irclog2html for #tomcat on 20050614

00:00.35jasonbWell, but if you have META-INF/context.xml in the war file, you should be able to specify the URI path where the context is deployed.
00:00.44jasonb(via the manager)
00:01.04ipronegood point, let me check
00:11.15iproneyeah i didnt have that set, it deffo works only if i use manager, but it _looks_ like it works if i use a war file, but something is different
00:11.57ipronenow its totally off on a tangent from what the original issue was, but now im pissed
00:12.36ipronemaybe beer will help the situation
00:24.46jasonbDoes it work if it's just a war file and you're deploying it without the manager, but with a META-INF/context.xml file in it?
00:25.11jasonbIn that case, can you specify in your META-INF/context.xml where the webapp gets deployed in the URI space of your Tomcat?
00:34.21jasonbGuess not.
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02:07.16brc_getting the good 'ol Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/jiradb?autoReconnect=true' and can't seem to figure it out
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04:43.17*** topic/#tomcat is Latest stable versions of Tomcat are 5.5.9, 4.1.31, and 3.3.2 If you are a newbie, use the official distribution on Jakarta's site.
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08:57.39BlueSmurfhow can I specify the start page in tomcat ? (like in apache where you say index.html, index.jsp, ...)
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09:06.38HughWork__BlueSmurf: yes, i think it is done on a per web application basis in your web.xml
09:07.06HughWork__or you can change it in the web.xml settings that are inherited by all webapps - this is set in conf/web.xml iirc
09:07.37BlueSmurfthanks. Ill see if I can set it.
09:08.09HughWork__it's the <welcome-file-list> section
09:08.32BlueSmurfthanks HughWork__
09:13.55BlueSmurfofftopic: what bandwidth is normal for a hosting ?
09:14.33BlueSmurffor a webportal to hold 100+ users ?
09:14.48BlueSmurf(sorry for the offtopic, ignore if not appropiate)
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09:51.03*** topic/#tomcat is Latest stable versions of Tomcat are 5.5.9, 4.1.31, and 3.3.2 If you are a newbie, use the official distribution on Jakarta's site.
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11:30.05BlueSmurfHow does one specify the "-server" option in tomcat on a Windows 2000 Server (that uses the manager).
11:30.45BlueSmurfI have set -XX: options for tweaking garbage collection ... but if I use -server tomcat wont start.
11:31.48BlueSmurfMy options used are: -XX:MaxNewSize=48m -XX:NewSize=48m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=128 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0
11:32.16BlueSmurfMy options used are "-XX:MaxNewSize=48m -XX:NewSize=48m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=128 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0" sorry
11:32.59BlueSmurfand -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m in the memory settings
11:33.56BlueSmurfThe server is a dual procesor (+ hyperthreading) and has 2 G of memory.
11:35.18BlueSmurfIn -XX:ParallelGCThreads=n, should n = 2 cos I have 2 procesors, or n=4 for I have 2 cpu + 2 ht. ?
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15:06.07{aaron}is there an "upgrade guide" or something for tc 5->5.5...? it appears that the context configuration mechanism has changed significantly
15:06.31{aaron}e.g. copy context and paste into WEB-INF/context.xml or put in webapps/<name>.xml .... ?
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15:54.55{aaron}is it possible to use implicit variables in default context definitions... something like ${name}?
15:55.32{aaron}i'd like to have each auto-deployed context get its own access and context log with the corresponding name
15:58.41linuxfreckI doubt that's possible, aaron
15:59.15linuxfreckit's prolly better to not use autodeployment, but ant to create the context.xml and deploy the webapp
16:01.10{aaron}is there a default catalina_log logger any more? I don't see it in the new 5.5.9 server.xml, however I have it in my 5.0.mumble server.xml
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16:07.27jasonbLogging changed quite a bit in 5.5.x.
16:07.46jasonbIt's now all done via either JULI or via log4j.
16:07.56{aaron}under the covers...but the config is the same, no?
16:08.00jasonbIt is possible for each context to have its own log, but you'd have to configure that.
16:08.12jasonbThe logging configuration is way different in 5.5.x.
16:08.17jasonbibot: juli
16:08.18ibotjuli is, like,
16:08.23jasonbThat's all new.
16:08.46{aaron}ahh -->  the <Logger> element found in previous versions to create a localhost_log is no longer a valid nested element of <Context>
16:09.11jasonb<Logger> is just gone, period.
16:11.35{aaron}i see
16:16.16{aaron}ok, i think i can move all my existing conf/servername/host/<contextname>.xml into their respective appBase/<contextname>/WEB-INF/context.xml
16:17.37{aaron}can I deploy the same docbase into two hosts?
16:17.57{aaron}e.g. manager and host-manager, accessible in both my virtual hosts
16:20.47jasonbAre you deploying via the manager webapp?
16:21.01{aaron}no i'm just updating my config at this point
16:21.05{aaron}I don't use the manager to deploy
16:21.21jasonbAnd are you deploying your webapp as a war file or as an unpacked dir?
16:21.30{aaron}jasonb: they are all unpacked dirs
16:21.54jasonbThen you can't put your config in your <contextname>/WEB-INF/context.xml file, sadly.
16:21.59{aaron}(and i assume at some point 'admin' app turned into one of 'manager' or 'host-manager')
16:22.06{aaron}jasonb: crap :/
16:22.45jasonbThe docs don't say loudly enough that META-INF/context.xml (sorry, not WEB-INF/context.xml) only works if you're deploying your webapp via the manager webapp.
16:23.07{aaron}hmm (right, META-INF)
16:23.24{aaron}ok, no biggie... it's just nice to keep the config local to the app as much as possible
16:23.40jasonbYes, I wish Tomcat allowed that.
16:23.50{aaron}I assume the tc 4 style of dumping <contextname>.xml directly into <appBase>/ is also out, right?
16:24.21jasonbI think so.. but actually that's one way I haven't tried yet with TC 5.5.  IIRC, they nuked that, but I'm really not sure.
16:24.33{aaron}i think they say that the auto-deployer uses the META-INF/context.xml though
16:24.50{aaron}jasonb: that's fine, i never liked the <appBase>/<contextname>.xml anyway
16:25.40{aaron}hmm, maybe not
16:25.43{aaron}well, i'll TIAS
16:26.47{aaron}in our hosted environment, manager-deploy with META-INF/context.xml will be really really sweet
16:27.59{aaron}"try it and see" :)
16:28.17jasonbTry using the autodeployer with META-INF/context.xml and see what happens.  :)  I already know it doesn't work in my 5.5.9.
16:28.48BlueSmurfHow does one specify the "-server" option in tomcat on a Windows 2000 Server (that uses the manager).
16:28.58BlueSmurfI have set -XX: options for tweaking garbage collection ... but if I use -server tomcat wont start.
16:29.14BlueSmurfMy options used are "-XX:MaxNewSize=48m -XX:NewSize=48m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=128 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0"
16:29.25BlueSmurfjasonb, lucky you. I have to :(
16:29.47{aaron}gah: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.valves.ByteBufferAccessLogValve
16:29.51jasonbBlueSmurf: Who is forcing you to?
16:30.02BlueSmurfmy client.
16:30.22jasonb{aaron}: Don't use that ByteBufferAccessLogValve.  Just use the regular AccessLogValve.
16:30.27jasonbBlueSmurf: Get a new client.
16:30.48BlueSmurfjasonb, hehehe. good idea.
16:32.08*** join/#tomcat a4akb (a4akb@
16:32.13HughWork__BlueSmurf: i'm not familiar with how you would start it in win2k, but i have this in the bin/
16:32.14HughWork__export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms768M -Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Djmagick.systemclassloader=\"false\" -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib -Djava.awt.headless=true"
16:32.14HughWork__exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start -security "$@"
16:32.38a4akbibot boo
16:32.39ibota4akb, for heven's sake, don't do that!
16:32.58HughWork__so you could do similar in thing in startup.bat
16:33.05BlueSmurfHughWork__, mmm, oh, I had read CATALINA_OPTS... Maybe it is the same.
16:33.49BlueSmurfHughWork__, Thing is they use the manager to run tomcat. It is a service though. So I reas you can place options on install.
16:34.26BlueSmurfHughWork__, the -server option doesnt work for me. the rest seem to work.
16:35.51HughWork__(wrong chan)
16:36.17a4akbBlueSmurf hi to Papasmurf
16:36.26BlueSmurfHughWork__, Is there a rule as to how much memory to use in -Xms and -Xmx ? I have half the system memory.
16:36.40BlueSmurfa4akb, Ill send my regards.
16:37.12a4akbibot BlueSmurf
16:39.16HughWork__not really, it depends on the number of applications, what each one does, how often they are reloaded...
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16:50.15a4akbibot BlueSmurf is blue
16:50.17ibotokay, a4akb
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16:50.29a4akbibot BlueSmurf
16:50.30ibotfrom memory, bluesmurf is blue
16:51.07{aaron}hmm when using <contextname>.xml you can no longer [ab?]use path to set a multi-part path, e.g. path="/some/nested/path/contextname" docBase="contextname"
16:51.23a4akbhey argon ltnc
16:51.54Sadadaranyone know if there is a version of tomcat out that is slimmed down to run with just a JRE?
16:52.21{aaron}you can do that with stock tomcat can't you? just don't use jsp
16:53.20Sadadarwell, I can't use the startup script, so could I go through there and stop execution of the jsp portion of tomcat and it'd do fine?
16:54.05{aaron}you'd have to turn off the JSP servlet in web.xml iirc
16:54.17{aaron}but you'd probably have to restart for that to take effect
16:54.20Sadadarok, I'll look into that aaron, thanks
16:54.46{aaron}you may have to turn it off globally... i never figured out exactly what precedence the web.xml compositing uses
16:55.52randrewSadadar: check out jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/RUNNING.TXT
16:56.37Sadadarrandrew: I'm actually using an official distrib (newb) :o
16:57.05randrew{aaron}: since 5.5.9 includes the org.eclipse.jdt compiler, jsp should still work.
16:57.38{aaron}ah, right, i forgot about that.. tc doesn't need jdk for any other reason?
16:57.40randrewSadadar: By 'check out' I meant 'read'. It's in the regular distrib
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16:59.11Sadadarrandrew: Yeah I figured that, reading it now
17:00.29a4akbibot forget BlueSmurf
17:00.29ibota4akb: i forgot bluesmurf
17:00.33a4akbibot BlueSmurf is blue (da ba dee)
17:00.35ibota4akb: okay
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17:40.58{aaron}is there a way to configure a context so that it only is accessible "securely", i.e., through https:// ?
17:44.44{aaron}oh, nm, transport-guarantee
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18:17.17{aaron}PUT and DELETE are by default turned off right?
18:19.05{aaron}good.  i don't even think IE and FireFox do the Right Thing with regard to put/delete so i don't think it's of much use to turn them on even in secure contexts
18:19.24{aaron}(usually the browser just loads the file you drop into it 8s)
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18:43.28a4akbibot yawn
18:43.29ibot*YAWN*  I get *YAWN* tired just thinking of large boxes of unknown substances being poured into nooks and crannies and eaten by little monsters that like to kill fluffy bunnies and oh god I'm tired..
18:44.43perssyhello, i have a question. how do i configure tomcat 5.5.9 to generate the to a specific location?
18:47.46perssyi tried with the IISConfig listener but every time i use that tag tomcat wont start
18:52.03perssydoes the listener tag works in tomcat 5.5.9?
18:56.04perssyyep it works, but the org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.IISConfig is not found
18:59.19perssynever mind, i solved it.
19:37.49*** join/#tomcat Hellaenergy (~Hellaener@
19:38.25{aaron}hey, using <contextname>/META-INF/context.xml appears to work, even without going through the deployer
19:38.41{aaron}re: jasonb
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19:41.49iproneaaron: using tomcat 5.5.9?
19:42.34{aaron}as in: when I put context.xml with remoteaddrvalve, I can prove that the restrictions are being read and enforced
19:42.44{aaron}so it obviously is reading it from there
19:43.18iproneyeah, i can see the context.xml is being read as well, just some things do not work, such as setting a diff context path
19:43.21{aaron}4th bullet
19:43.38iproneunless youve got that to work as well, then im just an idiot
19:44.32{aaron}oh no, the path="/arbitrary/path" doesn't work with context config files
19:44.43{aaron}but that's not as important for me
19:44.53{aaron}it's probably a bad idea to define non-matching paths anyway
19:45.03iproneyeah, ive gotten it to set the path properly in the config, but i can only get it to work when i deploy it using the manager app
19:45.06ipronein a war file
19:45.09jimkarbonathm, I wonder what the new "host-manager" webapp in Tomcat 5.5.9 does, i can't get it to run...
19:45.19{aaron}jimkarbonat: virtual host config
19:45.27{aaron}jimkarbonat: add the roles in tomcat-users.xml
19:45.49{aaron}like, <user name="admin" password="asdasdfasdf" roles="admin,manager"/>
19:45.51{aaron}something like that
19:46.08{aaron}does 5.5.9 have the traditional "admin" app that showed the server configuration graphically?
19:46.19{aaron}i think maybe one of my contexts is shadowing it
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19:58.39*** topic/#tomcat is Latest stable versions of Tomcat are 5.5.9, 4.1.31, and 3.3.2 If you are a newbie, use the official distribution on Jakarta's site.
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20:17.33*** topic/#tomcat is Latest stable versions of Tomcat are 5.5.9, 4.1.31, and 3.3.2 If you are a newbie, use the official distribution on Jakarta's site.
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20:45.32nakeeeehow can I get the value of something I defined in server.xml from a servlet?
20:46.07nakeeeegetInitParameters seems to work only on things defined in web.xml
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21:00.38{aaron}nakeeee: you can define global or context-specific context params or environment entries
21:01.27{aaron}make sure you are using ServletContext.getInitParameter, not ServletConfig.getInitParameter
21:03.07nakeeee{aaron} if I use Environment inside context in the server.xml it is global?
21:03.16nakeeeeor is there some other way to make it global?
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22:11.11*** topic/#tomcat is Latest stable versions of Tomcat are 5.5.9, 4.1.31, and 3.3.2 If you are a newbie, use the official distribution on Jakarta's site.
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22:46.56Big_BozzEvening everyone - having a problem with a Postgresql JDBCRealm. I use to work fine, and I believe after doing some upgrades to both Tomcat and Postgresql it seems to stop working. In the log I get: "Exception opening database connection" when I start the application server, and then "Exception performing authentication" everytime I try to authenticate. Currently running Tomcat 5.0.28 and Postgresql 8.0.1
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23:26.14viking667I'm using the "official" distribution tarball (on Linux), installed it, added admin user, started it up, but whenever I try referencing /manager/* (html, status, whatever) I get a 403 (forbidden) - what am I likely to have forgotten?
23:28.25jasonbviking667: Which version of Tomcat?  Also, what do your logs say?
23:28.36jasonbviking667: Also, which Java brand & version?
23:30.18viking667right. 5.5.9, jdk1.5.0_03, ahmm, what am I supposed to look for in logs?
23:30.56viking667I've got another question I'll ask after this, about sample applets all being filled with ^0
23:31.08jasonbDo a "grep -i exception $CATALINA_HOME/logs/*"
23:31.31viking667Oh. a few SAX items, hang on, I'll go peel the rest.
23:31.41jasonbBut, also, I'd look through the logs to see any info about the manager webapp.. did it deploy?  Any deployment problems?
23:31.58jasonbYeah, sounds like configuration b0rkage.
23:33.17viking667mainly referencing the jsp2 sample I tried to run and it wouldn't
23:33.23viking667nothing aside from that
23:33.42jasonbSo what about logs about the manager webapp?
23:34.26viking667that file's empty
23:35.19jasonbIn case you hadn't seen it, you should probably read our article that says how to set this up:
23:35.37viking667Thanks - I'll go read that now.
23:35.39jasonbThat was written for TC 4.1, so I don't know if parts don't apply cleanly anymore.
23:35.48jasonbBut, mainly, it's probably still correct.
23:36.17viking667wow... dat's OLD!
23:37.11viking667seems there's almost everything I need in the local docs BAR the one thing I want...
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23:40.09viking667oooookay. I have a <manager> role defined, I have two users with that role assigned to them.
23:45.19viking667one "path" missing from manager.xml - though the docbase is defined, could that have caused my problem?
23:45.44viking667I've stuck it back in, and I'm about to try it again.
23:46.26jasonbWell, 403 means you're forbidden from whatever is there.. 404 means it's missing..  If you deployed it on the wrong path, I'd expect a 404, not a 403.
23:46.47viking667hrm. now I get 404
23:47.09viking667... asking for /manager/status
23:47.20viking667... like it's not there and never been
23:47.27viking667I'll try something else
23:48.51viking667awww crap. It's not there, period.
23:50.58viking667ahhh. missed quotes around "/manager"
23:51.03viking667that one was easy.
23:51.13jasonbYeah, you kinda need those.  :)
23:51.15viking667lessee if it's done the right thing this time.
23:52.06viking667now I'm back to 403
23:52.15viking667for /manager/list
23:52.41viking667oh, and it never asked me for a password
23:53.00viking667nor a username, come to think of it. Guess I'd better reboot browser after all.
23:56.48viking667I'll have to pick THIS up later on. Thanks for the help.

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