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01:17.32*** join/#ud simmo (
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11:22.58*** join/#ud olisb (
12:18.17*** join/#ud qopi (
12:19.06qopiolisb: phpwebsite does look pretty cool doesn't it?
12:19.24olisbyeah, mornin!
12:19.55olisbjust having a crack at The Joseph Visionary form ;)
12:20.51qopiany news about forum yet?
12:21.13olisbnor from shaun
12:25.12olisbqopi: it'd b cool if you could have a crack at the Vision form too, so we can swap without being prejudiced by seeing each others first....
12:25.24olisbr u up 4 it?
12:28.14qopiolisb: i've started filling it in a few times, but haven't got very far
12:28.42olisbyeah, it's not bloody easy!
12:28.51olisbbut must be done.
12:40.24qopiyou seen this olisb :
12:40.43qopimose starting to use his ratable trackers
12:40.53qopijust like on vote.nornia
12:43.29olisbi dont have perms to view that page ;(
12:44.17olisbare u admin qopi?
12:45.09olisbcan u crack up my perms?
12:45.48qopiare you reg'd?
12:47.00qopiolisb: nevermind, it is just a list of members of nguild in rateable trackers like the ideas in nornia
12:47.20olisbi just regd
12:57.30qopihave you noticed how it shows user info when you hover over usernames in online users mod?
12:58.24qopiolisb: what do you think?
12:59.43olisboh yeah, the hover's quite nice, but could be annoying to some peoplpe, especially with small screens
13:00.01olisbwhat u mean 'uber tiki so we can share it'?
13:00.07olisbwe are sharing it!
13:00.14olisbaltho it may not be uber
13:00.52olisbbut  it would be better with more hackers on board
13:08.13qopiolisb: i mean be able to offer hosted uber tikis to everyone
13:08.29qopiolisb: why did you get rid of..
13:08.33qopi"!!PlaNet: The Open Co-op communications system
13:08.36qopi-The purpose of the communications system is to make it easy for the members of the Open Co-op to coordinate their activities and trade with each other, creating an ethical trading network. It will be set up and supported by the Computer and Communications Co-ops (CCC) in each Open Co-op Community.
13:08.38qopi-It will be developed as Open Source software with the support of the open source community. It will be further developed, maintained and customised for local use by the linked network of CCCs. Wherever possible it will build on existing open source software systems and modules."
13:09.04olisbit sounded like a bit of a lie to me, missleading the punters...
13:09.29olisbwhy did The chap from CBN think we were *actually* making PLaNet?
13:09.36olisbHe read it somewhere
13:09.44qopiwhy, it all says "will"
13:09.54olisbsure 'It will be developed..'
13:09.57olisbwill it?
13:10.01olisbwho by ?
13:10.09olisbwith what funds?
13:10.45olisb"It will be further developed, maintained and customised for local use by the linked network of CCCs."
13:11.07olisbThe purpose of the communications system is to make it easy for the members of the Open Co-op to coordinate their activities and trade with each other, creating an ethical trading network.
13:11.20olisbThats makes it sound VERY MUCH like it works already
13:11.34olisb"It will be set up and supported by the Computer and Communications Co-ops (CCC) in each Open Co-op Community."
13:11.38qopiyeah, i guess that bit does
13:11.39olisbBollocks again!
13:11.57qopibut I don't think the other stuff is bollocks
13:12.10qopiall communities should have a CCC
13:12.18olisbi think 'dream software' is enuf for me
13:12.43olisbshould haves and might haves and may dos suck
13:13.03olisbright :)
13:14.08qopiolisb: you seem to have forgotten about wanting CSP etc. completely?
13:14.28olisbi want them alright
13:14.40olisbbut see no way of making them hapen
13:15.02olisbso dont think we should talk about them so flipantly
13:15.15olisb'we're setting up CSPs"
13:15.29olisber... right... lets see one then?
13:16.18olisbanne what?
13:16.49qopiwe've got a long way to go, but we do have plans
13:16.52olisbyeah, i sort of agree
13:17.17olisbexactly, there's a big diff between 'trying to set up' and 'setting up'
13:17.34qopiguess so
13:17.36olisbthat's what I'd like to work on with you and Gary, once we have a few real partners
13:18.02qopiwhat? actaully getting a CSP up and running?
13:18.18olisbyeah, i was thinking abouut aour 1st meet at Garys last night
13:18.27qopigo on...
13:18.36olisband how we planned to partner ALL sorts of businesses in order to do this
13:18.47olisbthey were going to deliver services
13:18.51olisbto members
13:19.05olisbit was a big part of the *business*
13:19.37qopiyou mean how the CSPs we're going to re-sell services to members?
13:19.39olisband as yet we haven't reallly followed that through
13:19.53olisbyeah, sort of
13:20.15olisbbut before we could make CSPs we needed companies on board
13:20.40qopiright, and we need companies that want a CSP to exist
13:21.06olisbmaybe, really all they have to want is to expand market share...
13:21.14qopii.e. companies/orgs that would want to use the space
13:21.26olisband understand the benfit of a network of CSP resellers...
13:21.54olisbi dont think they are to start with
13:22.02olisbalthough that would obviously help
13:22.22qopii think we need to be clear about what a CSP is
13:22.45qopito me, it is a One Planet Living Center, Synergy Centre, whatever you want to call it
13:22.47olisbstill, my point is that without some (many) more business as service providers Open is a bit flawed
13:23.05olisbi agree with those terms
13:23.21qopiwith ethical supermarket, eco-offices, housing, cafe, bar, club, all wirelessed up etc
13:23.59qopii think we should be getting people together who want to collectively own and operate London's first CSP somewhere
13:24.38olisbdon't u think we need more business behind us first?
13:24.56olisbe.g. dels with SUma
13:25.05olisband that HUGE organic food importer
13:25.22olisbalso, leccy car people
13:25.32olisband biogas conversion people
13:25.43olisband bike shops etc
13:26.35qopiright, so what you're really saying is that we need to form an sustainable living solutions buyers group or something
13:27.18olisbyeah, if u like
13:27.32olisbperhaps talk to via 3
13:27.43olisband soil assoc
13:27.48olisband bio-regional
13:27.53olisbabout delivering it too
13:28.13olisbi.e do the *networking* the sust econ. not the buildiong of it
13:29.04qopii don't think we need to sort out all those deals before we can move forward
13:29.28olisbwhat then, would be your plan?
13:30.27qopiwe'll it will be easier to get deals if we can convince people we have a network of people ready to act as sales and marketing agents
13:30.40olisbchicken and egg
13:30.51qopinot really
13:31.24olisbso how do we get a 'network of people ready to act as sales and marketing agents'?
13:31.38qopiwe just have to convince groups like synergy, 491 etc of our plans to make money by co-operative marketing and selling ethical goods, saving the money and buying a building
13:31.43olisbwithout any tangible prods or serives?
13:32.19qopiolisb: getting prod and services aint a problem in most cases
13:32.32qopiwe just open a trade account and start ordering
13:32.49olisbok, cool, but, dont u think we should work out how e will be 'marketing and selling ethical goods, saving the money ' first (in case we find we can't!?
13:33.03qopiand we have phone co-op and solar water straight away (plus via3)
13:33.53qopiolisb: i've thought about that quite a lot
13:34.05olisbi'm sure ;)
13:34.12olisbwe do need to agree on a plan tho
13:34.26olisbwhere's Gary Dam it!
13:34.48qopii think what is needed is all the cool event organisers to make an agreement to co-advertise each-other (and the shared shop/mail order service)
13:35.04olisbwas he still planning to come to London Town to meet with us this week?
13:35.19qopiwe sorta talked about that yes
13:35.42olisbwho are'all the cool event organisers' and why would they?
13:35.54qopibut we can decide on a plan about how ud, as London's Open Co-op, intends to set-up a CSP
13:36.46olisbi dont agree that London as a whole should have 1 CSP, i think that is too big, i see CSPs as very ylocal things
13:37.27qopiall the cool event organisers are synergy, ud, ecf, peace not war, revolutionation, labofii, reason2b, etc.
13:37.54qopithey would because they share our values and understand the need for us to have a large community building
13:37.56olisband I am not sure that UD should be aiming to set up CSPs anyway, but that's up pto it members ;)
13:38.26qopiolisb: i also think that every area should have a CSP, but think we need a flagship store
13:38.59olisb'flagship store'? soun ds like John Lewis!
13:39.18qopihopefully become as successful
13:39.32qopibut yes, flagship store/centre
13:39.37qopiideally on potters field!
13:40.19qopiflagship store = large centre that proves the model
13:40.47qopiit needed even be large really, but it would be nice if it were
13:41.21olisbhow did u get on blaggin us office space then?
13:41.38qopinot tried yet
13:42.03olisbI'd like to continue this conversation in person
13:42.08olisbwith Gary and others too
13:42.10qopiyes, so would i
13:42.23olisbperhaps we can convince him to come to town on fri?
13:42.35qopiperhaps, why fri?
13:42.52olisbhe mentioned it, provisionally
13:44.19qopiolisb: what are you confused about?
13:44.58olisbpretty much everything!
13:45.21lisppaste2olisb pasted "except this" at
13:46.01qopi1. Convince like-minded event organisers or the need for community owned space and how we should be more effective at getting the news out about sustainable living solutions
13:46.36olisbthat wont take long, but getting them to actually do anything might
13:47.34qopi2. get them all to a) help raise profile of land fund b) advertise the co-op shop, all proceeds of which go to member groups and/or the fund
13:48.11qopi3. get them to do this simply by agreeing to add 2 links to the footer of all their e-mail and on their websites
13:48.41olisbthey might actuall do that :)
13:49.11qopione link to the member event listings page (with downloadable weekly guide in pdf), the other to the shop
13:49.34qopisomething like that anyway
13:49.34olisbthis Land Fund needs some serious clout if it is to be taken seriously tho
13:49.47olisblike partnershpis with ec-building society
13:49.53olisband London Heritage
13:49.58olisbor some other big players
13:50.02qopiand they should add the link to their flyers etc
13:50.41olisbI see the 'event listings page' as the OPen Webcal
13:51.08qopireally we want BioRegional and Ethical Property I think, but yes, also Ecology Building Society etc
13:51.48qopiso start with I think we'd get The London Rebuilding Society involved
13:51.55qopito start with
13:52.25olisbthere must be some land trusts that promote common ownership of land
13:52.35olisbfor the peeps by the peeps etc
13:52.43qopiwhat you mean?
13:52.55qopithat is what community land trusts are, no?
13:53.06olisbisn't someone doing sort of what u aim to do already?
13:53.23qopiin london?
13:53.32olisbok, so where are theexisting community land trusts?
13:54.07qopiall over the place. prob some links on
13:54.23olisbthen they are the first point of call
13:54.33qopiyes and no
13:54.45qopiwe are the experts on the situation in london
13:55.09olisbshared beest practice tho? we need to know how they do etc.
13:55.17qopiand on new forms of effective collaborative organisational networks
13:56.15qopibest practice is largely having a standard charity with a board of trustees, which is not best practice imho
13:56.27olisbi like your  Community Land trust idea
13:56.37olisband think it is a vital part of Open etc
13:56.45olisbbut it seems like such a large project
13:57.01olisbthat it would detract from the core Open goals...
13:57.13olisband functionality, initially
13:57.31olisbhence i say, do network the event ornanisrs
13:57.40olisband get them working together
13:57.51olisbbut leave the land trust till later
13:58.12olisbjust mho
13:58.14qopii think that the land trust idea is what will make them work together
13:58.24qopiyou can't have a real community without a commons
13:58.35olisbso have a simpler commons
13:58.41qopithey are all already networked
13:58.58olisbif you say to them 'we aim to buy potters feild' it's so long termist they might not dig it
13:59.11qopii wouldn't say that
13:59.13olisbthey need more instant results
13:59.49qopii would say - let's start a collective fund to buy land/make small revolving loans
14:00.09qopithey would get instant results through the shared marketing of member events
14:00.48olisbi see more productivity in other ventures
14:00.58olisbi.e partnering business
14:01.09olisbto deliver sust solutions
14:01.35qopiall we're agreeing is 1) more people should know about all these cool events 2) everyone should know about existing sustainable living solutions 3) we can't have a sustainable community without a commons
14:02.40olisbgotta go eat
14:16.15qopimeans by
14:33.47*** join/#ud garyalex (
14:37.50olisbhi gary
14:37.59garyalexhi olisb
14:38.14olisbdid u seee that chat qopi and I were having b4 lunch?
14:38.14garyalexI'm in my office, just catching up on email.
14:38.26garyalexno I didn't.
14:38.38garyalexand I can't see the log until tomorrow, I believe!
14:38.47olisbwell, we were discussing plans
14:38.59garyalexAh! good.
14:39.04olisband wondering if u were planning to come to town on friday to meet uup
14:39.15garyalexMy first task today is to put up a revised version of the Strategic Plan.
14:40.18garyalexYes, OK (to friday)
14:40.49garyalexCan you email me any key things you were discussing this morning?
14:40.51olisbi'll work on an agenda ;)
14:41.23garyalexGood. I'll do the document now. The easiest way would be to attach it as a word document to a wiki page.
14:41.40garyalexHarder would be to try to turn it into a wiki page.
14:42.06olisbok, but add a note to the page as otherwise it wont show up in changes
14:42.35olisbit was a fairly general chat RE Land trusts and othe rthings but i'l mail u the chat
14:42.38garyalexI don't think there is an existing page for this, is there?
14:45.59olisbnot sure
14:46.16qopihi garyalex
14:46.29garyalexhi qopi
14:46.42qopii've gotta pop out now, but can you tell me when you were thinking of having an event at the OU garyalex ?
14:47.29garyalexI've just been talking to my secretary about it. Probably next spring.
14:47.46garyalexWell, it's a big campus but without any students!!!
14:48.01garyalexIt has lecture theatres, meeting rooms
14:48.25garyalexThe old lecture theatre is a good venue for live entertainment.
14:48.34qopibig campus, no students - sounds like a lot of space that could be put to good use
14:48.43garyalexIf the weather is nice, there are outdoor spaces.
14:48.52qopigaryalex: could i come and have a visit?
14:49.02garyalexBig campus, lots of staff, no students.,
14:49.09garyalexof course
14:49.35garyalexWe can have a meeting here, and all admire Baldrick in the flesh(???)
14:49.54qopisounds like a plan
14:50.41qopiperhaps have the next open meeting after the one on friday there?
14:52.07qopii.e. only us 4 (if tom can make it), plus evangineer if he wants to come too
14:52.31olisband to discuss general plans for action
14:52.40olisbdirection etc
14:53.03olisba reflection and re-focus from our initial meet in Diss
14:53.58qopigot wireless now, so plenty of connectivity
14:54.10qopi4 computers here anyway
14:54.34qopiwhat time we thinking?
14:54.42qopifrom quite early until evening?
14:55.06qopigaryalex: when could you get to london?
14:56.13garyalexon the phone
14:57.42olisbbut yeah, from early... onwards
14:58.05qopishall we say from 10am?
14:58.17qopior is that too early
14:58.38olisbno, that's a good time
14:59.54qopiok, so assuming that is ok with garyalex and that i get clearance from the mother, 10am it is
15:00.57qopievangineer: are you free friday? garyalex olisb and i are gonna have a general where are we what is our strategy meeting from 10am at my place
15:01.06qopigeneral meeting
15:01.29garyalexSorry guys, I've been on the phone.
15:01.55garyalexInteresting guy named Moeen Yaseen, who seems very much on our wavelength and is well connected.
15:02.12garyalexHe wants to meet us, and I suggested a short meeting at 5 pm on Friday!
15:02.48garyalexSo, I'll catch the earliest train I can get on my senior railcard. I'll check that out now and let you know when it arrives.
15:03.54qopiwe both attending  the workshop held by NEPD
15:04.01qopihe is on the ball
15:04.13qopibut no so much that he realised who i was
15:09.29garyalexSorry guys, I didn't quite manage to get the train times, and have just heard that Rick Nelson has arrived, so I'm off now to get him. Will check train times and put up the strategic plan later or tomorrow.
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17:29.47garyalexhi evangineer, olisb, qopi anyone around?
17:30.06olisbin, out, shake it alll about!
17:30.45garyalexOK, my visitors have just gone. All talk up in the stratosphere! Don't know if anything will come of it.
17:31.04olisbSolar Rouf gui?
17:31.08garyalexThe man with the money seems to be Moeen, who we will see on Friday.
17:31.34garyalexSolaroofguy yes, plus friend Jonathon from UK Psychological Socitey.
17:31.42olisbwhat's he do, where's his cash from?
17:32.20evangineerhow is Rick? what's he up to these days?
17:32.27garyalexI'm not sure. I think it is from Muslim banks. He's organising a consortium to help with the tsunami disaster from Islamic sources.
17:32.46garyalexRick is in very good form. And very enthusiastic about us.
17:32.58garyalexTalks a lot about getting funding for us.
17:33.05evangineergood to hear!
17:33.06olisbhmmmm methink the world has forgotten the Africans bcoz of that wave...
17:33.10garyalexThat's a lot of why I keep seeing him!
17:33.25garyalexYes, so I gather (about Africa).
17:33.30evangineerolisb, typical really
17:33.41olisbbadly plannned i say
17:33.53olisbthis year was supposed to be 'aid for africa year'
17:33.54garyalexAnyway, are we all on for Friday at Josef's?
17:34.06olisbwhich got sidetracked...
17:34.29olisbwhen and where is mooohem!?!?!
17:34.30garyalexWhere does josef live?
17:34.33garyalexNear a tube station?
17:34.51garyalexMooeem Yaseen.
17:35.13olisbWest Hampstead
17:35.20garyalexWe'll know more on Friday. I said it would just be a short introductory visit, because I think we'll have lots to get on with.
17:36.17garyalexMy earliest cheap train is the 8:47 arriving at Liverpool St. at 10:24.
17:36.45garyalexSo, I could probably get to Josef's in what? half an hour? 45 minutes?
17:37.11garyalexBut you guys could start at 8:30 if you want!  ;)
17:38.01garyalexYes, we said about 5 pm.
17:38.11garyalexAfter his afternoon prayers.
17:38.24olisbwhen and where
17:39.21garyalexWhen he rang, I was in the middle of the IRC chat with you, discussing where we would meet on Friday, so I told Yaseen he could come to Josef's for a brief meeting with us all.
17:39.30garyalexStill to be confirmed.
17:39.41garyalexBut he sounded like a real go-=ahead guy.
17:39.45qopimoeen is from global  vision 2000, and is organising a conference on islamic banking and has managed to get bartercard to sponsor it
17:39.55garyalexThanks qopi
17:39.59olisbwb qopi
17:40.06qopiand yes, he seems like a go-getter
17:40.43garyalexqopi, how would I get to your place from Liverpool St. station?
17:40.49garyalexand how long would it take/
17:43.55garyalexBut we are talking about just us, I presume: me, josef, oli, mamading and possibly tom if he can come for part of the time
17:44.08garyalexAnd then Moeen for a little while.
17:44.09qopigaryalex: you would catch the metropolitian line to finchley road, then go one stop on the jubilee line to west hampstead, turn left out the station, cross the road by the north london line station on the left, keep going until you get the the thameslink station, then walk down the alley next to the thameslink station until you come out the other end, at the end of my road. Go left and look for a red door with number 85 on it, P nw6 1np
17:44.26phennynw6 1np:
17:44.41garyalexGreat! Thanks qopi. I'll save that info.
17:44.59qopigaryalex: careful - it is wrong!
17:45.02olisbmind the pick pockets in the alley tho!
17:45.10qopiyou turn right out of the station
17:45.32garyalexWhat do the pickpockets look like?
17:45.45olisbhooded tops and trainers
17:45.55olisb(like me)
17:46.59olisbit's safest to presume everyone's a pick pocket, that sems to work for most londoners...
17:47.13olisbcreates a lovely vibe tooo!
17:47.53garyalexI've mostly sorted out the cards, etc. I lost at Oli's now.
17:48.07garyalexStill missing things like library card
17:48.38garyalexI don't remember you asking, but of course. :D
17:49.46garyalexI'm off back to the tiki to do that Strategic Plan. Use my nick  if you want me
18:12.47olisbqopi has mail
18:49.37qopithey didn't even teach me to write!
18:49.40olisbu can do better!
18:49.56olisbyeah, my mate jim was complaining of that too
18:50.04olisbno gramma, nothing
18:53.06olisbwhere's that vision u were working on?
18:53.28qopiit doesn't even have sentences yet olisb and is barely begun
18:53.47qopii'll send out as is though if you like, just so you get the idea.
18:53.59qopieven though i feel a little embarrased by its lameness
18:56.33olisboh, no i meant the paragraph for OPen
18:56.50olisbu were doing pre ramparts
19:01.02qopiolisb: Our Vision is a world of Quality One Planet Living.  A world in which a high quality of life doesn't come at the expense of others, now or in the future.  A world in which the Ecological Footprint of all human activities is no greater than the size of our Planet. A world where everyone can take part in any decision making process that affects them.  A world in which communities are empowered to self-organise to provide fo
19:02.12olisblob it on ;)
19:02.42olisbr their own needs?
19:04.06qopiyes, own needs, i guess :)
19:06.07qopiolisb: i lobbed it on there as a comment
19:06.42olisbbit worried by
19:06.52olisbwell, the english really!
19:07.10olisbI mean, a purpose is not a goal! a VISION is a goal!
19:09.07qopiolisb: are we The Open Co-op LLP of Open Co-op LLP, officially?
19:09.29olisbi forget
19:11.39qopiwe're The Open Co-op LLP
19:13.51qopiwhy on earth is a web search only available during certain times!
19:17.37olisbi've wondered that a few times
20:33.00*** join/#ud garyalex (
20:34.44garyalexhi evangineer, olisb, qopi How are things?
20:35.02olisbjust commented on your strat plan
20:35.19garyalexok I'll take a look. What do you think of it?
20:35.26olisbqopi also pointed out we are The Open Co-op LLP
20:35.38olisbnot Open Co-op LLp
20:35.49olisbit's ok! ;)
20:36.32olisbcheck out  too and add stuff as u like
20:36.36garyalexI think I can make that correction! :)
20:36.46garyalexYes, I've just looked at it.
20:37.04olisbu seem to have scared qopi off editing your wiki pages!
20:37.09garyalexI think it is a good review, which we badly need.
20:39.04garyalexThat's good. How can other people react if it is edited before they see it?
20:39.40olisbthey can look at the history! That's what it is for
20:39.49olisband the page wont contain as many mistakes!
20:39.56garyalexAgenda: I was hoping we would go through the material that evangineer has developed, but it may be too soon for that.
20:41.01garyalexWell, I have no problem with minor corrections. And I think it is much easier to understand a document with attached comments than to have to check through a whole set of versions in the history to make sense of a discussion.
20:41.17garyalexWhat misteaks?
20:41.43olisbthe The for example, but whatever
20:42.31garyalexThe 'visionary' thing. Is that for Rowntree?
20:43.10garyalexI'm happy to be a referee, but am also willing to help you polish it if you want.
20:43.37olisbcool :) shall i send u todays work?
20:43.47garyalexYou once talked about doing it jointly with Josef. Is that still the plan?
20:43.53garyalexYes, send it to me.
20:44.06olisbI need to get some answers to the questions I asked qopi really tho, they're in the mail...
20:44.15olisbi am not sure
20:44.19olisbsort of...
20:44.27olisbnot sure if it is a good/bad idea
20:44.52garyalexI can't really comment until I see what you've written.
20:45.04garyalexWould `josef apply separately otherwise?
20:46.01olisbhe should apply seperately anyway, that was the idea
20:46.11olisbbut we were going to reference each other...
20:48.29olisbcool gary, i didnt realise you had mailed out the plan too
20:48.38olisbI wonder if you will hear anything from the cc's
20:49.07olisbI am very disaapointed not to have had a single reply from John, Angela or Stephen.. ;(
20:49.19garyalexThe wiki page is just the doc in wiki format.
20:49.37olisbok, delete or answer that coomment
20:50.08garyalexabout jon, angela or stephen? I would be dissappointed too if I don't hear from any of them.
21:07.44olisbi meant the comment on Strat plan.
21:15.45garyalexolisb: firstly, comments on strat plan: I think your comments are sensible. I'll add a comment of my own saying that, and will take them into account when revising it.
21:16.24garyalexsecondly, I've just had a quick read of your visionary doc. It's good. I've made a few comments already on it, but want to think about it and add some more.
21:16.53olisbthanks a lot
21:17.23olisbas mentioned, it needs to be angled acording to 'groups/individual' applications
21:17.29garyalexIt would be so good if either or both of you and josef didn't have to worry about supporting yourselves.
21:17.30olisband with mention of Josef
21:17.45olisbit would be more than good!
21:17.47garyalexI don't understand that either.
21:18.23garyalexYes, mate, I know! :D
21:23.12olisbfrom our stats it would apperar is a the 2nd most visited page this month! and I dont even know how it works!
21:23.38olisbhey damian, are u about?
21:56.31olisbWOW, i just discovered the mother of all comments
21:59.17olisbhe seems kinda rooted in old ways of thinking
21:59.50olisbcheck out his 9 classes in basic theory
22:00.11olisbI dont think thinking in classes like that really helps at alll
22:00.33evangineercaste system reinvented?
22:03.46olisbexactly, it's also worrying when individuals map out so much of the 'new world system' on their own
22:04.05evangineerjust what I thought
22:04.05olisbdoesnt seem to be much dialouge there
22:19.49olisbqopi: phpmultishop can not monitor click thru at all
22:20.37olisbit's only in OS so there doesn't seem much point in messing with multshop
22:38.21olisbevangineer, i'd like to set up an Open planetplanet (as in as soon as I can get at baldrick, will it run ok on the set up your planning?
22:38.44evangineeryes, it should be fine
22:38.54olisbgroovy ;)
23:03.46*** join/#ud garyalex (

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