :)
01:07.15scanlimewell, start spewing ATDT<your-phone-number-here> at people, and see if you get any calls
01:08.43numistI just realized that next quarter I'm only going to be taking classes that I've taken before already :(
01:09.04numistdamn thats demoralizing
01:09.13ChipX86how did that happen?
01:09.56numistlets see..  it probably started with the part where I failed out of school
01:10.07numistso theres some ground to catch up on there
01:11.09CIA-9BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/ (4 files in 3 dirs): let images pass back real bpp so the image binder can support 1 and 2 bit textures
01:15.48*** join/#tacobeam file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
01:23.24scanlimedamn you Ellisys, and your slow software
01:23.37scanlimewe've been so tempted to just reverse engineer the protocol these hardware analyzers use
01:23.43scanlimeso we don't even have to deal with their slow XML export
01:24.39hardwirexdmx rocks my socks
01:31.27hardwireI can't wait for dynamic xinerama
01:40.32ChipX86Foo *that = (Foo *)this;
01:40.38ChipX86wonder what the logic was there
01:41.13ChipX86I bet it made sense at the time, and then eventually everything moved to being this class and it became silly
01:52.28pagefaultDS doesn't support WPA
01:52.29pagefaultonly WEP
01:53.23hardwirehaha.. I have a three headed X display acrossed two machines.
01:53.30hardwirethis is kinda fun.. slow but fun..
01:53.38hardwireit even has a GL proxy.. how neat..
01:56.09*** join/#tacobeam laodamas (
02:10.25CIA-9BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/src/ (worldDrawing.cpp worldRender.cpp): more UVs
02:17.32scanlimethe new guy has a USB book on his desk
02:26.19pagefaultyay pdf
02:37.16scanlimeyay.. the SCSI spec is only 500 pages
02:48.21*** join/#tacobeam JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
03:00.41pagefaultfor vmware?
03:01.15*** join/#tacobeam Cae (
03:04.42scanlimepagefault: no, the SCSI spec for SCSI
03:13.20*** join/#tacobeam file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
03:22.41ChipX86someone needs to stop the Sci-Fi channel from creating a new bad movie every week
03:24.04ChipX86oh hey, someone did die from Bird Flu. 42 people it seems
03:25.57file[laptop]that must look bad when you get to heaven :\
03:26.01file[laptop]"What did you die of?"
03:26.04file[laptop]"Bird flu."
03:26.09file[laptop]"but you aren't a bird!"
03:26.13file[laptop]"I know, terrible luck that"
03:40.12scanlimehow does ubuntu expect you to modify the default services in each runlevel?
03:42.00scanlimehrm, kinda klukly compared to gentoo, but it works
03:49.47scanlimebleh, xen commit messages on CIA are so useless
03:50.01scanlimeif they *have* to use colortext, you'd think they could at least give a filename or something
03:50.12scanlimewhen I hook vmware up to CIA, we'll have high-quality messages >:)
03:58.47scanlimeI think one of the first things I'll do with CIA after I get rid of MySQL, is install it on my box at work
03:59.04scanlimemake a #commits for irc.eng
03:59.37scanlimeI've got a lot on my plate for this backend redesign though
03:59.57scanlimefirst things I'm tackling are new file formats to improve both efficiency and capabilities.. but I have some bigger problems to solve
04:00.32scanlimeI'm pondering a new way of representing rulesets internally that should improve efficiency, and make it much easier to provide sane solutions to author collisions and spam prevention
04:00.57scanlimeonce rulesets themselves become more light-weight objects, it would be concievable that every single target in CIA's stats space would have its own small ruleset
04:01.10scanlimethat'd fix the huge mess I have right now with stats:// URIs
04:01.45scanlimeI'd like to completely do away with the central ruleset database
04:24.32scanlimenumist: you aren't 21 yet?
04:26.03numistscanlime: ask me again soon
04:26.11numistin 10 days, even
04:26.41scanlimeI just didn't realize you were younger than me ;)
04:26.50numistalways have been :)
04:26.52scanlimenobody's younger than me around here...
04:27.03numistI know exactly how you feel there
04:27.11numistI was always a year ahead n stuff.
04:27.14numistwell, until now, of course
04:27.19purple_cowgo me!
04:27.26scanlimewell, you shall soon join the ranks of the legally drunk ;)
04:27.37numisthope I'm healthy by then...
04:27.52scanlimepurple_cow: interview?
04:27.57purple_cowyep :)
04:28.01scanlimenice! when?
04:28.05purple_cowdunno yet
04:28.21scanlimeI think the biggest question at this point is whether you'll accept ;)
04:28.22purple_cowgot a call while i was quite literally fighting, and didn't get the message until after
04:28.25numistwtg purple_cow
04:28.26purple_cowscanlime: yeah...
04:29.16purple_cowplus i was guessing the call was my mom asking how the phone dealy went, so i didn't stop to answer it
04:37.05purple_cowi'm still laughing at part of today's interview
04:37.45purple_cow"have you used the gnome canvas before?"   "i've tried it for a few things, and it's always ended up being too much of a pain"   "yeah, that's been our experience too"
04:40.27kergothlooks like i'm flying out to raleigh, nc for an interview :)
04:40.41kergoth(gf is in town, not going to be on irc much)
04:47.55purple_cowthose crazy japanese
04:52.41numistI better not be on irc at all from the 19th to the 27th
04:53.43purple_cowmake sure you watch the video
04:53.45purple_cowit's hilarious
04:55.54scanlimedoes that video have sound?
04:57.13purple_cowi don't know.  google video doesn't like to play sound on my laptop
04:57.21purple_cowand my desktop's out of commission right now
04:57.29purple_cowit's not choppy though
04:57.54scanlimeah.. works fine if I make the window smaller and let it pre-buffer
04:58.08scanlimeI wonder what the big santa in the background is for, and why he's sticking his tongue out
05:00.26purple_cowbig santa? /me rewatches
05:11.06purple_cowuh oh, looks like zak|poof is bored
05:11.20scanlimewhat's she up to now?
05:11.31scanlimeah, more quizzes
05:11.56file[laptop]Right Handed or Left Handed:yes
05:11.59file[laptop]that's classic...
05:12.24lurgyyay, i have battleship potemkin
05:15.58purple_cowwe should watch it
05:17.55lurgythat we should
05:18.08lurgythough i dunno if i could stomach sitting and watching stuff right now
05:18.36lurgythat damn dress rehearsal went on forever
05:19.00file[laptop]yay free passes to stuff
05:19.12lurgyand subtitles require a small degree of thought which i'm not capable of right now
05:19.20lurgywhat about tomorrow night after teh concert?
05:19.36lurgysince you need to go anyways for convo
05:20.12purple_cowlurgy: sure
05:20.56lurgydarth_mall should come too
05:20.58lurgycuz why not
05:21.14lurgyyou know it's good
05:21.18lurgycuz it's a prequel to battleship galactica
05:21.39darth_mallheh... purple_cow, you're doing convo?
05:21.50purple_cowof course!
05:22.02purple_cowi'm a music major, and i'm also lazy
05:24.55purple_cowif i weren't lazy, i'd have finished 2 years ago
05:28.09scanlimeImaging's PNG support doesn't use libpng
05:28.16scanlimeit's a pure-python implementation
05:28.55ChipX86ok, need people in bzflag! :)
05:29.16scanlimeChipX86: sure, just let me warm up the vacuum tubes in my video card :P
05:30.22purple_cowscanlime: oww
05:30.46lurgyChipX86: people, you say
05:30.50purple_cowChipX86: lemme try on my TV!
05:31.04lurgythe fact that Civ IV's scripting is all done in python makes me happy
05:31.08numistwhere can I get an internal network card for my lappy?
05:31.16numistthis one just made my system BSOD for the LAST TIME
05:32.20CIA-9BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/src/ (Win32/winView.cpp worldDrawing.cpp): texture drawing of a classic box (as accurate to bzflag as I could make it )
05:36.09ChipX86purple_cow: sarcasm, or are you going to join? :)
05:36.17purple_cowChipX86: i'm emerging it on fembot right now
05:36.33ChipX86it's at the bzflag.secretplace.something on the first page of the listings. Blue team
05:38.11purple_cowit'll be a few more minutes
05:53.06*** join/#tacobeam SecretMethod70 (
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06:26.31scanlimefucking car alarm
06:39.40scanlimethe same car alarm again
06:39.58scanlimewhy are these stupid things still legal?
06:42.30scanlimeit keeps changing pitch and making this weird 'bong' sound
06:42.35scanlimelike someone's trying to break it :P
06:51.25purple_cowthat was the most difficult game of bzflag i've played in my entire life
06:51.46ChipX86High Karate Kitty is vicious
06:52.07ChipX86she's this mother who must neglect her kids or something given that every single time I've played she's been on there with a score over 60
06:52.33ChipX86or do you mean because Jamie and I suck so much?
06:53.19purple_cowi mean sitting on my floor, using my laptop for a keyboard, with a display device that doesn't let me see squat
06:53.26ChipX86oh. :(
06:53.29scanlimesigh.. I've resorted to a giant comment block full of ascii art to explain fidtool's file format
06:55.50purple_cowlemme transfer the picture i just took
06:55.52purple_cowit's funny
06:57.30ChipX86spatial tree-view nautilus is very buggy
06:59.15purple_cowthat piece of wood is on top of a couple stacks of textbooks :P
07:08.57numistman I feel horrible
07:09.25scanlimeyou should stop that, it's bad for your health
07:11.26purple_cowthere's just something awesome about english folk songs with electric guitar and deep, rumbling bass
07:19.52CIA-9navi-misc: 03micah * r9257 10fidtool/_fidtool.c: Wrote 120 lines of comments (with ascii art) explaining how the FID data structure should work. It does not yet work like this.
07:21.39purple_cowscanlime: that's not so bad
07:22.34ChipX86Azumanga Daioh is so random
07:24.10scanlimeit's kinda fun coming up with new data structures like this. You have to be really pedantic about how you define terms or you get the sorts of bugs fidtool is full of right now :P
07:25.06scanlimeand you get to make up words like 'reverse-header'
07:42.10*** join/#tacobeam laodamas (
07:48.36laodamasDamn south africans with their non-standard fax machines and their nine hour time difference so I have to call at midnight to tell them how to enter a password into a self extracting archive GRRR
07:51.24laodamasOTOH, I am glad that I only have to pay $0.07 minute to give them remote computer lessons
07:51.47ChipX86and what do you charge? :)
07:51.55laodamasI refuse to email credit card or passport info in the clear, or even password protected ZIP
07:52.49numistwhats good food to eat when your throat kills?
07:52.57numistI'm moderately hungry :/
07:53.06numistwhat type of soup
07:53.15purple_cowmost kinds, really
07:53.24ChipX86yes, soup
07:53.25purple_cowcurry might be a little much
07:53.29numisthah, yes
07:53.31laodamasChipX86: I am arranging my African Safari with a technology-challenged world-famous south african company
07:53.50numisthrm, I just had a thought...
07:53.59ChipX86numist: and also, I like salty things when my throat hurts, but I don't know why
07:54.00laodamasnumist: extra spicy tortilla soup :P
07:54.11numistlaodamas: you bastard
07:54.22numistChipX86: good call
07:54.35ChipX86speaking of which, popcorn time
07:54.40numistChipX86: I was just thinking, and sorry if its not a good subject, but what's the goings on with Jamie?
07:55.40ChipX86we're doing okay
07:55.47ChipX86decided to just see how things go
07:55.53numistI'm really glad to hear that
07:55.56numistlife's too short anyway
07:56.06ChipX86the only problem really has been the possible marriage/kids issue, and we know htat would be a very long time in the future anyway
07:56.10ChipX86we get along great
07:56.17ChipX86except sometimes I shoot her in bzflag. Well, a lot.
07:56.48numistnow is way too early to decide such important things.  people change and priorities change as you live
07:57.16numisthear anything about your dad today?
08:00.42ChipX86numist: yeah
08:00.50numistawesome :)
08:01.23ChipX86basically, his MCI voicemail service isn't working and isn't saving any messages. So he didn't get my original message, decided to head out of town for the weekend, and accidentally left his cell phone at home
08:01.47numistoh good
08:02.34numistso, I'm thinking of going up there on the 19th or so, and coming back down on the 27th or so...  take the whole thanksgiving week off....  what does ev'ryone think
08:03.14ChipX86I'm most likely gone from the 18th to the 27th
08:04.49numistmaybe I'll stay monday too, to avoid traffic, but yeah...
08:12.46CIA-9BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/format_notes.txt: notes on the UV rendering of a pyramid
08:14.07CIA-9BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/ (8 files in 2 dirs):
08:14.08CIA-9BZFlag: write out all objects
08:14.08CIA-9BZFlag: add support for pyramids
08:14.08CIA-9BZFlag: more common IO code
08:14.08CIA-9BZFlag: cleanups in world and rendering headers
08:35.46*** part/#tacobeam JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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10:10.00scanlimeheh. I didn't even notice zero was down for a while, I thought it was my wireless card flaking out again
10:10.46purple_cowi thought the same thing, since some web sites flaked out on me right at that moment
10:12.30scanlimego go gadget svn server...
10:12.40scanlimeoh, what the heck...
10:12.42scanlimeCIA's gone too?
10:19.49*** join/#tacobeam CIA-8 (
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15:16.44pagefaul1tacos for all
15:17.10file[laptop]great idea
15:17.24file[laptop]hey look it's a .83 address, and that's... my block!
15:17.32pagefaul1someone must be using it then
15:21.51pagefaul1so when will I be able to play SNES over VoIp
15:21.53pagefaul1err VoIP
15:24.38gonkulatorbleh is right
15:24.55file[laptop]I'm killing problems on our system... and then heading to lunch with a girl :)
15:26.51pagefaul1you should get her number
15:26.55file[laptop]I have it!
15:26.58file[laptop]landline AND cell
15:33.19*** join/#tacobeam lurgy (
15:49.17file[laptop]a project I got handed yesterday just got a wrench thrown into it
15:49.22file[laptop]they want... a postpaid calling card
15:54.54pagefaul1haha what
15:54.58pagefaul1just send them a bill
15:55.37file[laptop]fraud potential, is high
15:55.43file[laptop]this calling card gives total calling to anywhere in the world
15:57.28pagefaul1that sounds fun
16:07.33pagefaul1what the hell
16:07.39pagefaul1videotron is suing bell over the fact that
16:07.49pagefaul1they did not do enough to protect their service from being pirated
16:07.54pagefaul1so they feel they can't comepete
16:07.57pagefaul1err compete
16:08.52pagefaul1people will do anything for money to compaeat
16:08.58pagefaul1err compete
16:09.05pagefaul1it's goofy
16:55.46pagefaul1one of my professors is working at vmware
17:14.26*** join/#tacobeam darth_mall (
17:49.31darth_mallsomeone needs to teach Amer how it's not wise to mix tabs and space for indentation
17:57.00darth_mallI think one of my most favorite things about Amer's code is how inconsistent his conventions are
17:59.00darth_malland why oh why did he put a line break in the middle of a method call...
17:59.34darth_mallhe put a break right before the '.' in: board.getColor()
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18:22.48hardwirescanlime: any idea how you advertised for vmware positions?
18:25.27darth_mallmornin' hardwire
18:25.31hardwirehey darthy
18:25.33hardwirehows your coffee
18:25.35hardwiremine sucks
18:26.04darth_mallmine was ok
18:26.06darth_mallall gone now
18:26.23darth_mallhmm... should probably start gettin' ready for class
18:27.28darth_mallmornin' JayPee
18:27.38JayPeegood morning
18:28.00JayPeehow goes?
18:28.13darth_mallok, I suppose
18:28.16darth_malland you?
18:28.40JayPeesitting in Python training
18:28.52darth_mallyay Python
18:28.57JayPeestaring out the window, watching the planes on the KSJC runway one-two-right ILS
18:31.11numistyay glideslopes
18:32.05JayPeenumist: and localizers!
18:32.26numistI see a pilot in the works here, you have your license?
18:32.38JayPeestudent pilot
18:32.43numistthats excellent
18:32.47JayPeeprobably two months from checkride
18:32.49numistflying is great
18:33.10numistno, I stopped when I realised I wouldnt be able to fly at night.  I copiloted until two monthsago though
18:33.25JayPeeawesome! :-)
18:33.26numistnow I've got no one to fly with though :(
18:34.29numistI'm pretty sure I dont want to touch a yoke for a while, but I still love to fly
18:36.38numistactually, there was a really good airshow here last month
18:36.45JayPee#define HERE
18:37.01numistSan Diego, specifically the Miramar Marine base
18:37.14numistworld's smallest aircraft carrier was here, as well as a petersen jet truck
18:37.16numistit was damn cool
18:37.33JayPeeoh yeah
18:37.35CIA-10BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/ (7 files in 2 dirs): spelling error
18:37.39JayPeeI went to the one at KSNS
18:37.44JayPeelast month, I guess it was
18:37.52numistJeffM2501: thats some spelling error, dude...  7 files?
18:37.58JayPeethey had that and the Robo thing that eats cars
18:38.06numistJayPee: oh nice, I didnt see that
18:38.12JayPeejust a sec
18:38.23JeffM2501never underestemate my misspelling abilitys :)
18:38.49JeffM2501I tend to take it to the limit
18:38.59numistin all things, I see
18:39.32numistmmm  oatmeal
18:41.14JayPee(Not my photos, but that's the guy I went w/)
18:41.44numistwhoa wtf is that dinosaur thing
18:42.04JayPeethat's the Robosaurus
18:42.15numistyeah, a hornet broke the barrier RIGHT OVER ME.  actually, it didnt break it, but it flirted with it, and the effect was phenominal
18:42.51numistwhere is this site?  its running a little slow now that we're hitting it
18:43.00JayPeeno clue
18:43.05JayPeemight be a cable modem
18:43.05numisthah, connection timed out :(
18:43.49numistseeing the condensation appear/disappear around the skin of the wings was so very cool
18:46.24numistthat robobot thinger is so cool, but the site broke on me :(
19:00.51*** join/#tacobeam pagefaul1 (n=pagefaul@
19:02.15numistwow, sony uses a rootkit to enforce DRM on a machine...  a buggy one, at that...
19:07.57CIA-10BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/src/worldIO.cpp: spin has 4 components
19:15.02scanlimeslept through my alarm, rain outside my window is deafening, knob came off of the shower
19:15.16scanlimeat least by the time I get to work, the bagels will be stale!
19:16.13numistits raining up there?
19:16.53scanlimewell, it looks like the rain stopped recently, but the gutters on this building are still making an awful lot of noise
19:23.04JayPeescanlime: I hate getting up when it's raining
19:23.16JayPeelike, all pitter-patter outside, and all arm and snuggly under the covers
19:25.48JayPeethe best is when the tip of my nose is cold, but the rest of me is snuggly warm.
19:25.51JayPeeThat was probably TMI
19:33.52hardwireanybody here worked for a boss that was more ok with temporary measures than actual engineering?
19:34.29hardwiredue diligence should be a primary aspect of a CEO of a corporation
19:34.31hardwireno matter how large.
19:35.50JayPeein fact
19:37.24numistno, never worked for anyone like that before...
19:38.33JayPeewhen you make as much money as we make, engineering sorta takes a back seat to "Whatever will make us more money."
19:38.53numistthats why I'm glad I work at a startup
19:39.30JayPeestartups can be worse in that regard
19:39.39JayPeeit depends on who's running the show
19:40.14hardwireJayPee: every month its the same bullshit
19:40.14numistand what portion you work on
19:40.32hardwirenone of my plans for making a good communications system for this company are ever given any solidity
19:40.37numistthere are parts here where engineering takes a back seat to time to market, but I work on the backend stuff
19:40.41hardwirenor any plan any other division has
19:41.02hardwireinstead I have to make dozens of temporary wireless backbones and find temporary places to install PRI lines
19:41.06hardwireit just makes no sense
19:41.41hardwireone day I am told to focus installation on a building that will be our new HQ.. another day I am told just do temporary lines for everything.. since we won't be there more than a month
19:41.49hardwireok.. where are we going?
19:41.53darth_mallI think it's learned early
19:41.58hardwirewell half of us will stay there.. but do it temporary
19:42.06hardwirewheres the other half going?
19:42.11hardwireleasing space from a fish processing plant
19:42.15darth_malla lot of the kids in my class are less concerned about understanding the hw and doing it well then they are about getting good grades
19:42.27hardwireok.. so now I have to do another temporary connection to a building we have no cojnnectivity to
19:43.01darth_mallbecause it's easy and it works and they don't care about cleanliness
19:43.24hardwiredarth_mall: nobody cares about the fouundation
19:43.32hardwireif they don't need to understand it.. why care?
19:44.21hardwireI am almost ready to make an swqf presentation of little arrows and dotted lines that run circles all over the infrastructure
19:44.29hardwireshowing all the temporary measures I have made by his whim
19:44.36hardwireand why nothing ever fucking works
19:44.57file[laptop]I just visited a place on the Metro, well the station is named Snowdon, but it's actually much warmer then it is in this part of Montreal
19:45.24hardwireI am the black goddamn sheep because nothing ever works.. nobody plans it right.. our lines get excavated but nobody ever thought it would ever happen.. our wireless devices need tuning who would have thought maintainence would be an aspect on a temporary measure!!!
19:45.36hardwireif I were smarted.. by just a wee bit more I would quit and find a new job.
19:45.52JayPeehardwire: sing it sistah!
19:46.00hardwireeverybody blames me for their internet or cable being down
19:46.08hardwireeven my boss
19:46.18hardwirejust blows my mind
19:47.02hardwirefile[laptop]: I had a dream I went to best buy.. and bought the exosip firmware for snom phones.. you of course pointed it out and said "well duh"
19:48.14file[laptop]I dreamt in french lastnight
19:49.20JayPeeI don't even want to get into my complaints...
19:49.22hardwirefile[laptop]: haha
19:49.42hardwiremy dreams have been overly in-depth lately
19:49.49hardwireJayPee: sure I do
19:53.11hardwirefile[laptop]: have you ever dealt with multi-linked voip servers?
19:54.45darth_malltake that!
19:54.52file[laptop]define multi-linked
19:55.09file[laptop]sharing the same information, load balancing, sharing dialplans, what
19:58.17numiststill no answer from uber :(
20:00.59ChipX86wow I slept in late. oops..
20:01.07file[laptop]that's okay
20:01.35JayPeeChipX86: lazy ass
20:01.45numistwow, morning chip
20:04.39ChipX86not feeling that great today
20:04.59ChipX86slept 11 hours. man..
20:05.04ChipX86or 10.5 or something
20:10.27ChipX86breakfast time
20:16.48scanlimeChipX86: heh, you're gonna be in late too I take it :)
20:18.14ChipX86scanlime: I'm just going to WFH
20:18.22ChipX86there's no reason to be at work today, and I have a lot I want to get done
20:18.46scanlimeI should request my dongly-widget for that
20:18.58scanlime'course, I'm not sure I can effectively work from home with the hardware I have there...
20:19.13scanlimebut I guess it isn't like I'd actually be compiling vmware on my laptop
20:19.17scanlimejust using it as an ssh terminal
20:20.36ChipX86ssh and maybe vnc
20:21.03scanlimethis says I need to get a purchase order for the SecurID thingy filled out by my manager
20:21.09scanlimetoday's the off-site at Paul's house
20:21.42ChipX86grrrr, AIM does *NOT* handle multiple accounts logged in simultaneously very well. It claims to, but my work account is gobbling up some messages
20:22.02ChipX86scanlime: yep
20:22.12ChipX86I never actually did that. I just said to my manager, "I need one" and waited
20:23.17hardwirewhy am I thinking about using ubuntu?
20:23.19hardwireseriously.. stop me if I am insane
20:23.22ChipX86because ubuntu rocks
20:23.36ChipX86it's the first linux distro that hasn't totally pissed me off
20:23.52scanlimeit's like debian, but with less ancient cruft!
20:24.11scanlimedarth_mall: yes. ubuntu still bothers me in some ways
20:24.35lurgy|work"Dear Customer,
20:24.35lurgy|workWe've noticed that customers who have purchased Shostakovich Symphony
20:24.35lurgy|workNo.11 also purchased Conducts Percy Grainger Favorites."
20:24.41hardwireI am going to install it
20:24.50hardwiresince chippy holds it in high reguard
20:24.54darth_mallhardwire: ^^
20:25.09ChipX86it bothers me in some ways too, but far far less than debian, Red Hat, Fedora, and Gentoo
20:25.17darth_mallubuntu is the nicest distro with binary packages that I've used
20:25.27hardwirewhat makes it so wildly different than debian?
20:25.37ChipX86it's actually up-to-date
20:25.48ChipX86debian tends to be very far behind on xorg and gnome packages, for instance
20:25.50scanlimeit isn't wildly different.. it's basically just debian with a lot of new packages thrown in
20:25.57hardwireChipX86: apparently one of the head packagers lives in my home town.. goes to the same lug I used to be part of
20:26.00scanlimeand they really cleaned up the gnome
20:26.03darth_malland some munged preferences
20:26.10scanlimeheh, yeah
20:26.19ChipX86yeah, they borked spatial, but that's fortunately fixable now
20:26.19darth_mallthey disable spatial nautilus by default, and rearrange some menus
20:26.26ChipX86what menus?
20:26.44hardwirecrap on your graves evil doers.
20:26.48hardwireI am going to spend all day isntalling this now
20:26.58darth_mallthey put the Terminal under Applications->Accessories instead of Applications->System Tools
20:27.03darth_mallsmall things like that
20:27.07ChipX86oh, yeah
20:28.19hardwiredo you guys even prefer ubuntu for server related functions
20:28.19nullpuppygrrr, stupid potato button on my microwave isn't cooking my potato very well :/
20:28.33darth_mallthat's what you get for using a microwave to cook a potato
20:28.37hardwirenullpuppy: did you put the potato in the microwave?
20:28.42darth_mallhardwire: haha
20:28.49ChipX86hardwire: haven't used it much for server stuff. I still use gentoo for that, but I'm sure it'd be fine for server stuff
20:28.51scanlimeso if you open up an Ellisys binary file, you get this encouraging URL in the header:
20:28.56nullpuppyhardwire: yes, i'm feeling lazy right now :)
20:28.58scanlimebut the site has absolutely no specification
20:29.03hardwirelooks like I ahve no choice
20:29.05nullpuppynot patiene enough to bake it
20:29.08hardwireext3 barfed on my laptop
20:29.11hardwirethanks fglrx
20:29.15ChipX86it has a file format
20:29.22ChipX86no it doesn't
20:29.28scanlimeisn't that evil?
20:29.42scanlimeoh well. This couldn't be that hard to reverse engineer
20:29.44ChipX86it's a trap!
20:29.47scanlimeand it's something to do while I'm waiting on Chris
20:30.10ChipX86also, g++ template errors suck
20:30.28ChipX86also, I need to find a way to remote-control thunderbird
20:30.37scanlimealso, bagels rock
20:30.43nullpuppyhmm.. either of you have any idea what the text select cursor would be enclosed in a black box in a xp vm on a linux host?
20:30.43ChipX86also, they do
20:30.46nullpuppyusing ati drivers..
20:31.00scanlimenullpuppy: ATI drivers suck?
20:31.02ChipX86nullpuppy: extra protection
20:31.06nullpuppyits only the text select cursor too
20:31.14ChipX86did you reboot? :)
20:31.26nullpuppyfairly certain i have, yes
20:31.28scanlimesounds like something's corrupting your video memory... I used to have problems like that when I used ATI
20:31.33nullpuppyit worked fine on the other box..
20:32.19nullpuppytis wierd.. its only that one cursor, and its the same regardless of the pointer 'theme'
20:32.46ChipX86bah. It kind of lets you remote control it as far as opening a message compose window, but I want to actually put content in it
20:33.07scanlimecan't you do that with some extra paramters in a mailto: URL?
20:33.37ChipX86basically, I want a make-review-type script that generates the e-mail body
20:34.03scanlimechris wrote one that remote-controls mutt using pexpect
20:34.10scanlimeI have one that just sends directly to SMTP
20:34.15ChipX86oh, mutt
20:34.30scanlimenot sure where chris's version went to.. but it's very strange
20:34.35ChipX86well, I need to be able to edit it before sending :/
20:34.57ChipX86our reviews are fairly detailed. Per-file details, screenshot attachments
20:35.18scanlimeso just use 'yap log' and put that into your patch stack
20:35.20ChipX86file listings in the order in which they were modified, more or less
20:35.34hardwireI can only wonder how well ubuntu will deal with all the crap I have to deal with
20:35.35ChipX86we don't use all that for the changeset info though
20:35.38ChipX86and again, screenshots :)
20:35.43hardwireI wonder if it will give me any assistance
20:35.56ChipX86it will give you shit and you'll like it
20:35.58scanlimethis isn't the perforce changelog, this is the yap log
20:36.05ChipX86oh ok
20:36.29*** join/#tacobeam kergoth (
20:36.35ChipX86it scares me
20:36.39ChipX86and someday I should try it
20:36.44hardwireI am going to assume ubunto has a kick ass plone package
20:36.51ChipX86spell it right :P
20:37.05hardwireor you will what.
20:37.09hardwireubuntu.. meh..
20:37.10ChipX86"ooh boon two"
20:37.16hardwireyeh I know it..
20:37.22hardwireI just made a typo.. wooowooo
20:37.30ChipX86scanlime: ubanto :) man I wanted to yell at that QA person for that
20:37.48ChipX86once is forgiveable, especialyl when you correct the person, but by the 4th one it gets real annoying
20:39.10ChipX86damn you g++
20:43.39nullpuppy:( I overcooked the potato
20:43.54ChipX86scanlime: I read it that way too
20:43.58darth_mallthat's god's way of saying microwaves are a sin
20:47.39ChipX86"According to Groklaw, SCO is now demanding IBM to turn over 'all documents concerning IBM's contributions to the Linux 2.7 kernel, including development work'. Of course, there is no 2.7 kernel and no plans at all to create one."
20:49.14ChipX86been staring at these few lines of code for a long time because that's where g++ claimed the problem was
20:49.26ChipX86of course it was wrong, considering it's still saying that spot, which is one big comment block
20:52.34ChipX86there we go.
20:59.15scanlimewow. even more reason to hate Ellisys
20:59.31scanlimeall of a sudden the usual Export pane is replaced with "This functionality of the  software is sold separately"
21:00.43ChipX86scanlime: ewww
21:01.21scanlimeall the more reason to reverse engineer their stupid thing and toss this software out the window
21:04.02scanlimeat least ghex seems to have improved since I used it last
21:04.35ChipX86hasci (sp?) is good too
21:06.32scanlimeugh.. maybe ghex hasn't improved
21:06.38scanlimeslow, and lots of rendering errors
21:07.06scanlimeI like the pane on ghex that decodes data in different formats...
21:07.10scanlimebut that's about it
21:07.20scanlimeI want a hex editor that has that, plus lets me mark up a file with different colors, or comments
21:07.51scanlimebest solution I have so far is pasting the output of hexdump into emacs, then using Python to decode when I need it
21:11.11ChipX86write one :)
21:11.24scanlimetempting :P
21:12.23scanlimeactually, a normal text editor works ok for this
21:12.35numistwhats a good mini pci wireless card?
21:12.37scanlimenow that I have ghex somewhat behaving, I can use it to decode things
21:12.45numistI think the one thats in my computer now is whats causing the crashyness
21:13.48scanlimeooh.. I should use tomboy for this, so I can hilight
21:16.05hardwirethat looks like a neat program
21:16.31ChipX86it's a very good program
21:16.39ChipX86and when it acts up, I walk down three rooms and talk to the developer
21:19.11ChipX86"Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" -- Sony President
21:20.09numistyeah..   got a vp from the prez here saying dont play sony cds at work :o
21:22.26CIA-10spacegrant: 03dkuester * r1789 10mck/Cx/Scripts/ (. yay
21:23.00CIA-10spacegrant: 03dkuester * r1790 10mck/Cx/ (MOps/ MOps/Scripts/ Scripts/): double yay
21:24.28hardwiredo you x86 laptop users have suspend working at all (via acpi)
21:25.18JayPeeoh god.
21:25.42JayPeeI do
21:26.29CIA-10spacegrant: 03dkuester * r1791 10mck/Cx/MOps/ (Commands/ Scripts/ tripple decker yay
21:26.40JayPeeChipX86: FatDarrel is wanting Perforce access to "check something in"
21:26.59CIA-10spacegrant: 03dkuester * r1792 10mck/ (10 files in 6 dirs): double dog yay
21:27.03ChipX86check what in?
21:27.15ChipX86and what exactly is his job?
21:28.10JayPeeno one knows
21:28.14JayPeeI'm glad he asked me
21:28.23JayPeeall the other build engineers would've said "Sure, no problem!"
21:28.55JayPeeBecause we're sooooo willing to please...
21:29.29ChipX86he seems so clueless
21:29.51JayPeeI know he's a TechOps person; it's unclear whether or not he's a contractor
21:30.07ChipX86I think he said he is a contractor
21:30.12ChipX86it was apparently a very quick interview
21:30.16JayPeewell, I just asked him via email, so...
21:30.19hardwirenope.. i do.. kinda
21:35.48ChipX86what's weird about it?
21:35.53hardwireI like how more and more projects are getting better and better websites
21:35.59hardwireChipX86: dunno.. I never heard of beagle actually
21:36.03ChipX86oh wow
21:36.12ChipX86poor guy :)
21:36.19ChipX86I even have stuff in beagle!
21:36.19hardwireIguess huh
21:37.12ChipX86they're improving the beagle UI now. Very neat stuff going on there
21:37.22hardwiresushi place next door opened and the compayn is paying
21:38.10hardwireI know the lpace
21:38.12hardwirenot the best
21:38.21hardwirethey slice all sashimi way too thin for the price
21:38.31hardwireguess I like my slabby peices of fish more
21:38.48JayPeeChipX86: he is a contractor
21:38.54JayPeeand now he's getting beligerent
21:38.57ChipX86doing what exactly?
21:39.01JayPee"So, can I get a Perforce ID, or not?!"
21:39.11ChipX86he's so annoying
21:39.16ChipX86this is my fault
21:40.01nullpuppydamn reference passing isn't working properly
21:42.26JayPeeChipX86: I sent email to his manager, saying "Is he aware you need Perforce access?" ;-)
21:42.46ChipX86did he say what he needed it for?
21:42.53ChipX86I imagine he just wants it
21:43.05JayPeesome project he's supposedly working on
21:43.08JayPeefor the bulid team
21:46.00JayPeeIt was a bullshit excuse...
21:46.45ChipX86it feels like FatDarrel thinks of this as a game, and he wants to get access to more stuff to feel special
21:47.01JayPeeI don't think it's that at all
21:47.25JayPeeit wouldn't entirely surprise me if he was trying to steal the source.
21:47.47scanlimehe doesn't need perforce access to do that
21:47.59JayPeeour security is great! ;-)
21:48.12JayPeescanlime: OTOH, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't *know* about *that*, either
21:48.16scanlimetomboy needs more hilight colors
21:48.17JayPee"exit14? What's that?!)
21:48.18scanlimeJayPee: heh, true
21:48.19ChipX86it just bothers me how every conversation I've had with him, public and private, has been extremely unprofessional
21:48.38JayPeeyou should've seen what I *almost* typed this morning
21:48.42scanlimeI love reverse engineering
21:48.45ChipX86I just don't expect him to have any responsibility
21:48.46JayPeehe said
21:48.53scanlimetaking a big hex dump that looks like garbage, and turning it into something semantically meaningful
21:49.01JayPee09:33 < anad0> what up mate'es
21:49.27JayPeeand I wanted to say "Why don't you ask 'the ladies' over in #hosted-ui?"
21:49.30JayPeebut I didn't.
21:49.39ChipX86now *that* bothered me
21:50.05ChipX86did he think that we woudln't be in #vmware, or what? That's not only immaturity, but blind stupidity as well
21:50.37ChipX86ok so he's a contractor. How long do contractors last?
21:52.03JayPeemaybe he'll get converted!
21:52.36ChipX86to full-time?
21:54.41ChipX86<jameslin> wow. perforce is being really slow
21:54.45ChipX86<anad0> yeah i haven't got an id
21:55.00JayPeeChipX86: yes
21:55.02JayPeeI believe he does because I am working on a project where the
21:55.02JayPeeinformation needs to be stored on a central repository server and I am
21:55.03JayPeesupposed to do some builds.
21:55.13JayPeeWorst. Excuse. Evar.
21:55.39JayPeeWho's also a sorry excuse for a manager.
22:06.49darth_mallit's true
22:09.07numistwhat, you and your great ideas?
22:09.58purple_cowdamn my warm, fuzzy bed
22:11.29nullpuppygonna need nearly $40 in materials to make what i want to make
22:12.57nullpuppyhrm, maybe more then that...
22:13.33nullpuppydepends on how much the clover honey is...
22:17.56scanlimetomboy gets slow on big notes pretty quickly
22:18.33purple_cowprobably the spell checking
22:20.18scanlimeit nuked my hilighting when I copied and pasted
22:22.48scanlimeit also lost one of my other notes when I was splitting them up
22:23.03ChipX86that's no good
22:23.22scanlimeoh well. The notes are secondary, I think I'm getting a good understanding of how this file format works
22:23.43ChipX86I hate the vmtn forums :(
22:24.16scanlimeoh, it didn't disappear... somehow I got two notes with the same name
22:35.16darth_mallpurple_cow: so what's the story, are we watching Battleship Galactica tonight? ^^
22:35.32purple_cowno, battlestar potemkin
22:35.47purple_cowafter lurgy's concert
22:36.24darth_mallok, Battlestar Potemkin it is
22:36.28hardwireyou guys are so cool
22:36.30darth_mallwhen's lurgy's concert over?
22:36.42darth_mallhardwire: I love you too <smoochu> :-*
22:36.51darth_mall~cpr hardwire
22:38.10darth_mallhardwire: it's probably some CS student's senior project ^^
22:42.43purple_cowdarth_mall: probably 9:30ish?
22:42.58darth_mallif I'm not online, just gimme a call
22:51.25darth_mallapache is so easy to configure when you're not doing anything weird
22:52.28ChipX86but how often does that happen?
22:55.00darth_malljust now
22:55.50darth_mallooh look! purple_cow got a bt that wasn't full of ??'s
22:56.00purple_cowdarth_mall: i've got a couple of them :P
22:56.20purple_cowthis is a nasty problem
22:56.27purple_cowdeep inside gtk/pango
22:56.30darth_malldidn't mean that as though it were a first for you. but it's a first for that particular bug ;)
22:57.08purple_cowi especially like how he posted a duplicate trace as an attachment
22:58.11purple_cow``Cam ye o'er frae france'' sounds so awesome with the volume loud
23:02.15ChipX86scanlime: ping
23:03.38hardwirethats me talkin
23:04.07ChipX86scanlime: talking to alex in #hosted-ui. Joe Shaw is having nothign but problems using USB Mass Storage devices in 5.5
23:04.14ChipX86can you join?
23:04.24hardwiredarth_mall: hah
23:04.29hardwireI am just in good spirits now
23:04.31hardwiremy boss got shit on
23:04.33hardwireand I was right
23:04.42hardwireI need a manager.. and every week I would remind him
23:04.55hardwirehe found one.. wanted them to come on-board really bad.. then spent most of his days ignoring it
23:05.00hardwireand is now pissed she got another job
23:05.07purple_cowi think i might know what's wrong!
23:05.37purple_cowPangoAttribute extents are measured in bytes, but SexySpellEntry is using characters
23:05.50purple_cowso it might be sticking the end of an attribute right in the middle of a character
23:07.49ChipX86scanlime: actually, if you could message joe on gimpnet
23:07.55purple_cowdarth_mall: hahahaha
23:07.58ChipX86(alex doesn't want to relay)
23:08.14darth_mallpurple_cow: I've been debating since I woke up whether I want to try it...
23:08.18darth_mallit's a disease!
23:09.14purple_cowdoesn't seem to have broken anything too badly though
23:09.19purple_cowjust don't upgrade glade if you want to use it
23:09.50purple_cowglade2 sucks, but glade3 just isn't ready
23:10.02CIA-10navi-misc: 03evan * r9259 10teaching_boxes/ (12 files in 3 dirs): Restructuring things. Making space for the code.
23:14.46darth_mallbad suse!
23:14.46darth_mallgo to your room
23:15.55ChipX86"In his unsuccessful motion to dismiss his case, Hudson argued that he could not be charged, in part, because the conspiracy indictment against him listed his name in all capital letters. The proper wording of his name, he wrote, is "Oliver Clifton: Hudson""
23:17.32CIA-10navi-misc: 03evan * r9260 10teaching_boxes/web/ (images/ images/tb_banner.jpg index.html): Add a skeleton and a copy of the header from
23:18.36CIA-10navi-misc: 03evan * r9261 10teaching_boxes/web/index.html:
23:18.36CIA-10navi-misc: Copy the front page from since this should be a mockup of
23:18.36CIA-10navi-misc: their site anyway.
23:18.50darth_mallhmm... what to listen to now
23:19.59darth_mallack! I don't have Venue Songs on here
23:20.03darth_mallbad darth_mall!
23:20.07darth_mallgo to your room
23:20.41hardwireme is going to install ubuntu in this management meeting
23:20.49hardwirethrow a slash in there and its all goo
23:20.56hardwirethrow a d in there.
23:21.08darth_malland it's all goo again?
23:22.29purple_cowg_strsplit_set only works on a byte level
23:33.33darth_mallhaha sweet
23:44.29CIA-10navi-misc: 03evan * r9262 10teaching_boxes/web/index.html: Fix the location of the banner image.
23:49.42ChipX86scanlime: any luck with joe?
23:50.20scanlimeyeah, it was SuSE 10.0 / Linux 2.6.13 craziness
23:50.25scanlimegave him a workaround that fixed it
23:50.27ChipX86it's alaways SuSE
23:50.30*** join/#tacobeam file[lap1op] (
23:50.38ChipX86every single weird problem is SuSE's fault.
23:50.43scanlimewell, this wasn't necessarily suse's fault.. they just happen to be the only mainstream folks using such a new kernel at this point
23:51.06scanlimesilly usbdevfs change in 2.6.13
23:51.25scanlimews5.5 has a transparent workaround for it, but his beta didn't have that yet
23:51.29ChipX86so 5.5 is going to be broken?
23:58.06*** join/#tacobeam file[lap2op] (

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