IRC log for #ubuntu-utah on 20070531

00:00.33*** join/#ubuntu-utah Yorokobi (
00:01.17*** part/#ubuntu-utah Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
00:02.01synicatoponce: heh...I tried your :set laststatus=2 in vim, and it did nothing.  After fiddling, I found out it was in my .vimrc already.  I started out with a .vimrc I found on the net, so a lot of the stuff I have working I didn't even know doesn't work by default.
00:02.34sontekwhat does laststatus do?
00:10.41maquissynic: i have that problem a lot too
00:11.18sontekmy vimrc is set background=dark, set number
00:12.45sontekoh, and set nocompatible, set ai, set hlsearch, syntax on
00:12.47sontekforgot about those
00:12.48Zelutmaquis: thank you
00:12.52sontekbut i'm a minimalist :P
00:18.14maquisZelut: what'd i do?
00:19.20Zelutmaquis: we just used some cleaner to clear up some monitors that Dax bought at amazon.. I was very thankful.
00:20.15maquisZelut: you're welcome :)
00:20.19maquisdid it arrive on-time?
00:22.33Zelutmaquis: I assume it did, and I'm sure you're entirely unrelated to the screen cleaner products but I'm sure you can pass the word along ;)
00:22.51maquisZelut: i only care about whether it arrived by the promised delivery date
00:22.56maquisso long as it did that, i am happy
00:34.31Zelutso street view is amazing
01:50.07clutchmmZelut: I think I have the right compiler installed on the ps3 for the cell processor (spu-gcc and spu-gcc++), so when I compile a kernel I should be able to use "spu-gcc" instead of gcc right?
01:55.28clutchmm"sudo module assistant build kqemu" gives me errors with gcc how do I set it to use spu-gcc with "module assistant" instead of gcc?
01:57.40Zeluttype 'env' and see if a compiler is set there as a variable.  If so you'll need to change it..
02:00.08clutchmmI don't see anything that looks like a compiler
02:01.12clutchmmthe output just looks like the settings for my desktop
02:11.06clutchmmif I setup an ssh connection with the ps3 I will be able to do all the terminal work from my standard desktop instead of through vnc right?
02:15.43clutchmmif I change the gcc symlink from gcc to spu-gcc will that work for module assistant?
02:16.51*** join/#ubuntu-utah sontek (n=sontek@unaffiliated/sontek)
02:20.52clutchmmwhat is the path to the ssh configuration file again?
02:22.01Zelut/etc/ssh/sshd_config (server)
02:27.39clutchmmnm, I was looking for the config file on my client machine, I found it, now I don't have to type in anything but "ssh ps3".... much easier :)
02:28.49clutchmmso anyway, should I change the symlink or is there something else I need to do to get module assistant to use spu-gcc?
02:38.50clutchmmalright, this is getting annoying... I have samba installed on the ps3. I also have shared folders defined. I can't find them in Places > Network
02:41.55*** join/#ubuntu-utah Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
02:43.30clutchmmwhat do I need to do to access the shared folders on my ps3?
03:09.31Zelutssh :)
03:22.19clutchmmZelut: I have ssh running great now, but I would like to be able to access my /home folder on my ps3 from my laptop, I would also like to share files from my ps3 to my laptop and back
04:05.02Hearts|LaptopNight all
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04:17.16atoponce!w 84405
04:17.20UtahBotOgden, Utah; Updated: 21:55 (May 30, 2007); Conditions: Clear; Temperature: 60°F (15°C); High/Low: 76/52°F (24/11°C); Humidity: 27%; Dew Point: 25°F (-4°C); UV: 0/16; Wind: East at 7 MPH (11 KPH)
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05:58.18FKiMy wireless card works with vista, but not with ubuntu.
06:25.18sontekFKi: what card
06:25.25sontekFKi: what version of ubuntu
06:26.04sontekFKi: does ubuntu recognize the card and you just aren't able to connect to a network, or what is the problem?
06:26.16sontekFKi: have you tried using network manager?
06:26.31sontekFKi: anything on google about support for your card in Linux?
06:26.48sontekFKi: most cards, if they don't have native support, can be configured via ndiswrapper
06:26.53FKioh srry i was tryin to read online
06:27.04FKiheres all i can find
06:27.06FKiAtheros Communications, Inc.: Unknown device 001c (rev 01)
06:27.39FKiubuntu desktop i think
06:28.09FKihow do i use ndiswraper
06:28.09sontekFKi: dapper, edgy, feisty, gusty?
06:28.27FKihow do i check, iv had ubuntu for 2 days, im brand new at it
06:28.40FKiim pretty sure feisty though, its the only one that looks familiar
06:30.24FKiand iv checked google but i have no idea what anyone is talking about. its all complicated talk, all the abbreviations are driving me insane
06:36.39FKiyou there?
06:50.56herlosontek: so I got beryl working on F7 now
06:51.09herlosontek: its a bit flaky, but works nonetheless...
07:08.23FKiso im trying to run wow on ubuntu, i cant use the cd's, because every time i have to put a new cd in it doesnt auto run, and pretty much just doesnt work, so im downloading the whole game, but its downloading way slow, it says my computers behind a firewall, but i changed the router to all the ports that the downloader uses, and it still downloads slow, any suggestions.
07:15.42FKiiv got all kind of ubuntu problems.
08:26.35*** part/#ubuntu-utah FKi (
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16:07.20Zelutmaquis: do you happen to have that link you shared long ago about the linux editor learning curves?
16:07.44maquisZelut: i think so
16:07.46maquisjust a second
16:12.41maquisit's always good when you can find an editor-related joke that emacs and vi people can both laugh at
16:13.21ZelutI've been using that for my training
16:14.09maquisit's on, if you need it again
16:40.42clutchmmwell, I think my samba share with my ps3 is broken
16:41.53baenswhats going on with it?
16:43.51clutchmmit's not working, on the ps3 it says it is, and I have the folders enabled for sharing but my laptop doesn't even see my ps3 as a network
16:44.45baenslinux laptop right?
16:45.08clutchmmssh works, and vnc works, but no samba share, yes
16:46.34clutchmmwell, vnc is kind of screwy, only vino actually displays the desktop vnc4 and tightvnc servers give me a grey window with an "X" for a cursor
16:47.26baensclutchmm: on the ps3 can you do smbclient -L and tell me what it outputs?
16:47.37baensand have you consider using NFS instead of samba?
16:47.50baensi think NFS would work better for linux-to-linux sharing
16:51.48clutchmm"smbclient -L" gives me a printout of the samba shares and the samba version, network name, login, ....etc
16:52.03baenscool so the shares showup there?
16:52.38baensif they do, goto the laptop and do the same thing, but instead of, use the IP address of the ps3
16:53.36clutchmmtree connect failed: Call returned zero bytes (EOF)
16:53.48baenson the laptop?
16:54.31baensk try sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart and try again :)
16:54.49clutchmmon the laptop or ps3?
16:55.57clutchmmstart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 10502: No such process, but then it says it starts just fine
16:56.20baensk try it again...
16:56.52clutchmmstart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 11708: No such process
16:57.18baensk, well go ahead and try the command on the laptop
16:58.26clutchmmworked fine with no errors on the laptop
16:58.35baensdid it list everything?
16:59.16clutchmmthat's all it said
16:59.35baensok, do the smbclient command from laptop to ps3 again
17:00.53clutchmmsame thing
17:01.12baensk goto the ps3 and do `ps aux | grep smbd` and tell me what it outputs
17:02.17clutchmmroot     11756  0.0  1.1  13512  2512 ?        Ss   10:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
17:02.17clutchmmroot     11760  0.0  0.4  13512  1056 ?        S    10:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
17:02.17clutchmmclutch   11766  0.0  0.4   3020   876 pts/1    S+   11:04   0:00 grep smbd
17:02.28clutchmmssh makes this so easy :)
17:03.23baensk, on the ps3 do `killall smbd`
17:03.45baensthen do `sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop && sudo /etc/init.d/smbd start`
17:05.02baensand brb
17:05.47clutchmmsudo: /etc/init.d/smbd: command not found
17:13.35baenssorry yes samba...
17:14.02baensand then do the `ps aux | grep smbd` again please
17:15.21clutchmmstart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 11754: No such process
17:15.21clutchmmstart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 11756: No such process
17:15.22clutchmmwith the stop && start
17:16.20clutchmmroot     11808  0.0  1.1  13512  2484 ?        Ss   11:15   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
17:16.20clutchmmroot     11812  0.0  0.4  13512  1056 ?        S    11:15   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
17:16.20clutchmmclutch   11819  0.0  0.4   3020   876 pts/1    S+   11:18   0:00 grep smbd
17:16.39baensso its started just fine... i wonder why it doesnt like to die..
17:17.35clutchmmI don't know.... I wouldn't want to die:)
17:18.00baensk so on the ps3, do smbclient -L again and lets see if its up and running...
17:18.38baensdoes it prompt you for a username and password or does it just print out when you do smbclient?
17:19.09clutchmmit asks for the samba password, and prints the stuff out
17:19.26baensare you typing in a password or just hitting enter?
17:20.01clutchmmI enter the samba password, if I but in the wrong one I get an error
17:20.28baensk, what happens if you just hit enter
17:21.45clutchmmprints out the same stuff but says "Anonymous login successful"
17:21.56baensok, now instead of doing on the ps3, use the ps3 ip address instead
17:22.05baensand use the blank password
17:22.35clutchmmtree connect failed: Call returned zero bytes (EOF)
17:22.53baenshow rude :)
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17:24.03baensk, do netstat -tapn | grep smbd and tell me what it says
17:24.59clutchmm(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
17:25.39clutchmmtcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     11808/smbd          
17:25.39clutchmmtcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     11808/smbd
17:25.45clutchmmwith sudo
17:25.54baensthats all I needed
17:26.22baensk well that looks fine.....
17:28.42clutchmmon a good note, I got spu-gcc and spu-gcc++ compilers installed, but I can't figure out how to use them
17:29.36baensk try `nmbd -D` then do the smbclient on the ps3 with the ip of the ps3...
17:32.39clutchmmsame thing
17:32.39baensk, check the /var/log/samba.log and see if there is anything in that
17:32.45clutchmm-bash: /var/log/samba.log: No such file or directory
17:33.26baensoh er, k check the /etc/samba/smb.conf for log file and see where its going..
17:35.11clutchmmuh.... it's empty!!!!
17:36.03baensor thats not where its installed...
17:36.11baenswhat have you been using to edit the smb.conf file?
17:36.56clutchmmI just opened it with gedit, but I haven't opened it before
17:36.57baensya it should be in /etc/samba/smb.conf...
17:37.05baenson the ps3 correct?
17:38.48clutchmmDUH!!! what a retard I am.... I typed in "samaba"
17:39.16clutchmmI got it now, just a sec
17:39.57baensalso in that file, under [global] add a hosts allow = (or if you have a hosts allow let me know what it is)
17:40.36clutchmmsays the log file is at /var/log/samba/samba.log
17:40.54baensok, go ahead and look at that and see if there is anything interesting
17:41.26baensor go ahead and paste it
17:41.46clutchmmhosts allow is "127.  192.168.0"
17:42.14baensk, do hosts allow =
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17:44.49baensthen once you have that edited go ahead and restart samba and do the smbclient command with the Ip of the ps3 and lets see what happens
17:46.00clutchmm is my log file
17:46.43baensok do hosts allow =
17:46.52baensthen restart samba and try the smbclient again
17:47.12Yorokobiclutchmm, I don't think spaces are allowed in valid workgroup names ...
17:48.05clutchmmYorokobi: the only workgroup name I set was "ps3" anything else wasn't me
17:48.38YorokobiThe log says "Cannot find workgroup HOME NETWORK on subnet"
17:49.23baensbut it hasnt done that for a couple of days now..
17:49.54Yorokobiah, true enough, baens
17:49.59clutchmmI think that was the workgroup I changed to ps3
17:51.27clutchmmwell this time with stop && start I only got 1 error instead of 2
17:51.47baensya i dont get why its even giving you a error but we will live for it right now
17:51.54baenstry the smbclient again and lets see if that changed anything
17:53.26baensis that with smbclient -L ps3_ip_address ?
17:53.57baensk now try it on the laptop
17:54.43clutchmmWOOT!!! I got my wife to finally switch to Linux, she said she just needed solitaire
17:55.28clutchmmkick ass!!!! now I get the same thing and not the error
17:56.51clutchmmset it up? don't I just have to go to Places > Network to see the shares?
17:57.01baensthats one way to do it, yes
17:57.19baensand if it doesnt work then we need to tweak a little more :)
17:57.39clutchmmwell.... it's not there
17:57.49baensok one sec
17:57.54clutchmmall I get in my laptop and my desktop
17:59.38baensk on the laptop try this
17:59.51baensmkdir ~/tmp-smb
18:00.27baenssmbmount //ps3_ip_address/clutch ~/tmp-smb
18:01.37baenser put sudo before smbmount
18:03.44clutchmmsudo: smbmount: command not found
18:03.44baensfine! k back in the network thingy, in the location bar do smb:///ps3_ip_address
18:05.15clutchmmuh... what location bar?
18:05.45clutchmmum, nm I found it
18:05.48baensin nautilus, there should be a location bar in there
18:06.14clutchmmI had to toggle between button and text location bars
18:07.12clutchmmsays "couldn't display smb/// location is not a folder"
18:07.33baensmake sure there is a colon
18:08.04clutchmmthere is, smb:/// was already there
18:08.33baensand it gives you that error?
18:09.01clutchmmI tried adding /home since I shared the home folder and it says it's still wrong
18:09.06clutchmmand yes it does
18:09.13baenstry that
18:09.48clutchmmnot a valid location, check the spelling and try again
18:10.11baensok fine go back to the commandline
18:10.20baensdo `sudo apt-get install smbfs`
18:10.30clutchmmon the ps3?
18:11.48baenssudo smbmount //ps3_ip_address/clutch ~/tmp-smb
18:11.50baenstry that again
18:12.49clutchmmCould not resolve mount point ~tmp-smb
18:13.00*** part/#ubuntu-utah undertakingyou (n=will@
18:13.07baensdo mkdir ~/tmp-smb
18:13.54clutchmmit says it can't create it because the file exists
18:13.54baensand try again..
18:14.10baensok whats in tmp-smb?
18:15.29baenssudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/smbmount /usr/bin/smbumount
18:15.34clutchmmit's under /home/clutch/tmp-smb if that helps
18:15.35baensthen try smbmount without sudo
18:16.35Yorokobismbmount complains if its setuid root
18:16.35Yorokobior used to
18:16.52clutchmmstill can't resolve the mount point
18:17.19*** join/#ubuntu-utah Hunding (n=denns@VDSL-151-118-129-249.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
18:17.54baensgo check the samba log on the ps3
18:19.56clutchmmwhat am I looking for in the log?
18:20.09baensoh wait, der forgot one thing, ok goto your smb.conf file and go under where the share is defined, and add a line saying browseable = yes under it
18:20.28baensand under the log, do you see any denied access recently?
18:24.55clutchmmyes, there is a bunch of denied access from " ip)" and from " don't know)"
18:25.11baenswhat are the time stamps on them?
18:25.22baensthat might have been before we got the hosts allow setup
18:25.41baenscan you paste your smb.conf into the paste bin please?
18:25.57clutchmmthe last one was at 11:32:50
18:26.07baensya so those aren't recent
18:27.12clutchmmat 11:57:23 I have "unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!"
18:27.31baensthats ok
18:33.31clutchmmhmm... the ps3 doesn't show my laptop or desktop under network, but my laptop shows itself and my desktop
18:35.38baensya, i think its samba not showing itself
18:35.58baenstry and add that browseable in the share portion of the smb.conf and the global
18:36.39clutchmmbrowseable = yes is under /clutch and /home
18:38.52baensdid you have to edit that or is it there before?
18:39.46clutchmmfor /clutch it was already there, I added /home and had to add it
18:40.55baensk im gona change a couple of things on this and it might help a little
18:42.15baensdownload that, backup the smb.conf you have now and then replace it with the one i edited
18:44.46baensthen once that is done, restart samba and then on the laptop see if you can view
18:50.37clutchmmthis is going to take a sec, the copy and paste added all the line numbers and alot of spaces too, so.... just a sec
19:07.52clutchmmwho's ready to cry? smbclient from my laptop says anonymous login successful but Places > Network still doesn't show it
19:08.54baensand samba restart just fine?
19:09.51clutchmmwell is still had a kill error but it restarted just fine
19:10.27clutchmmmy brain hurts
19:10.57baensk, try and do a places -> add connecting and go through that and see if it connects
19:11.18clutchmmbaens: I know what's going on here YOU WANT MY HEAD TO EXPLODE!!!
19:11.34baenswell....ya :)
19:11.49baensi dislike samba for this is a pain in the butt to setup
19:12.24clutchmmthere isn't an "add connecting" under Places
19:12.45baenssorry it isnt connecting...its add something...right under network
19:13.01baenscant remember the name off the top of my head
19:13.15clutchmm"connect to server..."
19:13.31baensthere we go!
19:14.30clutchmmthe server should be set to the ps3 ip right?
19:15.13baensdont worry about folder
19:15.16baensor domain name
19:15.18clutchmmwhat is the service type? custom or windows share?
19:15.24baenswindows share
19:15.59clutchmmwhat should I put for "share"?
19:17.03clutchmmshould I put in a user name or just leave it blank?
19:17.17baensleave it blank for right now
19:18.31clutchmmok, I did it and nothing happened
19:18.52baensdid you get something on the desktop?
19:20.12clutchmmI don't get it, my desktop and laptop linked right up
19:20.33baensya i dont get why this doesnt work....
19:21.55clutchmmwell, I guess I don't really NEED it, I just thought it would be nice to download stuff to my laptop and then transfer it, but I think ssh and vnc could be fine for now
19:22.21baensya im gona look through some things and see if I can figure anything out beacuse that config should work
19:34.39sontekwhat court house is the sco stuff at today?
19:35.04HeartsbaneDidn't know there was a SCO thing today
19:35.34HeartsbaneI will paypal you $$$ to go down there and throw stuff @ Ralph Yarro and Darl McBride
19:36.33sontekThey are doing the final hearings Today and Monday
19:36.55HeartsbaneAre the hearings in the Orem/Provo area?
19:38.14sontekThats what I'm trying to find out =)
19:39.16HeartsbaneWell I would see if Judge Dale Kimball is a local judge in the area
19:39.38sontekyeah, thats all i've been able to find
19:43.21YorokobiIts not on the court calandar for says he works at the district court in SLC
19:44.29sontekso not in provo ;)
19:56.23Yorokobisontek, did you find the info on the site?
19:56.50Yorokobiit starts in 4 minutes :)
19:57.11sontekyeah =)
19:57.39sontekI'm going on Monday
19:57.42sontektodays will be boring
19:57.49sontekI was just wondering if they were in SLC or Provo
20:01.59clutchmmum.... don't laugh at me, but what court thing?
20:09.51HundingI was thinking the same thing clutchmm
20:10.11maquisi'm betting the sco case
20:10.22maquisyeah... judge kimball is for the sco case
20:10.24clutchmmwhat is the sco case?
20:10.30HeartsbaneSCO vs. the world
20:10.41maquisclutchmm: it must be so nice to not know...
20:10.41Hundingmaquis: you missed your calling in life, you shoulda been a slueth
20:11.04maquisHunding: not bad for not actually reading more than the bottom 5 lines of my chat window
20:11.13Hunding~google SCO
20:11.14clutchmmok, but I would like to know, and what is SCO?
20:11.30Hunding!google SCO
20:11.32UtahBotSign in @ | The SCO Group, Inc. | Highly reliable @ | SCO Group - Wikipedia, the free encycl @ | Groklaw - Digging for Truth @ | SCO Family of Services | Services for @
20:11.34maquisclutchmm: sco claims that they own linux and they're trying to sue ibm, redhat, novell, etc., over rights to it
20:11.55Heartsbaneclutchmm: SCO is claming that elements of Linux belong to unix which they own the code that is a basic summary
20:12.00clutchmmwow,,,,, **** them
20:12.27HeartsbaneThis lawsuit has been 5+ years in the making
20:13.14Heartsbaneclutchmm: If your going to read, start @
20:13.43YorokobiIt'll take clutchmm about a year to catch up on all the Groklaw posts :)
20:14.16Heartsbaneits still interesting to check into
20:14.59YorokobiNot that you are a slow reader, clutchmm. There's a lot of info on PJ's site.
20:16.31clutchmmwell, Yorokobi I AM a slow reader :) but I would like to know if someone is trying to mess with my Linux
20:17.58HeartsbaneBeen trying to do it for year now
20:19.24clutchmmI'll have to catch up on it later, I'm engrossed in my kernel endeavor at the moment
20:20.17HeartsbaneGood luck
20:22.05clutchmmHeartsbane: thanks :) I have baens giving me a hand and Zelut for emotional support, if anyone else is interested in helping out(if they have time) that would be great
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20:54.58[phoenyx]~nudge scottymuse
20:55.29jbotACTION elbows scottymuse until he gets scottymuse's attention
21:10.30*** join/#ubuntu-utah tapH20guru (
21:35.57*** part/#ubuntu-utah Yorokobi (n=cwilliam@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
21:36.49*** join/#ubuntu-utah brussel (
21:37.31*** join/#ubuntu-utah Hearts|Laptop (
22:11.18Zelutany opinions / thoughts / nasty comments about the pending ubuntu utah site look?
22:12.19baensZelut: a picture of salt lake instead of chicago?
22:12.31baenser wait nm :)
22:12.34baensmy bad
22:13.01Zelutbesides that?
22:20.17[phoenyx]is something to be on the left side? looks kinda empty right now
22:24.44[phoenyx]s/to be/going to be
22:26.30Zelutyeah, noted.
22:26.44Zelutdo we prefer the new general look to the original? (non /test)
22:36.52Zelutwell I'll keep working then.
22:50.16*** join/#ubuntu-utah sontek (n=sontek@unaffiliated/sontek)
22:52.03sontekherlo: what time you heading over to ostc?
22:52.44clutchmmis there a way to get vnc viewer to display in full screen, so it's like actually sitting at the remote machine and doesn't have the navigation bars to view the screen right to left or up and down and also cover up the task bars that are on my actual desktop?
23:01.22*** join/#ubuntu-utah Utah_Dav1 (
23:06.30HeartsbaneZelut: looks good, I think I would suggest a picture of the local SLC skyline/mountains, and fill in the let with links to the Utah LoCo Forums, Utah Ubuntu Contributing Members, maybe leave the middle for Utah LoCo news with the DL link available for clicking in the upper right'
23:06.38Heartsbanejust some suggestions
23:06.49Heartsbanenot looking to harsh your mellow
23:06.59Heartsbanebut overall new layout is nice
23:07.17Zelutstill working on it, just wondering if I should keep going or not mainly :)
23:07.59HeartsbaneNo change is good, keeps you going the right direction until the next big idea comes along
23:08.10Heartsbanethat is just my $0.02
23:08.48HeartsbaneI do think that a place for Utah LoCo News will be important
23:09.51Zeluttime to take off.
23:32.42*** join/#ubuntu-utah chris_ (
23:32.53chris_this utah?
23:33.09chris_any females into linux?
23:46.47*** part/#ubuntu-utah chris_ (
23:49.43*** part/#ubuntu-utah Utah_Dav1 (

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