IRC log for #wowhead on 20081111

00:00.14Mowseyflight path
00:00.34MowseyI wanted to save like 5 minutes, lol
00:02.17TecnoBratI have this mental image
00:02.30Mowsey<Mowsey's Pet> best guild name evar
00:02.32TecnoBratof Skosiris dancing to "she's a maniac"
00:03.00MowseySting, darnassus raid imo
00:03.04Mowseyscrew heroics
00:03.13MowseyThey have 1 raid group already!! :O
00:03.18TecnoBratI know its interesting
00:03.27TecnoBratotherwise I wouldn't say it! :P
00:03.34MowseyTecnoBrat, why did you visualize this? :P
00:03.44TecnoBratbecause Malgayne called him a maniac
00:03.59TecnoBrat"HE'S A MANIAC"
00:04.03TecnoBratto be more exact
00:04.11FathiosSince I have no idea what he looks like and now I'm thinking about it I'm seeing this goblin rocket with arms and legs dancing
00:04.19MowseySting, don't reinvite the mage btw
00:04.20MowseyHe sucks
00:04.34FathiosWhat is going on?  Are you in a raid together?
00:04.35Stingso do you but im not complaining
00:04.44FathiosForgive me, I just came back from being AFK
00:04.47Mowseyjust a group together
00:04.58FathiosI remember, I was doing WC with my alt
00:05.40FathiosWe had this noob priest who rolled need on that chance-on-hit mace and glowing lizardscale cloak...we kicked him and me (enh shaman) healed the rest of the instance
00:05.53FathiosI, not me
00:05.57FathiosI fail at grammers
00:08.59TecnoBratchance ON hit
00:09.03TecnoBrator chance TO hit?
00:09.05*** join/#wowhead Cadwallion (n=Cadmind@
00:09.09Fathioschance on hit
00:09.15Fathiosthe one that drops in WC
00:09.51MowseyStingers!! D:
00:09.52lprichyou rock at scrolling though
00:10.01MowseyTake Corgan >.>
00:10.01Fathios=}) Italkian man!
00:10.07*** kick/#wowhead [Fathios!] by TecnoBrat (STOP THAT)
00:10.08Stinghes going to go afk like he always does
00:10.23*** join/#wowhead Fathios (
00:10.26Fathiossorry botu that
00:10.40Fathiosi was going to leave anyway...just wanted to say sorry
00:10.50MowseySting afk'd
00:10.58MowseyJust after saying Corgan goes afk all the time
00:11.06MowseyIt's terrible
00:12.10TecnoBratpokes Mowsey
00:12.22lprichTecnoBrat: Family Friendly!
00:12.39FinalX'Players can only create a death knight on a realm on which they have at least one level-55 or higher character, and they can only create one death knight at a time on any given realm.'
00:12.50FinalXso no making a lvl 55 DK on a random realm where you dont even have a char
00:12.59lprichThat's old news.
00:13.05MowseySomeone said you can xfer them though
00:13.06lprichAnd, it's also proper and right.
00:13.21FinalXMowsey: Aye, probably
00:13.43lprichWhat they should implement is creating all classes at 55 once you get a single class to 80.
00:14.05FinalXI have no need for that, already got all classes, and pretty much all of em at 70 :P
00:15.26TecnoBratlprich, allow the *OPTION* imo
00:15.27*** join/#wowhead Gryphon (
00:15.33TecnoBratsome people like leveling :)
00:15.37*** join/#wowhead Gryphen (n=gryphon@
00:15.53TecnoBrat|Pixel|, got it? now go code it!
00:16.14TecnoBratwaits for the reply of "huh?"
00:16.47Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:17.34FinalXlprich: I don't, allow creating a char at 55 that you already have on a diferent realm at 55+ imho. You should learn your class by levelling...
00:17.51FinalXDK starts at 55 and that's when you start learning it, they adapted the game to that..
00:17.55*** join/#wowhead malikeye_ (
00:18.17selckinhow many level does netherweave bandages still skill? (above 375)
00:20.53robotuschbot much iirc
00:21.28MowseyYou failed =/
00:21.41Stingwhat are you talking about
00:22.05robotuschselckin, I take that back, they stop skilling up at 375
00:22.11robotuschFrostweave bandages start at 350
00:23.52|Pixel|what ?
00:24.12|Pixel|I'm not coding that :P
00:24.13lprichTecnoBrat: Yeah, the option.
00:24.35TecnoBrat|Pixel|, okay, code flying monkeys!
00:24.54|Pixel|that's somewhat funnier, but I won't either
00:24.57lprichBecause leveling from 1-80 is going to suck hardcore.
00:25.11TecnoBrat|Pixel|, then what are you gonna code!
00:25.21|Pixel|the levelling curves are being lowered again
00:25.30|Pixel|so it's easier and easier to level up
00:26.25lprichand you get mounts at 30
00:26.47lprichbut all the level curve changes do is make crappier players, really
00:26.56lprichbecause you -never- have to run the lowbie instances anymore
00:27.28lprichmy thoughts on the whole subject aren't coherent right now
00:27.58malikeye_wow, pfsense is awesome
00:28.05lprichyes, yes it is
00:28.09lprichand pf rules
00:28.19malikeye_is that a snort plugin ?
00:28.39lprichas in, PF kicks ass.
00:28.52malikeye_I need to get snort up on this thing
00:29.47lprichNow if only pfsense was based on OpenBSD it would be even more win.
00:30.34malikeyedamn, they don't support snort anymore
00:31.24malikeyeactually, looks like it's in a newer version
00:31.54malikeyedo you use pfsense ?
00:32.25lprichI use OpenBSD and PF
00:32.34robotuschsweet gorilla of manilla, Timmy the Cruel still packs a punch :S
00:32.42lprichIt's been a while since I played with pfsense
00:32.47malikeyeneed 1.2.1 for snort
00:32.56malikeyewhat is PF ?
00:33.06robotuschPilot Flying?
00:33.07lprichPF is Packet Filter
00:33.16malikeyeyeah, found it
00:33.19TecnoBratnew girl is blonde
00:33.22TecnoBratin EVERY way
00:33.27FinalXaw, bah, just logged in and the invasion event is over :(
00:33.29robotuschdo expand on that
00:33.37malikeyepictures please
00:33.39lprichit's what OpenBSD and FreeBSD use as a firewall, as opposed to IPTables
00:33.53lprichIP Tables sucks
00:33.55lprichPF is good.
00:35.38malikeyethe graphing alone is awesome
00:35.46lprichIs it wrong that I do whois lookups on people that hit my website?
00:36.46lprichdoes it use um...
00:36.55malikeyewould "pass" be "port forward" ?
00:37.03lprichpass is pass
00:37.10lprichnat is nat
00:37.14lprichrdr is pass & nat
00:37.27malikeyereal network terminology :)
00:37.31malikeyebeen a while
00:37.37lprichindeed. stuff that makes sense.
00:37.47lprichjust wait till you start playing with queueing
00:38.43MalgayneThe Scourge
00:38.46MalgayneIs invading Orgrimmar
00:38.47Malgayneright now
00:38.48lprichdamn, I can't think of the name of the graphing package
00:38.55lprichFOR THE HORDE!
00:38.59lprichruns to Orgrimmar
00:39.58lprichAlso... 107 pageviews on my site this month already.  Only 178 total for last month.
00:40.13MowseyMalgayne, I heard :(
00:40.20malikeyebeuaty of it is, I run this on sempron with 512MB and it flies
00:40.20MowseyAnd of course
00:40.23MowseyI'm stuck in a group :(
00:40.29lprichNo you're not.
00:40.40MowseyI'm not? D:
00:40.48lprichyou may feel obligated
00:40.52lprichbut yu're far from stuck
00:41.02Mowseyyeah well
00:41.05Mowseyleaving after the 1st boss
00:41.13MowseyCuz STING forgot he has to pick up his mother
00:41.14lprichdoing a heroic?
00:41.18malikeyeI gotta get my cable mode hooked up too while I still have it... DSL and cable :)
00:41.27lprichBest of luck.
00:41.56lprichmalikeye: Load balanced internet ftw!
00:42.12lprichLinksys made a router w/ 2 WAN ports that I wanted to try that with.
00:42.16lprichNever got around to it though.
00:43.01lprichFuck yeah. That's the name of the graphing package I was thinking of.
00:43.18malikeyeRRDTOOL is better
00:43.34lprichYou're an RRDTOOL!
00:43.40fewyn hillarious thread is hillarious
00:44.01lprichAnyway, I was just trying to remember the name of it, not touting it as the end all be all of graphing.
00:44.14malikeyeI see no invasion
00:44.24lprichYou're in the wrong orgrimmar?
00:46.04TecnoBrat<lprich> Is it wrong that I do whois lookups on people that hit my website?
00:46.14TecnoBratI spent all morning doing whois lookups on people who view our ads ....
00:46.43TecnoBratI did 4 hours of internet ninjary
00:46.53TecnoBratyou know, I just typed that word
00:47.01TecnoBratand then my irc client said it was spelled wrong.
00:47.06TecnoBratand I was like WTF, no its no1
00:47.08*** join/#wowhead |nudave| (
00:47.16Jolttime for this tiny lil jolt can to slepe
00:47.26lprichit's an English ninjarism.
00:48.08lprichLich King is coming,
00:48.08lprichthe turkey's getting fat.
00:48.08lprichPlease put a copper in the beggar's hat.
00:48.27malikeye23% memory usage with 512MB
00:48.39lprichdamn 512MB
00:48.42lprichI have this little box
00:48.47lprichthe Pearl C715
00:48.54lprichthat has a gig of memory in it
00:48.56lprichbut the fucking thing
00:49.00lprichis only reporting 512
00:49.01TecnoBratThat is outside my office window right now.
00:49.09TecnoBratbut Black
00:49.15lprichTecnoBrat: Piss on it!
00:49.19lprichI mean... uhh...
00:49.20TecnoBratlooks way better in black
00:49.56malikeyeI could probably get another 512 for $10
00:50.17lprichI'm going to swap the 512MB stick back into it, since it's only recognizing 512 anyway
00:50.27lprichthat will bump my fileserver up to 2gb
00:51.39malikeyeI don't think I'll need it though
00:51.46lprichnot likely
00:51.55lprichI have a pf box that runs on 384 just fine
00:52.03adashielOrgrimmar is clear on Stormrage (US), but it's interesting that all signs of both the Argent Dawn and the Scourge have completely disappeared from our Stormwind City.
00:52.34MalgayneHoly crap
00:52.44MalgayneGarrosh Hellscream just challenged Thrall for control of the Horde
00:52.47Malgayneand now they're fighting
00:52.49Malgaynein the Ring of Valor
00:53.33lprichI"M OUT!@
00:53.51adashielThat kid is the king of neuroses.  Thrall is gonna beat him so hard his great grand momma's roommate is gonna feel it.
00:54.38malikeyeserving up SSL ain't to bad either
00:55.14robotuschyeah, the Naxx invasion boss just disappeared in strat as well
00:55.20robotuschthanks a lot for the warning Blizzard >_>
01:05.38*** join/#wowhead Corgan (
01:05.38*** mode/#wowhead [+v Corgan] by ChanServ
01:06.13MowseyHi Corgan
01:06.48ecstypical blizzard
01:06.53ecs./slaps blizzard
01:07.49ecsthey want the progression of the event to be a surprise
01:08.00ecsbut it's really annoying to not know when stuff is ending
01:08.46selckinwhy is so much data missing?
01:08.59Mal|afkwhat's missing?
01:09.03selckinrare location nodes are down, and alot missing that where there yesterday
01:09.10selckinlike speaker mar'grom
01:09.31Mal|afkpossibly sko overwrote something when he did the site update today
01:09.34Mal|afklemme poke him
01:09.54selckinall mob location nodes seem way down
01:10.02selckinthe rares i've been searching for daily anyway
01:10.21Mal|afkcan you link an example?
01:11.59selckinits on my other pc, sec
01:12.16Mal|afkCorgan, can you pass it on to Sko when he gets it?
01:12.18Mal|afkI have to take off
01:13.47CorganWhat's the problem?
01:13.49CorganI see spawn nodes
01:13.59selckinyesterwhere there where like 10 times more
01:14.05selckinthe speaker is the middle camp too
01:14.08selckinwhich has no nodes anymore
01:18.49selckincan give more example if you have a backup site somewhere to check
01:18.58FinalXehm, was the original Naxxramas removed?
01:19.05FinalXthe lvl 60 one?
01:19.18selckinthink so yes
01:19.24selckinwith the 3.0 patch
01:19.27FinalXif so, then why the hell is the old attunement quest still in game and stating that the entrance to naxxramas is in plaguewood of epl
01:19.37FinalXdoesn't make sense lol
01:19.50selckinit gives xp!
01:20.02FinalXyeah but they could've at least update the text :o
01:20.10TecnoBratFinalX, because blizzard fails.
01:20.54*** join/#wowhead silentwhite (
01:21.18FinalXcan't argue with that xD
01:23.02silentwhiteis anyone experiencing the attack in org atm?
01:23.16FinalX'the' attack?
01:23.24malikeyenope, nothing yet
01:23.28malikeyeI am chillin with thrall
01:23.28silentwhite"THE" atack
01:23.30selckinsilentwhite: US?
01:23.43selckinmalikeye: EU?
01:24.12Mowseysilentwhite, yes, Illidan US
01:24.14FinalXdoesn't matter, invasion stopped at the same time for EU and US iirc
01:24.15MowseyIt's a looping event
01:24.27FinalXso it's probably the same for the attack: start/stop at same time for EU and US
01:24.38selckinnotting happening yet on my realm
01:24.41selckinbut heared many reports
01:24.43selckinit would explain it
01:24.52Corgango to the valley of honor
01:25.10silentwhitenot sure but many frostworms and UC guard looking creatures attack
01:25.12silentwhiteits fun
01:25.22FinalXoh cool
01:25.25malikeyewhere does this happen ?
01:25.42MowseyValley of Honour
01:25.54malikeyek, that's where I am... looking at thrall
01:25.55Stingdid i miss it?
01:26.07silentwhiteit just started today for all i know...
01:26.14silentwhiteit loops every 30 mins
01:26.19FinalXaye, probably when the scourge invasions stopped
01:26.33MowseySting, looping event
01:26.33silentwhite^^ troof
01:26.48MowseyProlly until WotLK is released don't go to Org or face the lag :P
01:27.01*** join/#wowhead fewyn (
01:27.02FinalXtoo late, just logged in my bank alt
01:28.13Noxynight guys
01:28.23FinalXpeople are reporting to have seen Arthas as well
01:28.34MowseyI didn't see him
01:28.55Stinghe yells to orgrimmar
01:28.59Stingits in the sound files
01:29.07fewynit has begun!
01:29.26FinalXyep, it's begun
01:29.39FinalXTowering Horrors and Frost Wyrm Raptors all over the Valley of Honor
01:30.34silentwhitearthas doesnt yell in rog
01:30.51silentwhiteits the "Herald of the Lich King"
01:30.52FinalXeven Thrall is coming to join the fight.
01:31.03*** join/#wowhead bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
01:31.05silentwhitethrall and sylvannas
01:31.11silentwhiteputress is there as well
01:31.19MowseyAnd Saurfang
01:31.56silentwhiteits fun - you just dont get anything but AD rep
01:32.15FinalXhow much rep?
01:32.19*** join/#wowhead Slackwise (
01:32.21FinalXand they probably drop stones as well if you wear your trinket, all of the ghouls did in invasion
01:32.28silentwhitelike 4 per kill
01:32.34silentwhitebut you have to tag them first
01:35.35MowseyBYE NOXY
01:37.20FinalXshame the cow isnt around
01:37.27FinalXno cairne at the event :|
01:47.47*** join/#wowhead Skosiris (
01:47.47*** mode/#wowhead [+o Skosiris] by ChanServ
01:53.04MowseyYeah cuz blizz %*()#$ hates tauren
01:55.30deltronand there's a queue to get on my realm? :/
01:56.20FinalXluckily our realm is pretty dead
01:56.52FinalXah well, off to bed
02:06.06IxnorpNothing happening in Stormwind still. QQ
02:13.48*** join/#wowhead Cookie3 (
02:14.38robotusch7561 rep to go :<
02:19.13TecnoBratwhy whenever people write emails
02:19.13TecnoBratis like ...
02:19.22TecnoBrat"Fun plans, if you include studying as fun plans then I guess that's them lol. I might go over to a classmates house and study so we might have a few laughs, but nothing really spectacular lol. school has really affected my social life... what are your plans for this wk end? tonight i'm prob gonna lay on the couch and that's all I have planned thus far lol, i'm still kinda sick with a cold so i feel a bit run down right now. anyways i'll talk to you
02:19.44TecnoBratparagraphs and sentences!
02:19.51TecnoBratdear god please god!
02:22.08TecnoBratso I have someone on my msn
02:22.10TecnoBratin my wowhead group
02:22.14TecnoBratcalled "Matthew"
02:22.16CorganThis is going to take me forever
02:22.17TecnoBratI have no idea who it is
02:22.23TecnoBratthey are 27
02:22.25TecnoBrata male
02:22.31TecnoBratand I guess something to do with wowhead
02:22.40MowseyIt's Corgan! D:
02:22.51TecnoBratCorgan isn't Matthew :P
02:23.31CorganI'm Jon
02:23.39Corganso TecnoBrat
02:23.44CorganI might be moving back to vancouver
02:23.51TecnoBratohhhh rly?
02:23.53CorganMiyari said I can sit on your baby
02:23.56TecnoBratfor good?
02:24.05TecnoBratI think he would sit on you instead
02:24.12TecnoBratmy kid is a beast!
02:24.13CorganI'm thinking about going to uh
02:24.23Corgansimon fraser
02:24.33robotuschuni thingie?
02:24.41Corganor vancouver tech
02:24.46Corgansomething like that
02:25.18TecnoBratI have an idea
02:25.24TecnoBratsends "Matthew" a message
02:25.47TecnoBrat(6:24:55 PM) Brian (MSN): Who are you? lol
02:25.47TecnoBrat(6:25:15 PM) matthew: Grim
02:25.58robotuschEpic drop off Ras Frostwhisper o_O
02:25.58TecnoBratand ...
02:26.00Corganwhat a great idea
02:26.04TecnoBratI have no idea who that is ...
02:28.15TecnoBratMy great plan failed...
02:28.30TecnoBrat(6:26:28 PM) Brian (MSN): I still don't know who you are! lol
02:28.30TecnoBrat(6:26:36 PM) matthew: hmmm
02:28.30TecnoBrat(6:26:59 PM) Brian (MSN): Do you know where you know me from? lol
02:29.11TecnoBratso Corgan BCIT
02:29.11Corganjust watch
02:29.13Corganhe'll say
02:29.29Corganthat was another posibility
02:29.56TecnoBratso .. if you move to Vancouver
02:30.12TecnoBratMake your dad buy you a big place
02:30.17MowseyYou'll live only 12 hours from me! :O
02:30.22TecnoBratso like .. I can come crash in your guest room
02:30.51*** join/#wowhead Lopen (
02:30.54TecnoBratwe'll go have a beer
02:31.02TecnoBratand talk about Malgayne and Skosiris behind their backs
02:31.02MowseyI'M TOO YOUNG
02:31.07MowseyTecnoBrat's a sexual predator
02:31.10TecnoBratand talk about hos Miyari is mean
02:31.12MowseyHe's gonna drug me
02:31.13Mowseyomg D:
02:31.20TecnoBratMowsey, I was talking about Corgan! LOL
02:31.25MowseyI think
02:31.29MowseyI forgot my pills today ._.
02:31.40TecnoBratMowsey, so like .. uhhh
02:31.47TecnoBrathow old are you again?
02:31.59TecnoBratthen you can drink in Canada
02:32.13CorganMowsey is anywhere from 20-30 years old, and both male and female
02:32.13MowseyI can get drunk
02:32.20MowseyThen you'll find out I'm actually a guy in women's clothing
02:32.21TecnoBratAnd I think 20 is too young for me :P
02:32.22CorganSuffering from multiple personalities
02:32.29Mowseyshush about that
02:32.56TecnoBratI want a 55 year old with wrinkles and "experience"
02:33.36TecnoBrathaha I'm obviously not serious :P
02:33.48Corganso yeah TecnoBrat
02:33.58TecnoBrathowever 20 is too young
02:34.01CorganI'm stillnot sure what exactly I want to specify into
02:34.05TecnoBratyou don't even know what you wanna be at 20!
02:34.22TecnoBratCorgan, lots of options eh?
02:34.37*** join/#wowhead Pharod (n=Pharod@
02:34.55MowseyI know what I want to be
02:34.57CorganI'm not sure -_-
02:34.58Mowseya mooch :D
02:35.13TecnoBratyea, thats one of my requirements
02:35.19TecnoBratI had one of those
02:35.53TecnoBratAnd .. well I don't really care about the mooching part ... the lack of motivation she had in EVERYTHING she did, was beyond rediculous
02:36.03MowseyOh I like doing stuff
02:36.15CorganMowsey likes playing WoW
02:36.17MowseyI just lack any working skills
02:36.24Corgantotally dedicated
02:36.25KarlThePagan20 is too young? send me your leftovers k
02:36.30*** join/#wowhead blay_ (
02:36.33CorganDEATH TO PAGANS
02:36.44KarlThePaganNEVER AGAIN THE... awww fuck it... sure
02:37.49TecnoBratwell like ... my priorities are my kid .. and having to babysit my GF isn't my idea of fun :P
02:38.31TecnoBrat<DF> Does anyone want to do Secret Santa again this year?
02:38.32TecnoBrat<TecnoBrat> Only if Santa is a hot female
02:43.58Inc`Tits or gtfo?
02:46.33MowseyI have none
02:46.51lprichMowsey: Yeah, right next to the other one. :P
02:47.12MowseyWhy does no one believe I'm a guy :(
02:47.26lprichMowsey: Even guys have two breasts.
02:47.32MowseyI just happen to be adorable
02:47.34lprichlooks down his own shirt
02:47.39lprichyep, I count two.
02:47.51lprichI wonder when this third nipple showed up though...
02:49.12lprichIt was a joke. I don't actually have a third nipple.
02:50.16lprichI do have eight fingers though.
02:52.09CorganI believe you
02:54.25TecnoBratlprich, but I do
02:54.51lprichTecnoBrat: Have a third nipple?
02:55.06TecnoBratI have a fifth nipple.
02:55.12lprichoh my.
02:55.18lprichpics or gtfo.
02:55.30lprichis going to make some $$$ off this one
03:00.08TecnoBratcounts one .. two ... one again makes three ... two again makes four ... one again makes five!
03:02.30lprichMaybe he's been drinking again...
03:04.07TecnoBratyou wish!
03:04.25TecnoBratspeakin of ... I found a bottle of vanilla vodka
03:04.31TecnoBratI wouldn't ever buy that
03:04.36TecnoBratso it means it was from when my ex was here
03:04.45TecnoBratthe last time I was in the same house as her was June of 07
03:04.53TecnoBratand it was probably before that
03:04.53lprichThe only even remotely proper way to consume that
03:04.56lprichis with regular coke
03:05.25TecnoBratI'm not sure I want to consume Vanilla vodka
03:05.35TecnoBratlet alone 2 year old Vanilla Vodka
03:06.08lprichHard liquor doesn't really go bad, does it?
03:06.15Cadwallionanyone know if honor points are being reset on Thursday, or if they're carrying over?
03:06.30robotuschno reset
03:06.43robotuschonly arena points will be reset, and that's when you hit 71
03:07.09TecnoBratlprich, do I really want to find out?
03:07.22lprichTecnoBrat: Probably not. It's vanilla vodka.
03:07.31lprichIf it was something worth drinking I'd say go for it.
03:07.32TecnoBratso the next question
03:07.34Cadwallionrobotusch: thanks. :-)
03:07.42TecnoBratwhat is the proper way to dispose of this
03:07.47TecnoBratwithout causing alcohol abuse
03:07.52CadwallionTecnoBrat: molotov
03:07.59TecnoBratBecause thats punishable by death where I live.
03:08.10lprichmolotov would be considered alcohol abuse
03:08.16Cadwallionlprich: WHAT?!
03:08.27Cadwallionmolotov would be considered fun
03:08.28lprich"Les, I've seen you abuse alcohol, but not like that man. Finish your beer."
03:08.32TecnoBratCadwallion, but I doubt the US customs will allow me to take a molotov over the border to texas to throw it at my ex's hous
03:08.32robotuschExalted with AD
03:09.09CadwallionTecnoBrat: point it the right direction and see how far you can send it to her
03:09.15Cadwallionthen call it a day
03:09.23lprichTecnoBrat: No, but they might let you in with the bottle in your trunk and the rag in your glove-box.
03:09.23TecnoBratI have a better idea
03:09.41TecnoBratwe need to create the proper delivery device
03:09.44robotuschfind some bum and give it to gim instead?
03:09.56TecnoBratgiant slingshot?
03:10.03TecnoBratrocket propelled?
03:10.10robotuschTime to call in the Mythbusters methinks!
03:10.12CadwallionTecnoBrat: i could build a robot to carry it! :-D
03:10.12TecnoBratself-refueling RC airplane?
03:10.39TecnoBratlooks around to see if the FBI is watching
03:10.54TecnoBraterrr I guess that would be HLS? right?
03:10.59lprichI think it would take a very very long, slow acceleration to get the bottle up to a sufficient speed to launch it from where you live to texas
03:11.14TecnoBrathomeland security
03:11.26TecnoBratlprich, but you know what?
03:11.31TecnoBratit would be fun trying
03:11.40lprichDamn straight.
03:11.51lprichAt one point, I was going to build a trebuchet...
03:11.57lprichThat used a car as the counterweight.
03:12.08TecnoBratWe had a physics class
03:12.10lprichWell, a car + the belt and rollers from a Cat
03:12.15TecnoBratwhere we needed to launch something as far as possible
03:12.49TecnoBratno electricity, no chemical reactions
03:13.06lprichHeh. I had something like that in elementary school...
03:13.15lprichI built a mini catapult
03:13.24lprichthat used a bungee cord as the power source.
03:13.26TecnoBratyea, but when you have access to a metal-working shop
03:13.38lprichMine was wood.
03:13.42TecnoBratit was a dual class project.
03:13.43CadwallionTecnoBrat: I found a flaw in that project
03:13.58CadwallionProbably just my dumb teacher
03:14.06TecnoBratthe metal working class had to build it
03:14.10TecnoBratand we had to design it
03:14.15TecnoBratand put it together
03:14.37CadwallionSince they said I had to launch it from the starting point and they would measure from where it landed.
03:14.43TecnoBratmine used rubber from a tire
03:14.49TecnoBratwas 15 ft long
03:15.05TecnoBratfully metal frame
03:15.05Cadwallionso I relayed it across 5 people standing 10 feet apart.
03:15.33TecnoBratflew all of the way across a full track field, across a soccer field, and into a farm
03:15.56TecnoBratit was a metal ball, I can't remember how heavy
03:16.00TecnoBratbut it has some weight to it
03:16.10TecnoBratsome peoples went like 4 ft
03:16.32TecnoBratwe needed like 6 guys to stretch the rubber
03:16.45lprichdoesn't mention the potato cannon he blew up
03:16.58MowseyYou just did lprich >_>
03:17.16lprichfails again
03:17.25TecnoBratCadwallion, see, mine would have beat yours, even with the whole class being involved :P
03:17.41TecnoBratit seriously went like 500 or 600 yards
03:18.04TecnoBratbut the thing also weighed like 200 lbs
03:18.06CadwallionTecnoBrat: Not when everyone but me kept moving to the end of the line.  I had to be at the starting point, didn't say anything about my assistants. :-)
03:18.15CadwallionI stopped after 80 feet, though
03:18.39TecnoBratlprich, and it would never have worked with wood
03:18.43TecnoBratit would have snapped
03:19.01lprichTecnoBrat: You just need bigger wood. :P
03:19.25TecnoBratdude, we calculated the force required .. and it was amazing the metal didn't snap, lol
03:20.23lprichMy potato cannon would launch spuds a good 200-300 yds
03:20.31lpricheven more a time or two
03:21.11lprichthen it kinda blew up
03:21.19lprichwhile I was launching it
03:23.25lprichI'm seriously lucky to be alive
03:24.10Mowseylol Funkadin
03:26.03lprichi suppose you've seen the cross-court basketball headshot?
03:28.25lprichteach the chick
03:28.28lprichhow to frakkin
03:28.30lprichhold the gun
03:28.41Mowsey<Spear and Magic Helmet>
03:31.02*** join/#wowhead pb_ee1 (
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03:31.46*** mode/#wowhead [+o Malgayne] by ChanServ
03:31.50MowseyI love popping last stand and shield wall in PvP when being focus fired
03:31.57MowseyI can drag out like
03:32.02MowseyWhat should take 2 seconds to 20 :p
03:34.07MowseyAlso, shadowmeld is still good in pvp, dunno why people are whining about it -.-
03:34.09*** join/#wowhead Thelyna (
03:38.20lprichi'm gonna shoot him in his toodles
03:39.18lprich  crybaby womens
03:41.10TecnoBratoh man
03:41.17TecnoBratso many people
03:41.24TecnoBrathave no idea how to hold a gun
03:41.30TecnoBratteach them before they shoot
03:41.34TecnoBratfor the love of god.
03:41.38lprichkinda what i'm saying
03:41.58TecnoBratactually ... for the love of THEM
03:42.16TecnoBratthere is some that could have been way worse
03:42.32TecnoBratlike ... why are you wearing a tanktop?
03:43.09TecnoBratI bet you she had a bruise
03:43.46lprichyeah, but she at least had her arm up and the gun tucked in.
03:43.48Mowseywhich reminds me brb
03:44.10Mowseyer nvm
03:44.11lprichshe's just not very big, so of course a 12 guage is going to kick
03:44.38MowseyI think if I fired a gun it would absorb into my fat and be crushed
03:44.51lprichsince when do you have fat?
03:44.58Mowseysince like
03:45.05Mowseycuz I eat like
03:45.07Mowseya billion things a day
03:45.41TecnoBratlprich, yea, and like .. shes tucking into her armpit though
03:46.00TecnoBratinstead of her shoulder leaned into it
03:46.34lprichdid you see how far she had to reach to get to the trigger?  That gun was huge for her.
03:46.43lprichAll things considered, she did it about as properly as she could.
03:46.45TecnoBrattrue ...
03:47.14TecnoBratI just had visions of it slipping under her arm
03:47.21TecnoBratripping her armpit
03:47.30lprichthat hurts
03:47.35TecnoBratI've seen it ...
03:48.50Mowseytunes out the thought >_>
03:48.52lprichgrr, i wanted to use xbmc on this box, but it has no 3d accel
03:49.02TecnoBratand the one you linked ...
03:49.11TecnoBratcheck out the angle of her body, lol
03:49.25lprichthey set her up
03:49.29lprichfor phail
03:49.57TecnoBratno way anyone would ever let someone shoot like that on purpose if they wanted them to ever shoot again
03:50.04lprichI liked her outfit though hehe
03:52.24lprichwow... weak wrists?
03:53.07TecnoBratshes only really holding it with one hand
03:53.09lprichMore people need to learn the pistol + flashlight teqnique
03:53.19MowseyHow did we get to gun videos anyways? :x
03:53.29lprichNo idea.
03:53.35lprichbut it's like, click click boom
03:55.38TecnoBrator more people need to watch how a cop shoots.
03:55.57robotuschpft, SAS method > copper method!
03:56.27robotuschdouble-tapping to ensure their opponents gets down and stay down
03:56.50lprichdescribes to robotusch the snipers triangle
03:57.58Mowseyin news of things other than guns :(
03:58.51lprichguns is all we talk about now
03:59.03MowseyIsn't there a guns channel? =/
03:59.19lprichwe prefer #wowhead
04:00.06Mowseyokay then
04:00.07*** part/#wowhead Mowsey (
04:00.18lprichbut for you, we'll talk about something else
04:00.22lprichfor a few minutes at least
04:00.48*** join/#wowhead kd3 (n=kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
04:03.55*** join/#wowhead Abraxxes (
04:04.17TecnoBratlprich, omg
04:04.27lprichelephant gun baby
04:04.29TecnoBratseriously, that should be illegal to let people do that
04:04.58TecnoBratwithout knowing how to hold + lean into a gun
04:04.58lprichI thought for sure some of those guys would be able to do it. but none, until the very last one.
04:05.43TecnoBrathes the only one who even got close to being towards the target with his body
04:08.26lprich.460 isn't that bad
04:10.35*** join/#wowhead Corgan (
04:10.35*** mode/#wowhead [+v Corgan] by ChanServ
04:13.33TecnoBratstill, he shot the gun
04:13.40TecnoBratinstead of the gun shooting him
04:14.38TecnoBratk, time for TV!
04:15.14fewyni got a hood of hexing
04:15.23TecnoBratChuck, Heroes, Big Bang Theory, Prison Break, and Terminator
04:15.27TecnoBratin that order ...
04:15.50lprichadd Dexter, imo
04:15.55fewyngood, good, good, don't like it, that either
04:16.14TecnoBratand The Unit was awesome too
04:16.16fewyndexter is good
04:19.03*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (
04:20.50lprichnot gun related
04:20.53lprichjust a cool video
04:23.10robotusch is equally awsum
04:24.44*** join/#wowhead Mowsey (
04:26.13MowseyI am currently eating somethat that could be really really old cheese
04:26.20MowseyBut there's no visible mold
04:26.23MowseySo who cares
04:26.39Inc`Cheese is just mold anyways
04:26.47Inc`Well, close enough
04:30.51MowseyCorgan, make the mean pally go away
04:31.05Corganwhat's he doing
04:31.15Mowseyasking me questions
04:31.20Mowsey"do you want to tank"
04:38.03*** join/#wowhead Abraxxes (
04:41.14TecnoBratchuck = amazingly awesome tonight
04:41.19TecnoBratseriously amazingly awesome
04:42.13Abraxxeschuck owns'
04:42.15Mowseyaccording to this ad
04:42.22MowseyI can find hawt chicks in my area
04:42.47lprichi get lots of those adds
04:42.53Abraxxesi saw an add for talking to lonely emo girls X)
04:43.10lprichAbraxxes: So you came to #wowhead?
04:43.31Abraxxeslprich: what?
04:43.53*** join/#wowhead Srosh (
04:43.54MowseySo I found out today
04:44.03MowseyWarriors are immune to disarm during bladestorm :(
04:44.42lprichdamn OP warriors
04:45.17Abraxxesbear form is really good pvp wise now
04:47.20*** join/#wowhead Srosh_ (
04:49.35*** join/#wowhead KarlThePagan (n=a@
05:05.58Corganilu Mowsey
05:06.10MowseyI don't swing that way D:
05:06.12Mowseyhey wait
05:08.58Mowseypokepokepokes the channel
05:09.19lprichnom nom's some chili
05:10.13lprichyou don't like chili?
05:10.56MowseyI can eat it but I'm not very fond of it
05:12.07Mowseyhay Sting
05:12.23*** join/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
05:13.06DarneAh! I've been expectin' for U  roffy!
05:13.59MowseySting, you should power level my mage ._.
05:14.07MowseyCuz I totally suck at mages
05:14.41*** part/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
05:16.03Mowseyscrew it
05:16.06MowseyI'll just go fire ._.
05:16.09deltronI feel like making a pot of chili tomorrow
05:16.16lprichI haz a mage i solo leveled to 52
05:16.23deltroni'm out of sricacha sauce though :(
05:16.39Abraxxesmowsey u should do the lvling glitch in ST
05:16.44Abraxxes38-50 really fast
05:16.56robotuschthought they fixed that?
05:17.18Abraxxesi did it less than a month or so ago. or was it changed with one of these patches?
05:17.49robotuschCorgan, how did you make that achievement page?
05:17.57MowseyHe left
05:18.05deltronleveling glitch?
05:18.27robotuschtroll miniboss that drops a totem that spawns infinite number of skeletons
05:18.52robotuschkeep the troll & totem alive, kill skeletons = xp-O-plenty
05:19.10Abraxxesu use a prot/holy paladin
05:19.17Abraxxesthey do rank 1 consecrate to kill the adds
05:19.23Abraxxeswhile kiting the boss to make sure he doesn't die
05:19.23lprichwatches Kung Fu Panda
05:19.29robotuschnot anymore we don't
05:19.33Abraxxesuse some healing gear so u don't die, paladin=70
05:20.06MowseyKung Fu Panda!!
05:20.09MowseyI loved that movie
05:20.17Stingi got it
05:20.21Stingjust havnt watched it yet
05:20.30lprichIt's pretty funny
05:20.32MowseyCuz I recommended it
05:20.44MowseySo you're all
05:20.49Mowsey"screw that I'm not watching this shit"
05:20.59Stingi havnt finished watching walle either
05:24.13Stingi was watching the incredibles and fell asleep
05:24.25Stingi <3 that movie
05:24.29lprichanyway, one of the voices in Kung Fu Panda was done by the guy that plays (played) Swearengen, I think.
05:24.44lprichAnd yeah, the incredibles is good too.
05:25.21lprichthe voice actor for Tai Lung
05:25.37lprichalso did a voice in The GOlden Compass
05:25.59Stinghe was in babylon5
05:26.02Stinghes amazing
05:26.10lprichYeah, he's pretty badass
05:26.28robotuschbut lol, Nihilum & SK Gaming are joining forces in a guild o_O
05:26.55robotuschpoor server they're on, I can imagine the A:H ratio to be something like 1:500
05:29.02MowseyI don't think I'd want to be in a big guild like that
05:29.25lprichHeh, I couldn't tell if Shifu was Hoffman or Hackman
05:29.35robotuschI can imagine some ego clashes to occur
05:32.59*** join/#wowhead Gary|thinkpad (
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05:35.32*** mode/#wowhead [+v PoeticDragon] by ChanServ
05:37.53*** part/#wowhead Darne (n=_@
05:39.19Stingyea they are cocky
05:39.35Stingat blizzcon they fought the chinese team and said "i thought chinese players were supposed to be good"
05:39.53*** join/#wowhead Gary13579 (
05:44.38*** join/#wowhead Corgan (n=Corgan@
05:44.38*** mode/#wowhead [+v Corgan] by ChanServ
05:45.00Corganbonks Mowsey
05:46.02MowseyCorgan, robotusch had questions D:
05:49.15*** join/#wowhead Karot (
05:50.36*** join/#wowhead Jaeryn (n=nnscript@
06:01.13*** join/#wowhead JunkHead-Work (
06:11.10robotuschCorgan, how did you make that achievement page?
06:11.29CorganLUA export from the game
06:11.33*** join/#wowhead Bold_ (
06:11.34*** join/#wowhead Pneumatus_ (n=WiN@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
06:15.57Mowseyhehe, tiny netsplit
06:16.19*** join/#wowhead FinalX ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:16.57MowseySting :(
06:17.10Mowseyyou guys are mean
06:17.15Stingcome down
06:19.10robotuschCorgan, sounds awfully technical :/
06:19.10fewynslaps Mowsey around with Windows Me
06:19.10Corgannot really
06:19.11Corganphp script cycles through that lua table
06:19.13Corgandisplays everything
06:19.30Corganthe WoW addon saves your achievements whenever you gain one
06:19.34Corganor you can manually update it
06:20.29*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (
06:24.47Stingcome to zg tard
06:25.22MowseyNo one even bothered to ask
06:25.31MowseyI'll just go get some ale in BRD
06:25.53Stingyou go
06:25.55Sting'invite me'
06:26.15robotuschbut.. but.. that requires one to be social!
06:26.51MowseySting and robotusch
06:26.52Mowseyyou go
06:26.54Mowseychoke and die
06:27.03Stingk brb
06:27.08robotuschcan't it wait until after wednesday?
06:27.27robotuschin that case, I refuse!
06:30.43*** join/#wowhead Pneumatus (n=WiN@unaffiliated/pneumatus) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:30.43*** join/#wowhead Bold ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:30.54*** join/#wowhead AYADEW (
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06:49.34Mowseywtb Noxy
06:51.28JunkHead-Workwts Noxy. pst.
06:52.16*** join/#wowhead Sting|Duped (
06:54.53*** join/#wowhead Pharod42 (n=Pharod@
06:55.33MowseyI can't get to the bar in BRD without the key, can I ._.
06:57.19*** join/#wowhead Basic (
06:58.27Sting|Dupedcan with my remote :D
06:58.53MowseyOh gee, but I don't have a remote do I
06:59.07Sting|Dupedno but you have a hearthstone
06:59.58Mowseymmm hmm
07:06.54MowseySuch a pain in the ass just to get this pet
07:07.14*** join/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
07:07.37selckini have flasks and food for 60 hours :\
07:07.40selckinfeels silly
07:08.30*** part/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
07:09.04*** join/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
07:16.54MowseyWIPE LOLOL ._.
07:35.56MowseyThis guy
07:36.07MowseyHas been sitting at a darkmoon faire vendor buying all the limited greens
07:36.10MowseyFor at least like
07:36.11Mowsey12 hours
07:37.39Grumare there any good limited items then? :P
07:38.23MowseyI have no clue
07:38.30MowseyHe buys them before I can see
07:38.34JunkHead-WorkI'm Limited!
07:39.22*** part/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
07:40.38*** join/#wowhead Gary|thinkpad (
07:42.08MowseyWonderful idea sticking the faire in a contested zone with no guards, blizz :(
07:52.56*** join/#wowhead Trae (
08:00.21robotuschforgot the damn thing was up now
08:04.17robotuschMowsey, remind me, which pet is it you get with the Dark Iron Ale?
08:04.31robotuschah yeah :<
08:04.37robotuschjust picked up the frogs
08:08.27robotuschlol hurrah
08:08.36robotuschstill had some dark iron mugs in my bank ;D
08:14.44*** join/#wowhead Slakah (
08:20.15*** join/#wowhead [TecnoBot] (
08:20.45*** join/#wowhead Hirsute_ (
08:22.02*** part/#wowhead Slakah (
08:22.11ecsi have like 80 dark iron ale mugs in my gbank
08:32.00robotuschany particular reason for that? :|
08:33.02*** join/#wowhead zax (
08:37.09ecsuh picked them up during brewfest
08:37.30ecsusually grabbed all 10 off the vendor then the 5 on the table each time
08:53.52*** join/#wowhead emsy (n=emsy@
09:14.04*** join/#wowhead looz (
09:14.22JunkHead-WorkWho here uses Windows Vista?
09:19.04Viper007Bondi do, why?
09:21.07*** join/#wowhead loozah (
09:22.22JunkHead-WorkWhat do you use to burn cd's/dvd's?
09:23.03PrimarNero/Roxio would work, I'd have thought?
09:23.07Primaror did you mean freeware?
09:23.19JunkHead-WorkWell, I normally use Nero.
09:23.21Viper007Bondi honestly haven't burned a cd or dvd in years
09:23.27JunkHead-WorkBut my version never works.
09:23.38JunkHead-WorkWas just wondering if anyone else had that problem.
09:29.22Primardon't use Vista myself, thankfully :)
09:29.37Primartry getting some freeware software and see if that works? does it give an error message or anything?
09:30.29JunkHead-WorkWell, it's probably because I use an older version of Nero.
09:30.44JunkHead-WorkBut everything works fine until I start the burn. then the burn fails.
09:32.18JunkHead-WorkI guess when I get home today, I'll download a trial of the newest nero and see if it works.
09:32.29JunkHead-WorkIf so, I'll get a full version.
10:23.38*** join/#wowhead MrDuck (
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10:38.05*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (
10:40.06MrDuck <<<<<< flames of azzinoth now hit for freaking 3,6k only with 130fr now? :o
10:40.30MrDuck(dont look at that big hit that didnt come from not stepping into that beam which wasnt there :p)
10:47.14*** join/#wowhead Slackwise_ (
11:07.46robotuschI has a mini fridge
11:16.32*** join/#wowhead Nana` (
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11:56.55*** join/#wowhead kachna (
12:11.36LukianJunkHead-Work, try copytodvd
12:11.51Lukianthat's what I use when I have to use windows :/
12:43.46*** join/#wowhead adashiel (
12:44.12*** join/#wowhead Primar (n=primar24@
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12:48.37*** part/#wowhead SK8erBoy (i=ivanjuha@
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13:09.30Lukiansay how old is your burner anyway?
13:09.36Lukianthe lasers in some of them don't last a year
13:09.49Lukianwell in the past they didn't XD
13:09.50JunkHead-WorkAbout 6 months.
13:10.02JunkHead-WorkAnd I've only successfully burned about 2 cd's.
13:10.12JunkHead-WorkI think my problem is old version of nero
13:11.03*** join/#wowhead Beutju (
13:11.46LukianVSO CopyToDVD or AVS DVD Copy are good Nero/Roxio alternatives
13:11.57kachnaLukian: ! yer feral drood rite?
13:12.10LukianI stopped using Nero when it went from a <50MB program to a bloated piece of crap
13:12.12Lukiankachna, yup
13:12.34kachnaLukian: any idea how do i manage tanking flames of azzinoth with like...2 fps? :\
13:12.40kachnai failed on that yesterday :P
13:13.42LukianI've done that fight, but I was lucky enough to be dps XD -- umm basically you hit the low settings button and nudge the spell detail slider a little over half so you can still see the spell effects you need to ;)
13:14.16Lukianyou should also disable all non-essential addons
13:14.32LukianI have an addon profile using ACP (Addon Control Panel) for raiding
13:15.06kachnahmmm was thinking about it :p
13:15.07*** join/#wowhead Slackwise (
13:15.28LukianI can't even do 10 mans with my usual addon set :/
13:15.31kachnai have settings low already, not lowest tho,and havent tried disabling addons )
13:15.41kachnai used to do 25mans with all my addons smoothly
13:15.47kachnaBAM 3.0.2 i can't :\
13:16.03kachna(and i use like...127 addons i think :p
13:16.06Lukianit's probably the new spell details they added that might be affecting you
13:16.16Lukianand yeah, that's pretty nasty XD
13:16.17kachnayeah i think so
13:16.47kachnai'll try turning off all these combat text things and stuff....
13:17.13kachnacos you know, i dont like these ugly beams :<
13:19.06Lukianyeah the least number of addons reading/parsing the combat log the better XD
13:30.13*** join/#wowhead Lopen|Wooork (n=lopen@
13:30.45*** join/#wowhead syberghost (
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14:08.51*** join/#wowhead Mr_Rabies (
14:19.48*** join/#wowhead Noxy (
14:22.15syberghostmoves out of Noxy's way as she backs up
14:22.30Noxysits on syber
14:22.36Noxysquishes him
14:22.40syberghostis squished
14:25.15syberghost  <- made a really nice axe upgrade, my gear's almost decent now.  Still need a new bow, saving my pennies.
14:28.21syberghost  <- and it's pretty
14:28.44syberghostIt's in Horde colors!
14:29.03syberghostNothing says "For the Horde!" like a big frakkin' red and black axe.
14:29.28NoxyIt IS pretty sexy
14:29.30syberghostI may carry that axe around for many levels.
14:29.31NoxyI'll admit
14:29.39Noxyeven though horde are smelly
14:29.44syberghostBecause frankly it's a +24 Agil trinket and nothing more.
14:31.21syberghostSo I'll probably keep it even if I find a +26 Agil axe that's not as sexy.
14:31.44syberghostAlthough I'm really looking for a good +Agil spear.
14:33.59Lukianack stink bug in my room
14:34.35NoxyI need male commissions
14:34.51Noxysomeone pay me $80 to draw their char
14:34.54Noxythats a man
14:35.05Lukianall the men in wow are ugly
14:35.18syberghostlies; Gatagis is the hawtness!
14:35.24Noxyi never draw anything ugly.. somehow
14:35.51Noxylike, I try to
14:35.51LukianNoxy, you should draw traps to entertain yourself :D
14:35.52Noxynever works
14:36.02Noxythey dont have boobs
14:36.11Lukiandickgirls have boobs!
14:36.28Noxy... lol
14:36.32syberghostIf I do have you draw Gatagis, I'm going to have you stick a hawt cleavagy Orc on one arm and a hawt cleavagy Troll chick on the other arm.
14:36.38NoxyMALE CHARS
14:36.43syberghostGatagis is male.
14:36.50Noxyand kay that works
14:36.51syberghostYou can even draw him shirtless.
14:37.04*** join/#wowhead DevilStick (n=DevilSti@nat/ibm/x-9d31a0fb4db8f650)
14:37.19Lukianwhat race is this Gatagis? :D
14:37.22syberghostHolding his axe so his arm is all bulgy.
14:37.25syberghostLukian: Orc.
14:38.38*** join/#wowhead starspun (
14:38.55syberghostNoxy: have you seen Nyhm's video "Ni Hao"?  Summergale the troll singer in that, that's what I picture for the troll chick.
14:39.21*** join/#wowhead CadMind (n=Cadmind@
14:40.18syberghostI'll get that in a sec, here's a link for the Orc chick I picture:
14:41.07Juippisye my orc ho's have big n' muscular shoulders!
14:42.00syberghost  <- Ni Hao, the video with the Summergale troll.  She actually plays a cow.
14:42.31syberghostBut needs moar cleavage
14:42.51*** join/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
14:43.53syberghostWhen I'm ready to hire you I'll give you a lot more details of course.
14:44.03syberghostAfter Christmas though.
14:45.35syberghostAnd don't worry, I'm really good about leaving tons of the creative aspect up to you.
14:46.12syberghostAnd not bitching if it's not exactly what I saw in my head.  :)
14:46.25*** join/#wowhead kachna (
15:08.25NoxyGood, cause clients like that piss me off.
15:11.08syberghostI also pay on time, which is why I won't dick you around with notes until I'm ready to pay you to work.
15:11.42*** join/#wowhead SK8erBoy (n=ivanjuha@
15:14.20*** part/#wowhead SK8erBoy (n=ivanjuha@
15:16.01NoxySounds like I'm gonna get a whipping.
15:17.22syberghostOnly if you ask nicely.
15:18.17winkiller[x] send pix
15:20.50*** join/#wowhead Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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15:30.36Noxyhur hur
15:36.46*** join/#wowhead Kaso (n=Kaso@
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16:13.47Mowseylicks Noxy
16:14.29syberghostputs his finger in his ear and puts earwax on Mowsey's tongue while it's out.
16:15.21Mowseyflails her arms and spits it out T-T
16:15.41*** join/#wowhead selckin1 (
16:15.51*** part/#wowhead roffy (n=roghneg@
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16:19.47syberghost  <- photoshop phale
16:20.48Mowseylol wut
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16:24.02*** join/#wowhead Kaso (n=Kaso@
16:24.44syberghostducks the Mowsey bits
16:25.03Mowseywtb realms back ;_;
16:30.12*** join/#wowhead MrDuck (
16:34.35Mowseykidnaps Noxy off to the Illidan realm
16:35.14lprichOh, it's Tuesday again huh?
16:35.34lprichlaugs at all the "zomg wtb realm up plox"
16:40.48*** join/#wowhead Arideni (
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16:41.26*** join/#wowhead UIIU (n=H2o@
16:41.27Noxyno horde NNOOooooo
16:42.41Mowseycries rivers
16:42.45*** part/#wowhead UIIU (n=H2o@
16:45.19CadwallionWTT bleeding foot for non-bleeding foot, PST
16:45.35MowseyNoxy :((
16:45.40MowseyEveryone wants you on Illidan!!
16:45.43Noxyjust you
16:46.10MowseyBut everyone loves you!
16:46.17*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
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17:03.54ArideniAnyone know if they're making a higher capacity ipod shuffle in the near future?
17:07.35syberghostholds his breath until 10 Days of Knight episode 10 is up.
17:07.36*** join/#wowhead Dennet (
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17:07.46Mowseywaits for syberghost to pass out
17:10.01syberghostsets mudkipz on fire
17:10.39Mowseylaughs cuz fire attacks only do 1/4 damage to mudkip >.>
17:10.44syberghostMadness?  This.  Is.  MUDKIPZ!
17:10.49syberghostkicks Mowsey into a well
17:11.00Mowseybreaks her neck and dies
17:11.19syberghostDon't worry, folks, she'll be back Thursday.
17:12.33syberghostWTH kind of sick crap is that?
17:13.06Dennet(Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - The Devil, Lord Kamina-Sama!)
17:13.12syberghostWhat's this one, a robot 800,000 light years tall?
17:13.22Dennet40 billion.
17:13.26DennetBut you're close.
17:14.30*** part/#wowhead Wikwocket (
17:15.38syberghostIf I want lagan, I'll go into Orgrimmar; everything's laggin' in there now.
17:15.51DennetThis anime is SAFE FOR WORK (in Japan...)
17:18.40DennetBusy boob-watching?
17:20.17syberghostBusy not clicking links from Dennet
17:20.54*** join/#wowhead Malgayne (
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17:22.36*** join/#wowhead Kraps (
17:25.50ArideniAnyone have a good MP3 Player to recommend?
17:26.21ArideniOther than an ipod, =p I don't want to use itunes rly
17:26.37syberghostYeah, I recommend take your headphones off and pay attention where you're walking.
17:27.20ArideniI want an ipod shuffle, but they are only 2gb, so I'm trying to find anything else simple & easy to use
17:28.40ArideniDoes anyone know how a Zune works?
17:29.11Juippisyes, it doesn't
17:37.19LukianArideni, there's other programs that support copying of files to ipod :)
17:38.34*** join/#wowhead Dekster (
17:39.08ArideniI don't want to buy AAC music, I want to buy unprotected mp3 music IF i buy any...I don't want to be able to only use it on this pc, cuz I plan on upgrading & listening to the same music forever...ol
17:41.45*** join/#wowhead mystadio (
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17:42.43Noxymy first piece of .. draenic.. furniture
17:42.45Noxyn ____u
17:43.18TraeTecnoBrat, :(   You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
17:43.43Ziconnoxy: Wouldn't it hurt to have the tail in that angle when sitting?
17:43.57TraeI'm still trying to figure which of my 7 70's to level
17:44.08selckin1your main
17:44.19Traeselckin1, heh, with 7 70's you don't have a main
17:44.33selckin1then you only play the leveling game
17:44.36selckin1and it doesn't mather
17:44.40Traeselckin1, aye
17:44.51Traeselckin1, trying to get out of that mode
17:45.12TraeMy first toon was on Ally (PvE)
17:45.33Traeand I'm thinking now... with Lake Wintergrasp, I could stay on PvE server and just PvP @ the lake
17:45.47NoxyZicon: Tails are squishy and flexible :3 .. at least thats how I imagine them to be
17:45.49Traeand a lot of my friends are on that server too
17:46.26NoxyZicon: But I am gonna shift it slightly, it doesnt seem to fit (perspective wise) on the chair.
17:46.30TraeI guess it comes down to my Druid Priest or Hunter (those are my 3 ally toons on that server)
17:46.57syberghostNoxy: sproing
17:47.15TraeDruid has swift and enchant so I'm inclined to stick with him.
17:49.35TraeI hope they steal the "queue for BG from anywhere" feature from Warhammer
17:50.03Traeand the ability to level in BG's would be sweetsauce too
17:50.30g0urraTrae: I think that's where they got the idea from.
17:50.41Traeg0urra, what's that mate?
17:51.00g0urra<Trae> I hope they steal the "queue for BG from anywhere" feature from Warhammer
17:51.00g0urra<Trae> and the ability to level in BG's would be sweetsauce too
17:51.14g0urraThat's already planned for the future
17:51.20Traeg0urra, really?
17:52.04Traeso let me ask you guys something.  Horde and Ally will be able to go to one of 2 different zones to level  right?   Unlike TBC where we all just mass decended upon Hellfire
17:52.17*** join/#wowhead MoonWolf (
17:52.21ArideniHowling Fjord or the Borean Tundra.
17:52.28TraeI wonder if one will be used more than the other
17:52.36ArideniRolling hills or icy coastline
17:52.40*** join/#wowhead Dekster_ (
17:52.50Traeplus, anyone here plan on leveling via instances?  Or is that even a viable method you think.   Questing will be much faster huh?
17:53.09ArideniQuesting will always be faster if you reply on pickup groups.
17:53.19Arideniyou have 16 questions left
17:53.20TraeArideni, hmm true
17:53.23TraeArideni, lol
17:53.42TraeArideni, I actually did laugh out lout
17:53.46Traeloud too
17:53.51LukianArideni, I'd probably recommend a generic (or maybe not so generic) mp4 player off ebay
17:54.32ArideniLukian: I stopped trying to find ways to blow my money since I found something more important to do atm, haha
17:54.43Malgayneis cracking the whip
17:54.52LukianArideni, you could pay me to buy one for you!
17:55.09LukianMalgayne, ooo, what do you have your slaves doing? :D
17:55.16Malgayneisn't telling
17:55.26Traeno one can match Blizzards epic feel
17:55.28Lukianstuff on the to do list?
17:56.01syberghostYou could pay Noxy to draw your characters; that's a fine way to blow money.
17:56.04MalgayneWell, we haven't added much in the way of new articles since the Sunwell patch
17:56.13MalgayneBut with WotLK we're going to need a bunch of new ones
17:56.38syberghost  <- here's one that could use an update, Malgayne
17:56.38Lukianzone /instance info or?
17:57.24*** join/#wowhead [Liquidor] (
17:57.25Malgaynesyberghost--you may or may not be aware but that's not us, in those videos
17:57.31MalgayneWe don't record them
17:57.31syberghostMalgayne: I know
17:57.33MalgayneWe just host them
17:57.43Malgayneand the tenth video in that series ISN'T DONE YET
17:57.52syberghostBut I don't have a handy means to pester the shit out of Zand about it.
17:57.58MalgayneIt will be posted today, at noon. :P
17:58.02MalgayneWell, I don't either. :P
17:58.08syberghostIt's 12:54 here.  :)
17:59.01Lukianpats Mal|dog and throws him a bone
17:59.04Lukiangood night all!
17:59.11syberghostLoot the hound!
17:59.26Lukiantames Mal|dog
17:59.47Zicontames lukian
18:01.19*** join/#wowhead Jolt (
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18:07.22NoxyOh crapbuckets, I knew there was something I was supposed to do today.
18:24.40MowseyNOXY zomg
18:25.03Mowseyalso pants
18:28.25*** join/#wowhead Dennet (
18:28.36Mowseyuh oh
18:32.15Mowseywb Noxy pants
18:33.40MowseyI fell asleep in my chair for a while >_<
18:34.33MowseyAnd when I woke up the realms were just coming up, hehe
18:34.37MowseyAwesome timing :D
18:40.13syberghostThere was just a news story that lack of sleep contributes to heart disease, so you were just being healthy.
18:40.50MowseyThat's kinda bad
18:41.00MowseyMy family has history of heart disease
18:41.03Mowsey+ I never sleep
18:41.22Noxyafk sleeping for hours
18:41.32g0urraMowsey: same here -_-
18:41.45g0urramy grandfather died of a heart attack when he was 47
18:42.09MowseyI have all sorts of fun stuff in my family
18:42.36MowseyAlzheimer's, heart disease, alcoholism, cancer, other stuff -.-
18:43.08Noxythe woman in my family live a long assed time and keep their looks 8D
18:43.14lprichom nom nom alcoholism
18:43.37MowseyLucky you Noxy :p
18:43.44lprichI love cerosis
18:44.35lprichyeah that
18:52.04MalgayneWhat happened?
18:52.59MowseyJeez Noxy
18:53.03MowseyYour priest is geared :o
18:53.27Malgayne  =  :D
18:53.43Malgayne  =  :-\
18:55.23Mowseybeep beep
18:55.27Mowseylicks Malgayne
18:56.09MalgayneOr like
18:57.05TecnoBratMalgayne, what are you going on about!?
18:57.23MalgayneCompare these screenshots
18:57.32Malgayne  =  Awesome
18:57.42Malgayne  =  uh...
18:58.54MalgayneHow did this:
18:59.00Malgayneturn into this:
18:59.15Malgayneyou know?
18:59.19Mowseyself-imposed graphical limitations?
19:00.20MalgayneBlizzard's art team is the best
19:00.23MalgayneThey're amazing
19:00.38MalgayneBut they're getting their ass beat by Blizzard's art team from 8 years ago
19:01.15TecnoBratone is a 200 pixel animated 2d sprite
19:01.27g0urrago go 2nd WoW models!
19:01.28TecnoBratthe other is a fully 3d object
19:01.40MalgayneTecno all the warcraft 3 models were full 3d
19:01.43TecnoBratapples and oranges!
19:01.55MalgayneThese are just the only screenshots I could find
19:07.27Noxythe 2Ds win
19:07.52MalgayneBesides if you want to be picky, one is a 200 pixel animated 2d sprite, and the other is a 500 pixel non-animated .jpg
19:08.19*** join/#wowhead CBG (n=CBG@
19:08.22Trae  SFW  I lol'ed
19:09.20*** join/#wowhead CBG (n=CBG@
19:10.53MowseyOh cool, all realms down again -.-
19:11.04g0urraSLEEPY TIME
19:15.39TecnoBratanyone having issues loading wowhead?
19:15.59MowseyIt's being slow
19:16.05syberghostIt seemed exceptionally slow a minute ago.
19:16.22Mowseywww1 is taking longer
19:16.31MowseyBut they're both slow
19:16.54*** join/#wowhead bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:19.37Mowseycaster fists :D
19:20.43MrDuckthat sword looks pro
19:20.50MrDuckwhere is dat from? :>
19:21.06MowseyNaxx 25
19:21.22MrDucklfg for that already :p
19:21.36MrDuckthere isnt any tanking mace rite?
19:21.37MowseyThere's a bunch of awesome new item models
19:21.42MowseyI dunno
19:21.48MowseyI've only looked at a few random ones
19:23.01*** join/#wowhead Kraps (
19:31.34Dennetkhrafni pabli shni khofni yaplis goflo gofli khrafni pabli shni khofni yaplis goflo gofli khrafni pabli shni khofni yaplis? goflo gofli khrafni pabli shni khofni yaplis goflo gofli khrafni pabli shni khofni yaplis goflo gofli... LEEKSPIIIN!
19:32.12g0urraMalgayne pong
19:32.23*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (
19:33.43syberghostDennet has not learned the difference between Dadaism and gibberish.
19:36.24Corgantackles Mowsey
19:36.35Mowseyoof >.o
19:36.47Dennetabsorbs Google Dadaism Knowledge
19:36.55DennetOk, so what does the Dadai movement has to do with moi?
19:37.38IxnorpI'm trying to find the base (naked, untalented) stats for a level 80 priest with no success.  Anyone have a link?
19:38.08syberghostwaits until Mowsey picks herself up, then tackles her again
19:38.22syberghostDennet: nothing, that's my point.  You're just spouting random gibberish into the channel.  Again.
19:38.24syberghostIt's not clever; it's just annoying.
19:38.27Mowseycrawls behind Noxy ;;
19:38.39Mowseyhalp D:
19:38.48Dennetsyberghost: At least you have the chance to talk. *grin*
19:53.09*** join/#wowhead Rufwon (n=Rufwon@
19:54.01Rufwonwhere all the OP rogues here .. got a questin about Hit Rating..
19:55.30syberghostThere were some Rogues here, but a Paladin soloed them all.  And then I shot him.
19:55.44Rufwonnerf paladins
19:56.03syberghostspams pointed sticks at Paladins until they stop moving
19:56.22MalgayneI might know the answer, Rufwon
19:56.32RufwonI'm reading the forum sticky that Kicklucky wrote and I got to this point which got me little confused
19:56.33RufwonThe talent Precision now increases the chance to hit with Poisons, thus the total hit rating you need to reach the Poison cap is 214 (151 with 5/5 Precision) (at 70).
19:57.10Rufwonright now im at 316
19:57.11Malgayne(link me to the post btw?)
19:58.14MalgayneI'm not sure I know the answer to this one but I'm hauling sbmrclean in here
19:58.36Rufwondoes he mean when that my HR would be 214  with poisons from assasin or w/o it?
19:58.43Rufwonassasin tree
19:59.21Rufwoni would psot the question but right now im being a bad boy and behind a proxy that doesnt let me see the captcha thing lol
19:59.32Rufwonat work!
20:00.53MalgayneI'm summoning sbmrclean, he should be here shortly
20:01.00Rufwonlol ok ty ty
20:01.03MalgayneIt has a 10 minute or so cast time though so be patient
20:01.17TraeMalgayne, fix the damned servers.
20:01.27MalgayneTrae: Clear your cache
20:01.31MalgayneThe servers are maxed out
20:01.40TraeMalgayne, I know you have kung-fu you are hiding
20:02.03syberghostpickpockets Malgayne's kung-fun
20:02.08syberghostkung-fun?  WTF?
20:02.10Malgayneand we added a 3rd webserver this week but because your cache hasn't updated yet the traffic isn't redirecting to the 3rd webserver
20:02.13Traesyberghost, lol
20:02.17*** join/#wowhead boshi (n=chris@
20:02.37TraeMalgayne, Just press the "Make it work" button.  sheesh.  :)
20:02.43TecnoBratMalgayne, wrong type of cache :P
20:02.55syberghostMalgayne: nullroute Trae, problem solved.  :)
20:02.55TecnoBratits DNS cache, which isn't in your browser :)P
20:03.09TraeI wasn't talking about lol
20:03.12Traebut anyhoo
20:03.13MalgayneTecnoBrat: you KNOW I'm just making this stuff up to cover up the fact that the "make it work" button is broken
20:03.14fewynTrae: Malgayne doesn't have that button sadly, you'll have to bother TecnoBrat because he loves to be bothered
20:03.15TecnoBratTrae, use
20:03.24TecnoBratMalgayne, there is a make it work button
20:03.31TecnoBratand it works!
20:03.47TecnoBrat <= make it work button
20:03.55TraeMalgayne, wowhead is up for me.  sowwy.  I was talking about the WoW servers.
20:04.11syberghostDammit, it's noon PST and no 10DoK yet!
20:04.34TecnoBratgood news is the DNS cache is only 1 hour, so it should be find
20:04.45*** join/#wowhead triath (
20:04.46robotuschand the bads news is.. ?
20:04.50*** join/#wowhead SBMrClean (n=SBMrClea@
20:04.59TraeTecnoBrat, Cox Cable East Coast Wowhead works for me.
20:05.19TecnoBratTrae, it just depends on which webserver your DNS randomly chose :P
20:05.27TecnoBratround robin dns
20:05.36SBMrCleanSo what's up?
20:05.38syberghostAh, it's up on
20:05.52Rufwonoh hey sbm
20:06.10MalgayneRufwon is the one who had a question
20:06.16MalgayneAnd syberghost, we're putting it up right now
20:06.26Rufwonim reading the sticky kicklucky wrote and i didnt understand this:
20:06.26RufwonThe talent Precision now increases the chance to hit with Poisons, thus the total hit rating you need to reach the Poison cap is 214 (151 with 5/5 Precision) (at 70).
20:06.33MalgayneThe PL guys used to give us the full week of info on Sunday so we could put them all up at once
20:06.42Rufwonis this with pts to poison or ppoison in general
20:06.43MalgayneNow they send them to us one day at a time, 10 minutes before noon. :(
20:07.10Malgaynesbmrclean: for clarity's sake, the sticky he's referring to is
20:07.14SBMrCleanLemme che ck the tree real quick
20:07.20Rufwonlol ty mal again
20:07.58syberghostMalgayne: lest it seem differently in my joking, I greatly appreciate you guys bringing that to my attention.
20:08.23syberghostAll the Project Lore stuff.
20:08.40MalgayneOh certainly
20:08.42syberghostI didn't know about them until the 10DoK posts on Wowhead.
20:08.46MalgayneWe do what we can, the PL guys are cool
20:09.42SBMrCleanWhat do you mean "with points to poison" exactly?
20:09.50CadwallionTecnoBrat, by tomorrow I should have a new plugin committed to svn for Rubybot. :-)
20:10.27TecnoBratCadwallion, cool
20:10.27Cadwallionerr, module
20:10.27robotusch I lol'd at the location ;)
20:10.59CadwallionFinishing up the construction of a user-specific RSS feed tracker. :-)
20:11.25RufwonSB, the assasin has a boost to poisons i think last time i checked .. one dmg and other increases how much it procs i believe
20:11.33syberghostSomebody needs to teach Zand how to pronounce "ebon".
20:11.50*** join/#wowhead Niamor (n=niamor59@
20:11.57Rufwonforgive me i would be able to see the tree but im behind a proxy rightnow so i can't be more detailed
20:11.58syberghostIt's "EH-bun", he keeps saying "EE-bun".
20:13.00SBMrCleanIt's "+10% chance to apply poisons" and "+20% poison damage and +30% resistance against dispel"
20:13.32Rufwonso do i need to put pts there to have a 214 HR is what im sayign or is just poisons in general
20:13.33SBMrCleanThe talents don't really interact with precision
20:13.51SBMrCleanAllow me to leap frog your question
20:13.54Rufwonright now im at 316
20:13.57syberghostlol, this is awesome, the reaction of Org to Bigwang.
20:14.17SBMrCleanYou've got 316 hit rating?
20:14.37SBMrCleanWithout precision?
20:14.41Rufwonwith precission
20:15.03SBMrCleanThen I'm kind of unclear what your question is
20:15.33Rufwonthat one that says 10% chance to apply to poisons
20:15.47SBMrCleanThat doesn't interact with hit rating at all
20:16.06Rufwonok so then my HR is too high
20:16.14SBMrCleanOh no no no
20:16.33SBMrCleanIt's defiantely not.  Unless you have over 28% chance to hit, your hit rating isn't too high
20:16.33Rufwonthats wher eim confused lol maybe im reading it wrong
20:17.18Malgayne"The talent Precision now increases the chance to hit with Poisons, thus the total hit rating you need to reach the Poison cap is 214 (151 with 5/5 Precision)"
20:17.50SBMrCleanYeah, it's pretty unclear what "chance to hit with poisons" means
20:17.55robotuschI can see where the confusion lies
20:18.14Rufwonok cool i dont feel so stupid now lol
20:18.19SBMrCleanBut unless I'm mistaken, what they mean is "Reduces the chance that your poisons are resisted by 5%"
20:18.43syberghostI have got to have a DK.
20:19.31robotuschyou would expect him to post the hit rating required with 5/5 precision, since he's referring to that in the beginning of the sentence, so when he added the extra ()'d sentece it got a bit confusing
20:19.54*** join/#wowhead loozah (
20:21.12SBMrCleanHmm, didn't think about the windfury changes
20:21.21SBMrCleanhit rating has dropped on the itemization budget quite a bit
20:21.47MalgayneSBMrClean's two 70s are a warrior and a shaman
20:21.58MalgayneBut he's been levelling a rogue and I rely on his theorycrafting
20:22.46deltron<3 shaman
20:22.57RufwonI'm totally ok with the HR i was about to regem my whole gear for AP lol
20:23.38SBMrCleanYou're mutilate, right?
20:23.55robotuschyay, 72 free slots in my bag o/
20:24.01Rufwonlike kicklucky has it ..
20:24.11SBMrCleanOkay, you should go for +10 agility first, I'm pretty sure
20:25.19Rufwonwait thats wrong lol
20:25.28Rufwondam SonicWall
20:25.45RufwonRufwon in Kilrogg US
20:27.24MowseyI fell asleep again ._.
20:29.20SBMrCleanThat sounds bad =/
20:33.07MowseyI'm exhausted all the time >.<
20:33.21Rufwongo excercise
20:33.26Rufwongo to the gym
20:33.28Rufwonwork out
20:33.49Rufwonstay active basically lol
20:34.01syberghostDrink lots of energy drinks and stay out of sunlight.
20:34.05Rufwonyou can do it and still have wow life
20:34.20syberghostEat deep-fried foods covered in cheese, for energy.
20:34.28syberghostGet a better chair so you can sit in it longer.
20:34.34Rufwonoh wow
20:34.53Rufwonspeakin of chair mine is about to retire
20:34.58syberghostCome on, who you wanna listen to; me or Rufwon?
20:35.03Rufwonhave had it for about 7yrs now lol
20:35.52MowseyI vote replace "exercise" with "sexual activity"
20:36.13Rufwonthat works if only i had a signifcant other to have those sexual activities with
20:36.21MowseyOh...damn ._.
20:36.26Rufwonunfortunately im not that lucky
20:36.35syberghostNonsense; she's a girl, she can have sex any time she's willing to lower her standards sufficiently.
20:36.36Rufwonmaybe if i pay for it
20:36.36robotuschwelcome to the club, then
20:37.17Mowseylol, it's not any standards as to why I'm not in a relationship =/
20:37.28syberghostWho mentioned relationships?
20:37.32syberghostOther than Rufwon.
20:37.40Mowseyokay that's basically my one standard
20:38.02robotuschThe social thingie again?
20:38.06syberghostWell if you're going to be all picky and have "rules".
20:38.16RufwonI've been in a couple relationships .. too much work really IMO
20:38.33syberghostMy 12th wedding anniversary is next month.
20:39.23RufwonI'm not even  worried about it anyway lol im 27yrs old .. still got a few more years to relax
20:39.42*** join/#wowhead VaderTime (
20:39.46SBMrCleanSome of us are sweating things like "jobs" first =P
20:39.56syberghostStop: VaderTime.
20:39.59syberghostbreaks into dance
20:39.59Mowseydon't remind me :x
20:40.19VaderTimestupid servers :(
20:41.06Rufwonso about 90% of my guild members are all gonna roll a DK .. lol
20:41.24g0urrathey're moving to denmark?
20:41.34Rufwonthe other 10% not getting xpac til later
20:41.36SBMrCleanHeh, you won't see me online within the frst week of the xpack, I bet
20:41.41Rufwonlol Death Knight
20:42.11Rufwonits gonna be like when the isles came out
20:42.15Rufwoneveryone all in that area
20:42.29Rufwonim with you SB .. im gonna hold off on it for a few days or maybe a week
20:42.56Rufwonotherwise its gonna be lagville central in northrend. come get ur share!
20:43.22robotuschI'll be fishing for the first couple of hours :>
20:43.44robotuschI probably won't get the realm first 450 fishing achievement, but meh
20:43.45SBMrCleanYeah, I've stil gotta beat fallout 3 anyway
20:44.13robotuschg0urra, we could use some more foreign people to beat on!
20:45.07infobotACTION gets in the car
20:45.54robotuschAnd then we'll send even more people across Øresund to Sweden, since they want to "live in a democratic and accepting country"
20:46.32VaderTimeI dont need my in game mail I just wanna play dammit
20:46.38syberghostrobotusch: ooooooold
20:46.56robotuschshoo, syber
20:53.53Rufwonmy boss just came back from sweden
20:54.02Rufwonour corporate office is there
20:54.43Rufwonshe bought back some "Dumie" candy
20:54.49Rufwonits pretty good
20:55.06SBMrCleanWait, is that that horrendous salty licorice?
20:55.07Rufwonoh its dumle
20:55.11Rufwoni thought it was Dumie
20:55.28g0urraSBMrClean: no
20:55.32SBMrCleanOh good
20:55.41Rufwonits like a caramel chocolate thing
20:55.49g0urraclick the middle one
20:56.07g0urra"chocolate coated toffee caramel"
20:56.14Rufwonboss also gave me keychain
20:56.22syberghostSounds wretched.
20:56.23SBMrCleanI think I'd explode if I discovered someone liked salty licorice
20:56.33Rufwonlook like a guy holding a sword and a helmet with a long beared
20:56.43Rufwonlike a viking i guess
20:56.47syberghostHis helmet has a long beard?
20:56.47Rufwonhas a shield
20:57.04Rufwonwait not long beared
20:57.06Rufwonlong mustasche
20:57.12Rufwonholding a shield and a sword
20:57.16Rufwonviking helmet
20:57.26SBMrCleansounds awesome
20:57.39Rufwonyeah its cool lol
20:57.49Rufwoni wanna visit but i wont pay for it ..
20:57.54Rufwonwaiting for job to do that
20:58.01syberghostmoustache helmet; that sounds like a dirty euphemism for something.
20:58.38SBMrCleanI think a "moustache _______" can be a dirty euphemism for about anything
20:58.54g0urraRufwon: is the keychain guy of a candy company?
20:58.56g0urralike dumle
20:59.14Rufwoni really have no idea ... ill take a picture of it hol don
20:59.16SBMrClean"moustache elephant"
23:17.05*** join/#wowhead infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:17.05*** topic/#wowhead is Welcome to the official Wowhead channel - Channel rules and stats at - We want your beta dataz!
23:17.34*** join/#wowhead dvorf_work (n=dvorf@
23:18.13*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
23:20.58*** join/#wowhead Biscuitness (
23:21.37Mowseylicks Biscuitness
23:21.47Biscuitnesstickles MOwsey
23:21.54MowseyWhat time is it there D:
23:22.04*** join/#wowhead Windaria (n=Denial@unaffiliated/windaria)
23:24.01Biscuitnesserm00:23 am
23:24.04Corganback up yet? -_-
23:24.28Biscuitnesssmelly blizzard
23:25.05JunkHeadRealms aren't back up yet?
23:25.18JunkHeadThey never came up from maintenance?
23:25.21MowseyBiscuit, you and Noxy have to go to Illidan T-T
23:25.27MowseyJunkHead they came up for a while
23:25.33MowseyBut they shut them down for some mail problems
23:25.40JunkHeadI had a headache and passed out around 1pm.
23:28.07Biscuitnesswe are not going to Illidan
23:28.14Biscuitnesswe barely have enough time to play as is
23:28.24Biscuitnessif we went to illidan to make a char we'd barely or even not play it
23:28.54BiscuitnessIf we had joined of our own accord and not because we wanted to play with some of our friends initially we might not have been alliance and would have had an easier time
23:29.01Biscuitnessswitching to horde or another server.
23:30.32BiscuitnessBut if we had the chance Mowsey we would join Illidan to come play with ya
23:31.24*** join/#wowhead triath (
23:32.35MowseyRealms should have been up 5.5 hours ago ;_;
23:32.43*** join/#wowhead Rida (
23:33.13PoeticDragonThey were up.
23:33.17PoeticDragonThen they went down. :P
23:33.22MowseyYeah, for 10 minutes =/
23:33.30BlackFrog|for only 15 minutes on one realm
23:33.44PoeticDragonThey were all up
23:33.46BlackFrog|correction, a few realms
23:33.55BlackFrog|Sentinel wasn't up
23:34.02PoeticDragon.... Yes it was, cause that's where I play horde
23:34.17PoeticDragonI logged in, learned my minor glyph, and dicked around with addon settings for quite a while
23:35.31*** join/#wowhead topsub (
23:35.52Corganrofl Mowsey
23:35.53Corganthat book
23:36.22Biscuitnessthrows pancake
23:36.35Mowseyis suddenly hit in the face with a pancake
23:36.44MowseyI saw that
23:36.44Corganoh the irony
23:38.25BiscuitnessEveryone should come to Holland just cuz..its erm.. spiffy?
23:38.37MowseyYou should come to Tolland
23:39.18*** join/#wowhead Jolt^ (
23:40.49*** join/#wowhead Lisimba (
23:40.52BiscuitnessHolland ftw
23:40.59MowseyTolland ftl actually
23:41.12MowseyIt's green and boring and crappy here
23:41.25Mowseyhitchhikes to Holland
23:42.30malikeyeomg... we got these pretzel bites filled with peanut butter at costco
23:42.41lprichthose things are deadly
23:43.01malikeyeI didn't think I would / could get any fatter
23:43.23Biscuitnesswell its more awesome because we have Albert Heijn
23:43.39*** part/#wowhead PoeticDragon (
23:44.07g0urragood night
23:44.52Mowseysits on Biscuitness's shoulders
23:45.23*** join/#wowhead Valhun (
23:48.15malikeyedamn, realms are down
23:48.30*** join/#wowhead Valhun (
23:48.32FinalXhm, this quest chain is marked as alliance, but it's for both sides.. just done it on my blood elf pally:
23:49.20Biscuitnessruns around like mad
23:49.31Mowseyfalls off D:
23:49.56Biscuitnesswish realms were up
23:50.05BiscuitnessI noticed theres very few male dwarf priests
23:50.05Valhuntell me about it...
23:50.40FinalXFemale dwarf priests were even more rare... I was the only level 70 dwarf priest on my realm for ages xD
23:51.08MowseyDwarves are rare, female dwarves rarer :p
23:51.26Mowsey's stomach growls :x
23:51.32FinalXrarest is a female dwarf rogue :|
23:51.46JunkHeadAh I see SK-Gaming and Nihilum are emrging.
23:51.54ZiconMy housemate has a female dwarf rogue.
23:52.04JunkHeadDoes that mean.. technically, one less guild to worry about talking about?
23:52.15Mowseyfemale orcs are probably rarest for the horde
23:52.20MowseyBut not as rare as dwarves :p
23:52.23malikeyethe forums are all messed up
23:52.24malikeyesite is down
23:52.26ZiconI have a female orc!
23:52.27MowseyAlthough on my old realm
23:52.34MowseyI was one of 2 female orcs at 70
23:52.34malikeyegg bliz
23:52.49ZiconRoomie has one of them, too. Both hunters.
23:53.25Mowseymy dad keeps sending me txt messages
23:53.37Biscuitnessjust text him back that your phone is broken
23:53.44MowseyIt's all like
23:53.48Mowsey"dinner in 4 minutes" and stuff
23:53.56MowseyAnd he knows I never have my phone with me >.<
23:54.08MowseyI don't have anything to use it for, lol
23:55.18FinalXI'm considering making a female dwarf death knight.
23:55.21FinalXJust for the heck of it.
23:55.32MowseyAll the chars I play on Illidan are female tauren
23:55.40MowseyI have a female troll mage
23:55.48MowseyBut that's only cuz I couldn't make a tauren mage :(
23:58.05*** join/#wowhead Trae (
23:58.07BiscuitnessI am gonna lvl my dwarf priest as high as possible
23:58.32MowseyWhat level is it now?
23:58.48Biscuitness10 XD
23:59.00Biscuitnessit sort of my project I guessw for when Nox is drawing
23:59.03MowseyI looked up Noxy's priest and she's geared out :o
23:59.08TraeWTB servers being up.
23:59.27robotusch23 hours!'

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