irclog2html for #tomcat on 20021122

00:13.19*** join/#tomcat DarkHeavy (~drallcome@
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08:14.48*** topic/#tomcat is Tomcat Servlet Container Discussion; The Tomcat project is located at
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12:16.45_3EJIEHbIu_hello ppl... I have a question...if you dont mind...(sorry I know english bad). So How-to make a link between Apache 2.0-TomCat-4.1-Cocoon. In other words how can I see the main Cocoon page just typing "localhost/cocoon/". Plz...Help. anybody there?
12:21.43_3EJIEHbIu_Is it stupid question...IMHO not. I read FM.
12:23.33_3EJIEHbIu_is channel slepping now? :) or everybody so bored or lazy to answer
12:26.47greenmanfuckin' suckin' motherfuckers
12:37.08*** join/#tomcat ShK (~killme@
12:39.41ShKi need a example to how to make various webapps to use the same classpath.. i mean... various directorys like /system1, /system2, use the same directory for the classes... like ROOT/WEB-INF/classes
12:47.15ShKplease! someone!
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13:17.44jdaharshanyone dealt with Tomcat losing form POST data?
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15:46.55mattamhi! I'm having problems with the CGI servlet and cvsview, do anyone knows of an incompatibility?
15:52.15mattamerr viewcvs
16:12.53*** join/#tomcat Lollero (
16:17.41LolleroWhy can't i make my tomcat reload modified classes automatically, if classes are shared with all webapps?
16:18.16Lolleroor why doesn't the webapp classloader follow symlinks?
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17:08.17{aaron}anybody use the manager webapps?
17:08.28{aaron}what do I stick in "Config URL:"?
17:08.33{aaron}it complains if I have nothing there
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17:31.02Lolleroaaron, sorry can't help
17:31.56Lollerowhy cant' i make symbolic link /WEB-INF/classes --> /to/some/dir ?
17:32.16Lolleroi mean, why doesn't it work
17:32.56tang^somebody mentioned the other day that symlinks might have been disabled by default in later versions of tomcat
17:34.44Lolleroyes, i know that, but there is option to disable that. my only problem is that it doesn't work
17:35.20Lolleroanother solution to my problem is to make webapps shared libraries reloadable. is that possible?
17:37.18Lolleroi'm developing this software where i use same classes in different contexts, and it would be nice if i don't have to reboot tomcat after every modification
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17:41.41{aaron}context reloadable=true
17:42.00{aaron}i think there is a mechanism to share sets of libraries accross contexts
17:42.04{aaron}not sure if they are reloadable though
17:42.54Lolleroyes, there is such mechanism, but it's not reloadable, or i can't find any documentation about that
17:43.37{aaron}does stopping/starting/reloading the context through the manager app work?
17:43.40Lolleroi'm ready to hack my tomcat sources, but i've looked at the code and i'm not sure where to start..
17:44.07Lolleroaaron, works fine with me
17:44.18{aaron}so it does reload shared libs?
17:44.25Lollerono :(
17:44.33{aaron}hrm bummer
17:45.03{aaron}maybe you could do something stupid like putting those libs in a context and making the context crosscontext?
17:45.17{aaron}or whatever...putting the instances in a global space...
17:45.23{aaron}not sure if that would work
17:45.24tn0i think it only reloads the one in common/lib and lib/  but am not 100% sure
17:45.34{aaron}i don't think it even reloads those
17:45.40{aaron}i think it just reloads the context libs
17:45.53Lolleroyes. that's how it works
17:46.17lalleAnyone know how to have an servlet as a welcome-file?
17:46.30tn0context lis is the one in WEB-INF/lib ?
17:46.36Lollerotn0, yes
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17:47.05tn0well no, am sure the one in WEB-INF/lib does not get reloaded
17:47.20{aaron}lalle: put the path in the welcome file list, then map a servlet to that path
17:47.38Lollerotn0, i'm sure that classes in WEB-INF/classes get reloaded
17:48.16Lollerojust tested it today
17:48.45Lollerobut i don't want to copy my classes for every context...
17:52.23*** join/#tomcat Stone79__ (
17:52.50tn0a quote from jason hunter book "Servlet reloading is not performed for classes found in the server's classpath (such as server_root/classes) because those classes are loaded by the core, primordial, class loader."   now what is considered server_root/ ?
17:54.33jasonbtn0: Just about anything that isn't in the webapps/ dir tree.
17:55.35tn0jasonb: oh okay thanks for the clarification
17:55.52Lolleroactually atleast tomcat 4.x works differently
17:56.07Lolleroor thats what 'Professional Apache Tomcat' says
17:56.47Lollerobut i don't have that book now here with me.. so no quotes
17:58.50tn0anyone know which config parameter i need disabling so Struts doesnt need to look for a dtd file?
18:08.17jasonbtn0: Servlet reloading in Tomcat 4.x still basically adheres to what Jason Hunter said.  Any servlet classes in the webapps/ tree may be reloaded, plus there's the $CATALINA_HOME/shared/ dir where webapps may share classes.  I believe those also can be reloaded..
18:09.00Lollerojasonb, really? i'm looking for solution just for that..
18:09.22Lolleroi havn't been able to make those shared classes reloadable
18:09.34tn0jasonb: but the newer 4.x doesnt have the share directory anymore?
18:09.36jasonbLollero: Really?  Hmm..
18:10.02jasonbtn0: I'm pretty sure 4.1.x (newer ones) have shared/.
18:10.14Lolleroth0, yes there is
18:10.25Lollerobut it's not reloadable :(
18:10.29jasonbI suppose it could be that the shared ones aren't reloadable, but I'd be surprised.
18:10.51tn0renamed it to something else, i dont see it as shared/
18:11.35Lollerojasonb, so am i
18:11.45tn0oh the 4.1.12 does have it, i guess this other copy of mine, didnt have the shared/
18:11.55Lolleroi mean, i'm suprised.
18:12.27Lolleroi've been bashing my head to wall last two days because of this
18:20.18*** join/#tomcat insin (
18:21.22*** join/#tomcat toni_ (
18:21.30toni_I want to use servlets from my apache 2.0 web server, what should I use? tomcat4 and mod_webapp?
18:23.35jasonbtoni_: All possible choices have something wrong with them, but I suggest either mod_jk or mod_jk2.  mod_jk is old and about to be replaced by mod_jk2, but at least it's stable.  mod_jk2 is newer and will be the thing to use, only it currently has some bugs.
18:23.56toni_what's mod_webapp then?
18:24.11jasonbtoni_: It's not very supported now.. and the code is mainly stagnant.
18:24.47tn0you may want to browse the tomcat-users list, lots of lil issues with mod_webapp at least from my observation
18:24.51jasonbtoni_: Plus, my company tried to use that, and eventually had to replace it with mod_jk because there was something important that mod_webapp just didn't implement.
18:25.44jasonbLollero: What jar/classes are you trying to reload from shared/?  What's the package name?
18:26.15toni_well what connector do you suggest? ajp13?
18:27.07Lollerojasonb, it's my own package
18:27.09jasonbtoni_: That's the protocol I'd suggest (unless they're calling it ajp14 with mod_jk2 now), and I'd suggest that you try to use mod_jk2.
18:27.29jasonbLollero: Okay.  And when you try to reload them, you don't get any errors in the log files, do you?
18:28.53Lollerohow i'm supposed to reload those shared classes?
18:29.14tobesquick q if I run apachectl start can I specify a different config file to use?
18:29.44tn0only the servlets (calling those support classes) gets reloaded right not the supporting classes?
18:29.54tobeswrong window sorry
18:32.07Lolleroi have my servlet also in same package, and it's not reloaded either
18:34.18tn0touch the servlet or changed its timestamp?
18:35.39jasonbLollero: You have to have reloadable="true" set on your webapp's <Context> element.  If you have that, then it should just automatically reload if there's a change on disk, I think.
18:36.04Lollerojasonb, yes it does, but not those in shared/classes
18:36.51Lolleroshould it?
18:37.07Lollerothis book 'Professional Apache Tomcat' says it doesn't
18:38.01Stone79__Hello, anyone here familiar with what the HostConfig class does in tomcat
18:38.34jasonbI don't know if it should or not.  I'm looking at the code.
18:39.20Stone79__* Startup event listener for a <b>Host</b> that configures the properties
18:39.35Stone79__* of that Host, and the associated defined contexts.
18:44.35Lollerowhere should i put debug=n if i want to see debug info for classloaders
18:44.59Lolleroshould there be some info in logfile if class gets reloaded?
18:45.57tn0the docs didnt have samples how to use those classloaders nor how to configure, it show what parameters there are :(
18:47.03*** join/#tomcat Ta_Na_Mente_25 (~Merla@
18:47.15jasonbThat shows that it will log some info when a resource was modified (like a servlet jar file or class file).
18:47.56*** part/#tomcat Ta_Na_Mente_25 (~Merla@
18:48.26Lollerowell, it doesn't even notice if i delete my servlet class file
18:48.36LolleroIF it is in shared/classes
18:50.14Lolleroin WEB-INF/classes it works fine
18:51.02jasonbLollero: Go through your server.xml file and add debug="99" to the Engine and to the Context and see if either one shows reloading logging afterwards.  If not, add debug="99" to more elements and try again.
18:51.23jasonbLollero: Once you have it logging info about reloads, then try to reload something in shared/ and see if it says anything.
18:51.45Lollerobut how do i try to reload something in shared?
18:52.45jasonbLollero: Put a servlet class *only* in shared.  Access it once, then modify the servlet class in the shared/ tree, then access it again, and look at the log file.
18:53.11Lollerook, i'll try
18:54.06Stone79__Does anyone here have an understanding of how the HostConfig class
18:55.19jasonbUse the Source, Luke!
18:55.20tn0i dont but we can look at it together and see if it will help you and i understand it, okay?
18:57.31Lolleroahh, tomcat startup takes too long..
18:57.59jasonbLollero: There's a lot to start up.
18:58.27Lolleroyes, im not really complaining.. great software
19:00.11tn0and you cant just shut it down and immediately restart, i always get a bind error when i do that
19:00.44jasonbtn0: Let me guess: you wrote a little script that automatically shuts Tomcat down and restarts it immediately?
19:01.28Lollerojasonb, i tried settin all debug="99" and all what you suggested, but i don't see anything in logs about reloading..
19:01.41tobesdoes it matter weather tomcat or apache are started first, as long as you leave them long enough to start up?
19:01.52jasonbLollero: Reloading in webapps/ or shared/?
19:02.20jasonbLollero: And you successfully got logging info about reloading in webapps/ first?
19:02.36Lolleroumm.. i did take a shortcut ;)
19:02.39Lolleroi'll try that
19:04.20tn0jasonb: no even just a one line command such as  ./;./  fails
19:04.38jasonbtn0: And it should.
19:05.01tn0yeah not enuff time for tomcat to cleanup
19:05.28jasonbtn0: Shutting down tomcat is an asynchronous kind of operation.
19:06.07jasonbtn0: The client just tells Tomcat, "Hey, when you get a chance, shut down, ok?"  And Tomcat replies back, "Sure, when I get a chance."  Then the client exits.
19:06.08tn0yes, but we live in fast food society, hehehe
19:07.25tn0however, i believe i got around it using the os killing the process, immediate death.
19:07.39Lollerojasonb, i see reloading in logs when using WEB-INF/classes..
19:07.52jasonbtn0: You can do that for development, but I don't suggest that you do that in production.
19:08.08LolleroWebappClassLoader: Resource '....' was modified;..
19:08.10tn0jasonb: i agree wholeheartedly just for development
19:08.13jasonbLollero: Okay.  
19:08.30Lolleronothing in logfiles when using from shared/classes
19:08.46jasonbLollero: I'm glad you finally have log info about it now.
19:09.10Lolleroyes, but this doesnt solve my problem
19:09.13jasonbLollero: Try removing the debug="99" from one of the elements in server.xml to see which one causes the log info.
19:09.40jasonbLollero: We'll get to it..
19:10.16Lollerookay, this just is considering my job and time is here about 9PM :)
19:10.23Lollerobut that's okay
19:11.06jasonbLollero: Just out of curiosity, have you asked about this on one of the Tomcat mailing lists?
19:11.42Lolleronot yet.
19:11.55LolleroGREAT. damn. i lost connection to my devel server :(
19:12.21Lolleroi've searched archives but found nothing
19:12.54tn0about classloading? there's plenty mentioned under tomcat-users
19:16.22Lolleroi'm sure about that, but i've found nothing aboout this..
19:17.45tn0let me try, what topic you want me to search it under? reloading of classes, ill try this now
19:18.37Lolleroi guess it should be reloading of shared classes or something like that
19:18.52Lollerobecause class reloading in WEB-INF/ works ok
19:20.09tn0varying answers, some says it works one time, next it dont, it works on other times..hehe
19:21.26tn0ill post you on pm a response from craig
19:23.20Lolleroand this was about shared classes?
19:24.20tn0he didnt specify which..but that was his response to question on reload a modified class
19:27.05Lollerojasonb, when i set Context debug="99" i get those reload lines in my log
19:27.27jasonbLollero: Cool.  Thanks.  It's helpful to know exactly which one does that.
19:29.08jasonbLollero: FWIW, I can't find any Tomcat mailing list messages specifically about the problem of not being able to reload classes in the shared/ directory.
19:29.43Lolleroneither do i
19:29.59Lolleroso i'm wondering is it supposed to reload those classes
19:35.45tn0wait ta minute, if you said jason hunter quote is correct, ie anything not below webapps/  is considered part of server_root  then tomcat/shared/ is part of server_root or I misunderstood the quote?
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19:38.53jasonbtn0: Looking at the code, you could be right about that.. but I'm not done verifying that yet.
19:42.09Lolleroclearly it's not even trying to reload shared classes.
19:42.29tn0and it should not per this..
19:44.13Lollerooh.. :(
19:44.20Lollerowhich class is that?
19:44.30tn0this is the StandardClassLoader you are looking at?
19:44.32jasonbThat's StandardClassLoader, which is used for shared/lib and shared/classes.
19:45.33Lollerowell.. damn
19:45.59Lollerowhat do you think, would it be too difficult to add that checking?
19:46.10Lollerobecause i'm ready to hack my tomcat for this
19:46.50Lolleroi'd do that just to speed up development
19:47.18jasonbLollero: I think it could be added, but I'm not so sure how easy it would be.  It may be easy, I just don't know yet.
19:47.40Lollerojasonb, me either..
19:48.20tn0um perhaps  because of the java way of classloading delegation
19:48.47tn0lets think about it for a moment
19:49.23tn0if it is sitting on the shared dir it uses StandardClassLoader right
19:49.27jasonbIf there's a jar that *only* exists in shared/lib, my question is: why shouldn't that be reloadable?
19:49.35jasonbtn0: Yes.
19:50.06jasonbBut, I think SharedClassLoader is also used for other dirs like server/lib, which probably don't want to be reloadable.
19:50.13jasonbBut, we could make a subclass just for shared/ too.
19:50.43jasonb(with reloading capabilities)
19:51.00jasonbThe WebappClassLoader does reloading, so what I'd do is model after that one.
19:52.06tn0well i guess if Tomcat only uses the StandardClassLoader once during startup and never again, then those jars/classes in those particular directory never gets reloaded
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19:53.49tn0i dont know where you would look to see how tomcat uses that StandarClasLoader
20:01.24jasonbtn0: The source.  :)
20:12.04Lolleroanother solution (not so good) is to allow symbolic links from WEB-INF/classes ..
20:12.26Lollerobut looking at the code, i couldn't find anything related to that
20:12.45jasonbI'm not sure that would work either, and yeah, it's a very bad solution.
20:13.33tn0oh read that list, there were people having problems with symlinks too,
20:14.40Lolleroyes i've read it, and anything about allowLinking="true", but it doesn't work
20:31.06Lolleroi'm givin up for today. thanks for your help
20:38.46*** join/#tomcat shinta (~shinta@
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20:42.32shintaI have a java applet that will open up a new browser with a url of xxx based on the result of the prodnumber of the java is there a way inside my blah.jsp to grab that xxx and assign it to a value?
20:42.40shintato a variable rather
20:42.53wasabiAnybody know a good way to run some code when a session expires?  Specifically to clean up some temp files.
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20:52.27fabiois anything changed with new tomcat configuration about virtualhosts?
21:21.05wasabiHow do you make a context in tomcat run with highest permissiosn?
21:25.20toni_I'm not getting my servlets to work. is there a simple tutorial somewhere for apache2/tomcat4.1/mod_webapp? I'd hate to use mod_jk. it just says 'web application not deployed'. it isn't finding /webapp-info either.
21:26.21toni_oops, it was /webapp-info/
21:28.36toni_how does the WebAppDeploy line go? I have a HelloClientServlet.class in /var/www/Servlets. what am I supposed to put here
21:56.41toni_1. go to #tomcat
21:56.42toni_2. ?
21:56.48toni_3. problem solved
21:57.47toni_does mod_jk2 support WARP protocol?
22:25.05toni_so why the fuck do we have mod_jk, mod_jk2 and mod_webapp, not to mention the numerous connector protocols? why the fuck would anyone want to run tomcat standalone? wouldn't it be easier for everyone if the main development was for a simple apache module?
22:28.07tang^umm I run tomcat standalone... I have so little static content that it doesn't make sense to run apache and tomcat together
22:28.40toni_you have a real production site, or just some little hobby of yours?
22:29.14toni_couldn't it be run on a basic apache with a simple DSO module that serves servlets, too? you are running most of the freaking apache code right now, aren't you, with tomcat?
22:30.08tang^*shrug* I don't look at the internals of how my server works, I just write the site code
22:31.01toni_yeah. configuring this is just a load of bullshit. not to mention I'm sure we'd all be pretty much more efficient if just had a single server that served both static and servlet content.
22:32.13tang^sure, tomcat in standalone mode
22:33.24toni_and how do you get mod_perl support for that? or mod_limitipconn?
22:34.35tang^I'm writing servlets... I don't need perl
22:37.02toni_yeah. listen, I'm sure standalone tomcat fits your needs. I'm talking about the rest of the Internet as it usually stands out. I'm betting 99% of the sites on the Internet that somehow use servlets also use perl, or mod_limitipconn, or wtf ever that isn't supported in tomcat standalone. that's the problem with free open source software.. people use it because it's free, not because it's better. that means you can make crappy software as long as you're
22:42.10jasonbtoni_: There is some crappy free open source software out there.  But, I also don't believe that, for instance, Linux (free) is crappier than Windows (non-free).
22:44.45toni_yeah, I love linux, I just hate the path tomcat has taken. do you know the beatles song 'get back'?
22:45.00toni_shit, I hope all open source software perish from the face of the earth as we know it
22:46.12jasonbperl -e '$r="rules";$r=~s%^(.)()%$1$2%;$a=$1;$a++;$r=~s~r~$a~;$y=$^F+ord a;$y=chr($y);$r=~s+l+$y+;$r=~s-^(...)(.)-$1k-;print"Perl $r.$/"'
22:47.21tang^says the person using the open source bitchx
22:48.15tang^jasonb: what the?
22:48.51jasonbtang^: Run it on the command line and you'll see what I mean.
22:49.07tang^oh, duh
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22:53.25*** topic/#tomcat is Tomcat Servlet Container Discussion; The Tomcat project is located at
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