IRC log for #tomcat on 20070705

00:09.58chrisjwwhat is the best way to make an image recognition system for a registration form, i.e. a picture displaying 12AD03 for example, then asking the user to enter that data
01:05.59chrisjwis there no way to do it without using any external libraries, etc etc
01:36.41slaqchrisjw, you can always roll your own
01:38.02chrisjwnot to sure how to do that, i'm reading about imageIO now but it's confusing me
01:38.17chrisjwdo you know of any examples or tutorials i can follow?
03:08.18pfngoogle has many examples and tutorials
03:08.39pfnand using external libraries is not bad
03:08.48pfnunless you have a habit of wanting to implement everything yourself
03:08.53pfnwicket also has a captcha component
04:18.54*** join/#tomcat compair1 (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-47d35b32eaf739cc)
04:35.02jwishercan anyone help me with my ssl problem - Alias name tomcat does not identify a key entry
04:35.20jwisheryet - Your keystore contains 2 entries
04:35.20jwishertomcat, Jul 5, 2007, trustedCertEntry,
04:38.25*** join/#tomcat codeshepherd (n=codeshep@
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05:02.54dguedehi i am french
05:04.32dguedei hae tomcat tomcat 5.5.23
05:04.46dguedewith windows XP
05:05.08dguedeand i need to make a SSL connection
05:06.56*** join/#tomcat compair129 (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-1e82c8b9db68e582)
05:07.39dguedei wrote : %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -v -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -keystore c:\certificats.keystore -dname ", OU=MYOU, O=MYORG, L=MYCITY, ST=MYSTATE, C=MY" -storePass password -keypass password    pause
05:07.51dguedeno problem
05:08.21dguedethen i wrote : %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -export -alias vorburgerCert -keystore vorburger.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -storepass mypassword -rfc -file vorburger.cer
05:08.21dguede%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -import -v -file vorburger.cer -keystore tomcat.keystore -storepass password
05:09.15dguedejava.lang.Exception: L'entrÚe n'est pas un certificat X.509
05:09.44dguedeand i cannot connect :
05:09.59dguedecan somebody help me??????????????????
05:12.55codeshepherdi mean a Java variable in JSP
05:14.13*** part/#tomcat compair129 (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-1e82c8b9db68e582)
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05:28.10dguedeAnd i use java 1.4.2
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05:31.43jasonbdguede: Do you have to use pkcs12?  Also, are you trying to use a self-signed certificate?  Or, a commercial certificate?
05:43.54*** join/#tomcat porsche911turbo (i=unknown@unaffiliated/chrisjw)
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08:36.55kensh|nTomcat 6.0.10, Windows XP ][ anyone can provide me a link for router settings to be able to acces tomcat through the external ip?
08:38.51*** join/#tomcat yassin1 (
08:43.04yassin1kensh|n sure
08:43.33kensh|nTomcat 6.0.10, Windows XP ][ anyone can provide me a link for router settings to be able to acces tomcat through the external ip?
09:06.35*** join/#tomcat misc-- (n=misc@
09:07.54misc--hello... in my tomcat config (version 6.0.10, java 6, linux), I have something like this: <Realm className="net.sf.jasperreports.sugarcrm.realm.SugarDataSourceRealm" etc... I want to know, what could be the name of this .jar file (the net.sf.jasperreports.sugarcrm.realm.SugarDataSourceRealm one)? Or where does it look, more specifically...
09:09.21yassin1misc--: cd $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
09:10.03yassin1misc--: #   grep -Rni "SugarDataSourceRealm" ./
09:11.08misc--ok. I have a few (three) apps in there... let me see
09:11.39yassin1misc--: so cd to the application in question
09:11.58yassin1misc--: looks like your working on a BI solution right ?
09:12.17misc--oh, business integration you mean?
09:12.19yassin1Business Intelligence
09:12.38yassin1reporting dashboarding etc ...
09:13.10misc--well yeah, I installed jasperserver and that's all fine then I need to install this jasperreports plugin for SugarCRM. The thing is, the app itself comes with tomcat which I don't want or need as I already have it.
09:13.34yassin1i see
09:14.08misc--and I had to take parts out of the tomcat server.xml that came with the app, and put it into my server.xml (the <Realm> section but it can't find the net.sf.jasperreports etc .jar file)
09:14.40yassin1have you checked the properties of the commopn.loader of tomcat ? if the
09:14.59yassin1the one shiped with the application
09:15.04misc--I know what the file is called now because I unzipped jasperreports-sugarcrm.jar and it expanded to net/sf/jasper etc...
09:15.12misc--I will check
09:15.28yassin1fine so grep got it?
09:15.29*** join/#tomcat mari (n=mari@ip2-44.halifax.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
09:15.58misc--yeah the grep worked, although it had a few matches as expected but found out which one was the right one
09:16.48misc--there doesn't seem to be any common.loader at all
09:17.54yassin1in the
09:19.05misc--doesn't seem to be one of them either, at least not in the tomcat that this app came with. It's version 4.1.
09:19.19marii've got problems using the org.catalina api in a priviledged servlet, is there any tutorial out there, e.g. for modifying  context from a servlet ?
09:19.43yassin1ohh shi*
09:19.53yassin1there is no common.loader in the 4.x
09:20.00misc--ah, I see
09:20.04misc--well, that explains that then!
09:21.37misc--any other ideas? =)
09:23.38misc--I guess I could copy everything in the old catalina/common/lib/*.jar to $CATALINA_HOME/lib ...
09:23.43misc--but thats pretty hacky
09:25.32misc--no that won't work. On the old setup, the required .jar is only in the WEB-INF/lib directory. So, no copying should be required. I just need to tell tomcat somehow to search this location
09:26.46yassin1are you having a problem that tomcat is not able to load the realm class ?
09:26.55misc--so it seems yes
09:27.05yassin1okay did you found the jar that contains it?
09:27.21misc--it's called jasperreports-sugarcrm-0.2.jar
09:27.34misc--and it's located in this application's WEB-INF/lib directory.
09:27.37yassin1okay easy add it to the common.loader and remove it from the app since its neeade before the application is loaded
09:27.53misc--right, ok let me see
09:29.32misc--so, something like this:
09:30.15misc--does this also explain why my apps sometimes can't see, for example, the jdbc mysql-connector? I always have to put it in $CATALINA_HOME/common dir
09:30.48yassin1depending on when you need the driver yes
09:32.25misc--actually that should be WEB-INF/lib/*.jar... retrying
09:33.45misc--hmm same thing. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.jasperreports.sugarcrm.realm.SugarDataSourceRealm
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09:41.40misc--yassin1: any other ideas? :/
09:42.21yassin1misc--: try to copy that jar into $CATALINA_HOME/lib
09:42.41misc--have actually already tried that...
09:44.53yassin1misc--: remove the jar from that location and create a directory for it alone in $CATALINA_HOME/mycommons/jarName.jar
09:45.01yassin1and point to it in the common.loader
09:45.55*** join/#tomcat CrummyGummy (
09:53.49misc--my god
09:54.25misc--well it worked although I get other errors now, but I'm on the right track
09:54.26misc--it was my fault
09:54.37misc--the grep I used above, it was the wrong file :/
09:54.52misc--I found the right one, put it in a mylibs dir, adjusted the common.loader and it then loaded
09:58.45misc--now I get... java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.sf.jasperreports.sugarcrm.realm.SugarDataSourceRealm.log when I try to actually access my app. Hmmm more chasing
09:58.57misc--NoSuchMethodError... that's a new one.
10:05.05marii've got problems using the org.catalina api in a priviledged servlet, is there any tutorial out there, e.g. for modifying  context from a servlet ?
10:07.55yassin1mari: i dont know why you would use internal api for a servlet are there really no other way solving your case?
10:15.49marii think this is the most elegant one
10:16.17marimainly i like to modify servletmappings of a certain container
10:17.08*** join/#tomcat a4akb (n=a4akb@
10:28.13*** join/#tomcat babaoriley (
10:40.30babaorileyHello, I'm using Tomcat 5.5.20 and Sun Java 1.5.0_10 under Debian Linux, using  jk version 1.2.18 to connect from Apache. I would like to let Apache do the autentication before forwarding the requests to Tomcat: is this possible?
11:06.01*** part/#tomcat babaoriley (
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11:10.04mojojojo_hi... where do I set the password for the Tomcat Web Administration tool?
11:10.17mojojojo_Tomcat 5
11:10.49mojojojo_and... Ubuntu Linux...
11:15.49mojojojo_erm... they just changed something in the configuration... so.. the default "admin:admin" doesn't work...
12:02.25marii've got problems using the org.catalina api in a priviledged servlet, is there any tutorial out there, e.g. for modifying  context from a servlet ?
12:44.28*** join/#tomcat randrew (
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13:22.20*** join/#tomcat slizer (n=Miranda@
13:22.46slizerneed some help on deploying webservices using axis
13:23.48slizeram using tomcat 5.0.28 with jdk 1.4 on Win XP
13:24.26slizeri fi use WSDL method i need  class files of interface and implementation with wsdl to deploy
13:25.16slizerthe point i wanna ask is where to put these three files in tomcat/webapps/axis/ directory
13:25.23slizercan any one help me
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14:52.53mariI'm seraching a tutorial about manipulating the context of an application (e.g. ServletMappings) at runtime with the tomcat API! is there anything out there, because i did not find anythink on google
15:29.12marihello ?? sombody there ?
15:36.11randrewmari: what sort of manipulating?
15:39.25mariid like to add a mapping while runtime to an existing servlet-class
15:40.20randrewmari: maybe find the src to the manager application, it must do something like that.
15:42.05marirandrew: as far as i know the manager application only starts/stops/deploys contexts
15:42.18buenas_werteemari can you give an example of mapping you would like to see?
15:42.53marieg i have a class "Index", which is my startpage in this context
15:43.31mariists already mapped througth the web.xml to a servlet also named "Index"
15:43.48mariand which has the url-pattern "/index.html"
15:44.14mariso ists accessable through http://www.myserver:8080/app/index.html
15:44.58marinow i want to add the url http.//www.myserver:8080/add/index2.html at runtime to the same servlet("Index")
15:45.42maritherefor i user context.addServletMapping("/index2.html","Index");
15:45.58buenas_werteeokay, you may want to look at cocoon2 in how it creates these dynamic mappings...
15:46.40marii've never done something with cocoon
15:46.57mariand i dont know what it is =)
15:47.09buenas_werteewell, since you asked, i figured you may be interested in those capabilities of cocoon2
15:47.33buenas_werteeits another product within tomcat is, so cocoon2 is another apache offshoot
15:47.33mariso u think it isnt possible to do that in tomcat only
15:48.19buenas_werteecocoon2 can run on tomcat or websphere or whatever webservers are supported
15:49.13mariok i think i have to look at it
15:49.14buenas_werteeits a technology of bleeding edge..take a look please :)
15:49.21maribut on more point:
15:50.39mariif i ask the context about ists mappings with context.findServletMappings(), after i added one with context.addServletMapping ist shows my new mapping
15:51.30buenas_werteei can not answer you about how its done in cocoon2, you have to try their sample webapps, all the configs are xml based
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15:52.15buenas_werteethe mappings are so dynamic (imho)
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15:54.15buenas_werteeand may i suggest a good resource is a site by galatea..  he is same guy that  wrote the book
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17:14.05GT500Before I ask my question, is there anyone in here to answer it?
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17:17.12GT500I'll take the silence as a 'no'...
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19:32.22crackintoshdo I need to to define $CATALINA_HOME in a file like bash.bashrc?
19:33.01crackintoshwhen I startup tomcat it says it is using CATALINA_HOME at /usr/share/tomcat5.5/
19:33.14crackintoshbut when I do 'echo $CATALINA_HOME I get nothing.
19:33.26crackintosham i thinking of two different things?
19:33.38dvayanuCATALINA_HOME is set in the
19:33.39pfnbecause the startup script sets its own variables
19:33.57crackintoshthank you.
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19:54.48crackintoshwhen I do ./ I can still reload the ROOT webapp in my browser.
19:55.05crackintoshand im pretty sure i dont have two instances of tomcat running.
19:58.03crackintoshand I get connection refused when I try to do ./ stop -force
19:58.24*** join/#tomcat johnreiter (n=johnreit@
20:01.07johnreiterI just upgraded the tomcat from 4 to 5.5.23 on a Windows server 2000 machine running with apache 2.0.59 jre 1.5.07.  Apache and tomcat seem to be communicating okay with mod_jk, but when tomcat receives requests, the cpu immediately spikes to 100%, even if tomcat is just spitting back a 404.
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20:01.22johnreiterDoesn't happen when I hit tomcat directly using port 8080
20:01.48johnreiterSounds like a mod_Jk problem to me, but does anyone have any suggestions?
20:02.21johnreiterCPU stays at 100% and never goes back down, too.
20:05.42dvayanudoes the manager shows all threads idle?
20:07.56johnreiterhm, I'm not sure how to check.  Using tomcat manager I can look at that?
20:11.19*** join/#tomcat varek (
20:11.37johnreiterOk, I guess I see two places where it's reporting thread information unless I'm looking at the wrong place.
20:11.45johnreiterhttp-8080 threads, and ajp-8009
20:12.09johnreiterhttp-8080 gives me Max threads: 150 Min spare threads: 0 Max spare threads: 0 Current thread count: 1 Current thread busy: 1 Keeped alive sockets count: 0
20:12.19johnreiterajp-8009 Max threads: 40 Min spare threads: 0 Max spare threads: 0 Current thread count: 1 Current thread busy: 0 Keeped alive sockets count: 1
20:13.18johnreiterAll I've done is started the server and browsed to a location that would throw me a tomcat 404.
20:17.09johnreiterdvayanu: is that what you were suggesting I check?
20:19.13dvayanukeep alive maybe your problem though
20:20.19johnreiterWhen I refreshed the manager, the 8080 keep alive count moved down to 0, but cpu is still at 100%.
20:20.31johnreiterajp-8009 still has a keep alive count of 1.
20:21.19dvayanumake a thread dump
20:22.02johnreiterHow do I do that?
20:22.14dvayanuon linux kill -QUIT
20:22.29johnreiterIt's a Windows machine.
20:22.38johnreiter2000 server
20:22.58dvayanui think there are option...
20:23.03dvayanustart in cygwin :-)
20:23.26johnreiterI guess I can install cygwin over there and try that.
20:24.48dvayanui think also there some options in the tomcat service console too
20:25.09johnreiteralthough kill - QUIT on my local machine in cygwin gives me usage options.
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20:28.42dvayanukill -QUIT pid
20:29.08dvayanutomcat shuld print thread dump into stdout, usually catalina.out
20:32.38johnreiterI see the option for doing a thread dump.  What should the output look like?  I don't see anything in the stdout log.
20:35.29dvayanua list of many threads?
20:35.44dvayanuchecked catalina.out?
20:37.59johnreiterI checked all the logs in my logs directory of tomcat.
20:38.18johnreitercatalina.2007-07-05.log is in there, as is stdout_200707-5.log
20:43.55*** join/#tomcat milesd (
20:44.23milesdHi, everybody. I'm just starting to get into javascript and I'm reading online that the confirm("some text"); function should pop up a dialog box
20:44.30milesdbut I'm getting an error
20:44.39milesdthat it cannot find the symbol, confirm
20:44.49milesd...Is there something I need to include to get that to work?
20:47.55johnreiterSo not tomcat related :)  Might want to ask somewhere else, but window.confirm() has always worked for me.
20:48.30milesdjohnreiter: thanks, I'll try that :)
20:48.54milesdjohnreiter: I know it's not *directly* tomcat related, but I *am* getting this error out of a tomcat server :)
20:49.33johnreiterSo anymore suggestions as to why tomcat might be consistently sticking at 100% cpu after its first request processed?  I can repost the problem if people missed it.
21:01.53milesdjohnreiter: no suggestions on your CPU peg, sorry
21:02.07milesdjohnreiter: but tomcat couldn't find the symbol, window, either
21:05.12johnreiterDoh, there was a log called jakarta_service that I missed.  It had the thread dump.
21:05.50johnreiterLots of things in it that look like this:
21:05.51johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] "ajp-8009-Poller-7"
21:05.51johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] daemon
21:05.51johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] prio=6 tid=0x03185418
21:05.51johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] nid=0x710
21:05.51johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] in Object.wait()
21:05.53johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] [0x0451f000..0x0451fa64]
21:05.55johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
21:05.57johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] - waiting on <0x16f25058> (a$Poller)
21:05.59johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] at java.lang.Object.wait(Unknown Source)
21:06.01johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] at$
21:06.03johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] - locked <0x16f25058> (a$Poller)
21:06.05johnreiter[2007-07-05 17:02:04] [info] at Source)
21:07.12johnreiterdvayanu: anything in particular I should be looking for here?
21:14.01dvayanuthreads hanging in different places
21:15.11dvayanustrange places
21:15.20dvayanuwhere they aren't supposed to be
21:19.18johnreiterInteresting... when I continued searching on Google, I eventually came across:
21:19.25johnreiterDid what it suggested, and it seems fine now.
21:20.19johnreiterChanged the ajp 1.3 startup parameters to macth the http startup parameters
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22:26.02karstensragethere is no way to setup, say a connector on 8443 for ssl without modifying the server.xml, is that correct?
22:26.55karstensrageTC 5.5.20
22:27.00karstensrageJDK 1.5_09
22:29.25karstensrageRed Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 3 (Taroon Update 7)
23:03.19karstensrageRed Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)  
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23:47.03halfdanhi there
23:48.17halfdani recently installed tomcat5.5 on my debian testing development server at home, without changing any config files i get an error from dpkg
23:48.25halfdananyone familar with sth like that?

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