irclog2html for #tomcat on 20050314

00:16.42puffYeah, mine too... uncommented that, didn't see a change.
00:19.07jasonbActually, on the page I gave the URL to, there are other settings that are probably what you're looking for.
00:19.54jasonbClientAliveInterval 60
00:19.54jasonbClientAliveCountMax 5
00:20.16jasonb(both in the same /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
00:23.08puffYeah, ik've been playing with those.
00:23.15puffThat _seemed_ to help at first, but.
00:23.25jasonbStill didn't?
00:23.25puffI set it, went away to the kitchen to prep some jambalaya makings.
00:23.33puffCame back, my session was live!  Yay!
00:23.42puffSwitched to another window, came bakc, it was dead.
00:23.55jasonbSwitched to another Cygwin window?
00:25.18jasonbIf so, then that's probably a Cygwin bug then.
00:25.36*** join/#tomcat GunZ (
00:25.42GunZlyken: are you here?
00:26.04puffSigh, there it goes again.
00:26.32puffjasonb: I think it has more to do with timing than cygwin... left the fc3 cygwin alone for too long.
00:27.00jasonbpuff: You realize that there are ssh settings for the ssh connection at each end of the connection, right?  If you haven't set both properly, you could end up timing out too soon.
00:27.44jasonbpuff: It's true that if the one to debian isn't timing out, there's likely something set wrong in FC3.  But, you should check the cygwin end as well just to be sure.
00:31.40GunZhey guys, if i am using mod_jk2 with tomcat and apache, and if the html files reside on the application sitting in tomcat, will they be handled by tomcat or apache?
00:34.57puffYeah, good point.
00:35.09puffHm, come to think of it, I need mod_jk...
00:35.35puffjasonb: Which do you recommend going with?
00:35.37jasonbGunZ: If you haven't gone out of your way to tell Apache how to serve those, then you've likely just passed through the requests for those resources to Tomcat, and Tomcat will serve them through mod_jk2 & apache.
00:35.50puffLooks like mod_jk2 is the only one in the fedora rpm servers.
00:36.01jasonbpuff: Are you sure you need Apache httpd?  I don't remember if I asked you about that before or not.
00:36.04puffOr at least, the ones yum knows about.
00:36.24puffHonestly, I think in the long run I want to move away from that.
00:36.35puffHowever, in the short run I'm trying to not introduce gratuitous differences.
00:36.42puffBetween this box and the one we currently have.
00:36.45GunZjasonb: what would i have to edit to get apache to serve the files?
00:36.55GunZthe html files that is
00:37.00jasonbpuff: It's way easier to not use Apache httpd than to use Apache httpd.
00:37.07puffIdeally I'd like apache and I'd like tomcat, but of course they can't both have port 80 on the same box.
00:37.39jasonbGunZ: Sadly, I don't have the time to go over that.. see the Apache httpd docs for how to map files..
00:37.51GunZjasonb: ok
00:38.24puffYou could just put them under the apache root instead of under tomcat....
00:39.09puffWell, I'll put that off for the moment and focus on getting the apps up and running on 8080 first.
00:39.10jasonbpuff: If you absolutely must use Apache httpd, the current situation is: mod_jk2 is deprecated.  The best connector is mod_proxy that comes with Apache 2.1.  If you can't use Apache 2.1, you may use the 2.1 mod_proxy code with 2.0 if you can figure out how to compile the two together, which reportedly is "easy".  If you can't do that, the fallback is mod_jk right now.
00:40.05GunZjasonb: mod_jk2 is deprecated?
00:40.21jasonbGunZ: Yes, recently, they deprecated it.  Long story.  But, that's how it is right now.
00:40.41GunZok so mod_proxy is the way now?
00:40.45jasonbGunZ: And, I doubt that mod_jk2 will get un-deprecated.  I think it'll stay that way.. and fade away.  Probably a good thing.
00:40.52jasonbGunZ: Yes.
00:41.13jasonbSo all those books, even about Tomcat 5 that say to use mod_jk or mod_jk2.. that's all misinformation now.
00:41.14GunZi mod_proxy was just a work around if you couldnt do it with mod_jk
00:41.28GunZi thought
00:41.39GunZhmm why dont they take it out then
00:41.43jasonbGunZ: Now it's not that way anymore.. They change this stuff sometimes, and how I described it above is how it is now.
00:41.46puffGunZ: He's working on that :-).
00:41.57GunZok :D
00:42.07jasonbAnyway..  I'll bbiab..
00:42.13GunZok thx for the help
00:42.46*** join/#tomcat Morang (
00:43.07Moranghi everyone, i'm just after some quick help setting up tomcat
00:43.16Morangroot cause
00:43.16MorangUnable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
00:43.17MorangPerhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
00:43.41MorangI've setup JAVA_HOME to point to my JDK at C:\java\j2sdk1.4.1_07
00:43.58puffAre you sure it's there?
00:44.18Morangor should it point to the bin dir?
00:44.40puffNo... the top directory.
00:44.59Morangyeah, it's at the top
00:45.45Morangi did notice though in my tomcat configuration, that i needed to tick the "Use default" for the Java Virtual Machine
00:45.47Morangyeah windows xp
00:45.48puffDid you set it in your system environment?
00:45.56Morangyeah, it's in my PATH
00:46.03puffNo, I mean JAVA_HOME.
00:46.15puffAnd did you open the command window BEFORE you set it?
00:46.22Morangi've also set up CLASSPATH to point at my java's lib directory, in addition to axis libraries and stuff
00:46.24puffYou may have to open a fresh command window to get the setting.
00:46.35Morangyeah, i've been stopping and restarting the tomcat service
00:47.00Morangyeah, i set JAVA_HOME in the environment variables
00:47.06puffHow are you starting/stopping?
00:47.08Morangthrough control panel
00:47.17Morangi go to "Tomcat Configuration"
00:47.18puffAh, windows?
00:47.20puffOne sec.
00:47.37puffLemme check my copy of _Tomcat: The Definitive Guide_, which I just happen to have handy... :-)
00:47.41Morangthen in general, there are stop and start buttons
00:47.48Moranggreat, thanks
00:47.54puffDid you use the tomcat installer, btw?
00:47.57Morangyeah i did
00:48.16Morangnow, tomcat installation wanted to point to C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_07
00:48.28puffHm, the instlaler should have... yeah.
00:48.37Morangin addition to my JDK installation, there was this installation for the JRE
00:48.46Morangtomcat must've picked that out of the registry
00:49.18Morangi'm wondering whethere there's some confusion with installations?
00:49.33Morangas i mentioned earlier, i ticked "Use default" for the JVM
00:49.39puffMight be?
00:49.48Morangi'm able to compiler a simple hello world style web service
00:49.56puffAh... well wait, you said it "Wanted" to use the jre...
00:49.58Morangthe happy axis page just ain't so happy
00:50.12puffSo which did you go wtih?
00:50.12Morangwell i think that's where tomcat installation found java
00:50.23Morangwell i've set JAVA_HOME to be my JDK
00:50.29Morangin C:\Java\JDK...
00:50.33puffYeah, it shouldhave looked for jkd/jre and (it seems to say here) given you a choice of which to use.
00:50.38puffSo which did you choose?
00:50.59MorangIT didn't seem to find the c:\java\... one
00:51.20Morangand it wasn't working until i ticked the "Use default" checkbox in my tomcat configuration
00:51.22puffI'm not a windows guy, but if you're doing it form the service control panel, I would have no trouble  believing that the service config has a separate environment setup and ignores your JAVA_HOME.
00:52.02puffSo check the tomcat properties in the service control panel...
00:52.03Morangwhat i might do, is uninstall my JRE, JDK, Tomcat, start fresh with latest versions of all, then see how I go?
00:52.20puffI wouldn't rule that out.
00:52.36puffBut you might want to check and see if the service has some setting that points to the JRE.
00:52.40puffI'll bet that's what it is.
00:52.51Moranghmm, yeah... C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_07\bin\client\jvm.dll
00:53.02Morangi'll change that to my JDK one..
00:54.52Morangchanged it, but unfortunately, nothing's improved...
00:55.20Morangit's probably not a great thing to have a JDK installation seperate from my JRE installation
00:55.40puffShouldn't be that big a deal, but on windows, who can say.
00:55.45Morangi changed "Java Virtual Machine" to C:\java\j2sdk1.4.1_07\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
00:56.21puffTry re-running the installer, see if you can get it to let you choose the jdk.
00:56.55puffI am suspicious... just because it know to use that JVM doens't mean that it will know where to find the java libs or compiler.
00:57.00Morangyeah, i'll start again, no point banging my head against a brick wall if it's just due to some random voodoo for having two Java's
00:57.20Morangwell hopefully CLASSPATH tells it where
00:57.25Morangwhich i've set appropriately
00:57.27puffSeriosuly, easiest thing to try first:  re-run the installer.
00:57.32puffWithout uninstalling anything.
00:57.32Morangsure thing
00:57.35puffSee if ti lets you change the options.
00:57.42Morangoh, ok
00:57.52puffIf not, unintall tomcat, re-run the installer, see if gives you an opportunity to select the jdk.
00:58.02puffIf not, then uninstall the JRE and re-run the installer.
00:59.30Morangfunny thing is, there the same version numbers of JDK and JRE anyhow, so theoretically, shouldn't even matter
01:00.31puffNo, not at all.
01:00.44puffOne includes the java compiler (javac), one doens't.
01:00.53puffTomcat needs the java compiler to compile JSPs.
01:02.09Morangok, it was just voodoo, i have no idea how or why, but when i re-installed, it has worked, i think..
01:02.56Morangonly thing it couldn't find was
01:02.56MorangWarning: could not find class javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage from file mail.jar
01:02.56MorangAttachments will not work
01:03.13Morangis that just because my JDK may be a little long in the tooth?
01:03.47puffMaybe, but I doubt it.
01:03.59puffThough you *should* download at least 1.4.2_07 :-).
01:04.06Moranghehe, ok, no problem
01:04.07puffEven if you're not ready for 1.5 yet.
01:04.25Morangwell, i haven't used java in a while, probably due for an upgrade
01:04.58Morangthanks a lot for your help puff
01:05.19Morangbizarre that it didn't work, then did
01:05.32Morangi guess these things just happen, especially when working in windows
01:06.12Morangi probably need to get cosier with linux... :)
01:16.15puffMorang: You won't get any argument from me on that :-)
01:17.05*** join/#tomcat WildChild (
01:17.20WildChildIs it possible to make tomcat recognise automaticly changes made in the web.xml file?
01:17.30WildChildfor app devlopment
01:18.20puffHm... should be in tomcat/conf/server.xml
01:18.31puffKeeripes, 8pm already.
01:18.50WildChilddo you know what to put in the server.xml?
01:19.09puffY'know, there's books omn this sort of thing :-).
01:19.56puffHm, dang.
01:20.03puffI just checked and I can't remember what it's called.  Hangon.
01:21.19puffCome to think of it, I don't know if I ever set it, myself.  I had to set something else to get JSP to always recompile.
01:21.27puffWildChild: Did you try changing the web.xml file?
01:21.36WildChildpuff: yes
01:21.40puffThat is, just try changing it, watch and see if it redeployes.
01:21.57WildChildI put backgroundProcessorDelay="2" in my context configuration file but it doesn't seems to change anything
01:22.02WildChildI found this on google groups
01:22.58puffWhat version of tomcat, btw?
01:23.31puffHm, in your <CONTEXT> tagset, do you have reloadable="true"?
01:24.13WildChildyes I have reloadable="true", when my classes are updated I see automaticly the changes but the changes made to web.xml to add new classes aren't refectled automaticly
01:27.47puffHm... odd.
01:29.30puffAre you sure?
01:29.51puffTry this... tail your tomcat log file in one window and edit the web.xml in anotehr window, watch what happens.
01:30.01puffIt can take a minute or so for tomcat to notice.
01:34.39WildChildI will try something
01:39.10WildChildstill no reload after 5 minutes
01:40.03WildChildand nothing at the end of the log file
01:48.34puffWell, i'm afraid that a) I haven't doen anything with tomcat 5 yet.
01:48.49puffand b) I'm really kind of under pressure to get something done, so I don't have time to go dig up the answer for you.
01:48.58puffI am curious about what you find, though.
01:53.15WildChildhehe ok :) I'll try to find something! but I don't have too much time now, I'm using the tomcat manager app to relaod my context each time my web.xml file is changed since I don't have too much time to find the problem
01:53.29WildChildI have to do an homework using jsp and servlets
01:53.29puffMight be best.
01:53.32puffOr just restart tomcat.
01:53.47WildChildanyway! thanks a lot for your try
01:53.50puffGood luck.
01:56.26*** join/#tomcat alx_ (
03:42.25*** join/#tomcat simplebird (
03:44.16*** join/#tomcat puff (puff@
03:44.20puffWotta day.
04:10.54*** join/#tomcat beron (
04:11.34beronwhose got tomcat 5.5.7? can you please verify for me, what jar files you have on your common/lib ?
04:12.10beronhow many of the commons jar file are there in the dir?
04:42.55*** join/#tomcat FreemaniaX (
04:43.45FreemaniaXwhy does the 5.0.x series never get a mention in the subject?
04:44.43lykenin the topic?
04:47.55beronlyken: you have 5.5.7?
04:56.11lykenbut not on this mchine
04:56.18lykenits on my dev machine at home
04:56.37beronyou dont happen to remember if the commons jar is included on 5.5.7?
04:57.15jasonb[root@localhost jakarta-tomcat-5.5.8]# ls common/lib/
04:57.15jasonbcommons-el.jar           jasper-runtime.jar       naming-factory.jar
04:57.15jasonbjasper-compiler.jar      jsp-api.jar              naming-resources.jar
04:57.15jasonbjasper-compiler-jdt.jar  naming-factory-dbcp.jar  servlet-api.jar
04:58.40beronokay, only commons-el.jar has been included...thanks.
04:58.55jasonbNo prob.
05:00.05beronyouwhat was the reason those were removed or not distributed?
05:00.24jasonbWhat were removed?
05:00.54jasonbIn particular?
05:01.16lykenmake the distro smaller i think
05:01.49berondcpc collection and pool
05:03.13jasonbberon: It's in there somewhere I believe, repackaged.
05:03.59beroni see, I have to look around
05:04.02jasonbIf not, you may add it easily enough.
05:05.06lykenhola jason
05:05.32beronyeah i can add it easily, was just surprised they were not in same place
05:06.24jasonbYeah, strange that it's not in there anymore, and I wonder how they do db connection pooling in TC 5.5 now.  I remember they repackaged lots of libs, but I can't easily find dbcp in there right now.
05:28.29jasonbberon: Actually, it's been repackaged in common/lib/naming-factory-dbcp.jar.
05:28.50jasonbberon: If you do a jar tf common/lib/naming-factory-dbcp.jar you'll see the dbcp stuff in there.
05:30.38jasonbI forget why they did that.  It doesn't seem real small to me.. and repackaged like that is less modular.  If we want to try a newer version of dbcp, it becomes far harder to try it.
05:32.58beronright..its much harder..oh well, am just a user
05:33.03beronthanks for checking
05:34.14jasonbNot a problem.. I need to know this stuff as well.
05:37.59beronas an example Im trying to use org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
05:38.33beronbut what i found on that naming org/apache/tomcat/dbcp/dbcp/BasicDataSourceFactory
05:39.03beronpackaging is messed up
05:39.21berondouble dbcp in the path
05:40.08jasonbWow, if you're right that would be a bug that they'd be interested to hear about, I think.
05:40.37jasonbOh, wait..  It's got that double dbcp/dbcp in the package names.
05:40.43beronthey should ought to know
05:41.18beroncan you confirm on your naming-factory-dbcp.jar please?
05:41.51lykencan you not just pulled down the tar.gz off download and check that/
05:41.59jasonbWell, inside the jar there are fully qualified class names like this:
05:42.00beronmine is 5.5.7, but its probably not a whole lot diff on 5.5.8
05:42.24beronholly cow, they do have double dbcp on the path
05:42.43jasonbThis part should be *no* different at all between 5.5.7 and 5.5.8.  And, I'm looking inside a jar of the binary release of 5.5.8.
05:43.21jasonbThey repackaged the dbcp stuff.  I'm not sure I remember them talking about the double "dbcp/dbcp", but they may have.
05:43.34jasonbIt's weird looking.
05:43.50jasonbIt might be a convenience thing, on their part.
05:44.09beroni dont know, buts a very odd way of naming a package
05:44.42jasonbWell, it's a repackaging of something that was already named, and sometimes when people repackage something, it ends up with names that are less intuitive.  :)
05:45.21jasonbIn the long run, I believe they're going to be sorry they repackaged dbcp.  It's just too important to do that with.
05:45.26beronperhaps, but it just doesnt feel right having doubled names
05:45.34jasonbIt never does.
05:46.16beronanyhow, you have more weight with them developers than i, they dont have to double check if you tell them instead of me :)
05:50.23jasonbWell, my guess is that they already know of the double "dbcp" thing in there.  They may have had a technical reason for it.  But, then, others are left to wonder.
05:50.50jasonbberon: How did you initially stumble onto this though?
05:51.27beronjust tried to deploy an app that uses BasicDataSource
05:51.50beronit didnt work on 5.5.7, it worked on 4.1.x
05:52.44berongot confirmation from you that the commons jar file were not there and the rest is what we both discussed
05:52.56beronjust now
05:52.58jasonbberon: But how did you determine that there were two "dbcp"s in there?
05:53.36beroni grep'ed for BasicDataSource and just noticed the dbcp/dbcp on the path
05:53.46jasonbIn the output of jar tf ?
05:54.06beronjar tvf naming-factory-dbcp.jar|grep BasicData
05:54.33jasonbSo the spot where you reference the fully qualified class name of BasicDataSource, where is that?  In your server.xml?  In a context XML?  Or, in some of your webapp source?
05:54.52beronin my context.xml file
05:55.36jasonbYeah, so this hurts the upgrade process.  I do remember them saying that the repackaging makes upgrading a bit harder, but I don't think I remember them talking about the double "dbcp" thing.
05:56.15beroni just search the mailing list for dbcp/dbcp  and nothing showed up
05:56.58beronthe mailing list in
05:57.06jasonbWhich mailing list?  tomcat-user or tomcat-dev?
05:57.59jasonbTry searching tomcat-dev.
05:58.28jasonbberon: Also, could I have a look at your config where you're using that class name?
05:58.44beronsure..hang on
05:59.41beronill paste you in private, so it doesnt flood
05:59.48jasonbTheir example shows this:
05:59.53jasonb<Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
06:00.05jasonbWhich names just "javax.sql.DataSource".
06:01.04beronI was using org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
06:01.09*** join/#tomcat ohsix (
06:01.20beronthats why I asked about commons jar file
06:02.23jasonbLet me guess, your data source doesn't yet work with Tomcat 5.5, even when you correctly reference the name of the BasicDataSourceFactory class, right?
06:03.17jasonbThis part really is hard to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5.  I have one working, but I can imagine lots of other people are tearing their hair out trying to figure out why theirs doesn't work.
06:03.32beronsince it cannot find the class, it doesnt work
06:04.50jasonbWell, but if you give it the correct new "org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" name, it still doesn't work, does it?
06:04.53beronyeah i cant imagine for lots of people that are not familiar with commons libraries
06:05.03jasonbThat's not what I mean though.
06:05.06beronit would be difficult to troubleshoot
06:05.17beronlet me try that...
06:14.08beronyep it didnt work
06:15.49jasonbI know why.
06:16.28jasonbone sec...
06:17.35jasonbThe XML of the Resource element must be different in TC 5.5.x.
06:18.10lykenit is
06:18.13lykenthey all are
06:19.33jasonbWhere you have <Resource blah blah/>  and then after that you have a <ResourceParams ...> container tag, then inside that you have <parameter> container tags with name & value elements, you have to arrange that data differently for TC 5.5.x...
06:20.35jasonbYou have to have <Resource blah blah> (no close there), then inside that you should just have attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2 ...
06:20.58jasonbSo every parameter becomes an attribute of the Resource element.
06:21.22jasonbIt's really funny how the TC 5.5 docs don't bother even mentioning this.  :)
06:22.01beroni see..let me try those
06:24.19jasonbThe TC 5.5 docs do show the new way, but don't say that one would need to change the XML structure in this major way to migrate an older webapp to a newer Tomcat.  I guess they didn't try at all to show how to migrate webapps to the new version.
06:24.50beronwhoa, it wiped out my context.xml i put in conf/Catalina/localhost
06:25.31lykenthey are removed every tomcat reboot
06:25.39lykenwell some versions it does
06:25.42lykenothers it doesnt.
06:31.27beronam not overly surprised with this difficulty, for a longest time i can remember, data source pooling was a difficult config to make work on tomcat
06:32.21jasonbYes, way back in the earlier days of TC 4.1.  We should be well beyond that now though.
06:32.46lykenso was linking
06:33.03jasonboh.  :)
06:33.13jasonblyken: You really didn't like TC 4.1?
06:33.33lykeni couldnt get it to do half the stuff i wanted it to
06:33.48jasonbIt had bugs, but compared to lots of other code of its time, it was incredible IMO.
06:33.58lykenyeah that is true
06:34.08lykeni still preached on my soap box about its goodness
06:34.18lykenbut secretely it annoyed me
06:34.24jasonbYup, me too..  I wrote half a book about its goodness.  :)
06:34.38lykeni didnt know that.. oh wait :)
06:36.04jasonbThe TC 4.0 architecture, and the beauty of its code made me stop writing my own servlet container.  TC 4.0 had everything I wanted in mine, and so writing my own became futile.
06:37.16lykenhave you used weblogic(? from ibm) ?
06:37.21lykenor oracles web application?
06:37.54jasonbI've toyed with weblogic a little.  I don't like it.
06:38.10jasonbI haven't ever tried Oracle's.  I've heard good things about it.
06:38.18jasonbI've also heard good things about Orion.
06:38.45lykenthe good think about oracles
06:38.45jasonbIf I was going to use a full J2EE server, I'd use Geronimo, though.
06:38.48lykenyou can uninstall it
06:39.22lykenit takes up more resources than running 20 tomcat servers on your machine
06:39.49*** join/#tomcat loquace (
06:40.55jasonblyken: Ouch.  I think I'd uninstall it then too.
06:41.18lykenthat was after 2 weeks of me getting 9i to install on a rh 9.0 box
06:41.23lykenwith the dreaded threading issues
06:42.01jasonbRH9 seems very painful to me now.  At the time it seemed great.  :)
06:42.16lykenits amazing what a bit of insight can do
06:42.24jasonbI suppose 9 was far nicer than 7.3.  :)
06:42.40jasonb8 was just wrong.
06:44.43beronit worked this time after modifying for the dbcp/dbcp on the path name and the newer <Resource  attrib1=value1 />
06:44.54beronthanks for the tips
06:44.55jasonbI knew it..
06:45.01jasonbNo prob.
06:45.57jasonbIt's going to be miiiighty tricky for people to migrate their configs from TC 4.1 or 5.0 to 5.5.  Lots of diffs.. suttle diffs that aren't all easy to spot.
06:46.00beroncocoon sample was my baseline as the acid test..if that works, most likely the other apps would work
06:46.19jasonbDoes that work?
06:46.44beronyeah, but it doesnt have a db samples so the db part of it is not test
06:47.04beroni have to enable that sample with db and see how it goes
06:47.19jasonbWell, so far so good though, right?
06:48.17beronone more odd thing, i guess the old FileLogger is not working the same
06:49.32beronthe whole context.xml dtd is modified? or was there a dtd for it?
06:55.27jasonbThere is not a DTD for the Tomcat-specific config files.
06:56.06jasonbThe logging in TC 5.5 is still being reworked.  Even in the upcoming 5.5.9 there are lots of changes.
06:56.18jasonbI don't know how FileLogger is different, though.
06:57.14jasonbAlso, I thought 5.5.8 would be marked stable.  Looks like I was wrong.  They found enough bugs that they don't want to mark it stable, so maybe 5.5.9 will be the next stable release.
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07:04.28beronthe cocoon sample i have do have a database sample compiled in, and it works okay
07:04.42jasonbThat's good to hear.
07:05.58jasonbThey do run these releases through the Sun Servlet & JSP specification test suite, and they don't mark a release stable unless it all passes.
07:06.32beroni always use it as my baseline..since I know cocoon is one heck of an app..bunch of techologies with it
07:09.35jasonbYou can say that again!
07:10.08jasonbIt's got everything, including three or four kinds of kitchen sinks.  :)
07:10.31beronthats an app that never had a so-called stable in the past five years.. :)
07:10.41beronconstant innovations
07:10.58jasonbInnovations?  Or gratuitous sprawl and lack of focus?
07:11.25beronall of the above
07:12.18beronthey just seem to like the bleeding edge always
07:13.32jasonbAnd they like to continually redefine what their project is about.
07:14.16jasonbEach time I look at their web page (oh, about once every couple of years now), it's about something completely different..  with the same project name.
07:15.09beroni agree...i just use the basic stuff xml transformed with xsl
07:15.55lykenmore bleeding than edge though :)
07:16.10beron:) signing off..good night to all
07:16.53jasonbGood night.
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13:47.33linnuxxywhats the most popular way for authentication/autherization in web application? JAAS?JDBCrealm?
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13:55.52Big_Bozzlinnuxxy: It depends on the current infrastructure.. I primarly use LDAP as all my HR data is already there.
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13:57.03linnuxxyi use RDMS
13:57.25Big_Bozzlinnuxxy: Then you should just use a JDBCRealm
13:57.55linnuxxyi could not get it running
13:58.32Big_Bozzit is not too hard to set-up if you check the outputs from catalina.out and the log files for your contexts, etc.
14:01.50linnuxxycan i setup more than one realm in the server?
14:02.08Big_Bozzlinnuxxy: you can set up a realm for each context
14:02.46Big_BozzI usually declare my realms in /META-INF/context.xml  for the web application.
14:02.57linnuxxyim trying to make /admin to be authenticate using the JDBCrealm
14:03.08linnuxxyi just setuped the database
14:03.36linnuxxyand replaced the defualt realm in server.xml
14:03.46linnuxxybut i couldnt get it authenticated
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14:04.46Big_BozzTry pasting your realm declaration (from server.xml) and your security constraint and login config (from web.xml)  on pastebin
14:05.51linnuxxyim just new here ....sorry ...but what is pastebin
14:06.11Big_Bozz - to avoid spamming the channel
14:07.34linnuxxyi did
14:07.37linnuxxyi think!!!
14:07.42Big_Bozzpaste the URL here
14:08.08linnuxxythis one
14:08.45linnuxxythe second one
14:09.22Big_Bozzwhat version of Tomcat are you using btw?
14:09.50Big_Bozz(that was the same page)
14:11.48Big_Bozzyou should probably put a debug attribute in the realm (set it to 99) and monitor the log files. What error does it give you?
14:13.00linnuxxyjust debug="99"
14:13.18Big_Bozzyep, after the classname attribute
14:22.28linnuxxythe JDBC dirver
14:23.26Big_Bozzyou have a / too much in the realm connectionURL
14:24.01Big_Bozzhave to go now - back later
14:24.16pufflinnuxxy: You may want to skip jdbcrealm and just use securityfilter.
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14:24.38puffThough securityfilter is downward compatible with jdbcrealm
14:28.44linnuxxyno its working
14:28.55linnuxxythank u Big_Bozz
14:29.02linnuxxythank u very much
14:29.50linnuxxypuff:what is it a standard way to handle authentication?
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16:09.06chillmannhi. I have a problem with context in Embedded Tomcat. When starting the tomcat I get "javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found" . Has anybody an idea what may cause this?
16:09.34swentechillmann: perhaps xerces' jarfile missing ?
16:10.12chillmannno. I succeeded in loading the class through the context's classloader from my debugger
16:10.29chillmannand xercesImpl.jar is in classpath as well
16:10.45swentehrm .. sorry, then i have no idea [nor further knowledge :)]
16:11.02chillmannme neither ;-)
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16:42.18chillmannmy problem seems to have something to do with Java 1.5 _ in case anybody is interested...
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17:09.19FBAhello peoples
17:11.26FBAAlexys, hello
17:11.35Alexyshola FBA, como vas?
17:11.51FBAAlexys, jo voi mui bien
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17:12.00FBAe usted friend?
17:12.17Alexysmuy bien gracias
17:13.37FBAAlexys, hehe, em alguns meses estarei hablando espanol
17:13.50Alexysque bien!!!
17:14.11FBAAlexys, e você português :D
17:14.25Alexysjejejej, seria bueno
17:14.41FBAjejeje? aqui é hehehehe
17:26.43FBAAlexys, trabajas con tomcat?
17:26.58FBAyou work tomcat?
17:27.00Alexyssolo lo veo por encimita
17:27.20Alexysonly see, but i don't work
17:27.37Alexysi don't work much
17:27.38FBAAlexys, ingles só o basico
17:27.49FBAi you he she it we you they
17:28.01FBAi am is the bad boy hauhauaha
17:28.16FBAi am the bad boy hauhauaha
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17:43.55chillman2ihr spinnt doch alle
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18:53.24Alexyswhen i can download javaservlet api and java api?
18:53.52puckowhat do you mean? the docs?
18:54.24Alexysfor example
18:54.31Alexysi want download all this
18:54.42Alexysexcuseme my english
18:54.48*** part/#tomcat [newbie] (
18:56.30puckoyou already have it
18:56.47puckoit's in the directory of your tomcatinstallation
18:56.52puckojust go to /webapps/tomcat-docs/servletapi/
18:57.09Alexyspucko, ok tx, this is the tomcat
18:57.21Alexysand java?
18:57.37Alexysi need download and save in a cd
18:57.54Alexysbecause in my house i don't have internet
18:58.18puckolook at the downloadsection of the jdk
18:58.25puckoit should be the same place
19:02.47Alexyspucko, there is
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20:00.45FBAhello friends
20:31.52puffjasonb: So I finally got most of what I needed to do, done, last night.
20:32.20puffjasonb: But I think, on reflection, that I still need to set up apache/tomcat integration, at least for now.  
20:33.04puffA lot of our users have their login page bookmarked, and this crowd is not what I could call technologically literate.
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21:40.14jasonbpuff: You can always configure a webapp to redirect certain old URLs for you.  Oh well..  Sounds like you got lots of your stuff working though, which is good.
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22:43.15puckosilly question, but what is the benefit of using ejbs?
22:48.20jasonbpucko: Really, not much.
22:49.06jasonbpucko: Some people wanted to use EJB for its persistence, but most of them found that it was too hard to learn, or didn't perform well, or just was too clunky.
22:50.01jasonbpucko: The EJB spec has been changed and rechanged to try to address the various problems, and in the end it's probably just going to be something far different than what it started out as..  And even then it's questionable what the value is.
22:50.34jasonbpucko: Big companies sometimes like it and use it, but I tend to think that this isn't necessarily due to technical merit on EJB's part.
22:53.40puckotnx for explaining. I've been using tomcat for a while, but never tried ejb's (hardly knew what it was until recently, but still didn't find any pro's for it)
22:54.50jasonbYou're welcome.  Yeah, it's actually hard to dig up pros for EJBs nowadays.  Back in 1999 it would have been easy, because everyone was just going nuts over it.  But, that's all calmed down now, and reality has sunk in.  So, in the end, use it if you're sure it's got something you need, or, don't use it.
22:56.14jasonbI've recently heard that the new EJB (3.0?) spec throws just about everything out the window and makes EJBs basically like POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) with persistence similar to what Hibernate does.  So, don't get too used to how EJB is today.. all that's going bye bye.  :)
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