IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100406

00:01.05*** join/#webos-internals dug (
00:02.53oilrwhitby, why doesnt the backup script copy the feeds out and back in?
00:03.33lingfishAnyone else have the issue?  And in .au by any chance?  rwhitby ?
00:04.05sbromwichwhat's the timezone bug?
00:04.35lingfishWell, my time rolled back fine at end of our daylight saving here a few days ago...
00:04.41lingfishand its gone back another hour now :/
00:04.53lingfishand there's no zdump installed on the phone
00:04.58sbromwichthat sucks :-/
00:05.14zsocsbromwich: 8GB sticks are pretty cheap here. Even 16GBs on sale.
00:05.34sbromwichoh, the whole shooting match will fit on an 8 gig stick?
00:05.45zsocI can't imagine it won't
00:05.50zsocmaybe i'm being stupid tho
00:06.09sbromwich651 meg for the cross compile directory ;-)
00:06.19zsochow big is 4347676 ?
00:06.39zsocthat's how much my entire vbox is so far
00:06.47sbromwichah ok
00:06.47zsocand i have all sorts of crazy stuff installed/staged
00:07.44sbromwichgit checkout -b doctor_14 origin/doctor_14 in the toolchain directory?
00:08.11zsoci'm not sure what that comment is exactly
00:08.15zsoci think it's for specific doctor versions
00:08.19zsoci suppose _14 is 1.4
00:08.20zsocso sure
00:08.31sbromwichI suppose I should try _141
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00:09.00zsocsbromwich: and it would be in /srv/preware
00:09.04sbromwichah, no _141, not what I thought it was
00:09.23zsocdoctor version shouldn't matter in this case anyhow
00:10.39lingfishCan someone give me a build of the zdump binary, that'll run on a Pre?
00:11.18lingfishSeems to be a different arch to i386 ;)
00:11.34sbromwichhow odd ;-)
00:12.32*** join/#webos-internals festa (~183d322c@gateway/web/freenode/x-dkulsremvirdmlte)
00:13.23festaanyone here
00:13.36bpadalinoi think we're alone now
00:13.47festai got i question about the WebOS QI program
00:13.56festamaybe you could help me
00:14.02bpadalinooh, i've never used it before
00:14.15sbromwichmake stage fails with 404 on
00:14.16festado you know about the WEbOs QI Prog?
00:14.24bpadalinoi know about it
00:14.28zsocsbromwich: does your box have an internet connection?
00:14.40bpadalinolink is broken
00:14.43zsocoh, that link is bad
00:14.45sbromwichit downloaded the rest of the toolchain ok
00:14.59zsocyou can download the doctor and just put it in that folder
00:15.00zsoc1 sec
00:15.01bpadalinoshould be
00:15.12sbromwichthanks bpadalino
00:15.24zsocsbromwich: navigate to /cross-compile/doctors/ and wget that link
00:16.04festasoea anyone know why when i try and use the themer on WEbOsQI and i clikc load them it says that it is disabled until the Theming Specifications are put in place?
00:16.37bpadalinoprobably because theming was causing all sortsa issues beforehand
00:16.46bpadalinoand there was no standard way to put them together ?
00:17.06festai have no idea lol
00:17.13sbromwichbpadalino: do you have an alternative for too?
00:17.16festai mean i can use the Preware to put themes on it
00:17.36festabut after i put a theme on it i have to goback to the default theme befor i can load another one
00:17.38sbromwichah, thanks
00:17.55bpadalinono problemo
00:18.00*** join/#webos-internals raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
00:19.33lingfishweird... a reboot has fixed my time issue, so far...
00:20.01rasterlingfish:  yo
00:20.51festaim viewing my palm using a folder on my comp all my music is in the main folder if i make a sub foder named Music and transfer all my music to it will they still be in my playlist?
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00:21.16sbromwichlingfish: ntpdate running on startup? I would have thought it would have stropped out on too much clock skew though
00:22.22en0xfesta: yes
00:22.23sbromwichTry it with just one album's worth of files and see what happens?
00:22.54festaok thanks
00:23.04*** join/#webos-internals caj2008 (~6c60a4c8@gateway/web/freenode/x-mjafuvgggemogvpo)
00:23.23festai figure the phone just searches for .wma and .mp3s in the folder anyway
00:23.26festain all folders
00:25.00zsocfesta: it searches for many filetypes anywhere in /media/internal, and then checks their metadata to sort them properly
00:25.00sbromwichsod... bombed out trying to compile openssl
00:25.13zsocdefine bombed
00:25.47sbromwichI'm trying to figure out quite where but it failed to compile with errors on* and libssl.,so.*
00:26.02zsocsbromwich: try a different package.. something known to build with no DEPs.. like uh..
00:26.15sbromwichthis is trying to do make stage
00:26.20rwhitbylingfish: my time is correct on the Pre
00:26.31zsocsbromwich: bison
00:26.36rwhitbyoil: good point - it probably should save the feeds config too
00:26.40rasterzsoc:  zs!
00:26.42festathanks z
00:26.44festaanyone know what the mountcfs text doc is?
00:26.47sbromwich2010-04-05 21:24:21.793 (ERROR) bash[20665]     Unidentified executable detected (/srv/preware/cross-compile/packages/openssl/build/src/Configure)
00:26.49zsocsbromwich: cd to packages/bison and 'make stage'
00:27.08sbromwichroot@itssab-aspire:/srv/preware/cross-compile# head -n 3 /srv/preware/cross-compile/packages/openssl/build/src/Configure
00:27.09sbromwicheval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
00:27.20sbromwichno hash bang?
00:27.34zsocsbromwich: I have no idea what you are doing, but please stop :D cd to packages/bison and 'make stage'
00:27.40lingfishrwhitby: very, very strange.
00:27.44lingfishDunno what it was
00:28.09sbromwichit would not be beyond the bounds of possibility that this machine has a dicky ram chip in it too though
00:28.39sbromwichconfigure seems to be running happily for bison now
00:28.55rwhitbysbromwich: note that the WIDK is in no way represented to be a mature cross-compilation environment. I would have preferred to go with an OpenEmbedded setup using palm's config, but they haven't published such.
00:29.18zsocsbromwich: unfortunately ram seems to be a major issue with running cpu emulators in a virtual box
00:29.20rwhitbySo you should not expect polish and should expect problems :-)
00:29.21sbromwichrwhitby: understood... I'm just happy to get my hands on whatever I can :-)
00:29.36zsocsbromwich: for what you're trying to compile, this should be perfect. and hell, it sets up really fast ;)
00:29.40rwhitbysbromwich: no worries, with that understanding it should work pretty well
00:29.58sbromwichhow vital is openssl to getting things going?
00:30.26sbromwichand now bison is compiling
00:30.49sbromwichmake[1]: Leaving directory `/srv/preware/cross-compile/packages/bison/build/src'
00:30.50sbromwichtouch build/armv7.built
00:31.08zsoccongratulations, you have a working cross compile environment
00:31.24sbromwichoh, that's it?
00:31.36sbromwichI was under the misimpression I was building it right now ;-)
00:31.37zsocsbromwich: check Makefile 's for an example of how to use it
00:31.44sbromwichfeels rather cheery now
00:31.54zsocsbromwich: nope, you already built it :D ie, vim packages/bison/Makefile
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00:32.21zsocbasically, you should make a new folder/Makefile for each thing you wan't to build, but you don't _have_ to. Those makefile's will show examples of how to use the ${SB2} env var to your liking
00:33.41sbromwichI don't see anything obvious there I need for kernel compilation
00:34.07rwhitbysbromwich: oh, the kernel compilation stuff is not in there :)
00:34.26rwhitbysbromwich: it's in preware/build.git/hardware/uber-kernel-pre/Makefile
00:34.37sbromwichno, I have my own kernel tree with -rt applied then the preware patch
00:35.15sbromwichin /srv/preware?
00:35.19rwhitbysbromwich: it's a basic normal kernel compile - we just set up the toolchain for CROSS_COMPILE to use
00:35.48zsocAnd that's where I can no longer help. I know nothing about kernels.
00:35.50sbromwichI need to git-clone from somewhere?
00:35.59sbromwichyou have been very helpful zsoc, thanks :-)
00:36.21zsocsbromwich: well, build.git is another makefile used for the autobuilder... if what you need rod is saying is in there, you'll welcome to grab it :)
00:36.52sbromwichI only have /srv/preware/cross-compile, nothing else in there
00:37.06sbromwichsuspects he's missing something obvious (again)
00:39.54rwhitbysbromwich: git clone git:// in /srv/preware
00:45.27sbromwichok I think I've got it... now to see if it compiles :-)
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00:57.08sbromwichdid I miss a step? When I try to compile it bombs with: /bin/sh: /srv/preware/build/toolchain/cs08q1armel/build/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc: not found
00:57.23chrisaSounds like the CROSS_COMPILE var is wrong
00:58.06zsocsbromwich: you built your toolchain in /srv/preware/cross-compile
00:58.22zsocand that's where scratchbox should be expecting things
00:58.32zsocif you want to use build.git, you can't use scratchbox
00:58.45zsocsbromwich: from the /srv/preware/build , you can 'make toolchain'
00:58.55sbromwichI'm getting closer :-)
01:00.43*** join/#webos-internals at (~4abc038a@gateway/web/freenode/x-iivqyoflrgupiujp)
01:05.47*** join/#webos-internals NiteTrek (~chatzilla@
01:07.49NiteTrekrwhitby....are you here?
01:08.45en0xand palm said bye bye to ad agency
01:08.50en0xmodernista sux!
01:10.22*** join/#webos-internals nekrox_ (~nekro@unaffiliated/nekrox)
01:10.30chrisaThey got better (after a while)
01:10.45bpadalinoyeah, the latest ones aren't too terrible ..
01:10.49chrisaBut the reaction to the early commercials was akin to the advertising agency in the Mr Plow episode of Simpsons
01:10.51en0xthey picked up in pixi commercial
01:11.11en0xcreepy lady...
01:11.59bpadalinochrisa, how goes things ?
01:12.15zsocNiteTrek: do you need something?
01:12.50chrisaThings go
01:13.14bpadalinohow is spring time out there?
01:13.31NiteTrekJust had a question zsoc...I'm private chatting with him now...thanks.
01:13.47bpadalinochrisa, got any summer time trip plans for this year ?
01:13.50chrisaSpring here is about the same as Winter
01:13.56chrisaDon't be fooled, we have no seasons
01:14.27zsocNiteTrek: kk
01:14.27bpadalinoah, i didn't know .. we're starting to get some nicer weather ..
01:14.28chrisaHmm, debating a tahoe weekend and perhaps Santorini
01:14.34en0xi want to move to cali
01:14.42bpadalinochrisa, Santorini, eh ? never heard of it
01:14.57chrisaIsland in Greece
01:15.07zsocI want to move to the mountains in Ecuador. 65 degrees 365 days a year.
01:15.25bpadalinosummer in the Mediterranean on an island .. sounds pretty nice
01:15.45chrisaNot to mention the exchange rate in greece right now is hilarious
01:15.52chrisa(poor greece)
01:15.54en0xok time for me... first I will watch "fight club" and then sleep
01:16.01dtzWillen0x: fun dreams :)
01:16.02bpadalinonight en0x
01:16.10en0xnite all
01:16.11zsocen0x: i will keep that information in your log
01:16.13bpadalinopoor greece indeed
01:16.16bpadalinoin so many ways
01:16.23bhueydreads the day that iPhone multitasking is announced
01:16.41bhueylooks like it'll be April 8th for the announcement
01:16.59zsoci still don't want one
01:17.20bpadalinoi've gotten so used to being able to novaterm and see #
01:17.21deadsixdont care it wont be full multitasking
01:17.32dtzWillnow you can do all 3 things apple lets you do on your device at once!</sillycheapshot>
01:17.37chrisaI just want to see whose ui paradigm they steal for it
01:17.49bhueydeadsix: it won't ?
01:18.03zsocchrisa: well as it is, safari on iphone OS already handles tabs similar to webOS
01:18.17chrisaWho knows, but Apple has made it clear in the past they don't think it's a good idea
01:18.27zsocyeah, a lot of security risks, lol
01:18.57deadsix@ bhuey it probably wont
01:20.01*** join/#webos-internals Mountaineer (~wIRCer@
01:20.20chrisaApple also probably does not want to risk a user ever encountering a low memory situation
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01:20.31chrisaSo I imagine they'll limit it in some way, if only by process counts or something
01:20.38sbromwichkernel is compiling, hurrah!
01:20.55sbromwichcrosses his fingers
01:20.59Mountaineerthis is so cool.....IRC on webOS...MOBILE!!
01:21.26bpadalinochrisa, interesting notion
01:21.38sbromwichor you can install bitchx in terminal and use that
01:21.42bpadalinothough sad if they choose that route
01:22.53*** join/#webos-internals Bmyers (
01:23.23sbromwich3 tasks unless you buy an app from apple's appstore which will let you raise the app limit by 1 every time you buy it
01:25.20dtzWillsbromwich: it was a silly jab at the closed nature of the platform. probably in not the best of taste. not meant to be taken seriously, and you're right.
01:25.51zsocMountaineer: welcome to linux
01:26.10sbromwichI can't stand iphones myself, I have no great liking for them
01:26.37sbromwichthe mention of multitasking on an iphone made me think of the multitasking in system 9 (or whatever the pre-osx was)
01:26.42zsocSome of the GLES apps on the Pre have really impressed me. I've just now gotten to playing a few.
01:27.44zsocopengl es
01:27.46zsoc3d stuff
01:27.49bpadalinothe scrolling on the iphone is a bit more fluid .. the email app in iphone os seems to be a bit 'smoother' as well versus email on the pre ..
01:28.07bpadalinomy pre still thinks a google calendar i have is off by a day ..
01:28.10zsoci like the webos email app
01:28.13sbromwichI would like to think I have tweaked my pre to be more fluid than an iphone
01:28.15bpadalinoand my fb timezone is off as well
01:28.44sbromwichI'm waiting until the next time I see a friend who owns an iphone to see how her's compares
01:29.01zsocI mean, think of the stock differences between webos 1.0.3 and webos
01:29.04zsocit's night and day imo
01:29.35bpadalinooh there is absolutely no doubt the performance has gotten significantly better
01:29.59sbromwichactually... I don't suppose there is anyone from palm here?
01:29.59bpadalinothe omap3 under the hood is underappreciated ..and the guys on those forums saying 'snapdragon' for new hardware are kinda silly ..
01:30.32bpadalinosbromwich: meet chrisa and geist .. but don't be surprised if you don't get full answers
01:30.47*** part/#webos-internals Guest17161 (~4abc038a@gateway/web/freenode/x-iivqyoflrgupiujp)
01:30.58sbromwichin /etc/fstab /var is mounted data=writeback but surely it should be /var/log that is mounted data=writeback? performance is much smoother that way
01:31.05sbromwichthanks bpadalino :-)
01:31.22sbromwichalso I care less if /var/log gets corrupted than if /var does
01:32.30zsocsbromwich: you might want to consider sending that directly to the engineering department
01:32.48sbromwichI might, but tomorrow I start back at work and will have no free time until august
01:32.56zsocalthough i believe chrisa and geist are both involved in lower level / kernel stuff
01:33.08zsocsbromwich: bah, cut down your sleep by 2 hours a night
01:33.25sbromwichmy doctor put me on pills to stop me doing that
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01:33.28bpadalinoi still can't believe how many late nights i had putzing around with this silly phone :(
01:33.49sbromwichhe also prescribed me to have lunch down the pub every day so it's not all bad
01:33.51zsocbpadalino: how can you frown at that? i love my tiny linux box ^_^
01:35.01sbromwichkernel/futex.c: In function 'do_futex':
01:35.01sbromwichinclude/asm/futex.h:59: error: invalid 'asm': operand number out of range
01:35.18sbromwichI know it would end up with me having to frig with assembler again.
01:35.33zsocouch :/
01:36.35sbromwichinclude/asm/futex.h:59: error: invalid 'asm': operand number out of range
01:36.56sbromwichthat's the file that had the whitespace fiddled with
01:37.01sbromwichmaybe it *was* significant
01:37.18sbromwichtime to fiddle the diffs again
01:38.21sbromwichbet it needs a newline.
01:39.11sbromwichoh christ I hope it's not going to build the whole lot again
01:39.38sbromwichno, and it was newlines after all
01:40.53*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
01:41.09bpadalinohooray for \n
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01:41.36sbromwichwould have been nicer if someone hadn't tried to be cute with the whitespace
01:42.15bpadalinowhat's                                               so wrong                                                             with                                        being                                         c   u   t   e                   with                                           whit e sp ac e?
01:43.14zsocbpadalino: cute
01:43.28zsocI just had a brain explosion
01:43.32sbromwichwhen it's done just
01:43.39zsocwhat is a function/feature called that is no longer used?
01:43.47bpadalinodeprecated ?
01:43.51zsocyes thank you
01:44.05zsocwhat's the opposite of depreciated?
01:44.23zsocappreciated seems present, i'm looking more for future tense
01:44.35sbromwichwill appreciate
01:44.40bpadalinoanticipated ?
01:45.07sbromwichdo you perhaps mean the opposite of deprecated?
01:45.18zsocalso maybe.
01:45.33sbromwich"recommended" or if you're being quite firm "requisite"
01:45.58sbromwichor required on this side of the ocean, possibly
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02:10.08sbromwichI think I must be missing something obvious again... if I run palm-emulator and click on "Start Emulator" how long is it supposed to take before I can ssh in?
02:10.45sbromwichI have a java process running the emulator but it doesn't seem to be using any cpu time
02:12.57*** part/#webos-internals Mountaineer (~wIRCer@
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02:14.51Abyssulim getting a ipkg update error from WOSQI. Any ideas? Is it because of the servers being faulty?
02:16.17zsocwhy do so many people ask for wosqi support in here
02:16.40sbromwichbeats me
02:16.47AbyssulBecause it deals with patches feeds?
02:16.58zsocAbyssul: does it update in preware
02:17.49sbromwichIn file included from drivers/misc/vibetonz/vtmdrv.c:53:
02:17.49sbromwichdrivers/misc/vibetonz/VibeOSKernelLinuxTime.c:57: error: expected identifier or '(' before '{' token
02:17.55sbromwichrequest permission to say "cock"
02:19.02zsocgo for it
02:19.45zsocI enjoy Anglo-Saxon profanities.
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02:20.59sbromwichit's a reference to james may off of top gear
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02:23.22sbromwichok this makes no sense.
02:23.27sbromwichstatic inline int fastcall sem_is_locked(struct semaphore *lock)
02:23.32sbromwichthere is an identifier right there.
02:23.35sbromwichpoints at it.
02:23.58sbromwichand I can't see sem_is_locked being a reserved word somehow
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02:28.20sbromwichDefined as a preprocessor macro in:
02:28.31sbromwichok fair enough
02:31.50sbromwichrenaming sem_is_locked to palm_sem_is_locked worked, hopefully nothing else palm is using sem_is_locked or it might be in for a nasty surprise...
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02:44.35sbromwich"mkimage" command not found - U-Boot images will not be built
02:45.41sbromwich*heart* whoever wrote that.
02:46.59zsocsbromwich: we're pretty much the best community ever
02:47.19sbromwichdon't forget to mention the modesty, too.
02:47.55ka6soxhe he
02:48.54sbromwichdoesn't remember kernel compiles being this slow back in the day on PIII's
02:51.50sbromwichlooks like the ipkg build fails
02:52.00sbromwich../../scripts/ Makefile >> build/armv7/CONTROL/control
02:52.00sbromwichCould not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
02:52.00sbromwichCould not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
02:52.00sbromwichConsider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
02:52.43rwhitbysbromwich: looks like python is not installed well
02:52.54sbromwichit would appear so
02:52.54dtzWillsbromwich: you building from cross-compile.git? try adding 'python' to your DEP, I added it to fix that
02:53.02sbromwichor something is awry with my $PATH
02:53.17dtzWilloh if it's not installed at all that might be useful, but for some things you want/need python within sb2
02:53.36sbromwich[SB2 mapping-armv7 armv7] root@itssab-aspire uber-kernel-pre $ which python
02:54.31dtzWillsbromwich: you might have luck another way, but when I/we poked hat/hit those bugs earlier the clean fix was to just build python within sb2 and stage it
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02:55.04dtzWillso it'll end up in /usr/local/bin/python and I think you might want to make sure your path has /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin etc
02:55.24sbromwichgood call
02:55.24dtzWillsbromwich: python is already in cross-compile so you should be able to just add 'python' to your DEPENDS list
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02:55.37zsocsbromwich: also you'll need to build python
02:55.49zsocoh right, he just said that
02:55.54zsocJack87: haven't seen you in a year and a day
02:55.56sbromwichall I'm doing is following
02:56.03dtzWillJack87: agreed haven't seen you in some time
02:56.32dtzWillsbromwich: the host python does seem to work for some things, but the only way that seems to work across platfors/envs is to build python within.
02:56.57Jack87hello zsoc and dtzWill  i did a bit of traveling lastt few month
02:57.02Jack87also getting ready to start school again
02:57.07sbromwichso this is to build python for both the host and the target system if I understand?
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02:57.27Jack87does Caj2008 hang out here ata l?
02:57.32dtzWillsbromwich: errr does that use sb2 at all?
02:57.47sbromwichI believe I am running sb2
02:57.50dtzWillsbromwich: you actually just need python within the guest/target env
02:57.55Jack87Caj2008 aka overclock kernel dev Jeff
02:57.55sbromwich[SB2 mapping-armv7 armv7] root@itssab-aspire python $ make
02:57.56zsocdtzWill: the autobuilder cross compiles fine without sb2, it's just inconvenient
02:57.58sbromwichwould hint so
02:58.45dtzWillzsoc: I understand that, and I understand how sb2 works to understand that's the case--but it gets really really messy when you do it all by hand
02:59.02zsocdtzWill: then i will stop talking again
02:59.31dtzWillsbromwich: yeah your prmopt suggests so, but that guide has you set all kinds of env vars that wouldn't be required if you had sb2 to alias them for you
02:59.36dtzWillzsoc: :( sorry
02:59.42sbromwichgood point
02:59.57dtzWillis starving and snaping on poor zsoc. time to make some food, bbiab
03:00.06sbromwichit's nearly done downloading, I'll see what happens
03:01.19dtzWillis back. "make a meal now, or grab a beer instead and make dinner later?" wasn't a very difficult decision
03:02.12rwhitbyJack87: haven't seen Jeff in here, but I gave him the URL to join
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03:03.29Jack87rwhitby: thanks... he is asking me to write up a little step by step guide but only way i can contact him is via precentral PM which i hate. I suppose i can email him but not sure if thats any better.
03:03.36sbromwichecho $CROSS_COMPILE
03:03.39sbromwichoh ffs
03:06.28sbromwichtis too late
03:06.32sbromwichI must be off to bed
03:06.54sbromwichwould anyone be interested in a kernel tree of the palm kernel with the realtime patches applied that at least compiles?
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03:07.02Jack87goodnight sbromwich
03:07.12zsocsbromwich: put it somewhere, certainly
03:07.58dtzWillsbromwich: definitely
03:08.22sbromwichI was really hoping to get the -rt kernel going with this :-(
03:08.24mjkjrwhat's the command i can use to run novacom again w/o restarting my pc
03:10.05zsocHow does palm-install work?
03:17.35rwhitbyzsoc: novacom put, then executes a luna-send to call the application install service
03:18.21zsocso.. i can just novacom put it.. and then ipkg install it?
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03:18.36zsocrwhitby: or do i need to use this magical install service since the service and app are packaged together?
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03:20.08rwhitbyzsoc: oh, you need BLDFLAGS = -p
03:20.20zsoci have no idea what that means
03:20.25rwhitbythe palm-install can execute the postinst if the postinst is written correctly
03:20.30zsoci see
03:20.34rwhitbyit's in the packaging makefile
03:20.55rwhitbytells it to build a palm-format package with PmPostInstall.script
03:21.11zsochmm.. i think i had that
03:21.19zsocsave/restore uses it?
03:21.34zsocthen probably
03:21.54rwhitbyipkgservice (Java version) 0.9.45 in the testing feed for Preware to Preware Alpha upgrade testing
03:24.32Bmyersrwhitby: hi
03:24.42rwhitbyBmyers: g'day
03:24.59Bmyersstill looking for help on that date thing?
03:25.12rwhitbyBmyers: sure
03:26.52Bmyerswhat its the save and restore git that i should look work with?
03:30.49Bmyersrwhitby: its the save and restore git that i should look work with?
03:32.33rwhitbyBmyers: yep
03:36.59rwhitbySo, who thinks we should include the webos-internals-testing feed in Preware by default, but disabled?
03:37.34sbromwich (in about 20 seconds)
03:37.36sbromwichnot me
03:37.54sbromwichand it's copied
03:38.22sbromwichthat was patches with the rt patch and then the palm patch and then the overclock patch, if I recall correctly
03:38.49sbromwichif needs be I can probably get one of the RT guys from novell to come talk to anyone who's genuinely interested in implementing it
03:38.59sbromwichbut for now I must go... laters :-)
03:40.58zsocis there a .. uh.. palm-/uninstall/?
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03:54.24jacquesjust registered for the dev days
03:56.58Jack87hi JayCanuck
03:57.15JayCanuckhi jack87
03:58.11ka6soxjacques, kewl
03:58.29jacqueska6sox, :-D
03:59.33Jack87JayCanuck: someone has a request for you..... i just noticed
04:00.25Jack87JayCanuck: haha i know there are a million requests... but do what you please.. here is the link...
04:04.54MitalisIs character counter working for anybody else?  I've seen a few threads of people saying the patch is working for them with 1.4.1 installed.
04:04.55MitalisBut for me it's just installed as a placeholder.
04:05.01phil_bwdtzWill, I know you're not around but I just wanted to let you know that I made a *ton* of progress on the X window manger front.  I've got a custom fvwm setup that works beautifully with virtual desktops, I'll post a vid tomorrow so look for it
04:05.20Jack87JayCanuck: seems like it might have to be an app all in it self rather then a patch?
04:05.33JayCanuckjack87, maybe at 55*C I can give a warning that if it stays above 55*C, in 5minutes, the device will shut down. sound good?
04:06.16JayCanuckdefinitely do-able as a patch :)
04:06.24Jack87JayCanuck: ya i think that sounds good.. haha not my request :-) i just figured id relay you since i ran into you here.
04:06.24Jack87phil_bw: congrats!
04:06.35phil_bwJack87, thanks
04:06.54phil_bwI have just about made X on the Pre a "user friendly" experience
04:07.25Jack87phil_bw: thats awesome
04:08.10phil_bwwith very little effort can load it up, open up a document in openoffice, switch virtual desktops if something goes off the screen, all with very little memory impact
04:08.12Jack87JayCanuck: could it be a patch in the screen settings to add it as an option?
04:08.40Jack87phil_bw: does it run in SDL?
04:08.56JayCanuckwould be significant more work as those are 2 separe applicatinons and would need to communicate together
04:09.33phil_bwJack87, yes
04:09.46phil_bwso as my wife texts me I just switch between X and the text
04:09.52Jack87JayCanuck: roger that.. probably not worth the effort at least for now. be good to get input after you try your first idea
04:10.17rwhitbyzsoc|away: palm-install -r, or orange+tap
04:10.22Jack87phil_bw: i cant wait to see the video
04:10.32rwhitbyJayCanuck: ping
04:10.37JayCanuckhi rod
04:10.50phil_bwJack87, I was going to make the vid tonight but wound up screwin around thw fvwm for way longer than I had anticipated
04:10.52rwhitbyJayCanuck: hi, did all your patch updates go through correctly?
04:11.24JayCanuckthe updates I sumbitted, I believe, yea
04:11.54rwhitbyphil_bw: what do we need to do to start packaging that work up and releasing it?
04:12.21rwhitbyJayCanuck: so that was me doing them last night, still no sign of dBsooner
04:12.36rwhitbyJayCanuck: but I don't get notifications of new ones, so ping me if you upload any
04:13.23JayCanuckhaven't checked yet (@ a friend's place at the moment) though I did get the approval notifcationd
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04:15.34phil_bwrwhitby, well since the server part is all dtzWill (and it is already in the testing feed) I'd say not much on that end
04:16.17rwhitbyphil_bw: but we need to set up a debian chroot infrastructure, right?
04:16.22phil_bwrwhitby, packaging up a whole debian environment and configuring it to work right via chroot is a completely different task that I'm sure only you and jason could answer
04:17.01phil_bwrwhitby, correct, my hope is to eventually build an img file that is already configured with fvwm and some minimal apps
04:17.23phil_bwso if all was done right you'd just install the server from preware then drop the img file on the usb drive and load it up
04:17.46phil_bwthen just use apt-get (or a visual alternative if you wanted) for the apps you want
04:18.14tmzt_install the server?
04:18.55rwhitbyphil_bw: what about webOS customisations of the apps you apt-get install ?
04:19.07rwhitby(presumably most would need some?)
04:19.17phil_bwthe tough part is that the img file would be already be just about max capacity when it's made lean and mean
04:19.35phil_bwand most users don't have access to a linux box to expand it (mine's at 1.5GB and i'm pushing needing to size it up again)
04:20.00phil_bwrwhitby, I'm not sure I get what you mean by customisations
04:20.07phil_bwtmzt_, what about the server?
04:20.42tmzt_what is it?
04:21.10ka6soxa debootstrapped image is pretty small.
04:21.16rwhitbytmzt_: X Server in webos-internals testing feed - install it via preware
04:21.49ka6soxjust use the filelist from that initally
04:22.17phil_bwtmzt_, it's just an X server with nothing attached to it, you can do with it what you want, I just happen to use a debian environment through chroot where I have X apps connecting to it
04:22.37rwhitbyphil_bw: customisations like geometry and such, or file paths etc
04:23.00phil_bwka6sox, it's easy to get a small debian image, it's the resizing later that'll be tough for users
04:23.20ka6soxphil_bw, kk
04:23.27tmzt_does anybody have a .c program to mount and chroot
04:23.28phil_bwrwhitby, I'm not sure about geometry, I've found that every app I've tested sets itself to the max screen width by default anyway
04:24.06tmzt_maybe even as a service
04:24.32phil_bwthe other option, which I've thought about but haven't experiment with would be to basically bind the /var back out to the /media portion
04:24.52*** join/#webos-internals JayCanuck (
04:25.14tmzt_you mean X apps?
04:25.26tmzt_yeah, if there's no wm or geom they usually run full screen
04:25.32tmzt_except xterm and a few other programs
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04:26.24JayCanuckwhat's the irc username of the guy who runs prethemer?
04:26.41phil_bwand fvwm has a virtual desktop so if windows go off the screen you can easily go find them
04:27.16rwhitbyphil_bw: we currently bind mount /var/opt over to /opt for optware
04:28.07rwhitbyphil_bw: but /var is quite small unless you've meta-doctored it to 2GB
04:28.27jacques2GiB /var FTW
04:29.47phil_bwrwhitby, I'm thinking more of binding /var *in* the debian portion back *out* to the /media portion
04:30.20rwhitbyphil_bw: oh, ok.  well, note that nothing under /media has symlinks or permissions - it's vfat
04:30.32phil_bwrwhitby, crap... that's right
04:30.48phil_bwso back to figuring out how to size the img
04:31.28phil_bwI've looked but it doesn't appear you can get resize2fs as a windows app
04:31.40rwhitbyphil_bw: note that Palm have said in the PDK video that they are going to have some sort of chroot security solution for PDK apps by mid-year
04:32.05phil_bwrwhitby, interesting
04:32.46tmzt_jail or someting more like dsl/puppy packages?
04:33.03rwhitbytmzt_: we have no info
04:33.31tmzt_that's usual
04:34.58phil_bwwell I better get going
04:35.04phil_bwtalk you you all tomorrow
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04:39.00tmzt_Finally, there’s the issue of the App Store. I’m on the fence about it. My hunch is that Apple should follow Palm’s lead and allow users to install applications from the web,
04:39.06tmzt_is that correct?
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04:39.13tmzt_I think Android had that first
04:41.53dtzWillphil_bw: great news! :D be sure to ping me if you get that video--I've been swamped with work and haven't had a chance to put the final polish on it to make an announcement, etc
04:42.10dtzWillphil_bw: and i'm very glad more than just me is pondering how to make a good experience with this :)
04:42.37rwhitbyJayCanuck: are there other temperature warning patches to be submitted?
04:42.48dtzWillphil_bw: interesting idea re: binding back /out/ :)
04:42.57JayCanuckthere's only 1 warning patch
04:43.20JayCanuck2 device info app patches (C and F) and 2 device menu patches (C and F)
04:43.39rwhitbyJayCanuck: ok, I think I got those last 4, but not the warning patch
04:43.54JayCanuckwarning one was uploaded by dbsooner a long while ago
04:43.57rwhitbyloves how Canada uses the correct temperature scale ;-)
04:44.16JayCanuckC is the general standard for computer compents anyway
04:44.21dtzWillphil_bw: fvwm sounds good, we could probably package that up separate from any debian work
04:44.44JayCanuckI had a surprrisingly large # of people who wanted F, so i obligued ;)
04:45.10rwhitbydtzWill: we need some sort of system when different installed apps can put files in a central location and they are automatically added to the menus and stuff
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04:46.17sslow_rwhitby: Im working on sending 10or so updated patches as we speak
04:46.28dtzWillrwhitby: we absolutely do, I agree. as to *how* that's not as clear. if we support a particular wm (or two, _maybe_) we might be able to hack that together, similar to the way some commercial linux applications install themselves onto the gnome and kde menus
04:46.34sslow_this 5 min wait in between is killing me
04:47.04phil_bwok, I'm back for a sec
04:47.21dtzWillphil_bw: wb :)
04:47.49phil_bwdtzWill, so I think fvwm is the answer to X usability on the Pre
04:48.06phil_bwit's *incredibly* customizable and it's virtual desktops make it work so well
04:48.21dtzWillphil_bw: that's great news.  I was hoping some wm would fit the bill :)
04:48.37dtzWillphil_bw: j/w, how much customization did it take? :)
04:49.12dtzWillif we decide that's the wm we want to support it might be worth to just stage that and build it so people have a working wm.
04:49.21phil_bwdtzWill, well first I had to make it *not* look like windows 95 which is how it defaults, killed the task bar and this big ugly button list that had buttons for apps that weren't even installed
04:49.29dtzWillit's hard to draw the line where we should make it preware-happy and where we should just say "build a debian image"
04:49.37dtzWillphil_bw: haha
04:50.17phil_bwdtzWill, I also tweaked the "desker" (virtual desktop) module so it was more fat finger friendly
04:50.29phil_bwtomorrow I will mod the menus to make them fat finger friendly as well
04:50.31rwhitbydtzWill: I'd say a windows manager fits the bill of being worth packaging separately
04:50.36dtzWillphil_bw: wonderful! were there any source changes, or just configuration files, etc?
04:51.22phil_bwdtzWill, just config files, one shell script could easily convert it over, infact it comes completely stripped down and you rin the "95 script" to make it look like windows 95
04:51.49dtzWillrwhitby: agreed, but at some point we can't exactly launch our own complete distribution--so how much do we build (and as separate packages, etc?) ourselves and how much do we say "use a debian image" (that perhaps we provide and automate and make more usable)
04:51.50phil_bwI could easily take the "95 script" and modify it to do what we want, perhaps change up the icons to Pre-looking ones (instead of direct MS rips)
04:52.27rwhitbydtzWill: yeah, it's a fine line.  Similar to the one I have to draw with optware - which packages do I add to preware, and which do I leave as command line install onlyl
04:53.27dtzWillphil_bw: that sounds great. we should definitely get on that, that sounds fantastic
04:54.06dtzWillrwhitby: and of course there's the issue you mentioned of wanting to make these applications more pre-friendly (the ones we leave to debian chroot to provide)
04:54.17dtzWillrwhitby: maybe we SHOULD fork our own debian distro xD
04:54.41phil_bwsees his little remaining free time making it's way down the toilet
04:54.48tmzt_what about XPde?
04:55.01tmzt_mostly variants of kde crystal I think
04:55.48phil_bwalso, if someone was able to build a desktop utilty to customize the img on the fly we could go that route
04:56.00phil_bwpretty much just have to resize it
04:56.01dtzWillthinks of german windows XP :P
04:56.18tmzt_there's multiple versions of that, jigdo-image, mic2, etc. we want the wm tolook like xp necessarily?
04:56.40phil_bwtmzt_, windows versions?
04:56.42dtzWillbah i don't wanna tell anyone what wm to use :(.
04:57.09tmzt_hmm, I thought you were going for Windows 95 look
04:57.26tmzt_no, those are for building debian/ubuntu images with custom packages
04:57.26phil_bwtmzt_, trying to do away with the win95 look that fvwm defaults to
04:57.51tmzt_they'd even run on the Pre
04:58.14dtzWilli tried running resize2fs on my pre once
04:58.19dtzWill....I don't recommend it
04:58.29phil_bwdtzWill, so did I
04:58.35phil_bwalso don't recommend it
04:58.53tmzt_moving a lot of data?
04:59.09jacquesresizing on flash must be ... slow
04:59.24dtzWilljacques: it is, and made the entire system absolutely unusable
04:59.33dtzWillended pulling the battery after hours :/
04:59.43jacquesI kept meaning to bench the flash access on the pre - it seems like < 5MiB/s
04:59.59dtzWilland just copying it properly. which, btw, scp -C rather helps when what you're copying is mostly 0's :)
05:02.47dtzWillI suppose just supporting one wm officially and letting tinkerers ...tinker (and perhaps help them with some tools) isn't so bad a way to go
05:03.32jacquesI'm probably going to lose my sat connection soon - boat is moving back under cover
05:03.54dtzWilljacques: man you seem to travel an awful lot :)
05:03.55rwhitbyjacques: it's a tough life ...
05:04.41ka6soxjacques, but somebody's gotta do it.
05:04.46jacquesdtzWill, only recently :-)
05:05.38phil_bwthe guys in #linux say try mingw or cygwin
05:06.05jacquestomorrow they load the ROVs onboard
05:07.17dtzWillphil_bw: try those for what? resizing/customizing the debian chroot?
05:07.35dtzWilli think requiring people to instal cygwin is..something to be considered carefully
05:07.55phil_bwdtzWill, well if you could compile resize2fs to windows you could build a tool who's sole purpose is to size the img before they put it on their device
05:08.00phil_bwno no
05:08.12dtzWilloh you mean an env you can build windows binaries from
05:08.34phil_bwthen someone could build a tool that contains the small img (that the user doesn't have to see)
05:08.50phil_bwthey open it and it simply asks how big they want it, then it spits out the new img file in that size
05:09.01phil_bwand if they ever want to size up their current one they could use the same tool for that as well
05:10.09phil_bwno telling if it'll actually work
05:10.46dtzWillI suppose. i mean it's certainly moving forward. maybe I'm just stuck on finding the uber solution :). seems undesirable to have people dealing with a chroot, and sizing them, etc
05:11.02dtzWillbut that does get us a lot of apps, quickly, and possibly comparatively easily
05:11.21phil_bwright, good luck cross compiling openoffice to run natively... ya know
05:11.42dtzWillphil_bw: well first I'll grab the way the debian guys do it.... :)
05:11.45phil_bwif all the user had to do was download one desktop utility and push a button it would be fine
05:11.46jacquesheading to the mess, biab (or back tomorrow if I lose the satellite)
05:12.06phil_bwin fact the desktop utility could install the webos package as well (similar to preware)
05:13.33phil_bwanyhow, I haven't seen my wife all day and she just got home so I am going to take off, I'll talk to you guys later, again if you need anything and I'm not around just drop me a line at
05:14.01dtzWillphil_bw: alright, thanks for help and thoughts. have a good one
05:14.10phil_bwwanders off
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05:49.57jacqueslooks like they're testing the thrusters, so I still have sat :-)
05:50.34rwhitbyjacques: testing the thrusters?  are you headed to the ISS or something?
05:53.44jacquesrwhitby, I'm on a DP boat
05:54.37jacquesdynamic positioning - computer controlled thrusters all around which can hold station very accurately
05:54.46bhueybah, iPhone multitasking
05:55.00jacquesdifferent levels for holding position in various sea conditions
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05:56.55jacquesthey were working on the boat under a huge shed which blocked sat. now they seem to be sailing around the port
05:57.08jacqueswe never know what the captain's going to do :-)
06:03.20JayCanuckanyone online know much about the topic of software licenses?
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07:17.31eieiosup folks?
07:27.20idontwan2knowquestion: has anyone else noticed that certain websites are the primary culprit in the infamous "too many cards" error?
07:28.50idontwan2knowthe full Facebook site, and both bring it on inevitably if I browse around them enough, even if nothing else is open
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10:49.13rwhitbyWho's testing the new versions of Preware Alpha, Preware and Package Manager Service?
10:49.22infobot[testing-feed] a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
10:54.24jhojhohas anyone else seen this msg on their device? "LunaSysMgr: {LunaSysMgr}: void CpuShareManager::writeEntry(const char*, int): Failed to open cpu share file: /dev/cgroup/game/cpu.shares
10:54.48jhojhohappened to see it while grepping through /var/log/messages for something else
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11:46.37sbromwichwhoever tried to HEAD it probably won't work as commands are restricted on my web server
11:46.46sbromwichit's 320 meg
11:50.37rwhitbyI think I finally worked out why Preware is sometimes hanging when scanning unknown files.  Reading a big file into a buffer that is too small.
11:50.57rwhitby(seems that some little ipkg control files are actually larger than 4K)
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11:58.20jhojhorwhitby: ccing you on a message about noop vs cfq
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11:59.44swedehiya, does anyone know if the qOperatorShortName or qOperatorLongName in the CarrierNetworkSettings.db3 also controls what operator name to display on the screen?
12:00.19swedeie the text that tells you waht operator you are on at the moment.
12:03.10jhojhorwhitby: what's the difference between build.git/hardware and patches.git/overclocking
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12:05.01swedeReason im asking about the qOperatorShortName is that there is a possibly typo on the latest carriernetworksettings.db3 where french operator SFR is called SRR. =)
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12:10.02rwhitbyjhojho: the latter stores the patches, the former builds the kernel
12:10.34jhojhodo I have write perms for patches.git/overclocking?
12:10.41rwhitbythe kernel build may pull patches from a number of places, including sbromwich's web site ;-)
12:10.44rwhitbyjhojho: yes
12:12.42sbromwichoh is that what's doing the pull?
12:12.52sbromwichI can extract out the tarball if it would help
12:13.59sbromwichI've also asked the VP of SW dev at novell if he's aware of anyone else porting -rt to phones before and what their experience was
12:14.13jhojhosbromwich: so why are you trying to get rt patches working on the pre?
12:14.29sbromwichbecause pulseaudio is very latency sensitive
12:15.02sbromwich-rt makes it try harder to keep in sync so the sounds happen when things happen on screen instead of a perceptible few milliseconds later
12:15.19sbromwichI will hold back on my rant about pulseaudio as I fear it would be inappropriate.
12:15.35jhojholol. no. I'm well aware of it from other forums
12:15.55sbromwichyes, it's... *cough* well known.
12:16.04jhojhonot personally invested in audio/rt so doesnt really bother me
12:16.29jhojhowhat I would like are the unreleased patches for omap from ti =)
12:16.48sbromwichit gives a big performance boost for other stuff as well, particularly for video, so I'm thinking that might fix the problem with artifacts people are moaning about
12:16.53sbromwichyeah, wouldn't that be nice?
12:17.11jhojhowell as for the jittering
12:17.20jhojhoi think 125mhz is too low from my testing
12:17.36sbromwichit's a matter of tweaking the settings
12:17.36AnOutsidermornign all
12:17.48AnOutsiderrwhitby or zsoc: thanks for adding news room :)
12:17.59jhojho250mhz seems to work for me but have not done comprehensive testing with the powersave_bias param
12:18.02sbromwicheg I posted a list on the forums of my settings and explicitly said they were extremely conservative because I have a "bad" cpu that won't stick at 800
12:18.12jhojhoI saw the post
12:18.15sbromwichand then people complained my settings were too conservative and caused artifacts
12:18.19sbromwich*roll eyes*
12:18.47jhojhofor me upthreshold of 20 and powersave_bias (cant remember) works
12:19.16jhojhoreally need a group of people that are willing to test out various params using different governors
12:19.39sbromwichthe other thing is people setting retardedly high values for the sensor so the cpu has the wake up repeatedly to check the load
12:19.48jhojhohave you confirmed that modifying LunaSysMgr does not matter when you do not use the userspace governor?
12:19.53sbromwichwhich thereby drains the battery chop chop fasta benj
12:20.16sbromwichhave I tried both userspace and ondemand, do you mean?
12:20.52jhojhomeaning that modifying LunaSysMgr to 600000 or higher is not needed if using the ondemand or conservative governor
12:20.57sbromwichif I use userspace the palm daemon will frig with the frequencies (as expected)
12:21.43sbromwichif non-userspace daemon is selected the palm stuff doesn't touch any of the cpufreq that I've noticed
12:21.54sbromwichsorry, non-userspace governor
12:23.57jhojhoactually I've noticed that lunasysmgr does not try to much with things when I use clipcarl's binary too
12:24.08jhojhoi.e. 600mhz lcd on, 250 lcd off
12:24.36sbromwichI experimented with my own userspace daemon but found ultimately the userspace one did just as well without needing 6 meg of ram for perl
12:24.48sbromwich is where I put it, I think
12:24.56sbromwichlittle more than a state machine
12:25.17sbromwichwhat's clipcarl's binary?
12:25.25jhojhoyou have to search the forums
12:25.48jhojhoit's called cpuspeed along with a little event.d script call cet-cpuspeed
12:25.50sbromwichprecentral forums?
12:25.58sbromwichoh, that one, o0k
12:26.25jhojhoalso, testers needed to see if noop/deadline performs better than cfq on the pre
12:26.30rwhitbyAnOutsider: yw
12:26.56rwhitbysbromwich: no, we're not pulling anything from your website, it was just an example of a possibilty
12:27.15sbromwichoh, have you seen my comments passim about /var and /var/log in /etc/fstab, and logging in /etc/PmLog.conf?
12:27.23jhojhoit's in the current kernel patch but no reason given as of yet why the change was made and I have not seen any actual test results.
12:27.54sbromwichrwhitby: It's a complete compiled tree so it might be easier if someone just wants to run a diff against it rather than downloading all the object code as well
12:28.20jhojhosbromwich: are you asking me re: /var ?
12:28.23sbromwichmy suspicion would be cfq was getting overwhelmed by the amount of data being written to /var/log
12:28.27sbromwichsorry, yes jhojho
12:28.34jhojhoyes I have.
12:28.46jhojhoagree that /var should be =ordered
12:29.04jhojhonot sure why it's not but that's a change I would rather palm engineering weigh in on
12:29.12sbromwichI found setting /var/log data=writeback not /var to be a major, major performance increase for me in certain areas where I saw it
12:29.34jhojhotheir thought process
12:29.53jhojhosbromwich: really? measured or just subjective?
12:30.01sbromwichit looks to me like a thinko
12:30.02rwhitbysbromwich: at the moment I'm focused on just getting a stock kernel with overclocking ability correctly packaged, so I won't be getting diverted into -rt kernels
12:30.41sbromwichjhojho: simple test: I have a 4 digit PIN, if /var/log is not writeback and syslog is enabled it lags entering the pin, otherwise it's responsive
12:30.45sbromwichok np
12:31.01jhojhorwhitby: I was hoping that unixpsycho would show up to make sure he's okay with others modifying his patch
12:31.04rwhitby(and right at the moment I'm testing Preware to Preware Alpha migration corner cases ...)
12:31.07sbromwichI shall leave it up there in case anyone else is interested or I'm stuck on another con call and can look at it
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12:31.44jhojhosbromwich: would be interesting if you could do more testing with the writeback changes as well as cfq vs noop if you are interested
12:32.04rwhitbyjhojho: we can put multiple candidate patches in that directory, suitably named
12:32.19jhojhoi have a suspicion that palm was pressed for time and left quite a few of the options stock.
12:32.19sbromwichI'm interested but massively lacking in time
12:32.31jhojhosbromwich: well, as you have time =)
12:32.32rwhitbyjhojho: and if you want to rename the current one to indicate things like cfq, feel free
12:32.59rwhitby(just update it in hardware/uber-kernel-pre/Makefile at the same time to match)
12:34.07sbromwichall I can say now is WFM
12:34.45sbromwichalso I can scroll the launcher window up and down very quickly, so perhaps in my CFT I should make yet another youtube video to show that.
12:35.09jhojhoyeah, we probably need more data points than that to put it in widespread distribution =)
12:35.17rwhitbysbromwich: did you make a comment about whether or not to have the testing feed in Preware but disabled?
12:36.13jhojhorwhitby: btw were you involved at all in caj2008's kernel ipks or was that all him?
12:36.26rwhitbyjhojho: Jason created them
12:36.30sbromwichrwhitby: yeah, it should be a minimum IQ test to gain access
12:36.36sbromwichalong the lines of alt.sysadmin.recovery
12:36.41jhojhorwhitby: ah okay.
12:36.48jhojhosbromwich: very much so
12:38.32jhojhosbromwich: another thing for you to play with is that rwhitby has added powertop to the optware feed so you can see the power consumption on the pre
12:38.56sbromwichI installed powertop second day I got the pre
12:40.00sbromwichI've also got a killawatt meter and did some testing... standard draw is 2 watts when turned on, 3 watts when working (resolution of the killawatt is 1w)
12:40.39sbromwichand I think the reason people are burning out chargers is because the palm one provides a full amp not 500mA, so my guess is the palm is seeing a "dumb" charger and trying to draw a full amp
12:41.25sbromwicheg that muppet that tried to power his pre off of a dinky solar charger and complained when shit burnt out
12:43.24rwhitbyPreware Alpha 0.9.58 is in the testing feed, with a couple of good bug fixes.
12:46.41VincentLawwhat's the upgrade procedure, rwhitby?
12:46.45sbromwichinstalled, luna is taking its own sweet time to restart
12:46.49VincentLawjust install it and it removes package manager?
12:47.30sbromwichhmmm... preware terminate but it doesn't look like luna is restart
12:47.56rwhitbyVincentLaw: this is the version which puts the upgrade procedure in place, so it's probably a case of whatever works for this version
12:49.00rwhitbysbromwich: luna should never need to restart for preware
12:49.23rwhitby(since preware doesn't modify any UI files)
12:49.24VincentLawyeah, package manager service needs a java restart, not luna
12:49.29sbromwichI got a "luna needs to restart" message
12:49.38*** part/#webos-internals idontwan2know (
12:49.38rwhitbyluna or java?
12:49.41sbromwichah, maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention
12:49.56sbromwichgonned now
12:50.03rwhitbyipkgservice will ask for a java restart.  preware alpha shouldn't
12:50.07VincentLawjava will restart and you won't see anything happening besides the phone going offline
12:50.21sbromwichnope, not going offline
12:50.31sbromwichrestarted preware and it says 0.9.58
12:50.34rwhitbypreware alpha is replacing ipkgservice specifically to get rid of the java restart
12:50.55rwhitbyif it says 0.9.58, then you started Preware Alpha, not Preware.
12:51.26jhojhobtw caj2008 just emailed and mentioned he'll be joining the fun at webos-internals.
12:51.29sbromwichsorry, yes, I should be more specific
12:51.45sbromwichperhaps name it pralpha or something to make it easier for the hard of thinking like me? ;-)
12:52.22rwhitbyI expect it will only last for a couple more weeks
12:52.28rwhitby(maybe 3 or 4)
12:52.28sbromwichpackage feeds needed refreshing but otherwise everything looks good, just looking for sometime useful (or at least not totally useless) to install
12:52.30VincentLawholy CRAP
12:52.36VincentLawpreware alpha installs patches fast
12:52.56rwhitbyVincentLaw: that's interesting, cause it shouldn't
12:53.08jhojhosbromwich: install the temp in device menu patch by jaycanuk =)
12:53.21sbromwichalready done
12:53.32jhojhowell. game over then
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12:54.13sbromwichjust managed to lock up the device though poking randomly through
12:54.14VincentLawrwhitby: yeah, I almost wonder if it installed correctly
12:54.28rwhitbyhmm - those temp in device patches should really be in the topbar category, not other
12:54.34sbromwichstill, this wasn't a particularly important conference call, they can wait while it reboots
12:54.40VincentLawrwhitby: it installed the "Share Larger Videos Via Email" patch in literally 0.5 seconds. No exaggeration. I couldn't even read what it was doing it went so fast.
12:55.21sbromwichand I just found removing the battery while the usb cable is plugged in and charging will do a full reset, handy
12:55.33jhojhorwhitby: agreed. (where the patches should be). has dbsooner resurfaced or are you packaging patches now?
12:55.33idontwan2knowwas there a problem with the 4x4 v4 plus more patch? I just was told by preware to update it for the second time in two days, and now I'm back to stock
12:55.53jhojhosbromwich: yeah. that was a surprise. the treo never did that
12:55.56rwhitbyjhojho: I did the last round of updates, but either dBsooner or egaudet did a round after that
12:56.18rwhitbyidontwan2know: dunno, have you asked the author?
12:56.29VincentLawedit any video's metadata went pretty fast as well, not as fast as the previous, but still much faster than standard Preware.
12:56.41rwhitbyVincentLaw: did they actually install?
12:56.51VincentLawI'm restarting luna to find out right now
12:57.13jhojhotime to restart FF. sucking up 1.32GB of mem is just so wrong
12:57.22sbromwichjaysus the palm forums are even worse than the precentral forums
12:57.41sbromwichJailbreak, patch install is it safe?
12:57.42jhojhoi've never been to the palm forums
12:57.48sbromwichyou're not missing much
12:57.50VincentLawyep, the patches did seem to install!
12:58.12sbromwichI'm trying to figure out where the best place is to report my /var / /var/log writeback findings
12:58.17rwhitbysbromwich: palm developer forums or public forums
12:58.27VincentLawwhatever caused it I'm not complaining. Patches used to take ~5-8 seconds to install, now they take ~1. haha
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12:58.58sbromwichrwhitby: are they on or other?
12:58.58rwhitbyVincentLaw: as long as it's writing all the info required to remove them safely too ...
12:59.10VincentLawrwhitby: I'll test removal for you :p
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13:00.16idontwan2knowrwhitby:  he's not here to ask and there isn't any contact info other than a nick...I'll just find another version to install
13:00.19VincentLawsaid "SUCCESS", restarting luna to check.
13:01.56VincentLawrwhitby: uninstalled patch successfully!
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13:03.45rwhitbyVincentLaw: well, I don't have a theory to put behind your empirical evidence
13:04.08VincentLawme either, but I'm not complaining
13:04.34VincentLawI /am/ running the 800mhz patch, so maybe it benefits more from the extra power, I don't know.
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13:06.36sbromwichoh fuck I have to go some idiot rolled out a new client package for patient registration to 1500 users "accidentally"
13:07.38VincentLawsbromwich: shouldn't be a problem, all the code you write is 100% bug free at all times, right? RIGHT? :p
13:09.25sbromwichnot my code
13:09.40sbromwichwritten by a healthcare vendor so it's shoddy crap
13:10.31sbromwichask slashdot had a thread on healthcare software a few years ago and cerner and mckesson both got slammed for their piss-poor code
13:10.43rwhitbyok, now that the known bugs in Preware Alpha are fixed, it's time to fix the bugs in the palm catalog conversion script
13:11.09sbromwichApr  6 10:04:54 h9328n1 auth|security:info sshd[1757932]: Accepted password for rlm003 from port 3303 ssh2
13:11.14sbromwichsorry, wrong window
13:11.36rwhitbyis glad he's not in rlm003's shoes right now
13:12.56sbromwichjust trying to demo ssh is working for login and it's mckesson at fault
13:13.00sbromwich"ssh isn't working!"
13:13.11sbromwichyes it bloody well is, how do you think I'm logged in to kill your sessions?
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13:17.39VincentLawsbromwich: magic!
13:17.41jhojhooffers sbromwich a LART
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13:22.52sbromwichit's going to take more than one at this rate, I'm going to need an arsenal
13:23.08sbromwich3 of our hospitals have effectively stopped working and are unable to accept patients
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13:40.11rwhitbyok, palm feeds on should additionally show packages which are not released in english
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13:43.48uNiXpSyChOjhojho: ping
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13:44.11uNiXpSyChOyou have questions for me about schedulers?
13:44.54jhojhooh yeah
13:45.44jhojhoI was asking if there was a reason for switching to noop vs cfq
13:46.38jhojhoi havent seen any testing talk so was wondering...
13:46.49uNiXpSyChOin a flash based system it is pointless to add latency of an IO scheduler since there are no elevators to tune. :)
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13:47.52caj2008thanks for all your help!!!
13:48.57jhojhojust wanted to know
13:49.58rwhitbyhi caj2008
13:50.35caj2008learning quite a bit here
13:50.54rwhitbyjhojho: so is there an actual benefit to changing to noop, or is it just that there is no benefit to using cfq?
13:51.06jhojhorwhitby: see
13:52.18jhojhoso in general the thought is that noop/deadline should help but it's a good idea to test to verify
13:52.23rwhitbyjhojho: oh, the change is to the IO scheduler, not the CPU scheduler?
13:52.43jhojhothe change can be made by modifying a /proc entry
13:52.46caj2008nice article!
13:52.51jhojhowhich is why I wanted to pull it out of the patch
13:52.52rwhitbyjhojho: excellent
13:52.59jhojhoanything that is scriptable should be
13:53.09rwhitbyjhojho: yeah, enable both but default to stock and have a script change it
13:53.09jhojhothat would keep the kernel patch as small as possible
13:53.20caj2008go for it
13:53.27jhojhosame thing with the upthreshold
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13:53.58jhojhounixpsycho logged off before i could ask him if he was cool with others modifying the code but i have no problem modding it.
13:53.59jhojhoas such
13:54.08caj2008go for it
13:54.32jhojhoalright. I'll try to find some time to make some mods.
13:54.41caj2008I will test it out
13:55.44rwhitbyjhojho: the patch was put in that place intentionally as a common area.
13:55.53jhojhomaybe you can help test the deadline scheduler too
13:55.57rwhitby(by unixpsycho)
13:56.12sbromwichdeadline won't help, seek latency is too low on flash
13:56.17sbromwichI agree with the noop argument myself
13:56.24rwhitbyjhojho: he will still maintain his own site for his bleeding edge kernels
13:56.36jhojhohe has a site?
13:57.16rwhitbysbromwich: now that I realise it's IO schedulers and not CPU schedulers, I agree too.
13:58.10jhojhodo kernels still use .config? its been ages since I worked on the kernel =)
13:58.30jhojhoages=over 10 years ago
13:58.32rwhitbyjhojho: yep.  I included the defconfig changes in the patch
13:58.49rwhitbyfor the sirloin defconfig that is
14:00.09jhojhorwhitby: do you want to maintain config changes as part of that patch or as a separate piece. imo it should be broken out
14:00.23jhojhowith a diff specifically for .config changes
14:00.33jhojhomakes it easier to read that way.
14:00.55rwhitbyjhojho: you saw that the patch is a diff of the .config changes, right?
14:00.58jhojhoand to track too. as none of the .config changes are as a result of a kernel source change
14:01.23jhojhorwhitby: right, just wanting input if that should be a separate patch
14:01.34jhojhobecause it could be applied to a stock kernel too
14:01.36rwhitbyjhojho: but yes, it does make sense to separate, especially since a single config will need to cover multiple patches from different sources.
14:01.53jhojhoall we are doing in there is flipping more bits on
14:02.09rwhitby(when different functionality patches are merged into a single unified modular kernel)
14:02.33jhojhoawesome. looks like we have agreement there.
14:08.42rwhitbyjhojho: over the next couple of days (with egaudet), I'm going to add prologue and epilogue functionality to the aupt-4 postinst and prerm to allow for the creating the device node required
14:08.54rwhitby(and to allow for remounting rw of /boot)
14:09.12caj2008nice touch
14:09.24jhojhoyeah. kinda need that for installing a new kernel =)
14:09.55rwhitbyjhojho: currently the Makefile builds the kernel and then puts it in the additional_files location for aupt to handle
14:10.19rwhitbyI need to get with egaudet to make sure aupt-4 handles those correctly md5sum-wise
14:11.49caj2008May I ask a question on an issue with the current ipk (dont mean to change topic)
14:11.57jhojhogo ahead
14:13.04caj2008With a minority of users, they stll get 600 MHz for either 720 and 800 kernel.  I have found that install/unistall .sh file/install ipk fixes this and I have no idea why.  I can send you the ipk to look at
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14:13.53caj2008any idea??
14:14.50sbromwichdouble check scaling_max_freq?
14:15.12sbromwichmy suspicion is half the people on the forums are just blindly cut and pasting and missing bits out
14:15.24jhojhosounds plausible
14:15.34caj2008Script is the same. The problem has been minimized but not entirely eliminated (we put in safegurads, I will send you the new ipk's)
14:15.38rwhitbysbromwich: you have to remember that over 50% of the population are below average intelligence
14:16.06sbromwichI think the average intelligence has diminished over the past decade too
14:16.11jhojhorwhitby: per my cousin, it's not an even  bell curve distribution
14:16.14sbromwichthat or september really *is* never going to end
14:16.17jhojhoit's skewed to the left
14:16.18caj2008I cant believe how much time is wasted on stuff explained clearly on the first page
14:17.05caj2008I added wget to make .sh file download easier
14:17.16rwhitbywell, I have a rule that I never answer the same question twice in the same thread in a 24 hour period
14:17.35caj2008you are smarter than me...
14:17.45sbromwichis perl part of the default install?
14:17.51rwhitbysbromwich: nope
14:17.58rwhitbysbromwich: but it's in optware
14:18.20sbromwichI was toying with writing a "run this YFI" utility to tell them exactly what their system is set up for
14:18.27caj2008Sending the new ipk's by email in 5 min
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14:23.12rwhitbybbt - night all
14:23.27AnOutsidergreetings earhtlings
14:23.50rwhitbyhey AnOutsider, you just caught me.  did you see the Saved Package List stuff?
14:24.26*** join/#webos-internals Ron001 (
14:24.38rwhitbyAnOutsider: where did we get to with themes and aupt-4?  I was just chatting with Jason that we should get theme support into aupt-4 before we push it out
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14:27.20AnOutsidersaved package list stuff?
14:27.31AnOutsideralso, nothing has changed in the themes packaging in ages
14:27.41AnOutsiderdo we have a spec for aupt and themes now or?
14:28.33JayCanuckhowever I'd like to request egaudet to specify a different, less partisan, file location for the theme identifier
14:29.39rwhitbyJayCanuck: agreed, no need for org names to be in a common non-partisan standard
14:30.09AnOutsiderokie dok
14:30.15AnOutsideris this info in the wiki or?
14:30.28AnOutsiderah yes, I did see that the other day Rod
14:30.47AnOutsiderI actually isntalled the Alpha this morning and played a bit
14:31.13rwhitbyAnOutsider:;a=blob;f=autopatch/postinst.testing and;a=blob;f=autopatch/prerm.testing
14:31.40rwhitbyAnOutsider: 0.9.58 has some important bug fixes - a buffer overrun error causing the hangs when scanning unknown packages
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14:32.09rwhitbyAnOutsider: and 0.9.58 should correctly uninstall Package Manager Service without removing all the feeds
14:32.29rwhitby(it leaves Preware there)
14:32.29VincentLawjust had the crashed phone/email/calendar/IM issue again
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14:32.35VincentLawI really wish Palm could figure out that bug
14:32.37AnOutsider.58 of the base preware or C preware
14:32.56rwhitbyAnOutsider: base preware is 0.9.35 - C preware is 0.9.50+
14:33.02AnOutsiderAh yeah, it did have all my feeds when I opened the alpha
14:33.37rwhitbyAnOutsider: if you've got ipkgservice < 0.9.45 installed, it will remove the feeds when it is uninstalled
14:34.22rwhitbyso I'll be pushing an update to the java ipkgservice too, so that it no longer does that (all feed setup is now in the postinst instead of being static files that ipkg uninstalls automatically)
14:34.33AnOutsidernope, updated the package service this morning, so I think I'm good
14:34.47AnOutsiderwhere are the primary speed improvements in the alpha?
14:34.51AnOutsiderpackage installation?
14:35.06rwhitbyAnOutsider: so a good test is to install preware 0.9.35, ipkgservice 0.9.45, and then install preware-alpha 0.9.58 over the top and make sure it cleanly removes ipkgservice.
14:35.51rwhitbyAnOutsider: the logic is basically the same, except it downloads the package first using curl (hence the progress stats) and then ipkg installs from the local file
14:36.17AnOutsiderwhereas the rpevious version called ipkg on the remote url?
14:36.29rwhitbyAnOutsider: apart from that, just the speed of C with staticly allocated buffers vs Java strings ;-)
14:37.00rwhitbyAnOutsider: Java version allows ipkg to choose the download URL based on the feeds
14:37.11rwhitbyAnOutsider: C version has that URL passed down from Preware
14:37.52rwhitbyAnOutsider:  that allows for things like installing something which is not the latest version of a something
14:38.13AnOutsiderroger that
14:38.24rwhitbybut is mainly for the download stats
14:38.24AnOutsiderat the very least, it's really good having everything in one package now
14:38.40rwhitbyyeah, that should cut out at least 50% of support issues
14:38.41AnOutsiderupdating preware and PMS individually was a bit of a pain
14:39.05AnOutsiderbtw, don't remember if I said it this mornign, but thank you or zsoc for adding newsroom
14:39.20rwhitbyAnOutsider: no probs - I did that today over lunch
14:39.47rwhitbypity it doesn't sync with google reader
14:40.10AnOutsideri know, manually entering urls can be a pain. and the app is prone to flipping out and deleting my feeds sometimes
14:40.12zsoc_wircAnOutsider: yes, one might say I convinced rod to do it
14:40.15AnOutsiderso this is invaluable
14:40.23AnOutsiderhehe, either way, thanks guys
14:40.25zsoc_wircAnOutsider: someone else might say he read my mind
14:40.53zsoc_wircAnOutsider: still, other's might say he did it on his own accord
14:41.08JayCanuckhmm why "VERSION=aupt-1" currently the aupt scripts on the git?
14:41.28JayCanucknvm, my mistake
14:41.52AnOutsiderso, real quick, did anything ever come of moving themes to css patches?
14:43.21JayCanuckI think they had some ideas, but I believe the css idea had some big issues, like not affects several key images folders, and the frustrating "!important" css keyword
14:43.53AnOutsiderhmm, the !important bit could likely be solved with some css trickery
14:44.07AnOutsiderwhat that about the image folders though?
14:44.42JayCanucklike image folders used by lunasysmgr
14:46.57JayCanuckI have an interesting idea for themes
14:47.07AnOutsiderdo tell
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14:48.51JayCanuckwell, as you may or may not be aware, recently both rod's ipkg scripts and my jpkg-webos library were updated to include support for palm's pmPostInstall.script and pmPreRemove.script
14:49.54JayCanuckbasically allowing for installation/uninstallation via palm's ApplicationInstallUtility
14:50.02zsoc_wircwonders if themes could just go away...
14:50.18rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: themes are paying for AnOutsider's retirement ;-)
14:50.27AnOutsiderhaha hardly
14:50.44JayCanuckme and rod recently came to an agreement on a how services should function under this system
14:50.47AnOutsiderwhat doesnt go to server bills goes to WOI donations
14:51.06rwhitbywhich we then spend on server hardware :)
14:51.08AnOutsidersomewhat agrees with zsoc
14:51.12caj2008dont some of themes mess with aupt4 compatibility of some of the patches??
14:51.42JayCanucknot if themes are installed separate to patches in themes
14:52.00rwhitbythemes are currently completely outside of the scope of AUPT, and are considered to be manual uncontrolled changes if they touch the same files as patches
14:52.32JayCanuckme and rod agreed on having a /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/whatever/ folder with an appinfo and icon
14:52.36caj2008makes sense
14:52.46JayCanuck(for services)
14:52.46rwhitbybut all the right stakeholders are in agreement to remedy that in the fullness of time
14:53.11rwhitby(mainly so you can orange+tap remove them)
14:53.23AnOutsiderorange tap themes?
14:53.28AnOutsiderso themes would be installed as apps
14:54.00JayCanuckwith the appinfo.json and the icon.png, under the new postinst/prerm format, you can keep the launcher icon hidden, but allow the app to remain listed in the app list and be user-removable without any special software
14:54.13rwhitbyAnOutsider: I was referring to orange tapping services.  I'm not up to speed on what Jason is describing yet
14:54.28AnOutsidergotcha to both
14:54.56Rick_workorange-tap themes would be so cool.
14:55.07JayCanuckmy suggestion would be to include the same format on themes, for user-conventient uninstalls :)
14:55.11AnOutsidermy goal is to have themes as self-sufficient as possible. it becomes a pain managing it all (especially between OS updates), so that's why I was open to the CSS thing
14:55.48AnOutsiderSo, having post install scripts officially from palm, think homebrew will make it to the catalog?
14:55.51JayCanuckwell, aupt is a huge step forward with that respect
14:56.04AnOutsiderI know themes wouldnt (or shouldnt)-- too much can go wrong to be officially distributed
14:56.49rwhitbyAnOutsider: nope, I've already asked, and the word is that all scripts are stripped at submission time.  only Palm can officially use them. (and only we can unofficially use them ;-)
14:57.03AnOutsiderheh, fair enough
14:57.21AnOutsiderit would be a nightmare in any case
14:57.26rwhitbyrandom post install scripts would cross the bright line of app catalog security
14:58.06caj2008I am surprised they didnt excecute a cease and desist order on some of this but they know secretly waht is best to maintian user satisfaction
14:58.15gelatocan I use reize2fs and just resize my already working debian chroot on the pre to be however much bigger I need it to be?  or is other steps involved
14:59.07zsoc_wirccaj2008: uh... for what?
14:59.09rwhitbycaj2008: WebOS Internals, from day 1, has always done things in a manner which complies with all copyrights and carrier terms of service.  There is nothing that can be the target of a cease and desist.
14:59.27Rick_workThey have very very clearly articulated their policy on tht caj2008  they know people will push the limits.
14:59.59caj2008anything that indirectlt manipulates Palm source material??
15:00.11gelatowell I'm trying to make the debian chroot bigger
15:00.27rwhitbycaj2008: as long as you don't redistribute the Palm material, you are not making yourself a cease and desist target.
15:00.33VincentLawcaj2008: how is that grounds for C&D?
15:00.52gelatobut I'm wondering if I can just do resize2fs or I need to start over with the chroot
15:00.55VincentLawpreware and anything in it doesn't redistribute palm materials ...
15:01.18rwhitbygelato: a resize is going to be slow on the Pre - best to copy off, resize on desktop, then copy back
15:01.52gelatocool, and the file structure will remain the same?
15:02.07zsoc_wircgelato: so slow, it tends to crash, I've tried
15:02.20zsoc_wircgelato: yeah, just do md5 checksums in and out
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15:02.33gelatonice thanks all
15:03.35gelatoI'm turning the pre into a nice little pen tester and I need more space
15:03.38rwhitbygelato: and keep a spare copy of the image before resizing
15:03.58gelatohmm good idea rwhitby
15:04.03rwhitbygelato: no wifi master mode though, right?
15:04.05zsoc_wircalso e2fsck has saved my neck a few time with bad resizes
15:04.36rwhitbygelato: and we learnt yesterday the Pre doesn't have the required voltage regulator for OTG host mode
15:04.45ka6soxzsoc_wirc, you have to run an e2fsck to do a resize first.
15:04.51rwhitbyso you can't do a usb wifi stick
15:05.15gelatorwhitby: yeah but I got some other ideas
15:06.04zsoc_wircka6sox: er... yes certain options for it I seemed to remember helped after...
15:06.13zsoc_wircwas awhile ago tho
15:08.28sbromwichgelato: I did it by editing /etc/fstab, commenting out /media/internal, rebooted, delete the LV, recreate smaller, mkdosfs it, re-enable in /etc/fstab, reboot
15:08.56sbromwichpalm-webos-device cpufreq # vgdisplay | egrep 'Alloc|Free'
15:08.56sbromwichpalm-webos-device cpufreq #
15:09.53sbromwichalso an extra swap LV helped me for what I was doing
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15:13.09gelatosbromwich: thanks that might help with some other plans..i want to repartition /media/internal
15:13.21sbromwicheasiest is just to blow it away
15:13.43sbromwich(allow me to not state the obvious re: backups since you know what you're doing)
15:15.18gelatosbromwich: haha yeah
15:16.34gelatolets hope so
15:16.48sbromwichcertainly if you're pen testing ;-)
15:17.25loot-i got a usb wifi adaptor to work with rfmon using an externally powered usb hub
15:17.25rwhitbyVincentLaw: are you sure those patches were installing correctly?
15:17.55loot-clunky to carry around with you and requires external power
15:17.57rwhitbyloot-: connected to a Pre?
15:18.12loot-i dont use it though because its easier to just use my laptop honestly
15:18.14rwhitbyloot-: and you got the USB hub to enumerate?
15:18.35loot-rwhitby: this was with 1.3x and a custom kernel but ya
15:18.44loot-it was weird though
15:18.46rwhitbyloot-: are you able to share the details with destinal?
15:18.48loot-it would only work with one device at a time
15:19.04loot-i can probably recreate yes
15:19.55loot-i just doctored my phone a couple weeks ago and have been extremely busy lately so i havent had time to hack up my phone again
15:20.15gelatoenumerating usb would be sweeeeet
15:20.25rwhitbyloot-: we are *very* keen to know how you got enumeration going
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15:21.11loot-rwhitby: ill pull out the hub and try it again tomorrow night
15:21.20rwhitbyloot-: thx
15:21.21loot-i have dinner plans tonight otherwise i'd start today
15:21.41loot-it was a huge pain though i do remember that
15:21.43DrFunkhey just a quick ? does anyone no if you can use the chat for friendsbook ??
15:22.05rwhitbyloot-: no rush, but we do want the info ;-)
15:22.29rwhitbyloot-: we're building a replacement kernel, so if that can be incorporated we want to do it
15:22.35loot-unfortunately i do remember having to do some things to the kernel
15:22.37loot-ah ya
15:22.40loot-that would work well then
15:22.56loot-i had my own pre patch going for awhile
15:23.06loot-back ported grsecurity patch to the pre's kernel version
15:23.08rwhitbyloot-: the replacement kernel will be installable via Preware
15:23.36loot-now we just need palm to fix the "everything runs as root" issue and i will be completely satisfied with my pre
15:23.38rwhitbyloot-: transparently built from source and patches on the autobuilder
15:23.56nt4catsrwhitby: how would the kernel ipk support uninstall/rollback?
15:24.07rwhitbynt4cats: aupt
15:24.23nt4catsrwhitby: hmmm, that sounds remarkably well thought-out.
15:24.39loot-it sounds excellent IMO
15:24.56loot-imagine having a grsecurity hardened kernel available to just click install on the pre
15:25.00DrFunkanyone have a idea ?
15:25.06loot-with pre-generated RBAC policy for luna and such
15:25.15nt4catsDrFunk: I didn't understand your question, actually
15:25.32rwhitbyloot-: and;a=tree;f=hardware/uber-kernel-pre
15:25.40loot-ah speaking of
15:25.58loot-how well does the 800mhz OC patch work with seido extended batteries?
15:26.10zsoc_wircso glyder 2 and wirc run at the same time fine with 800mhz
15:26.13loot-i noticed gaming on the regular stock palm battery it got hot enough to cook an egg
15:26.19rwhitbyloot-: I'll point you to caj2008 for that one
15:27.04loot-and im annoyed with my touchstone... it left a big ugly ring stain in the wood of my night stand
15:27.13en0xso the kernel is the same one as we had for 1.4.0?
15:27.23DrFunknt4cats: chat with friendsbook it's not facebook but the other
15:27.38zsoc_wircnt4cats: g'day
15:27.41loot-well en0x with embedded gear it is just much easier to backport important patches and keep consistent dependency versions
15:27.45rwhitbyen0x: yep, but that one I pasted is not released - I'll be waiting for official source code
15:27.51loot-especially when everything relies on kernel headers for building and what not
15:27.56nt4catswaves at zsoc_wirc
15:28.09nt4catsDrFunk: are you asking if the frindsbook supports a chat feature?
15:28.16nt4catss/supports/app supports/
15:28.47DrFunkor is it just facebook
15:29.09loot-oh another negative btw
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15:29.12loot-while im thinking about it
15:29.28loot-getting the phone to enumerate usb also meant that it broke novacom entirely
15:29.39loot-and refused to charge over USB
15:30.04loot-im sure that can be fixed eventually but that was one of the problems i was having when i last worked on it
15:30.07en0xwell so till the official kernel source+patches won't be released by palm i'm not gonna overclock it with the old kernel
15:30.56loot-luckily i was using the terminal app and openssh over wifi while testing
15:31.05nt4catsDrFunk: I don't use that app, but I don't see a mention of chat.
15:31.14loot-and touchstone charging still worked IIRC
15:31.39rwhitbyen0x: we're not aware of any incompatibilities
15:31.48DrFunkack so nt4cats it's just for facebook than
15:31.52nt4catsDrFunk: I did see instructions for 'tricking' your Pre's messaging application into connecting to Facebook chat
15:32.14nt4catsDrFunk: want me to see if I can find those instructions for you?
15:32.32DrFunksure if you don't mine
15:33.50loot-bleh... now i want to mess with my pre again and i have to continue bug fixing some crappy PHP someone desperately needs
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15:34.27nt4catsDrFunk: I am not specifically endorsing this technique -- I just noticed an article about it.  It could be the best thing ever (or maybe not).  I haven't tried it ...
15:35.11DrFunknt4cats: got it that's for facebook
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15:38.23rwhitbySo the alternate machine we were using for autobuilding didn't have lsdiff installed, and so was building incorrect patch packages for those updated since the autobuilder broke.  They're all rebuilding correctly now and should upload soon.
15:39.22en0xoh i thought my pre died ... while installing the 720mhz kernel i got cannot mount / ... and it shut down ;)
15:39.26caj2008for loot, I found use of the 2600 Seidio back minimizes heating and that for reasons unknown an uninstall/reinstall process can improve on unusual activity seen like excessive loss of batter and heating
15:39.53en0xi almost sh... myself
15:40.06caj2008I dont know why the latter seems to clear up issues with some of the users..just something we learned
15:41.32caj2008My seidio 2600 goes over a day with constant use and on touchstone temp never exceeds 41C
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15:43.04caj2008did I answer your questions, loot?
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15:46.39nfoxTc_bftdanyone know how to paste in the terminal app
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15:47.17nfoxTcor use symbols I need |
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15:48.37gelatonfoxTc: :
15:50.28nfoxTcah that sucks no pasting
15:50.42nt4catsnfoxTc: the app also has a "non-obvious keys" help page in its menu -- but I wouldn't recommend you open it up because doing so just crashed Luna on my Pre :)
15:50.49nfoxTcguess I'll have to install my tether from my pc
15:51.21MitalisDoes anybody find their phone prone to crashing if you tap the power button to wake/sleep your phone?
15:51.40MitalisI've had 3 restarts yesterday... And this was trying to wake the phone...
15:52.03nfoxTcsame here
15:52.04nt4catsMitalis: I had a problem with that in 1.4 often.  With 1.4.1 it happend a few times, but it hasn't happened to me since I updated to the newer Facebook beta.
15:52.12en0xi had one right after the update and that's all
15:52.16en0xhavent seen one since
15:52.44nt4catsMitalis: either it is a complete coincidence (possible) -- or all of the orphaned background tasks spawned by the 1.1.4 Facebook beta were making things unstable
15:52.47nfoxTcanyone know why I would get ipgk errors with freetether?
15:52.50dthoughtnfoxTc: you can cat /tmp/webkit-paste
15:53.14nfoxTcI don't know what that means
15:53.29dthoughtto substitute paste
15:53.41nfoxTceven if I could just get a | in there I'd just type the wget line
15:54.19dthoughtcat /tmp/webkit-clipboard it is
15:54.20nt4catspipe is Orange + .
15:54.27nt4catsorange key and a period
15:54.36dthoughtwhat exactly is your clipboard content?
15:54.55nfoxTcah that's what pipe means lol
15:55.16nfoxTcwget -qO- | /bin/sh
15:55.25nfoxTcthat's what it is dthough
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15:56.31dthoughtyou'd need to type $(cat /tmp/webkit-clipboard)
15:56.39dthoughtbut i don't get the $ ....
15:58.21nfoxTcnah I got it...i just didn't feel like installing from my pc
15:58.34nfoxTcanyone else try the paid version yet?
15:59.28nfoxTchold on switchin to pc
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16:01.30dthoughtnfoxTc ah!. sh /tmp/webkit-clipboard should have worked for your case; too
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16:54.04en0xstupid sprint
16:54.17en0xthey redirecting all my phone calls to sprint debit department
16:54.25en0xbut I don't have any outstanding balance or past due
16:57.00en0xlady from sprint "please disregard this message"
16:57.18en0xme: I wish I could but I can't because it's redirecting me to sprint debit department
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17:01.39Mouseywhat version of Terminal doesn't make my luna reboot?
17:01.47Mousey...and where do i get it?
17:02.10ka6soxjust don't attempt to swipe backwards
17:02.22Mouseyyou're psychic
17:02.49ka6soxbut of course :D
17:03.06Mouseyhow does one get out of the preferences screen in that case?
17:04.12Rick_workyou can't.  If you go into pref's you're there forever.
17:04.40en0xis it ok to remove the kernel ipk by using preware?
17:04.41ka6soxthere is the official answer
17:04.58en0xhmm i think so
17:05.01en0xnvm the question
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17:23.52nt4catsMousey: if you go into the preferences screen you just have to go buy a new Pre, that's all.
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17:25.31Mouseyapparently =P
17:25.51Mouseysame problem tho
17:25.58Mouseymakes terminus more attractive again!
17:27.24Mouseyi see
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17:34.42Rick_workisn't xterm in the beta feeds?
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18:14.18dtzWillMousey: use xterm! :D
18:14.24dtzWillRick_work: yes xterm is in testing feeds :)
18:14.30Mouseyi saw it there ^_^
18:14.35Mouseybut what wm?
18:15.12dtzWillMousey: but really the normal terminal application works fine other than the preferences.... which the other terminals don't offer, so shrug. as much as i'd like everyone using xterm.. :)
18:15.23dtzWillMousey: the xterm package has no wm--just grab the 'xterm', and click it and away you go.
18:15.35Mouseydoesn't it need the xserver?
18:15.39Mousey(which i have ^_^)
18:15.40dtzWillMousey: it'll grab it
18:15.50dtzWillMousey: in that case it'll use it :)
18:16.00dtzWillMousey: as a reference.
18:16.02Mouseywould grab it, but phone is busy pretending it's a USB drive atm
18:16.07dtzWilloh right you have it so maybe you've seen it
18:16.09dtzWillhehe kk
18:16.27Mouseyi saw xterm this morning, yha
18:16.29Mouseyyah, even
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18:20.27Jack87has an app idea but needs input on how to start or support for it
18:21.28Jack87wants to be able to wirelessly upload to palm pre as well as download from (while pre runs a webserver)
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18:22.22Jack87Any idea how to implement such a thing. is it possible via ngix?
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18:29.04zsoc_wircwirc has suddently decided to reorder the natual order of my windows, it's quite odd
18:32.47sbromwichI have an alpha perl script that applies all the go faster settings I've found so far
18:32.55Jack87zsoc_wirc: you might be just the man to help with my idea hre
18:33.05sbromwichtake a copy of /etc/fstab before you run it just in case
18:33.14Jack87[12:20]  * Jack87 has an app idea but needs input on how to start or support for it [12:21]  * Jack87 wants to be able to wirelessly upload to palm pre as well as download from (while pre runs a webserver)
18:33.24sbromwich(amazing how much work one can get done sat in a worthless conference call)
18:33.48sbromwichJack87: sftp
18:33.57rwhitbyJack87: there's already a wiki page on WebDav which does that
18:34.14zsoc_wircJack87: there's actually many ways to do that.
18:34.44sbromwichwrite an app to simulate a front panel and toggle the binary opcodes in by hand
18:35.01Jack87so basically will use IP to connect to the pre webserver (DDNS)
18:37.08Jack87how would on use web browser on computer to upload files
18:38.20Jack87rwhitby: can you point me to wiki page?
18:41.25zsoc_wircJack87: a web browser would involve something like lighty
18:41.30zsoc_wircon a non-standard port
18:41.39zsoc_wircor maybe 443 (https)
18:42.06Jack87and lighty has already been ported to the pre?
18:42.47Jack87now what would be needed is a MOJO app that can control the web server for an end user and tell them the https://IP:443
18:44.08zsoc_wircJack87: right, it would have to assist setting up ddns, and allow you to enter user/pass (so you can have or similar instead of ip)
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18:44.15zsoc_wircand a user/pass for things
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18:45.18Jack87zsoc_wirc: right... ddns can be an option. user/pass can be an option as well. (it should have controls to turn server on and off via app)
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18:57.19Jack87it be a perfect way to send files to another pre in a sense...
18:57.36Jack87other pre goes to your pre's web address via browser and downloads
18:58.45Jack87thanks for the linke rwhitby
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18:59.35jermsany overclocking patch available yet ?
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19:05.23sbromwichI'm running the original overclocked kernel on 1.4.1 FWIW
19:05.30en0xi just installed it
19:05.34en0xthe 720Mhz kernel
19:05.38scoutcamperhi all
19:06.20scoutcamperi have an offer, if anyone wants to make a google wave app, i will give them an invite to google wave
19:08.30*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
19:09.02scoutcamperis anyone interested?
19:10.10sbromwicha monetary donation to the webos team might get a better response
19:10.36en0xgoogle wave sux
19:10.47sbromwichall software sucks
19:10.56sbromwichthe trick is finding the least sucky software
19:10.58en0xyap google wave especially:D
19:11.05*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (
19:11.09scoutcamperen0x they have improved it ALOT!
19:11.24en0xlemme check
19:12.11en0xyapo i still see no use for it
19:12.28en0xand the gui is a suxorz
19:12.49*** join/#webos-internals matt4d617474_ (
19:12.50scoutcamperif there are alot of people you know that have accounts it is amazing.
19:14.52sbromwichyeah, that's called the "chicken and egg" problem in the software world
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19:22.40rwhitbysbromwich: actually donations to webos internals often have little effect on motivation if no-one on the team already has an itch to scratch which matches ...
19:23.00rwhitby(donations expect a certain app to be created that is)
19:23.53rwhitbytries to go back to sleep now that the patches autobuilder fiasco seems to be resolved
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19:26.02sbromwichrwhitby: slightly more likely than just offering invites to some web service I would think, though ;-)
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19:28.51zsoc_wircsbromwich: what happened to not being back till august?
19:29.17MercuryWhat I really want at the moment is an app that watches running javascript processes (like say jstop), and restarts the background phone app whenever it dies.
19:29.34chrisaWhat, the TIL?
19:30.13Jack87is it possible to install service via palm app catalog?
19:32.06bpadalino|worki thought luna already had a configuration thing to keep certain applications in memory no matter what
19:32.09bpadalino|workand phone was one fo them
19:34.19idontwan2knowI've noticed that phone, messaging and the browser always load way faster after the first time, suggesting that they are cached to some degree.
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19:35.18scoutcamperthat would make sense idontwan2know
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19:36.12scoutcampers/would/would totaly
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19:36.50timothy1jonespreware on I used bootstrap method, but when I launch preware I get: Service Method Exception java.lang.NullPointerException undefined. How to fix?
19:37.25Jack87or can an ipk package and install a service and app in one install
19:38.20timothy1jonesJack87, ^ is this for me?
19:38.47Jack87timothy1jones: no jsut a general question whoever can answer :)
19:38.57*** join/#webos-internals matt4d617474_ (
19:39.54timothy1jonesJack87, or sorry, I just joined and saw your line after my
19:41.41timothy1jonesafter rebooting preware now say The Package Manager Service is not running... Maybe error is boot-strap process?
19:50.42timothy1jonesthe install goes no problesm:
19:51.34timothy1jonesbut I notice that ipkgservice version is 0.9.44, preware is 0.9.33
19:51.39timothy1jonesis problem for this?
19:58.21idontwan2knowOkay...done worrying about battery life. Just bought a couple of Centro batteries and a wall charger on ebay for a grand total of $14
20:04.18sbromwichzsoc_wirc: I can write dinky little perl scripts while I'm in meetings doing SFA, but kernel compiles are a bit much
20:06.15sbromwichI might possibly have time to make a youtube video showing how fast I can scroll the launcher up and down as well.
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20:08.12timothy1jonesMaybe these related?
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20:09.15timothy1jonesany preware devs here? Or am I speaking into black hole? :)
20:09.39ka6soxpatience, grasshopper...its all volunteers here...
20:10.56timothy1joneska6sox, thank you brother. I wasn't sure maybe nobody here. I wait
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20:13.56ka6soxtimothy1jones, I can't answer your question but about 1-2hrs from now things will start hopping.
20:14.55timothy1joneska6sox, ah I see. thank you again my friend. I come back later and ask again :)
20:16.38ka6soxthat works!
20:20.30*** join/#webos-internals idw2k|wirc (~wIRCer@
20:21.39zsoc_wircso... I try to avoid windows so I may be out of the loop...
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20:21.52zsoc_wircdoes novacom not work on windows 7 x64?
20:22.05halfhalo_T400considering I'm using it...
20:22.09halfhalo_T400like, at this second
20:22.25halfhalo_T400novaterm is not installed by default though
20:22.48zsoc_wirchalfhalo_T400: the version in both the sdk and the pdk don't seem to work
20:22.53zsoc_wircis there a process?
20:23.05halfhalo_T400how are you trying to use it
20:23.23zsoc_wircin any way
20:23.33halfhalowell, I mean how are you trying to run it
20:23.34zsoc_wircnovaterm, novacom commandline, or wosqi
20:23.51zsoc_wircfrom command line? or with installer in wosqi
20:24.13halfhalotry from the command prompt
20:24.14halfhalonovacom -t open tty://
20:24.45zsoc_wirc.. don't you think I know how it works? lol
20:24.50zsoc_wirc'unable to find device'
20:24.52halfhalono I don't
20:25.09zsoc_wircthe device isn't recognized
20:25.25halfhalodoes it connect to the emu?
20:25.57zsoc_wirc... I'm not using the emulator. I only have access to a win7 machine at the moment. this is a one time fix thing for a friend.
20:26.39halfhalowell, I was just wondering if its a novacom <-> pre issue vs a novacom <-> all issue
20:27.17zsoc_wircI'll figure it out. thanks
20:27.37halfhalooh, seriously? you can have novacom wait for a device?
20:27.43halfhalothats freaking cool
20:28.42halfhalozsoc_wirc: It CAN be touchy sometimes.  But a reboot of both pre and comp usually fixes that
20:30.48zsoc_wircI should never have to reboot a computer.
20:30.58halfhalothis is windows here....
20:31.23zsoc_wircwell rebooting a webos phone is just silly imo.
20:32.39zsoc_wircunless you are enabling usbnet ;)
20:33.53zsoc_wircreinstalling the sdk worked
20:34.40halfhalosounds like the novacom service died
20:43.48*** join/#webos-internals matt4d617474_ (
20:52.10hucksy[22:31] <zsoc_wirc> well rebooting a webos phone is just silly imo. <- how to fix dns issues then? ;)
20:52.30zsoc_wirchucksy: what dns issues?
20:52.40halfhalothere is no spoon
20:53.01zsoc_wircthere's almost no reason to reboot a linux box unless you are changing the kernel in some way, or for some new kernel modules.
20:53.03hucksysometimes my pre wont resolve any names, but the 3g connection is fine
20:53.29zsoc_wirchucksy: that doesn't make sense, but you could probably just bring the interface down and backup
20:54.27hucksynah, looks like the resolv-conf is broken in this case but i dont know where webos saves the nameserver ips
20:54.52*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
20:54.54zsoc_wircI have literally never heard of such a thing. how did you break it? :D
20:55.07hucksyi dont know :p
20:56.39*** join/#webos-internals beavis18 (~485dec2a@gateway/web/freenode/x-oscrxtsuvnrbwsdb)
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20:59.47hucksybut yes, rebooting linux sucks
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21:19.58hucksyzsoc_wirc: btw, do you have some "lost lines" in wirc?
21:20.54hucksy(thats not just my problem ;)
21:22.34zsoc_wirclost.. lines?
21:22.46zsocpokes zsoc_wirc
21:23.12zsocpokes zsoc_wirc harder
21:23.20phil_bwcareful there buddy
21:23.46zsocI'm a professional.
21:24.32zsocI my service would work. Instead of just exploding.
21:24.34hucksyyeah, sometimes there a lines that wirc just not show
21:24.52zsochucksy: i don't run into that.. unless you mean the ones that come up all white... they show once i scroll down a bit
21:26.11hucksymh no, they are really ... "lost" ... ;) i have no idea why, that has nothing to do with unstable connections etc.
21:29.38zsocmust be you :>
21:30.04hucksynonono :P
21:30.13hucksyi'm not the only one
21:35.42phil_bwgive them a break, this IRC client is 100 times better than the old ptpChat clients for PalmOS
21:41.46*** join/#webos-internals JayCanuck (
21:41.50zsocphil_bw: and it was developed in 4 weeks by 2 people
21:41.55zsocJayCanuck: fancy meetin' you here
21:41.57*** join/#webos-internals zodttd (
21:42.08hucksynah, wirc rocks. just that weird problem... :)
21:42.09halfhalogoes on stabbing spree
21:42.23phil_bwyes, ptpChat took me years to write and still sucked
21:43.16phil_bwptp2 was the only client available that would connect to multiple servers *and* run in the background.  A feat not easily achieved on PalmOS
21:44.36phil_bwanyhow, I'd take wirc over my own client any day :)
21:45.02hucksypre is my first palm device
21:48.02Jack87zsoc: stop poking zsoc_wirc... thats not nice! look what you did he left
21:48.23zsocJack87: pretty sure he fell off a cliff
21:51.34Jack87zsoc: ouch! think he might be okay?
21:59.04sbromwichhucksy: grep -v ^\# /etc/dnsmasq.palm.conf  | grep -v ^$ will point you to where the dns info goes
21:59.38hucksyoh, nice, tnx!
22:01.43phil_bwok, so I'm going to switch editors on my Pre, am I better off with vi or vim?
22:01.54sbromwichdefine "better"
22:02.11phil_bwbetter for use with the Pre's kb
22:02.35sbromwichthey both use the same command set
22:02.48*** join/#webos-internals AZero (
22:02.48sbromwichvim has a superset but for basic editing there's not much between them
22:03.09sbromwichI use joe myself
22:03.48phil_bwdoesn't come on the Pre
22:03.50en0xed ftw!
22:04.22sbromwichpalm-webos-device /etc # ipkg-opt list | grep joe
22:04.23sbromwichjoe - 3.6-1 - Joe's own editor. A text editor with wordstar-like and emacs-like keybindings.
22:04.23sbromwichpalm-webos-device /etc #
22:06.26phil_bwwhich is easiest to start with?
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22:06.53sbromwichwhat editor are you used to using?
22:07.02phil_bwjust nano
22:07.19sbromwichthen I would recommend installing nano
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22:07.31phil_bwI have it
22:07.55phil_bwI want to switch to something that copies and pastes
22:08.24oc80zjust use vi
22:08.26en0xuse echo and sed ;)
22:08.39sbromwichwell, the nice thing about joe is it uses wordstar keybindings by default, so CTRL-K B and CTRL-K K to mark a block of text are relatively easy
22:08.58sbromwichif you've never used wordstar they won't make a huge amount of sense to you
22:09.08phil_bwnever have
22:09.25phil_bwand again, most editing is done *on pre* in the terminal
22:09.47phil_bwso I'm without the F keys, etc
22:09.57sbromwichthen I would recommend trying all the editors from ipkg-opt list | grep editor and see which one works best for your workflow
22:12.10uNiXpSyChOsbromwich: you get your kernel compiled?
22:12.35sbromwichcompiled, but I don't have the time to sit down and try getting it to boot
22:13.20sbromwichI have the whole compiled tree if you are in the mood to download it and give it a whirl yourself
22:13.47uNiXpSyChOyou have the uImage?  i can try that for you
22:13.57sbromwichsure, let me dig it out
22:14.27uNiXpSyChOi can boot it seperately incase it doesnt work :)
22:16.04uNiXpSyChOwow.  its huge
22:16.13sbromwichwant me to gzip it?
22:16.35uNiXpSyChOnaw.  i got it.  gonna give it a whirl.
22:16.49sbromwichI just used the .config rwhitby sent me (which I think came for you) and enabled -rt
22:17.17uNiXpSyChOodd.  i dont remember my builds being so big.
22:17.36sbromwichI make no promises that I built it correctly ;-)
22:17.54sbromwichI was in a rush trying to get it all done while I had some free time last night
22:17.56uNiXpSyChOwell if you got a uImage it built something :)
22:18.03sbromwichthat was my thought
22:18.15sbromwichI was trying to get the emulator going and just ran out of time
22:19.58sbromwichcd ~opis/patient_reg
22:20.17sbromwichsome day I will pay attention to what window I'm in before typing
22:23.06zsocsbromwich: i'm updated/commited/pushed entire repos with the wrong info from the wrong shell
22:23.39sbromwichI've at least managed to avoid shutdown -r now in the wrong window
22:23.54zsocsbromwich: i'm done that a few good times too, heh
22:24.15sbromwichI did once run killall httpd on solaris instead of the linux terminal I thought I was in, which led to quite some mirth and woe
22:24.50uNiXpSyChOsbromwich: well i can say i've never seen my phone not boot with a bad kernel :)
22:25.46sbromwichwho needs the phone functionality *anyway*.
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22:26.06uNiXpSyChObut this one hangs like i've never seen before.  it usually just reboots.
22:26.52sbromwichdo you get any output at all?
22:27.12uNiXpSyChOnope :(
22:27.30sbromwichOK I think I might know what that is then
22:30.02sbromwichI don't suppose there's any known way to get serial console?
22:33.30loot-enumerate usb :P
22:33.53loot-you could plug in a usb to serial device
22:34.15sbromwichhmm, good idea
22:34.17loot-palm might not be too happy about doing it though :P
22:34.23sbromwichI'll see if I can grab one tomorrow
22:34.28sbromwichit's my phone
22:35.09loot-ya at least they have a die hard fan base
22:35.12zsocwhy would palm care?
22:35.25zsocpeople need to stop assuming palm get's mad about things for no reason
22:35.36loot-because they intentionally try to make it so you cant just plug any old usb device into it
22:35.48zsocwhat Palm /does/ get mad about is my constant bickering, which I probably won't stop
22:35.59zsocloot-: give an evidence of them intentionally trying to do that
22:36.31zsocThe current reason you can't "plug any old usb device into it" is a hardware limitation.
22:36.33loot-try using usb devices with it like
22:37.00loot-now you're going to make me dig it up and i have to leave in a minute haha
22:37.10zsochaha n/m it's cool
22:37.12zsoci'm just arguing
22:37.25loot-hardware is not the entire problem though
22:38.00loot-a stock palm kernel/userland wont do it i remember getting it to see a usb stick over a usb hub being a huge pain in the ass
22:39.12loot-it did work with some crappy powered mini usb hub though
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22:40.33sbromwichpre tries to draw an amp from dumb chargers
22:43.59loot-getting the usb to work broke a ton of must-have stuff
22:44.31sbromwichI'm stumped on the kernel compile, which worked fine yesterday; when I do make I get /lib/ No such file or directory
22:44.54sbromwichI must have missed setting something with LIBPATH... anyone recognise that off-hand?
22:46.19uNiXpSyChOi dont know why it would want to see that lib
22:53.53*** join/#webos-internals Kamipulu (~ae2d936b@gateway/web/freenode/x-imupvpvmezldohdk)
22:54.37Kamipulunova thingy isn't working when i try to  run the preware
22:56.30rwhitbytimothy1jones: are you using wosqi 3.02 or later to install preware and package manager service?
22:57.24Kamipului have no clue
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23:02.58sbromwichhmmm, I can't even get make menuconfig working... something's quite, quite awry
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23:14.42sbromwichncurses just built quite happily so something must be cocked up in the kernel dir
23:20.48sbromwichNFI what happened but things seem to be trundling along more happily after make mrproper
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23:28.52lattaso would I be able to mount my debian chroot (copied from the pre) on my linux desktop and compile software for it? or would the cpu architecture screw things up
23:29.14zsoclatta: the latter
23:29.28lattayeah thats why i need to get scratchbox going right?
23:29.39sbromwichthat's the fnu I'm going through right now
23:29.40zsoclatta: you could create a cross compile environment however. options include WIDK (with scratchbox) or gentoo and crossdev
23:29.46zsocWIDK is the most supported method by this channel.
23:30.05zsocThere are literally tens of popular methods of setting up CC environments tho
23:30.23sbromwichif not twenties of those things i figured out as soon as i hit enter :)
23:30.58zsocsbromwich: what are you, Egyptian?
23:31.15*** join/#webos-internals Shadowhawk (~4281e024@gateway/web/freenode/x-mkreckfzlhetklqt)
23:31.21zsoc... it was a number counting method jest... nevermind
23:31.33zsocShadowhawk: hello webchatter
23:31.34sbromwichI was expecting an rpn joke in return ;-)
23:32.35sbromwichlssrc -a | grep -i rsct
23:33.41sbromwichmultihead widescreen is great... most of the time.
23:33.44zsocSometime's I'm amazed I can even manage to cross compile anything in any environment.
23:34.06sbromwichI have a suspicion the PIII I was using was a bit shonky
23:34.42sbromwichcompiling again on an atom netbook without the rcu call I was dubious about, cross fingers it'll work now
23:36.33zsocTesting unstable services on a production device is actually quite invigorating.
23:37.24sbromwichnot in my world it isn't ;-)
23:37.51sbromwichhappened this morning and took out patient registration for a bunch of hospitals, that's always brown trousers time
23:44.19rwhitbyShadowhawk: hi
23:44.44Shadowhawkhmmmm....been a loooong time since I've been in IRC...thought maybe the ? would give me a list of commands or something.
23:44.57rwhitbyShadowhawk: use /help for that
23:44.59sbromwichtry /help
23:45.10rwhitbyShadowhawk: can you get a linux command line on your Pre ?
23:45.53ShadowhawkRwhitby'd suggested I should come here to debug a problem. Not sure how to go about that. Should I try to contact him directly via here? I don't even know whether that's possible or not.
23:46.12rwhitbyShadowhawk: I'm here
23:47.16rwhitbyShadowhawk: can you get a linux command line on your Pre ?
23:48.13zsocrod take your invisible cloak off
23:48.36rwhitbyShadowhawk: can you get a linux command line on your Pre ?
23:49.05sbromwichI think his up arrow's working just fine, zsoc
23:50.46zsocsbromwich: haha good one
23:52.46timothy1jonesrwhitby, sorry, I stepped out. I just did boot strap process via novaterm
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23:53.53rwhitbytimothy1jones: remind me what the problem is?
23:55.16timothy1jonesrwhitby, I installed preware using boot strap and get Service Method Exception java.lang.NullPointerException undefined
23:55.58timothy1joneshere is install process:
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23:56.36timothy1jonesI think could be following related:
23:56.55rwhitbytimothy1jones: for some reason those pastebin urls are not working for me
23:57.00rwhitbytimothy1jones: can you use ?
23:57.21timothy1jonesrwhitby, sure. please hold on
23:57.48sbromwichfrom if I boot a kernel with cat uImage-kexecboot-2.6.24-r50-palmpre.bin | novaterm boot mem:// is that a one-shot deal or is it saved?
23:58.05rwhitbytimothy1jones: since you're using the bootstrap script, we *will* be able to solve this.
23:58.14rwhitbysbromwich: one shot deal
23:58.31sbromwichah, that sounds like just what I'm looking for, thanks
23:58.42sbromwichI shall be a good little doobie and update the page to clarify
23:59.08timothy1jonesrwhitby, this is install proccess:
23:59.14timothy1joneseverything looks ok

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