irclog2html for #tomcat on 20030222

00:50.16*** join/#tomcat Hellaenergy (
00:52.10Hellaenergyhow have you been jasonb?
00:52.20jasonbAnd you?
00:52.22Hellaenergyright on :)
00:52.28Hellaenergyno so
00:52.48Hellaenergybut i'll live
00:52.57jasonbI mean, I'm in serious need of a vacation, but I'm getting used to that.  :/
00:53.29HellaenergyI need to move to a new place of employment
00:53.33Hellaenergymine sucks
00:53.43jasonbWhat sucks about it?
00:54.02Hellaenergyjust about everything from the management to my peers
00:54.32Hellaenergyplus they are the cheapest company I think I have ever heard of
00:54.46Hellaenergystupid decisions
00:54.51Hellaenergydon't get me started
00:55.00jasonbToo late.  :)
00:55.29Hellaenergywhat have you been up to?
00:55.47jasonbOh, you know, stuff.
00:56.00Hellaenergygratifying stuff?
00:56.14jasonbWell, not yet.  But probably will be eventually.
00:56.29HellaenergyThats a nice positive attitude :)
00:56.52HellaenergyI had a question for you specifically the other day but I can't remember it now
00:57.01jasonbYeah, amazingly.  Here I am, one serious pessimist, and I've got a mostly-positive attitude about something.  Imagine that.
00:57.22Hellaenergythats funny
00:58.07Hellaenergyceedo seems to be breaking down
00:58.38HellaenergyHe was wishing his project was open source yesterday :)
01:00.22jasonbThe trick there is to hang on to a copy of the code long enough so that the company who wrote it no longer exists.  Then slightly modify it to make it look more original, add the OSS license headers to each file, and release it as a new OSS project.  :)
01:00.58HellaenergyIt's his own code/company
01:01.05HellaenergyThats the funny part
01:01.13jasonbDoes he own the company too?
01:01.26HellaenergyI think its all his
01:01.40jasonbOh.  Well then he can OSS it all he wants.  :)
01:01.45HellaenergyRemember that conversation we had with him on why his shit isn't OS
01:02.37HellaenergyThe moral of the story is that Tomcat is breaking him :)
01:03.11jasonbHow so?
01:07.18*** join/#tomcat Hella (
01:07.35Hellaman that was weird
01:08.17jasonbWelcome back.  :)
01:08.57HellaenergySo jasonb how do you start a site?
01:09.08HellaenergyDo you have your own?
01:09.27Hellaenergyplaground site?
01:10.15jasonbWell, I guess you could call it that.
01:10.30HellaenergyDid you go to school for web design?
01:10.32jasonbSo you want to know where to begin setting up a personal server machine and site?
01:10.59jasonbActually, I taught myself all the web technologies.  Starting in 1994.. little by little.
01:11.00HellaenergyI have the server stuff set up
01:11.39HellaenergyI just have never know where to start a site and then how to finish
01:13.16HellaenergyI have a couple of pityful sites right now.
01:13.24HellaenergyI want to make a spectacular one :)
01:14.02jasonbWeb sites, like software, are never actually "finished", only abandoned.
01:14.11*** join/#tomcat kylev_ (
01:14.45Hellaenergyhi kylev
01:16.27jasonbHellaenergy: There are some good sites that show lots of info about beautification of web sites, and also tricks of HTML, JavaScript (if you want to use it), and CSS.
01:17.20jasonbHellaenergy: Also, something I tend to do is: when I find a site that does something cool in their web pages, I view the source, figure out how they did it, and try it out on my own sites.  I may also pull down their html to my own box and store it in a directory full of interesting HTML examples for later inspection/use.
01:17.54jasonbHellaenergy: It's totally an iterative, never-ending process and learning curve, though.
01:18.07Hellaenergyjasonb: I've done all of that I was just looking for some good conversation :)
01:18.20jasonbAhh, looks like you found it.  :)
01:18.44HellaenergyI guess I am just not that creative
01:19.09jasonbI'm not really either, I borrow creativity from others's web pages though.  :)
01:19.25HellaenergyI mean look at this site Talk about boring
01:19.32Hellaenergythats mine btw
01:20.16Hellaenergyand has had as many facelifts as Michael Jackson
01:20.40jasonbHellaenergy: It looks cool.  Just needs more stuff..  Not to the point of clutter, but a bit more to do, see, read, click on.
01:20.58HellaenergyYou think so, thanks.
01:21.16HellaenergyI stole the style from :)
01:21.33jasonbI would suggest compacting the pages vertically, though.
01:22.12jasonbYou're overusing blank vertical (empty) space.
01:22.50Hellaenergylike where?
01:23.15jasonbGenerally, if you can, it's a good idea to compact things (not to the point of overcramping it though) so that vertical scrolling is less necessary in order for your readers to read the pages.
01:23.37*** join/#tomcat Skinjob (
01:23.39HellaenergyYou mean in the how to's?
01:24.29jasonbThe main page of the site, plus it's even more obvious on the apache.html page.
01:24.51jasonbLots of empty lines where text could be.
01:25.21HellaenergyI'm looking for a new name for my consulting company right now
01:26.20Hellaenergyjasonb: what resolution are you peepin my pages with?
01:26.31TPABKA[Fri Feb 21 20:23:33 2003] [notice] Apache/2.0.44 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.44 OpenSSL/
01:26.31TPABKA0.9.6h DAV/2 mod_jk2/2.0.3-dev configured -- resuming normal operations
01:26.31TPABKA[Fri Feb 21 20:23:33 2003] [error] shm.init(): No file
01:26.31TPABKA[Fri Feb 21 20:23:33 2003] [error] mod_jk child init 1 0
01:26.31TPABKA[Fri Feb 21 20:23:33 2003] [error] shm.init(): No file
01:26.43TPABKAanyone know what to do about those?
01:27.34jasonbHellaenergy: My desktop resolution is something like 1024x768 I think.
01:27.37HellaenergyTPABKA: You know OpenSSL is at 9.7a now?
01:28.05HellaenergyTPABKA: Give us some more background
01:28.50TPABKAhella: apache2 tomcat41 jk2
01:29.03jasonbTPABKA: Your file does not define a shared memory file, I believe.  And, do *not* ask me how to create one.
01:29.03TPABKAtrying to do jni
01:29.35TPABKAok if i paste a lil here?
01:29.35Hellaenergyibot: mod_jk2
01:29.36i guess mod_jk2 is at
01:29.50TPABKAhella: this document is only about jk
01:30.11TPABKAthat might be better
01:30.57jasonbTPABKA: See the mod_jk2 docs on Jakarta -- I think there's some example configs there that show some file config lines to configure a shared memory file.
01:31.25hellabot"TPABKA" pasted at
01:32.38hellabot"Hellaenergy" pasted at
01:32.57jasonbTPABKA: That's either close or complete as far as the shm goes.  If it's complete and still doesn't work, then it may just be that the user you're running Tomcat as doesn't have proper UNIX file permissions to create the shm file at the specified path.
01:33.29Hellaenergyis the shm file in /opt/httpd/var/log/jk2.shm
01:34.05Hellaenergyis it writable etc...
01:34.07TPABKAso it doesn't create it on papache side?..
01:34.26HellaenergyIt's generated when the server starts
01:34.32Hellaenergyits a shared memory file
01:34.36HellaenergyI belive
01:34.58TPABKAHellaenergy: but it's generated by tomcat, right?
01:34.58Hellaenergywhere is your
01:35.08Hellaenergyno mod_jk2
01:35.08jasonbAhh, yeah, actually, that's the Apache process, not the Tomcat process, sorry.
01:35.41jasonbActually, I'm not totally sure which side creates it, now that I think about it.
01:35.51HellaenergyI would put it in your $APACHE_HOME/conf dir
01:36.04TPABKAjasonb: and?.. it's apache?
01:36.05Hellaenergythe that is
01:36.28TPABKAhella: it is there :) the same place httpd.conf is in
01:36.29jasonbTPABKA: It's either created by the Apache2 process, or the Tomcat process.  I'm not sure which.
01:36.44*** join/#tomcat Raboo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:36.51*** join/#tomcat JakWORK ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:36.52HellaenergyYo Raboo
01:36.52TPABKAi just like more "standard" unix layout
01:36.55jasonbTPABKA: I think the shm file needs to be readable/writeable by both though!
01:36.58HellaenergyHi JakWORK
01:38.59TPABKAjasonb: the other thing is that when in i do:
01:39.18TPABKAi get error in tomcat: SEVERE: Can't create apr
01:40.11HellaenergyTPABKA: Forget mod_jk2 and save yourself some trouble ;)
01:40.25jasonbTPABKA: That could be caused by a number of things, actually.. and diagnosing it goes far deeper than I have time to do with each person who has that problem.  But!  The cool thing is that I'm secretly working on something that could help lots of people through this mess.  And, no, I won't share details about it yet.  :)
01:41.24jasonbTPABKA: mod_jk2 does work if you set it up just right.. unfortunately, I believe there are currently no existing docs (on the web or elsewhere for all I know) that correctly show how to do it!
01:42.27jasonbTPABKA: As a hint about your apr problem.. Tomcat must be able to both find and load the file.  That's about all I can say.
01:42.28TPABKAjasonb: can you give me... quick direction about this apr thingie?.. i'll try to diagnose myself
01:42.39jasonbJust did.  :)
01:43.04TPABKAjasonb: if i do ldd it shows libapr
01:43.34TPABKAthere're settings in tomcat to tell it where libapr is located?
01:44.05TPABKAat@home% ldd /opt/jakarta/tomcat/shared/lib/                       ~
01:45.29jasonbTry copying to $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib and if that doesn't work then it's likely that your file is just hosed in general.
01:45.39jasonb(most are)
01:46.14TPABKAFeb 21, 2003 8:45:36 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain newHandler
01:46.16TPABKASEVERE: Can't create apr
01:47.00TPABKAshould i copy with symlinks?
01:47.07TPABKAcan i just symlink?
01:48.22TPABKAhmm is hosed or is hosd? :)
01:49.05jasonbBoth, potentially.
01:49.43jasonbIf you're attempting to choose TCP communication between Apache & Tomcat, then should actually contain no settings.
01:49.59TPABKAHellaenergy: i'm starting too... :)
01:50.26TPABKAjasonb: when i live jk2 with no settings then it starts fine
01:50.35hellabot"TPABKA" pasted at
01:50.54jasonbIt's really the lack of any semblance of docs that makes jk2 such a bad experience.  The code does work.. well, at least some copies.  :)
01:50.56TPABKAparts of workers2 is at the end of this paste
01:52.02jasonbmod_jk2 just tries to be way too flexible for most peoples's taste.  That combined with no docs on how to sort it all out really kills it.
01:52.50TPABKAmod_webapp was easy to setup :)
01:53.13Hellaenergyjasonb: Well put
01:53.16TPABKAnever tried mod_jk...
01:53.33TPABKAthough if thy mod_jk then i just try mod_jk2 :)
01:54.06TPABKAcan't type
01:55.32TPABKAif there're no settings in where does jk2.shm go to?
01:58.31TPABKAif i remove the complete shm section from it seems to start ok!..
01:58.50HellaenergyDoes it work though :)
01:59.42jasonbIt's possible that it could.  I believe I was unable to get one version of it working without one though.
02:04.01TPABKAhow can i check if it worked?..
02:04.11jasonbHellaenergy: Why can't you put it on the same server you have?
02:04.42HellaenergyWhat with another port
02:05.01HellaenergyI want mod_perl php4 etc :)
02:05.08jasonbHellaenergy: Yeah, another port, OR you could try IP aliasing.
02:05.09Hellaenergyits my sand-box
02:05.28HellaenergyIP aliasing?
02:05.32jasonbHellaenergy: You don't need no stinking perl or php4!
02:05.43HellaenergyPHP4 is quick
02:05.50jasonbAnd way, way dirty!
02:06.01Hellaenergyand alot of people (webhosts) use it
02:06.09jasonbGood for them.
02:06.25jasonbLots of people use Windows too.
02:06.31Hellaenergyjasonb: I wish I could find a good webhost that supports servlets/jsp's
02:06.37Hellaenergyin MPLS
02:06.40Hellaenergyor MN
02:07.35HellaenergyI have a client right now (*laugh, cough, cough*) that I am deving a site for and I am trying to figure out what lang to use
02:07.54HellaenergyI want to send her off to another server for hosting
02:08.39Hellaenergyright now I have her site dev'ed under Servlets/JSP's
02:11.03HellaenergyWould any of you ever have a site hosted in another state?
02:11.20jasonbState as in US state?
02:11.30Hellaenergyyes sorry :)
02:11.58jasonbWell, I don't see any problem with doing that, as long as the state isn't Texas.  (dubya dubya dubya!)  :)
02:12.27HellaenergyWell who is the best servlet hosting site in the us of a then
02:12.40jasonbWelp, I've got to drive home now.
02:12.48Hellaenergybe safe
02:12.53Hellaenergyhave a good night
02:13.31jasonbAsk that question on the JavaLobby and see what answers you get.
02:13.44Hellaenergythats a channel?
02:14.10HellaenergyI shall
02:14.35jasonbHellaenergy: Have a good night too.
02:15.01jasonbw0rd to yer hard drive!
02:23.49TPABKAdoesn't seem to be working...
02:33.02Hellaenergyibot: servlet hosting
02:33.02Hellaenergy: You are moron #119
02:33.13Hellaenergyibot: servlet hosting is at
02:33.14Hellaenergy: okay
02:47.33Hellaenergyibot forget servlet hosting
02:47.33i forgot servlet hosting, Hellaenergy
02:48.22*** join/#tomcat bogeyno (
02:50.50*** part/#tomcat bogeyno (
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03:51.24*** join/#tomcat jurrend (~jurrend@
04:32.09*** join/#tomcat ceedo (
04:32.09ceedoThe Tomcat project is located at
04:32.09ceedoIf you would like to paste some code or configs for others to see please use
07:04.07*** join/#tomcat duke__ (
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07:56.23*** join/#tomcat jurrend (~jurrend@
09:05.36*** join/#tomcat Dannik (
09:06.02Dannikwhen i type "shutdown" in my bin directory, i get this:
09:06.02DannikCatalina.stop: Connection refused: connect Connection refused: connect
09:06.45Dannikit seems like it's working properly because i can access the webpage http://localhost:8080 and execute the jsp pages
09:48.34Dannikfound out the problem... it was installed as a service in Windows 2000 and needs to be turned off through Component Services in Administrative Tools... jeez d=
10:04.12*** join/#tomcat djounes ([
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17:36.09*** join/#tomcat Wypracow (
17:36.36Wypracowany idea where source for org.apache.tomcat.util.SystemLogHandler can be found?
17:39.22Wypracowit's not in jakarta-tomcat, not in catalina either, .. hell I'm going to disassemble it
17:41.09*** join/#tomcat TheSteveMonkey (
17:41.18*** join/#tomcat Hellaenergy (
19:06.55Hellaenergyceedo: did you ever ask your girl about me logo?
19:07.06Hellaenergycause me getting loco
20:01.48*** join/#tomcat ibot (
20:01.48*** topic/#tomcat is Tomcat Servlet Container Discussion; The Tomcat project is located at ; If you would like to paste some code or configs for others to see please use
20:02.51*** part/#tomcat duke__ (
20:33.56Wypracowis there any easy way to precompile JSP pages from a directory tree the way Jasper would do it when embedded in Tomcat?
20:35.03WypracowI look at the 'work' directory and it seems that every JSP results in a Java file in the same package (org.apache.jsp), however, the corresponding class is kept on the same directory level as the JSP itself (breaking the rule subpackage = subdirectory)
20:35.33Hellaenergyhmm.. dono
20:35.48Wypracowwhat I am doing now is precompiling from ant, which results in the output class files stored in org/apache/jsp/*.class, and moving these files back to where they should be
20:36.02Wypracowwhich results in a lot of javac invocations and hard-coded paths in the build.xml file
20:36.40Wypracowi.e. precompile action/*.jsp, move org/apache/jsp/*.class back to action/, precompile page/*.jsp, move org/apache/jsp/*.class back to page/  and so on
20:36.48Wypracowit sucks :(
20:37.31HellaenergyI amagine
20:38.14Hellaenergyjsp's get compiled to /usr/local/tomcat/work/Standalone/yourhost etc...
20:38.28Hellaenergy$CATALINA_HOME/work .....
20:41.10HellaenergyTo precompile a JSP page, access the page with a query string of ?jsp_precompile
20:43.15HellaenergyHere is where I got that
20:44.29Hellaenergyibot: jsp_precompile
20:44.29You are moron #1, Hellaenergy
20:44.43Hellaenergyibot: jsp_precompile is like this
20:44.44Hellaenergy: okay
20:45.06Hellaenergyibot: jsp_precompile
20:45.13[jsp_precompile] like this
20:46.57Wypracowcaucho ain't tomcat
20:47.23Wypracowalso, I am not talking about precompiling via web server
20:47.29WypracowI want the whole project precompiled with Ant
20:47.31HellaenergySome JSP containers (especially Tomcat-based) support the capability of precompiling a JSP page.
20:47.55WypracowI can invoke the JspC task and let Jasper generate the output all right
20:48.11HellaenergyWypracow: go over to #struts and ask them
20:48.12Wypracowthe problem is with placing the *.class files into the directories corresponding to jsp locations
20:56.14SkinjobWhen tomcat rewrites the mod_jk.conf file, how does it decide what order to put the virtual hosts in?  Does it just go by the order of whats in the server.xml file?
20:56.41HellaenergyI thinks so
20:58.44SkinjobOk I'm doing something that is probably stupid
20:59.16Skinjob<Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig" append="true" />
20:59.31SkinjobI have one of those in each of my <Host></Host> things
21:00.02Skinjobnow it looks as if the first one needs to not have the append=true bit because everytime I restart tomcat I want it to rewrite the file instead of adding onto it, is this the case?
21:00.32HellaenergyIf you do autoconfig it will rewrite it everytime
21:03.21Skinjobhellaenergy: if you have append="true" on everything it appears to always append to it rather than rewriting it
21:05.38*** join/#tomcat jkk (
21:05.43Skinjobheh, I just took the very first instance of Listener and made it so it didn't append and that seems to have worked
21:11.15HellaenergySkinjob: You like Rock and Roll?
21:13.57SkinjobHmm can't view swfs on this computer, what is it?
21:14.44Hellaenergysome pics of Jimi Hendrix and Frank Zappa, The Stones etc
21:20.21SkinjobThe stones don't belong in the same movie as Zappa and Hendrix
21:20.31HellaenergyWhy not?
21:20.50SkinjobBecause Zappa and Hendrix had tallent :)
21:21.05HellaenergyRight on but so do the Stones
21:21.11HellaenergyAre you crazy!
21:21.17SkinjobThe stones suck
21:21.38HellaenergyTo each his/her own :)
21:21.50SkinjobFor the most part, but no matter what the stones suck :)
21:21.57SkinjobBut you dig Zappa so you're ok
21:22.36jkkdo people start/commit transactions in servlet filters?
21:27.04Hellaenergyjkk: do you use filters?
21:27.26jkkme? no not really
21:27.34jkkim just wondering the kinds of things people do with filters
21:27.43Hellaenergyibot: tomcat filters
21:27.43Hellaenergy: i haven't a clue
21:27.47Hellaenergyibot: tomcat-filters
21:27.48Hellaenergy: bugger all, i dunno
21:28.00Hellaenergyhave you read the docs on the jakarta site?
21:28.56jkki mean servlet filters, not tomcat filters
21:37.06Wypracowjkk: use of a filter is the only reasonable way to set character encoding for a request
21:37.16Wypracow(if you use JSP)

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