irclog2html for #tomcat on 20060926

00:08.58IonoxGood afternoon sirs.
00:09.15yassineIonox,  :)
00:09.25IonoxHow are you? Working working?
00:09.35IonoxSo how did you get to work this morning?
00:10.52yassinei muss admit i hade headach the whole day
00:11.08IonoxDamn, I can't work infront of the computer with the headache.
00:11.29yassineyes its pure pain
00:11.36IonoxYou must get some sleep tonight.
00:12.03yassineyour right :)
00:12.08lykenpfft headache smedache
00:12.17yassinehihi lyken  :)
00:12.22lykenwait till the pain makes a ringing in your ears
00:12.27lykenthen its annoying
00:13.02IonoxAs I've said before, lyken is not an unknown creature lurking on the Internet.
00:13.13Ionoxs/is not/is
00:14.01lykenmaybe im the next kind of human and you're the old model ?
00:14.42Ionox2010... That's when I get expired.
00:15.02lykenhaha you only got 4yrs left!
00:15.10IonoxMaybe less.
00:15.54Ionox15 mins with the computer and my head's getting overheated.
00:16.14IonoxI had a bad glass installer today -- talking my head off.
00:40.54rhizmoewhat's a diplomatic way of countering someone who says that kill -9 is a perfectly acceptable way to shut down tomcat?
00:41.36rhizmoe"Correct, I haven't had problems with kill 9 and have always used it
00:41.40rhizmoesince I started J2EE programming"
00:42.36pfnso much for any transactions, etc.
00:42.44pfnor any resources that need cleaning up
00:52.42rhizmoei said "diplomatic" :)
00:52.51*** join/#tomcat wsmoak (i=wsmoak@VDSL-130-13-157-245.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
00:57.33*** join/#tomcat hikozaemon (
01:07.01pfnin reality it depends on what tomcat has open
01:07.11pfnby itself, I don't think killing -9 on tomcat would cause any problems
01:07.22pfnif you have database connections, then you may leave those in inconsistent states, etc.
01:09.09yassineokay guys im off to bed  night all!
01:19.24*** join/#tomcat valmont (n=chrishol@pdpc/supporter/silver/valmont)
01:29.16Ionoxyassine is off to bed by 3AM -- That's the first.
01:29.30IonoxI go to bed before 10PM.
02:19.52*** join/#tomcat Fracture (
03:10.01lykencongrats dude !
03:10.21lykengonna name her jaime? :)
03:11.33jasonbHeh.. Nope, Angela Valentina
03:11.35lykenjasonb: btw, that bug of mine not reloading == eclipse messing my file up and tomcat not recognising that the file had changed
03:11.51lykennow im coding in kate its working fine
03:11.58jasonblyken: Ouch.  Eclipse is always to blame.
03:12.05jasonbWhat is kate?
03:12.14jasonbAnother hackintosh thing?
03:12.20lykenlinux text editor
03:12.25jasonboh. :)
03:12.28lykenim developing on a suse 10.1 box
03:12.36jasonbUsing my RPM?
03:12.37lykenits got more grunt then the ghetto powerbook
03:12.55lykencan you give me the latest
03:12.58jasonbMy RPM installs and works fine on suse 10.1?
03:12.58lykenim using an old one
03:13.07lyken10.0 enterprise actually
03:13.17lykenim upgrading to 10.1 opensuse next week
03:13.37jasonbWell, the latest one I have right now is 5.5.16 I think.  I would already have 5.5.17 or 5.5.20 if I wasn't preparing for today's birth. :)
03:14.03jasonbI never tested my RPM set on suse, but I guessed it would run okay..  I was pretty careful.
03:14.17jasonbThanks for the confirmation.
03:14.20lykenif you can give me the destuctions
03:14.24lykenill install ant and build them for ya
03:14.32jasonbI can add suse to the list.. is there a newer suse that it might break on?
03:14.40lykenill know next week : )
03:15.07jasonbWell, it's *very* easy to build this RPM set..  Let me give you some directions.
03:15.15lykenive got fedora 4, fedora 5, suse 10 (soon to be 10.1) and os x
03:15.24lykenand im building the os x installer later today
03:15.27lykenusing your shell scripts
03:15.35jasonb# svn co svn:// tomcat-package
03:15.40jasonb# cd tomcat-package
03:15.42jasonb# ant
03:15.47lykendone/ : )
03:15.51jasonbDoing that should build it.
03:16.04jasonbIn the dist/ dir, there should be lots of release packages.
03:16.32jasonbOh wait.. actually, one more step..
03:16.52jasonbAfter pulling the tomcat-package dir, you must place the release tar.gz files into the tomcat-package dir before building it.
03:17.03jasonbThe tomcat-package dir is *only* the packaging.. it's not Tomcat.
03:17.26jasonbSo, you can put whatever version you like in that dir, and the build will try to make an RPM of it.
03:17.41jasonbBut, in build.xml, there is an ant variable saying which version to use, IIRC.
03:17.53jasonbYou can change the variable to match the version of Tomcat you put in there.
03:18.00jasonbRight now it says 5.5.16 I believe.
03:18.35jasonbThat said, I don't think there will be any difference in the generated noarch rpms if you build on different distros.. there shouldn't be any difference at all.
03:18.59jasonbBut, by building it, you can actually customize some things.
03:19.39jasonbFor example, if you do this:
03:19.57jasonb# ant
03:20.14jasonbIt will build a Tomcat RPM set where the RPMs are named "tomdog".
03:20.58jasonbBy being able to do this, you can install as many installations of it as you want, each under a different name, and under a different path.
03:21.08jasonb(of course, these are fully-relocateable packages)
03:21.33jasonbIs that enough directions?  :)
03:21.57lykenalready working on the build
03:22.37jasonbDoes it look good?
03:22.53lykenstill collecting all the bits
03:23.28jasonbI also made *sure* there are no other build dependencies.
03:23.32jasonbJust ant.
03:23.41jasonbwell, and RPM.
03:23.43jasonb(but you have that)
03:23.58jasonbAnt, Java, RPM>
03:26.09jasonblyken: In case you want to view repo history via the web, svn co svn:// tomcat-package
03:26.14jasonboops, not that link..
03:26.44lykenwth no svn
03:27.14jasonbHmm.. there are svn rpms.
03:27.29lykengetting them
03:30.10jasonbI tried to make this build as easy as possible to upgrade to newer tomcat versions as they came out.  So, it may be easy to drop in a new version and go.
03:30.20lykeni hate this crippled internet im on :(
03:30.23jasonb5.5.20 is now final/stable.
03:37.24lykenthe subversion source install
03:37.31lykenintructions include using svn..
03:37.35lykennice work you idiots
03:37.59lykenim building the svn client how the hell am i supposed to svn co something if im buiding the svn..
03:39.26IonoxOk, couldn't sleep but now I regret coming back at computer reading java virtual machine specification...
03:39.48lykenno wonder you fall asleep
03:40.10IonoxOk, I don't understand why in constant pool there is need for `CONSTANT_String_info'
03:40.28IonoxI mean why make a type for String objects. I thought you only need a type of literals...
03:40.44lykenits sun and they like to do things the hard way?
03:40.53IonoxDoesn't `CONSTANT_Utf8_info' suffice this?
03:42.09IonoxWell, I'm pretty sure a lot of people with Dr. titles spent sleepless nights to come up with brilliant schemes of making your life easier but I wish there was a plain-English version of everything.
03:42.41lykenim one of those people that will have dr. title one of these days
03:42.59*** join/#tomcat mael (
03:45.24IonoxWe need smart people... So I can come here and ask dumb question that can be answered easily.
03:54.22lykenA  tomcat-package/
03:54.25lykendown cometh!
03:54.47lykenreally really slowly
03:54.50lykenmake better jason
04:21.17lykenjasonb: the build is failing
04:22.49lykenappears its not extracting th epackages :/
04:27.02jasonblyken: You have to have the main tomcat tar.gz, the admin tar.gz, and the compat tar.gz release binaries in the dir when you build.
04:27.20lykeng319-9301:/opt/tomcat-package # ls
04:27.20lyken.svn        TODO.txt                           apache-tomcat-5.5.16-compat.tar.gz  bin    build.xml  dist
04:27.23lykenREADME.txt  apache-tomcat-5.5.16-admin.tar.gz  apache-tomcat-5.5.16.tar.gz         build  conf
04:27.26lykeni do.
04:30.19jasonbWhat version of RPM does this suse have?  Do rpm --version
04:30.54lykenRPM version 4.4.2
04:31.01jasonbthat should be new enough.
04:31.42jasonbdo: ant clean-all build
04:31.52jasonbStill the same error message after that?
04:32.13jasonbI have maybe another 5 mins and I have to leave.
04:32.29lykenthats ok
04:32.33lykenill debug it a bit later if need be
04:32.59jasonbIt may be that my shell script in the spec file has a problem only on that distro, or only that version of that distro.
04:33.22jasonbLooks as if you have everything else set up fine.
04:33.39lykenill dig around
04:33.50jasonbIf all else fails, try doing the exact same thing on another distro and see what happens.
04:33.54jasonbAnyway, I gotta go.
04:33.57jasonbHave fun.  :)
04:33.58lykenaights dude
04:34.02lykensleep well, and congrats again
04:34.05lykenthe name is purty
04:34.07jasonbCheers.  And thanks!!
04:34.56*** join/#tomcat valmont (n=chrishol@pdpc/supporter/silver/valmont)
04:47.17*** join/#tomcat prgrmr (
05:08.12*** join/#tomcat LongBeach (
05:26.38*** join/#tomcat azzz (
05:27.25azzzhey all.... I can't access my jdbc resource as defined in my context.xml ... if there is a problem with my config... where would this be logged on deployment???
05:28.25lykenin $CATALINA_HOME/logs
05:28.34lykenone of the two log files
05:28.43azzzits not int catalina.out
05:29.05lykentry the localhost.yadda
05:30.39azzzyeah... nothing there :'(
05:31.07lykentomcat works though?
05:31.15lykenim assuming your jdbc is talking to postgres? :)\
05:31.37azzzgood guess ;)
05:32.13lykenno guess needed
05:32.17lykeni saw you active in #pg
05:32.27azzzI can also see my config in the tomcat admin console... so it must be valid.. which is why I dont get any errors.
05:32.37lykenwhats postgres say?
05:32.42lykenmight be a access problem
05:34.41azzzUmmmmm I changed nothing... now it is working.... I dont get it!
05:35.41*** join/#tomcat Hugh_ (
05:35.46lykenthe best kinda fix!
05:35.46azzzall I did differently was look at the (html) admin console
05:37.21azzzI wont complain!
05:46.48*** join/#tomcat fix- (n=Bjorn@
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07:05.02yassinemorning guys and c u later :)
07:11.40*** join/#tomcat azzz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:34.14*** join/#tomcat beder (n=yourass@
11:35.24bederI'm trying to configure my Tomcat to accept external connections, but my 8080 port keep apearing is 'filtered', can it be a Tomcat configuration problem, or is it in my network?
11:37.59bederok, thanks
11:41.29bederman i love my dslink, but he pisses me off some times
11:42.21lykenwhats a dslink?
11:42.26bederadsl modem
11:42.31bederfrom opticom
12:06.59*** join/#tomcat nilesh (n=vagh@
12:08.18*** join/#tomcat yassinework (
12:20.24dvayanuyassine: you are late today
12:25.26yassineworkyeah i have been some where else :)
12:25.43yassineworki've been here like 8h00 and than i went out
12:26.07yassineworkbut you were probably sleeping
12:26.19lykenyassinework: i finished the tomcat OS X installer today
12:26.21lykengotta test it though
12:26.35yassineworkcongrats lyken
12:26.46yassineworkdid you solved the other code issue btw ?
12:26.55lykenthen next ill make a systems  pref so you can start and stop tomcat via a gui
12:26.59lykenit was eclipse
12:27.02lykenpiece of crap
12:27.22yassineworkwhat happens exactly ?
12:27.33yassineworksince you told me it was working on other applications
12:27.50lykenit was adding stuff to the file
12:27.54lykenso tomcat wouldnt think the file had changed
12:27.59lykenit was corrupting the file
12:33.10yassineworkmy log4j patterning problem stil rises :)
12:33.27yassineworki was thinking the other day i solved it but it wass not
12:33.46lykennot the date format problem?
12:35.38yassineworkyes the date format problem :)
13:15.18*** join/#tomcat zapalotta (
13:16.07zapalottawhere does tomcat log accesses and errors? I have log entries in $CATALINA_HOME/logs for serverstartup, but I don't have any access or error logs
13:16.22lykenthere is no access logs
13:16.38lykenand your errors are either in localhost or you should run log4j or something like that
13:16.44zapalottaoh, ok
13:16.45dvayanuyou have to turn the access logs on
13:16.54zapalottais that virtual host specific?
13:17.27dvayanuin server.xml
13:17.37zapalottaoh, ok, thx, I'll try
13:33.35yassineworklyken,  here you are : log4j:ERROR Error occured while converting date.
13:46.22lykenmixing records right now
13:46.37yassineworkhere is an other one :  ObjectIdAllocator: Failed to allocate object id. Caused by SQLException: SQLState = 42804 SQLError = 0 SQLMsg = ERROR: cannot assign to field "next" of column "objectid" because its type character varying is not a composite type
13:47.07yassineworkthis is one of the databases i converted
13:47.29yassineworkany clue what type the filed should be ?
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15:23.03woolyninjahi - is there anyone here with a good understanding of clustering?
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16:20.01woolyninjaany clustering people?
16:20.41woolyninjai'm getting the following error after i've failed over a session a 3rd time
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17:30.09*** join/#tomcat glen_quagmire (
17:30.32glen_quagmirehow do i use apache and tomcat?
17:30.52*** join/#tomcat jasonb ( should be tomcat should be apache
17:31.36jasonbdvayanu: Thanks.  :)
17:31.50dvayanujasonb: details?
17:32.07dvayanuweight ?
17:32.37jasonbdvayanu: Her name is Angela Valentina Brittain, and she weighed 7lbs 11oz (about 3.85 kg), and was 19 inches long.
17:32.40glen_quagmireew you made her pregnant!
17:32.50pfnwow, hefty and big, congrats
17:32.59pfnfirst?  second?  nth?
17:33.05dvayanu48.26 centimer?
17:33.06jasonbYes, girl.
17:33.14glen_quagmirei'll wait 21 years
17:33.22pfnthat's a pretty huge baby, heh
17:33.26jasonbI have not tried to convert the length to cm yet.  :)
17:33.42dvayanumust be more :-)
17:33.47dvayanufor that weight
17:33.59dvayanuhowever, GREAT NEWS! CONGRATS :-)
17:34.04dvayanuwelcome sleepless nigths
17:34.07jasonbThanks!  ;)
17:34.13jasonbYeah, again..
17:34.24glen_quagmireSophia Quagmire
17:34.28glen_quagmirethat should be her name
17:34.37pfn[pfnguyen@ares ~]$ units 19in cm
17:34.42pfnlearn to use units  :p
17:34.50pfnwhat'd I say...
17:34.53jasonbooh, neat!
17:34.57pfnoh, the syntactic sugar bit
17:36.15dvayanuhmm...apt-get install units installs macromedia flashplugin?
17:36.35pfnoops, mischan
17:36.40*** part/#tomcat woolyninja (
17:36.45pfnI hate tabbing through my channels in epic (ircII)
17:39.16jasonbhmm, 7lbs 11oz = 3.48kg (not 3.85)
17:39.48pfnjasonb see, that's why you need to use units  :p
17:40.14jasonbpfn: Yup.  Plus, I checked the picture of them weighing her, and it said 3.480.
17:42.37glen_quagmireso how do I do this?
17:42.56glen_quagmirethat's how users access
17:43.02glen_quagmirei want to change it to
17:43.09glen_quagmirenot even /myapp
17:46.01dvayanuglen: first, port 80
17:46.10dvayanuglen: second -> name the application ROOT
17:47.02glen_quagmirei can't do taht
17:47.07glen_quagmireapplicaton is fixed
17:47.29dvayanuwhat do you mean by fixed?
17:47.49glen_quagmireapplication is war-ed and pushed to the server
17:48.05dvayanuglen: rename the war file to ROOT.war :-)
17:48.10dvayanuglen: is that this hard?
17:48.32dvayanuanother opportunity: install an apache, listen at port 80, forward everything to tomcat:8080/myapp
17:48.41dvayanuglen: or even just rewrite urls
17:50.11glen_quagmirei'm so nooob i'll rtfm
17:50.14dvayanujason... are you overfilled with adrenaline?
17:50.24dvayanuglen: thats a good idea either way
17:50.46*** join/#tomcat tuxmartin_ (n=chatzill@
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18:30.42*** join/#tomcat wltjr (n=wltjr@gentoo/developer/wltjr)
18:32.29wltjron *nix what permissions are ideal for webapps dirs? also if tomcat is run as tomcat:tomcat, what permissions should deployed stuff get? rwxrwx--- or rwxr-x--- for dirs and rw-rw-r-- or rw-r--r-- for files?
18:43.06dvayanuhmm... you need at least r-x on all files and directories
18:43.14dvayanuand rwx on work
18:46.30dvayanuah, and tomcat 5.5 writes in conf/localhost/Catalina...
18:46.52wltjrdvayanu: yeah my bad, stuff created in webapps dirs are drwxr-xr-x, I guess it's mostly the group write bit I am asking about all around
18:47.21dvayanubut on the other hand, it can be rwxrwxrwx and will be not a problem
18:48.42dvayanutomcat user shouldn't have a shell though :-)
18:49.30wltjrdvayanu: yeah that's a given, I was just trying to keep security in mind, and atm only tomcat owner can write to that dir, or etc, not members of the tomcat group
18:49.51dvayanuwho are you protecting against?
19:00.05*** join/#tomcat richard2304 (
19:00.36richard2304has anybody run tomcat5 with jdk6beta?
19:01.09richard2304i use fedora crore and hava a problem with jdbc-stdext
19:01.37wltjrdvayanu: the permissions were initially set the way they are because of, FYI I maintain Tomcat on Gentoo, a user is having issues with needing group write access, they are requesting 022 unmask
19:08.03*** join/#tomcat kasbah (
19:11.16dvayanudo you have many users or just one?
19:11.24dvayanubtw, tomcat 5.0.28 is broken either way
19:37.13*** part/#tomcat randrew (
20:03.58*** join/#tomcat WeaZeLb0y (
20:04.49WeaZeLb0y5.5.20 is the latest?
20:09.28WeaZeLb0yheh...well anyway, I upgraded from 5.5.12 to 5.5.17 and it can't find some include files now like '/jsp/inc/global_directives.jsp' ... but everything works fine in 5.5.12
20:17.11jasonbWeaZeLb0y: I think there were some include behavior changes after 5.5.12.. I don't remember which version(s).
20:18.13jasonbhmm, maybe not.
20:19.15WeaZeLb0yyea...didn't find anything in the release notes about inclues
20:20.46jasonbI don't find anything in my changelog either.
20:37.55jasonbI do remember that there were some issues, and that code changed, but I don't remember which version.
20:38.07yassineIonox,  jasonb  heya!
20:38.07*** join/#tomcat huslage (
20:38.07huslagehowdy. is anyone here familiar with nutch v0.8.1
20:38.07huslagei'm having a problem running the tests
20:38.08huslageseems like no matter what i do, i get an IOException when i run the crawl
21:01.20*** part/#tomcat WeaZeLb0y (
21:38.27dvayanuwhy aren'T you celebrating?
21:44.22dvayanuyou know, the probability of a bill to be put through is directly proportional to amount of crap in it
21:44.37dvayanutcpdump is illegal in germany if the new bill comes through
21:44.38*** join/#tomcat ash001 (
21:44.40ash001hey all
21:44.44dvayanuhey ash
21:44.52ash001Have a small tomcat JNDI resource question
21:45.13ash001I have setup and context.xml and added <Environment name="administrationEmailAddress" value="" type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
21:46.20ash001works great... But I want to have the type="java.util.Set"
21:46.24ash001is that possible
21:46.42ash001if so what would it look like to define the value
21:56.15ash001it looks like a Eviroment can only access a simple object
21:56.28ash001how can i pass a Map in from tomcat
21:57.06ash001if I use a Resource how do I set the Map name values
22:00.28*** join/#tomcat yel (
22:03.59ash001ANyone here
23:10.53IonoxHello sirs.
23:11.00IonoxLong day but managed to get home.
23:30.50yassineIonox, :)
23:31.14IonoxThank you. Give me an hour to cool down. I was running up down today.
23:31.30yassineohh :)
23:31.33yassinei see
23:31.35IonoxWe were getting one lot ready for landscaping. Got some good plants and trees for this one.
23:32.52dvayanuhmm...someone here familar with psp?
23:33.20IonoxThe media hardware?
23:35.53IonoxSorry, I don't endorse foreign products.
23:36.46IonoxI'm kidding, sorry, don't have no PS, XBOX, or whatever.
23:37.04IonoxWhat you need? You trying to run Linux on it? :)
23:37.06IonoxYou geeks.
23:37.08dvayanui was just wandering whether there is a locationfree station as linux hardware
23:37.14dvayanuas linux software sorry
23:37.46IonoxHaha, I knew it.
23:37.59dvayanuyou knew what
23:38.22IonoxWhat's the locationfree station anyway?
23:38.38dvayanuyou buy one from sony... for 350 bucks
23:38.51dvayanuyou stream video to any device with locationfreeplayer
23:38.56dvayanuor pc
23:38.58dvayanuor monitors
23:39.28IonoxUh, I see. Sorry no, as I said, never used any of these portable devices.
23:39.47IonoxBut I'm sure there are sources providing such software.
23:40.21IonoxHeck, they probably have some Linux software for a $2 wrist watch.
23:40.36IonoxOk, dinner, bbl.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.