irclog2html for #tomcat on 20050323

00:22.21{aaron}crap.  my jsp can't  see org.apache.commons.fileupload because it's in server/lib
00:23.32{aaron}can i drop it in my web-inf/lib or common/lib?
00:23.47{aaron}or will it explode because of two instances in different classloaders?
00:26.44*** join/#tomcat Urua (
00:27.23UruaEvening all. Would this be the proper place to ask for help with using iPlanet and its version of mod_jk ?
00:32.50{aaron}damn, tomcat distributes some old version of the file upload jar
00:33.42eidolonthat's odd, i thought server/lib was global.
00:33.54{aaron}no server/lib is hidden
00:34.08{aaron}it's the catalina implementation, which really shouldn't be visible to applications
00:34.13eidolonah, gotcha.
00:37.27eidolonHello! Welcome to Apache-Axis.
00:37.47puff{aaron}: Well, there should be no problem at all in just downloading a more recent version of file upload and putting it in WEB-INF/lib
00:38.18{aaron}puff: that's ok - i think tomcat uses the latest stable, but the docs on the fileupload site refer to the development version
00:38.23{aaron}which lead to my confusion
00:38.43puffTime for dinner, later all.
00:39.52UruaEvening all. Would this be the proper place to ask for help with using iPlanet and its version of mod_jk ?
00:40.56eidolonurua: you asked that already, and no one answered, so you coudl ask, but it doesn't sound like anyone knows.
00:41.30Uruasorry, wasn't sure if the question was seen. Didn't measn to spam the channel
00:42.58Uruais there anyway to disable all login from the jk module ?
00:43.19Uruawith high traffic we are seeing hangs... and we have very large jk logs
00:50.16UruaI get the feeling that using iPlanet 6 w/ the jk module isn't a common thing.....
01:25.09eidolonsorry :)  i've used mod_jk with apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x, but that's it.
01:37.19aiyaiyairc(or anyone else) do you have a recommended link for setting up Tomcat with Apache? (even at, there are different explanations) I'm on winxp, and am confused as to how to proceed. I have Tomcat on one machine, Apache Httpd on another, both run great, now want to make a single machine with both on them ty
01:37.41aiyaiyairceidolon is what i mean to type at beginning:)
01:38.21eidolonyou need to set up mod_jk on the apache server, and set up a workers file to point ot the tomcat server.
01:39.15aiyaiyaircapologies for not typing that.
01:39.19aiyaiyaircjust a sec...
01:45.24aiyaiyairceidolon each of the various instructions available from state the need for mod_jk, and provide different instructions, and also talk about custom generation of the mod_jk, I'm wondering which set of insturctions to follow, because they have different sites altogether within on what to do, and I don't understand which to choose, IE: what link did u use to setup? (sory pulled away for a minute)
01:46.02aiyaiyaircie: when setting up tomcat for the first time, had tons of different links, many were faulty instructions :)
01:46.10eidolonsure, but this isn't tomcat.
01:46.13eidolonthis is mod_jk
01:46.16eidolonyou need to:
01:46.26eidolon1) enable mod_jk in the httpd.conf for the server (or whatever)
01:47.08eidolon2) set up jk2.conf to point to the workers properties files
01:47.35eidolon3) set up the workers properties files, which will define what workers are available
01:47.41eidolon(ala, your tomcat installation)
01:47.48eidolonthen restart apache, and watch for errors :)
01:49.16aiyaiyairc, and mod_jk....the website talks about 1.2.5, gives a deadlink, but found another portion of i found this: seems like the correct download.?
01:55.53aiyaiyairceidolon thank you for an outline looking for info on step 2 currently:)
01:58.07eidolondbs@hunter:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled$ cat jk2.conf
01:58.07eidolon# To enable mod_jk2, customize* from
01:58.07eidolon# /usr/share/doc/libapache2-mod-jk2/examples and copy it to
01:58.07eidolon# /etc/apache2/ Then uncomment the following line:
01:58.07eidolonJkSet config.file /etc/apache2/
02:03.03*** join/#tomcat beron (
02:07.48aiyaiyaircokay it does appear that is the correct file to download for Windows, then must rename to, which follows one set of instruction--------------------it says to copy and ""to the modules dir of apache, now looking for info on "" bbiab (thank you for continued assistance)
02:09.13aiyaiyairceidolon you are using mod_jk 1.2 and not v2 correct, it states v2 is deprecated, but many instructions i find are related to v2, just curious?
02:09.33eidoloni'm using whatever got eployed with debian.  actually, i'm using tomcat's internal now.
02:09.39aiyaiyairc:) cool
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02:17.56aiyaiyairceidolon thank you for trying to help, it's just that i still can't figure out the required files needed for setting up mod_jk 1.2 for winxp , tons of instructions are for v2, don't want to downgrade, still looking for some updated info bbiba
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03:04.00aiyaiyaircis there a way to Search the Tomcat documentation? looking for "apache auto -configuration" for tomcat 5
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05:29.15aiyaiyaircis there a way to Search the Tomcat documentation? looking for "apache auto -configuration" for tomcat 5
05:50.04aiyaiyaircor better yet, does anyone know how to turn on on the Apache auto-configure setting in Tomcat?
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06:24.20chipuxI have a few questions about the status of the various connectors. On the downloads, it says 'JK2 is officially unsupported!'. It also  says 'JK will be fully supported for all relevant web servers.'.
06:24.48lykenjk2 was a pain in the ass
06:24.51chipuxbut, the apache 2 licsense...
06:25.07chipuxetc etc
06:25.07lykenand all the cool features were back ported
06:25.18chipuxso, how can one be 'officially supported'?
06:25.37lykencause its still developed
06:25.40lykenand if bugs are found
06:25.45lykenthey are fixed by the apache tomcat team
06:25.50lykenthat is "official" support
06:25.59lykenare you a windows person?
06:26.02chipuxI just find it interesting.
06:26.09chipuxI am an httpd developer
06:26.23lykenhave you ever read the gpl, lgpl or any of the other licences?
06:26.30lykenthey all have the same thing
06:26.34chipuxyes, I know.
06:26.40lykenwhy bring it up here then?
06:27.10chipuxI was wondering who tomcat could get away with it, when I said I think 1.3 should be called 'officially unsupported' :)
06:27.43lykenthey junked jk2 a whiles ago now
06:27.47lykencause it sucked
06:28.51chipuxwell, httpd 1.3 sucks too :)
06:29.09lykenwell you can use jk with 2.0 i though
06:29.21chipuxyes, you can.
06:29.32chipuxhell, I have 2.1.
06:29.37lykenso what are your other wuestions?
06:29.47chipuxscrew all the extra mod_jk* stuff, i can use mod_proxy_ajp :0
06:30.01lykenjks areass
06:30.09lykens/areass/are\ ass
06:31.20lykeni recommend mod_proxy to any poor sucker that has to setup apache front end
06:32.24chipuxi think the lack of coordination between projects seems silly in retrospec..
06:33.23lykenthere is many things broken with it
06:33.34lykenbut its free and handles everything i throw at it
06:34.04chipuxmany things broken with mod_proxy?
06:34.32chipuxi wish there would be more feedback about mod_proxy_ajp. I ain't heard much since the initial work on it was done.
06:34.43lykenwith tomcat and its documentation/development cycles
06:35.00chipuxthe 3 stable versions does seem scary to me.
06:35.08chipuxbut, httpd will be doing that shortly too
06:35.12lykenive not really touched tomcat in a whiles though
06:35.13chipux(1.3, 2.0, 2.2..)
06:35.39lykenive been doing more mobile development atm
06:36.47lykenbut i stay in here for the people that were just like me when i first started out
06:36.59lykenits good to find a straight answer "easy"
06:37.39chipuxthats why I hang out in #apache, but mostly for httpd people :)
06:39.03koolany ideas where can i find gud documentation for tomcat configuration.... same tomcat version(5.0.28) is behaving differently running as a service and when run from command line
06:43.36lykenkool, tomcat and windows has never played nice for me
06:43.39lykenever since version 3
06:46.27koolhumm.. but i have no choice :(
06:46.38koolon server we are running tocat as service
06:47.04koolon local machine i am running it from cmd line
06:47.31koolso a lot of things that work for me on cmd prmpt... breaks on the server
06:48.04lykenwhat are these things?
06:48.10lykenjsp scriplets/
06:48.14lykenjdbc realms?
06:48.16koolrite now.. it is related to session in servlets
06:48.20lykenthere is a lot of things that could break
06:48.40koolwhen i run from cmd prmpt and restart server..
06:48.50koolsession values are restored
06:48.58koolbut when i use it as service
06:49.07koolsession values get destroyed
06:49.31kooli was wondering if there is a setting in tomcat for this
06:49.35lykenarent they supposed to get destroyed if you restart tomcat..
06:49.41lykenin web.xml..
06:49.44lykenif anywhere
06:50.02koolye.. but i wasn't able to find anything in web.xml
06:50.02lykenive not had problems with sessions..
06:50.24lykenid love to help out
06:50.28lykeni have a dave matthews concert to go to
06:50.36lykenif you are still around in about 7 hrs, ill be here.
06:50.45koolnever mind...
06:50.58koolis there a gud documentation bout web.xml
06:56.03puffkool: Just the servlet spec, which ain't that great.
06:58.09jasonbThere might be a book or two on the subject.  :)
07:00.20koolA book bout tomcat..? which can tell why and how tomcat behaves differently as service and running from tomcat ?
07:00.49kool*running from cmd prmpt
07:01.14puffkool: Yeah.
07:01.22jasonbI don't believe you'll find those particular details in a book.
07:01.33puffIt's rumored that _Tomcat:  The Definitive Guide_ might be useful, but the author's a jerk.
07:02.21puffIs that anything like a half wit?
07:02.36jasonbIn this case, it sure is.
07:03.01*** join/#tomcat bugfixer2 (
07:03.03puffkool: I don't do windows, but I can't see any reason tomcat would behave differently as a service than as started from the command line.
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07:04.16jasonbkool: Some answers can be found only after studying something for a while, and deducing your own particular answers for yourself.
07:05.08kooli had problems with tomcat running as service in past as well...
07:05.21jasonbkool: Probably shouldn't run it that way then.
07:06.03kooli cant help it ... cmpny server runs that way .. on local machine i use it from cmd prmpt
07:06.33koolit seems they configure it differently for service and cmnd prmpt
07:06.57jasonbYeah.  It's likely a matter of configuration.  Don't ask me how though.. at least right now.
07:25.48lykenwindows + tomcat == unexplained errors
07:26.00lykenid have servlets stop working for no reason
07:26.09lykenput the same config on a linux box
07:26.11lykenworks a treat
07:30.04lykenits the ID10t error :)
08:04.09*** join/#tomcat alx_ (~alx@
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11:30.54Uruawith high traffic we are seeing hangs... and we have very large jk logs
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14:45.10jhightHello all.
14:45.48jhightI'm attempting to use the Tomcat task for precompiling JSP pages but upon executing the build file I get "Unable to load tag handler class" ... however, I am positive the JSP classes can find the TLD's because it says it cannot load the full class name
14:46.04jhightFor example, "unable to load" where is set in the TLD
14:55.58*** join/#tomcat ProctonW (
14:56.37lykenjhight: do you have the taglibs defined in your web apps web.xml?
14:56.53jhightlyken: yes
14:57.22ProctonWAnyone know of there is an official maven IRC channel somwhere?
14:57.34lykenare your tagfiles in your_webapp/WEB-INF/classes/foo/bar/baz/MyClass.class?
15:01.58*** join/#tomcat Alexys (~Alexys@
15:18.52Alexyshow I can give numerical format from this 20000 to this 20,000?
15:19.00Alexysin the servlet
15:20.14lykenusing numberFormat
15:20.15lykengoogle that
15:20.28linuxfreckDecimalFormat really
15:20.47Alexyscan you give me a example linuxfreck ?
15:21.02*** join/#tomcat linenoise (
15:21.17linuxfreckheh, well no, that class isn't one of the easiest :)
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15:22.26Alexysok, lyken linuxfreck, tx both
15:22.45lykenNumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,###,###");
15:22.57lykendouble d = Double.valueOf(mfilesize).doubleValue();
15:30.20linenoiseStill trying to figure out what happens when I copy a war file over an existing war file in the webapps directory.  Does the context.xml get redeployed?  Does it get picked up auto-magic like?  What happens to the live sessions?  
15:39.58tang^iirc, a new war doesn't get picked up until the container is restarted
15:40.47tang^but then, I'm just following instructions that include "stop tomcat, copy war, start tomcat"
15:46.20jhightlyken: thanks, that was the problem
15:51.26linenoisetang^, thanks, the reason I ask is that when I copy a war file over an existing war, the container seems to pick it up.  I am drawing this conclusion based on what I see happening in the logs.  I was hoping there was a better authority to base this conclusion upon.
15:54.05tang^linenoise: this doc might explain
15:56.44*** join/#tomcat FreemaniaX (
16:02.26jhighttang^: a new war is warm deployed as sson as it is detected to be in the directory
16:03.11jhightassuming it's not the same file size or has the same timestamp as the one its possibly replacing
16:03.25tang^providing autoDeploy is enabled, too
16:07.20jhightyes that too =)
16:13.07*** join/#tomcat Chest (
16:14.23Chestguys, webapps/ROOT is the default location for tomcat right?  If I type http://myip:8080 am I sent to that directory?
16:15.59Chestso how come when I change the index.jsp file, it doesn't change in my browser?
16:16.15Chesti keep getting the tomcat splash page
16:27.24tang^anything in the logs about errors recompiling?
16:27.31tang^sheesh. lag
16:28.13randrewChest: because org/apache/jsp/index_jsp.class is in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/catalina-root.jar
16:28.32Chestthat sucks
16:29.22randrewChest: it is a bit sneaky
16:30.03Chestso that means I either re jar the catalina-root.jar sans the class or can I just delete the jar?  Is it important?
16:30.44randrewChest: see what else is in there and decide...
16:30.54Chestok.  ty
16:33.04randrewChest: sorry, i steered you wrong there
16:34.15randrewChest: the real reason it doesn't work is webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml has a servlet mapping for  <url-pattern>/index.jsp</url-pattern>, isn't that sweet?
16:34.35randrewChest: just comment that out, you don't need to mess with the jar file
16:34.53randrewChest: are you having fun yet?
16:35.11Chestah, i didn't see that. :)
16:35.17Chesteasy enough
16:56.54deeeedis it possible to load a java bean without <jsp:useBean .../> ?
16:59.53ChestYou could use a scriptlet I think.
17:00.15Chestdeeeed: Wasn't I talking to you yesterday?
17:00.26deeeedyes ;)
17:00.27Chestdeeeed: Did you get the beans working?
17:00.43deeeedin fact the problem was because i didn't have
17:00.45deeeedthe lib
17:00.59Chestthat'll do it.
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20:15.55Chestguys, if I declare a variable using a scriplet in a jsp page, how can I reference the variable using EL?  ie <% String test="test"; %>  
20:16.15Chesti tried <c:out value="${test}" />
20:16.20Chestdidn't work
20:17.40majicdoes <%= test %> ?
20:18.34Chestyes, but I need to use it within a jsp tag
20:18.43majicI see
20:19.03majicwhat do you get when you try  <c:out value="${test}" />? Do you get an error?
20:19.10Chesti get nothing, blank
20:19.53majicis the JSTL working properly? Can you do anything else with it?
20:20.09Chestyes, its working
20:20.20Chestthat's just not the way to do it methinks
20:21.04majicthat is a way to print out the value of test to the page
20:22.06Chesti know that, but test needs to be set to a value.  setting it with <% ... %> doesn't work.
20:24.44majichow about this: <c:set var="test" value="2" />
20:24.53majicworks here
20:25.57majicI'm a total n00b on JSTL so pardon my questions. I'm trying to learn this stuff as well!
20:27.37Chestyes that works, but the value I need to set comes from the page request.
20:27.47Chestthe http referer value specifically.
20:27.58majicyou can get at values in the page request
20:28.00Chestand there isn't an easy way to access it.
20:28.25Chesti know, but referer isn't an obvious one.
20:28.36Chesti can get cookies, and ip addresses and such
20:30.16ChestI can get it with <% String ref = request.getHeader("referer"); %>, but I then need to display it in a jsp tag.
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22:11.07*** join/#tomcat Kasica (
22:12.18Kasicahow to enable /manager/list to user
22:41.55*** join/#tomcat Ramonskie (
22:41.59Ramonskiehi some 1 here
22:42.55KasicaRamonskie could you help me with tomcat privilages
22:43.26Ramonskiei do know as much as you i quess
22:43.29Ramonskie:S sorry
22:44.35Ramonskiei want to know what tomcat version is best on debian sarge
22:44.49Kasica5 :D
22:45.01Ramonskierealy also 4 a newbie
22:45.37Ramonskiei just installed java i think but i dont know if i did it right if i do java -version i get an reply
22:48.47Ramonskieso i did it correct woohoo
22:49.14Ramonskienow the next great big step install tomcat :S
22:51.24Ramonskiecan you help me Kasica?
22:52.38Kasicai will give you link
22:53.19Ramonskiek thx
23:06.48linuxfreckKasica: edit conf/tomcat-users.xml and add a user with the role "manager"
23:07.33linuxfreckRamonskie: if you installed java 1.5, get tomcat 5.5.7, else get tomcat 5.0.28
23:07.51Kasicalinuxfreck ...
23:08.38Kasicathen i will allow that user to reset . reload . delete other servlets
23:08.38Kasicaran byu other users
23:08.38Kasicalinuxfreck right?
23:08.38Kasicathats a crap , is any way to omit it
23:08.38linuxfreckthe manager app only has one privilege for everything
23:08.52Kasicaindeed , i want to add /list command to my users
23:09.02linuxfreckelse other roles would be referenced by the web.xml
23:09.06Kasicathey can install remove but can not list installed servlets
23:09.27linuxfreckyou probably have to edit the manager to do what you want...
23:09.51Kasicawhat do you mean
23:10.02Kasicawhat file
23:11.21linuxfreckin the tomcat directory
23:11.32Kasicano conf/web.xml ?
23:12.18Kasicai have it in conf dir
23:12.19linuxfreckan easy way to disable all but list is probably to comment out all servlet-mapping elements but the one for /list
23:12.24linuxfreckthat's a different one
23:12.48linuxfreckyours is used for all web applications that don't come with a web.xml themselves
23:15.31Kasicai dont get you
23:16.33Kasicain web.xml i found nothoung about manager
23:16.38linuxfreckI'm just saying that the web.xml file of the manager tells me that what you want is not possible without hacking
23:17.02linuxfreckin the server/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml one or the conf/web.xml
23:18.01Kasicahacking what
23:18.31linuxfreckhacking the source and/or hacking the server/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml file
23:19.42Kasicado you know how to hack ?
23:19.48Kasicawhat web.xml
23:21.44linuxfreck<linuxfreck> an easy way to disable all but list is probably to comment out all servlet-mapping elements but the one for /list
23:21.44linuxfreckthis is untested though
23:21.44Kasicai see
23:25.23Kasicabut in manager and htmlManager i see /list enabled
23:26.56linuxfreckyes... and?
23:29.31Kasicawhat is a difference beetwen tomcat/conf/web.xml and tomcat/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml
23:30.32linuxfreckthe first is used for all contexts that do not have a web.xml
23:30.55linuxfreckbut manager does have a web.xml, and it is stored in tomcat/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml
23:31.28Kasicai dont have it
23:31.33Kasicai have
23:32.17Ramonskiegreat i fixed my qmail prob again haha
23:32.21Ramonskiewoops wrong chat
23:32.33linuxfreckits server/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml
23:32.40linuxfreckin the tomcat directory
23:33.01Ramonskielinuxfreak do you have a good how to install tomcat under debian?
23:34.07linuxfreckRamonskie: well, install java, download tomcat and unpack it, set JAVA_HOME to the java directory, start bin/ in the tomcat folder
23:34.45Ramonskierealy that easy
23:34.51Ramonskiewell i just installed java
23:36.28Ramonskiewhich 1 do i need to dowload then the deployer or embed
23:37.18Ramonskiejust the normal
23:37.35linuxfreckget the 5.0.28 one though
23:38.38Ramonskie1 thing i don't get what do i need to put in /root/.profile evrey site has almost there own version of how to fix that
23:39.52linuxfreckwell you don't need anything in the .profile file
23:40.48Ramonskiebut the java how to said that i need to put
23:40.50Ramonskieexport JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/lib/jdk"
23:40.52Ramonskieexport JDK_HOME="${JAVA_HOME}"
23:40.52Ramonskieexport PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
23:41.09linuxfreckyou can do that
23:41.10Ramonskieand i also need to put catalina_home there or something right?
23:41.24linuxfreckif you don't, you have to set JAVA_HOME yourself every time you start or stop tomcat
23:41.43linuxfreckno need for catalina_home there
23:42.15Ramonskieso thats only for rebooting
23:42.24linuxfreckwell yes
23:42.34linuxfreckyou want to setup an init script some time though
23:42.50linuxfreckso tomcat starts automatically each time the server reboots
23:43.01Ramonskiek well that comes later :)
23:44.10Ramonskieokay well i extracted tomcat somewhere but you said something about set the java home
23:45.15linuxfreckyou set the environment variable to the directory where java is installed
23:45.32linuxfrecklike export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/java-1.4.2
23:45.32Ramonskieokay lost ya there :(
23:46.02Ramonskieahh i already did that with the java setup
23:46.22linuxfreckwell then that's alright
23:46.35Ramonskieexport JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/lib/jdk this command
23:48.22Ramonskiewell i extracted tomcat under /var/install/java/tomcat/ so the only thing i have to do is sh bin/ right?
23:48.44Ramonskiesorry to bothre you all the time but i just need some help im a huge noob
23:49.54linuxfreckthat's right
23:50.32Ramonskiek so now is tomcat installed and now i can mess with servlets scripts
23:50.47linuxfreckhave fun
23:51.01linuxfreckand get a good book or tutorial
23:51.21Ramonskiethx for the support and help
23:52.19Ramonskieone quistion you can acces tomcat by domain:8181 right
23:52.25Ramonskieor is that an other thing
23:52.38linuxfreckthe default http port is 8080
23:52.44Ramonskieso you can admin it i have read that somewhere
23:56.40Ramonskieokay sorry this is my last quistuion i know i can look it up but i think its faster when i ask you. what the default password en username for the administrator
23:56.52linuxfreckthere is none
23:57.05linuxfreckyou have to set it up in the conf/tomcat-users.xml
23:57.56Ramonskieim going to search the docs
23:58.59Ramonskiehumm okay so that why i cant login

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