IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100507

00:02.58*** join/#webos-internals nekrox (~nekro@unaffiliated/nekrox)
00:03.37phil_bwI go back and forth with MS
00:03.55phil_bwI do really like Win7 (short of setting up an HP printer on it)
00:06.18*** join/#webos-internals mickdouglas (
00:07.25zsocphil_bw: W7 is the first os I've found 'usable' since win 2000 back in the day
00:08.17phil_bwzsoc, same.  I got sick of Vista on my laptop so really went to 7 to get away from it and ended up really liking 7
00:09.34zsocphil_bw: Oh, I don't use it.. but I do general user support a lot. I've used linux as my primary os for a few years now
00:10.37phil_bwzsoc, I've been all across the board (short of mac)  Win98 to Mandrake to Win XP to Mandriva to Gentoo (with a Debian playmate) to Vista to 7
00:11.08zsocphil_bw: Good then :) I am super impressed by increase of general usability of linux over the last 3 years.
00:11.24phil_bwfor the longest time I used linux as my primary with a second computer running win98 for development (had to have it for the tools I was using)
00:11.33zsocMy wife started by nagging me to install it (when I insisted all of her problems were windows related). Then she started dual booting. Now she asked me to remove windows to free up space.
00:11.44zsocShe's not a computer person :>
00:12.41phil_bwI thoroughly enjoyed Gentoo when I used it but I needed to get down to one computer at at the time my dev tools required windows and I couldn't find a happy solution under wine so I just went to XP (though I held on to my Debian server for quite some time)
00:13.21zsocAm I glad I'm not in an industry where that is the case.
00:13.55phil_bwnow come full circle and the webos dev tools are all linux friendly (if not preferred)
00:13.55zsocAlthough I will say I do find 7 usable... it's just not.. for me. It becomes "I wonder if I can do this?" instead of how it should be... "Let me find out how to do this."
00:14.09zsocphil_bw: well, except the official pdk ;) hehe
00:15.13phil_bwoh well, as I always say "if it works for you, use it"\
00:15.48zsocI agree.
00:16.06phil_bwthe fact of the matter too is that the world is becoming so web centric that in 5 - 10 years it truely wont matter which platform you use
00:16.08zsocI only argue when someone is using 1 thing, simply because they are undereducated about other options ;)
00:16.24rwhitbyphil_bw: yeah, then it will matter which internet you use
00:16.35zsocI agree with webcentricity, but /some/ will see to it they have a certain about of control
00:16.37zsocwhat rod said
00:16.52phil_bwfor the consumer end I mean
00:17.16phil_bwobviously mission criticual stuff will always be trusted to a *nix environment
00:17.58zsocMicrosoft is a good example. A big company that uses windows, mac, and nix.
00:18.22phil_bwoh really?
00:18.54zsocof course, how do you think they run? :)
00:19.26phil_bwwell I don't think a mac needs to be involved anywhere
00:21.04zsocI believe they are used for design mostly. But they use quite a few
00:21.07phil_bwI got kind of a laugh then other day when I stumbled across an old gentoo wiki article I wrote about accessing an NFS network from a Windows system (now it's all native, but back then it was far from it)
00:21.25phil_bwthere was as lot of work invovled back then...
00:22.35zsocphil_bw: ah yes, it's come a long way lol
00:23.26phil_bwhaha, I stand corrected about the mac comment
00:30.35oilwhen was that an inside joke about arnold schwarzenegger?
00:31.11oilcause i was there when we named it, and i don't remember that xD
00:31.12zsocthat guy thinks so
00:31.21zsocrecalls being there too..
00:32.59oilchanges its wording to "apparently people think its an inside joke, but it isn't"
00:35.57oilmaybe ill just delete it with the comment "this never happened"
00:36.31BeeRadHey guys, if I have an idea for a patch, should I ask here or hit the forums up?
00:37.41zsocBeeRad: You should make it
00:38.46BeeRadhas no dev skills.
00:38.50rwhitbyBeeRad: you should mention it to Jason ;)
00:39.06BeeRadrwhitby: hey buddy!
00:39.10rwhitbyBeeRad: tell him that there's no chance that he would be able to do something like that - it's way too hard.
00:39.30BeeRadHey you REALLY want a challenge?
00:39.33rwhitbythat used to work on me 20 years ago too :)
00:39.54BeeRadI want control of the LED light for notifs. ;)
00:40.35*** join/#webos-internals nt4cats (~nt4cats@
00:40.52halfhalosaying its to hard for you doesn't work on me
00:41.16halfhalobut what DOES is an obsenly high hourly rate for being a consultant
00:43.07rwhitbyhalfhalo: no, BeeRad shouldn't say it's too hard for BeeRad, he should say it's too hard for Jason
00:43.27rwhitby(or maybe you were saying that, English is so ambiguous)
00:50.56*** join/#webos-internals jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
00:51.56BeeRadis sad that rwhitby doesn't retweet his praises for @webosinternals on Twitter. lol
00:52.08rwhitbyBeeRad: which one?
00:52.10*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
00:52.33BeeRadI do it all the time. haha I think my Twitter is fracked somehow.
00:52.49nt4catsis downloading Lucid install CD so that he can bake his own "auto-novaterm" LiveCD
00:53.12BeeRadmy #palmcast hashtags never show up in the timeline for the Palmcast lightning round. I cant figure out why.
00:55.31zsocnt4cats: do it
00:55.37zsoc"Preware Install CD"
00:56.39nt4catsthe script is done(ish), it seems that with a 'base' LiveCD and "UCK" (Ubuntu Customization Kit) -- the CD seems like an easy(ish) thing.  I'll let you know once I run it.
00:57.16RagingMindnt4cats, ubuntu that has all the development stuff installed on install?
00:57.52nt4catslearned this evening that Adora isn't a robot -- she's a real person. She also runs Fedora and digs webOS. These are all good things in my book (although I wouldn't mind if she were a robot ... that'd be cool, too)
00:58.25nt4catsRagingMind: I don't run Ubuntu myself, so I'm not certain what you get by default out of the box.
00:59.15nt4catsRagingMind: I'm taking a crack at making a LiveCD for easy novaterm access to webOS devices, so I haven't needed to think about development tools
01:00.16Adorant4cats: I'm actually a mac user, but I have lots of friends in the fedora community
01:00.34Adoraand I actually AM a robot
01:00.38Adoraeverything else is true
01:00.50nt4catszsoc: Preware Install CD, hmmm, that's an idea.
01:02.09*** join/#webos-internals entity- (
01:03.08zsocnt4cats: /or/, just a default bin... like "preware install" :>
01:03.25rwhitbyloves writing tweets that people will want to RT, but are too long to do so easily :)
01:05.25BeeRadohhhhhhhhh ;)
01:05.30BeeRadPoint taken.
01:05.45BeeRadSo much love to shrink down though.
01:06.24rwhitbymorning Adora
01:06.51Adorarwhitby:  dude, I haaaaaaaaaaate it when you do that
01:06.55Adorayou are rather notorious
01:07.43rwhitbyAdora: I'm just pure evil to the core - haven't you been following the eDrama lately?
01:08.15VincentLawPREWARE HITTING 1.0?!
01:08.33zsocVincentLaw: not yet it's not.
01:08.35VincentLawI thought it was going to be Google-style beta forever!
01:08.36rwhitbyVincentLaw: actually, it will be 0.9.99 for the release candidate :)
01:08.39nt4catsI just noticed in the device info applet that it shows I have hardware revision A.  I don't recall seeing that before (maybe it was added to the display in 1.4.x?)  Are there Rev B,C, etc. on Sprint?
01:09.01VincentLawyou should call it beta even after 1.0.0
01:09.23nt4catsI'm going to make a patch that re-adds the beta tag to Preware after it goes GA
01:09.43zsocforks Preware... Zware.
01:10.21nt4catszsoc: did you settle on a name, by the way?
01:10.26PrimerFendermake toolchain =D
01:10.38VincentLawstill votes for "Talk to the Palm"
01:10.48zsocnt4cats: settle is a funny word. it's done, so whether i settled or not is in the past lol
01:11.49rwhitbywonders when people will twig that the whole Uber-Kernel thing was just a way of getting people to install the testing feed in preparation for Preware 1.0 release candidate testing ...
01:11.53BeeRadok, whats going on? I mention Twitter issues in here and now Im getting follower after follower. *raises eyebrow*
01:15.39*** join/#webos-internals ka6sox (~ka6sox@nslu2-linux/ka6sox)
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01:15.57nt4catsI need to go yell at my daughter, she's not in bed yet.
01:16.19PrimerFenderdon't be mean. it's almost summer
01:17.18nt4catsPrimerFender: how many kids do you have?
01:17.46PrimerFendernone, that I know of...
01:17.53nt4catsthinks someone should be yelling at PrimerFender right now ...
01:19.22VincentLawnothing's worse than a kid who doesn't get enough sleep. GRUMPY MCGRUMPMEISTERS
01:19.31nt4catsI didn't *actually* yell.  I just spoke in my gravelly Clint Eastwood voice and gestured menacingly
01:19.38PrimerFendernt4cats: what tims is it?
01:19.46VincentLawtime for bed
01:20.06nt4catsPrimerFender: I live in the suburbs very near Philadelphia, PA.  It is 9:20p here.
01:20.15nt4cats(I work in downtown Philly)
01:20.25PrimerFenderi only wonder because it's still daylight out and I can remember being sent to bed in the summer when it was still daylight :-/
01:20.27nt4cats(we call it "center city")
01:21.34PrimerFenderand I call it someplace I aint never been too
01:27.00zsocnt4cats: i wish i was your daughter
01:27.06zsocnt4cats: i immediately regret typing that
01:27.27nt4catsfeels a little bit uncomfortable now
01:27.33rwhitbyoil is going to love this 0.9.99 version number
01:27.40nt4catsslowly backs away from zsoc
01:28.10zsocnt4cats: i meant, having a father with a sense of humor who has a clint eastwood voice and makes fervent gestures
01:28.12nt4catssuggests "I wish I could go to bed now -- your daughter is lucky!"
01:28.24nt4catsor that
01:29.20nt4catsat my age a 9:30p bedtime would be quite a treat.
01:31.58nt4catska6sox-work: advanced age (compared to most here -- I'm not the oldest ever seen in these parts, but I'm part of the senior crowd on this channel)
01:32.57ka6sox-workoil: that was for your benefit :D
01:33.21oiljust go 0.10.1
01:33.40rwhitbyoil: no, that will not force me to release 1.0.0
01:34.04nt4catsoil: if you take "0.9.99" and feed it into a kupier series fractal transformation for certain eigen values, the result translates to "oil is cool"
01:34.18rwhitbyalthough I still have 0.9.99[9]+ left if needed ...
01:36.06*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
01:36.32rwhitbyoil: so, last chance to stop 0.9.99 going into the testing feed ...
01:37.04oilwhats 0.9.99 do?
01:37.07rwhitby(it automatically installs the C service, and removes the Java service, and you can uninstall Preware Alpha or leave it installed afterwards without issue)
01:37.14rwhitbyoil: same as current Preware Alpha
01:37.39rwhitbybasically 0.9.99 is a test of the seamless transition from Preware Alpha to Preware
01:38.11rwhitbyall those in favour, say "Aye"
01:38.20zsocHowabout: GO!
01:38.37oc80zdid that WebDav question get answered?
01:38.53nt4catsAye (Preware Alpha as it is today rocks)
01:39.53zsococ80z: if it involved devfs2, the answer was "it will probably work if someone bothers to do it"
01:44.42nt4cats(2 "Ayes", 0 "Nays" -- the "Ayes" have it)
01:44.50VincentLawI WANT A RECOUNT
01:45.11rwhitbylikes giving people the illusion that there is an sort of democracy in play here ...
01:45.29VincentLawrwhitby: are you, what some would say, a benevolent dictator? :P
01:46.22rwhitbyVincentLaw: well, it turns out that any one of about 20 or so people could go and release Preware 0.9.99 at any time
01:47.05ka6sox-workmy git-foo is somewhat lame.
01:47.17ka6sox-workbut I found a tutorial on how to do that!
01:47.52infobotmethinks git-tutorial is
01:48.19oilreleases 0.9.donkey
01:48.34ka6sox-workreleases 0.9.turkey
01:48.36rwhitbyok, could someone who is running Preware Classic with the testing feed enabled please test the upgrade to Preware 0.9.99
01:48.41nt4catsreleases 0.9.krikey
01:48.42VincentLawoh no
01:48.44VincentLawthe real question is
01:48.51VincentLawdoes 0.9.9999999999999999... = 1?
01:49.02oilrunning... preware alpha, upgrade to preware, right?
01:49.12oildidn't we need a timer or something on the service restart?
01:49.20oili thought that was in the way
01:49.22nt4catsrwhitby: I have classic and alpha ... if I use classic does that count, or should I remove alpha and make sure I have the java service?
01:49.23rwhitbyoil: nah, I just punted
01:49.34oilwhat about rescan weirdness?
01:49.41rwhitbynt4cats: run classic, and accept the update to classic
01:49.49rwhitbyoil: it will persist
01:50.16oilreally wishes we could figure out what thats all about
01:50.37rwhitbyyeah, me too.  I expect that will be 1.1.0 :)
01:50.56nt4catsit says preware 0.9.99 and package manager 0.9.46 are set to be updated
01:51.10nt4cats(because 0.9.99 depends on pm *.46
01:51.18rwhitbynt4cats: it shouldn't
01:51.30nt4catsrwhitby: it does.  I haven't clicked anything yet
01:51.47rwhitbyah, that's actually 0.9.38 which is depending.  0.9.99 doesn't
01:52.05nt4catsit told me to update preware ... and then said it also needed to install a dependency
01:52.05rwhitbywe need to differentiate that somehow when merging records
01:52.23nt4cats(so it offered me one upgrade, and then warned me of a dependency)
01:52.31rwhitbynt4cats: should still wokr
01:52.48nt4catsokay, I'll click "update all"
01:52.54oilso we're going 1.0?
01:52.54rwhitbynt4cats: it will upgrade ipkgservice, then upgrade preware (which will remove ipkgservice), then restart java
01:53.00oilthen i can change a bunch of stuff?
01:53.06rwhitbyoil: yep
01:53.21nt4catsrwhitby: java is restarting ...
01:53.27rwhitbyoil: preware will be the stable branch, preware alpha will become even more alpha
01:53.52oilcause i gotta go in and rip up parts of it to change how it works
01:53.52rwhitbynt4cats: did it update preware before restarting java ?
01:54.27nt4catspreware was updated, so I think the answer to your question must be 'yes'
01:54.30rwhitbyoil: and then there's preware next gen which reads XML feeds and doesn't store everything in memory
01:54.31oiljava restarts, and then it tries to rescan (which would kill preware) but it can't cause the service is dead
01:55.09oilxml feeds, eww
01:55.31oiljson feed, yay
01:55.33*** join/#webos-internals jhojho_ (~jh@2002:1882:8f3d:1234:fa1e:dfff:fed9:67d)
01:56.00nt4catsit restarted java, then dropped back to the preware update panel, which then went away (presumably because preware was updating/updated).  I launched preware again and got the "first time you run a new version of preware" info
01:56.30oiloh, well, thats ok
01:56.30nt4catshmmm, preware 0.9.99 says there are no packages available ... I can update my feeds, but I'm surprised I need to do that
01:56.35oilim shocked preware went away
01:56.46nt4catsoil: it did, honest.
01:56.57oilno, i believe you
01:57.05oilits just my experience thats never worked quite right xD
01:57.22nt4catsdo you want me to poke/look at anything before updating feeds?
01:57.38oillook at what?
01:57.48oilyou could go to feed management and make sure its ok
01:58.22nt4catsfeed management looks okay
01:58.26nt4catsI'm updating feeds
01:58.45nt4catsnow I have 1068 available packages (which seems right)
02:01.26jhojho_preware alpha going live?
02:01.42oilso im not sure i like the new google
02:02.27ka6sox-workjhojho_, you weren't talking about surveys in google groups you meant googledocs right?
02:02.51rwhitbynt4cats: installing a new package manager service version always clears the feed cache
02:03.12rwhitbynt4cats: the reason why this happened to you is because you were not up to date on Preware Classic and Package Manager Service already
02:03.14jhojho_oil: the new google is faceted/guided nav. been done for years in enterprise search
02:03.20rwhitbynt4cats: the good news is that it's designed to work anyway
02:03.33jhojho_personally, not really a fan.
02:03.37oiljhojho_: doesn't mean that im sure if i like it or not
02:04.48jhojho_well, it's rather ironic given that google has been talking for a long time about how faceted nav is meh. and a search engine should just know when you say cardinal if you meant the bird, team or the guy with the funny hat.
02:05.06jhojho_but whatever =)
02:05.46oilyeah, its weird
02:06.46nt4catsrwhitby: I was mildly surprised but not upset nor scared that the feeds were empty .... just wanted to let you know what I was seeing in case you wanted me to grab a log from somewhere, etc.
02:07.05rwhitbynt4cats: no, thanks for reporting everything
02:07.42rwhitbynow, I just need someone who did have package manager service updated to 0.9.46 already to try the upgrade process
02:13.06nt4catsis sleepy ... going to bed. bbt
02:16.43*** join/#webos-internals pixelwix (~4b49e704@gateway/web/freenode/x-qdbzjscuayjltfzg)
02:24.12*** join/#webos-internals soc (
02:24.15*** join/#webos-internals hucksy (~hucksy@
02:28.38socI'm trying to root my pre but i have the following error on a mac....i'm logged in as root, but once i run a command, it states that novaterm ended prematurely
02:41.57geistsoc: any command, or a specific command?
02:43.27socwell im new at this. i try one comand : mpt d userial
02:43.34*** join/#webos-internals bpadalino (~bpadalino@
02:43.42halfhaloAnd that does what?
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02:44.20socthen i get a error on the terminal that port closed prematurely
02:44.31*** join/#webos-internals roxfan (
02:45.06socbut i wanna do it from windows 7 but won't detect my pre*
02:46.09soci have webos 1.0.3 what i wanna do is be able to read the spc/msl nuber with qxdm
02:46.32*** join/#webos-internals jhojho__ (
02:47.16rwhitbysoc: best to ask elsewhere about that.  try
02:48.53rwhitbysoc: 1) install Palm SDK according to Palm documentation.  2) run novaterm
02:49.51socoh ok. i ll try installing the SDK ;) thanks
02:56.40JackieRipperrwhitby: the upgrade to preware 0.9.99 worked fine with the package manager service 0.9.46 already installed, with a bit of oddness
02:57.11rwhitbyJackieRipper: what was the oddness?
02:57.13JackieRipper1) it said that I needed to install the package manager service 0.9.46 (even though it was already installed)
02:59.02JackieRipper2) when I launched preware 0.9x, the package manager service was not listed in "Installed Packages" but rather in Available Other -> Services (as if it was not installed)
02:59.32JackieRipperI tapped install, restarted java, and now all seems to be well
03:01.23*** join/#webos-internals AZero (
03:02.55rwhitbyJackieRipper: yes, preware 0.9.99 removes the package manager service
03:03.09JackieRipperit's no longer needed?
03:03.37JackieRipperwhy did it make me reinstall, then, I wonder?
03:03.47rwhitbythat's the oddness
03:03.48JackieRipperI guess #1 is the only oddness
03:13.05rwhitbyok, I've removed ipkgservice from the testing feed - can someone else now try an upgrade to 0.9.99 from Preware classic ?
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04:00.42decourlhey guys, having trouble establishing inbound ssh (connection timed out).  sshd is listening on port 222 and accepts connections on the ppp IP from on-box, but not over the verizon network.  iptables input chain is 222/tcp friendly on all interfaces.
04:00.57decourlWondering if this is Verizon filtering inbound?
04:01.44*** join/#webos-internals brikus (
04:02.09decourl(sorry it's a little off topic)
04:02.23zsocpreoccupied: hey
04:02.29zsocpreoccupied: i'm on my way out but i need a favor
04:03.07zsocpreoccupied: I need you to migrate the current wiki to the wiki link from the new app (it's in the support scene) so that when people go there it actually works ;)
04:03.15zsocupdating the verbiage would be awesome as well
04:03.34zsoc|awaypreoccupied: oh, and i need your precentral forum name so i can mention you in the post
04:05.04*** part/#webos-internals brikus (
04:09.05*** join/#webos-internals zsoc_wirc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
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04:14.26idw2k|wircso I just envisioned an awesome scenario
04:15.16idw2k|wircHP produces an HP Print app for WebOS and promptly withdraws the iPhone version from the catalog.
04:15.38idw2k|wirciPhone users flail about in a futile eage
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04:21.07sethronupgraded to Preware v0.9.99 :)
04:21.08*** part/#webos-internals zsoc_wirc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
04:21.11chris____i cant get preware to run on my pre
04:21.53chris____says " service is not running"
04:22.46bpadalinothat's not good
04:23.43chris____then i try to restart Luna and it says the samething, the service not running
04:24.50bpadalinooh that service isn't associated with luna
04:24.57bpadalinoit just sits on the bus in java
04:25.06bpadalinoyou could try preware alpha
04:25.15bpadalinowhich uses a c service backend instead of java
04:25.19idw2k|wircyeah, it would have to be a java restart
04:25.54chris____so if i restart java maybe thats it?
04:26.29chris____my pre have been very very buggy as of late
04:26.40bpadalinomight want to doctor ?
04:27.04chris____oh man the doctor really.......crap
04:27.12idw2k|wircis there an easy way to install preware alpha without regular preware already working?
04:27.32preoccupiedzsoc|away: ok, i'll work on it now
04:27.40preoccupiedzsoc|away: i'm "linwiz311" in the forum
04:27.48chris____and where is the install for alpha?
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04:32.31*** join/#webos-internals zsoc_wirc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
04:32.58idw2k|wircI'm looking at the wiki now
04:33.18idw2k|wircthere may be a bootstrap, but you'd have to have shell access
04:33.51sethronzsoc_wirc: thanks so much for zcorder
04:34.13chris____i guess not the gas station shell right
04:34.25zsoc_wircsethron: er... thanks.. do you see it in the feeds?
04:34.41sethronzsoc_wirc: yes
04:34.50sethronwith the mic icon :)
04:35.16zsoc_wircsethron: oh. well then it's just me ha. well I'm in bed. better get some rest ;) ttyl
04:35.37sethronl8t zsoc, sleep well
04:36.02preoccupiedzsoc_wirc: dude, i just saw that post in the have competition lol
04:36.26zsoc_wircpreoccupied: eh. do I look worried? hehe
04:36.57preoccupiedzsoc_wirc: lol looks like webos internals is always getting in the way of ppl. first the kernels, and now this app haha
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04:39.45sethronpreoccupied: what post in the forum are you referring?
04:40.54jhowircrwithby do you still need someone to test the 0.9.99 preware? I have the .46 pkg mgr service
04:42.32*** join/#webos-internals xaiki (~user@
04:44.33zsoc_wircpreoccupied: also, please shamlessly link the official zcorder thread from anywhere you see fit :D
04:47.32preoccupiedzsoc_wirc: ok, i've done a quick update.
04:48.03preoccupiedzsoc_wirc: is there any specific things you would like me to include (other then the link)?
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04:51.53preoccupiedzsoc_wirc: i think you should make another post in the pre one reads the webos internals one...
04:52.23oil_preneeds someone to do his wiki editing...
04:53.14halfhaloMini says its using… 209.54GB of VM
04:53.50halfhaloWhich is strange, since it only has a 160GB HD in it and no USB HD's attached right now...
04:55.16oil_preconscripts halfhalo to edit wiki for him
04:55.35halfhaloStill studying for finals
04:56.05preoccupiedoil_pre: i would do it....don't have time tonight unfortunately
04:56.11preoccupiedwhat needs to be done?
04:56.54oil_prenothing, I was just messing around
04:57.21*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
05:00.22preoccupiedoil_pre: i don't mind...honestly. plus govnah + uber has been really useful. thanks to everyone working on it
05:07.06ka6soxI'm turning in my pre for one of these:
05:22.22ka6sox1st computer I ever worked on.
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05:49.13FuManoh man
05:55.11oil_prenext is 0.10.1
06:04.07jhojho__whoa irc on the ipad is $8
06:04.14rwhitbybased on alpha testing reports so far, I expect the next is 1.0.0
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06:10.00haperwhitby: Is there any information about the upstart service in the  wiki or forum
06:10.10hapeI can not find anything about it
06:10.14haperwhitby: is there any docu avalable? Could it be used for this idea =>
06:10.42jhojho__rwhitby: got an issue here
06:10.58jhojho__I have preware 0.9.38 installed on the pre plus
06:11.06jhojho__and preware alpha installed too
06:11.28jhojho__if I try to update to preware 0.9.99, it wants to install the package manager service
06:11.52jhojho__preware alpha is version 0.9.68
06:12.00rwhitbyjust let it do it's thing
06:12.24jhojho__so it's going to install the service then remove it?
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06:19.00jhojho__all installed
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06:28.05*** part/#webos-internals oil_pre (
06:31.26hmagoowow, anyone ever have the mystery cpu usage and evdo usage until the battery dies or the pre melts problem before? looks like java I think?
06:31.47PrimerFendermake stage =D
06:33.55ka6soxhmagoo, what kernel?
06:34.16hmagooreally don't want to doctor, but umm... I had uber installed, but have since removed and installed the stock kernel, still going strong
06:34.38ka6soxbummers...would have liked to find the melting point :D
06:35.10hmagooI can't even charge the damn thing without it getting hot, I think USB would probably work, when I get around to trying it out, because it seems like the lowest voltage
06:35.24hmagooor wattage or something...
06:36.10ka6soxdo you still have Govnah installed?
06:37.39PrimerFenderI've been using 800mhz kernel since 1.4, and it has become "hot" a couple of times, it gets "warm" when charging on Touchstone or wall/car outlet, and I think it's normal on computer USB
06:37.49PrimerFenderbut I've never been scared it was going to cook off
06:38.03ka6soxcomputer USB is limited to 500ma
06:38.36idw2k|wircmy pre always gets hot when charging, but the cpu itself has never climbed over 49
06:39.02ka6sox2 different places being heated.
06:39.03hmagooI have govnah installed
06:39.28PrimerFenderi gotta say, huge performance diff, everything is nice and snappy. but as far as battery life I have not really noticed a difference; it hasn't changed my charging habits at all
06:39.32hmagooI doubt thats the reason why the evdo being used
06:39.42ka6soxhmagoo, probably not
06:39.59ka6soxis this a sprint pre or verizon?
06:40.04PrimerFenderhow can you tell the evdo usage?
06:40.15hmagooI remember someone having the same problem in one of the old scaling threads last summer, but don't know if they had a solution
06:40.25hmagooPrimerFender: the icon
06:40.52PrimerFenderoh, I thought maybe there was some other more scientific way
06:41.11ka6soxhmagoo, whats the highest you have seen the CPU temp?
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06:41.35hmagooif I ps -aux | grep java or something it should show all the java apps loaded?
06:41.52jhojho__woke up the other day to find the pre at 60(!) degrees
06:42.17jhojho__took it off the charger right quick
06:42.19ka6soxjhojho__, was it on a touchstone?
06:42.26jhojho__no, just wall  wart
06:42.27hmagooka6sox: I think like 50, I also have jason's temp patch installed so I don't even know what it does at a certain temp
06:42.38jhojho__strange thing was it wasnt even running anything
06:42.42hmagoothe 50 was without charging
06:43.04ka6soxjason't temp patch looks @ the battery?
06:43.21jhojho__the conservative governor has been pretty good about not creating high temps
06:43.33hmagooyeah unless you have mystery usage
06:43.38ka6soxjhojho__, thats the one I use.
06:43.59hmagooI mean it did not mealt, but my battery did drain for about 70-0 in a few hours
06:44.16ka6soxI have that happen in marginal areas.
06:44.21jhojho__prehaps there should be a patch that auto throttles the speed once the temp reaches a certain point
06:44.46rwhitbyor a governor
06:44.53rwhitbyor a configurable service
06:44.54hmagoothere will be once they decide on ranges
06:44.54ka6soxjhojho__, I'm trying to characterize the Pre temps so that the Governor can do that.
06:45.17jhojho__I think anything over 45 is cause for alarm
06:45.25hmagoowhy wouldn't a reboot fix this
06:45.35jhojho__had the pre hit 50 running mobile hotspot...
06:45.52ka6soxjhojho__, 50deg is only 124deg F
06:46.07rwhitbyjhojho__: you can get a Pre to 50 easily at 600MHz
06:46.10ka6soxwhen the pre is in a CAR it can get that hot.
06:46.12jhojho__rwhitby: do you remember off the top of your head the operating range for the 3540?
06:46.36ka6soxTI doesn't give specs for a 3430
06:46.41jhojho__i know
06:46.47ka6soxbut they DO give specs for a 3530
06:47.01jhojho__3530 I meant
06:47.12jhojho__I cant even imagine 90C
06:47.17ka6soxoh I can.
06:47.39ka6soxI've only heated my pre up to 65 once
06:47.51jhojho__anything that's too hot to carry is too much imo =)
06:48.05ka6soxthats CPU core temp
06:48.08jhojho__I rather it err on the conservative side.
06:48.47ka6soxjhojho__, me too...after watching it for a while I think that 65 is where I'd like to start throttling back...the temp spikes in <1second
06:49.06ka6soxit can jump 9-11degC in <1sec.
06:49.13jhojho__I watched govnah after taking it off the charger at 60C
06:49.30jhojho__it started dropping right away
06:50.10ka6soxmine idles with the screen off @ 19C and when normally working is between 34-45C
06:50.24jhojho__dropped 30degrees in a couple of mins.
06:50.34jhojho__pretty crazy
06:50.45ka6soxthe Battery has a LOT more mass than the SoC
06:51.41ka6soxplaying quake with performance @ 800mhz gets it up to 60C
06:52.20*** join/#webos-internals Kaans (
06:53.03ka6soxjhojho__, I'm working on converting the Survey to a googledoc.
06:53.34jhojho__would be interesting to chart the *lowest* temp too =)
06:53.47jhojho__I've seen it as low as 17 or 18...
06:53.52ka6soxputting it in the freezer doesn't count.
06:54.05PrimerFenderI stuck mine in the microwave
06:54.14PrimerFenderleft it for a few seconds
06:54.24hmagoodon't you think some of the other components are more sensitive to temps, that might be affected when the whole thing turns into a hot potato?
06:54.25PrimerFenderand tried to call it - went straight to voicemail
06:54.33jhojho__no, this was just sitting on the table. I was surprised.
06:54.51hmagootrying to call it sounds like you were making a bomb?
06:55.02jhojho__hmagoo: possible. not well understood since we do not have enough info.
06:55.25ka6soxhmagoo, the SoC is probably the most sensitive thing.  the Battery would be second.
06:55.31hmagooI don't want to use the cpu for long if it is 60C and stuck inside a little plastic box
06:56.31ka6soxhmagoo, thats why I'm trying to gather as much information as I can.  so we can let the governors start throttling back.
06:59.03PrimerFenderthe radiation shielding in the microwave blocked the celluar signal
07:00.20ka6soxgood...otherwise I'd say replace the microwave.
07:01.43jhojho__preplus is at 22C right now using screenstate
07:02.54*** join/#webos-internals idw2k|wirc (
07:03.37ka6soxokay now the spreadsheet function has the survey stuff built right in...nice
07:03.48ka6soxno more surveymonkey
07:06.10hmagoowell, I'm plugging it into usb and going to ssh in and see if I can find whats going nuts
07:06.47hmagooI installed Xserver I think and some other things, but never really did much with any of it
07:06.53ka6soxI use WiFi to ssh into it and keep it plugged into the little round charger.
07:07.23hmagooyeah I use wifi too, but charging with USB, think it will be a little cooler
07:07.41ka6soxoh, for sure.
07:08.09hmagoodr. podder doesn't do anything in the background unless "auto-update" is enabled pretty sure
07:08.10ka6soxwell, I've got a start on the survey tonight...should finish it up early tommorrow then post to P|C.
07:08.54hmagooyou know when I went into jstop "launcher" had like 1000 nodes is that abnormal?
07:09.57ka6soxafter midnight here...tommorrow comes early. nn
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07:15.24PrimerFenderis jstop a command line program?
07:16.47hmagoono,  app
07:17.19hmagoohow do I look at active net connections?
07:18.35PrimerFenderi will check my jstop
07:20.07rwhitbyPrimerFender: so you seem to have a development background - what itch are you scratching at the moment ?
07:21.11PrimerFenderThat's the sad thing, I don't have a dev background, just played with lego a lot :-) I want to compile the apache with webdav so I can transfer files wirelessly using native os clients. And in the process learn more stuff :-)
07:21.35PrimerFenderIt was either that, or learn how to program and fix the mod_webdav in Lighttpd
07:21.42PrimerFenderand I figured this would take less time lol
07:22.33rwhitbyPrimerFender: apache is going to be fairly heavyweight for that task if you're considering leaving it running
07:22.41PrimerFenderhmagoo: my launcher has 376 nodes, preware has 537, systemui has 115, everything else is double-digit
07:22.56rwhitbyPrimerFender: what's the issue with mod_webdav in lighty?
07:23.07PrimerFenderYes, I think so too
07:23.13PrimerFenderbut I want to try
07:23.16hmagoothanks PrimerFender, my launcher has over 1000 right upon rebooting, but maybe because I have alot of icons/pages
07:24.02PrimerFenderthey don't support all the featuers/methods of webdav for 1, and the ones they do have implemented are not fully there yet
07:24.11PrimerFendermostly writing files and locking
07:24.23PrimerFenderi can read a file, but trying to grab a folder doesn't work
07:24.28hmagoothink I'll just shut the phone off and fix it tomorrow, thanks all for your help
07:24.34rwhitbyPrimerFender: you've tried everything in ?
07:24.39PrimerFenderi write a simple text file that is maybe 1 K, but anything large and no dies
07:24.46PrimerFenderno folder copying
07:24.57PrimerFenderyeah, that's actually where I started
07:25.28PrimerFenderI can get it working, i've watched logs, I've found their bug fix list etc. and that was my conclusion
07:31.06ka6soxkill -9
07:31.36rwhitbykillall hmagoo
07:32.00PrimerFenderfrom the lighttpd wiki: The WebDAV module is a very minimalistic implementation of RFC 2518. Minimalistic means that not all operations are implemented yet.
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07:33.46PrimerFenderThe good news is, i was able to get Apache compile from Source to work on this little netbook and all webdav opterations work from my mac os x and windows 7 computers so now I just need to try cross-compile and stripping apache down as small as I can make it too suit my needs :-)
07:33.57PrimerFenderand then have a little swith to turn it on or off
07:34.33rwhitbyPrimerFender: you can use upstartmgr to do that
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07:36.14PrimerFenderI haven't looked into that yet, is that a webOS app for running the commands I would otherwise be doing with the Terminal?
07:38.52rwhitbyit's a service that allows you to start and stop upstart jobs
07:39.14rwhitbyso you just create an upstart job for apache, and then use that service for the mojo to control it
07:41.03PrimerFenderI'll have a look if I can get that far :-D
07:41.14PrimerFenderIn the meantime, I am off to bed. Thanks for your help, all
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08:35.28bigbadbloanyone on who might be interested in helping me for a minute? re: ez-ipupdate conf
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09:04.46*** join/#webos-internals Gollyzila|comp (
09:05.13Gollyzila|compI've been having many luna restarts with Preware v0.9.99
09:06.04Gollyzila|compI'm switching back to Preware Alpha. I know, that sounds dumb, going from a RC to an alpha, but for me Preware Alpha was pretty stable.
09:06.30Gollyzila|compI've documented my experiences with Preware RC on the Preware Alpha thread
09:06.44Gollyzila|compalright now. gnight
09:13.28*** join/#webos-internals phb_ (~phb@
09:33.16rwhitbyheh - Preware Alpha and Preware 0.9.99 are identical in every way.
09:33.36rwhitbythat shows how subjective such reports are
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09:52.33rwhitbyhey swisstomcat
09:52.46swisstomcathey rwhitby
09:52.49swisstomcati'm back home
09:53.19swisstomcatoh, fancy under-skirt pics of the pre :)
10:08.56rwhitbyswisstomcat: back
10:09.06swisstomcatcool pics
10:09.11swisstomcati'm back home
10:09.18rwhitbyswisstomcat: I have two devices apart now
10:10.02swisstomcati have the device i received from nebula with me
10:10.08rwhitbyone boots, but the screen is dead.  The other booted for a while, but no longer
10:10.49swisstomcata developer from france asked if he could borrow it until he gets his own device
10:12.35swisstomcatwould that be possible or is it already reserved for another dev?
10:14.03rwhitbyswisstomcat: who is the dev?  are they working on open source stuff?  will they come here?
10:14.25swisstomcatwarpdesign, he's on here sometimes
10:14.38swisstomcatdon't know his open-source stance yet
10:14.59swisstomcatbut i can find out
10:18.02swisstomcaton a related note .. what can i contribute next? translate govnah?
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11:00.52rwhitbyswisstomcat: I would prefer to supply the device to someone who is going to contribute here
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11:26.42swisstomcati understand
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11:35.53DrFunkanyone know if there is a patch for email to do a spell check ?
11:46.04en0xwrite one
11:51.09DrFunken0x: funny guy you r
11:52.21DrFunkoff to never never land
11:53.39DrFunkso en0x you don't know of anything ?
11:59.04idw2k|wircI believe autocorrect works in email, and there are patches that add to the autocorrect dictionary and allow you to edit it
11:59.43*** join/#webos-internals thannoy (~thannoy@
12:03.09en0xDrFunk: what idw2k|wirc sai
12:04.53idw2k|wircI think that's the best you're gonna get
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12:38.08mobgodsup swisstomcat
12:39.05mobgodswisstomcat maybe u can help me looking to see where the pre installs the video files
12:39.23swisstomcatwhich video files?
12:40.22mobgodthe ones u take
12:41.18mobgodmy brother downloaded so videos from youtube but to send the files or upload them i believe they have to be where the pre stores videos you shoot
12:42.14swisstomcatlet me check
12:45.38swisstomcatcan't even find them on my phones usb partition
12:47.18swisstomcati only see pictures there
12:47.20idw2k|wircwithout the period at the beginning, obviously
12:47.43idw2k|wirchave you taken any videos?
12:47.53en0xthey are in /media/internal/Downloads
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12:47.56en0xnot in DCIM
12:47.57mobgodlet me look one sec
12:48.54mobgoden0x yea but i need to know where the videos are that i taken so i can move the files from downloads to thee
12:49.21idw2k|wircweird. mine are in DCIM
12:49.22swisstomcatyeah, i've taken videos
12:49.29idw2k|wirclooking at them right now
12:49.36mobgodone sec
12:49.50idw2k|wircjust launched one and watched it
12:49.59en0xmobgod: the taken videos are in DCIM...
12:50.05swisstomcathuh .. weird
12:50.08swisstomcatnow i see them too
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12:50.28idw2k|wircthat's what he was asking
12:50.47en0xno shit sherlock ;d
12:53.02mobgodthanks guys
12:53.15mobgodoff to work
12:53.21mobgodglad i have wirc lol
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13:04.41swisstomcatmeow nt4cats
13:30.37sbromwichrwhitby: ping
13:32.57rwhitbysbromwich: hey
13:36.16sbromwichthe defconfig patches to sirloin seem to be getting overridden, do you have any great aversion to me patching the .config directly?
13:39.16rwhitbysbromwich: why are they getting overridden?
13:39.59sbromwichI think I'm making so many changes that there's some other defconfig that's coming along later in the chain and changing them
13:40.16sbromwichI think it might be the inlining change that's getting ignored that's making it fail to boot
13:40.21rwhitbysbromwich: your patches are last, right?
13:40.59sbromwichthe FOLK patch is the very last one, if I diff the resulting config against the one I generated the folk diff from there's multiple settings that are different
13:41.20rwhitbycan you send me the config you want to end up with?
13:41.20sbromwichincluding some fairly crucial ones like the inlining
13:41.27sbromwichsure, sec
13:49.06sbromwichidly wonders if rwhitby had a heart attach after looking at that
14:01.41nt4catshmmm "heart attach" ... implying that he has/had no heart prior to said event?
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14:02.03nt4catshas long theorized that Rod is a robot, so that would all make sense
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14:10.50rwhitbysbromwich: putting my daughter to bed
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14:14.56sbromwichrwhitby: fixing the emergency department to not have a single point of failure (*sigh*)
14:21.41nt4catsinfobot: rwhitby-time is
14:21.41infobotnt4cats: okay
14:22.39nt4catsthat is late for a kid, I hope is daughter is something like 25
14:24.21rwhitbyinfobot: hammer-time is
14:24.21infobotrwhitby: okay
14:24.41rwhitbynt4cats: she woke up
14:25.46nt4catsrwhitby: I've got a 5 year-old and a 9 year-old at home, I've figured it was something like that
14:26.43nt4catsrwhitbu: ... and unless the photos I found of you when cyber-stalking you via google were taken very long ago, you're not quite old enough for a 25 year-old daughter
14:27.40rwhitbynt4cats: heh - that photo is about 15 yrs old :)
14:27.43nt4cats(and not too many 25 year-olds get put to bed by their parents, well, except for a bunch of the people here)
14:29.33nt4catsis infobot's source code available?  I want to add a feature/function
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14:33.24rwhitbysbromwich: cat: folk/defconfig-folk.diff: No such file or directory
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14:35.31sbromwichuh what?
14:35.38sbromwichhow... interesting
14:35.53sbromwichI did a git mv to rename it to .diff and did a commit and push
14:35.57sbromwichlet me retry
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14:36.39rwhitbysbromwich: did you update the Makefile to -22 ?
14:36.49sbromwichgit clone says it's there
14:37.05rwhitbysbromwich: I'll push it
14:37.05sbromwichneeds to try not updating this stuff late at night.
14:37.09sbromwichthanks :-)
14:37.49sbromwich1 question... might "git mv" be better called "git cp"? looks like the original not .diff file is still there
14:40.17rwhitby32 out of 32 hunks ignored
14:40.48sbromwichthat's all sorts of weird
14:41.05rwhitbyoh, first chunk has a date in it for a start
14:41.09sbromwichI diffed it against the defconfig after all the other patches were applied, that's the right order?
14:41.28rwhitbyand it doesn't have a file header
14:41.32sbromwichsleep dep ftl :-(
14:41.41rwhitbylet me have a go at it
14:41.44sbromwichgod knows what I did then
14:41.46sbromwichthanks :-)
14:42.14sbromwichessentially what I tried to do was diff my .config against the sirloing defconfig and use that
14:42.23sbromwichthat was my intention, anyway
14:42.29sbromwichit sounds like... I might not have :-/
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14:47.44rwhitbydiff -BurN
14:48.33sbromwichthat's the thing... I'm diffing .config against sirloin defconfig
14:49.13sbromwichforce inlining is I think the biggie but I suspect there's lots of other settings (IVA et al) that are crucial
14:50.10*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
14:52.54rwhitbysbromwich: actually, can you look at the problem now we know what it is?  I need to put the camera fix into uber-kernel and get it into testing
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14:55.46sbromwichthe Makefile?
14:56.00sbromwichor the defconfig-folk.diff?
14:57.45sbromwichok I see Makefile is done
14:59.05sbromwichshould I patch my config against the default .config after patches are applied?
15:01.29sbromwich*sigh* I have to head in to emerg I'll pick this up later
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15:02.56rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: morning WHE
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15:03.20zsoc_wircrwhitby: 'your excellency' is fine
15:03.26rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: you need to create another thread in the general section of PreCentral with a subject line that mentions audio recording ...
15:03.54swisstomcathey zsoc
15:04.37rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: is correct?
15:04.40zsoc_wircrwhitby: I bumped some thread in devel. I didn't want to hijack the others guys thread in Palm Pre heh
15:05.06rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: I took a look at his service code.  it's just a simple call to arecord
15:06.10zsoc_wircrwhitby: yes arecord :) also what you said is correct more or less
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15:07.25swisstomcatrwhitby: no word from engineering yet regarding the background services disappearing .. apparentlyt they're busy with other things
15:09.00rwhitbyswisstomcat: once everyone is using the C service, it should be easier to debug
15:10.10swisstomcatif the problem still appears then
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15:36.40rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: -21 is in the webos-kernels/testing feed
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16:09.25morphisrwhitby: you disassebled the Pre?
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16:12.24RamsesFSFEmorphis: the Kernel is Linux, and for Linux, the source code is available. It's free software.
16:13.19morphisRamsesFSFE: I know, but why do you tell me this?
16:13.43RamsesFSFEmorphis: "rwhitby: you disassebled the Pre?"
16:14.11RamsesFSFEyou don't need to disassemble something of which you can get the source code
16:14.30morphisah, I mean he disassembled the hardware, not the software :)
16:15.23RamsesFSFEhow can hardware be disassembled?
16:16.06morphishm, I think "take a part" is more preciser?
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16:18.22RamsesFSFEmaybe :-)
16:18.36morphisok :)
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16:43.34johnboy_can anyone tell me why preware doesnt load on my phone
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16:47.17johnboy_preware just sits there and flashes does anyone know how to fix this
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16:56.15PrimerFenderBTW, i have 2cats
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16:59.44nt4catsIt is unhealthy to have more than 2.
16:59.50nt4catsI have 3, by the way.
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17:58.49ka6soxMy mother-in-law had 21 when I first met her.
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18:26.50nt4catsPalm-branded Pre car charger -- $12 at radio shack.  Two spots over from it they had a micro-usb cable for $28.  There is a micro-usb cable in this box (and it came with the auto power converter)
18:30.49loot_i considered making modifications so that i could install a touchstone in my car
18:31.03loot_but i think the phone would fall off of it too easily
18:31.28dtzWillloot_: try it :D. i was thinking about it the other day
18:31.29zsoc_wircnt4cats: that's normal for retail
18:31.33dtzWilli'd imagine someone here's tried it.....
18:31.43loot_dtzWill: i could try without mods i guess
18:31.49loot_it does have a pretty sticky bottom (the touchstone)
18:31.58nt4catszsoc_wirc: pfft!  Like you'd know anything about the retail business
18:32.05dtzWilli think depending on the surface the puck itself would stay just fine
18:32.11zsoc_wirctrue that
18:32.21dtzWilland unless you drive a race car the phone itself would be okay, although not sure.
18:32.22zsoc_wircdtzWill: my friend has one installed
18:32.31dtzWillzsoc_wirc: see, knew someone'd try it :D. and?
18:32.35loot_i do think vibrations, bumps, hard cornering/acceleration/braking would make the phone fall off of it
18:32.46loot_and i do drive "spiritedly" on a daily basis
18:32.48dtzWilli assumed you say 'has installed' as opposed to 'tried that' because it works?
18:32.55dtzWillhaha "spiritedly" xD
18:33.23loot_lets put it this way
18:33.27zsoc_wircno it stays well. strong magnet
18:33.38loot_i have fought several reckless driving charges in the last 3 years
18:33.46dtzWillloot_: well if you CRASH it might go flying
18:33.59loot_nah, i accelerate and brake pretty hard
18:34.04loot_and i definitely corner hard
18:34.32loot_i push my car as close to 1g in the corner as i can get without losing traction
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18:34.56loot_1g in 2 axis would probably make the phone go flying
18:36.25gimpy530Just doctored my phone, installed PW, but now it won't finish loading package info, it's stuck on "Palm-catalog" and the feed manager doesn't list any feeds so I can't disable it.'
18:36.56halfhaloI push my car right up to the point that ABS kicks in
18:37.11loot_my cars not stock
18:37.14loot_i dont have ABS anymore
18:37.22halfhaloMines been tweaked a little
18:37.48halfhalobut it has none of those "fancy" features like traction control
18:37.52halfhaloOnly ABS
18:38.03loot_i pulled the fuse on my ABS unit on purpose
18:38.16loot_it messes with me during hard braking
18:38.22loot_i'd rather have the control myself
18:38.36loot_pulsating pedals and awkward cornering during hard braking is not fun
18:38.41halfhaloI didn't, purely because I don't know if I have any brakes left atm
18:38.45loot_plus i have a stick anyways
18:39.00loot_ya i have carbon ceramic brakes
18:39.02halfhaloAh, see, I have a 4sp auto
18:39.14loot_and z rated run flats
18:39.21halfhaloYeah, I have an older highlander
18:39.22loot_40's so they're rubber band thin
18:39.27halfhaloIts got no fancy crap
18:39.35halfhalobut it DOES play xvid
18:40.22loot_im surprised my poor car still runs after the things ive done to it
18:40.35loot_i red line it on a daily basis going to/from work
18:40.41halfhaloAs you should
18:40.45loot_every time theres a clearing in traffic i floor it
18:41.15halfhaloFun fact:
18:41.50halfhaloI can crank the wheel and floor it with my front tires in a puddle and drench people for 2 seconds before AWD kicks in
18:47.40nt4catsif you look closely you can see my beer sitting to the left of my monitor
18:47.48nt4catsI think I'll have another one now
18:51.03nt4catsI just looked closely and this shot of me working has my left monitor 100% occupied by #webos-internals
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19:04.42zsoc_wircnt4cats: hahahahaha
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19:09.56nt4cats.. but my gray shirt and dark chair make it hard to tell if I'm skinny or fat
19:10.23nt4cats(but the 2 beers at work has no bearing on my weight)
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19:23.06nt4cats"zcorder" is not quite as good as "DrewCorder", but I still approve
19:25.17zsoc_wircnt4cats: I'm glad.
19:25.45en0xi'm so sleepy
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19:27.31nt4catsI spent 6 minutes (in total) on two separate occasions testing it for you.  I was disappointed that I didn't get two or three paragraphs of thanks in the Precentral story
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20:20.58nt4catsLambic Llama or Languid Lemur or Lofty Lorax or whatever they call the 10.4 release of Ubuntu is pretty
20:21.25nt4cats(the name isn't pretty, the install screens and stock art they include with it are)
20:22.30nt4catsI'm still not installing it as the main/host OS on my laptop, however.
20:27.32swisstomcatyeah, looks pretty
20:27.41swisstomcatupdated my 9.10 machine yesterday
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20:41.30nt4catstrain arriving soon, be back online later
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21:27.11JesusMcCloudis there a way to costomize the hardcoded launcher icon on the right side ?
21:27.31*** join/#webos-internals kmcmill4 (~43af23b2@gateway/web/freenode/x-nfgsrqfbueurlawy)
21:27.52kmcmill4I am having trouble installing preware
21:28.22kmcmill4can anyone help me out?
21:28.53phil_bwunless a mac is inloved
21:29.22kmcmill4I'll never use a mac
21:29.26kmcmill4thank you
21:29.31phil_bwso what's goin on?
21:29.34kmcmill4im using windows 7
21:29.44kmcmill4I downloaded the webos doc
21:29.45phil_bwas am I, so far no probs
21:30.22kmcmill4i am following the instructions on this site
21:30.38phil_bwwhich instructions? (there's a number of ways to install Preware)
21:30.42kmcmill4well when i try to install the preware it wont let me
21:30.56kmcmill4tells me to make sure the pre is in developer mode, which it is
21:31.28phil_bware you using the stand-alone installer or going through webos quick install?
21:31.34kmcmill4i'm just not sure what to do, i thought i did everything correctly
21:31.50kmcmill4im not using quick install
21:32.06phil_bwgenerally if one method doesn't work I'll try the other
21:32.09kmcmill4this site said to use preware alpha isntaller
21:32.53phil_bwumm, you don't *need* preware alpha
21:33.00phil_bwdid you try the regular installer too?
21:33.23kmcmill4not sure, what do you mean by regular isntaller?
21:33.43phil_bwPreware Alpha is the new version that hasn't been officially released
21:34.04phil_bwI'm not using it but from what I understand it works well but for you I'd try the other one first
21:34.19kmcmill4ok so where should i go form here?
21:34.39halfhalogo here:
21:34.46halfhaloand then gouge your eyes out
21:35.06kmcmill4haha thanks
21:35.33phil_bwdid you try the other installer?
21:35.49kmcmill4I'm not sure what you mean by other installer?
21:35.59kmcmill4quick install?
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21:36.04phil_bwon this site:
21:36.15phil_bwthere is prewarealphainstaller
21:36.18phil_bwand prewareinstaller
21:36.23phil_bwtry the non-alpha version
21:37.13kmcmill4k just did, same screen pops up telling em to put it in developer mode and blah blah blah
21:37.59phil_bwalright, then follow these directions:
21:39.17phil_bwget WOSQI installed then go to tools, device management.  If everything is setup correctly it'll pull up your device info, if not it'll give an error
21:39.23kmcmill4you're saying use the webOs quick install?
21:39.33phil_bwif it'll work, then use it to install Preware
21:42.14kmcmill4its saying i need web doctor
21:42.26kmcmill4i already installed tha tand reset my phone, it took like a half hour
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21:43.31kmcmill4i guess i should jsut do it again?
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21:51.00kmcmill4ok I've got the webOs quick install open
21:51.10kmcmill4how do i install preware now?
21:53.27phil_bwdid you go to tools, device management?
21:55.45kmcmill4it recognizes my pre
21:55.51phil_bwdoes it pull up without any errors?
21:56.01kmcmill4shows all my apps
21:56.29phil_bwclose that screen and click the blue arrow
21:56.52phil_bwlet me know when you're on that screen
21:57.12phil_bwchange feed to webos internals
21:57.15kmcmill4ima t a library and they are kicking me out so i might lose my internet connection
21:57.37phil_bwwell that'll make installing this difficult
21:57.43kmcmill4ok i got it
21:57.53phil_bwyou should see Preware and Package Manager Service
21:58.00phil_bwcheck both of those and click ok
21:58.08phil_bwit'll show them in the box ready to install
21:58.14phil_bwjust click install and you're golden
21:58.29kmcmill4i do not see thsoe
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21:58.38kmcmill4yes i do
21:58.55kmcmill4thanks you so much
21:59.02phil_bwno prob, have fun
21:59.14kmcmill4it doesnt look like they are ready to isntall tho
21:59.26phil_bwdid you check their two boxes and click close?
21:59.38kmcmill4i saw them download, but they are not int he quick install screen
21:59.58phil_bwuhh, try it again
22:01.56JesusMcCloudis there a way to costomize the hardcoded launcher icon on the right side ?
22:03.26JesusMcCloudcan one still manually set cpu scaling as described in the wiki or were there some sysfs path changes since the time the wiki article was updated (some time in 2009)
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22:07.10JesusMcCloud(i dont want to install a patch liek this from within preware since i dont know whats happenign exaclty)
22:07.18JesusMcCloudnevermind i'll just take a peek into the ipk
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22:11.05JesusMcClouduNiXpSyChO, ping
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22:12.32JesusMcClouduNiXpSyChO,  can one still manually set cpu scaling as described in the wiki or were there some sysfs path changes since the time the wiki article was updated (some time in 2009)
22:13.09uNiXpSyChOfor what kernel and governor are you referring to?
22:13.17JesusMcCloud(just got my pre 2 days ago and i know my way around linux)
22:13.44JesusMcCloudi have webOs 1.4.1 installed (checking sysinfo now)
22:15.34uNiXpSyChOIf you have a stock Pre with no kernel upgrades then the fastest you can go is 600Mhz with the normal sysfs changes.  But the speed will be overridden during normal usage of the phone.
22:16.24JesusMcClouduNiXpSyChO, i dont care about 600mhz (i woudl have instelles your uberKernel package if i wanted to go faster... i care about dynamic frequency scaling
22:17.04uNiXpSyChOThen use the normal sysfs  parameters
22:17.27JesusMcCloudso the sysfs paths are still the same
22:18.26JesusMcCloudthx! that's all i needed to know, will write myself a neat skript now
22:20.16JesusMcClouduNiXpSyChO, one more thing: govnah is basically a gui frontend for sysfs calls and an init skript?
22:21.58uNiXpSyChOthere is no init script.  yes, sysfs.
22:22.36JesusMcClouduNiXpSyChO, (no init skript) so i have to start it up everytime i reboot?
22:23.11JesusMcCloudin that case i'll go an write my skript, thx
22:24.03rwhitbyJesusMcCloud: govnah will get init script functionality when we work out how to break reset loops
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22:24.57rwhitbyJesusMcCloud: note that you can look at all patches on - I think there's a link for the source to each there.  if not, they are all in a git repo.
22:24.59*** part/#webos-internals gordian (
22:25.03rwhitby(a public git repo)
22:25.15halfhaloeww, public repos
22:25.33JesusMcCloudrwhitby, i did not know that (got my pre 2 days ago) thanks!
22:25.48JesusMcCloud(why the heck isnt ssh running... it worked before rebooting
22:26.08rwhitbyJesusMcCloud: do you have openssh server installed from Preware?
22:27.07JesusMcCloud(i am also an openmoko user and bought the pre to hopefully be able to help on getting gnu/linux to run on the pre alongside webos)
22:27.35rwhitbyJesusMcCloud: I have 2 GTA01 and 2 GTA02 (one of each working)
22:27.42rwhitbyJesusMcCloud: I did the MokoMakefile
22:27.48JesusMcCloudohh nice
22:27.53*** join/#webos-internals kmcmill4_ (~638e554d@gateway/web/freenode/x-qyauljgiegjtdzgy)
22:28.07kmcmill4_phil bw you still around?
22:28.07JesusMcCloudin that case: pleased to meet you
22:28.33JesusMcCloudwhat do i have to press to get tab-completion in terminus?
22:28.37rwhitbyJesusMcCloud: I get the feeling you're gonna be contributing some stuff, so great to meet you too.
22:29.09phil_bwah yes I am
22:29.13phil_bwdunno why it didn't flash
22:29.18JesusMcCloudrwhitby, i dont like that... i prefer to be underestimated :-P
22:29.26kmcmill4_first of all, thank you greatly
22:29.32phil_bwno prob
22:29.45kmcmill4_so preware is now on my phone, i restarted it, and its an app
22:30.12kmcmill4_so now, do i still need to use webOs quick install?  or can i do everything from preware on my pre?
22:30.32phil_bwyou can do it all from preware now
22:30.43phil_bwunless it's a custom patch/package that's not in a feed
22:30.53kmcmill4_quick install is nto recognizing my pre anymore
22:32.34kmcmill4_i tried to reinstall novacom but it didnt seem to do anything
22:33.13phil_bwsometimes you gotta screw with it
22:33.20phil_bwit'll go
22:34.17kmcmill4_so i want to download  a theme, can i do that on my pre through preware?
22:34.48kmcmill4_how do i get ot themes?
22:34.51JesusMcCloudwoohoo restart helped, ssh is back!
22:35.16kmcmill4_sorry, i'm not really getting this, and its much more helpful to talk to you than look up stuff online
22:35.19phil_bwhave you launched preware yet?
22:35.25kmcmill4_i appreciate your help
22:35.51phil_bwhave you clicked anything?
22:36.09kmcmill4_i did some packages updates
22:37.03phil_bwclick available packages and tell me what you find between "Service" and "Unknown"
22:37.59kmcmill4_its goes: plugin, service, unknown
22:38.45phil_bwgoto manage feeds from the menu and see if either of the theme feeds is included
22:39.25phil_bwkid woke up, brb
22:39.38kmcmill4_no sir
22:39.38hmagooI can't stop java from eating cpu and battery
22:39.52phil_bwyou need to enable them
22:40.10*** join/#webos-internals Volcom45 (~62cbdcba@gateway/web/freenode/x-hwrzgzuvoditkypm)
22:42.08Volcom45was told to read the Govnah application page on webosinternals for the answer to my question and I don't see the answer.. is there a way for Govnah to save your governor profile after a reboot? mine always goes back to uberspace
22:43.45TibfibVolcom45: it is like that on purpose. to stop bad settings causing infinited reboots
22:46.12Volcom45lol for someone that reboots as frequently as I do, thats rather inconvenient :P
22:46.34Volcom45ah well..
22:46.39Volcom45still an amazing app
22:46.45ka6sox-workVolcom45, putting it in a bad governor would be a guaranteed mess.
22:47.37ka6sox-workVolcom45, put a bounty out on getting the settings into save/restore app  :D
22:48.14infobotextra, extra, read all about it, hgoh is the Holy Grail of Homebrew, which can be found at
22:48.18halfhaloinfobot FAIL
22:48.18infobotsomebody said fail was YOU FAIL.
22:48.21JesusMcClouduNiXpSyChO, i have a problem: i dont have permission to write to /etc/event.d even though i am root (atleast the temrinal tells me that)
22:48.44ka6sox-workthere...I found foo isn't that broken
22:48.56hmagoodid you mount -o remount,rw
22:49.07hmagooJesusMcCloud: ^
22:49.09JesusMcCloudaaaah sure
22:49.17JesusMcCloud<- noob
22:49.56Volcom45ka6sox-work: I ditched the 720mhz patch for this uberkernal+govnah after hearing all the praise on twitter, but didn't realize I'd have to set my speed after every reboot/luna restart again :P sorta alot of extra work
22:50.51ka6sox-workVolcom45, you would be HATING us if we forced you to Doctor your phone because it got put in a reboot loop because of bad settings.
22:51.11Volcom45that never happened with the 800mhz or 720mhz patches though
22:51.34Volcom45I guess I'm a bit unclear on what the difference is
22:51.38halfhaloIt did for some phones
22:51.41ka6sox-workyou have MUCH more fllexibility with Govnah to select different governors.
22:51.49ka6sox-workand options.
22:52.13Volcom45I'll learn to get used to it :P
22:52.20Volcom45thanks for the answers
22:53.01rwhitbyVolcom45: auto-restart will come as soon as we work out how to do it safely
22:53.37Volcom45thx rwhitby
22:54.12rwhitbyVolcom45: the developers hate having to restart it as much as you do, but we've also experienced reboot loops when testing new kernels and it is not pretty
22:54.28Volcom45hehe okay, that makes sense :)
22:55.33Volcom45by the way, huge props to all of you for zcorder, you guys truly are amazing
22:55.38rwhitbyuber-kernel 1.4.1-21 is released to the public feeds
22:55.51*** join/#webos-internals kmcmill4 (~638e554d@gateway/web/freenode/x-pqjjvcwxrnphsitd)
22:55.55Volcom45that the one that fixes the camera freeze?
22:56.11halfhalooh god, now the praise is going to go straight to zsoc's head
22:56.50kmcmill4i know there are one screenkeyboards, but can someone help me out, im trying to stinall one
22:57.38*** join/#webos-internals nt4cats (~nt4cats@
22:59.50nt4catsis downloading the fedora 13 release candidate now -- I can never wait for the actual release day
23:08.04infobotJesusMcCloud: aw, gee
23:12.10*** join/#webos-internals ragingmind_ (
23:19.36rwhitbyyou know, I think we've done three Uber-Kernel releases now, in about the same time it takes to watch the SPK video ...
23:20.10uNiXpSyChOouch... that had to hurt someone.
23:22.33idontwan2knowAnd less time than it takes to read one of the SPK install posts.
23:23.09idontwan2knowWith the gratuitous use of colored text.
23:23.26JesusMcCloudi just setup a script for cpu freq scaling... i am really courious if this is gonna work w/o problems
23:23.35idontwan2knowHTML is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.
23:23.52*** join/#webos-internals FuMan (
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23:34.09*** join/#webos-internals RMind (
23:34.21RMindwhat is IVA2?
23:35.51uNiXpSyChOImage, Video, Audio accelerator
23:35.53Lumierehas anyone had the pre screen go green and flicker?
23:36.16Lumierethey keyboard also doesn't respond that well
23:36.20jhojho_rwhitby:  have you by any chance measured how much mem is saved by going to C from java for the pkg mgr service?
23:37.29*** join/#webos-internals Fuddbob (
23:37.29JesusMcCloudjhojho, i dont expect it to be much since java is already runngin... correct me if i'm wrong i'm a webos newbie
23:37.32FuddbobHey my Palm Pre give me an error when I try to save or share a picture
23:38.20jhojho_JesusMcCloud: since no one has measured, you are either right or wrong =)
23:39.04JesusMcClouddepending on what you're doing you might get better results when sticking to java
23:39.06jhojho_2 pres = 2 updates to run each time there is a new kernel...
23:39.07nt4cats|philliesjhojho_: Jesus' logic makes sense to me, however I'm an empiricist so I that's not quite sufficient
23:39.23jhojho_nt4cats|phillies: well me too =)
23:40.03jhojho_one bonus of running at faster speeds is lunasysmgr restarts faster when it crashes for no reason ...
23:40.21uNiXpSyChOLuna never crashes
23:40.51*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo (
23:41.01nt4cats|philliesjhojho_: it is crashing for a very good reason.  You looked at it, or thought about it, or something important like that
23:41.06uNiXpSyChOi suspect Palm will put the new C service in its own cpu domain
23:41.17ka6sox-workuNiXpSyChO, lives on another planet where that never happens.
23:41.24FuddbobHey my Palm Pre give me an error when I try to save or share a picture
23:41.42nt4cats|philliesFuddbob: which application are you using?
23:41.46jhojho_uNiXpSyChO -21 does not yet fix the screenstate for low brightness settings does it?
23:42.01uNiXpSyChOi reboot way too often to notice a Luna crash... my kernels crash it for me
23:42.29uNiXpSyChOjhojho_: -16 fixed it enough so it wont upset people.  -21 is an IVA fix.
23:42.56uNiXpSyChOi am still trying to find a reliable way to tell if the Pre is on the Puck
23:43.15RMindI just bought a touchstone :D
23:44.11FuddbobAny help?
23:44.44jhojho_wanders off to look at kernel git repo
23:45.03nt4cats|philliesFuddbob: This crowd is into Pre homebrew stuff, and is not always the best for general Pre problems.
23:45.27jhojho_hey this folk defconfig patch is not in unified diff format
23:45.31uNiXpSyChOjhojho might be alarmed with the number of changes
23:45.40*** part/#webos-internals Fuddbob (
23:45.48uNiXpSyChOjhojho_: yeah.  i think it was deleted
23:46.22RMindyay for a day of GPS testing
23:48.24*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo (
23:48.43RMinddidn't you guys start with the palm kernel and their patches? or was the IVA thing not in their kernel?
23:49.45uNiXpSyChOthe IVA was overclocked...  and it apparently doesnt like that for now.  i;m sure TI will give us a fix.
23:50.32uNiXpSyChOdebating on upgrading to Fedora 12.
23:50.58nt4cats|philliesuNiXpSyChO: fedora 13 will be released in a week
23:51.00RMindso... the palm kernel doesn't have that fix in it yet?
23:51.12nt4cats|philliesuNiXpSyChO: I just downloaded the release candidate, will put it on my laptop this weekend
23:51.35uNiXpSyChOnt4cats|phillies: i had bad luck with pre-release fedora.  i'm nervous.
23:52.00RMinduNiXpSyChO, apt-get install debian
23:52.32uNiXpSyChORMind: i dont mind Debian.  its anything Ubuntu i despise, loathe, detest, abominate, etc...
23:52.38nt4cats|philliesuNiXpSyChO: well I'll do it this weekend and tell you how it is
23:52.43jhojho_uNiXpSyChO: do you know if -21 is now pulling in sbromwich's changes such as the makefiletune?
23:53.05nt4cats|philliesuNiXpSyChO: ...  but F12 is very nice, too, if you're the paranoid sort
23:53.15uNiXpSyChOjhojho_: i think it is just pulling the prcm stuff
23:53.49*** join/#webos-internals PrimerFender_wIR (
23:53.58jhojho_the various defconfig patches in different dirs is getting hard to read what is being enabled
23:54.03jhojho_and what is turned off
23:54.03uNiXpSyChOnt4cats|phillies: i'm not that paranoid. but fedora seems to break BT A2DP audio all the time.  and i live for A2DP.
23:54.14nt4cats|phillies2010-05-07 19:45:32 (1.24 MB/s) - “Fedora-13-x86_64-DVD.iso” saved [3629953024/3629953024]
23:54.27uNiXpSyChOjhojho_: look at the makefile to see what its pulling
23:54.58uNiXpSyChOnt4cats|phillies: good choice.  64bit all the way!
23:54.58nt4cats|philliesmakes a note for himself: 'type A2DP into Google later so you can pretend you know what that is'
23:55.46zsoc|soulsnt4cats|phillies: stereo bluetooth
23:56.07uNiXpSyChOover BT
23:56.07nt4cats|phillieszsoc: thanks :)
23:56.35uNiXpSyChOfoot in mouth
23:57.05jhojho_uNiXpSyChO: oops. I dont think 21 is pulling the prcm patch from what I'm reading
23:57.10nt4catsuNiXpSyChO: I can paste something zsoc said last night that was better/worse
23:57.15PrimerFender_wIRbluetooth over bluetooth?
23:57.36uNiXpSyChOnt4cats: nothing can be worse than what i just said
23:57.36RMindPrimerFender_wIR, I'm sure someone could find a use for it
23:57.40zsoc|metsnt4cats: please no, at least make him search for it
23:58.02uNiXpSyChOis too drunk to use search function
23:58.03halfhalogod I hate this website my speech class uses
23:58.14jhojho_oh rwhitby ....
23:58.43uNiXpSyChOjhojho_: oh.  guess its not.  i thought it was... maybe before it was?
23:58.57jhojho_I think it was before.
23:59.07jhojho_need to ask sbromwich / rwhitby to confirm
23:59.25jhojho_i'm trying to backtrack through the patches right now
23:59.41infobotfrom memory, rwhitby-time is
23:59.43jhojho_too bad preware/build.git has other stuff mixed in

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