irclog2html for #ubuntu-utah on 20060917

00:08.58*** join/#ubuntu-utah atoponce (n=aaron@tor/regular/atoponce)
01:33.59*** join/#ubuntu-utah sontek (
01:37.09sontekwhat is clint presenting on next month?
01:53.08sontekWe should all go out to eat after the meeting, I didn't really get to talk to anyone last month :P
02:32.41*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (
03:19.49*** part/#ubuntu-utah sontek (
05:59.08*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (
05:59.31KuyaedzI have not been able to get into irc all day.  "Tor temporarily blocked"
06:12.11*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (
06:17.34atoponceKuyaedz: i haven't been able to connect with tor either
06:17.57atoponcenow that lilo is no longer around, we don't hove the support for it that we used to
06:18.11Kuyaedzthats too bad
06:18.24Kuyaedz...trying irssi again & it looks like I can't see my own messages
06:18.57atoponcewhat do you mean?
06:19.11KuyaedzI'm using madcow.theme but my text is white on white
06:19.55*** join/#ubuntu-utah Jordas1 (
06:20.10atoponceyeah. you need a black background when using madcow
06:20.13Kuyaedzhey jordan
06:20.14atoponceyeah. you need a black background when using madcow
06:20.21Jordas1hey all
06:20.28Kuyaedzeasy way to switch to black background?
06:20.42KuyaedzJordas1: hey, I was wondering where you went
06:20.47atoponcesorry. using iterm on my wife's ibook, and it sucks
06:21.09Jordas1who are you Kuy?
06:21.20Jordas1oh lol
06:21.45Kuyaedz..and there he goes
06:21.50atoponceKuyaedz: using gnome-terminal? just change it in the profile
06:21.58Kuyaedzhe's a kid at work I got to install ubuntu & he just figured out XGL.
06:22.02Kuyaedzhe's pretty happy
06:23.26*** join/#ubuntu-utah Jordash (
06:24.32KuyaedzJordash: having trouble there?
06:24.36Jordashhey so I was wondering if anyone here knew how to get Back and Forward Buttons working in Ubuntu, (e.g. 5 button mouse)?
06:24.41Jordashyeah lol
06:25.06atoponce5 button mouse? what do you need that for? :-)ยป
06:25.13Kuyaedzthat's what I'm wondering
06:25.31Jordashlol, So I can go back and forward in Firefox without clicking on the arrows
06:25.36KuyaedzI guess he is asking a couple of the guys that prefer simplicity in everything
06:27.12Jordashnvm, I found a tut on it
06:27.26atoponcealt+right arrow, backspace
06:27.40atoponceboth work great for me ;)
06:27.46KuyaedzI use backspace regularly.. didn't know about alt-right
06:28.14Kuyaedzatoponce: just installed your binary_time script.. although I quickly realize I forget how to read binary
06:28.40KuyaedzI have a binary clock from ThinkGeek but I'm even a bit rusty on that
06:29.17atoponceyeah, it won't take long though
06:29.26Jordashlol I forgot about those hotkeys, guess those will work just as well
06:30.47atoponceJordash: if you hang around here for any decent time, you'll learn that i'm a bit sarcastic ;)
06:30.57atoponcejust ask Kuyaedz
06:31.06KuyaedzJordash: you'll make a few sacrifices maybe but you've now got the most kiss-ass desktop around so what does it matter
06:31.20Kuyaedz5 button mouse vs XGL.. that's a toughy :)
06:33.37Kuyaedzatoponce: still workin' on that insomnia are ya?
06:33.49Kuyaedz~lart Jordash
06:34.05atoponceKuyaedz: what's that?
06:34.18Kuyaedzhey we should make an initiation/welcome lart :)
06:34.51atoponcemaquis has been quiet lately. haven't seen her on jabber, or in #utah...
06:34.59KuyaedzDapper606: are you ready for a name change next month?
06:35.04Dapper606I seem to be experiencing technical difficulties.  Tell Pistos, or complain in .
06:35.14atoponceoh, that's right. forgot about that.
06:35.22Kuyaedzbroke the bot again?
06:35.27atoponcei've grown fond of Dapper606
06:35.44atoponcenah, he breaks himself
06:36.00KuyaedzDapper606: You're never going to win the uptime if you keep breaking yourself
06:36.02Dapper606I seem to be experiencing technical difficulties.  Tell Pistos, or complain in .
06:36.20Dapper606Dapper606 has been up for: 1 week(s) 4 day(s) 8 hour(s) 53 minute(s) 21 second(s).
06:36.44atoponcehad to reboot him a while ago due to mainenance. kinda sucked
06:37.18Kuyaedzwanna give me a quick rundown on split-screen irssi?
06:38.15atoponcehmm. is it possible to give a quick rundown?
06:38.33atoponcehold on, there is a good tutorial that helped me...
06:39.38KuyaedzI'm rarely in many places at once (not anything like you), but I'm interested
06:39.51atoponceit's a great feature
06:41.07atoponcebasically, windows are in containers
06:41.22atoponceby default, there is only 1 container
06:41.31atoponceall your windows ore stored there
06:41.43atoponcewhere only one is shown, and the others hidden
06:42.11atoponceif you would like two windows shown, then /window show <window #>
06:42.37atoponceby deafault, the new shown window becomes sticky
06:43.06atoponcewhich means, you can't move it to another container
06:43.29atoponcewith two windows shown, you now have two containers open
06:44.18Kuyaedzbut how can I shift the focused window?
06:44.34KuyaedzI like that highlight feature you had to help you tell
06:44.35atoponceto hide what do you mean "shift"
06:44.48atoponces/to hide//
06:45.00Kuyaedzhow can I tell which window is in focus?
06:45.10atoponcewhere the status bar is
06:46.40atoponceto hide a container (no more split screens), /window hide <window #>
06:47.18atoponceyou'll quickly learn the quirks of split screens, if you use them for more than a day or so
06:48.22*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (
06:49.19atoponcewhat happened?
06:49.41KuyaedzI tried to leave #oalug & left everything
06:49.59atoponce/wc is your friend
06:50.04Kuyaedzstill not used to all the commands
06:50.36atoponceyeah, but once you learn them, along with /alias, you find you miss them in other clients
06:51.21Kuyaedz..since your latest blog post I've been looking again at Psi & Gajim.  Is it right that Gajim doesn't have SOCKS5 support?
06:52.56atoponceyeah, which is odd, because psi does, and they share the same api's
06:53.16atoponcegajim seems a "little wet behind the ears" still
06:53.26atoponcepsi seems to be more mature for me
06:53.46KuyaedzI prefer the look & feel of Gajim
06:54.51atoponceyeah. very gtk, and works well with gnome
06:58.02KuyaedzI think if I could put together a pretty good startup script/config for irssi I might switch
06:58.34Kuyaedzif I could have it auto connect to freenode, my regular channel(s) and have my window "stickys" in the same places
07:02.07atoponceKuyaedz: notice that linuxalien was klined? i am finding out why...
07:03.33KuyaedzI keep hearing that term but I don't know what it means (klined)
07:03.46atoponcebanned from the irc network
07:03.48*** join/#ubuntu-utah Jordash (
07:03.54atoponceboth by nick and ip
07:04.08Jordashman I just learned the hard way not to screw around with the xorg.conf file
07:04.29atoponceof course, he can connect with another nick using tor, and be fine
07:04.30KuyaedzJordash: lol
07:04.37atoponcejbot: what'd you do?
07:04.50Jordashhad just one period out of place
07:04.56KuyaedzJordash: I long ago learned before you do ANYTHING to xorg.conf make an xorg.conf-BACKUP file
07:05.11Jordashyeah I did have a backup of it fortunately
07:05.32Jordashonly thing was I had to back it up entirely in Command line
07:05.45Jordashthought it was a problem with XGL
07:05.50Kuyaedznot the best place for a relative beginner to be stuck :)
07:08.26KuyaedzI should go to bed but I think I've caught a little of atoponce's insomnia this weekend
07:10.36atoponcehehe. i'll probably be up for another hour or two as well
07:10.50Kuyaedzlast nite I was up, despite my best efforts, until 5:00am
07:11.03atoponcei had a 2 hour nap earlier, which doen't help me get to sleep
07:11.21Kuyaedzwent thru 3 of my blogs & validated 'em all to W3C.. watched two DVDs..
07:11.40atoponcei'd rather than be on irc than watch infomerials though
07:12.30Kuyaedzdidn't hold up well with the wife though, being up that late
07:12.47atoponcei bet
07:13.04atoponceproblem is, i get tired later in the day, and the wife gets mad
07:13.20atoponce"should've gone to bed at a normal hour"
07:14.31Kuyaedzhow do I scroll back up while inside irssi?
07:15.46Kuyaedzd'oh.  kept looking for some other more complicated combination
07:16.33atoponcewhat's the group presentation about on oct 14th?
07:16.42Kuyaedzby the way, the binary_time has shown 00000:101111 since 12:45
07:17.23atoponce/format timestamp %H:%M
07:17.39Kuyaedz..or it looks like I didn't reload it after I came back
07:17.48atoponcethen /unload script binary_time and /run binary_time
07:18.15Kuyaedzok might need to be added on one of those...
07:18.49atoponcejust tab-complete... :) the timestamp is screwed up
07:19.45Kuyaedzjust says "%H"
07:20.07atoponcei just found that out too. hold on.. :)
07:20.44Kuyaedz~lart Jordash for playing with his XGL too much.
07:21.05Kuyaedzyou'll go blind that way ya know
07:23.57atoponce/format timestamp %%H:%%M:%%S
07:23.59atoponcethat's it
07:24.06atoponceif you want seconds...
07:24.34Kuyaedznormal time
07:25.00atoponcei actually forgot what normal time looked like
07:25.04atoponcei kinda like it...
07:25.21Kuyaedz..and getting back to your question about the presentation.. I don't have someone finalized yet (surprised?)
07:25.49Kuyaedz..I will most likely not even be there
07:26.36*** join/#ubuntu-utah Jordash (
07:26.56Jordashwell i'm off for the night, i'll talk to you all later
07:27.03Kuyaedztake it easy
07:27.17*** part/#ubuntu-utah Jordash (
07:29.25KuyaedzI think I'm going to try & get to sleep too
07:29.29atoponcethe timestamp isn't changing in my irssi
07:35.11*** join/#ubuntu-utah atoponce (
07:36.00atoponcemy timestamp is all borked
07:37.41atoponceahh. there we go
07:38.03atoponce/set timestamp_format %H:%M:%S
07:38.15atoponcei better add that to my script
07:39.09atoponcei was just asking about the presentation, wondering if it was a "group" thing, where everyone talks about something
07:40.01atoponcei'm going to miss lilo
07:42.53atoponcelol. the dogs just kicked me out of bed... :)
07:45.26atoponceKuyaedz: you still awake, or did you finally decide to get some sleep?
13:32.37*** join/#ubuntu-utah linuxalien (i=linuxali@gateway/tor/x-327a80fd81dc423f)
13:36.17Dapper606Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person that drives a race car is not called a racist?
16:46.43Kuyaedzatoponce: one of my screens is full of errors: looking up, unable to connect.  ideas?
18:29.22*** join/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaed1 (i=Kuyaedz@gateway/tor/x-6f3793f3c6472653)
18:30.24*** mode/#ubuntu-utah [+o Kuyaedz] by ChanServ
18:31.01*** topic/#ubuntu-utah by Kuyaedz -> Team Meeting: October 14, 4:00pm - 6:00pm @ SLC Library (see
18:31.35*** part/#ubuntu-utah Kuyaedz (i=Kuyaedz@gateway/tor/x-6f3793f3c6472653)
18:34.11*** join/#ubuntu-utah TacoJockey (i=linuxali@gateway/tor/x-fb5324a7aa218be5)
20:02.59*** part/#ubuntu-utah TacoJockey (i=linuxali@gateway/tor/x-fb5324a7aa218be5)
22:25.38*** join/#ubuntu-utah sontek (
22:26.26sontekHows everyones weekend going?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.