IRC log for #wowhead on 20070809

00:09.40*** join/#wowhead Digitalmatter (
00:10.14OVVeNIs Ray still here? :)
00:11.14VirtusO_o people!
00:11.32OVVeNYes, we do tend to come out and type sometimes. :o
00:12.02TheOnyxWe're all impersonating ninjas.
00:12.02Virtushey, is there a plugin from wowhead I could use on my site, like a searchthingy...
00:12.11TheOnyxVirtus: Wait one.
00:12.22Virtusthat would be neat and should bring sooome traffic to wowhead :D
00:12.39Mr_Rabies2a friend of mine is a greasemonkey genius :o
00:12.40TheOnyxLook a few items down.
00:12.48MalgayneOnyx beat me to it
00:12.56Mr_Rabies2he made a clientside wishlist for wowhead and stuff
00:13.09Mr_Rabies2and a script that automatically converted all thottbot links to wowhead :p
00:13.31Virtusnot to bitch.. but a 468x60 banner WOULD be nice :D
00:13.34TheOnyxhaha... hijacked links.
00:14.12Malgaynelol--It'd just go to me
00:14.25Malgayne468x60, eh?
00:14.37Mr_Rabies2 is the wishlist
00:14.40Mr_Rabies2it's pretty awesome
00:14.56Mr_Rabies2you can even compare it to the currently displayed item and stuff
00:15.07skizmthat's pretty cool
00:15.22skizmtoo bad i quit wow :D
00:15.35Virtushaha you quit wow ?
00:15.53OVVeNThen why are you in the "Wowhead" irc?
00:15.58Rawshey, me too! and Viprime just loves hearing about people like you and me
00:15.58OVVeNDoesn't make sence ^^
00:16.16Virtushehe wishlist pffttt. .additem 30030 :D
00:16.20skizmfor an unrelated reason :)
00:16.53*** join/#wowhead Demon (
00:16.59OVVeNAnyone here play (real) guitar? :)
00:17.05skizmout of about 5 tickets i put in, only 1 of them was resolved correctly
00:17.15Mr_Rabies2i once attempted for about a year and realized i failed miserably at it, OVVeN
00:17.16MalgayneI do Ovven
00:17.33skizma few weeks before i quit, some dumbass warlock in my guild accidentally rolled need on malchazeen because he thought it was the mindblade
00:17.36Virtusskizm > realy.. I tend do ticket correctly and fast :D
00:17.39skizmand a gm would not move it into my inventory
00:17.45skizmthat imo is ridiculous
00:17.54skizmregardless of policy : /
00:17.55Mr_Rabies2are you really a GM? aren't they supposed to be under some kind of NDA? :o
00:18.06RawsAFAIK, he hasn't shared any mad secretz with us
00:18.09VirtusBlame your guildmate not the GM
00:18.11OVVeNNice, ever played "Master of Puppets" on an acoustic guitar?
00:18.11Rawsthough that should definitely be changed
00:18.15skizmi did blame him
00:18.24skizmbut gms should have more power than they do
00:18.26Malgaynehehe--nah, I was playing mostly older stuff
00:18.29VirtusMr_Rabies2 > actually I "just" run my own realms..
00:18.29RawsI hope you committed him soon thereafter, skizm
00:18.43Mr_Rabies2ahh, private servers?
00:18.45skizmmeh he's old
00:18.47Virtusthink there's a policy inhere about priv servers :D
00:18.51Virtusbut.. I run one.. :D
00:19.04Rawsbad buzz
00:19.18Mr_Rabies2i'm sure it's not a big deal as long as you don't try to encourage people to break the TOS, but i'm not a moderator :o
00:19.44OVVeNMalgayne can answer us, let's summon him
00:20.20RawsI've always hoped that cloud of smoke is methane
00:20.21Virtusalot of my "testers" (gotta call them that, cause if they were actually players I could get into trouble) say they like the private server communities better, cause people are more laid back, and build a full T6 char takes 1 week instead of 6 months :D
00:20.28Mr_Rabies2the smoke thing doesn't really work unless you're doing some kind of kickin rad guitar solo
00:21.03MalgayneI ain't gonna ban you for running a private server, but if we're publicly associated with it we could get in huge trouble
00:21.18Rawsbut the kickin' rad guitar solo also requires you to rise out of the ground on an enormous obelisk-like platform while the camera all pans up with you with a wide-angle lens so you get some insane perspective effect and whatnot
00:22.01MalgayneZAM has a dubious history with the Blizzard team, so we need to keep our noses squeaky clean
00:22.24Rawspro tip: I am a professional nose cleaner. Hire me
00:22.38MalgayneHehe--I kind of am too, Raws
00:22.44MalgayneBut I should totally hit you up for tips
00:22.56rayfordCan I hit him?
00:23.00TheOnyxMalgayne: You picked the right guy!
00:23.10Rawslet's exchange nose cleaning recipes
00:23.21Mr_Rabies2ZAM at one point had ties to Real Money Trade, but it's not likely they do anymore
00:23.35Mr_Rabies2anyway, even if they do, it doesn't mean WoWhead does
00:23.42RawsI heard a rumor on the internet that ZAM supports communism
00:23.51CorganRaybeez :o
00:24.03MalgayneSeeing as how I am sitting in the ZAM corporate office in Santa Monica, I can verify that, Mr. Rabies
00:24.10Mr_Rabies2ZAM killed my puppy and called my mom names :(
00:24.19CorganZAM ate my homework.
00:24.40rayfordI kicked your grandma in the head.  :D
00:25.00MalgayneYeah, we get this a lot.  :P
00:25.07Mr_Rabies2i'd be afraid to kick my grandma if i were you
00:25.12Mr_Rabies2she could probably beat me up
00:25.40OVVeNDamn it
00:25.45Rawsaccording to the internet and Fox News, Malgayne has Maoist propaganda on his office door
00:25.58rayfordRaws:  I can confirm that.  Its true.
00:26.05Rawsyou are an awesome person
00:26.59rayfordMe?  I know.
00:27.02OVVeNCan someone help me summon Evilgeekgrl back?
00:27.11Rawsinfobot, Malgayne is also a relentlessly fierce crusader of the communist cause
00:27.11infobotRaws: okay
00:27.15TheOnyxI'm out of soul shards :(
00:27.15Mr_Rabies2Corgan, i just totally shared your wishlist without asking your permission about 15 minutes ago :P
00:27.22Corganit's fine
00:27.25Corganit's buggy as hell
00:27.27Corganand messy
00:28.24MalgayneOh man
00:28.29infobotsomebody said malgayne was Wowhead's Community Manager and also the fuzz and a nub. mad sexy, but only on Tuesdays!, or hoping his Crystalforged Sword will sell in the AH so he can invest some money in his epic flyer. a relentlessly fierce crusader of the communist cause
00:28.29CorganIt would be alot better if it was tied to account and such, and maybe had slot positions
00:28.37Corganbut yeah, clientside
00:28.49MalgayneCorgan, you should talk to Skosiris direclty
00:29.00rayfordSorry OVVeN.  I'm a Shammy.  No summons from me!
00:29.52CorganEh, I'm nowhere near the coding capability of you guys
00:30.04Corgan(if you look at the code you'll get lost)
00:30.17rayfordAdios kids.  Off to home for meee!
00:30.27Rawslater rayford :)
00:30.45rayfordMal, I may see ya tonight.  Lemme know if you'll be moving stuff around.  Mayhaps we can hit SHalls.  I talked to Slatstress, and she's in if we go.  :D
00:30.47RawsI am the happiest person on earth right now, because the Cro-Mag Rally soundtrack just came on in iTunes
00:31.21CorganI wanted to do stat comparisons too...but I never got around to it..
00:31.21infobotextra, extra, read all about it, piecake is the most awesomest food ever.
00:31.21Corgankinda like ratingbuster
00:31.22rayfordinfobot, piecake is the greatest food ever.
00:31.22infobot...but piecake is already something else...
00:31.27TheOnyxinfobot, piecake is salvation
00:31.27infobot...but piecake is already something else...
00:31.29rayfordBah.  Took it long enough.
00:31.31Malgayneinfobot lag
00:31.31infobotlag is probably very bad here :(
00:31.42rayfordinfobot, piecake is also salvation.
00:31.43infobotokay, rayford
00:31.47infobotpiecake is, like, the most awesomest food ever. salvation.
00:32.27TheOnyxI wonder if those quotes got approved.
00:32.36MalgayneWhich?  For bash?
00:32.44skizmbash is nub
00:32.57skizmthe latest quote is so stupid : (
00:33.01TheOnyxMine is still pending.
00:33.38skizm that's the only one i submitted that got approved
00:33.38RawsI need to work on my own QDB
00:33.48Rawsskizm: lol
00:34.20TheOnyxI have 2 on there
00:34.22Rawsmy QDB rocks because it has lame little pixel people
00:35.31MalgayneI've read some of those quotes before
00:36.02skizmperhaps not surprisingly, but definitely surprisingly in a way, the best quote on the site is the #1 rated one
00:36.20skizmthe next 5 or so though are lame
00:36.28TheOnyxI always liked #2
00:36.48*** join/#wowhead stavmar (
00:37.19TheOnyxThen again, I read that and I want to pour an oz of my Mt Dew out on the curb for his server.
00:37.30TheOnyxSo take that for what it's worth.
00:38.02Adysthere you go for irc quotes
00:38.05Adyseven some from #wowhead
00:38.54*** join/#wowhead stavmar_ (
00:41.06OVVeNI just lol'd big time
00:41.11TheOnyxThe wowwiki quotes are... meh.
00:41.11OVVeNEver seen roflmao?
00:41.19TheOnyxA lot of them are not funny at all.
00:41.25TheOnyx...and I'm a WoW-playing geek.
00:41.56Adyscant have it all!
00:42.23TheOnyxSome of them are funny, though.
00:42.31OVVeNHas anyone seen roflmao? <=(
00:42.34TheOnyxGive & take, I suppose.
00:42.43TheOnyxOVVeN: The acronym?
00:42.51MalgayneI have internet on my phone now
00:42.54TheOnyxOVVeN: Only everytime I go to the barrens :(
00:43.03MalgayneI use it to do absolutely nothing except browse when I'm bored
00:43.03TheOnyxMalgayne: They have the internet on computers now?
00:43.29Adysroflmao is a movie too
00:43.32TheOnyxI use my Cellunet to check movie times.
00:43.39Adyscheck on youtube its somewhere
00:43.45Adysits pretty poor imo
00:43.47Adysbut meh
00:43.48*** join/#wowhead avehkai (
00:44.01OVVeNI meant the movie
00:46.54OVVeNHas anyone seen, ? :P
00:46.55RawsAdys: dotted's self portrait on that quotes page is a beautiful thing
00:47.19Adysa beautiful thing that makes my browser cry
00:48.24MalgayneOvven, you are right
00:48.29MalgayneThis is incredibly awesome
00:48.54Adysi suck with alts
00:49.01Adystwo days played on my priest now, lvl 20
00:49.46skizmhow the heck was that favorited so many times
00:49.52skizmit's too long D:
00:50.19OVVeNI like roflmao
00:51.15skizmit was funny for one chorus
00:51.46OVVeNI like his middle chorus
00:52.05skizmi prefer this though
00:52.18RawsI like the last line of the ROFLMAO credits
00:53.16Virtus <3 <3 <3 :D
00:53.59Virtusand the room went quiet :D
00:54.03skizmomg masterplan
00:54.41skizmoh no it's not
00:54.46skizmhaha edguy
00:54.51skizmi knew i recognized it
00:56.06Adysneed :(
00:57.07OVVeNThat's nice :)
00:57.41MalgayneVirtus, if you're just here to advertise your server, let us know so we can get this out of the way right now.  :)
00:58.27skizmat least he has semi-good taste in music
01:04.42VirtusMalgayne > Im just proud of my fan video :D
01:05.07VirtusI received a PM one night.. "Check this" from one of the "testers" on my realm.. yay
01:05.08MalgayneConsider it a warning, then.  :)
01:05.12RawsWTF? do people actually fall for this? I just noticed there are a billion of these floating around youtube:
01:05.30Virtushaha, hack account :D
01:05.41skizm: (
01:05.52Adys"the real one" lmao
01:06.10RawsI want to haxor my friend's account
01:06.26Virtusomfg.. retrieveaccount is even misspelled :D :D
01:07.08Rawsthe best part of that video is clearly the song
01:07.10Adysvirtus: cf channel topic, emulated server talk etc is banned from the chan, just keep it sensible
01:08.03Adysjeez this guy sucks at spelling
01:08.31VirtusSend me j000r wow accunts !! Oo
01:09.36Adyspeople falling for this kind of scam deserve to lose their accounts
01:09.53VirtusAdys > actually.. Yes.. :D
01:10.38VirtusI get ALOT of "MY BROTHER DELETED MY CHARACTER PLZ GEIF IT BACK!!" wth.. Like it was me that delete his char.. and If I get many of those.. I'm just thinking that blizzard must drown in those..
01:11.30Malgayne"Spamming, advertising, harassment, insults, and anything that could violate the World of Warcraft EULA (e.g. gold selling, hacking, account trading, etc.) will result in a kick from the channel. Subsequent violations will result into a permanent ban."
01:11.30skizm 'cause you can't click on that in mirc due to the hyphens preceding it ;)
01:11.44Malgayne(bah.  Trillian ftw)
01:11.55Adysor that^
01:11.57skizmi like mirc scripts
01:12.30RawsI like my pretty little applescripts in Colloquy
01:12.35Rawseat that, fancypants
01:12.38Malgayne<3 Colloquy
01:12.45Rawsword to that notion
01:12.47MalgayneDon't have my mac when I'm at work though
01:12.55AdysOne word. Xchat :)
01:13.11RawsI've actually started using at work
01:13.12skizmnice irc client gamut
01:13.13Adyson windows that is, never using irc on my mac
01:13.30Rawsit's great, because the client and the daemon are separate, so I can quit the client when I need to concentrate on work, and still not miss any conversation :)
01:13.58skizmi use vnc from work :P
01:14.52Rawsman, do you have FiOS or something at home? :|
01:15.02skizmi wish : (
01:15.10skizmit is 6mbit/1mbit though
01:15.12Virtus//say $os
01:15.28Virtusshould say.. Vista 64bit Ultimate
01:15.45Rawsdamn you and your daily doubles, Comcast
01:15.49skizmi wouldn't have vista at all but i got it so i could play games that require it -_-
01:15.57Rawsa strict 48.8 upstream cap sucks
01:16.12skizmyeah comcast's upstream sucks, that's why i switched to wideopenwest
01:16.24skizmmy ratio on private trackers would suck if i didn't have this isp : /
01:16.36Rawsomfg no juarez
01:16.54Virtusskizm > ehmm.. the whole 2 games that requires vista :D
01:16.57skizmi didn't see that in the rules ;p
01:16.59Virtusohh ya, I can see why.. hah
01:17.06AdysReminds me - anyone with some experience of greek isps (athens)?
01:17.07skizmVirtus eventually more will require it
01:17.25skizmi figured i may as well get it out of the way since i was building a new machine anyway
01:18.13Adysa lot more games start coming out as Vista-advantaged etc
01:18.13MalgayneAlrighty, I'm off
01:18.15Malgayneheaded home
01:18.17AdysAge of Conan etc
01:18.22Adyslaters Malgayne !
01:18.22MalgayneI should see you guys tomorrow
01:18.28skizmlater man
01:18.34hiawanilater Malgayne
01:19.12skizmi don't think i would be able to stand using that keyboard : /
01:19.21skizmit sure does look nice though!
01:19.25Mr_Rabies2got a link?
01:19.53Adysive been interested by apple's mightymouse but heard it was too massive for the hand
01:20.05skizmit's the same size as the regular pro mouse
01:20.09skizmbut i don't like the idea of it at all
01:20.49*** join/#wowhead Sky2042 (
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01:20.52skizmi have a logitech g7 mouse :)
01:20.57Mr_Rabies2i think i'd rather have one of the older apple ones
01:21.03hiawanithere's no way I could use that keyboard
01:21.09Mr_Rabies2i want a G15 honestly
01:21.16Mr_Rabies2but i like the older mac keyboards more than that one
01:21.16hiawaniI own an ibm model m for every computer I use
01:21.23skizmthe new g15 is okay but the old one is so huge
01:21.26hiawanithat thing is like.. gross to even imagine for me
01:21.52RawsMr_Rabies2: also
01:21.57skizmmodel m has the best layout but it's missing the windows key isn't it o_O
01:22.06Rawsskizm: I hate the Mighty Mouse, I think it's a horrible piece of industrial design
01:22.10Adystheres no way i could use that keyboard without breaking it with my typing habbits
01:22.13Mr_Rabies2model m is just the standard IBM layout
01:22.15skizmmy keyboard has the same layout as model m
01:22.20RawsI use a logi G5, and before I had this, I used an MX400 for a few years
01:22.22skizmyeah but it's the best layout :D
01:22.25RawsLogi mice rule
01:22.54skizmyeah i used to have an mx700 that i got with the mx wireless elite combo or whatever
01:23.06hiawaniskizm: yeah but I really don't care about the windows key
01:23.12skizmi use it a lot
01:23.16skizmespecially for windows+d
01:23.24hiawanithe feel is the real killer for me though
01:23.44skizmyeah i really don't like most keyboards : (
01:23.52hiawaniI've only used one keyboard I liked the action on more than a model m, and that was an ancient AT-style keyboard I got somewhere that I can't use on anything
01:24.06Rawswell, when I get my new keyboard, I'll be sure to fill you all in with the juicy details :P
01:24.09skizmhave you tried das keyboard
01:24.12hiawanithe clickiness and perfect spring-resistance makes me feel like I'm Doing Something
01:24.13skizmthat one is supposed to be really nice
01:24.23skizmbut it's like 80 bucks or something
01:24.25hiawaninah, it's not like you can just go to the store and try one, y'know
01:24.27skizmyeah i know : (
01:24.34hiawanimodel m at the thrift store = $4
01:24.39skizma store near me has one but it looks like it's been bought and returned like 10 times
01:24.42hiawaniI'll stick with that for now, thanks
01:24.43skizmand i can't open the box to test it
01:25.33OVVeNSo, what time is it where you live everyone? Here it's 03:25
01:26.00Raws9:25 PM EST
01:26.32Sky2042btw, ovven, go to bed :P
01:26.35hiawanisame as Raws
01:26.48Rawshiawani is the only sensible person here
01:27.00OVVeNI'm planning on going to bed :p
01:27.06Adys3:25 here too
01:27.08OVVeNBut my plans where broken by the internet :p
01:27.16Sky2042stupid frenchies
01:27.25skizmsweden or norway?
01:27.35hiawaniit's 91 degrees here Raws, I'm not feeling that sensible
01:27.43Sky2042or sweden, as it were. heh
01:27.45skizmraws, 21 is the same time as you ;p
01:27.49hiawaniI am reminded daily, this last week, of how profoundly stupid it is to continue living here
01:27.57Sky2042move to oregon!
01:28.07Sky2042not so hot nor humid here!
01:28.08hiawaniI want to
01:28.13Raws'twas 95 and humid today in Boston
01:28.17hiawanimy dad is from there, he just moved back out there
01:28.17Rawsperfect weather, I'd say!
01:28.17AdysWhile we're in nationalities theres still no one with experience of greek ISPs? :p
01:28.22hiawaniI think we hit 98
01:28.28hiawaniwith a 106 heat index
01:28.53hiawaniI crossed the street to the other datacenter, said "fuck that" and didn't come back until nightfall
01:49.20OVVeNI'm off for bed now, I finally got bored ^^
01:49.32OVVeNCatch y'all later! :)
02:03.48*** join/#wowhead Inc` (
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02:06.20TecnoBratMy lawyer says I have a "really strong case" for my custody thing
02:06.45*** join/#wowhead Purp_ (
02:06.57Inc`I am so loving my new compy right now
02:09.37Rawssweet, Magical Pony Adventures is on PBS
02:10.16Inc`Are they... are they going to eat her?
02:10.38Rawsoh my god
02:10.45RawsI think I just saw a tendon
02:13.04Inc`When I went to seattle with my gf, we found a japanese glue named after my wow character
02:13.07*** join/#wowhead weezel (
02:17.04hiawaniyour character name is Nori?
02:18.07hiawanithat's also the seaweed product that's used in sushi, miso soup, and many other japanese foods
02:18.13Inc`I know
02:18.50hiawaniSo I guess at this point, we need to determine your edibility.
02:29.37*** join/#wowhead `-` (n=appleboy@
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03:05.57*** join/#wowhead nachos (
03:06.34nachosis there a RPC/SOAP api for wowhead?
03:06.56AdysWhat are you looking for specifically?
03:07.11Mr_Rabies2snakes on a plane API
03:09.04nachosintergrating it into a bot.
03:09.14AdysWhat kind of bot :)
03:09.18nachosso i can search quests and stuff from IRC.
03:09.46AdysAfaik theres only an xml api for items, and its a bit limited
03:10.09AdysLet me check
03:10.36AdysYa, only for items
03:13.36AdysSome people just suck at taking screenshots :(
03:16.28Adysdeleted it meanwhile :P
03:16.32TheOnyxI assume it was denied or deleted O_o
03:16.40Adysjust did ye
03:17.00Adyswas just a really poor quality, jpg artifact
03:17.35TheOnyxactually, both the carrot on a stick ones are pretty much lose
03:17.43Adysthe other one is
03:17.45Adysthis one's ok
03:19.12Adysthis is the screenshot i just recieved for a snapjaw
03:19.22Adyssome are just not even trying
03:20.56Adyseven more awesome
03:21.14Adyssome guy sending this screenshot with as caption "WARGLAIVES OF AZZINOTH"' in caps
03:22.20TheOnyxI think I see the top of a wing.
03:22.27TheOnyxPRINT IT
03:22.50Adyssome got the hang of it
03:24.26Mr_Rabies2he sure looks angry
03:26.10Adyswhy do people feel the need to include themselves in npc screenshots
03:26.30TheOnyxor they dont read the rules
03:26.31Mr_Rabies2people don't know how to crop or even bother going in first person
03:26.45AdysNorrec's awesome
03:26.47Mr_Rabies2welcome to dealing with the average wow player :(
03:27.13Adysonly item screenshot lately tho
03:27.31Mr_Rabies2that's how it's done :D
03:27.51Adysphaydre is a sicko
03:29.10Adysgonna reword the screenshot page hopefully
03:29.23skizmbest screenshot on the site:
03:29.50skizmthat sword looks so awesome : /
03:30.08TheOnyxAdys: I think the issue is that no one reads all that text.
03:30.14TheOnyxYou need bullet points
03:30.24Adysgives me a good excuse to delete their screenshot so i dont feel guilty!
03:30.42Adysskizm: best sword model, probably
03:30.46Adysbest screenshot, doubt it =P
03:30.55skizm: \
03:31.08Mr_Rabies2i want a ghost sword :[
03:31.11Adys eat that! mwuha
03:31.23Mr_Rabies2oh, that's the proc?
03:31.26Adyswell ok not that great
03:31.33Mr_Rabies2ahhhhhh 4 poly frog
03:31.35TheOnyxI tried to get into sreenshot-taking for wow, but I play mostly at night, and they all turned out dark more or less
03:32.03Mr_Rabies2i'm far too lazy to take screenshots of everything to improve wowhead
03:32.13Mr_Rabies2i appreciate those that do, though
03:32.16TheOnyxhell, I have a few in there that should probably be deleted
03:32.25TheOnyxthey were taken before firm rules were stablished
03:32.38TheOnyxlike that one
03:32.42TheOnyxthat was crap
03:33.20Mr_Rabies2i can't stop laughing at LOL HERE'S MY CARRET
03:33.22Adysgeekiest screenshot ont he site
03:33.22Mr_Rabies2i don't know why
03:33.23TheOnyxtoo many nameplates there
03:34.18Adys im trying!
03:34.35AdysSkosiris, ping
03:34.44Adysmore css problems
03:35.10Adyscheck the gruuls lair screenshot in the middle of the page
03:35.15Adystext is not showing on mouseover
03:35.33Mr_Rabies2does wowhead do any datamining?
03:35.39Adysi do
03:35.45SkosirisI guess I need to update the site with the new listings asap ;)
03:35.47Mr_Rabies2ah okay
03:35.54AdysYa, slacker :P
03:35.58Corganhay guyz wuts up
03:35.59AdysMr_Rabies2: why?
03:36.23Mr_Rabies2just wonder
03:36.42AdysIF skosiris processes this silly wdb today .. <grin>
03:36.43Mr_Rabies2someone told me you guys didn't, but personally i don't care as long as the site works and isn't ugly :P
03:36.47Adysthen a few items should pop up
03:37.02nachoshm, i dont know what to spend my talent points on.
03:37.03*** join/#wowhead Myzteryz (n=Myzteryz@
03:37.08Adysnachos, class/level?
03:37.14nachoslevel 11 human paladin
03:37.15Mr_Rabies2spend them on nachos
03:37.31Mr_Rabies2for leveling i hear protection is amazing
03:37.43Sky2042so is holy
03:37.44Mr_Rabies2because you can just pull like 10 mobs at once and they kill themselves on you basically
03:37.44Corgan<3 reckoning
03:37.47AdysPaladin is the class i know the least, sorry
03:37.52skizmnachos did you have a warrior on black dragonflight
03:38.05nachosno, skizm
03:39.16nachosMr_Rabies2: what do you mean by '10 mobs'?
03:39.40CorganSo, in other news.
03:39.43Mr_Rabies2pulling 10 monsters at a time and killing them all
03:39.47Corganwowhead needs a serverside wishlist
03:39.48nachosah ok.
03:40.02AdysCorgan: what do you mean?
03:40.21CorganA gear wishlist
03:40.28Adysya ya ya in the works
03:40.33CorganI made a crappy clientside one, but a serverside one would be awesome
03:40.41AdysOne day :P
03:41.03Adyslast i heard, it was more than half done
03:41.26Adysafter five years of development
03:41.30Adyser wait.
03:42.13Mr_Rabies2dammit i wish the booterang would work for druids in flight form :[
03:42.21Mr_Rabies2as well as the soul cannon :(
03:42.36Mr_Rabies2i don't much feel like spending 200g to do two quests :/
03:42.46Adysyou can do them with someone else
03:44.09skizmwhat the heck is a soul cannon
03:44.12Corganraybeez, be cool like me and get a skyguard mount
03:44.25Adysskizm: Netherwing quest, Nagrand
03:44.36skizmwas it added later
03:44.39Mr_Rabies2i don't want a space slug
03:44.46skizmoh wait i think that's one of the ones i didn't do
03:44.47Mr_Rabies2why would i want a space slug :(
03:44.52CorganI have a space slug :(
03:45.03skizmgryphon is the best alliance mount
03:45.16skizmwell, pretty much the best mount altogether
03:45.19Mr_Rabies2the gryphons are ugly :(
03:45.22Mr_Rabies2i like my flight form
03:45.28skizmother than phoenix obviously
03:45.42CorganI do love my flight form
03:45.45Corganinsta shift = win
03:45.59Mr_Rabies2i bet death knights will have frostwyrms :o
03:46.10Adysactually scratch what i said about norrec
03:46.15skizmthey should just be able to fly around without mounting
03:46.16Adyshe just sent a few npc screenshots
03:51.17Adysback to updating your listings sko!
03:51.19Adyschop chop!
03:51.30AdysNo time to talk!
04:00.22nachosstill cant decide on what tree im going to follow
04:00.52CorganI can't wait until heroic badges from kara and ZA bosses
04:01.04Corganand more heroic badge turnin loot
04:21.36*** join/#wowhead Frostx- (
04:33.19Paradox70% Revered with netherwing - day 7
04:33.26Adysnot bad :)
04:33.54Paradoxbeen finding bucketloads of eggs
04:34.09Adysdont talk about eggs ><
04:34.20Adyswhen it went out i was doing the first-exalted race
04:34.33Paradoxearlier I was running around the island on my own, picking up egg after egg and moving to the next possible spot and finding another :P got 14 eggs like that
04:34.41*** join/#wowhead Inc` (
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04:34.45Adysfarmed over 10k mobs in two days :/
04:35.04Adysthink i got about 80-85 eggs in total with help from friends
04:35.14Adyswas sick, but fun =P
04:35.22ParadoxI farmed at first, but now running around to common egg spawns is just so fast, cause there's hardly anyone doing it now
04:35.33Adysi can imagine lol
04:35.38Adysi was doing it at 4-6 am
04:35.42Adysand still crowded
04:36.10Paradoxif I can find 10 eggs today, 5 tommorow, i'll be exalted tommorow on day 8 :)
04:36.21ParadoxI think anyway D:
04:36.22Adyseasy ^
04:36.46Adysyou spoiled farmers in non crowded areas =P
04:37.08AdysI am kinda wondering if its doable within a day
04:37.15Adysneutral -> exalted
04:37.51Paradox20 friends allover the map looking for eggs for you :P
04:37.59Adyswell its what i had lol
04:38.08Adyswish i made ts records
04:38.09Paradoxyou should get 500 rep for an egg :(
04:38.15ParadoxI mean, it's saving one of their babies!
04:38.27Paradoxyou get 500 from defending a pansy blood elf outpost :<
04:38.37Adys"so yea the weather is nice here, it's been sunny for... EGG ON TOP OF DRAGON MOUNTAIN !!! QUICK!!!!!"
04:39.16Adysthat and the Ahn'Qiraj reputation grind are the two most memorable grinds i had in wow
04:39.43Adysorganizing teams, leading raids to kill thousands and thousands of elites lvl 58
04:39.58Adysgroup 1 ashi, group 2 zora, group 3 regal
04:40.02Adysalways like that
04:40.14*** join/#wowhead Kelstormhoof (
04:40.20Adysand when we had more people coming, 1-3 ashi, 2-4 zora, 5-6 regal
04:40.36Paradoxit's going to be fun doing it allover again for a frost wyrm or something like that in northrend :D
04:40.48Adysdoubt they'll do that
04:40.57Adysthough i gotta admit i liked the AQ event
04:41.03Adysthe insane rep grind no
04:41.04*** join/#wowhead Kelstormhoof (
04:41.15Adysbut all the rest, even the bandages/fish/blah blah collecting, i liked it
04:41.42Kelstormhooffrom AQ?
04:41.52Adysbut everyone wants EZMode
04:41.58Kelstormhoofu talking about the expansion?
04:42.08Adyspeople dont realize wow is one of the easiest mmos
04:42.23Kelstormhoofive only played wow so i wouldnt know
04:42.48Adysso have i :) apart from a month or so with eve until i got too bored to bother paying
04:42.48Kelstormhoofbut i hear it is the easiest
04:42.59Paradoxany tips on where eggs spawn a lot?
04:43.38Paradoxi've got a good idea of a lot of spots that I visit on a trip around the island but sometimes I don't find an egg for about 20-30mins and I can never find them
04:43.49Adysfrom memory, about 8-9 around the peons, 3 on the floating islands, one behind the elites, one on top of mountain above the elites
04:44.00Adys(elites = the two drakonids at the dock)
04:44.24Adysin the mine.. a lot of them, i remember some were hidden in carts
04:44.30Adysa fair few are just in plain sight
04:44.44Kelstormhoofwell i dont think its worth it to find em if u have a lot of ppl on yur server
04:45.23ParadoxI love the eggs :
04:45.29Paradoxmy face lights up when I spot one
04:45.39Adyssame lmao
04:45.43Kelstormhooftoo bad i quit wow though
04:45.58Adysi still got heartbeats when i go back to this and see purple fog floating
04:46.02ParadoxI always see a bush or part of a crystal or something from a mine node and think it's an egg though ;-;
04:46.08Paradoxyeah xD
04:46.54Paradoxsomething wrong with us ;o
04:47.00nachosim thinking of making my pally trained in protection
04:47.02Adysafter the grind, talking about eggs was totally forbidden :P
04:47.04Adysi'd go nuts
04:47.12Adysfor like a month
04:47.30Paradoxeggy wegs <3
04:47.43Paradox10points if you get the reference
04:47.50Adysi dont :(
04:47.54nachosi dont :(
04:48.13*** join/#wowhead RubbaDuck (
04:48.20Paradoxit's a line from clockwork orange
04:48.30Kelstormhoofi think i saw part of that movie once
04:48.35Kelstormhoofweird movie at that
04:48.46Paradox:D I love that cart near the front of dragonmaw fortress :)
04:48.58Paradoxfinding an egg on that is just great
04:49.18Adyshahaha, you know this item you get in lakeshire at level 20... increases melee speed by a low percent
04:49.26Adysblizzard changed it to 100 speed rating
04:49.30Adyshaste rating even
04:49.39Adysat level 20, for 30 seconds, sick
04:54.08Paradoxworked it out
04:54.19Paradoxtommorows daily's + 13 eggs = exalted
04:54.37ParadoxI'll conscript my friends to help ;o
04:55.14*** join/#wowhead Tofu (n=tofu@
04:57.01Paradoxneed an addon to put egg icons on my minimap where I previously have gathered one
04:57.17Adysi used to do that
04:57.19Adysgot too messy
04:57.32Adysdont bother, you'll remember them anyway
04:58.25Kelstormhoofyea like mining
04:59.13Paradoxdo you have any info on eggs Adys, like for example, is there only a certain amount of them spawned at a time? if so how many? things like that
04:59.40Adysi believe there can only be 5 eggs up at once in the zone
04:59.57Adysthe spawn timer is definetly under 30 min
05:00.01Adysbut it randoms out
05:00.57Paradoxrandoms out?
05:01.20Paradoxsheesh.. everytime I find a new egg it's in a new spot
05:01.48Paradox ;D
05:02.19Adys65mb for your ui, jeez
05:02.55ParadoxI use like 30 addons ;o
05:03.14Paradoxyay another egg :D
05:03.18Paradox11 to go
05:03.29Kelstormhooftill exalted?
05:03.39AdysI use more paradox
05:03.52Adysmy ui is about 15-18 mb at its highest
05:03.54Kelstormhoofso i guess u dont like to wait for those daily quests
05:03.55Adys /
05:03.55Paradoxwell, after tommorow's dailies anyway kelstorm
05:04.18Paradoxmeh doesn't bother me
05:04.29ParadoxI still get high fps in 25man raids ;o so what's the big deal? D:
05:05.01Adysraid ui:
05:06.40Adyshaha my old setup when i was still using miranda
05:07.09Kelstormhoofwat server are u on adys
05:07.19*** join/#wowhead Raws (
05:07.21Adysa lot
05:07.28Kelstormhoofas adys
05:07.49Adys(transferred since then)
05:08.04Kelstormhoofim trying to look for yur armory
05:08.14AdysAerie Peak / Addys
05:08.43Kelstormhoofo europe
05:09.28Paradoxwish I could do the races again
05:09.47ParadoxI beat them all first or second try (except the final guy who took about 5 tries) and they were pretty fun :(
05:10.06Adysi did mulverick pre nerf
05:10.19Adystook me nearly a hundred attempts
05:10.38Paradoxwhat got nerfed?
05:10.42Adysand the last guy i did it in two attempts, after mulverick you just cant be beaten by some random idiot
05:10.48Adyshe shoots WAY less bolts now
05:10.55Paradoxdid him first try.. and i've seen this poor guy trying to do it now for 3 days..
05:11.16Adysit used to be totally stupid
05:12.36Paradox10 eggs to go
05:12.51Adysyou should do them all today
05:12.56Adysso you can say you did it in a week ;)
05:13.01Paradoxis that little wall-jump up onto level 2 in the cave intentional?
05:13.11Adysi think so
05:13.31Adysactually might not be, because some races cant do it
05:13.39Paradoxman, I once seen an egg up there and sprinted all the way around and got it, next day I realised I could just jump up there
05:13.54Adyshuman females can even walk
05:14.09ParadoxI gotta walk up a bit behind this rock and jump onto it then i'm up
05:17.42Paradoxis there anything like... "if egg has spawned here within 1 hour, don't spawn here spawn elsewhere"?
05:18.03Adysi got two eggs at the same spot the same hour
05:19.22Paradoxawesome.. first egg from a bush i've gotten since I started
05:19.43Paradox9 :) hell at this rate I could get double and do it today rather than waiting for tommorow
05:19.59Adys<Adys> you should do them all today
05:19.59Adys<Adys> so you can say you did it in a week ;)
05:20.51*** join/#wowhead neroli (
05:22.22Paradoxwhat was the worst daily for you?
05:22.27ParadoxI hate the relic one
05:22.35Adyssame here its stupid
05:24.09*** join/#wowhead kewlcat (
05:36.58Paradoxoh also I wanted to ask Adys, how long after picking one until another spawns?
05:37.17Adysno idea really
05:39.50kewlcatwhat's the best place for farm for money in outland ?
05:40.35*** join/#wowhead TheOnyx (
05:43.26Paradoxprimal fires?
05:43.27Digitalmatterlegion hold farming in smv
05:43.34Digitalmatterfarm the warlocks there
05:43.38nachoshow can i get to loch modan from elwyn forest?
05:43.44nachosi dont know where it is
05:43.52Adys sweet sweet lord. they got a spoken version of this
05:43.58Adysnachos, take the deeprun tram in stormwind
05:44.04Adysgo to ironforge, and then it'll be easier
05:44.15Paradoxoh wow another bush egg, what's the drop on those like 0.1% or something sick isn't it
05:44.21nachosthanks Adys
05:46.22kewlcatDigitalmatter thx
05:48.19kewlcatanyone know why alliance win lv70 Alterac Valley BG so frequently ?
05:48.53Adysbecause horde loses very frequently too
05:49.44kewlcati heard that because hordes focus on AB and WG more than AV, is this true ?
05:49.55Adysits not
05:50.01Adysdont bother about what people say
05:51.06kewlcati joined AV honor point holiday and we win 90% of all time (im AA)
05:51.29Paradoxhaha epic maneuver :D I used nifty stopwatch to run+jump off the tracks towards the 'window' to level 2, Skyguards Cape to slowfall into it and ninja an egg from an incoming guy :D
05:51.44ParadoxI bet he is pissed
05:53.39Adyslol Paradox
05:56.42Paradoxdid you ever find an egg in the whelp pen?
05:57.06ParadoxI read you can get them there but havn't seen a single one
05:58.07Adysthe whelp pen?
05:59.41Paradoxlittle pen in the dragonmaw town with nether whelps
05:59.53Adysi never got out of the ledge for eggs
06:21.32*** join/#wowhead Srosh (
06:26.01Adys|sleepgnite peeps
06:31.04nachosnite Adys|sleep
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09:11.41TribaltotemIs anyone here?
09:18.35Tribaltotemare there any good bracers, gloves, waist for mages? im level 65
09:20.43kewlcatu can find your upgrade at armory page
09:22.11Tribaltotemoh true :D
09:22.12Tribaltotemthanks mate
09:22.19Tribaltotemdoes it show just quest items?
09:22.39kewlcatevery item i guess
09:22.59Tribaltotemthanks a lot :D
09:23.28kewlcatquery you charactor and point at your item, there will be upgrade suggestion shown
09:23.42TribaltotemYep I see it :P
09:35.15*** join/#wowhead Telrin (
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09:39.26TribaltotemHI GUYS!
09:39.36Tribaltotemdo any of u kno some good quest items for a level 65 mage?
10:01.56Tribaltotemwhats ur favourite mage PVP
10:02.30`-`i've only seen faxmonkey's stuff
10:16.39*** join/#wowhead Corgan (
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11:34.57VeladisAnyone here?
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12:35.31*** join/#wowhead Kaso (
12:43.50*** join/#wowhead Owner (
12:44.13OwnerHey anybody here?
12:45.33KasoNoone is here
12:45.36Kasooh wait damnit
12:46.04VirtusI am here
12:47.16MahotekHey are there any other community wow forums besides the ones blizzard gives out?
12:49.07KasoWoW Goon Squad is clearly the best wow forum on the internet
12:50.36Mahotekany of u know some good power lvling guides or know of some sort of guide for gnome mage?
12:53.58TheOnyxThe only one with which I have any familiarity is the hunter guide that was put out a while back.
12:57.06Mahoteklike i see alot of them for sale on ebay
12:57.32Kasowaste of money
12:58.13Mahotekyeh i know, thats why im asking if any of u know a place i can find them for free
13:04.07TheOnyxI've never really looked into it. Power-leveling seemed like it would take all of the fun out of the game and make it more like a job.
13:05.14MahotekWats the best way to lvl, well in ur eyes?
13:06.50blayquesting in the right order
13:07.51blaythere's a few guides (free) out there for 1-20/30, not to hard to find
13:08.05blaythey really just get you started tho
13:08.32blaygoogle is ur friend
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13:13.21*** join/#wowhead Raws (n=raws@unaffiliated/raws)
13:13.29OVVeNHello again Raws ^^
13:13.35OVVeNAnd Rabies
13:14.26OVVeNOr not.
13:14.43Raws'lo OVVeN :)
13:22.51*** join/#wowhead Viprime (
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13:58.44OVVeNThis chat is kinda dead atm. :P
13:58.50[dRaCo]it isnt.
13:58.56[dRaCo]we're just idling.
14:01.18DemetriousIdling, idling.
14:01.35*** join/#wowhead blay (
14:02.45TheOnyxI swear, someone says that 5 times a day in every IRC channel.
14:03.37OVVeNThat it's dead? :)
14:04.39*** join/#wowhead Raws (n=raws@unaffiliated/raws)
14:05.39blaywas just trying to guess: 10:02a (TheOnyx): I swear, someone says that 5 times a day in every IRC channel.
14:06.00TheOnyxMore or less.
14:06.06TheOnyxIt's Idle Relay Chat, people.
14:06.10TheOnyxThat's how we roll.
14:07.15TheOnyxI suppose most people are used to LOL-IM chat rooms where you leave when you're not talking.
14:07.26Kasothose people dont "get" irc
14:08.01blaylol @ idle relay chat
14:11.29*** join/#wowhead bratta (
14:17.02Demetriouslol (otherwise known as LOL) is a decease.
14:17.45DemetriousDarn AOL acronyms that crossed the bridge over the smart masses.
14:48.25*** part/#wowhead scragg_work (
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16:51.50*** topic/#wowhead is Welcome to the official Wowhead channel. No spamming, trolling, gold/account selling, harrassment. Be civil, friendly, and read the channel rules at - Enjoy your stay!
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16:52.13rayfordBut yeah.  For 3 seperate DPSers to botch a run like that is both scary and impressive.
16:53.49TheOnyxMy favorite part about frost mages is kiting mobs
16:53.55TheOnyxIt's not really that hard.
16:54.22rayfordAye.  I'm thinking about respeccing my Mage to Frost and trying to AoE grind.
16:54.38TheOnyxrayford: it's awesoem when you have 2 frost mages
16:55.05TheOnyxrayford: a friend and I basically spent several levels at the pirate camp in Tanaris grabbing groups of 10 and wtfpwning them
16:55.17rayfordYeah.  Gotta love that place.
16:55.27TheOnyxthey had a fast respawn so we were always busy, and the exp was awesome
16:55.34TheOnyxplus, seeing all the damage numbers
16:55.38MalgayneI tried to aoe grind there as a paladin
16:55.48MalgayneBut it didn't work because those pirates disarm you
16:56.20TheOnyxThey never got close enough to us to try that, and if they had, well, we're mages.
16:56.42MalgayneYeah,  pallies have to aoe grind in melee range
16:57.07Malgayne<3 aoe pally grinding
16:57.22*** join/#wowhead Awhite (n=someonE@
16:57.23MalgayneMy record is 13 mobs simultaneously
16:57.31Awhitehey guyz
16:57.36MalgayneHey White!
16:57.52Awhitehey guys did you notice something on wowhead
16:57.59Awhitei can only see epic gear :/
16:58.05Awhiteat least on armor
16:58.06Awhitefor sure
16:58.10MalgayneCan you paste in a link to the page you're looking at?
16:58.22Awhitejust browse armors, and you'll see what i'm talking about
16:58.42Awhitei clicked browse->armor->cloth
16:58.56Awhiteeverything is purple and filters come up with nothing :/
16:58.58TheOnyxMalgayne: I think he means the list is limited to 200 and sorted by rarity.
16:59.00MalgayneSo you're looking at this page:
16:59.09TheOnyxAwhite: You'll need to refien your search.
16:59.20Awhitewell i filtered it
16:59.30TheOnyxAwhite: Which filters? Can you link?
16:59.37MalgayneCan you copy the URL out of the address bar and link it in here?
16:59.46MalgayneThat's the easiest way for us to see what you're looking at.
16:59.47Awhitelol now it works :/
16:59.57Awhitehonestly it didn't! :
16:59.59Malgaynehaha--Did you forget to hit "Apply Filters", maybe?
17:00.08Awhitenah i did and came out with no finds
17:00.12Awhitepropably wrong on my filter
17:00.15Awhitesomething :d
17:00.21MalgayneWell, as long as you're set.
17:00.27Awhiteanyways wowhead is still my fav site :pppp
17:00.45MalgayneMine too.  :)
17:00.52*** join/#wowhead Sky2042 (
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17:01.35rayfordNot mine!
17:01.39rayfordErr....I mean....>.>
17:01.52rayford*Goes back to editing the Ogri'la info*
17:01.54TheOnyxinfobot, rayford is also SHENS
17:01.55infobotTheOnyx: okay
17:02.03Awhitewhat did you do before wowhead? what did you do before google?!
17:02.05Awhiteancient times!
17:02.07Awhiteuga buga
17:02.33rayfordTheOnyx:  SHENS?
17:02.43TheOnyxjust shorter and in caps
17:02.58TheOnyxIt means you are a crafter of lies.
17:03.02TheOnyxA master of deception.
17:03.10rayfordAh.  Gotcha.
17:03.18rayfordIn that case, yes.  Yes I am.
17:03.22TheOnyxA [noun] of [noun].
17:04.48infobottheonyx is probably the Chief Officer of Awesome.
17:05.02rayfordMore like the Chief Officer of Suck.  Amirite?
17:05.23Sky2042infobot, no, TheOnyx is more like the Chief Officer of Suck.
17:05.23infobotokay, Sky2042
17:05.33infobotwell, theonyx is more like the Chief Officer of Suck.
17:07.14Sky2042oh jebus, i ate all my pizza
17:07.22rayfordOh noes!
17:07.43AwhiteOh noes i ate my pizza, my friends pizza and grabbed a piece from my father's pizza!
17:07.58Awhiteexp makes me hungry
17:08.14rayfordSky2042:  Here, I halp.
17:08.17infoboti heard piecake is the most awesomest food ever. salvation.
17:08.27*** join/#wowhead bahadir (n=bahadir@
17:08.35Sky2042buh buh... pie > cake... how is it conceiable?...
17:09.31rayfordIt is the holy union between the two great factions.  A unification, if you will, to promote peace and prosperity throughout the land.
17:09.38*** join/#wowhead Frostx- (
17:18.40MalgayneI love this channel
17:18.51MalgayneI can just gently nudge the conversation within
17:18.54MalgayneWalk away
17:19.01MalgayneAnd come back 15 minutes later and see where it has gone
17:19.07MalgayneSomehow it always seems to involve piecake
17:20.06*** join/#wowhead Sky2042afk (
17:20.21*** mode/#wowhead [+v Sky2042_afk] by ChanServ
17:20.39Sky2042_afklol, that might be rayford's fault, mal
17:20.43MalgayneIt just might
17:21.29TheOnyxrayford: so's your face!
17:22.50rayfordIts ok.  You can usually blame most things on me.  :D
17:23.04rayfordTheOnyx:  It may be.  But at least its not the Chief Officer of Suck!
17:23.33TheOnyxinfobot, rayford is also the reason for everything that is wrong with the world.
17:23.34infobotokay, TheOnyx
17:24.34rayfordTheOnyx:  Awww....Thank you.  Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.  It makes me so happy.  ( :
17:24.38infobothmm... rayford is a Wowhead editor and guildmaster on Draenor. the roxzoration..  SHENS, or the reason for everything that is wrong with the world.
17:27.01TheOnyxkarma for Malgayne
17:27.08TheOnyxI guess that's disabled.
17:27.42*** join/#wowhead weezel (
17:28.09MalgayneI'm flattered
17:28.13MalgayneBUt that's probably for the best
17:28.40Sky2042_afkinfobot, theonyx is also a suckup.
17:28.40infobotSky2042_afk: okay
17:29.02MalgayneYes he is.
17:29.05TheOnyxSky2042: that was based on conversation about an hour ago :P
17:29.20Sky2042_afktoo bad :P
17:29.43MalgayneWhat conversation, Onyx?
17:29.48MalgayneAccording to my chat log,
17:30.13Malgaynewait...when I left and came back?
17:31.33MalgayneI win
17:32.34*** join/#wowhead Tsukts (
17:32.41Tsuktso rily :p
17:32.45rayfordI had to admit, that was good timing, Mal.  ; P
17:33.19MalgayneHi Tsukts.  :)
17:35.36rayfordBai Tsukts!
17:36.13MalgayneIt was a driveby orly
17:36.48rayfordFortunately you protected me from any stray orly's by using your face to intercept them.
17:36.57rayfordI don't think Miz will notice the difference.  = o
17:38.17MalgayneTakign in orly in the face doesn't really scar you much
17:38.24MalgayneIt just permanently raises one eyebrow
17:38.31TheOnyxO RLY
17:40.00TheOnyxMalgayne: I'm going to use you in lieu of
17:40.10MalgayneThat's alright
17:40.15MalgayneI AM
17:40.22TecnoBratthats 1/2 the reason this channel is here :P
17:40.26TheOnyxMalgayne: I think Wowhead should have a section for articles that are not directly related to an item in the database.
17:40.29TheOnyxMalgayne: I know ;)
17:40.36TecnoBratTheOnyx, how so?
17:40.41TheOnyxMalgayne: Like class guides or starting stats, etc
17:40.49TheOnyxMalgayne: Or maybe talent specs
17:41.06TheOnyxMalgayne: Profession guides
17:41.33TheOnyxTecnoBrat: ^
17:42.00MalgayneYeah, we've heard some suggestions like this
17:42.09TheOnyxMalgayne: I know some people who get deep into theorycrafting.
17:42.15MalgayneThere's been some talk, though nothing confirmed yet
17:42.16Sky2042_afktheonyx: i direct you to
17:42.17TheOnyxMalgayne: so a place for stuff like that would rock too
17:42.30MalgayneThis is true, I dont' want to step on the wiki's toes
17:43.04TheOnyxon the other hand, we're importing stuff from them as it is
17:43.26TheOnyxalthough duplication of information is a bit... taxing
17:43.43MalgayneYeah, It's on my list of things to discuss with Sko
17:43.59Sky2042_afkoh boy
17:44.40rayfordI can just imagine this list.  There's like 4 wowhead related things, then like 2 snacks, and then at the bottom of the list is "bewbies (hehehe)."
17:44.48TecnoBratcalm down!
17:45.07TecnoBratI would like someone to totally destroy
17:45.10TecnoBratthat site sucks
17:45.27TecnoBratit hurts my eyes to look at
17:45.30Malgayne$5 says jmccaffrey is an admin on bosskillers
17:45.39TecnoBrat$10 says you are right :P
17:45.41jmccaffreyNever been there before lol, going now
17:45.52TecnoBrato.O we both lost
17:46.09MalgayneGood thing no one bet against us to collect our money
17:46.17rayfordI was just about to, too.
17:46.20jmccaffreyTheir layout has something to be desired... but yea total destruction?
17:46.26rayfordConfounded work!  Getting in the way of me making money!  >.<
17:47.08TecnoBratdestruction in the sense of ...
17:47.13TecnoBrattaking over their audience
17:47.16TecnoBratand making a better site
17:47.30MalgayneActually, Tecno was just going to send them a letter bomb, but we like this idea better
17:47.42TecnoBratI was building one, actually
17:48.10TecnoBratbut, yea .. ran out of time
17:48.12*** join/#wowhead ToastTheif (
17:48.15rayfordWell, its a shame to put a letter bomb to waste.
17:48.15TecnoBratRL caught up with me :P
17:48.21TecnoBratrayford, I agree
17:48.25TecnoBratI'll send it to Malgayne
17:48.26rayfordTechno, if you finish it, I'll make sure that it gets used.
17:48.32TecnoBratgive me his address.
17:48.43rayfordOn an totally unrelated note:  Mal, whats your address?  >.>
17:48.51rayfordBah!  Techno beat me to it.  XP
17:49.10TheOnyxrayford: Malgayne: Just rolled BE Warlock on Draenor, named felsol
17:49.17jmccaffreyWowhead already supports strategy, thats what I read for 5mans and such
17:49.21TecnoBratI wasn't building a letter bomb ... I was building a boss strategy and kill tracker site :P
17:49.22MalgayneReally Onyx?
17:49.25rayfordYou should name it Locklawls.
17:49.34TheOnyxoh man
17:49.43TheOnyxIm going to see ifg that is taken
17:50.02MalgayneI knew a lock once named "Dotslol"
17:50.26MalgayneBut my favorite--I had a friend who rolled a hunter named "Aimedshot"
17:50.36MalgayneAnd the best part of all
17:50.40MalgayneHe was BM specced
17:50.41TecnoBratmy warlock is named Maddotter
17:50.57bratta*snicker* That is the best name for a BM hunter! Throw them off the trail.
17:51.03MalgayneIt was great
17:51.07MalgayneEspecially on a pvp server
17:51.11rayfordI've got a female BE Pally named "Imsopretty."
17:51.18TecnoBratmy troll mage is named Majick
17:51.22rayfordI also had a Mage at one point named "Afunnyname."
17:51.29TecnoBratand my warrior is Headbasher
17:51.43brattaI have a holy priest named Holymackerel
17:52.55TecnoBratso ...
17:52.57rayfordI made a Priest (for all of 10 minutes) named Illtank.
17:53.00TecnoBratZA is this patch?
17:53.01TheOnyxthats my new name
17:53.02TecnoBrator next?
17:53.06TecnoBrat2.2 or 2.3?
17:53.06rayfordZG is next patch.
17:53.17zushibaSame thing
17:53.19rayfordTechno:  ZA is in 2.3.
17:54.38ToastTheifI remember reading something about a "profile" type feature on wowhead, does anyone have more information about that?
17:55.00MalgayneCan't hand out any new info just yet, Toast
17:55.34MalgayneBut big things are coming up
17:55.47MalgayneSorry, I'm professionaly obligated to be vague.  =/
17:55.48TecnoBratrayford, where did you read that?
17:55.56brattaI should roll a druid named CATDURID
17:56.07ToastTheifI just miss CTProfiles =/
17:56.17brattaThat's even better Mal
17:56.22MalgayneYeah, Toast, I do too
17:56.22rayfordMal:  Hahaha.  Maybe I'll roll a Druid twink and name it that.  XP
17:56.48MalgayneI'm hoping we can do them one better
17:56.56MalgayneBut the details of exactly how have to remain mysterious
17:57.10MalgayneSince if I announce our plan in public, someone else could just come along and do it.  :)
17:57.11TecnoBratDon't forget that we have voice chat coming, guild banks, Zul'Aman and something else after that slated for future patches. (Even some changes to Dustwallow Marsh people might be interested in.)
17:57.13ToastTheifhow about details of when? :D
17:57.16TecnoBratOMG ONYXIA HAS A BABY!?
17:57.36MalgayneSorry Toasty.  Can't give you anything better than "soon".  :)
17:57.36rayfordWait.  What?
17:57.46brattaYeah, half dragon half gnome. Sorry guys. That's my bad
17:57.48MalgayneYup--Ray, that was one of Nethaera's posts
17:57.57rayford*Goes to check*
17:58.02TecnoBratI'm jumping to conclusions :P
17:58.46rayfordYeah, you are Techno.  Nub.  : P
17:59.14TecnoBratI'm just poking fun
17:59.20TecnoBratof the inconsistencies in the lore :P
17:59.43rayfordI never even got to do Ony.  I got all attuned and everything, and never had a chance to go.  ) :
17:59.54ToastTheifit's a boring fight
18:00.05jmei never did either, but i'm a BC nub
18:00.13jmewell, one month before BC
18:00.20ToastTheifat least for druids, you just sit there and press heal
18:00.27ToastTheifwell, resto druids
18:00.33rayfordSame with Resto Shammies.
18:00.47ToastTheifand this is why I no longer PvE
18:01.03MalgayneYou know what the weird thing is?
18:01.16MalgayneAs your group as a whole gets better in PVE
18:01.17rayfordOff specs are a lot more raid viable now, though.
18:01.21Malgayneyour job gets more boring
18:01.50MalgayneIf I'm healing a really good instance group
18:02.02MalgayneI dont' have to do anything except press the "holy light" button once every 10 seconds
18:02.12ToastTheifmore raid viable doesn't mean much to me
18:02.20MalgayneIf I'm healing a crappy group though
18:02.40MalgayneI have to be running around, bubbling people, switching auras, switching heal targets, changing buffs, etc.
18:02.41ToastTheifbecause Im either spamming 3 buttons in cat, or 3 buttons in tree
18:02.49rayfordLike last night, Mal?  : P
18:02.53MalgayneYes.  :(
18:02.56TecnoBratWTB new instance on Azeroth
18:02.59ToastTheifand maybe* if Im lucky to tank I can have a little fun
18:03.03TecnoBratWTB like ... Uldum
18:03.07jmewtb new azeroth
18:03.11TecnoBrator ... the zone in wetlands
18:03.16TecnoBratdont remember the name offhand
18:03.32rayfordToast:  We have a Feral Druid that tanks all the time.  Druids are good tanks.
18:03.34jmedon't they have some zones on the map that aren't actually "there"?
18:03.38jmelike, mapped off
18:03.40MalgayneA few, jme
18:04.04TecnoBratjme, areas, yes
18:04.14TecnoBratlike beside hillsbrad
18:04.28jmeyeah, and i think there's one in northern kalimdor or something? or am i mistaken
18:04.29TecnoBratand hyjal, of course
18:05.17ToastTheifI PvP now anyway
18:05.33TecnoBratthat one?
18:05.33MalgayneJME, not big zones though
18:05.47jmeMalgayne: yeah, i noticed they were small
18:05.50rayfordSpeaking of stuff thats like blocked off.  Anyone ever fly from TB over to like Org, and as you're flying over the mountain that seperates Mulgore from the Barrens, ever notice that hut and cave at the peak?
18:06.10TecnoBratrayford, you can get up there
18:06.12TecnoBrator used to be able to
18:06.31TecnoBratthe one between barrens and TB right?
18:06.36TecnoBraton that mountain chain
18:06.42TecnoBratyea, I got up there once
18:06.45jmccaffreyreal cool!
18:06.50Malgayne<3 mapwow
18:06.52rayfordWhats there?
18:07.15rayfordNothin in the cave?
18:07.54TecnoBratthat area too
18:09.30TecnoBratdont forget
18:09.36TecnoBratlots of areas still
18:10.30TecnoBratnot to mention east of wetlands
18:10.39MalgayneYeah, I was thinking of
18:10.42MalgayneWest of Tirisfal
18:10.49rayfordYeah.  I've swam down to south of Un'goro.
18:11.09TecnoBratoh yea, there too Malgayne
18:12.30MalgayneJintha'alor is, by a wide margin, the worst place in the game
18:12.42ToastTheifI like that place
18:12.46TecnoBratGrim Batol would be cool too
18:12.58MalgayneUgh, I hated it
18:13.13ToastTheifif you got a horrible group I could see it being bad
18:13.29MalgayneWell, that's the thing
18:13.38MalgayneI have a static group I run with, five people
18:13.46MalgayneWe only ever play this characters together with this group
18:13.55MalgayneThey're all lvl 50 now
18:14.24MalgayneAnd we cleared, for example, SM Cathedral in less than half an hour
18:14.29MalgayneWhen we were all under level 40
18:14.43MalgayneJust cause we all know eachother, and we know what everybody else is going to do
18:14.50MalgayneIt's like a well-oiled machine
18:15.02MalgayneWe cleared ZF in under an hour, no problem
18:15.43ToastTheif2-man'ed VC at 19, all those instances don't take much skill really =P
18:16.23TheOnyxMalgayne: I've been a part of two groups like that. They're wondeful things.
18:16.29TecnoBratwhat did you 2 man VC with?
18:16.29MalgayneThen we did Jintha'alor
18:16.30TecnoBratwhat classes
18:16.36MalgayneFor the mallet
18:16.38ToastTheifwarrior and priest
18:16.52MalgayneAnd it took us like three hours to get the quests done
18:16.55TecnoBratwell we all know warriors are OP
18:16.59TecnoBrateven at 19 :P
18:17.10*** join/#wowhead Purp (
18:17.25ToastTheifyeah all that amazing dps with my sheild lol
18:17.37ToastTheifwarriors are good, but not OP
18:17.44jmei liked the video of the lock and pally 2-manning Ony
18:17.46ToastTheifit's more of our gear that was op
18:17.53ToastTheifyeah that was cool
18:18.41MalgayneThe thing about Jintha'alor that drives me nuts
18:18.55MalgayneIf you want to do the kill quest to get the really awesome reward
18:19.07MalgayneYou have to do a FULL clear of the ENTIRE area
18:19.13MalgayneAnd then wait for respawns
18:19.15TheOnyx...and wait for respawns.
18:19.17MalgayneAnd kill like 12 more guys
18:20.12rayfordI try to avoid all of the Jintha'alor quests.  I went there on my first toon and HATED it.
18:20.25TecnoBratso on my guild forums .. we have some guys trying to organize ZA groups
18:20.32TecnoBratand I was getting tells last night from people
18:20.41TecnoBratcomplaining that they aren't going to get into a group...
18:20.47TecnoBratits like .. ZA is MONTHS away...
18:20.48Malgayne...a group for Zul'Aman?
18:20.54TecnoBratyes Malgayne
18:21.00TecnoBratyes, it is as retarded as you think
18:23.37TheOnyxLFG Lich King PST
18:24.06rayfordI've seen people on our server try to get a PUG together for Gruul.
18:25.01jmesame here.
18:26.02TecnoBratthere have been lots of gruul pugs on my server
18:26.05TecnoBratand mag pugs
18:27.42*** part/#wowhead bratta (
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18:53.18MalgayneI despise bug reports
18:55.23winkillerMalgayne: "it doesn't work"? :)
18:55.23rayford|workingGah.  I despise you.  Nub.
18:56.21MalgayneI should change your nick to rayford|cranky
18:57.06rayford|cranky...But aren't I always cranky?  >.>
18:57.36Malgayneinfobot, rayford is also always cranky.
18:57.37infobotMalgayne: okay
19:00.58infobotyou are probably playing with his money.
19:01.19rayford|crankyinfobot, rayford also eat puppies.
19:01.26Skosirisinfobot, with whom's money?
19:02.53rayford|cranky>.>  Infobot lag.
19:03.49MalgayneActually, if you say "infobot lag" it's the same as saying "~lag"
19:04.10infobot[lag] very bad here :(
19:04.31MalgayneLikewise, you can say:
19:04.33Malgayneinfobot lag
19:04.34infobotlag is probably very bad here :(
19:06.12infobot[theonyx] more like the Chief Officer of Suck. a suckup.
19:06.27TheOnyxno, infobot, TheOnyx is doing it for the lawls
19:06.36Malgayneinfobot first
19:06.37infobotrumour has it, first is the last until 10k
19:06.39MalgayneThen "no"
19:07.16TheOnyxBUt... but... the internet says it's the other way!
19:07.19TheOnyxThe Internet never lies!
19:07.29TheOnyxI even RTFM :(
19:07.32MalgayneI think it's time to reexamine our assumptions about the universe
19:07.39infobotfrom memory, rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
19:08.00TheOnyxinfobot, no, TheOnyx is doing it for the lawls
19:08.00infobotTheOnyx: okay
19:08.05infobotit has been said that theonyx is doing it for the lawls
19:08.30TheOnyxdoes the forget command work on this one?
19:08.51TheOnyxinfobot, forget you
19:08.51infoboti forgot you, TheOnyx
19:09.14rayford|crankyinfobot, rayford also eats babies.
19:09.23TheOnyxI thought you already did that.
19:09.26TheOnyxMaybe that was mal
19:09.33rayford|crankyNo.  Thats most definately me.
19:09.41infoboti guess malgayne is Wowhead's Community Manager and also the fuzz and a nub. mad sexy, but only on Tuesdays!, or hoping his Crystalforged Sword will sell in the AH so he can invest some money in his epic flyer. a relentlessly fierce crusader of the communist cause
19:11.35infobotfrom memory, rayford is a Wowhead editor and guildmaster on Draenor. the roxzoration..  SHENS, or the reason for everything that is wrong with the world. always cranky.
19:11.54TheOnyxinfobot, rayford also eats babies
19:12.03TheOnyxmaybe you're full
19:12.10rayford|crankyMal has more than I do.
19:12.17TheOnyxnah, just longer
19:12.33rayford|crankyinfobot, forget you
19:12.33infoboti didn't have anything called 'you' to forget, rayford|cranky
19:12.33TheOnyxhe has 4
19:12.35TheOnyxyou have 5
19:12.47TheOnyxinfobot, forget rayford
19:12.47infoboti forgot rayford, TheOnyx
19:12.56TheOnyxinfobot, rayford eats babies
19:12.59rayford|crankyAh.  Thanks TheOnyx.
19:13.29TheOnyxinfobot, you suck
19:13.29infobotand very well I might add
19:13.39TheOnyxI AM WIN
19:16.11TheOnyxinfobot, TheOnyx is also the winner of The Internet
19:16.12infobotokay, TheOnyx
19:16.19TheOnyxinfobot, rayford eats babies
19:16.29rayfordInfobot, I hate you.
19:16.29infobotYou hate you.?
19:16.29TheOnyxWow, he really doesn't care about rayford.
19:16.41infobotsomebody said theonyx was doing it for the lawls, or the winner of The Internet
19:17.04rayfordinfobot, rayford is a Wowhead editor, and Malgayne's GM on Draenor.  He is the roxoration.  He is always angry, and eats babies.
19:17.04infobotrayford: okay
19:17.10infoboti heard rayford is a Wowhead editor, and Malgayne's GM on Draenor.  He is the roxoration.  He is always angry, and eats babies.
19:17.30rayfordVictory is mine!
19:17.33TheOnyxinfobot, infobot is whack, yo
19:17.33infobot...but infobot is already something else...
19:17.41infobottheonyx, i love abuse, feed me!
19:17.57rayfordinfobot, you are also whack, yo.
19:17.58infobotI think you lost me on that one, rayford
19:18.42TheOnyxinfobot, infobot is also whack, yo
19:18.42infobotokay, TheOnyx
19:18.46infobottheonyx, i love abuse, feed me!, or whack, yo
19:19.01TheOnyxinfobot, forget infobot
19:19.01infoboti forgot infobot, TheOnyx
19:19.11TheOnyxinfobot, infobot is whack, yo
19:19.12infobotTheOnyx: okay
19:19.16infoboti guess infobot is whack, yo
19:23.03rayfordWow.  Some couple in Texas are sueing to ban moments of silence.
19:24.02TheOnyxThere goes IRC.
19:24.22TheOnyxinfobot, texas is scary
19:24.23infobot...but texas is already something else...
19:24.27infobotsomebody said texas was a fine place for y'all to have a big ol' time
19:24.45infoboti heard canada is the 52 state of America. only without all the cool shit like guns....  America's hat.
19:25.04*** join/#wowhead Purp (
19:27.12*** join/#wowhead Katanaa (
19:28.10KatanaaHi there. I'm new to posting on wowhead, and I was wondering if there is some way to edit your posts? I can't find an option to edit or delete a post I made about an hour ago.
19:28.26TheOnyxKatanaa: After 30 minutes, your comment is uneditable.
19:28.42MalgayneModerators can edit the post though.
19:28.43KatanaaAlright, thank you.
19:28.45TheOnyxKatanaa: If you link me to it and tell me what you want changed, I can take care of it.
19:29.56KatanaaAlright. Where can Is end you what I'd like changed? I got the calculations wrong I had posted so I edited my post until I could redo the math and now I can't add it.
19:30.33TheOnyxKatanaa: Paste how you want the post to appear in there.
19:30.46TheOnyxKatanaa: Then,s end me a link to it and I'll copy/paste.
19:31.04KatanaaThank you, appriciate it.
19:37.15TheOnyxKatanaa: link to comment?
19:37.28TheOnyxyou have it in the paste ;0
19:38.19Katanaayeah, sorry if it's any trouble.
19:38.32MalgayneNot at all
19:39.04TheOnyxKatanaa: It's what we're here for. :)
19:39.10TheOnyxKatanaa: Please review the new version.
19:40.15*** join/#wowhead TheOnyx (
19:40.27TheOnyx...and that's what happens when your clipboard doesnt refresh
19:40.49KatanaaLooks perfect, thank you again :)
19:40.55TheOnyxKatanaa: No problem. :)
19:41.12*** mode/#wowhead [+v TheOnyx] by ChanServ
19:50.33*** join/#wowhead Miyari (
19:51.30TheOnyxMiyari: Ahoy.
19:52.19Miyariany healer types abound? i'm bored and want to theorycraft :(
19:52.37TheOnyxMiyari: I played a priest to 60, so I may be of some assistance.
19:52.50Miyaritrying to decide on a pair of boots =/
19:53.06Miyaricause i got a gem i don't want to waste so i'm trying to figure out whether or not i'll really be replacing my current ones
19:53.10TheOnyxMiyari: In general, or do you have a few options from which you want to select?
19:53.12KasoI also play priest
19:53.24Miyarifew options
19:53.33TheOnyxMiyari: Links?
19:53.38Miyari vs vs
19:54.02Miyariit's kind of more between the first two unless i really want to go back to the third just for the sockets, which i'd ignore anyway and socket with 2x reds
19:54.04TheOnyxMiyari: What is your spec?
19:54.17Miyarideep restoration druid
19:54.51Miyarii went with the first ones over the third ones since i had initially planned to ignore the socket bonuses anyway and do 2x 22heal in the sockets
19:55.02Miyariand you can't say no to 47 stamina lol
19:55.14TheOnyxMiyari: What's the gem do?
19:55.29Miyarii'm honoring the socket bonuses atm in the
19:55.44Miyariusing an orange and a purple for the +7 healing bonus
19:56.15Miyaribut i had originally planned not to and just to put two +22 healing gems in it, so in that situation they'd be a lot higher healing than the
19:56.28Miyaribut have no mp5, whereas i'd have mp5 socketing them properly or i'd have more spirit using the enchanted leather ones
19:57.14TheOnyxMiyari: I would favor the sandlals because of their +84 to healing.
19:57.44Miyaribut they aren't slotted, if i were using either of the other pairs i could boost raw +heal drastically :/
19:58.00Miyarithe only advantages they hold are the spirit and the fact that they're leather, which is a moot point
19:58.18Miyariand even still its only 13 spirit so hrm
19:58.48Miyariif i disregard the socket bonuses i could bring the cloth ones to 117 heal
20:00.14TheOnyxMiyari: Ah, right, I missed the +73 at the bottom for the boots
20:00.37TheOnyxMiyari: I'd go for them, especially if you are a restore druid. You don't so much need the armor.
20:02.13Miyarihehe yeah i armory'd some other druid with somewhat comparable gear to mine and he was using the leather ones with 84
20:02.18Miyariso it got me all second guessing myself -_-
20:02.26Miyariplus i dont want to waste the gem lol
20:02.47Miyarii hate orange gems :(
20:03.44Miyarii also hate meta gems hehe
20:04.48rayfordWhoops.  Sorry Mal.
20:04.54rayford|crankyThere.  : P
20:06.28TheOnyxinfobot, rayford is also sorry
20:06.29infobotTheOnyx: okay
20:07.21rayford|crankyNo, I'm really not.
20:07.36rayford|crankyBeing sorry would mean apologizing.  I don't apologize.
20:07.56rayford|crankyinfobot, rayford is not sorry.
20:07.57infobot...but rayford is already something else...
20:08.13TheOnyxinfobot, rayford =~ s/sorry/SHENS/
20:08.13infobotOK, TheOnyx
20:08.21infobotwell, rayford is a Wowhead editor, and Malgayne's GM on Draenor.  He is the roxoration.  He is always angry, and eats babies. SHENS
20:09.40infobotwell, theonyx is doing it for the lawls, or the winner of The Internet
20:12.11infobothmm... miyari is a n00b durid.
20:13.07Miyariwhy cranky!
20:14.55rayford|crankyPerhaps you didn't ready what infobot had to say about me.  Lets repeat it.
20:14.58infoboti guess miyari is a n00b durid.
20:15.09rayford|crankyI put that, cuz I'm cranky.
20:15.11infoboti heard rayford is a Wowhead editor, and Malgayne's GM on Draenor.  He is the roxoration.  He is always angry, and eats babies. SHENS
20:15.18rayford|crankyI'm cranky cuz I'm always angry.
20:15.31Miyarimakes sense
20:15.43rayford|crankyIts an unending spiral.  :D
20:15.56TecnoBratand you are cranky cause you eat babies
20:16.41rayford|crankyNo.  The babies keep me from being pissed off and back stabbing old ladies in the face.
20:16.47TheOnyxNo, he eats babies when he's angry.
20:16.57Miyarimeta gems are stupid
20:17.21TheOnyx...and he's angry because he eats babies.
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20:18.18Miyaribleh i hate using allakhazam
20:18.22Miyariperhaps i am cranky as well
20:18.28Miyarieverything is annoying me today ;o;
20:18.37rayford|crankyYes.  Yes it is.
20:19.10Miyariprolly cause i asked for yesterday off from work and instead had to work at both of my jobs and miss a raid -_-
20:19.17Miyarithen today is the same thing, both jobs, then tomorrow is a long day at one
20:19.31Miyarii just wanna sit here and theorycraft and be nerdy and drink apple juice
20:20.49rayford|crankyYou have apple juice?
20:21.04Miyariyeah but it kinda sucks
20:21.16Miyariits not as good as the kind in the bottle but the bottled isnt cold
20:21.37Miyariso i have disney pirates of the caribbean apple juice boxes instead
20:21.57rayford|crankyAh.  The boxed apple juice isn't quite so bueno.
20:22.44Miyarimore theorycraft
20:22.52Miyari vs
20:25.41TecnoBratwhat class?
20:25.46TecnoBratoh duh
20:25.52TecnoBratlook at it first bleh
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20:25.55rayford|crankyI say I'd go
20:26.14TecnoBratI would smack 9 healing, 2mp5 gems in em
20:26.23Miyariim using 11 heal 2mp5sd
20:26.43Miyaribut rayfordddd :( :( :(
20:26.49Miyarithose are so underwhelming
20:26.56rayford|crankyThen go with the others.  : P
20:27.05Miyaribut the others dont have any spiritttt
20:27.14Miyariblizzard itemize with a dartboard i swear to god
20:27.25TecnoBratspirit is useless besides innervate
20:27.25Miyarijust like they do boss skills no doubt
20:27.26rayford|crankyHah!  Techno agrees with me!
20:27.49rayford|crankyExactly.  Druids get like no mana regen from spirit, right?
20:27.57TecnoBratthey do, 15% while casting
20:28.02TecnoBratbut thats like 2mp5 on those
20:28.06TecnoBratI believe
20:29.36MiyariDuring 15% regeneration, this item would regenerate 1.3499~ mana per tick, or 40 mana/minute.
20:30.02TecnoBrat3.375 mp5
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20:30.41Miyarii could get the ones without spirit up to 14mp5
20:30.44MiyariDuring 15% regeneration, this item would regenerate 0.825 mana per tick, or 25 mana/minute.
20:31.10TecnoBratmp5 works while casting
20:31.13Miyariyeah i know wtf
20:31.16TecnoBratso its 100%
20:31.45MiyariThat's 5.6 mana per tick or 168 mana per minute.
20:32.14Miyarilike i'm not in 5sr
20:32.26Miyarispirit is so underwhelming
20:32.43Miyariugh i need to factor in that divine spirit talent
20:33.22Miyari10% at rank 2 so +3.6 healing from the one with spi lol
20:34.56Miyaribasically have to decide whether or not 36 spi > 17 heal, 1mp5, 6 sta, 7 int
20:36.13rayford|crankyI wouldn't think so.
20:36.20TecnoBratno no
20:36.21TecnoBratyou dont
20:36.27TecnoBratdivine spirit is the PRIESTS spirit
20:36.32TecnoBratnot yours
20:36.54TecnoBratoh wtf, they changed it back
20:37.03TecnoBratit was the priests spirit, looks like its not anymore
20:37.04TecnoBratthats gay
20:37.14Miyarithe talent is 10% of target's
20:37.20TecnoBratits only 10%
20:37.30Miyariyeah lol
20:37.34Miyari3.6 healing wot wot
20:37.45TecnoBratspirit is aparantly getting buffed
20:37.47Miyariit's basically the numbers im looking at before
20:37.54Miyaripfft yeah with wotlk
20:37.59TecnoBratthats what blizz said at blizzcon
20:38.00Miyarii cant worry about that
20:38.08Miyarithis is my outline for the rest of this year
20:38.21TecnoBratspirit is absolutely useless for a paladin
20:38.21Miyariby the time spirit doesnt blow ill probably be worrying about new gear
20:38.36Miyarii miss old tree of life aura
20:38.42Miyarisooo good
20:38.56Miyariit'd be awesome now, too, cause we do healer groups
20:39.11Miyarii remember back before we changed it and we'd have like 3 druids and 2 priests in one party rofl
20:39.16Miyariall with like 1600+ healing at 60 lol
20:39.40Miyariwhen it used to increase +healing of party members not stupid healing taken
20:41.02TecnoBrathaha yea
20:41.16TecnoBrattree is very ... sitational
20:41.31Miyarii use it when raid healing
20:41.41Miyariand on certain boss fights mt healing
20:41.48TecnoBratI'm a raid leader, I tend to always stick druids on raid healing
20:41.51TecnoBratas much as possible
20:42.09TecnoBratcouple paladins + priest on MT
20:42.22TecnoBratvaries of course, but thats the general idea
20:42.24Miyarilike azgalor
20:42.27Miyariim on the tank
20:42.42Miyariits all whatever rl decides
20:42.51TecnoBratWe are still in SSC / TK
20:42.58Miyarihe knows i can do both well so its up to him based on raid makeup
20:43.22TecnoBratOur druids are not good MT healers
20:43.24Miyarisome fights are still like WTFSPAMTHETANK
20:43.42Miyarithen others feel like maexnna with stacking rolling hots
20:43.57Miyarii want that cloak :(
20:44.43TecnoBratI'm a mp5 whore
20:44.48TecnoBrat140 mp5
20:45.47Miyarii think i was on mt like 4-5 of those fights
20:46.02Miyariyah i lurv mp5 im kinda pissed there's like no cloaks with any
20:46.21Miyarii'm bracing myself to pick up one of the high spirit healing cloaks and to lose the mp5 my current one has lol
20:47.02TecnoBratyou have like a spirit staff
20:47.08TecnoBratand a spirit enchant
20:47.27TecnoBratset itemrack to swap in that staff automatically on innervate
20:47.29Miyarii have the one from astromancer with +20 spi on it
20:47.30TecnoBratand you are golden
20:47.42TecnoBratoh, there is one with like 45 or something
20:47.52Miyarithat one ^
20:48.12TecnoBratyea, that one is nice
20:48.24TecnoBratyou mean, that + the enchat
20:48.33TecnoBratI thought you meant it had 20 spirit on it base
20:48.37Miyarioh hehe
20:48.43Miyarino no its got the 20 spi ench so it has 80 total
20:49.02Miyariwe usually have two feral druids
20:49.12Miyariso i just tell THEM to innervate the priests and use mine when i want to hehe
20:49.38Miyarii hate when people try to justify spirit in tree form with comments like the one on that item page
20:49.39Miyari"In addition to this, a Tree of Life druid with this will give an extra +15 healing to any heals cast on their group. If doing a 25-man raid with 6-7 healers, this is equal to about 90-105 +healing (If it was condensed to one person), making it very useful for tank groups."
20:49.59Miyarithat sounds so ignorant -_-
20:50.27TecnoBratMiyari, thats what we do too
20:50.35TecnoBratthe feral druids innervate priests
20:50.39Miyariyah we dont have like
20:50.44Miyariclass leaders or whatnot really anymore
20:51.04Miyarii know if i was feral i wouldnt notice mana lol
20:51.17Miyarihad such a good innervate from one last night ahamagds
20:51.18TecnoBratour priests are just vocal
20:51.24TecnoBrat"Thranz needs an innervate"
20:51.27Miyariinnervated right before we all got bubbled
20:51.29TecnoBratone of em does it
20:51.35Miyariso during the bubble/event it was just raw regen it was so nice
20:51.51TecnoBratthat kinda stuff is good to say in vent, imo
20:52.11Miyarii just take it upon myself sometimes if i know an innervate isnt going to be used there's no reason for it not to be, yknow?
20:52.15rayford|crankyYeah.  I sorta wish my people were more vocal.
20:52.19Miyariill use mine on someone or have a feral use it on a low priest
20:52.30Miyarieven if i know the priest has like a million tricks in his book to bring his mana back to full
20:52.35TecnoBratrayford|cranky, thats the definition of a sucessful raid imo
20:52.40Miyariill be like pfft he can save his tricks for next time XD
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20:52.58TecnoBratI'm a paladin
20:53.01Miyariill use my own innervate on ppl too and just sit around out of 5sr sometimes too
20:53.01TecnoBratI don't have mana issues
20:53.15Miyarinot too many fights are mana issues anymore for most classes
20:53.18Miyariits nice
20:53.19TecnoBratI get like 1000 mana from an innervate, hahaha
20:53.25Miyarithere's still a few ZOMG PATCHWERK WANT TO PLAY fights
20:53.38TecnoBratthose are fun fights
20:53.42TecnoBratI loved patchwerk
20:53.55Miyarihaha yeah
20:54.00TecnoBratI got to show up all of the other healers on patchwerk
20:54.00Miyarii love that kind of high stress healing
20:54.03Miyarihell yeah
20:54.08Miyarimy efficiency was always golden
20:54.15Miyaribarely any overheal yet way up on the top
20:54.24TecnoBratI had one complain that we didnt have enough healers on X tank
20:54.28Miyarisupremus is like patchwerk
20:54.38TecnoBratso I'm like "Fuck that, I'm on X then, and he wont die"
20:54.40TecnoBratand he didn't
20:54.47TecnoBratmade the healer eat crow, it was awesome
20:55.17TecnoBrathe had better gear than me too
20:55.46Miyariwe had team druid for patchwerk rofl
20:55.51Miyaritwo resto druids healing a feral hs tank
20:56.17Miyariim a lifebloom junkie
20:56.17TecnoBratI can't remember what I was healing
20:56.20TecnoBratOh I remember
20:56.27TecnoBratI was on the 3rd "oh shit" tank
20:56.46TecnoBratbasically, I jsut watched the other tanks health, and knew when he was gonna get hit
20:56.50TecnoBratand primed a big heal
20:56.56TecnoBratit was simple really
20:57.14TecnoBrathe only got hit every like ... 10-15 secs
20:57.19TecnoBratif that
20:57.42CorganWhat's wrong with thast picture?
20:57.54albthe ui
20:58.05Corganthe dots are ticking for 1
20:58.16Corganand yes, that ui is aweful
20:58.21rayford|crankyI'mma have to go with the UI.
20:58.33Inc`Holy UI batman
20:58.36Miyariis that a priest wearing tier 6 helm
20:58.37albor maybe the fact that it is default keybindings
20:58.57Malgayne|afkWe should have a weekly feature
20:58.58TecnoBratdefault action bars
20:58.59Malgayne|afk"Trash this UI"
20:59.01TecnoBratdefinately that
20:59.07Miyaribesides the UI lol
20:59.09Malgayne|afkOkay, def. afk now
20:59.29Corganthat's on the ptr, dots were ticking for 1
20:59.39CorganI bet his resil is over 9000
21:00.13Miyariohhh ptr
21:00.48Miyarithat explains the t6
21:00.52Miyarilol 3v3s
21:01.02Miyariour priests wear shadow resist vs locks and such ;)
21:01.17Miyariits obnoxious but funny i did it a few times lol
21:01.26Miyaritheir dots would tick for like 30
21:02.18Miyarii wanna know why i gotta be the third result when i armory my char :(
21:02.35rayford|crankyYou're not cool enough.
21:03.06Miyarii got a beast mastery hunter
21:03.16Miyariand some prot warrior who doesnt enchant his helm above me
21:03.25Miyaribesides the fact that its a dude with my name >.>
21:03.46Miyarithen there's me :(
21:03.47rayford|crankyMiyari:  I'm second when you look for me.  Therefore Me > You.
21:04.29Miyarithe lvl 20 and the lvl 5 are my toons too
21:04.38rayford|crankyI really need to upgrade my OH.  : /
21:04.49Miyariim annoyed with mine =/
21:04.55Miyarii took it as an upgrade which is barely is
21:05.05Miyariwell aren't you special
21:05.24rayford|crankyHe never plays that toon.  That doesn't count.  : P
21:05.46Malgayne|afkI am the only Malgayne out of 9 million subscribers
21:06.26Miyarithat's one of my b/f's chars
21:06.31Miyarihe's the only one too lol
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21:06.58Miyarithmy paladin i
21:07.03Miyarimy paladin is one of three
21:07.13Miyarishe's the lvl 67 ;o;
21:07.21MiyariGO SEE SHE'S CUTE
21:07.35Miyariand has the best helm in the game
21:08.19Miyarishe's a trooper
21:08.32rayford|crankyShe's a stripper.
21:08.36Miyarithat too
21:08.46Miyarii should have logged her out in her lightwhatever pauldrons
21:08.50Miyarior w/e the crap tier 1 is lol
21:08.57Miyarii took her into molten core last week rofl
21:09.05rayford|crankyHaha.  Nice.  Have her solo crap?
21:09.06Inc`What's wrong with strippers? They are people too you know... :P
21:09.21Miyarinah lol
21:09.24rayford|crankyI never said anything was wrong with strippers.
21:09.26Miyarialthough we all managed to die to garr
21:09.33Miyariso i watched a warrior, shaman and rogue kill him
21:09.41Miyarithen the shaman died somehow at around 60%
21:09.44rayford|crankyHehehe.  Garrrr!
21:09.46Miyariso it was a warrior and a rogue
21:09.48Miyarifor like
21:09.51Miyari10 minutes
21:09.59Miyarialt rogue even lol
21:10.04Miyariit was obnoxious rofl
21:10.37rayford|crankyThats awesome.
21:10.44Miyariwe got one of those last night o_o
21:10.48rayford|crankyI've been considering taking my people into MC.  Just for the fun of it.  ; P
21:10.58Miyariit mounts absolutely terribly on the back, its like sideways AND crooked
21:10.58rayford|crankyOooh.  Very nice.
21:11.34jmeMiyari: that's like the first thing nihilum dropped from illidan
21:11.50jmevery nice
21:11.52Miyariyah prolly
21:11.57Miyariwe get terrible illidan loot
21:12.01rayford|crankyI think so, actually.
21:12.01Miyariother than the warglaives
21:12.04jmei want the bow
21:12.06Miyariwell actually no
21:12.07Miyarii gotta be fair
21:12.13rayford|crankyNo you don't.
21:12.17Miyariwe've gotten both warglaives, the bow, two skull of gul'dan
21:12.25Miyariand the shield now
21:12.30jmeMiyari: who got the warglaives?
21:12.53rayford|crankyYou're a member of THAT guild.
21:12.54jmeMiyari: oh, you're in his guild?
21:13.00Miyariyeah THAT one
21:13.06Miyarithe one with the terrible druid named miyari
21:13.14rayford|crankyI hate her.
21:13.17Miyarii guess its just that cloak i dont like
21:13.28Miyarithat one
21:13.33Miyarievery time i see that drop its like UGH
21:13.47Miyaribut im anti-healer spell haste so lol
21:13.54jmewhy doesn't furi have the t6 chest yet? :X
21:13.58Miyarihigborne wtfux
21:14.25jmesomeone in my guild saw him in AV last weekend
21:14.25Miyarihe can't get everything :p
21:14.42Miyarihe will soon tho
21:14.48Miyariboth our mages and other rogue have it
21:14.52jmei'm on stormreaver, same battlegroup, so we get to link all your loots now
21:14.55Miyariso there's really just him
21:14.56Miyariand like
21:15.02Miyariand the feral druids
21:15.04Miyaribut also ME
21:15.21jmei still haven't seen T4 yet, so yeah
21:15.22Miyariyah i heard we just exist to fill ppls lootlink o_o
21:15.29jmesaw it drop, but i lost the friggin roll
21:16.11Miyaribeat people up
21:16.23jmeyeah since you dropped both warglaives people keep linking them in trade on our server
21:16.25MiyariHAY rayford wut did you mean by that anyway !
21:16.30Miyariyou think it's bad on YOUR server
21:16.37Miyarii haven't been in trade channel for over 2 weeks
21:16.41rayford|crankyWait.  What huh?  I'm not paying attention.
21:16.44Miyariand we all get tells
21:16.48Miyarilike nonstop
21:16.54Miyariabout like the stupidest stuff
21:16.59Miyariif it isnt about warglaives or just really dumb questions
21:17.02Miyariits about our retribution paladin
21:17.09jmei sent grant a tell in AV with a grats :/
21:17.09Miyaricause he has like some e-fan club
21:17.13Miyarilol see
21:17.28rayford|crankyMiyari:  You invoked the name of Rayford.  Whachu want?!
21:17.34jmemaybe that was eots
21:17.34Miyariyou said i was in THAT guild
21:17.44rayford|crankyOh.  Yeah.  THAT guild.
21:17.45Miyariwas that like a THAT 70s show that
21:18.04rayford|crankyNo, it was more of a "oh, you're one of THOSE people."
21:18.25MiyariNOW WHAT
21:18.29rayford|crankyWith a distinctly superior sound to it.
21:18.33Miyariuh huh
21:18.54Miyaria likely story
21:19.37Miyarii missed raid last night and 2x druidmagerogue gloves dropped -_
21:19.40Miyarii hate my gloves
21:19.47rayford|crankyActually, it was because I'd read the story of the guy that got both warglaives on, and I remember seeing a picture, and I wanted to see if I could see your toon.
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21:20.07rayford|crankyPlus, I didn't expect you to be in the same guild as the guy that got the first set of warglaives, thats all.
21:20.11Miyarithose ss were awful :/
21:20.14Miyarii took some HOT ones
21:20.20Miyariwe spent like 20 min making fun of his ss
21:20.22rayford|crankyYup.  Whats with the one of him facing a wall?  : P
21:20.31Miyarirofl yeah
21:20.32Miyarii dont even know
21:20.36Miyarihe told him to turn around so he did
21:20.58rayford|crankyThats all, really.
21:21.13rayford|crankyAnd I wanted to give you a hard time.
21:21.14Miyarimine are on there ^
21:21.28Miyaricos i save everything at like highest setting pngs rofl
21:22.13Miyarilol wtf this guy made a post on our forums "tier 4 plz"
21:22.19Miyariasking to buy the entire tier 4 set for 3kg
21:22.33jmelike run throughs of kara/gruul/mag?
21:22.48rayford|crankyWow.  Those look awful when they're on the back.
21:23.20rayford|crankyMiyari:  Nice UI.  : P
21:23.42Miyariyah they're like backwards
21:24.14Miyariwell no like
21:24.16Miyariwe sell loot
21:24.19Miyaribut we dont even run kara
21:24.30Miyariand this guy's post is like "I all day long eccept for around 3am severtime to 10am servertime "
21:24.49jmeand he doesn't have t4 yet?
21:25.04Miyariits some random guy
21:25.10Miyariwho not only posted in the wrong thread, but double posted
21:25.20Miyariand asked to buy things we dont even sell
21:25.31Miyariand with that grammar
21:25.38jmeMiyari: "recruit meh plex"
21:25.48rayford|crankyDURIDS IS 4 BARE!
21:25.53rayford|cranky>.>  Sorry.  Had to say it.  ; P
21:25.54MiyariSOME DURIDS IS 4 HEEL
21:26.09rayford|crankyKAT DURIDS IS 4 FYTE!
21:26.57Miyarisee the link i sent you lol
21:27.02TheOnyxCAT DRUID NO IS 4 HEEL
21:27.09jmeI CAN HAS HEAL
21:27.12Miyarithese people
21:28.12Inc`hay gusy lol
21:29.25Miyarioh hawt
21:29.30Miyariwe set a dps tracked record lewl
21:29.31kainsavageHAY GUISE LAWL
21:29.42kainsavagewhat's up with the alamo-speak?
21:30.45Miyariffs i dun wanna go to work
21:31.02rayford|crankyMiyari:  I'm AT work.  If I must suffer, so must you!
21:31.24Miyarias least you can idle on irc while at work
21:31.26*** join/#wowhead Paradox_ (
21:31.37jmeyeah, but i can't play wow at work
21:31.54Miyarineither can i!
21:31.57Miyarii dont even get to talk about it
21:32.01Miyaricause i work with a bunch of wow haters
21:32.04TecnoBratMiyari, what server you on?
21:32.06Miyariand everyone that comes in is DUMB
21:32.20Paradox_7-day-drake :)
21:32.27jmehmm, illidan downed on illidan
21:32.58TecnoBratwow, your enh shaman pumps it out
21:33.30rayford|crankyCuz Enhancement Shammies are teh awwsum.
21:33.33Miyariwe use 2
21:33.39Miyarihe also dies whenever possibl;e
21:33.50TecnoBratwell, he did about 1200 dps
21:33.52Miyarii remember like last year
21:33.53Miyariwith his hand of rag
21:33.56TecnoBraton that top illidan kill
21:33.57Miyarihe'd like swing at a target
21:34.08Miyariand it would just spin around and oneshot him
21:34.14Miyarithat's from last night yah
21:34.16Miyariwhen i had to work klfahfjlahwuofawfa
21:34.21*** join/#wowhead Sky2042afk_ (
21:34.22Miyarijust like tonight hawuiohfauiwhf
21:34.35Miyariapparently our dps is insane
21:34.39Miyariim ignorant to things like damage
21:35.10Miyarisolarian is fun lol
21:35.43Miyariugh changing for work brb
21:38.31Malgayne|afkSOME DURIDZ IZ BARE
21:40.46Miyarimaybe work will be boring and i can sit around with a notebook and be bored and nerdy
21:41.25rayford|crankyWrite a WoW fanfic or something.  Thats pretty nerdy.
21:41.41Miyariwow that's almost nerdier than going over item stats
21:41.55Miyariand reevaluating spirit contributions
21:41.59rayford|crankyBa-zing.  Ouch.
21:42.09Malgayne|afkThat's not true
21:42.16Malgayne|afkThat's just the difference between a lore nerd and a math nerd
21:42.39Miyaribut i love teh lore
21:42.46Miyariomg did you watch the lore panel
21:42.59Miyarifrom blizzcon
21:43.00Malgayne|afkat blizzcon?
21:43.12Malgayne|afknot yet
21:43.15MiyariDO EET
21:43.18Miyaritaunka :D!!
21:43.23Miyariand omg tirion fordring ;o;
21:43.25Miyarihe's so cool
21:43.49Malgayne|afkI don't think I can listen to a whole hour while I'm at work.
21:43.58rayford|crankySummary.  Now.
21:45.11CorganHey Vajitis
21:45.22CorganWhat does the scouter say about his resilience
21:46.03CorganIt's over 9000!
21:46.08CorganWhat! 9000?!
21:46.32albwhat again
21:46.50Miyarii hope someone as nerdy as me comes into the store tonight
21:46.52Corganbecause as Mr_Rabies2 pointed out
21:46.55Miyariso i can spend like 2 hours bsing about wow and stuff
21:47.03Corganthe guy's name is vajitis
21:50.19*** join/#wowhead Mero (
21:57.15ElCoronelhunters are so overpowered
21:57.21Skosirisare they?
22:02.49KasoPaper is overpowered, rock needs a buff
22:03.42rayford|crankyNo way.  Buff scissors.  Rock one shots scissors all the time.
22:04.44ElCoronelactually i was baiting
22:04.47ElCoronelI only run hunters
22:05.05MalgayneNo one biting in here?
22:08.30Inc`Warlocks are mushrooms!
22:08.57rayford|crankyBrb.  Red Bull.
22:18.10zushibaYou guys wanna play a game?
22:18.18zushibait's called spot the horrible mistake.
22:18.21zushibaDo you see it?
22:18.34zushibaKinda like Wheres Waldo only with the armory.
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22:19.43zushibaI wonder if his name was right next to a hunter.
22:20.51MalgayneOooh!  Oooh!
22:20.54MalgayneIs it
22:21.25zushibaDING Black Bow of the Betrayer on a rogue, you win the internet.
22:22.09zushibaI guess he has a really really horrible mana drain now though.
22:22.42Malgayne"but, but it's got AP on it!"
22:22.56MalgayneI should put a comment on it that says HUNTAR WAEPON
22:23.19zushibait would be thottbot all over again Oo
22:24.01rayford|redbullDo it, Mal.
22:24.03MalgayneI wish you could post comments on armory profiles.  :)
22:24.18jmccaffrey"Wow you're real bad'
22:24.21jmccaffreyI would probably get hat
22:25.20zushibaI would get "Get more AP" and "Get more hit"
22:25.41zushibahaha modded up
22:26.14zushibaI love seeing these rogues on Illidan still wearing the Drape of the Dark Reavers
22:26.26jmccaffreyMalgayne: Without obviously talking too much about specifics, in the wowhead profiles, were you planning on using "real" user data from armory or just data farmed from your own tools?
22:26.43jmccaffreyzushiba: Hunters with dual mongoose is pretty hot
22:27.29jmccaffreyI understand if you can't really comment
22:27.31zushibaI've seen that...
22:27.39zushibadual mongoose hunters.
22:27.47zushibait boggles the mind.
22:27.54MalgayneUnfortunately no.  But if you tell me why you ask, I might be able to answer your question a little better...?
22:28.23zushibahmm Paradox, that is interesting..
22:29.07jmccaffreyMalgayne: I was just wondering for educational purpose, it brings up the issue of "officially verified" profiles versus something that could be fake for some reason.  Not that it matters, I was just curious on what design philosophy you might go with.
22:30.01MalgayneMy personal thought--and I'm not coder, I honestly don't know what Sko has planned
22:30.10MalgayneBut my personal thought would be to combine them
22:30.31MalgayneComb the armor for "current" gear, but also be able to save multiple profiles/wishlists like CT used to
22:30.45zushibaI would figure there would be an 'import' function from the armory but nothin more.
22:31.39jmccaffreyThats a good way to do it, a lot of people, me included, like to paper doll, and even from just a theorycrafting point of view, having that ability would be nice and provide something(besides an undoubtedly less bloated interface) that armory proper does not.
22:31.49zushibathere's very little reason to try and take over armory functionality, I mean. it's there and working right? I want something that will help me see what my stats are with X on instead of Y or with spec C instead of spec B
22:32.58*** join/#wowhead Undine (
22:33.03MalgayneI dont' see much reason to compete either
22:33.14MalgayneBut the import funciton would have to be there, I would think
22:33.30MalgayneDon't want people to have to go to the armory in the middle of their theorycrafting
22:33.38jmccaffreyYea, I am really too lazy to either load a mod from wowhead(sorry) or to find all my gear manually
22:33.42jmccaffreySo importing would be nice
22:33.45zushibaEspecially when you factor in gems.
22:33.51zushibacause seriously, I hate that.
22:34.17MalgayneOh yeah
22:34.25MalgayneI tried to get some friends to use ctprofiles
22:34.29MalgayneIt was quite the uphill battle
22:34.46zushibaI tried to get the CTprofiles source but they decided to sit on it but the time I was able to contact them.
22:35.31*** part/#wowhead scragg (
22:35.38jmccaffreysource code to the application?
22:35.50zushibayeah for a while they were looking for someone to take it over.
22:35.59jmccaffreyI imagine its just your run of the mill data binding
22:36.17zushibabut they didn't make it very easy to contact them so by the time I was able to get ahold of any of them they had changed their mind and decided to sit on it.
22:36.46zushibano the actual CTProfiles actual code.
22:37.00zushibathe interface, the database that fun stuff.
22:37.17zushibaNot the addon, hell I could write an addon to gather the data myself.
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22:37.38jmccaffreyThe most interesting part of that would be their database layout I think
22:37.48zushibaoh well, I do have the old Rogue-Equip source.
22:38.09zushibabut updating that... its a nightmare.
22:38.43zushibaI did make some small updates and added deadliness, changed the icons over to png's locally hosted cause thottbot is slow as hell.
22:39.21jmccaffreyDid you use a caching mechanism, so it queries once from there and then saves it for later serving on the host?
22:40.35zushibaRogue equip used a server side cache of some configuation the code itself doesn't actually cache anything.
22:41.13jmccaffreyThe tricky part about caching from say thottbot would be trying to asses when you needed to expire
22:41.56zushibathey actually axed their icon hosting all together so far as I know.
22:42.21zushibaI could no longer hotlink to them so I extracted the icons from wow myself and host my own.
22:42.53jmccaffreyDo they use some kind of identifier so you can relate the item data to your own wow folder's icons?
22:43.53zushibathey all have their own names, the data is actually part of the item in wow itself, get an addon like iteminfo and it will show you all that fun stuff.
22:44.11zushibafor instance
22:44.30zushibaI would suggest you not back up a directory, it might kill your browser.
22:45.28zushibamm not that bad.
22:45.48jmccaffreyOh so you can pull the data from wow directly into like SQL and then query it on the web and not need to use thottbot for item data?
22:47.11zushibayeah, they are all in the mpqs
22:47.35zushibaand the items ingame call them directly by name so you don't have to rename them or anything.
22:48.25zushibaSo like hunter T6 icon is really called INV_Helmet_95.blp
22:48.44zushibajust rename all instances of .BLP with .PNG
22:49.32jmccaffreyso the blp is really just a png or do you have to convert the image with imagemagick or the like
22:49.53zushibayou have to convert it, blp is blizzards own format
22:51.29TecnoBrat6 people possibly wanting in our guild together
22:51.35TecnoBratthat could either be really good
22:51.37TecnoBrator really bad
22:51.40jmccaffreyInteresting stuff, I write web applications for a living(php,, sql server, oracle, etc...) but never have done anything w/ wow
22:51.57TecnoBrat3 of tjem are classes we need, 2 of them we could use a backup, and 1 is overfilled already
22:52.04jmccaffreyTecnoBrat: Just gotta make sure they don't clique in your guild
22:52.12TecnoBratjmccaffrey, yea
22:54.46zushibaI work all day coding boring crap for a college.
22:54.54zushibaThen I go home and code fun stuff for myself.
22:55.12TecnoBratI was building this:
22:55.23TecnoBratits got some work still, quite a bit
22:55.39TecnoBratdont know if I will finish it
22:55.49TecnoBratI have too much RL crap going on
22:56.18jmccaffreyTecnoBrat: Can we comment on it?
22:56.29TecnoBratif you want to, lol
22:56.38zushibaI know how that goes, I've not updated any of my own stuff for a very long time.
22:57.15zushiba  rogue damage min/max calculator still linked too quite a bit but I've not updated it in a while.
22:57.29zushibait's missing a massive amount of weapons.
22:57.33jmccaffreyTecnoBrat: Is this a php site?
22:57.39TecnoBratruby on rails
22:58.35TecnoBratits got some bugs, and not completely finished
22:58.42*** join/#wowhead Kaso_ (
22:58.58*** join/#wowhead Saladin (
22:59.12TecnoBratmost of the functionality is there, you can signup, comment on bosses, there is articles for bosses, you can write guides
22:59.21TecnoBratit has integrated item links from wowhead
23:00.10jmccaffreyLooks nice
23:01.07TecnoBratobviously, its empty though
23:01.34jmccaffreyYour CSS is pretty clean, something about that 6 squares logo doesn't fit for me, but I imagine that stuff is just place holder.  Looks highly extensible by the URLs atleast
23:01.43jmccaffreythumbs up ;)
23:02.12TecnoBratyea, its a placeholder
23:02.33zushiba13% wipe on Tidewalker last night and everyone called it a night.
23:02.44TecnoBratdon't know if you have ever used RoR
23:02.59TecnoBratbut its great
23:05.47zushibai don't think I've seen RoR used on large scale websites before.
23:06.06jmccaffreyI create an intranet site, and I wrote the first iteration in php writing my own MVC framework and such in what I believe is rather standard php practice.  Recently we have had some major design changes so I looked for another development environment.  I considered RoR and played around with it, as well as Django for python, struts for java, and microsoft's
23:06.39zushibaewww microsoft
23:06.53jmccaffreyRoR was nice, I ended up going with for what I believed was improved integration with active directory, exchange, and other services we use at the office
23:07.25zushibawell if you use active directory I guess you can't really get better integration than
23:08.02jmccaffreyMicrosoft has alot of questionable stuff, past and present(frontpage, 9x, works!?!, client licenses for exchange users, etc...) but some of their tools like Visual Studio are IMO unmatched
23:08.07*** join/#wowhead DevilStick (
23:08.36jmccaffreyAnd I come from a unix background, so I am fully aware of emacs, gdb, gcc
23:13.04ElCoronelI notice you don't mention mono
23:15.00jmccaffreyWhat about mono
23:15.08TecnoBratmy real job, uses RoR for some pretty major projects
23:15.17TecnoBratwe just launched a new ad server written in RoR
23:15.35TecnoBratit serves about 800 million ads a month
23:16.02*** join/#wowhead Raws (
23:16.04jmccaffreyDo you allow rails to handle the database through their object relational mapper or do you write your own queries
23:17.42Inc`ohnoes it's raws
23:17.47Inc`we are all doomed!
23:17.52Rawscrap, where?!
23:18.45TecnoBratjmccaffrey, I'm not a developer here, but all of the actual ad selection is custom queries
23:18.54TecnoBratbecause we want to do some really specific things
23:19.01TecnoBratincluding some memcaching, etc
23:19.10jmccaffreyRight, that is my problem with ORMs
23:19.14TecnoBratbut all of the ad management UI stuff, just uses ActiveRecord
23:19.36TecnoBratActiveRecord allows you to pass a custom query, and it returns it as an object
23:19.42TecnoBratso its just a 1 line change
23:19.57TecnoBratso its not a "hack"
23:20.31jmccaffreyRight, my problem with some of the frameworks I looked at was that they didn't really like me implementing my own data access layer
23:20.32TecnoBratif you know what I mean :)
23:20.40jmccaffreyAnd were bent on trying to manage it for me, which is bad IMO
23:20.40TecnoBratahh right
23:20.49Rawsare we talking about Rails?
23:20.51TecnoBratwell, sometimes you don't care
23:20.54TecnoBratRaws, I am, yes.
23:21.18Rawsoh, sexy, keep talking about it, then
23:21.36jmccaffreyRight, on a site like the one you showed earlier where all the data is internally created and you aren't integrating with X ammount of 3rd party legacy systems, yea ORM would be great probably
23:21.38TecnoBratdo you use Rails?
23:22.09TecnoBratjmccaffrey, yes, on the site I showed, there really is no reason for me to ever want to touch SQL
23:22.36TecnoBratbut in other cases, there sure as hell is
23:22.38TecnoBratlike our adserver
23:23.24jmccaffreyRight, or my system where all the queries are in a stored procedure API and not in the web app at all
23:24.13TecnoBratlike an xml API?
23:24.18TecnoBratof some sort?
23:24.33Inc`Frameworks are nice
23:24.45Inc`But frameworks are usually bloated and never tailored to your exact needs
23:25.01Inc`There's usually a lot of overhead, at least from previous experience
23:25.05Rawswhen I'm working with PHP, I love CodeIgniter/Kohana
23:25.13RawsIt's nice and lightweight
23:25.34TecnoBratjmccaffrey, in that case, I would probably write a rails plugin that your models would inherit so you can use the models normally, but it wouldn't use ActiveRecord, istead would use your custom API
23:25.52TecnoBratInc`, depends on the framework, but yea
23:26.52zushiba" * Windfury Totem has been fixed (for real, this time) so that instant special attacks such as Slam and Sinister Strike will not trigger its extra attacks. On next swing attacks such as Heroic Strike and Cleave will continue to trigger it."
23:28.31TecnoBratI meant to say "that has a module that your models would inherit"
23:28.40rayford|redbullzushiba:  Where'd ya read that?
23:28.49TecnoBratit was on General
23:28.57*** join/#wowhead Zarnox (
23:29.51TecnoBratanywho, I'm out for awhile, ttyl
23:29.57rayford|redbullLater Techno.
23:30.36ZarnoxI wanted to direct this: to the attention of someone who can remove all the private server things.
23:31.32MalgayneJust got finished putting that on the bug queue
23:31.34MalgayneThanks Zarnox
23:32.14Zarnox This as well, I can assure you, Rak'shiri does not spawn in stormwind city.
23:34.36Zarnox or this (it's a shark yet it states it spawns on land, it only appears in Azshara)
23:35.41MalgayneHmm, I dont' htink these last two are in the queue yet.  One sec, I'll ad them
23:36.20zushibaRak'shiri as a pet?
23:36.56Zarnoxyeah, probably
23:37.35MalgayneBah, bad net connection
23:38.10RawsI'm on a Mac so I've never used the WH helper thing. Is it a mod, or an external app, or both?
23:38.26MalgayneBoth, unfortunatley
23:38.29MalgayneI can't use it on my mac either
23:38.39zushibaNo mac devs for wh?
23:38.49RawsHmm, then can't the external app check before it goes about uploading stuff?
23:38.58RawsOr is that unfeasible because you can't get a definitive list of Blizz realms?
23:39.44zushibaRaws, there's apps that will start wow and direct it to the custom server without the need of editing the
23:40.02Zarnox Edirah is only in Exodar, not Orgrimmar or Stormwind
23:40.05RawsAlso, the external app should've been written in Java, then you could have cross-platform compatibility with only a five thousand percent decrease in speed
23:40.10Rawszushiba, ah
23:40.13ZarnoxNor does she teach Portal: Shattrath
23:40.15RawsGood point
23:40.27MalgayneThe Wowhead looter is LUA mod
23:40.27MalgayneBut the database upload and addon maintenance is handled by an external app
23:40.48bleeterpfft Xplatform in Java
23:40.57bleeterdo it in QT, and you don't have problems with various JVMs
23:41.10Zarnox does not teach portal: shattrath...
23:41.28zushibaMalgayne, there needs to be a "report this entry" button somewhere.
23:41.29bleeterand if you can rub a braincell, with QT you can build OSX, Win32 and *nix all on the one machine
23:41.38Zarnox nor does he
23:42.29MalgayneZu, we're looking at changing the reporting format
23:42.31MalgayneMake it easer
23:43.16Zarnox does not appear in goldshire
23:43.40Zarnoxand that's all I have, for now
23:43.43zushibaDoes the addon send information about who the information came from? and then mark those updates appropriatly?
23:43.53MalgayneZarnox, actually, can you do me a favor
23:44.06MalgayneCan you just copy all those URLs into a list and email it to
23:44.18MalgayneThe document server that has our bug list on it is behaving badly right now, and I have to run out
23:44.23MalgayneBut I don't want to lose this list
23:45.22MalgayneZushiba, i'm still learning the nuts and bolts of how the looter works.  This latest batch had a ton of private server data in it, whereas before it's been pretty clean--I'm not sure what changed exactly
23:45.55ZarnoxI only recently discovered Wowhead... I think it's an awesome site, time to start contributing :p
23:45.57zushibaI'm sure you guys have it under control.
23:46.05MalgaynePlease do
23:46.21MalgayneThe client is mystadio's baby, he's still got a lot to teach me
23:46.38Malgayneinfobot, mystadio built the wowhead client.
23:46.53Malgayneinfobot, mystadio is the guy who built the wowhead client.
23:46.54infobotMalgayne: okay
23:47.01MalgayneNeeds the word "is" in there I guess
23:47.27Adysinfobot, forget mystadio
23:47.27infobotAdys: i forgot mystadio
23:47.41Adysinfobot, mystadio is <reply>Mystadio built the Wowhead client.
23:47.42infobotAdys: okay
23:47.47infobotMystadio built the Wowhead client.
23:48.01zushibaI figure the information uploaded has to be correlated with a bunch of other uploads from other users before it goes live.
23:48.11MalgayneYeah, it does
23:48.32zushibathings like NPC locations should have a decay rate.
23:48.32MalgayneWhich is why we get a lot of people who are like "I saw item xxx drop from mob yyy and I uploaded the data, why isn't it on the site?"
23:48.34*** join/#wowhead TheOnyx (
23:48.56MalgayneMaybe one particular private server just got popular enough to push it over the threshold...?
23:49.05Paradox_why is there so much private server crap on wowhead
23:49.10*** mode/#wowhead [+v TheOnyx] by ChanServ
23:49.14AdysSuch as, Paradox_ ?
23:49.17zushibait could have been a concerted effort by people running private servers as well.
23:49.21Paradox_all the links people are linking
23:49.26Paradox_found one myself earlier..
23:49.29zushibabut then they would have uploaded far more interesting stuff...
23:49.46Adysthe recent additions are actually from live servers
23:49.58Paradox_like a goblin in durotar selling netherdrakes?
23:50.29MalgayneThat one's on the bug list already
23:50.32MalgayneAs is Eyonix
23:50.55MalgayneWe've gotten like 10 bug reports a day telling us Eyonix doesn't sell the Mongoose enchant formula for the last three days
23:51.24Paradox_why dont you fix it then :E?
23:51.36zushibaneeds a bury feature for each individual entry so people can collectivly moderate the site.
23:51.54MalgayneBecause I don't have the passwords to access the database
23:52.02Malgaynehave to get Mystadio to do it and he's been away
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23:52.09Adysonly skosiris and mystadio can do that
23:52.10Adysand aye
23:52.13zushibainstead of 3 days of bug reports it could simply have dropped off or become invisible until it could be looked at.
23:52.26MalgayneThat's a good idea zushiba
23:52.45Adysit'd be really hard to implement
23:52.49MalgayneMight be too dangerous too
23:52.58zushibaeasy to abuse.
23:53.00Adysmainly due to the nature of really varied data
23:53.07MalgayneLike, a group of committed pranksters could wipe Illidan off the database
23:53.13Adysya, too
23:53.13zushibabut then only give a few people the ability to do it and then you don't have a problem.
23:53.27Adysthe thing is
23:53.43Adysdrop rates, drop locs, npc locs, npcs, items, quests, quest rewards, etc etc etc
23:53.49Adystheres a lot of different data
23:54.11Adysit wouldnt be easy to implement a "data rating" system
23:54.49zushibaI know it wouldn't be easy, just an idea :P
23:55.12Adystheres a few securities up on the site, and theres human verification behind it aswell
23:55.16Adys+ eventual bug reports
23:55.28Paradox_or couldn't you just put a check into the client to not collect data from non official servers
23:55.39Adysit's already there
23:55.49Adysand its easy to bypass due to the nature of saved addon data
23:55.55zushibanot amazingly easy to check for if the person is intent upon making fake data.
23:56.05Adysit is actually
23:56.13zushibaoh do go on
23:56.15Adysaddons can get the server and battlegroup's name
23:56.25Adys(dont ask me how, no clue, they just can)
23:56.27ZarnoxMalgayne: sent
23:56.41Paradox_so people are playing on private servers, then playing on an official server, uploading the data and that's how it's caused?
23:56.43AdysHowever that can be modified
23:57.02AdysNo, just people modifying their saved data
23:57.31zushibaLike I said if someone is absolutly intent upon faking data they will.
23:57.36AdysNot really gonna go deeper into how to do it :p but its easy for anyone who knows how addon saving work
23:57.41zushibabut then you would need alot of people doing it for it to work.
23:57.57Adystheres also the possibility for the private server to be named same as an official server
23:58.15zushibaI think a bit of my desk that I really need for my desk to remain a desk just popped off.....
23:58.33Adyssounds good
23:58.48zushibaI'm going to pretend it didn't happen and hope for the best.
23:58.54MalgayneAwesome.  :)
23:59.00MalgayneAlright--I gotta head out for a bit
23:59.04MalgayneThanks for the heads up, Zarnox
23:59.06AdysHave fun mal!
23:59.11MalgaynePlease feel free to send more if you find them
23:59.13ZarnoxNo problem Malgayne, glad to contribute
23:59.16ZarnoxSure thing
23:59.35MalgayneI'm not sure exaclty how sko/myst purge this data--it might be possible to get rid of it all at once
23:59.50MalgayneBut just in case they have to manually get rid of each one, that'll really help
23:59.56Adysdirty sql requests afaik

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