irclog2html for #tomcat on 20060901

00:10.25*** join/#tomcat twilight\ (
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00:24.04scott__I've got a question regarding using AJP/13 with Tomcat & Apache web server.  Is anyone familiar with the Tomcat connector?
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01:19.39*** join/#tomcat jieryn (n=jieryn@unaffiliated/jieryn)
01:19.40jierynanyone familiar with deployment descriptors? i have something which is failing in tomcat-5.5 but appears correct from the xsd
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01:52.47jierynwhy isn't   <listener><listener-class>com.domain.servlets.WebAppInitializer</listener-class></listener>   working??  :-/
01:52.53jieryninside my web.xml
01:54.10*** join/#tomcat odin_ (
02:04.35jasonbjieryn: In what way isn't it working?
02:05.32lykenjasonb: man i gotta get out of this freakin country
02:05.37lykenour uni has blocked gmail/google
02:05.41lykencause it uses too much bandwidth
02:06.41jasonbLike the people who blocked it don't also use it?
02:06.48jasonbThat's a bit important to block..
02:07.09lykenDue to large downloads from google which have the potential to use all of
02:07.09lykenthe school's remaining download quota for this year in a matter of weeks,
02:07.09lykenthe ITIG has temporarily blocked access to gmail.
02:07.13jasonbThat's sort of like blocking DNS because it uses too much bandwidth..
02:07.26lykenlolz @ our povo network
02:08.03jasonbI wonder why gmail bandwidth would be real high?  M$ Word documents?
02:08.09jasonbI think either that or pictures.
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02:09.06jasonb"which have the potential to use..."
02:11.05jasonbWhy wouldn't they hunt down the biggest bandwidth offender individuals, and just sack *them*?  :)
02:11.28lykendude we already have 100mb/day limits
02:14.28jasonbOr, why wouldn't they tell theit upstream provider to throttle properly only up to the real daily limit for the year, max?
02:15.11jasonbThen you could let people download all they want until they simply run out, and then that's the end..
02:15.11jasonb(for the day)
02:15.11lykeninternet for universities in australia is disgustingly expensive
02:15.11lykenits so bad
02:15.11lykenthat we have commercial dsl lines in our server room
02:15.20lykento pickup the slack
02:23.05jierynjasonb: SEVERE: Error listenerStart
02:23.11jierynjasonb: SEVERE: Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
02:23.18lykenjasonb: all video sites are blocked from the uni also
02:24.17jasonblyken: Well, those use up lots of bandwidth, I'd bet.
02:24.36lykenlol we dont even have a gnu software mirror
02:24.43jasonbjieryn: Are those the only log lines that hint that there is something unstartable about your listener?  Your xml looks fine to me.
02:25.22jierynyes, if i comment out the listener stuff, the app starts just fine
02:25.37jierynthe listener is used to set up some "global" variables
02:25.55jasonbjieryn: Then I'd say your listener class itself has a problem.
02:26.06jieryni've tested it in eclipse on winxp
02:26.10jierynseems to be working
02:26.11jasonbjieryn: Which version of the servlet API did you declare your webapp?
02:26.19jierynthat is a good question :) uhh
02:26.32jierynj2ee 1.4 ?
02:26.40jierynjre 1.5
02:27.05jasonbShow us the top 2 lines of your web.xml.
02:28.34jasonbweb-app version="2.4"
02:28.34jasonbSo it's a servlet API version 2.4 webapp.
02:28.38jasonbUnder that version of the spec, your xml for the listener looks fine.
02:28.42jierynforgive me, i am kind of new to this -- i depend a lot on eclipse templates
02:29.05jasonbYou might want to read the Servlet 2.4 spec a bit then.  Eclipse is often wrong.
02:29.26jierynwhich is the most current?
02:29.36jasonbYou should use that spec for reference information while you develop.
02:29.42jierynwhich does tomcat 5.5.17 support?
02:29.48jasonb2.5 is now the most current, but it is not much different than 2.4.  2.4 is fine.
02:29.58jasonb5.5.x supports up to servlet 2.4.
02:34.05jierynok, the xsd seems to tell me that my deployment desc. is correct
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04:01.53jmonstadI know it's late, and all (or early).. But,  does anyone have a good measure of how maxThreads on the connector affects memory usage?  (ofcourse assuming that each processing thread isn't doing anything too outragous)
04:03.14jmonstadoh, btw.. hi! (sorry for not announcing myself)
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04:19.00jmonstadwhat I'm trying to find out, is at what point does the maxThreads paramter on the default http connector start to affect a 4GB of RAM box .. (only looking for peoples experience here)
04:20.24*** join/#tomcat a4akb (
04:25.48odin_how much of 4Gb can the JVM have, is the box a 64bit box?
04:26.00odin_how many CPUs does the box have?
04:29.22jmonstadthe box has 2 CPUs
04:30.04odin_linux? win32?
04:30.33jmonstadthe JVM *could* have 3G of ram. It's on windows, and so i don't think it's set for more than 1 g
04:31.13odin_sorry done have expierence with high threads on win32
04:31.21odin_done=I dont
04:32.00jmonstadmost don't.. I mostly know linux myself
04:32.39odin_each thread eats up some stack space, I dont know what win32 uses for stack space per java thread
04:32.43jmonstadon windows, there's some concern about giving the JVM more than around 1.4G of RAM
04:33.24odin_how much data does the application need ?  its easy to get TC to eat 600Mb with just 10 threads
04:33.25jmonstadWe haven't looking too closely into stack space, yet. Maybe we should
04:34.34jmonstadThe client is requesting a file off the server that is then GZIPed by the app before sending it. The file size before zipping is 20 MB
04:35.10odin_so if the app were to need 600Mb to run, and each thread wanted lets say 1Mb of stack, and you wanted to keep 400Mb headroom to allow apps to grow/shrink temporary storage, then 200 threads is the maximum for 1.4Gb
04:35.38odin_but 1Mb of stack per thread I am making up, I dont know what windows uses or needs, you can also configure this value with a -X option
04:36.28odin_but if you can open it up to 3Gb then a few 1000 should be fine
04:37.45jmonstadsounds reasonable
04:38.04jmonstadMy problem (of course) is that the app is written by a vendor
04:38.33odin_so then you have to test and evaluate under load
04:38.46jmonstadI know from experience that tomcat is rarely the problem, but there are questions in the org. about the choice of tomcat
04:39.12jmonstadI wish I could have before this thing went live
04:39.52jmonstadWhat I'm trying to determine is when and how many more servers we need
04:40.43jmonstadI know (given the load we're seeing right now) that we're not scaling well
04:43.27jmonstadright now we're seeing problems with maxThread at 150 and 250 clients (staggered) requesting the 20MB file. Final go-live will have 1500 clients.
04:58.31odin_ok I was told TC caching in memory all static files
04:58.58odin_do if you have a lot of broad content, infrequently accessed, thats a silly default arrangement
05:00.19jmonstadit's not the *same* 20M file..
05:01.01odin_yes, so if you have 100Gb of any files access infrequently then the default TC config is stupid
05:01.21odin_since it will try to cache them all, and I dont think it releases, this is what Ive was told on this channel
05:02.01odin_it does not matter if they are 20Mb files ot 20 byte files, if you have 100Gb and it attempts to cache in memory without any LRU or release mechanism your gonna get problems
05:02.22jmonstadI have problems :-)
05:02.32odin_I know it caches all JSPs in memory without releasing
05:02.56odin_bit I wasn't aware defaultServlet did it for static content too, but I checked the source and it looks like it does
05:03.05jmonstadalthough it shouldn't cache the entire request
05:03.24jmonstadit's not static content
05:03.55jmonstadthe servlet does a "new File(my20Mfile)" for each request
05:04.24jmonstad(which is stupid, I know)
05:06.53odin_no its the contents I'm referring to
05:07.03odin_it reads the 20Mb into a buffer and keeps it in memor
05:10.12jmonstadi'd think that the thread would release it once the thread returns to the threadpool (if not, we'd run out of memory *very* quickly, which we don't see..)
05:11.55jmonstadIt seems more like an issue of too many threads needing memory/resources at the same time (within 2-15 min)
05:12.37jasonb[root@netninja apache-tomcat-5.5.15-src]# find . -name "*LRU*.java"
05:13.04jasonbThe JSPs themselves are another story.
05:13.25jasonbThere are some settings to tune buffer sizes for JSPs..
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05:16.35jmonstadThe http request are mapped (via the web.xml) directly to the servlet, so the defaultServlet is not involved, and therefore JSP's are also not involved ( as far as my understanding goes)
05:17.51jasonbYeah, if you're not actually serving JSPs, then you don't need to worry about how Tomcat's JSP implementation works.
05:17.56odin_jasonb: what does the find prove ?  There is an LRUCache class that exists, nicked from a repackaged collection class within the connectors module ?  How does that prove the LRUCache class is used anywhere, how does that prove it has any relation to the defaultServlet ?
05:19.33odin_but TC _ONLY_ runs "Servlets", while you may have no application provided custom servlets, the defaultServlet within TC still exists, and is what is always used to serve static content, otherwise you'd get back a 404
05:19.50jmonstadhe has a point in that there is some caching and buffering of JSP content. In my case, I don't have JSPs to worry about
05:20.14jasonbodin_: From my memory (going pretty far back, and no recent investigation to remember), I read the source and found that Tomcat has a clever caching mechanism.  Lots of content is in RAM so it can serve fast, which is good, and also that some of it doesn't stay in cache..  I'm guessing there's an LRUCache used, so I did a find for that class, and it's in there.. but yeah, from my greps just now it looks to not be used in Tomca
05:21.09odin_JSPs are a different matter, they are never shutdown based on LRU usage, only when a container/web-app is shutdown is the servlet stopped
05:21.12jasonbSo if it isn't that particular LRU cache, it's some sort of cache where the content doesn't just stay in RAM forever.
05:21.37jasonbRight.  That's a worse problem right now in Tomcat.
05:21.39odin_but its static content caching in the defaultServlet which I wasn't aware of myself until you said TC did that
05:21.56jasonbThere was a discussion recently on that on the tomcat-dev mailing list when some users pointed out that this doesn't work for them.
05:22.24jmonstadthe call my clients are doing lookins something line /myapp/download which is mapped to a com.mycorp.DownloadServlet
05:23.22jmonstadWhich shouldn't involve the DefaultServlet
05:23.27jasonbIt wouldn't.
05:23.54jasonbSo, however your DownloadServlet handles the files, that's it.
05:26.17jmonstadyep. But the original question revolves around how TC handles the thread once it's finshed (either after it completes, or if the client terminates it's request for some reason)
05:26.43jasonbThe JSP caching situation is interesting (this doesn't apply to you, jmonstad)..  When JSPs are compiled, the compiled JSP servlet class is instantiated and pooled by default for performance reasons.  Then, since there is a pool of them, it's takes up memory of a size many times that of a single instance.  All of the text of the JSP body is included in RAM, one copy per instance.  :)
05:27.10jmonstad(well, the original question was more along the lines of how much memory each thread takes, but it's all related)
05:27.21jasonbSo for people who have huge JSP files with lots of static text in them, all that goes into RAM, times the number of instances that Tomcat puts in the pool.  And, until recent versions of Tomcat you couldn't turn the pooling off.
05:27.51jasonbjmonstad: For the startup RAM size of each thread that's a JVM startup switch setting.
05:28.47jmonstadJSP's do concern my, but in a differnt problem ;-)
05:29.02jasonbjmonstad: But, yes, Tomcat's code also takes up some RAM per thread.  It's actually not much, I believe.. but if you want to set yours to like 600 threads, it is likely significant.  There aren't any pages/books about that I don't think, and even if there were, I wouldn't trust them since that gets out of date when the implementation changes.
05:30.37jasonbjmonstad: I suggest you try it on your machine.  Try a low number of threads first, then wait for Tomcat to start up and record how much memory the JVM is using above and beyond where you set the max heap (and set min heap to the same as max heap!).  Then, bump the number of threads up to like several hundred more and do the same thing..
05:31.00jmonstadjasonb: What I haven't seen anywhere on the intranets, is what the threadpool size is set to when people run benchmarks with 500 hits/pr secon
05:31.19jasonbjmonstad: Record the amount of RAM it's using above the max heap setting again, then take the difference between that and the same measurement with a low number of threads, then divide by the difference in threads, and that will be the amount of RAM it takes up per thread.
05:32.15jasonbjmonstad: There are very few decent benchmarks shown on the web.  Most of them, like you said, hide the critical details.
05:33.44jmonstadI'd love to be able to replicate our issues in a noproduction environment, but we're only starting to see this when roughly 100 - 150 clients across the WAN are hitting the server at the same time
05:35.21jmonstaduntil then, there's no issues. I'd have to add that on the Win 2003 server that TC is running, it appears that TC dies and restarts at some point in the process
05:37.03jmonstadwe're still investigating, but so far, there's no indication of a restart, except for the WIN event log, and the fact that the server logs are rotated and restarted (no stacktraces/errors)
05:42.50jmonstadwell, I need to go sleep. I thank you all for the help and thoughts & options you have to offer. I have a feeling I'll be back tomorrow... odin_: Som den vise sier etter flere oell, god natt.
05:44.32jasonbYou're welcome.
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05:50.23odin_I wonder what he said to me?
05:51.57odin_I guess it must have been scandanavian, babelfish dont support it, heh
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08:14.19yassineworkmorning *
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09:43.12yassineworkharpoon, moin *
09:43.19yassineworkoxblood, heya
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10:15.32cloudguitarHi! I would run Tomcat 5 on a Pentium MMX 200MHz with 200+MB RAM running Linux or NetBSD, is it much too slow for the purpose?
10:16.26harpoonmoin yassinework
10:16.41harpoonenough java and tomcat for this week
10:16.56yassineworkreally ?
10:17.01harpoonreally :-)
10:17.12harpooni am off :-)
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11:52.45jieryncloudguitar_: i have run tomcat-5.0.x on a Pentium 3 @ 600 Mhz with 256Mb of ram without too much problem
11:53.01jieryncloudguitar_: it really depends on what webapps you deploy
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12:03.17yassineworkhi jieryn
12:03.59yassineworkcloudguitar_,  one question about your distro ( how is java support on it ?) like freeBSD ?
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12:34.13jierynyassinework: :)
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13:07.26yassineworkwb kasbah
13:08.06kasbahwatching toshiba press conference at ifa 2006 atm
13:08.34harpoonkasbah: why do you do something like that?!?
13:09.35kasbahharpoon: because i'm working for an online mag
13:10.07harpoonah ok... :-)
13:11.32yassineworkkasbah,  which mag ?
13:12.22yassineworkmhh not really related to Open Source ?
13:12.35kasbahlol, nope, related to microsoft
13:13.21harpoonmicrosoft is evil
13:13.49a4akbmicrosoft is unique :p nothin like it
13:13.52yassineworkevil is corrupt :)
13:14.08a4akbunique is politically correct word
13:14.12harpoona4akb: thanks the gods for this
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13:15.07harpoonanother company with such it-products and policy  and it just was once :-)
13:15.07a4akbwe should give some credit to microsoft, if it werent to the innovative yet greedy practices by m$, the OSS community would not have been as active as it is right now. so well done M$ keep up the dood work :P
13:19.36harpoonwhy i should give microsoft some credit? this company has much more money then me :-)
13:22.28jierynwhere should i put .java files for tomcat to compile for webapps?
13:24.12harpoonanywhere you want to have them
13:24.46a4akbgood answer harpoon
13:24.53harpoonjust the .class files should be placed in $webapp/WEB-INF/classes
13:25.34harpoona4akb: well every other answer would be a religous one
13:25.57jierynok - well, i have my source code inside a SVN repo
13:26.05jieryni currently have an .svnignore on .class
13:26.21harpoonme to :-)
13:26.22jieryni was hoping i could just checkout the entire webapp, sans class files, and have tomcat compile them into its workdir or something
13:26.33jierynduring tomcat's startup
13:26.38harpoontomcat do nothing with them
13:26.52harpoontomcat is only the runtime environment
13:27.21jierynso, when you want to deploy from your trunk.. what do you do? i have many vhosts i have to manage, and i don't want to type commands.. i'm stupid often
13:27.25harpoonyou need the java-compiler you prefer for build them
13:27.49harpoonan ant or a maven script would help to automise them
13:28.13jierynok, shiny
13:28.45harpoonmaven with it's aditional server component even checks out the newest code from repository
13:28.52harpoonbevor building them
13:30.20jieryni'd prefer not to do that far, i'm on gentoo
13:31.17harpoonjieryn: there is ant available for gentoo to ;-)
13:31.43harpoonit is another java-aplication by the same vendor as tomcat
13:32.07jierynyes, i'm well aware :)
13:32.46jieryni just expanded a .war and see that it has only bytecode, so, seems it was never doing extra work anyhow
13:34.22harpoonjieryn: even the war has to be created
13:35.38harpoonant do this with the <war> task, by hand you have to compile your code, build up a directory-structure in the way it is descriped in the JSR
13:35.52harpoonand then have to user the jar tool
13:37.55jieryni use eclipse
13:38.55harpoonme too
13:39.43kasbahwhich xml-rpc implementation should i use?
13:40.34kasbah <- this one?
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13:46.30rarman1I have a heap error: 512 MB - any ideas?
13:49.27jierynharpoon: can you pastebin your build.xml ? :)
13:49.48harpoonjieryn: negativ
13:50.08harpooni have it at work an no access to it
13:51.07harpoonon the other side, i let eclipse build my projects (the sysdeo plugin is a great help) and use my build.xml just to deploy app
13:52.17harpooni cannot use war-files in a gridsphere portlet project because the support is...
13:52.40jieryni'm trying to move away from .war
13:53.53harpoonjieryn: web application repositories (war) are a nice thing
13:54.08harpoonif the container supports them
13:54.41jierynfor this project, prefer people build it themselves
13:55.04harpoongridsphere just support an interface for them in the manager-app, but without any function :-)
13:55.45harpoonwell... to write a build-script from scratch is quite hard...
13:56.02jierynwhich is why i asked ;)
13:56.50harpoonsorry ... but my "build-script" is quite simple
13:57.44jieryni think that is all i need really
13:57.48harpoonit just copy all the class, lib, xml, properties, jsp and so on files to where they have to place
13:58.19harpoonrelated on a gridsphere environment, not simple a tomcat :-)
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15:08.05cloudguitar__yassinework I haven't put any distro in my "server". I can put on whatever I want, I thought to use Trustix (RedHat Linux)
15:09.17cloudguitar__yassinework could you suggest me something cool? Thanks (anyway :-) )
15:09.42yassineworkcloudguitar_, debian ?
15:10.34cloudguitar_yassinework_ well, if it could work... thanks!
15:12.17yassineworkcloudguitar_,  you are not going to use any wm ?
15:14.59cloudguitar_yassinework_ I have to build up a network as a school homework: I have a router, a firewall, a server and my computer (Athlon XP with Fedora 4). I can do it the way I like
15:15.21yassineworkyeah good luck
15:16.43cloudguitar_yassinework_ oh, thank you. Have you any soggestion to give me :-) ?
15:17.10yassineworki would but right now im about to have a meeting so maybe tonight like in 6 hours
15:18.14cloudguitar_yassinework_ thanks again and good work!
15:18.32yassineworkim out
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16:46.38lintlock2 weeks of struggling and i didnt even have the right tomcat
16:53.32piclez41hi, anybody could help me? I need to get rid of showing port :8080 in my url and :8443
16:54.51lintlockinteresting id like to hear this as well
16:56.58piclez41lintlock ;) hehe
16:57.28lintlockaccually its done for my tomcat site, but it was handled for me
16:57.32lintlockand i think its a DNS issue
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17:02.27lintlockall i know is (95%) its not handled by tomcat
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17:31.36columbopiclez41: for linux you can drop the incoming packets using iptables
17:33.21columbosomthing like iptables -A INPUT -d theIP --dport 8080 -j DROP
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18:06.08jmonstadI'm struggling a bit with the difference and implications of setting the maxThread param on the http connector and how it interacts with the acceptCount param
18:06.42jasonbacceptCount is the server socket accept queue.
18:06.57jmonstadmaxThreads, as the docs say, "determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests that can be handled"
18:07.29jasonbThe threads are in a thread pool.
18:07.29jmonstadis there a recommended ratio between the two
18:07.53jmonstadsay, if I have 200 maxThreads, should acceptCount be 200 / x ?
18:08.33jasonbThe pool is populated with minSpareThreads threads first.
18:08.38jasonbThen Tomcat starts serving requests.
18:09.03jasonbIf it finds that all threads are being used, it starts to create more threads and add them to the pool (*while* trying to serve requests.. sometimes that's a bad idea).
18:10.05jasonbIt will create more threads for the thread pool up to the maxThreads limit.
18:10.19jasonbOnce it reaches maxThreads, that's as many as it will create, regardless of the traffic load.
18:10.44jasonbWhenever the load decreases, Tomcat tries to determine if it still needs as many threads as it has instantiated and running.
18:11.01jasonbIf it knows it doesn't need them all, it ends some threads to decrease the count in the pool.
18:11.40jasonbIt will decrease them until it reaches the lower bound of minSpareThreads again.
18:12.33jasonbIt can keep going up and down like that, creating and then ending threads while serving requests, as long as there is diff between minSpareThreads and maxThreads.
18:12.50jmonstadwhen maxThreads is reached, will the client get a "connection refused"?
18:13.17jasonbSo, on busy servers where you already know that you'll usually want it to hang out at maxThreads, you should set minSpareThreads and maxThreads to the same value so that it never spends CPU time going up and down with the thread count.
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18:13.57jasonbNo, it will only give a client a connection refused message if the accept queue is smaller than the number of waiting incoming client socket connections that have not yet been assigned a thread from the thread pool.
18:14.25caverdudecan tomcat do vhosting?
18:14.28jasonbThe client sockets sit in the accept queue waiting for a thread.  Once one is free in the thread pool, it is taken out of the accept queue and assigned the thread.
18:14.32jasonbcaverdude: Yes.
18:14.51caverdudehow hard is it to setup tomcat with the regular apache web server?
18:15.09jasonbBut, if there are no threads available in the pool to assign to the client socket, the client sockets stack up in the accept queue, waiting.
18:15.26caverdudehrm ok
18:15.34jasonbIf too many stack up in there, you'll exceed your acceptCount value, and the very next request socket will get a connection refused message.
18:15.50caverdudewhat does that mean for the client trying to access one site or another?
18:15.56caverdudefrom the clients point of view?
18:16.03jasonbSo, it's generally a good idea to set the queue size larger, and then make sure that they never stack up that high in the queue by making sure there are enough threads to handle the load.
18:16.31jmonstadso setting the acceptCount fairly high, may cause the client to see "slow response times", but would help ensure that they get their request fulfilled
18:16.59jasonbActually, setting the accept queue high doesn't really impact how slow response times are.
18:17.10jasonbIt's how available request processor threads are.
18:17.24caverdudeI'm thinking of running several domains on a single running instance of tomcat, they should not get heavy traffic
18:17.35jasonbI don't actually know good reasons for setting the accept queue size low.  :)
18:18.19jmonstadright. The requests take a *long* time with our app. Right now we have maxThreads at 150, acceptCount at 100
18:18.53caverdudelong meaning? seconds? minutes?
18:19.10jasonbI guess setting accept count lower will have the effect of intentionally "spilling" some of the traffic off of your server so it won't be so crushed under the load.. but most people find it unacceptable for a web site to give a connection refused message.  :)
18:19.41jmonstadit's sending about 15-20MB of data to the client. Appears to be taking about 40-200 seconds
18:19.45jasonbjmonstad: I'd set the accept count higher.  IIRC the limit is 255?  Or something like that.  I'd set it to 200.  You have nothing to lose.
18:20.28jmonstadwill do. It also sounds like the minSpareThreads param could be close to the maxThreads
18:21.21jmonstadat least 150 clients will hit the server at the exact same time, and there's no reason to waste resources creating new threads
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18:21.52jasonbThat just makes performance worse.
18:22.17jasonbSame with the JVM memory settings -Xmx and -Xms.. make the exactly the same number so that it never needs to change.
18:24.19*** part/#tomcat vinse (n=vinse@
18:27.56jmonstadon a general note.. Any Tomcat guru's on this channel local to minneapolis?
18:29.49*** join/#tomcat twilight\ (
18:30.43jasonbjmonstad: You're welcome.  I think I documented some of this in the O'Reilly Tomcat book (first edition, so far).
18:31.13jasonbjmonstad: Other than that, you're not likely to find much info about it anywhere except on the tomcat-dev mailing list, and even then it may not be easily readable.
18:31.34jmonstadwill definitively need to get that one. I'm not even the server admin.
18:32.34jasonbIt's somewhat outdated now, but I'm updating it, and the second edition will be out early '07.
18:32.46jasonbLots of the explanatory text in there still does apply though.
18:33.01jmonstadLike I alluded to above, I'm also willing to get my company to spend some money on getting training and possible some consulting
18:33.51jasonbIf you hang out in this channel, and ask periodically, I'm sure there are people who could help with that.
18:34.12jmonstadI'd think so.. :-)
18:36.24jmonstadopensource & free help is great, but I think companies need to contribute back. If not with code/bug fixes, etc, then at least they should try to spend some cash for consultinh/training/support, etc whenever they can.
18:38.31jasonbIt does help.
18:38.37jmonstadbuying your book is the very least i can do right now (and we really should have it anyway :-) )
18:39.39jasonbThe book really isn't that expensive, and it's packed with zillions of answers that you'd otherwise have to spend your time ( = money!) searching for the answers.
18:40.05jmonstadgotta run... thanks again for your help jasonb...
18:40.07jasonbThe book has lots of plain english text about how things work.
18:40.12jasonbOkay, you're welcome.
18:40.16jasonbSee ya.
19:01.43*** join/#tomcat kasbah (
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19:31.32kirkthey ppl how do i enable tomcat to reload modified servlets instead of restarting it after each compile ?
19:32.06kasbahkirkt: use the /manager
19:32.37kirkti think i dont have that installed or sth
19:32.41randrewjis it possible to get any kind of process dump from an unresponsive java process on windows?
19:33.06kasbahkirkt: go to and download the manager application
19:35.07kirkt"administration web application" ?
20:03.05lintlockjasonb are you still there?
20:03.10lintlocki just need to know whats a good maxthread number
20:03.37kasbahlintlock: this depends on your hardware/load
20:04.05lintlockhummm i am having a stress test on wednesday of a server
20:04.27jasonbI wrote about this in the book..
20:04.38jasonbThere's no good number to suggest to people for max threads.
20:04.47lintlockabout 18 users using our site and i want to see a node
20:05.14jasonbThe optimal number for your machine, your webapp, your version of Tomcat, your JVM brand & version, your OS, your hardware, would be based on a number of factors.
20:05.55lintlockomg what a crappy server
20:06.05lintlockwe need more memory only 512megs
20:06.05jasonbThe easiest way to arrive at the best number is to test, change the value, test again, compare, change the value, test again, compare again, etc.
20:06.33jasonbIt should really be done by software, in reality.
20:06.36lintlock2.39gig procession xeon
20:07.01lintlockthis makes me want to cry
20:07.29jasonbIt's bad that just about everyone has no easy way to set that value optimally.
20:07.43lintlock512 megs of memory on a freaking server
20:07.53kasbahthat's a joke :P
20:08.27jasonbYeah 512M is looking mighty small these days.
20:09.19lintlockim about to "ninja" 1.5 more gigs onto it
20:09.54lintlocki refuse to stress test a server running a java application with only 512
20:12.35kasbahheh, even my notebook has 2gigs of ram :P
20:12.44kasbahos[Linux - Debian testing/unstable] up[ 4 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes] cpu[Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz, 1600.000 MHz (3199.56 bogomips)] mem[ 361.59/2027.49 MB (17.8%)] video[ at 1400x1050 (24 bits)]
20:17.07jasonbMy laptop is an HP running FC5 Linux on an AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile ML-40 2.2Ghz  [bogomips: 4398.12!]
20:17.11jasonb2G RAM.
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20:17.59kasbahwell, as java developer one can't have enough ram
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21:04.15russtI'm trying to set up a security constraint, and what I'd like to be able to do is something like, "All of these items are protected except...". Is that possible?
21:06.42russtjasonb, hm - ok thank you
21:06.43jasonbSun decided you don't need to be able to do that.  :)
21:06.58russtThanks Sun!!!
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21:38.47lintlocki ran out of memory :(
21:39.03lintlockwhen i have low ammounts of memory whats the best thing i can do?
21:42.28lintlocki just read that tomcat starts with only using 64megs of memory
21:42.32lintlockhow do i change this
21:42.38lintlockif im only running tomcat.bat
21:44.27russtmaybe that will help
21:45.55lintlockok ty
21:47.51yeloxblood, heya
21:51.45a4akbalo peeps
21:51.50a4akbhow do i set up tomcat relams
21:51.54lintlocki just installed the tomcat5w.exe thing
21:52.03a4akblike setting password for a page using tomcat?
21:52.08lintlocki just hit stress ill tell you afteri calm down
21:52.28lintlockand its located in your conf/server.xml
21:52.45yassinea4akb, sa :)
21:53.11a4akbyassine: help me
21:53.19a4akbhow do i set up a username n password using tomcat to a page/app
21:54.17yassinea4akb,  in the web.xml of the app
21:55.18yassineheya kasbah
21:55.25a4akbty kasbah if i had the time to read i wouldnt ask here :P~
21:55.56kasbaha4akb: if i had the time to explain, i wouldn't post this link :P
21:56.20kasbahyeah, wtf? rtfm!
21:56.34yassineslow motion
22:08.23lintlockmaxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
22:11.00yassinelintlock, whats wrong today ?
22:12.49lintlockran out of memory
22:13.05lintlockfixed that then i checked the task manager
22:13.19lintlockour app per use takes up 50megs of memory on the server perload
22:13.33yassinesounds resonable
22:14.23lintlocksee once it loads that it doesnt go back to normal
22:14.33lintlockit doesnt unload that information
22:15.37lintlocki need to optimize that line of code that was mentioned above
22:24.04lintlockfound a good site for optimizing and explaination of each attribute
22:24.28yassinelintlock,  point us there :)
22:29.10*** join/#tomcat a4ak1 (n=Akbara@
22:30.36lintlockits very very good and explained all those tags
22:30.48lintlockthat i previously showed
22:37.25lintlockhummm after changing those values and optimizing my work i was able to speed up my tomcat site
22:37.45lintlocknow i loaded an application and it didnt use as much memory
22:41.09lintlockfortunatly i will be able to stress test on wednesday
22:42.01yassinelet me see
22:43.15yassinelintlock,  bookmarked thanks
22:51.10lintlockoh man cutting down on idle threads is making my apps and everything run smooth
23:06.44lintlockhummm im going through task manager and looking at the threads that the application is using and its staying consistant with about 29 active threads
23:07.48lintlocki wonder what will happen if i drop the active threads
23:13.15lintlocki think ive scared away yassine and jasonb
23:13.20lintlockand a few others
23:16.46yassine:) lintlock  im just a bit busy
23:23.01lintlocki understand as am i
23:23.12lintlocki prob wont be going home for another 1.5 hours
23:23.45lintlockive been looking at code for about 12 straight hours, I think someone is going to have to die now
23:24.48oxbloodIs that a job related project?
23:24.56yassinelintlock, you think your losing performence because of your code ?
23:25.05yassineoxblood, hi
23:25.06oxbloodI'm so tired today.
23:25.09oxbloodyassine, Hi.
23:25.46yassineoxblood,  here you are :
23:26.00oxbloodI probably delt with 20 contractors today -- everybody wanted a check but we don't have more than $80k on the account.
23:26.28lintlockits not that
23:26.47lintlockit seems there are too many idol threads in the background of tomcat
23:26.48oxbloodYes, I checked it out this morning. Why are the web.xml snipets not highlighted.
23:27.09yassineyou mean syntax higlight ?
23:27.10oxbloodNot that I mind just curious whether daisy makes it like that automatically.
23:27.58yassineno its not supported but im thinking about implementing it as soon as i have solve my issues with my actuall work
23:28.22oxbloodHah, ok. I don't think I covered all the possible topics with error-page.
23:28.49oxbloodI just went through the servlet 2.4 specifications and tried different statements.
23:29.06yassineaha we can update that if you have some news
23:29.29oxbloodYa, sure. But I think I'm sick of deployment descriptor for now. :)
23:30.03oxbloodSome advanced declaratives are way too complicated for my little brain.
23:30.46lintlockif you guys dont midn me asking what are you all refering too
23:30.50oxbloodAnd since I've never worked with EJB's, a lot of tags have to be reviewed later on... If I was alive.
23:30.51lintlockmidn = mind
23:32.04oxbloodlintlock, Some lame a$$ error-page tutorial I wrote.
23:32.30yassinelintlock, oxblood  is helping me with some tutorials he wrote and provided on my tut collection page
23:32.45oxbloodyassine, Why are you looking for a new job?
23:33.58lintlocki need to write a tutorial on SSO
23:34.02lintlockive seen everything
23:34.02yassineoxblood,  i had abad discution with my boss today
23:34.17lintlockevery moronic problem has happened to me
23:34.23yassinelintlock,  do that please so i can provide that
23:34.34oxbloodyassine, What does he want?
23:34.35lintlocksure i will try to once i have the cahnce
23:35.33yassineoxblood, well its me who wanted some  more money (since i will be soon a father) and since im working like getting half payed since i started here
23:35.58oxbloodyassine, Is this a start-up company?
23:36.09oxbloodOh wait!!! Did you say you gotta be a father. :```````````````````````````)
23:36.46lintlockoh snap
23:36.50lintlockcongratz yassine
23:36.57yassineoxblood,  yes i will be soon :)
23:37.01lintlockwait another yassine....
23:37.06yassinelintlock,  thanks you
23:37.30oxbloodOMFG! Congratulations.
23:37.37lintlockif hes anything like you, hes going to be in college at the age of 10
23:37.42oxbloodYou know it's a boy or a girl????
23:38.17yassineits a boy
23:38.32oxbloodWOW! I would love to have a little girl someday but doubt that ever happen so I'm counting on my sister to give me a niece.
23:38.43oxbloodThen I'll move to her area baby sitting everyday, all day.
23:39.13yassineyeah its a nice thing
23:39.19lintlockif i have a girl
23:39.21lintlockits over
23:39.24oxbloodWhen are you guys expecting?
23:39.27lintlockill be her bitch
23:39.30yassinewell i still dont really know how its since it will be v 1.0
23:39.42lintlockshe will be like daddy do this and ill say "ok sweety"
23:39.45yassineexpected for the 25.12.2006
23:39.57lintlockChristmas baby cool
23:39.57oxbloodHah, on a xmas day????
23:40.08yassineyeah thats what they said :)
23:40.46oxbloodWow, what else you can ask for. Birthday + xmas + newyear although I know you aint Christian.
23:40.54oxbloodOk, I gotta eat now. Be back in 30 mins.
23:41.10yassineyup have a nice meal :)
23:45.42lintlockhes totally going to eat his hand
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23:49.37lintlockim testing the server running tomcat5.exe and tomcat5w.exe
23:49.44lintlockand seeing if this will make a difference
23:55.07oxbloodyassine, How is it that you are expecting a baby but stay up late most of the times? :)
23:55.39yassinegood question
23:55.46lintlockhes getting ready for his all nighters due to crying
23:56.02oxbloodHah, 4 months of hell.
23:56.22yassineoxblood,  my wife is living in austria and im living in germany :)
23:56.34oxbloodAfter that your corpse just gets up automatically, graps a baby, and sleep while standing on your feet -- just like horses.
23:56.46yassineyeah :)
23:56.49oxbloodOhh, So you are going to move to Austria soon?
23:57.15yassineif my boss did not accept my expectation yes
23:57.45yassinein all the cases im looking for a new job
23:58.10oxbloodMy mom's cousin used to work for Simons, Austria, but he left there because his wife thought life is too depressing there.
23:59.10oxbloodHe moved to the U.S. just to find out how hard it is to get a job here: Seattle, D.C., SF, then here in Atlanta he had a job with AT&T for a year, his contract came up and couldn't find another position, had to move to UK work as a restaurant manager.

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