IRC log for #wowhead on 20101209

00:02.51g0urrastarspun: she's counting on you
00:02.57g0urrait's important
00:03.01starspunThey ALL are!
00:06.54Gary|tpthis sucks
00:06.59Gary|tpright click is broken in firefox :/
00:07.10Raws* is broken in Firefox
00:07.20Gary|tpI hate firefox ffff
00:07.38RawsDid you see that they're disabling Websockets in FF 4b7
00:07.39Gary|tpyay for having to restart entire browser
00:07.53fewynjust did lost city
00:07.57fewynthat was a lot of fun actually
00:08.01RawsApparently along with Opera, in protest to some security issues
00:08.05Gary|tpare they still pissed off cause of freenode spambots
00:08.09CorganI like it :D
00:08.14Corganyou doing heroics?
00:08.24fewyni don't think i have the gear yet
00:08.30fewyni got the agi cloak out of lost city
00:08.34CorganI'm at uh
00:08.36Corgan324 ilvl
00:08.40fewyn324 ilevel
00:08.43Corganyou need 329 to queue
00:08.44Corganfor heroics
00:08.55fewyni bought two pieces of jp gears
00:09.01fewynoh dagger and shoulders
00:09.38*** join/#wowhead Jefus (
00:09.45CorganI bought gloves
00:10.47*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
00:11.00*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
00:13.27Gary|tpQ: When u plant a male seed with male weed seed will it grow
00:13.54njoosself portrait
00:13.56njooswhat a winner
00:14.32Gary|tphe's gonna be so disappointed when his plants either die or he realizes that males are useless
00:20.46RawsDon't perpetrate the "males are useless" line, Gary!
00:20.50RawsYou're not helping our case at all
00:21.23Gary|tpRaws, the only thing they're used for is breeding new strains
00:21.31Gary|tpyou can't smoke them and they cripple the THC production of females
00:21.55njoosI smoked your mum
00:22.23starspunMy mum's still smokin'
00:22.38RawsHell yeah, she is
00:22.56fewynmissing 4 quests from uldum
00:23.30RawsGuess you don't quite have uldum yet
00:24.05zerqever notice how all the druids with names like "tanksaton" "loltree" etc are always terribad boomkins these days?
00:24.21njoosRealized I'm a super nerd today
00:24.37njoosWas at a party, end of semester thing, didn't really drink since I wanted to get home to play world of warcraft
00:24.45starspunBad njoos
00:24.52njoosand I talked about how to use a GPU to crack a set of MD5 encoded passwords with my classmate for the entire thing
00:24.57zerq"tankodiin" in my new random, ret pally
00:24.58Rawsnjoos not gettin' joosed
00:26.12Gary|tpare you just
00:26.18ArkaenMillhouse Manastorm broke my heart
00:26.26*** join/#wowhead BasicPRO (
00:27.05Arkaenfewyn: Seriously
00:27.07RawsWill Wowhead ever merge NPCs which appear in different phases and different places?
00:27.19ArkaenI will beat his ass for being SUCH A LETDOWN
00:27.44RawsI like this map
00:28.25starspunOh, lol, what
00:28.36starspunOnly just noticed the From Hell's Heart I Stab at Thee achievement
00:28.53RawsAww yeah, the baddest-ass achievement
00:29.25*** join/#wowhead arcanium (
00:29.36Gary|tpwhats up arcanium
00:29.47Gary|tpis GV still alive?
00:30.47fewynok i can't figure out what quests i'm missing unless they are counting the dungeon quests
00:31.10ArkaenWhat's it for?
00:31.19RawsI think that's the one for killing the whale shark?
00:31.23starspunKilling the whale shark in Vashj'ir
00:31.36RawsIt wouldn't make sense for anything but
00:32.00ArkaenOh, yeah
00:32.08ArkaenWhat directory is it under?  Exploring and shizz?
00:32.25RawsExploration > Cataclysm
00:32.25stufoh man
00:32.32stufthe goblin dialogues
00:32.34stuf[02:30] Hobart Grapplehammer says: Simply aim and pull the trigger. Or don't aim. I wash my hands of the whole thing.
00:32.37stuf[02:31] Assistant Greely says: I can hit my house from here!
00:32.39stuf[02:31] Hobart Grapplehammer says: Greely, you're not randomly firing that thing into Bilgewater Port, are you?
00:32.42stuf[02:31] Assistant Greely says: No.
00:32.45stuf[02:31] Assistant Greely says: Maybe.
00:32.47stuf[02:31] Assistant Greely says: A little.
00:33.37RawsOh, no way
00:33.43Raws"During Beta, this achievement awarded the title "Ishmael" for a very short time"
00:33.56RawsWhy did they have to take that out
00:35.57MedlirSo what's the story with the client/auth failed?
00:36.09Gary|tpdoes anyone else feel a strong urge to stop talking to someone after they send you one of those retarded forward text messages
00:36.31RawsDon't you basically get retarded forward text messages for hours on end while you're watching movies
00:36.37starspunYes, Gary.
00:36.53Gary|tphaha Raws
00:36.57RawsSalvia Army is working with T-Mobile to donate five cents to every person you send this text to
00:37.00Gary|tpI can deal with it there as it's easy money
00:37.10Gary|tpbut on my personal phone I literally block the person
00:37.12Gary|tpand avoid them IRL
00:37.29RawsWhat if ChaCha accidentally forwarded every text message to your personal phone
00:37.31RawsWHAT IF
00:37.31Gary|tpI cannot stand the level of ignorance these people must live their lives in :x
00:38.23starspunI almost slapped her silly.
00:38.58RawsRich with slaps
00:39.22Gary|tpit pisses me off even more as salvation army is nothing but a front to force feed religion onto people
00:39.38Gary|tpthey will kick gay or atheists out of their homeless shelters
00:40.10Gary|tpyou must be an active christian to volunteer/use salvation army services
00:41.00MalgayneTo be fair I don't think the salvation army can really be called a "front" if they're public about their religious affiliation
00:41.09sygnousI swear I'm getting really old
00:41.20sygnousI'll be doing something, look the other way and then totally forget what I was doing
00:41.38fewynand i figured out what quests i'm missing
00:41.40fewynyay for wowhead
00:41.43robokittyGary|tp, AA is apparently also really about religion
00:41.54Gary|tprobokitty, you have no idea lol
00:42.32Gary|tpI was forced to attend AA meetings as a child due to my mother/fathers drug/alcohol addictions
00:42.32robokittyI just remember reading a post at JREF, where someone mentioned it
00:42.43Gary|tpThey tell you that AA isn't about religion, and then they start going through the steps and how you complete them
00:42.44JamashAA is about the POWER of the LORD to HEAL your SINS and also maybe about alcohol addiction
00:42.53Gary|tpand practically every step is about a "higher power"
00:42.54MalgayneAA isn't about religion exactly
00:42.57MalgayneBut it's theistic
00:43.06djh-Gary|tp: heh, so of inclusivity towards nonbelievers and helping the needy, which strikes you as the important one?
00:43.19Jamashdjh-: false dichotomy
00:43.29Jamashyou can't do the second one without the first one
00:43.37Gary|tpMalgayne, sure, nothing in the big book or the 12 steps specifically declares you need to believe in God
00:43.57sygnousis that how the game is supposed to look?
00:44.03Jamash404 not found
00:44.08MalgayneGary: You misunderstand my point, I think—all I'm trying to say is that theism != religion
00:44.08Gary|tpbut it does force a higher power upon you, and everyone in the meetings will worship a christian god
00:44.25MalgayneYou can believe in god, or a higher power, without being religious
00:44.26Rawssygnous: it is when your video card is overheating
00:44.38Jamashoh, now it loaded, and uh, wow, that's special
00:44.50sygnousyou think that's it?
00:44.58Gary|tpMalgayne, erm... the 12 steps specifically state that you must accept that your life has become unmanagable, and turn to a higher power to lead your life
00:45.04Gary|tpit's more than just theism as a bare concept
00:45.05Rawssygnous: that's usually what causes glitches like that
00:45.12RawsSomething's running hot
00:45.26JamashMalgayne: you really can't
00:45.34Gary|tpit doesn't exactly force you to worship any god, but it does force you to accept a god into your life and accept that "you have no power over your addiction"
00:45.39JamashMalgayne: that's pretty much the definition
00:45.48sygnousguess I need to look into that then
00:45.56MalgayneJamash: Let me correct my terminology
00:46.03MalgayneYou can believe in god without adhering to a religion
00:46.19JamashMalgayne: I don't know what that means.
00:46.23Gary|tpand if you actually sit through a few meetings, you'll quickly learn that pretty much everyone there is christian
00:46.36Gary|tpand, well, let's just say I almost got kicked out for atheist debates numerous times
00:46.42Limberowe talking AA?
00:46.46Gary|tpyes, Limbero
00:46.51RawsJamash: you can believe in a higher power without identifying with a set of further religious beliefs
00:46.52LimberoI'm not surprised
00:46.56MalgayneGary: That doesn't surprise me either
00:46.56LimberoI've heard this before
00:47.18MalgayneGary: Imagine if I'm a scientologist and I believe that all psychology is evil and should be avoided
00:47.28sygnousmy GPU is around 56C
00:47.29MalgayneMy mother is seeing a psychiatrist
00:47.36MalgayneAnd I am attending the sessions with her
00:47.52JamashRaws: You can say you're a unicorn but that doesn't make you one.
00:48.03MalgayneIn the session I point out that Psychiatry is a fraud and should be avoided
00:48.07Limberowait, is this a comparison of atheism and scientology as equally crazy?
00:48.09MalgayneThe psychiatrist is likely to kick me out
00:48.12Limberoor am I reading it wrong?
00:48.38Gary|tpMalgayne, technically speaking, scientology does not believe psychology is a fraud, they just have their own methods of dealing in psychiatric practices
00:48.45MalgayneI'm just using an example with someone who is obviously crazy :P
00:48.46LimberoJamash, I've met Raws, he is a unicorn
00:48.49Limberohe speared me
00:48.49Gary|tpand they don't accept mainstream psychiatry
00:49.02MalgayneGary: The basic point remains valid though
00:49.06Gary|tpMalgayne, but the point was that I was being forced to attend something that is force feeding religion upon me
00:49.08JamashThey believe that psychiatry is not only a fraud but an international conspiracy
00:49.18Gary|tpthe mere fact that courts can mandate my attendence to AA is utter bullshit, imo
00:49.23MalgayneGary: Were you an alcoholic?
00:49.34Gary|tpno, my parents were, and my mother made me attend alateen
00:49.48Gary|tpand I went to several alanon/AA meetings as well
00:49.51MalgayneSo what you're complaining about is that your mother attended a service which is religious in nature, and made you attend
00:49.53DjaneIt should be noted though it's not like you live in a religious open society.
00:50.12Gary|tpMalgayne, I'm complaining that a government backed organization is forcing religion upon it's attendents
00:50.26DjaneYou can point to almost every mainstream or established institution and find out christian or catholic ties.
00:50.37MalgayneAll churches are government-backed
00:50.45LimberoGary|tp, to the government's defense, the whole damn point of the crazy states of yours is belief in god
00:50.46Gary|tpI feel that if courts can force me to go to AA, then AA should not be able to try to convince me that there is a god
00:51.05MalgayneGary: That's a valid point
00:51.09JamashGary|tp: you probably have grounds for a lawsuit
00:51.15Gary|tpMalgayne, there is never a situation (AFAIK) that a court will order you to attend a church
00:51.17RawsI keep reading "AA" as "MA" and getting way confused
00:51.18MalgayneI'm not sure I agree with you but it's a valid point
00:51.26Gary|tpbut if the judge thinks you have a drinking problem, you're forced to attend AA
00:51.28DjaneAA isn't exclusively christian, however.
00:51.32DjaneWhilst those that run it might be
00:51.35Gary|tpwe already covered that, Djane
00:51.38DjaneFair enough.
00:51.45Limberolol, I almost had to take an interview with a Swedish equivalent of AA (not religious though) this week
00:51.51DjaneIt's not hte organisation that's necessarily at fault but the people within it
00:51.51Gary|tpI also disagree with the mere concept of AA
00:51.58Limberobut I got out of it because I'd only drunk alcohol once
00:52.05Gary|tpI drink, and I do stupid stuff while drunk, but does that mean I have an issue? that I have an addiction? no
00:52.26DjaneAA helps a lot of people.
00:52.40Gary|tpsure it does, and I'm really glad it exists
00:52.46Jamashnot as many as you might think
00:52.46Gary|tpbut court mandated AA attendence is bullshit
00:53.06Gary|tpit's just not something that I think could ever help me personally
00:53.08DjaneIt's just court mandated rehab.
00:53.14DjaneIt's pretty much that or prison, usually.
00:53.34Limberoyeah, but rehab that includes "god will heal you"
00:53.38MalgayneGary: here's a question for you
00:53.40Gary|tpthrowing a true alcohol addict in prison can lead to death
00:53.48DjaneLimbero, except it's not god. It's faith in choice. Which is pretty accurate.
00:54.00MalgayneGary: Let's imagine a hypothetical situation
00:54.05Gary|tpokay :)
00:54.07Gary|tpsec gonna grab food
00:54.28MalgayneI'm assuming you don't have any problem with court-mandated alcoholism counseling
00:54.37MalgayneProvided that it isn't religious in nature
00:54.48MalgayneSo assuming that's true
00:55.07MalgayneLet's say there are two alcoholism counseling options
00:55.10Malgayneone of which is AA
00:55.37MalgayneAnd one of which is non-religious, but also has a significantly lower success rate
00:56.00MalgayneIn this hypothetical situation, what should the state do?
00:56.04Gary|tpMalgayne, well, I believe that most people are in control of their drinking, and think that they don't have a problem because they got too drunk one night and pissed in a mailbox.
00:56.05LimberoDjane, I'm not positive what that means
00:56.09Lothrikquick question: if you had 3 talent points to spend (no more, no less) and could only put them into Inner Sanctum, Atonement or Strength of Soul, which would you put them in to?
00:56.25Limberoall I know is that from what I've seen of AA it's a lot about putting yourself into god's hands
00:56.31Gary|tpa judge will look at that person like he looks at every other "alcoholic" he gets into the court
00:56.36Gary|tpand will assume they are an "addict"
00:56.42MalgayneGary: For the sake of argument, let's assume we're dealing with someone who is unequivocally an alcoholic
00:56.45DjaneLimbero, the mantra behind AA is not belief in god. But belief in a higher power than self. In the ability to choose life, health and freedom from addiction. whilst many services and people assume this means religion it is not inherently so.
00:57.10DjaneThere's a lot of bias in the institution though, which is unfortunate.
00:57.18Limberothat's what I meant
00:57.26JamashLSD is more effective in treating alcoholism than AA
00:57.35Gary|tpMalgayne, they should allow the person to make a decision, attend AA, a non-religious rehab/counseling, or prison
00:57.54Gary|tpthe choice should be left to the addict, imho
00:58.05Gary|tpif you stick an atheist person such as myself into AA
00:58.08Gary|tpit's going to fail terribly
00:58.31MalgayneThat's likely true
00:58.38MalgayneIn your case you know best what you would respond to
00:58.43MalgayneBut also you're not an alcoholic
00:58.47sygnousnothing seems exceptionally hot
00:58.52sygnousmight be the drivers
00:58.58Gary|tpthat's not to say that I haven't had addictions, Malgayne
00:59.02DjaneJamash, untrue.
00:59.07MalgayneIs there a case where the person in question legitimately doesn't know which is best for him?
00:59.08*** join/#wowhead Master_Vash (
00:59.09Gary|tpI've been Hooked on Opiates several times
00:59.24robokittyeh, did wowhead just take a hit?
00:59.30JamashDjane: actually, true
00:59.40sygnousfuck queues
00:59.53DjaneJamash, no. There are a couple studies that held inconclusive results in terms of the effectiveness of psychotropic drugs in curing addiction.
01:00.09Djaneone of which which held conclusive but utlimately unreplicatable results.
01:00.15Gary|tpMalgayne, then sure, the state should decide. it's still a better system than to assume every single person who drinks is an addict and should go to a religious recovery center.
01:00.45MalgayneGary: It seems like we're working backwards on the root of your objections here
01:00.59MalgayneFirst you seemed to say that you felt it was wrong for AA to incorporate religion into their therapy
01:01.22DjaneFurthermore none of these studies that report this idea followed through with a withdrawal analysis to consider long term treatment of acloholism which is the biggest and most important point.
01:01.23MalgayneThen you seemed to say that you felt it was wrong for courts to be able to mandate a religious form of counseling
01:01.23Lothrikpeople that go to AA and claim it isn't religious crack me up almost as much as people who claim religion isn't harmful
01:01.25Limberodo want Raws
01:01.39DjaneLothrik, I like the word inherently.
01:01.53DjaneAA isn't inherently religious, and religion isn't inherently harmful.
01:01.59MalgayneThen you seemed to say that it was okay for courts to mandate religion-based counseling as long as they didn't do it to everyone
01:02.01DjaneCan it be? Yes. Is it often? yes.
01:02.07DjaneDoes that make it always? Hell no.
01:02.16sygnousbelieving in things that don't exist isn't harmful?
01:02.21sygnousthat's almost like being an addict
01:02.30Gary|tpMalgayne, not at all, tbh. Religion is a key piece of AA, and I think it is what makes it so successful. The saying "ignorance is bliss" exists for a reason. Many people have trouble understanding the concept that there is nothing out there, no reason to live, etc... and teaching them about god and how god can help them quit drinking works great.
01:02.52starspunBelieving in dinosaurs has never harmed me. They don't exist (anymore).
01:03.08sygnousif you tell yourself "I'm not an addict", but then tell yourself "I believe in god".. it's the same thing
01:03.11Limberostarspun, lies
01:03.12sygnousyour deluding yourself
01:03.14Limberothey do exist
01:03.17Gary|tpA lot of my recreation comes from drug use, and if I knew for 100% certainty that God exists and that I would go to hell for my drug use, I would quit.
01:03.18Djanesygnous, prove it?
01:03.31sygnousprove what?
01:03.35LimberoDjane, burden of proof is on the presenter of a claim
01:03.36sygnousit's your job to prove it's real
01:03.36DjaneThat god doesn't exist.
01:03.49Gary|tp[18:59:24] <Malgayne> Then you seemed to say that it was okay for courts to mandate religion-based counseling as long as they didn't do it to everyone
01:03.50Limberothe first claim is that god exists, not vice versa
01:03.55DjaneLimbero, and he's claiming belief is delusion
01:03.58starspunYou can't prove he exists. You can't prove he doesn't exist.
01:04.00MalgayneLimbero: sygnous has presented the claim "God does not exist"
01:04.08Gary|tpThe key concept you missed here is that it should be the choice of the defendent.
01:04.10DjaneThe only rational scientific position around god is skeptical agnosticism
01:04.12sygnousI've never seen proof
01:04.17LimberoMalgayne, which couldn't exist without the first claim that god does exist
01:04.20Limberoand Djane is correct
01:04.22MalgayneIt's fair to say "we don't know if there is a god, there's no proof either way"
01:04.24starspunAnd people who believe feel they have enough proof.
01:04.31Limberobut skeptical to the point where it basically is atheism
01:04.44MalgayneBut stating that there is no god is a claim that needs supporting, the same as stating that there is one
01:04.45sygnouslike people that believe in god can say ET's don't exist
01:04.50sygnousthey have no proof
01:04.51LimberoMalgayne, no
01:04.59Limberofirst claim is "god exists"
01:05.05sygnousthe burden of proof is on the claimer
01:05.05Limberothe anti-claim wouldn'
01:05.12Limberot be if there wasn't the first claim
01:05.25DjaneLimbero, but synous's claim isn't "god doesn't exist". it's "you're deluded if you believe in god"
01:05.33DjaneWhich is a somewhat different although strongly corrolated claim.
01:05.35JamashIf I say unicorns don't exist, the burden of proof is not on me to prove a negative
01:05.42LimberoDjane, oh, I didn't see that
01:05.46sygnousno, I was comparing denial to belief in god
01:05.48JamashLikewise with god
01:06.02MalgayneLimbero: That's not a viable position to hold, though.  You're assuming that the default state of all beliefs is negative, until proof is presented otherwise, and that's not true
01:06.05Gary|tpJamash, but there are people out there that believe in unicorns
01:06.11Gary|tpjust as there are idiotic wiccans
01:06.11LimberoMalgayne, yes it is
01:06.15Gary|tpand other religious wackos
01:06.20DjaneLimbero, incorrect.
01:06.29Gary|tpthe fact of the matter is that humanity in general prefers to be ignorant
01:06.30MalgayneLimbero: If Stephen Hawking told me that Black Holes exist, my default response would be to believe him
01:06.35JamashFurthermore, since when we talk about "god" we're usually talking about monotheistic religions, by your logic the burden of proof is on them to disprove the existence of every alternative deity
01:06.38MalgayneEven though I have no evidence (yet) to support his claim
01:06.38DjaneProof does not change reality.
01:06.46sygnousMalgayne: but it's been a little while.... you'd think that the billions of people that believe in this "ghost" could have one shred of evidence
01:06.56LimberoMalgayne, because he's an authoritative (sp?) person with a history of well-backed claims
01:06.58Limberothat's called trust
01:07.01sygnousMalgayne: we can see black holes
01:07.01DjaneLimbero, let me put it like this.
01:07.04MalgayneLimbero: That's correct
01:07.16starspunLimbero, and kids grow up into religion because people they trust tell them God exist.
01:07.17Limberotrust is a form of proof
01:07.19MalgayneBut some claims can be trusted without proof, and some cannot
01:07.21DjaneWhen somebody makes a claim of belief. The proof of it does not make that claim right or wrong
01:07.26DjaneThe truth exists independantly of the belief.
01:07.26Limberoalthough subjective
01:07.33LimberoDjane, correct
01:07.33Lothrikno claim can be trusted without proof
01:07.34DjaneSomebody can believe something both true or false without or with proof.
01:07.36sygnoustruth is a one or a zero
01:07.38Lothrikthat's just.. that's just wrong
01:07.42Gary|tpMalgayne, the evidence is all around you. hell, look up into the night sky with a telescope and you can even see the region of the galaxy where there is presumably a supermassive black hole keeping our solar system in orbit.
01:07.43sygnouseither it's true, or it's false
01:07.54Limberobut the default state of BELIEF is nonexistense, no?
01:07.57JamashI would further argue that it is easy to prove that any given god (except the most abstract) does not exist.
01:08.01MalgayneGary: I agree there IS evidence
01:08.03DjaneLimbero, why would it be?
01:08.16MalgayneThere's plenty of evidence, though obviously nothing directly observational
01:08.21Limberosince it is not logical to go around believing everything exists (multiverse theory discarded for a moment)
01:08.25MalgayneSince black holes can't be directly observed
01:08.26Lothrikbelieving that ANYTHING is true before sufficient evidence is presented is a retarded position to take, I'm sorry
01:08.36sygnousthey are directly observed
01:08.37Lothrikif somebody told me black holes exist, and I had no former knowledge of them
01:08.39DjaneLimbero, everything no? Something? I think you'll find the entire history of mankind and the study of psychology to disagree.
01:08.42Jamash<religious document X> says their deity of choice behaves in such and such a manner, and has both the ability and desire to affect the universe in a visible way
01:08.42Lothrikand they did not present any evidence
01:08.45LothrikI would not believe them
01:08.58JamashThe universe is not affected in that way.
01:09.07Limberowait, what?
01:09.11Gary|tpAnyway, this has just turned into another religious debate, which is pointless and will never get anywhere, just as the last 5,000,000,000,000 religious debates have gone.
01:09.16DjaneLimbero, it is human nature to believe in something.
01:09.18Gary|tpwas nice debating wit chu, Malgayne
01:09.18JamashTherefore, their deity of choice either does not exist or is not as described.
01:09.25LothrikScience can't explain X. It probably can, have you read  and understood peer reviewed information on the topic? Keep in mind, science only gives us a best fit model from which we can make  predictions. If it really can't yet, then consider this: God the gaps.
01:09.27LimberoDjane, human nature is not logical
01:09.35sygnousDjane: it's also human nature to kill each other
01:09.44DjaneQuite. So why judge humanity on a logical scale>?
01:09.45Limberomurder can be logical
01:09.52DjaneWhy expect a default state to be logical?
01:09.53LimberoDjane, I'm not talking about humanity
01:10.01Limberodefault state should be logical
01:10.04DjaneBut it's not.
01:10.07DjaneHuman beings aren't.
01:10.10MalgayneLothrik: Science give syou a best fit model from which you can make predictions
01:10.11Limberolet's call it the "logical default state" then
01:10.12DjaneShould has nothing to come into it.
01:10.15starspunShould? Maybe. Is? No.
01:10.17Limberobecause that's what I mean
01:10.24MalgayneIt may not be perfect, but you believe it until a better explanation comes along
01:10.29Lothrikwhat the fuck, guys
01:10.34Lothrikyou don't make predictions in science
01:10.40Limberookay, I'm talking about the hypothetical default state of belief that is the most correct
01:10.42DjaneThat's a hypothetical abstract though Limbero and not borne out through anthropological science for one.
01:10.42MalgayneLothrik you JUST SAID THIS
01:10.44Lothrikyou draw conclusions from evidence
01:10.48Lothrikyou start with a theory, sure
01:10.49Limberonot the de-facto default state of belief
01:10.49sygnousyou do make predictions
01:10.55Malgayne"Keep in mind, science only gives us a best fit model from which we can make  predictions."
01:10.56sygnousthat's how you get conclusions
01:10.57DjaneIt's not science if you can't make predictions.
01:11.08MalgayneThat was your statement—did you copy/paste it from somewhere? :P
01:11.14sygnousit's not proven until it's proven though
01:11.17LimberoI think we mean the same thing from different perspectives
01:11.21Limberoif I'm reading this right
01:11.21Lothrikit's a snippet from the link I posted earlier
01:11.28Lothrikwhich I'm pretty sure nobody clicked
01:11.33MalgayneI clicked it
01:11.42MalgayneIt's a big list of arguments I'm already familiar with :)
01:11.51MalgayneIt looks like I may be the only theist in this room right now
01:11.55sygnousI just don't like humans :P
01:12.04DjaneLimbero, my point is this. Humanity is illogical, irrational. Belief is a fundamental part of our nature and society (proof existing in the fact that there has been no independant report of a godless culture, anthropologically speaking)
01:12.07Rawsthe only ist
01:12.09sygnoustherefor I can't believe that a god created us, cause humans are cruel
01:12.26DjaneSo actually, the default state of humanity is to believe in something. Logic and rational may supercede this, but it is a supercession not a default.
01:12.28Lothrikhere's a question Malgayne
01:12.37Lothrikwhat is your viewpoint on abortion
01:12.39LimberoDjane, all true, but you do see my point about the hypothetical default state?
01:12.45DjaneThis of course has no impact on the actuality of god, merely a sociological aspect.
01:12.52sygnousdefault state is no state
01:13.05sygnoushumans are lemmings
01:13.13DjaneLimbero, I do but I disagree with it on a fundamental point. your hypothetical default state is a derived state, thus not default.
01:13.14JamashI like how the judeo-christian explanation for why people are bad is that a person who explicitly had no knowledge of good or evil did something wrong.
01:13.15MalgayneLothrik: I don't quite see the relevance, but for the sake of argument: I don't know whether it's right or wrong.
01:13.18sygnous99% of the population are idiots
01:13.38DjaneEverything we know about humanity tells us belief is the natural state, that no belief is abnormal in terms of sociological construction of ideas.
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01:13.47DjaneTherefore the default state cannot be no state.
01:13.59Jamashhow can you do something wrong when you have no knowledge of wrongness?
01:14.01sygnousthe default state is chaos
01:14.02DjaneThat is a derived state, a very good one in my opinion, but derived none the less.
01:14.07MalgayneI believe that abortion is a terrible thing, even when it is the best possible choice, and should be avoided unless no alternative is available
01:14.20MalgayneBut my best guess is that there are some cases where it is the best choice
01:14.44sygnousI on the other hand think that abortion should be enforced
01:14.47MalgayneLooking forward to how you tie this in. :P
01:14.48Djaneagrees with Malgayne on that topic.
01:14.55sygnousin order to better protect "the state"
01:15.21sygnousone shouldn't be allowed to "survive" unless they are "fittest"
01:15.44JamashI think abortion should be left up to the pregnant women and it's not up to us to decide whether or not it's "a terrible thing" and "should be avoided"
01:16.01DjaneJamash, replace and with or.
01:16.09Jamashyeah sure
01:16.18DjaneAbortion is always a terrible thing
01:16.23Lothrikif abortion is terrible, should it be illegal? If it's illegal, what should the punishment be for breaking the law and getting an abortion anyway?
01:16.25Djanebut it can be the right thing, and it can be the wrong thing.
01:16.27JamashI don't see it that way
01:16.35MalgayneLothrik: I don't believe it should be illegal
01:16.37DjaneJamash, it's a traumatic horrid experience.
01:16.44JamashDjane: So is childbirth
01:16.45DjaneFor the mother, and those around her.
01:16.47sygnousI just hate welfare
01:16.50DjaneNot in the same way
01:17.02*** join/#wowhead Leif (~Leif@
01:17.03DjaneAbortion can have major long term psychological rammifications
01:17.19JamashMy mother had an abortion, don't talk down to me about it
01:17.20sygnousI was in the grocery store the other day, and this woman had 2 kids... using the food stamps... the baby was chewing on a box of marlboro's
01:17.34DjaneI'm not talking down to anyone.
01:17.38Jamashyeah you are
01:17.40Limbero(some people go through abortion perfectly fine, without finding it horrible or traumatic, just sayin')
01:17.42sygnousthat woman should not be allowed to use my money
01:17.44DjaneLimbero, quite.
01:18.00DjaneBut that's a rarity.
01:18.26Limbero"fun" fact, Sweden has (some of?) the highest teenage abortion rates in the world
01:18.32starspunShe wasn't, she was using food stamps. :p
01:18.49sygnousI will concede, that I as a male, cannot even fathom what it means to have an abortion
01:19.01sygnousstarspun: lol
01:19.07DjaneJamash, abortion is statistically more fatal to mothers than childbirth on a scale of about 10:1, for instance.
01:19.12DjanePurely through suicide
01:19.23JamashWhether or not abortion should be illegal is another false dichotomy since most of the groups who oppose it actively are also opposed to sexual education and contraceptives
01:19.27Limberosygnous, someone told me it's like cutting off your penis, it's not its own person yet, but it can hurt, and most people don't want to
01:19.41DjaneLimbero, try this
01:19.42sygnousI didn't mean like that Limbero :)
01:19.45*** join/#wowhead Lothrik (
01:19.49DjaneWhat's the most precious dearest thing you have in your life
01:19.53sygnousI mean, the emotional part
01:19.55Limberomy penis
01:19.56MalgayneLothrik: You get my response there?
01:19.58DjaneYour most valued essence
01:20.04Limberomy brain
01:20.07Jamashyour mom
01:20.12Lothriknope, pidgin crashed
01:20.25Limberoseriously, my brain
01:20.27DjaneLimbero, now consider that the biological urge to recretion, especially in women is one of the most powerful motivators we have.
01:20.45Djaneprocreation, even.
01:20.49Limberodon't nitpick
01:20.51MalgayneLothrik I just said I didn't think it should be illegal
01:20.52Djaneto you, the most important thing is your brain.
01:21.00DjaneDestroy your brain. Go live as a cabbage.
01:21.15DjaneBetray that which you hold most dear.
01:21.20Limberowell, I won't "live" very much without my brain
01:21.25JamashDjane: Where are you going with this false analogy?
01:21.35DjaneNow i'm not saying every person who has an abortion feels that way at all
01:21.51JamashYou're pontificating.
01:22.04DjaneBut to betray the human need to procreate, combined with the hormonal adjustment to life along side a host of cultural guilt attachments
01:22.16Limberoeh, I still can't understand it, because I don't really fear death
01:22.21Limberoand removing my brain would kill me
01:22.24Lothrikthe fact that religious texts are so widely open to interpretation, and yet people still refuse to acknowledge the idea that it could, you know, ALL be wrong, instead of just specific portions
01:22.27Lothrikjust baffles me
01:22.29DjaneYou missed the analogy.
01:22.38Limberooh, sorry
01:22.57DjaneNot remove, damage or destroy in some way. Basically betray what to you is the most essential part of your life.
01:23.06JamashI missed the valid analogy.
01:23.08MalgayneLothrik: Did that have something to do with abortion, or did I foul it up by not believing it should be illegal? :P
01:23.16Jamash'cause there wasn't one
01:23.41DjaneJamash, it's a matter of comparison. the human urge to procreate is in the vast majority of cases the greatest need a woman has whilst pregnant
01:23.44MalgayneJamash: You can disagree without being mean. :P
01:23.51DjaneTo destroy that which you hold most dear is a valid analogy.
01:23.53JamashMalgayne: I can, but I choose not to.
01:24.08LimberoDjane, well, I see what you're getting at
01:24.12Limberobut the analogy fails on my end
01:24.15MalgayneContinue to choose not to and I choose to ban you. :P
01:24.28LothrikMalgayne: All it did was me that you're just trying to prove a point and don't really give a shit
01:24.33LimberoMalgayne, I only push my atheism as hard as religion is pushed on me
01:24.38Limberoso luckily, not very hard
01:24.45JamashDjane: Many pregnant women who seek abortions find being pregnant the most horrible thing they can imagine and something that they will do anything to avoid.
01:24.45DjaneLimbero, I think he;'s talking to Jamash there for one
01:24.53DjaneJamash, not many. A minority.
01:24.57DjaneWhilst numerically many
01:25.02Djaneit is in fact a minority across the board.
01:25.10Jamashthen why did women seek abortions when it was illegal?
01:25.22DjaneBecause it is not an analog scale.
01:25.44MalgayneLothrik: I'm confused. Are you saying that I don't give a shit about my theism because I believe abortion should be legal?
01:25.59DjaneBecause somewhere between "worst thing ever" and "I really don't want too but I have too" there is a continuum of feelings and emotions. Because human beings are not remotely black and white and because there is no such thing as a purely good or right feeling or act.
01:26.22JamashI think you mean "binary" instead of "analog"
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01:26.36LothrikI'm saying that you're willing to give up just about any point just to prove an atheist "wrong"
01:26.39DjaneNot really.
01:26.45DjaneBecause denying the human biological imperative causes massive dissonance regardless of attitude.
01:26.56LothrikProve me wrong, stand up for something fundamental to your beliefs
01:27.11MalgayneLothrik: Nonsense. You asked my about my belief system and I answered you. It's not my fault you don't like my answer. :P
01:27.23DjaneLothrik, i'm an athiest but I agree with Malgayne in this instance.
01:27.35DjaneSolve for values of X.
01:27.45MalgayneLikewise I believe that the New Testament is a fairly close representation of reality, while the Old Testament is a much looser interpretation of the truth.
01:27.53MalgayneI am nonetheless a Christian
01:28.12JamashWe're arguing whether "abortion is a terrible thing, even when it is the best possible choice, and should be avoided unless no alternative is available" and you're telling me about binary attitudes?
01:28.23Djanethat is not what i'm arguing.
01:28.28JamashYes, it is
01:28.43MalgayneLothrik: I'm familiar with this post as well
01:28.49DjaneI'm arguing "abortion is a terrible and horrid thing to experience, but that doesn't make it right or wrong. That it is often the right thing". I am pro choice.
01:29.00DjaneYou added that second part from something someone else said.
01:29.08Primar-01:26:03- [+Primar]: do your beliefs A) not hurt anybody, and B) make you happy
01:29.08Primar-01:26:12- [+Primar]: if so, then why would I care what you believe in
01:29.09MalgayneYou can't spend time on the Internet without hearing a lot of this stuff, as you can tell from the conversation in the channel. :P
01:29.18Primaror not believe in.
01:29.28LothrikMalgayne: What is a fundamental belief of Christianity that you do stand up for?
01:29.30DjaneI believe abortion should always be an option if the mother chooses it, and it will always have a negative impact on them in some form.
01:30.03JamashDjane: You said you agreed with Malgayne.  I'm not psychic and I didn't know that you mentally added "except for the part I don't agree with".
01:30.58Lothrikthat doesn't really answer the question, but okay
01:31.07LothrikI'll go with the first thing it says in there
01:31.08DjaneJamash, quite. My mistake, your attitude is hardly conducive to clarifying such however.
01:31.14LothrikGod, maker of heaven and earth
01:31.25MalgayneThat's a list of things that I believe
01:31.31MalgayneNot a comprehensive one but it seemed like the way to go here
01:31.49Lothrik.. it's not a list at all
01:32.11SorbP14% hit in rating for cataclysm 85?
01:32.38MalgayneLothrik: Splitting hairs. :P Call it what you will, I believe the statements in that creed
01:32.42DjaneLothrik, seems pretty listy to me.
01:33.17MalgayneThe translation on the left is the one I am used to saying
01:33.20fewynhrm how do the Ramkahen dailies work? do they rotate or something i can't see?
01:33.22MalgayneIf you want to be specific
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01:33.55JamashI'm not really clear on the concept of "terrible and horrible but not right or wrong"
01:34.18MalgayneJamash: War
01:34.24Malgayneis terrible and horrible
01:34.27JamashWar is wrong.
01:34.29MalgayneBut sometimes the right thing to do
01:34.32JamashBad example.
01:34.37MalgayneOkay, killing
01:34.40fewynoh wait there's only one daily quest
01:34.52JamashAlso wrong, bad example.
01:35.08MalgayneA madman attempts to murder my family, and I can only stop him by killing him myself
01:35.17DjaneA terrible action, but a good one.
01:35.20MalgayneThat would be terrible and horrible but still the right thing to do
01:35.38JamashI'm a Buddhist, we clearly disagree on that point.
01:35.46DjaneSOmething being right does not automatically destroy/eliminate all the negative consequences of that action
01:36.23MalgayneThat was the comparison I was drawing. Sometimes there are choices where all of the options are unpleasant for everyone involved
01:36.27Djaneright/good wrong/bad
01:36.31Lothrik"We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ," <- what does this mean to you.
01:36.53MalgayneThat segment specifically?
01:37.02Malgayne(as opposed to the "We believe in one God" section?)
01:37.08Lothrikyes, starting with the most simple assumptions
01:37.32JamashI think you're muddling right/necessary
01:37.34Djanethrows a spanner into the works
01:37.39DjaneAthiesm is a belief structure.
01:37.40MalgayneI believe there was a human being that we now refer to as Jesus Christ, who lived approximately 2000 years ago
01:37.43DjaneJamash, no, really not.
01:37.52JamashDjane: Yes, really so.
01:37.57DjaneSOmething can be right without being necessary, something can be necessary without being a "right" action.
01:38.07MalgayneWho was special and fundamentally different from any other human being
01:38.08LothrikMalgayne: What else?
01:38.24MalgayneI believe he was both fully human and fully god, in a way that I don't completely understand
01:38.35JamashI think Jesus is overrated.
01:38.37Lothrikand WHY can't you understand it
01:38.46MalgayneLothrik: Because it's complicated?
01:38.54LothrikLots of things are complicated.
01:38.56MalgayneI don't understand quantum physics either
01:39.01LothrikPeople still try to understand them anyways.
01:39.02MalgayneBut I believe it
01:39.08DjaneJamash, for example. There's a man with a gun. I know he's going to kill 3 people. 2 children and their mother. Is it right for me to if it's within my power, stop him? Yes. Is it a necessary imperative? Not at all.
01:39.15LothrikPeople don't "believe" in quantum physics.
01:39.28LothrikWhy should anyone "believe" in something they can't even understand?
01:39.36MalgayneLothrik: I don't know that I grasp the distinction you're making.
01:40.05Jamashoh now we're talking about "stopping" instead of "killing"
01:40.06LothrikIf I told you that the world had spaghetti at the center, and you had no way of proving otherwise
01:40.12DjaneMalgayne, it's a transmutation of the "why is god worthy of worship argument if he provides proof"
01:40.16DjaneJamash, semantics. Assume kill.
01:40.18Lothrikand you had also seen it written in a thousand year old religious text
01:40.22Lothrikwould you believe me?
01:40.59MalgayneLothrik: I think you're trying to confuse the issue by making it sound silly
01:41.01DjaneJamash, necessary is a subjective and relative term. As are right and wrong. They operate on different moral scales.
01:41.07LothrikI'm completely serious
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01:41.10Lothrikwould you believe me
01:41.12Lothrikyes or no
01:41.19JamashMalgayne: I think you're trying to confuse the issue by making Christianity sound not silly.
01:41.21DjaneThey often coincidence, cross and intercede
01:41.30Lothrikif your parents, and their parents, and their parents' parents
01:41.37Lothrikwere raised on that specific religious text
01:41.46Lothrikto believe that there was spaghetti at the center of the earth
01:41.51sprocket__Where is the place to go for new profession training?
01:41.53Lothrikwould you believe me if I told you it was so
01:41.55sprocket__for alliance
01:42.00Lothrikif you had never heard of it before
01:42.00starspunAny profession trainer.
01:42.01Jamashsprocket__: the existing profession trainers
01:42.08DjaneLothrik, who believes in christianity when they first hear it?
01:42.12sprocket__all of them?
01:42.16Lothrikif you can't answer YES to my question
01:42.17MalgayneDjane: children
01:42.19DjaneFaith is not a matter of instant revelation, false syllogism.
01:42.21Lothrikand instead continue to misdirect
01:42.23starspunAll of them, yes.
01:42.30Lothrikyou have NO RIGHT to even CONSIDER expecting other people
01:42.34Lothrikto take christianity seriously
01:42.39DjaneMalgayne, children aren't capable of making a choice of faith when they're exposed to it.
01:42.42DjanePsychologically, anyways
01:42.47MalgayneDjane: Agreed
01:42.49MalgayneThat's why
01:42.51LothrikDjane: Age of reason
01:43.26LothrikIf it was made illegal (on penalty of death) to expose children to religious concepts before the age of reason
01:43.28DjaneLothrik, iirc the 17th century was one of the most pious, overall.
01:43.28Rawssprocket__, though his time was short, will be remembered as a model #wowheadian
01:43.32Lothrikwe would live in a very different world
01:43.36DjaneOh, that age of reason.
01:43.44DjaneI was wondering where you were going with that.
01:43.51MalgayneLothrik: I don't believe the comparison is valid
01:44.00MalgayneIf there were a true world religion
01:44.02JamashMalgayne: Is the sky solid?
01:44.05LothrikMalgayne: Why don't you believe the concept is valid
01:44.12DjaneIt's not a valid comparison, because it provides a situation t hat doesn't exist in any faith structure.
01:44.17MalgayneBased on the tenets of spaghetti-at-the-center-of-the-earth-ism
01:44.28fewynuseful macro: /run LoadAddOn"Blizzard_TrainerUI" f=ClassTrainerTrainButton f.e = 0 if f:GetScript"OnUpdate" then f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)else f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(f,e) f.e=f.e+e if f.e>.01 then f.e=0 f:Click() end end)end
01:44.33DjaneIt doesn't happen Lothrik because it doesn't happen.
01:44.34fewyntrains all your skills
01:44.39DjaneNice fewyn
01:44.49fewynused it on the jcing trainer
01:45.03MalgayneThen I would be inclined to consider the proposal
01:45.14Lothrikokay, fine
01:45.15MalgayneMatch it up against my own experience of how the world works, and the opinions of people I trust
01:45.19DjaneIf you present person A with a faith structure which they have no experience of, regardless of religion, they will not become a believer based on one initial experience.
01:45.22Lothrikbut one last question
01:45.22MalgayneAnd determine whether or not I thought it was true
01:45.28Lothrikwould you be inclined
01:45.35Lothrikto consider the proposal
01:45.49DjaneLothrik, because it's human nature to believe in something, for one.
01:45.52Lothrikthere is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to support the spaghetti-earth-core theory
01:45.57DjaneAthiesm is abnormal human behaviour.
01:46.00MalgayneNo there isn't
01:46.05Lothrikthere's actually significant evidence to the contrary
01:46.15MalgayneAnd upon consideration I would discount the proposal on that basis
01:46.21Lothrikso WHY would you choose to believe something that you, for all intents and purposes
01:46.34Lothrikhave significant reason to NOT believe
01:46.41MalgayneI wouldn't
01:46.46Lothrikbut you just said you would
01:46.46JamashMalgayne: and yet you do
01:46.50Lothrikwhy the change of heart?
01:46.55DjaneHe isn't saying that at all.
01:46.58MalgayneNo, I said I would consider it
01:47.00DjaneYour assumption is that your beliefs are correct.
01:47.16MalgayneThe very fact that millions of people believe it makes it worthy of consideration
01:47.24DjaneHistorical relevance
01:47.26Djanecultural impact too
01:47.30DjaneSociological reasoning
01:47.30MalgayneThen I would consider it, find evidence to the contrary, and decide I did not believe it
01:47.41MalgayneAs I have done for a number of belief systems
01:47.49JamashMalgayne: aha, the popularity fallacy
01:48.01MalgayneI'm familiar with the fallacy
01:48.06MalgaynePopularity is not evidence
01:48.19DjaneHe's not saying he believes because it's popular, that it's worthy of consideration because of this.
01:48.22LothrikIf millions of aliens believed that their spaghetti god was the one true god, the only god there is
01:48.25KorenJamash: Not a fallacy, because he is only taking it into consideration.  He's not saying popularity is directly responsible for his conclusion.
01:48.32DjaneLothrik, then discounting it out of hand would be folly.
01:48.36JamashCan we just agree that Christianity is the same as flying spaghetti monsterism and move on?
01:48.37Lothrikwould you believe them, when all their evidence is "this old book"?
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01:48.48MalgayneHowever, if a large number of people believe it it suggests to me that they have found some evidence, which I would then search for.  If I didn't find it I would then discount the belief.
01:49.09Lothrikhow long have you been a christian then
01:49.14MalgayneSince I was 15
01:49.24MalgayneNo wait
01:49.32MalgayneYes 15
01:49.42Lothrikokay, we'll go with "several years"
01:49.43MalgayneI am now 28, if that's relevant
01:49.47Lothrikin those several years
01:49.52Lothrikhave you found any evidence
01:49.55Lothrikthat god exists
01:50.01Lothrikor that jesus christ was the son of god
01:50.05Lothrikor that god created earth
01:50.08Lothrikor that heaven exists
01:50.14Lothrikor that god created heaven
01:50.14JamashMalgayne: Look, we know, and you should know that there is no rational basis for belief in jebus lord god the big bearded dude in the sky with three personalities who made rainbows and shit and you should just admit it and move on.
01:50.16Lothrikor that god created man
01:50.27KorenLothrik: what bearing do Malgayne's beliefs have on your life?
01:50.28Lothrikhow about just ONE of those things
01:50.29starspunLothrik, he could have found evidence that matters for HIM but not for you
01:50.32MalgayneJamash: you sound like an evangelist
01:50.42DjaneI was going to say "and lo the devout athiest"
01:50.43JamashMalgayne: nah brah
01:50.44MalgayneWhy are you trying to force your beliefs on me?
01:50.59Pilatebecause you said if you didnt find it you would discount the belief
01:51.12Pilateif you didnt, and you didnt, youre a hypocrite
01:51.16MalgayneLothrik/Pilate: That's fair
01:51.17DjaneI think by the very nature of Malgayne's logic he has.
01:51.26Lothrikone moment
01:51.34DjaneHe's stated he would discount a belief if he couldn't find evidence for it. He continues to believe in it. Logic dictates.
01:51.37LothrikI'm going to answer Malgayne's "why" question
01:51.38JamashI'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone.
01:51.41Lothrikin a moment
01:51.59JamashI'm trying to make the point that all religious belief is irrational.  Even mine.
01:52.10LothrikOkay, here we go
01:52.14Lothrik"Why can't atheists just leave us alone?"
01:52.15PilateDjane: logic and religion are not compatible
01:52.22LothrikBecause Christianity and by extension Religion have been, and continue to be, responsible for countless horrors throughout humanity history.
01:52.38LothrikFor all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only  to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively  preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting  irrational political positions.
01:52.39Malgayne(Jamash: I agree that all religious belief is at its core irrational)
01:52.45LothrikBecause as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your  decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not  superstition. Faith isn't a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary  ignorance.
01:52.46starspunLothrik, but has Malgayne?
01:52.49DjanePilate, list the top 100 world philosophers. The majority were religious.
01:52.52JamashMalgayne: well then, was that so hard?
01:52.52DjaneEmpirical evidence disagrees.
01:53.10MalgayneLothrik: I agree with every one of those statements except "Faith isn't a virtue"
01:53.25Lothrikwould you say that voluntary ignorance is a virtue
01:53.27MalgayneReligion is responsible for more horrors than atheism
01:53.44JamashDjane: Most philosophers are and were idiots.
01:53.45MalgayneLothrik: No, but I would say that faith != voluntary ignorance
01:53.53Lothrikif someone was ignorant of your religion and instead believed in their own religion that only a very small group of people believed in
01:54.07Lothrikand they said you're all wrong, my god is right, and I won't hear otherwise
01:54.10DjaneJamash, they're only responsible for your government, your way of life, logic itself. The sciences
01:54.12Lothrikis their faith a virtue?
01:54.15robokittyjøsses, you guys still on faith?
01:54.34JamashYou don't win yourself anything by appealing to people who's job it is to lie around and make statements that can't be proven or disproven.
01:54.44MalgayneLothrik: My response would be that what they call "faith" is actually voluntary ignorance, and therefore not a virtue.
01:54.51JunkHeadI got DCed.
01:54.54JunkHeadNow I'm in queue.
01:55.02Lothrikexplain the difference to me
01:55.09LothrikI really want to understand your definition of faith
01:55.13DjaneLothrik, I have some counter questions for you
01:55.22DjaneCan you prove god does not exist?
01:55.24JamashDjane: A very small minority of said philosophers are responsible for aspects of same.  Most of them couldn't tell the difference between their asses and a hole in the ground.
01:55.25MalgayneLothrik: I love this question
01:55.28MalgayneHang on
01:55.28Djane(bear with me with those)
01:56.04MalgayneFaith is not belief that flies in the face of reason
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01:56.10DjaneSo that's a no, then?
01:56.18Malgaynefaith is belief that flies in the face of emotion.
01:56.22Pilateyou dont have to argue the default position
01:56.23MalgayneAn example:
01:56.24DjaneI'm not going to use that argument remotely.
01:56.34Djanethat's not the point of my question and why I asked you to bear with me.
01:56.35LothrikDjane: read the article then get back to me
01:56.47DjaneI'll state my entire line of argument hten
01:56.56MalgayneLothrik: Let's say that I'm in line for a rollercoaster.
01:57.05JamashIf god exists, may he/she strike me down with lightning right now this instant.
01:57.11JamashOk, still here, next question.
01:57.29Malgayne(Jamash: If god exists, I don't see why he'd let you tell him what to do. :P)
01:57.44LothrikGod is the original troll
01:57.45DjaneGod's existance is unprovable, both for and against. This is a fact. It is not equally illogical to believe in one or the other. There are many logical rational and scientific answers on both sides, with the weight of theory behind he doesn't.
01:57.54JamashMalgayne: I find the idea of a god who refuses to give evidence for his own existence questionable in the extreme.
01:58.06MalgayneLothrik: I'm in line for a rollercoaster.  I have very good reason to believe that the rollercoaster is safe, as most rollercoasters are.
01:58.10DjaneIt is not equally illogical, but both sides are less logical than that of rational skeptical agnosticism.
01:58.12LothrikIf God made man, God must of given man logic. God sends man to hell to burn for eternity for using logic.
01:58.12JamashEspecially a god who is supposed to have done so on a daily basis in the past.
01:58.29LothrikMalgayne: That's a stupid assumption.
01:58.36LothrikI know someone who died on a rollercoaster.
01:59.00DjaneLothrik, can you prove god exists? No. So why do you believe he doesn't? Because the world suggests he doesn't. Because science suggests he doesn't. But why do you BELIEVE he doesn't beyond the science?
01:59.09Lothrik"Usually safe" does not equate to "I should always feel safe"
01:59.10MalgaynePeople die in plane crashes too but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't ever fly again
01:59.20LothrikDjane: I never said anything like that
01:59.22Djaneit's a false syllogism to compare god to the likes of the theory of gravity, it is intractably unprovable.
01:59.24Lothrikfor all intents and purposes
01:59.30LothrikI actually do believe he exists
01:59.35MalgayneI'm in hypothetical-explanation land, so let's try and filter out the outliers here :)
01:59.39LothrikI just don't think he exists for our benefit
02:00.04JamashDjane: I would argue that while belief in some kind of supernatural thingy may be equivalent to belief in no supernatural thingy on a purely logical basis, actual world religions predict things that are manifestly untrue.
02:00.16MalgayneLet us say that this rollercoaster has just passed inspection, and in addition to being awesome, is also the safest rollercoaster in the world, with no reported injuries.
02:00.23MalgayneNot to say that I can be 100% guaranteed it's safe
02:00.32MalgayneBut certainly enough to feel safe riding it
02:00.34DjaneLothrik, my arugment that attempting to argue for or against god in any way is illogical and irrational. That the only reasonable position to hold is that god probably doesn't exist. He definitely has had no perceivable impact on my life and that I should continue to act under the assumption that this will continue to be the case. However this is not the same as God does not exist.
02:00.48DjaneJamash, but belief != religion.
02:01.15LothrikIf god DID exist, he certainly hasn't shown himself to be acting in our best interests.
02:01.23MalgayneSo while I am in line, I come to the rational belief that the rollercoaster is safe.  So I decide to ride it.
02:01.26JamashDjane: I can prove that the "theory" proposed by any religion that makes specific claims about the universe is invalid.
02:01.41LothrikMalgayne: Why does that have to be a BELIEF for you?
02:01.51LothrikWhy can't you accept an assumption for what it is?
02:01.53MalgayneLothrik: It doesn't matter, call it what you want
02:02.10MalgayneThere's no important distinction between a belief, in this context, and an assumption
02:02.12LothrikYou assume something is safe because you trust the people that tell you it's safe
02:02.19Lothrikthose people could be WRONG
02:02.24Lothrikbut you trust them anyways
02:02.26Malgayneyes they could
02:02.33MalgayneBut I trust them enough to ride the rollercoaster
02:02.49MalgayneOnce I get ON the rollercoaster, I'm at the top of that first big drop
02:02.50Malgaynelooking down
02:02.56MalgayneAnd suddenly I am terrified
02:03.01JamashFrom that, I can safely conclude that while I cannot prove that deity X does not exist, the theory proposed that includes deity X's existence is falsified, and that I do not need to trouble myself with the issue unless either a new theory or new evidence is presented.
02:03.06MalgayneAnd all I can think of is "i'm going to die i'm going to die"
02:03.19MalgayneBecause that's the whole POINT of a rollercoaster
02:03.36MalgayneBut despite the fact that I am now terrified
02:03.58MalgayneI have "faith" that riding on the rollercoaster will not kill me
02:04.08JamashSince christianity makes *specific claims* about the nature of their god and the universe in general, and those claims are demonstrably false, where does that leave it as a theory?
02:04.17LothrikStatistical probability and the assurance of trained professionals
02:04.18MalgayneEven if I can't remember exactly why I believed that in the first place
02:04.20Lothrikis not the same
02:04.31Lothrikas believing something written in a thousand year old book to be true
02:04.40MalgayneLothrik: You're correct
02:04.45MalgayneBut you wanted a definition of faith
02:04.50LothrikYou have a REASON to believe that the mechanic knows what he's doing
02:04.55MalgayneNot a discussion of how much evidence I need before I have faith in something
02:05.13Lothrikyou do NOT have a reason to believe that what was written thousands of years ago is true and relevant in this day and age
02:05.32Pilateyou have evidence that people on the rollercoaster before you were alright, you dont have evidence that people who died before you are in a mythical playland
02:05.36Lothrikbelief without reason is faith, and looking at it any other way is wilful ignorance
02:06.01JamashI think a relevant addition to the rollercoaster analogy is the following question:  Which of two rollercoasters would you prefer to ride, the one inspected by a safety engineer, or the one blessed by a priest?
02:06.17Lothrikand I'll be damned before I can accept ANYONE engaging in wilful ignorance
02:06.22MalgayneYou're confusing the issue. You wanted me to define faith, not to tell you what I have faith in.
02:06.30MalgayneWhen I sit in a chair, I have faith the chair will hold me up
02:06.36DjaneI'm going to bow out of the conversation as there's little point in discussing religion against a strong agenda.
02:06.43MalgayneI have evidence to suggest that my faith is justified
02:06.45LothrikYou did not define faith
02:06.48Lothrikyou defined trust
02:06.49JamashDjane: QQ harder
02:06.58DjaneG'night folks. Have fun.
02:07.16MalgayneLothrik: I defined the term as I use it. If you would prefer I use another word to describe it, I will
02:07.20Lothriklet me explain
02:07.36Lothriktrust: you trust that the mechanic knows what he's doing and you won't die on the rollercoaster
02:07.42MalgayneThere are people who define faith as "belief without evidence, or in the face of evidence to the contrary"
02:07.46MalgayneI think those people are idiots
02:07.49Lothrikfaith: you trust that god loves you and won't let you die on the rollercoaster
02:07.55Lothrikdo you see the difference
02:08.01JamashI equate "I'm not going to argue with you about this anymore because your mind is made up" with "I'm not going to argue with you about this anymore because I'm out of good reasons"
02:08.09MalgayneOf course I see the difference
02:08.14MalgayneI just disagree with your definition
02:08.35Lothrik.. how can you disagree with a definition
02:08.39Lothrikprovide another definition then
02:08.46MalgayneFor your sake, assume that when I use the word "faith" in a religious context, what I mean is "trust"
02:08.48Jamasheasily: "I disagree with your definition"
02:08.48MalgayneAnd we can continue
02:09.05MalgayneObviously I'm aware that not all religious people use the word "faith" in this way
02:09.09Lothrikokay, moving on then
02:09.10MalgayneI disagree with those people
02:09.20Lothrikwe've deduced in the past few minutes that you trust god, right?
02:09.33MalgayneYes. I trust that there is a God.
02:09.43Lothrikyou're avoiding answering my question properly
02:09.49Jamashyou can't trust god for anything other than that the universe will continue to exist and follow laws that answer to nobody
02:10.00LothrikI did not ask you if you trust that there is a god
02:10.05LothrikI asked you if you TRUST god
02:10.10Lothrikas in the entity itself
02:10.11MalgayneI do
02:10.12Jamashat which point what is god other than a turing machine?
02:10.23MalgayneI just figured you'd prefer to start with a simpler question
02:10.33Lothrikwhat do you trust god in or with
02:10.35Lothrikor to do
02:10.37JamashI don't see the point of worshiping a turing machine.
02:10.50Lothrikif someone you loved was going to die and your only help was god
02:10.55Lothrikwhat would you trust god with
02:11.16MalgayneThis is a weirdly phrased question, and I'm not sure I understand
02:11.16Lothrikwould you trust that god would help save your wife from drowning?
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02:11.25Jefusi just tried to scroll up and see what started this conversation, but my eyes began to ache long before i found the source. followed by my brain.
02:11.27JamashI'd trust god to sit around on its fat divine ass and not lift a finger to help anyone.
02:11.39Lothrikyou're crushed under a tree and your wife is drowning in a lake with nobody around for miles
02:11.48Lothrikyou begin praying for god to save your wife
02:11.54Lothrikdo you trust that he would help?
02:12.02Lothrikor would you reach for your cellphone
02:12.04Lothrikto call 911?
02:12.16MalgayneOf course I would reach for my cellphone
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02:12.20MalgayneThat doesn't mean I wouldn't also pray
02:12.28Lothrikyou can only do one, Maygayne
02:12.30Lothrikshe's drowning
02:12.41Lothrikthe police might take too long to get there
02:12.45Lothrikwhich do you trust more
02:12.53Lothrikgod could be there instantly..
02:12.55Lothrikbut only if he's real
02:13.33Lothrikthat's the definition of omnipotence, which you can't really argue against, since "God created heaven and earth" which are widely regarded as "fairly difficult"
02:14.17MalgayneI think you're proposing a choice that doesn't exist, in order to make me sound foolish or negligent.  I would call 911, because I believe that God expects us to do everything in our power to help one another.
02:14.35Lothrikand how is that any different
02:14.41Lothrikthan a world where god does not exist at all
02:14.58Lothrikif god expects us to do everything ourselves and never ask for help
02:15.03Lothrikeven in life or death situations
02:15.31Lothrikand I'd like to make an addition
02:15.35MalgayneI don't believe god expects us to do everything ourselves and never ask for help, and the only reason why you're claiming I do is because you asked for my choice in a situation that doesn't make sense. :P
02:15.41Lothrikyour wife is pregnant with your first child
02:15.46Lothrikin that same situation
02:15.48JamashLothrik: Have you stopped beating your wife?
02:16.02LothrikJamash: I'm 19 and live alone in an apartment.
02:16.11JamashLothrik: You're avoiding the question.
02:16.13JamashYes or no?
02:16.31LothrikDon't have a wife, so I suppose no, I haven't stopped beating my non-existent wife.
02:16.37MalgayneSee? Even Jamash knows that was silly, and he agrees with you. :P
02:16.52JamashLadies and gentlemen of the jury, we can see now that Lothrik is an unrepentant wife-beater.
02:17.28JefusLothrik's wife told me she likes it when I hit her ;\
02:17.31MalgayneI don't believe miracles happen much anymore.  I have some thoughts on why that might be, but I acknowledge that those are only my own musings and I may be wrong
02:17.44MalgayneSo I don't wish to introduce them to this conversation
02:17.51LothrikJefus: You can beat my imaginary wife all day long. Doesn't matter to me. She isn't real.
02:18.12Jefusgood, good
02:18.19JamashI think god and the devil reconciled their differences and left to try again
02:18.46Jamashit's the only theory consistent with the evidence
02:19.20MalgayneLothrik: You're saying that if I don't trust God to take visible action in the world, then in what sense can I say I trust God at all
02:19.35LothrikYes, I am
02:19.48JunkHead  <-
02:19.57LothrikPretend that god is real for a moment
02:19.59Lothrikno wait
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02:20.09MalgayneMy response is: I believe it's my responsibility to do everything I can do, but I also know that in a lot of cases, everything one person can do is completely meaningless
02:20.25LothrikInstead of god
02:20.26MalgayneI trust God to make the things that I can do worth a damn
02:20.35Lothriklet's say we're talking about your friend Bob
02:20.41JamashBob Zeus
02:20.46Lothrikyou have the choice between a cellphone that may or may not have reception
02:20.51MalgayneBut this is pretty complicated philosophy, and based on some assumptions you don't share so I wouldn't expect you to agree
02:20.51Lothrikyou're  pretty far out in the woods
02:21.04Lothrikyour friend Bob tends to get drunk around this time of night
02:21.05Gary|tphello I have a question on why a page on wowhead is broken but I think I may have accidentally stumbled into #religiousdebates instead
02:21.10Gary|tpcan someone point me in the right direction?
02:21.14Malgaynewhich page?
02:21.20JamashGary|tp: pray to god to fix the page
02:21.20Lothrikbut he's only a mile away and you have two way walkie talkies
02:21.24Malgayne(Lothrik: Go on)
02:21.37LothrikBob has been your friend since you were 15
02:21.49Gary|tpMalgayne, this one
02:21.52Lothrikdo you reach for the walkie talkie and call possibly drunk bob
02:21.59Gary|tpit says this is the wowhead channel but that can't be correct
02:22.00Lothrikor the cellphone which may or may not have reception
02:22.40MalgayneLothrik: Can we possibly try a hypothetical that's less silly?
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02:22.55JamashOkay,m Let's say you have a goat, and a bicycle.
02:23.03MalgayneThis is so far divorced from the debate I'm having trouble following it. :P
02:23.11JamashThe goat eats cabbage, but the bicycle has a flat tire.
02:23.14MalgayneGary: I thought you were serious. :P
02:23.26Gary|tpI thought you knew me better, mal
02:23.47JamashThe question then is, how many beans make five?
02:23.58LothrikI wasn't aware you saw a life or death situation as silly, but sure, name your scenario
02:24.13MalgayneI don't understand your point
02:24.19MalgayneAnd I can't make this decision
02:24.24Jamashstarspun: Wrong!
02:24.31MalgayneThere are two possibly broken methods of communication
02:24.44MalgayneThe only way to decide would be to make a judgement about which method is more likely to be broken
02:24.57Lothrikthe walkie talkie has a 100% success rate
02:25.03LothrikBob just happens to be unreliable
02:25.03MalgayneAnd you haven't provided enough information to make that decision
02:25.13Lothrikcellphone has a 50/50 chance
02:25.28MalgayneWhat's Bob's chance of being able to help?
02:25.38JamashThe correct answer is one bean, a bean and a half, two beans, and half a bean.
02:25.51Lothrikonly you can answer that, he's your friend after all!
02:26.18MalgayneNo he isn't. This is a hypothetical situation, and you have invented him, and given him the only characteristic I know of which is a penchant for drunkenness
02:26.32MalgayneWhich is why I think this hypothetical is silly
02:26.49JamashAlso, you only have one battery, and enough charge on the battery to use one device, and also the bus is rigged to explode if it goes below fifty bad analogies per hour.
02:27.24LothrikYou're forgetting the connection I was making between Bob and god
02:27.36LothrikBob is the physical representation of god in this scenario
02:27.39MalgayneI'm not forgetting it
02:27.48Lothrikthat's why I'm saying only you can answer that
02:27.51MalgayneBut whether or not Bob is God is releveant to the scenario. :P
02:27.53JamashSo God is an alcoholic?  That ties us neatly in with the start of the conversation, which was alcoholics anonymous.
02:28.14MalgayneIf I think Bob has a greater than 50% chance of being able to help I call him. That's the best answer I can give you.
02:28.29Jamashbut if god is an alcoholic, what higher power does he give himself up to?
02:28.35Malgaynebut that's because Bob is a person, and (in my experience) people work a certain way
02:28.42LothrikFuck, I don't even know where I was going with this anymore
02:28.44MalgayneGod is not a person, and thus works differently
02:28.47Lothrikyou trust god, but you don't
02:28.50Lothrikbut you do
02:28.51Lothrikbut you don't
02:29.03Lothrikit's painfully circular logic
02:29.05MalgayneI know, that's why I was trying to put the brakes on it before. :P
02:29.17JamashYou trust god in a way that conveniently does not involve any actual expectation of action on god's part.
02:29.31MalgayneI trust God to behave a certain way
02:29.38Lothrikand what way is that
02:29.53MalgayneI don't think that God is flashy or overdramatic
02:29.54Lothrikwhat behaviour, at all, do you expect from god
02:30.03JamashAre we talking about the same god?
02:30.08Lothrikdon't you believe that god flooded earth at one time?
02:30.10MalgayneI should say
02:30.17Lothrikand did some crazy shit in egypt?
02:30.21Gary|tpI personally view God more as an object than an actuality.
02:30.27Lothrikseems pretty flashy to me
02:30.32JamashGary|tp: Like a pet rock?
02:30.33MalgayneI don't believe that God treats people in a flashy or overdramatic way these days
02:30.49MalgayneThough I acknowledge that it seems likely that he did at one time
02:31.00Lothrikso you trust god to behave a certain way
02:31.06Jamashactually, the analogy between god and a pet rock is pretty exact
02:31.07Lothrikyou trust him to .. no longer be flashy
02:31.11Gary|tpJamash, kind of. He's always there for you if you need Him, but you need to take care of His wants and dislikes. if you just use Him then I think you go to hell.
02:31.12Lothrikexcept he used to be flashy
02:31.24Jamashexcept pet rocks are cheaper
02:31.25Lothrikalso, he expects you to deal with all of your own problems
02:31.28Lothrikyou know what
02:31.37Lothrikhe sounds like a retired cheerleader for a football team
02:31.39LothrikYEAH TEAM GO
02:31.42Jamashand pet rocks don't send you to hell
02:32.01Jamashon an objective basis, pet rock > god
02:32.08Gary|tpJamash, but a pet rock is also an actuality, and I just said that god isn't.
02:32.14Jamasheven better
02:32.24JamashI prefer things that exist to things that don't
02:32.25MalgayneLothrik: You're asking me questions about something that you believe doesn't exist, and then telling me that my answers sound silly
02:32.25Gary|tpso you are going to disrespect Him?
02:32.32MalgayneWell, of course they do if you don't believe in God
02:32.44Lothrikweren't you listening earlier?
02:32.49MalgayneIt's hard to have a conversation about the nature of something or someone if you can't agree that it exists int the first place
02:32.50LothrikI said I do believe he exists
02:32.56Gary|tpJamash, all He wants to do is love you, you could at least do the same thing for Him. If you had a pet rock, would you love it?
02:33.01JamashGary|tp: I don't see any reason to disrespect my pet rock.
02:33.03LothrikI just said I don't believe he exists for our benefit
02:33.06MalgayneOh pardon me—I thought you were being facetious
02:33.14Gary|tpJamash, then why would you disrespect Him?
02:33.21JamashGary|tp: who?
02:33.24MalgayneLothrik: What do you believe about god?
02:33.30JamashGary|tp: who?
02:33.55Gary|tpJamash, God
02:33.58JamashGary|tp: You said you don't believe god is an actuality
02:34.06Jamashso, nothing to disrespect
02:34.09Gary|tpbut why would you disrespect Him, Jamash ?
02:34.23JamashGary|tp: Why would I disrespect something that doesn't exist?
02:34.38JamashI don't think that's a coherent question.
02:34.39Gary|tpJamash, so you love your pet rock more than you love God?
02:34.45Gary|tpI'm sure that He loves you more than your pet rock does
02:34.52Gary|tpI'm sure that your pet rock isn't even an actuality
02:34.54Gary|tpbut He is
02:35.00JamashGary|tp: You can't compare a number to NaN
02:35.10Gary|tpI never mentioned numbers.'
02:35.17Gary|tpWe're speaking of God and Pet Rocks
02:35.24Jamashquantity of love (pet rock) > quantity of love (god)
02:35.30Jamashnumber > NaN
02:35.34LothrikGod is an assumption one makes to explain the unexplainable
02:35.45Lothrikrather an uncomfortable concept
02:35.54Gary|tpJamash, so you are saying you love your pet rock more than you love Him?
02:36.11LothrikI'm painfully aware that there are certain things we will never understand
02:36.13JamashGary|tp: I'm saying you can't compare something that exists and something that doesn't.
02:36.19LothrikI'm not saying that they CAN'T be understood
02:36.24Gary|tpJamash, so, basically, you don't love Him
02:36.26Lothrikjust that WE will never understand them
02:36.27Gary|tpWhy not?
02:36.42JamashGary|tp: You're putting words in my mouth.  Have you stoped beating your wife?
02:36.43Gary|tpwhy can you love an inanimate and non existent object like a pet rock, but you cannot love Him?
02:36.56Lothrikwhat are you talking about gary
02:37.02Lothrikmy pet rock is very real
02:37.10Jamashyeah I don't know what he's on about either
02:37.16Jamashmy pet skipping stone is awesome
02:37.16Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] Wowhead Comic #23 -
02:37.18MalgayneLothrik: Do you believe that God has a mind?
02:37.18Lothrikhe's on my desk right now and quite offended by your doubts as to his existance
02:37.20Gary|tpLothrik, if your pet rock is real, then why can't God be real?
02:37.30Gary|tpwhy can't you love God as much as you love your pet rock?
02:37.40Gary|tpWhy do you idol a false god, your rock?
02:37.49LothrikGod, the concept that there is a being much much MUCH more powerful than humans
02:37.54Lothrikmost likely does exist
02:38.18Gary|tpIt isn't a concept, He exists. He has a name, and it is God, our Lord, and our Savior.
02:38.23Gary|tpWhy don't you love him?
02:38.28LothrikI do not believe he exists in any classically conceived form though
02:38.53Lothrikfor all I know he could be like Cthulhu (H.P. Lovecraft)
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02:39.06Gary|tpno, cthulhu does not exist. God does.
02:39.08JamashGary|tp: for that matter, has god stopped beating his wife?
02:39.11MalgayneLothrik: So you believe in a God that's unknowable?
02:39.16Gary|tpNow, you still have not answered me why you cannot love Him
02:39.19Mowseydoot doot doot doot
02:39.25Lothrikunknowable to humans, at the very least
02:39.29Mowseythrows a bucket of dicks into the channel
02:39.35MalgayneWhy do you believe he's unknowable?
02:39.52JamashGary|tp: I can't love a god who still beats his wife, so I need you to answer the question
02:39.56Lothriksize of the universe coupled with entropy
02:39.59ArkaenThere's no porn of him, Malgayne
02:40.12Gary|tpJamash, God does not have a wife, and if He did, He would not be capable of beating Her as He cannot sin.
02:40.25Gary|tpJamash, now why can't you love Him?
02:40.45Lothrikdo you mean he cannot sin as in he is unable to
02:40.56Lothrikor incapable of, ie: if he does it, it is no longer sin
02:41.05*** join/#wowhead David (
02:41.06Gary|tpHe is able to sin, He is capable of doing anything. but He is too pure to sin.
02:41.31LothrikI remember this one
02:41.38Gary|tpDo you love Him, Lothrik ?
02:41.41LothrikGod can make a rock that no being, not even himself can lift
02:41.45Lothrikthen, he can lift it
02:41.47Lothriklove that one
02:41.54JamashGary|tp: Is god a registered sex offender?
02:41.56MalgayneLothrik: That's a silly argument. :P
02:42.07Lothriksilly but true
02:42.13Lothrikthat's how most religious arguments go
02:42.39MalgayneIt's not a statement that can be described as "true"
02:42.39Mowseyno, it goes "He works in mysterious ways" in retaliation to...anything
02:42.39Gary|tpLothrik, if His power level is infinite, and He is capable of creating an infinitly large rock, then He could lift it.
02:42.39MalgayneThat's like asking "Can god make a square circle"
02:42.46Mowseywhy am I getting involved
02:42.48Mowseyruns away
02:42.54JamashWhat does the scouter say about his power level?
02:43.03Gary|tpHis infinite strength matches the size of His infinite cock.
02:43.04Gary|tpI mean
02:43.07Gary|tpyeah, rock.
02:43.15LothrikGod can do anything
02:43.21Mowseyno, cock
02:43.29Lothrikeven if that means altering the laws of physics simply so he is able to
02:43.31JamashINFINITE COCK
02:43.46Lothrikamusing concept
02:43.47*** join/#wowhead RealmMaster (~RealmMast@unaffiliated/realmmaster)
02:43.52MalgayneGod is omnipotent, which is not quite the same
02:43.53Lothriktoo bad he doesn't like saving drowning wives
02:43.58Gary|tpLothrik, He created physics, so He is capable of altering them.
02:44.01Lothrikno, it's exactly the same
02:44.04JamashGary|tp: I'm not interested in loving god's infinite cock.
02:44.07Lothrikall powerful
02:44.12MalgayneThere are some things God can do precisely BECAUSE he is omnipotent
02:44.13Lothrikeverywhere at once
02:44.13Gary|tpLothrik, you must understand that the laws of physics are not laws, but rather our understanding of the universe.
02:44.16MalgayneLike say, "make a mistake"
02:44.17Lothrikall knowing
02:44.34MalgayneI meant to say "can't do"
02:44.35Gary|tpLothrik, there is no law in physics that cannot be 100% certain without observing it outside of the universe, which will likely never be psosible.
02:44.50Gary|tper, *there is no law that can be 100% certain
02:44.50LothrikGary: altering gravitational constants for an entire universe is, as far as I'm concerned, "altering the laws of physics"
02:44.55Jamashyou can't have an entity that is omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent
02:44.56Lothrikwhich in this case
02:45.01Lothrikwould be exactly what would need to be done
02:45.04Gary|tpLothrik, you aren't understanding.
02:45.06Lothrikto lift the unliftable rock
02:45.10Jamashgod is purported to be these things
02:45.12Gary|tpLaws are not laws, they are our understanding of the universe.
02:45.16Jamashtherefore, god does not exist
02:45.19Gary|tpWe CANNOT know that a law is true -- EVER.
02:45.21Noxynoms on Malgayne
02:45.26LothrikJamash: I like that one
02:45.28MalgayneJamash omniscient and omnipotent are both fine
02:45.34Malgayneit's omnibenevolent that's hanging you up
02:45.36NoxyI dont know what I did to deserve this man, Casey.
02:45.49JamashMalgayne: so you're saying god isn't all good?
02:45.54Lothrikthe idea of god being omniscient
02:45.57Lothrikis just disturbing
02:46.05Lothrikgod knows of all the child porn
02:46.19Gary|tpHow is that disturbing?
02:46.20Jamashgod is looking at your mom naked
02:46.21MalgayneNo, I'm saying that your definition of what is "good" is too limited in scope
02:46.23Jamashall the time
02:46.31Lothrikno Jamash
02:46.33Lothriknot looking
02:46.40Jamashwith his infinite cock?
02:46.56Gary|tpand you still have not answered my response that we are not 100% certain of the laws of physics, Lothrik
02:46.58Gary|tpI'm waiting.
02:47.02JamashI guess he should be a registered sex offender, then.
02:47.11LothrikGary: laws of physics are not certain derp
02:47.38Jamashlaws of physics are passed by a majority of both houses of god, and signed by the supreme executive
02:47.43Gary|tpLothrik, so how can you be certain that there is not a super secret password to the laws of gravity that God could invoke to create an infinitely large rock?
02:48.06LothrikI don't know
02:48.08Jamashunless the supreme executive vetos them, in which case a two-thirds majority of both houses of gods can override the veto and pass the law of physics
02:48.09Lothrikmaybe there is one
02:48.10Gary|tpThere is no way to 100% verify a law of a universe whilst within it.
02:48.17Gary|tpWe can only take guesses.
02:48.25Lothrikanother interesting concept
02:48.36MalgayneThe idea that God cannot be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent comes from the axiom that human suffering is the worst possible evil, which is an axiom I do not believe to be true
02:48.38Mowseybursts into dicks
02:48.39Lothrikthe universe is, for the purposes of our feeble minds
02:48.50Lothrikso, if the universe is finite
02:48.50JamashMalgayne: no it doesn't
02:48.55Lothrikwhat is outside of it?
02:49.00Lothrikand if the universe is infinite
02:49.04LothrikHOW is anything outside of it?
02:49.12MalgayneIt's an axiom that makes sense if you do not believe in God, but which falls apart if you do, I think
02:49.15Mowseythat one always hurts my head :/
02:49.17JamashMalgayne: if any evil exists, any at all, god cannot be A B and C
02:49.26Gary|tpLothrik, when you get into things such as multiverse and string theory, our universe is not everything.
02:49.28Jamashby the bible, evil exists
02:49.36LothrikGary: okay
02:49.38Jamashcontradiction proven, end of story
02:49.39Gary|tpand we understand what could be above our universe.
02:49.40Lothrikoutside of the multiverse then
02:49.51Lothrikthese universes can't just be jammed up right next to eachother
02:49.51MalgayneJamash: That depends on what defines "evil"
02:49.57Lothrikgotta be some space between them, right
02:49.58*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
02:50.02JamashMalgayne: surely god does
02:50.05Lothrikwait.. space
02:50.10MalgayneEvil is not the opposite of good
02:50.21Lothrik.. lol
02:50.23MalgayneEvil is a failure to meet the definition of good
02:50.31JamashMalgayne: are you listening to either yourself or me?
02:50.45LothrikMalgayne: Good is a failure to meet the definition of evil
02:50.46Gary|tpYou cannot be hinting to the fact that universes surround our current universe, and that if we built a super duper rocket ship, we could travel to them.
02:50.48Lothrikworks both ways
02:50.52Lothrikhence, opposites
02:50.56Lothrikhence, what you just said is bullshit
02:50.57MalgayneLothrik: No, I don't believe it does
02:51.02Gary|tpin multiverse theory, the othe runiverses are inaccessable to us.
02:51.05MalgayneGood vs. evil is not a spectrum
02:51.08Lothrikyou can't believe a definition to be false
02:51.15MalgayneIt's a radius
02:51.16Lothrikthat's not how the english language works
02:51.24JamashMalgayne: a what
02:51.31Gary|tpYou can believe anything to be false, Lothrik
02:51.37Lothrika radius is half the diameter of a circle and has no bearing whatsoever to this conversation
02:51.41Gary|tpReality is merely what our 5 senses tell us
02:51.42MalgayneI'm using the language as best as I can to describe reality, but these are complicated concepts we're dealing with here
02:51.58Gary|tpDo enough drugs and you'll realize this
02:52.06JamashWell, Gary|tp is trolling and Malgayne has stopped making sense.
02:52.14Gary|tpJamash, I actually stopped trolling a while ago
02:52.15ArkaenThis has such a sad ending
02:52.17JamashSo Mowsey, how has your day been.
02:52.21Gary|tpwhen we started getting into physics
02:52.35MalgayneJamash: Imagine a point in space.  Like a single point of light.
02:52.40Mowseylet's make out
02:52.42MalgayneLet us call this point of light "good"
02:52.57Jamashwe can have a threesome with god's infinite cock
02:53.05*** join/#wowhead Zeiris (~Zeiris@
02:53.10MalgayneAn object can exist anywhere in space in relation to this point
02:53.16ArkaenJamash: Infinicock
02:53.23MalgayneAn object that is closer to the point is "more good"
02:53.29Jamashgod can have sex with another man without being gay
02:53.31MalgayneAn object that is further away from the point is "more evil"
02:53.34LothrikMalgayne, your entire argument is based on the concept that people, things, beings
02:53.36Jamashsuch is the power of god
02:53.43Lothrikstart predispositioned to be EITHER good OR evil
02:53.50Lothrikwho says that they do?
02:54.04LothrikA newborn baby isn't evil. Does that mean that they're good?
02:54.13LothrikThey haven't done anything to prove that either.
02:54.14*** join/#wowhead Sephiroth (
02:54.15MalgayneNot at all, I don't see how it matters where people are predisposed to sit in this space
02:54.15LothrikHence, neutral.
02:54.21*** join/#wowhead Sephiroth (Sephiroth@unaffiliated/sephiroth)
02:54.32MalgayneWhat I'm saying is only that we're not dealing with a spectrum, with good on one end and evil on the other
02:54.34Gary|tpGood and evil do not exist, they are merely concepts we have created to help society progress.
02:54.38MalgayneThey're not equals, they don't cancel each other out
02:54.48JamashMalgayne: If something exists that doesn't sit on your white ball of healing light, god is not A B and C
02:55.07LothrikMalgayne: So what you're saying is
02:55.17Lothrikgod is a little bit evil, since all his good doesn't cancel out the evil
02:55.28Lothrikand satan is a little bit good, since all his evil doesn't cancel out the good
02:55.33MalgayneLothrik: You're assuming a spectrum again
02:55.40MalgayneChristian teaching doesn't teach that God and Satan are opposites
02:55.55MalgayneIt teaches that Satan is the being that failed most spectacularly at being good
02:56.06MalgayneThe creature who sits furthest from the point
02:56.13JamashMalgayne: could you draw a diagram, and put good, evil, god, satan, trans-fatty acids and pokemon on it?
02:56.17Mowseyinjects some more dicks into the channel, if at all possible
02:56.20*** join/#wowhead dxtr (~dxtr@unaffiliated/dxtr)
02:56.20Lothrikvery simple question
02:56.28JamashI can't follow visual arguments without a diagram.
02:56.30ArkaenJamash: Trans-fat is beyond stan
02:56.32Arkaensatan too
02:56.36Arkaenbut mostly stan darsh
02:56.39Lothrikwould you say that God "manages" Heaven
02:56.47Lothrikin the same sense that Satan "manages" Hell
02:56.57Mowseygod is the district manager
02:57.14Jamashsatan is the cook who spits on your food
02:57.16MalgayneI'm not really clear on what sense that is
02:57.30Jamashand then posts about it on facebook
02:57.32LothrikIf you were to go to hell and you wanted to speak to the man in charge
02:57.37Lothrikyou'd talk with Satan right
02:57.55MowseyWho is the assistant manager of heaven and heaven accessories?
02:58.01JamashYeah, but you'd need an appointment.
02:58.01Lothrikor vice-versa
02:58.04Lothrikheaven, god
02:58.20MalgayneI don't think that's really how hell works, but I think it applies to heaven
02:58.26JamashAnd if you have to ask for an appointment, you're not going to get one.
02:58.38Lothrikwould you say that hell is a form of punishment for ones actions
02:58.52Lothrikthe ultimate form, that is
02:59.05Jamashhell is where you go when you get defeated by goku, except in the english dub
02:59.05MalgayneYes, but I don't believe that is by design
02:59.23Lothrikand heaven is a form of reward for ones actions
02:59.27Lothrikthe ultimate form, that is
02:59.37MalgayneI don't believe that's by design either, but I believe it's true
02:59.40ArkaenJamash: Then it's HFEL or whatever those random letters were
02:59.42Jamashwhere they painted over the word HELL to form HFIL
02:59.47ArkaenHFIL, my bad
02:59.50Jamash"home for infinite losers"
02:59.57LothrikQED God and Satan are opposites
03:00.00Lothrikhence, spectrum
03:00.06*** join/#wowhead dxtr (dexter@unaffiliated/dxtr)
03:00.08Jamashwait, are bill gates and steve jobs opposites?
03:00.08MalgayneThose two statements don't logically follow from one another
03:00.22ArkaenJamash: Yes
03:00.36JamashArkaen: Are you sure?  They seem pretty similar these days.
03:00.53LothrikJamash: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are opposites like two hobos on opposite street corners.
03:01.18MalgayneHeaven is rewarding and hell is punishing, but that doesn't mean that heaven exists for the purpose of rewarding people or that hell exists for the purpose of punishing people
03:01.27JamashI mean, Microsoft is trying to turn computers into locked-down platforms where the user has no control over their own hardware and Apple is... wait...
03:01.44Lothrikthen what the fuck do they exist for
03:02.21Lothrikdildos are pleasurable to women and men but they don't exist for that purpose they exist to make some company money
03:02.24Jamashaccording to some christians, the greatest pleasure available in heaven is to look down and see all the sinners suffering eternal torment in hell
03:02.28Lothrikis there some company behind heaven and hell
03:02.38MalgayneJamash: Those people are assholes :P
03:02.39Lothrikmaking money off of your rewards and punishment?
03:02.48Mowseysounds like lots of dicks
03:03.00Mowseyin every sense!
03:03.09MalgayneLothrik: You're just ranting here. Take a breath. :P
03:03.14JamashMowsey: Infinite cocks!
03:03.38MalgayneI'm happy to explain to you my precise beliefs on heaven and hell
03:03.49MalgayneIf that is what you want
03:04.02Pilatewhy would satan punish you for being bad? if thats his whole schtick, shouldnt you be rewarded the worse youa re?
03:04.05Master_Vashfuck queues
03:04.10LothrikMalgayne: Every question I ask you, you state that something is false or not true or I'm not getting the whole picture
03:04.15Lothrikbut you never go into detail
03:04.21Lothrikyou never say what those details are
03:04.26Lothrikyou just say that they're there
03:04.33Jamashgod is raping you in every possible orifice at every possible instant with his infinite cocks
03:04.52Jamashthe difference between heaven and hell is that in heaven he uses lube
03:04.59starspunWhy does he even have to defend his belief to you guys? :|
03:05.03Lothrikand in hell, charcoal
03:05.05Mowseywhich one does he use less?
03:05.10Mowseycuz that's the best
03:05.16Malgaynestarspun: To be fair I volunteered. :P
03:05.28AckisPosition in queue: 51,311 – Estimated time: 17 days
03:05.33MowseyMalgayne likes to stir up the trolls
03:05.35Mowseylol Ackis
03:05.40MalgayneAckis: Wowarmory is down
03:05.44MalgayneThere's no queue
03:05.46AckisMalgayne: my profile got fixed and whatnot, thanks :)
03:05.58Malgaynenp. :)
03:06.04Ackisah explains it, but queue length is amusing
03:06.12JamashAckis: oh I thought you meant a realm login queue
03:06.19Mowseyme too :<
03:06.21AckisI transfered toons so I'm trying to get the new server to show up
03:06.23MalgayneLothrik: I believe that God created human beings, and that when he created them he intended them to be in a relationship with him
03:06.28Mowseyquit tittilating us, Ackis
03:06.53Master_Vashanyone else queued up?
03:06.55AckisMalgayne: do I have to wait til armory is up for my transfered toon to show up?
03:07.02MalgayneI believe that what is commonly called "heaven" is a place (in some sense) where human beings exist in real, concrete, directly visible relationship with him
03:07.08LothrikMalgayne: you just let me know when you're able to defend your beliefs with concrete statements that don't leave open-ended "think about it for yourself" unanswered questions
03:07.20MalgayneWhich is the ultimate reward for humans because that's what humans were made for
03:07.22djh-christ, 4300 XP each for Adder's Tongue?
03:07.24Jamashgod created human beings with no knowledge of good or evil and then punished them for disobeying him
03:07.27starspunMalgayne, yeah, I guess you did. But even so, they just keep going. :P
03:07.34LothrikJamash: exactly
03:07.35Pilatedjh-: rested?
03:07.42MalgayneBut was not created for the purpose of rewarding them—that's just part of its nature
03:07.48MalgayneAckis: I'm afraid so :(
03:07.48Jamashbasically, god is a dick
03:07.57Jamashsince god is infinite
03:07.58djh-Pilate: doesn't seem to use rest
03:07.59*** join/#wowhead Joshua__ (
03:08.05Jamashyou could call him an infinite dick
03:08.15MalgayneLothrik: I believe that ultimately everyone must make the choice to exist in a relationship with God or not to
03:08.18AckisMalgayne: ok, that makes things easier for me then, aka it's not broked :D
03:08.30MalgayneAnd that the people who choose not to are allowed to do so
03:08.41Pilateit does djh
03:08.53MalgayneAnd exist in a different place, where God is not
03:08.55djh-then yes.
03:09.10MalgayneWhich is not created for the purpose of punishing people
03:09.18MalgayneBut nonetheless, because God is not there, is a really sucky place to be.
03:09.20LothrikMalgayne: So atheists get their own, backup heaven?
03:09.23LothrikMinus god?
03:09.32LothrikNeat. Never heard that one before.
03:09.45MalgayneIt's not a rare belief
03:09.55Malgaynethe bible talks about wailing and gnashing of teeth
03:09.56LothrikNo, it is
03:10.03MalgayneBut it doesn't talk as much about fiery torment
03:10.11Jamashkeg party in hades
03:10.13Lothrikvast majority of religious people believe that only people of their religion get to go to their heaven
03:10.23Lothrikif all it takes is belief, faith, whatever
03:10.34Lothrikthen I believe me and god will get to hang out in heaven
03:10.37Lothriknobody else is invited
03:10.46Lothrikand we'll troll the starving people in africa together
03:11.11Joshua__Is this the wow head chat channel?
03:11.12MalgayneAt the end of the day I believe that you have the choice of going to hang out with God in heaven or saying "no thanks, not for me" and going somewhere else
03:11.24MowseyJoshua__: unfortunately, yes
03:11.30Mowseythough it's in religious debate mode
03:11.41Malgayneyeah, sorry
03:11.41LothrikTL;DR: Everybody ends up as dirt.
03:11.42JamashJoshua__: Welcome to #infinitecocks, can I take your order?
03:12.08MalgayneLothrik: I think that the people who choose to go somewhere else are fools but I think we all get to pick
03:12.27Joshua__How do I send private messages?
03:12.58Jamashone of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books explained that only people who think they deserve to go to hell actually go there
03:13.02MalgayneJoshua__ You have to have your nick registered on the server first, but once you are you can just type /msg name blah blah
03:13.13Jamashwhich is why it is vitally important to kill missionaries on sight
03:14.02*** join/#wowhead Troxior (
03:15.06LothrikJamash: I don't follow your logic but I find your ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
03:17.07bladekittyholy crap
03:17.10bladekittyMalgayne's still alive
03:17.19bladekittyafter all those thottbot assassins
03:18.11Jamashamg I'm logged in finally
03:18.17Jamashand now I have to pee :-/
03:18.44bladekittyMalgayne: did you get any cata time?
03:18.51MalgayneA little bit
03:18.53Jamashfortunately, the flying spaghetti monster in its infinite wisdom has seen fit to provide me with a laptop
03:19.45Gary|tpoh god
03:19.50Gary|tpnotion ink adam pre orders start TOMORROW
03:20.06Jamash|peeingwhat's that?
03:20.24Gary|tpthe best tablet ever made so far
03:20.27*** join/#wowhead booths (
03:20.37Gary|tptegra2, android, pixel qi screen, swiveling webcam, etc
03:20.45Mori-nekoGary- I KNOWWWWW
03:20.53Jamash|peeingis it better than the tablets the ten commandments were written on?
03:21.01Mori-nekoAnd they've been doing a slow reveal on that blog picture all day
03:21.04boothsI seem to be stuck at 141/150 in Vashj'ir
03:21.28Mowseywhy are you peeing :<
03:21.34MowseySTOP PEEING OH GOD
03:21.41Mori-nekoThough, we do NOT have a confirmation that tomorrow will be pre-orders. Just high liklihood.
03:22.28*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (
03:22.40Jamash|flushingwashes his hands
03:22.43Gary|tpMori-neko, don't have the money to drop on it atm, so doesn't matter :(
03:22.52TroxiorGary|tp; oh my god that is actually amazing sounding
03:22.54Gary|tpbut I'm so pumped
03:22.55Jamashall done
03:22.55MowseyJamash: hawt
03:22.58Troxioralso watching idra play boxer lol
03:23.09fewynwoo i can do heroics now!
03:23.15*** join/#wowhead Joshua__ (
03:23.16TroxiorSlayerS_Cella fighting! Jinrolling his way
03:23.17Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] ZAM Jumps Into StarCraft II, Vindictus, Torchlight -
03:23.25Troxiorlol what
03:23.25Mori-nekoGary- After listening to me talk about it for the past year, I'm getting one as a christmas present ^_^
03:23.30TroxiorTL has SC2 down
03:24.47*** join/#wowhead Zeiris (~Zeiris@
03:25.14Gary|tpMori-neko, please don't add a - to my name, it prevents it from highlighting me :(
03:25.19Gary|tpbut yeah, I'll get it somehow
03:25.22Gary|tpgoes to rob a bank
03:25.37MowseyYeah Gary-
03:25.39Troxiorthis tablet looks stupidly amazing
03:25.40Gary|tpI'm really curious as to how locked down it will be
03:26.06Gary|tpand if I could rip Maps.apk from my phone and install it on the tablet
03:26.13Gary|tpgoogle maps on the tablet would be amazing
03:26.18fewynDo heroics? Y/n?
03:26.27Mori-nekoIt's supposed to run anything from the Android store
03:26.48Gary|tpMaps.apk is special as it requires it to be a Google experience platform
03:26.50Gary|tpand the Adam isn't
03:27.12Gary|tpyou can illegaly copy maps and some special files to any android device and it SHOULD run
03:27.26Mori-nekoWell, they did say it's got a navigation thingy made for the device
03:27.27Gary|tpbut it requires root and I dunno if Adam comes unlocked
03:27.37Gary|tpwhich will be balls compared to Google Maps
03:27.37Mori-nekoI -know- it'll be rootable
03:29.50Troxioris currently listening to Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge (1:32 / 6:42).
03:30.39Mori-nekoI would be very surprised if the navigation isn't based on Google Maps, just customized to fit Adam
03:31.08Gary|tpthey would need to buy a license from Google
03:31.12Gary|tpwhich is asspensive
03:31.24Gary|tpI would actually be very shocked if the Adam came with any Google Experience apps
03:31.25Mori-nekoWell, I s'pose we'll see
03:31.32Gary|tpgmail, maps, gtalk, etc
03:31.43Gary|tpandroid market
03:32.22Mori-nekoIt's the only device currently announced/almost to market that's got a pixelqi screen. For that alone, I want.
03:32.49Mori-nekoEverything else looks awesome, too, though.
03:32.57Gary|tpyeah, like
03:33.01Mori-nekoWhich makes it more of a "IwantIwantIwantIwantIwantttttttt"
03:33.06Gary|tpeveryone talks about the iPad like its this absolutely amazing device
03:33.21Gary|tpno USB ports, no HDMI port, no trackpad, no camera, no pixel qi
03:33.24Gary|tpno microsd
03:33.28Mori-nekoiPads are neat, but it's got some serious issues
03:33.34Gary|tpif you want 3g + large storage, you need to drop $800
03:33.37Mori-nekoe-readers, also neat, also serious issues.
03:33.42JamashLook Mr. Bubbles, Adam!
03:33.45Gary|tplocked to AT&T and no unlimited data plans
03:33.50Mori-nekoAdam = iPad + e-reader
03:33.53Gary|tpwhy would anyone buy that
03:34.06Mori-nekoOnly with more shiny.
03:34.23MalgayneGoing to head off to dinner
03:34.27MalgayneIt's been a pleasure. :)
03:34.34Gary|tpthe swivel camera is incredibly sexy Mori-neko
03:34.36Gary|tpl8r mal
03:34.40Mori-nekoSeeya Malgayne ^^
03:34.48Gary|tpI can actually imagine this device completely replacing my phone and notebook
03:35.03Gary|tpin class, turn the camera to face the white board
03:35.05Mori-nekoI have a hunch that I'll end up selling a bunch of friends and family on it, once I have mine.
03:35.06Gary|tpwhile taking notes on it
03:36.04Ackis wjeee
03:36.09Mori-nekoI don't know that it'll totally replace my laptop, and I know it won't replace my phone
03:36.15Ackisit lists me with a lowercase A though :'(
03:36.22Mori-nekoBut for many things, it'll be what I carry day-to-day
03:36.33fewyn37m queue for heroics
03:36.37*** join/#wowhead Joshua__ (
03:36.47Gary|tpwell, if I throw it in my car, I already use VoIP for everything through Google Voice
03:36.57Gary|tpso bluetooth headset + that is going to be insanely useful
03:37.29Arkaenfewyn: rager
03:37.31Mori-nekoI use GVoice for my answering machine these days, but I like having a dedicated phone
03:37.48Gary|tpmy current phone setup is really sexy imow
03:38.08Gary|tpwhen I get a call, it pops up on my phone, notebook, desktop, and in any browser I have open
03:38.19Gary|tpcan answer in any of them
03:38.23Gary|tpcan dial out from any of em
03:39.01Gary|tpit was a real jaw dropping experience when I signed into my Google Talk account in Pidgin
03:39.04*** part/#wowhead Joshua__ (
03:39.08*** join/#wowhead Joshua__ (
03:39.11Gary|tpgot a phone call, and Google Voice automatically routed it to Pidgin
03:39.28Gary|tp"wtf is this pop up box, pidgin"
03:39.31Gary|tpclicks accept
03:39.35Gary|tp"... wtf"
03:39.57*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
03:40.07Gary|tpit's ok, Leif
03:40.28Mori-nekoWow, the second to most recent blog post is almost at 10k comments.
03:41.04Gary|tpI think I may pick up a Verizon cell phone, and bring it to Page Plus (prepaid Verizon MVNO) and carry that around whenever I don't want to bring my adam
03:41.20LothrikI'm experimenting with new builds to work around mana problems post-80
03:41.32Gary|tpsince it's only $10/4 months to keep the phone active, and ~$40/month for 3g on the adam
03:41.34Lothrikneed thoughts on what to do with this, specifically the point in atonement:
03:41.58Gary|tpI'd get the best of both worlds depending on my situation then
03:42.29Mori-nekoOh, and did you see the hidden text in the current picture?
03:44.16*** join/#wowhead Jamash1 (
03:45.31Ackishhmmm how long does wowhead take to parse profile info uploaded?
03:46.21starspunI uploaded earlier to check for a few quests I might not have done in Vashj'ir and it was up pretty much instantly
03:47.23zerqis there anything new/worthwhile/profitable you can buy with justice points now.. I know you can't buy the level 85 gear unless you are 85
03:47.25fewynit should be pretty much instant Ackis earlier we had some server issues tho
03:47.58Ackisfewyn: it's a new toon (I did a server transfer)... It's imported from the armory but not syncing the other stuff it seems
03:48.07fewynwith the wowhead client?
03:48.11fewynlike quests etc?
03:48.12Ackisalthough it appears on my character list as "ackis" and not "Ackis"
03:48.19Ackisthose all have locks on them
03:48.35fewyngoes poking
03:48.44RawsPoke 'n' prod
03:48.56Ackis fwiw
03:49.02fewynyeah i'm looking
03:51.07Gary|tpMori-neko, naw, I'm really far behind with the whole adam thing
03:51.18Gary|tpI think tonight I'll smoke a bit and sit down and read through it all
03:51.18fewynAckis while the site attempts to load here, can you open the Wowhead Client and make sure you have all the options set?
03:51.52Ackisupload character data is checked
03:52.23fewynview -> display log
03:52.56Ackis[20:41:39] Upload succeeded!
03:53.22fewynall i can assume then until; the site decides to load is the profiler is backed up again :(
03:53.33Gary|tpI think I could work the Adam into my car PC project
03:54.03Gary|tpbeagleboard backend interfacing with the adam in a mount via usb/adb
03:54.06TroxiorI WANNA SHAKE IT
03:54.33Ackisfewyn: ok thanks, I'd rather know it's backlogged than it's broken
03:55.14Gary|tphm beagleboard is kinda overboard then
03:57.20KorenNoxy: You here?
03:57.31*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
03:58.32Troxiorprolly is ;;
03:59.49fewynno character data uploaded ackis according to my info
04:00.25Ackisfewyn: just got a maintenance page
04:00.37fewynAckis: yeah it's under maintance
04:00.46fewyncheck back with me later and we'll see
04:01.08Ackisprobably backlogged
04:02.06Gary|tpRaw Question:   Whats  a  good  rule  of  thumb  when  sexting
04:02.11Gary|tptry not using your thumb
04:02.16fewynput it in her ear
04:02.21Troxioruhm you should always call it sexting
04:02.30Troxiorand then say whenever you are texting call it sextinig
04:02.47Troxiorbut make sure you dont have some fucktard thinking hes cool going "Ive actually sexted before"
04:02.53Troxior"noreally Ive sexted before
04:02.59Troxiorand thats it
04:03.27*** join/#wowhead rcfreak0 (
04:03.50Troxiorbut also when you pic trade dont be like the stupid bitch at my school do full nude for a guy who obviously would leak it. But my schools notoriously slutty so it just confirmed her slot as an annoying bitchy slut.
04:03.53Gary|tpI'VE SEXTED B4 GUIS
04:04.13Troxiorthis is also the kid who was like DUDE THIS PARY FOR HALLOWEEN WAS AMAZING THERE WERE SO MANY HOT CHICKS
04:04.16TroxiorAND THERE WAS POT
04:04.32Gary|tpWOW REALLY THEy HAD POT?
04:04.43TroxiorPROTIP: dont mention parties that there are pics of on facebook...........
04:05.34Gary|tpI hate those kids
04:05.38Gary|tpthat all they do is talk about pot
04:05.40Gary|tplmao 8)
04:05.52TroxiorLOL ok well hes not as bad as the kid in homeroom
04:06.14Gary|tpI was making fun of myself, Troxior
04:06.23Troxioreveryones supposed to answer the question of "what do you do in your freetime?" Hes all like Im so cool "MARIJUANA"
04:06.25TroxiorI know
04:06.45TroxiorIm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you arent as annoying about it.
04:07.00*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
04:07.51robokitty that is fucking awesome :D
04:09.48Gary|tpWhat do you call an Alabama farmer with a sheep under each arm? A pimp
04:13.16fewynheroic tiem
04:13.18fewynlost city
04:16.16*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
04:18.23*** join/#wowhead Clearness (~victory@
04:19.48*** join/#wowhead Jefus (
04:21.24*** join/#wowhead Zeiris (~Zeiris@
04:23.42*** join/#wowhead dogel (
04:26.11*** join/#wowhead Bozpak (
04:27.30ClearnessBig fuckin' numbers!
04:27.35ClearnessYou're all FURY :<
04:29.20dogeljust trying to calculate for maximum profit
04:29.50ClearnessThreaten people IRL with bears, profit.
04:30.59fewynok that didn't work out well
04:31.04fewyn6 wipes on general
04:31.16fewyneither we aren't geared enough
04:31.21fewynor we can't figure out the trick
04:31.43ClearnessWell, I'd be happy to help you but I won't have Cata till the 25th. :<
04:32.03ClearnessI've been ordered not to buy it, with "innocent" looks and "We'll get it together!"
04:32.32dogeli decided to quit once and for all at 12am launch
04:33.47ClearnessThat kid sure loves his cotto-... oh.
04:34.00*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
04:36.28bladekittydogel always takes a doggy bag, and in bed, does it doggy style.
04:37.29dogelmy favorite position of all
04:38.01dogelteachers who bug you to email them if you don't go to school but never reply back and nag you about it the next class annoy me :|
04:38.11dogelwhat up
04:38.16bladekittyInc`: you LIVE
04:38.16Inc`Go get on SC2 :O
04:38.17dogeldances on Inc`
04:38.24dogelDUDE I SUCK
04:38.26bladekittyshoves an Inc` into dogel
04:38.28Inc`IMA TEACH YOU
04:38.32Inc`hi2u bladekitty
04:38.45Inc`DOOO EEEET
04:38.49dogelbesides im mentally calculating numbers FOR MAXIMUM PROFITS
04:39.06Inc`Less profits more CALCULATING BUILD ORDERS
04:39.10dogelthe things i do your man
04:39.12dogelfor you*
04:39.23Inc`lol you do absolutely nothing :D
04:39.29dogelI JUST DID
04:39.45Inc`You haven't done it yet
04:40.00dogelcalm your balls
04:43.40Inc`Whar be the friend invite
04:45.01dogelhad to take out ze trash
04:45.17*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (
04:45.58dogelwhoops opened campaign XD
04:46.02dogelhugs Stormkitty
04:46.38*** join/#wowhead Srosh_ (
04:55.40*** join/#wowhead Arch1mede (
04:55.40*** join/#wowhead Arch1mede (~arch1mede@unaffiliated/arch1mede)
05:07.41StormkittySo I may or may not be getting a $2000 paycheque in 3 hours.
05:08.01RawsGet a $2000 computer to go along with it
05:08.21Stormkittywhy would I buy some piece of shit computer
05:08.54StormkittyBesides, I wouldn't trust just any mouthbreather to build a computer for me.
05:08.58fewyn@weather report 32780
05:08.59[Wheaties]Location: Titusville, FL (32780) - Updated at: 12/8/10 11:55 PM EST - Temp: 48F (8C) - Feels like: 46F (7C) - Wind: NNW 6 MPH - Conditions: Cloudy - Humidity: 62%
05:09.04StormkittyI'm the only mouthbreather allowed to touch my computer.
05:10.10Clearness@weather report 01301
05:10.11[Wheaties]Location: Greenfield, MA (01301) - Updated at: 12/8/10 11:52 PM EST - Temp: 19F (-8C) - Feels like: 9F (-13C) - Wind: W 8 MPH - Conditions: Fair - Humidity: 52%
05:10.15ClearnessToasty! :)
05:10.43Stormkitty@weather report
05:10.43[Wheaties]Location: Burnaby, Canada - Updated at: 12/8/10 8:00 PM Local Time - Temp: 45F (7C) - Feels like: 38F (3C) - Wind: S 15 MPH - Conditions: Light Rain Shower - Humidity: 87%
05:11.01starspun@weather report
05:11.01[Wheaties]Location: Trondheim, Norway - Updated at: 12/9/10 5:50 AM Local Time - Temp: 10F (-13C) - Feels like: 0F (-18C) - Wind: SE 7 MPH - Conditions: Mostly Cloudy - Humidity: 91%
05:11.01ClearnessYou guys are all warmer. :(
05:11.06ClearnessOh, finally. lol
05:11.23Clearnessstarspun, why is it so wet where you are?
05:11.32Ackisfewyn: all looks good, I just reuploaded data again
05:11.41starspunI don't know.
05:11.50fewynk Ackis
05:12.10Ackisfewyn: you replied to my e-mail too <3
05:12.22RawsClearness: hi there, fellow Masshole \o/
05:12.51Raws@weather report 02043
05:12.52[Wheaties]Location: Hingham, MA (02043) - Updated at: 12/8/10 11:54 PM EST - Temp: 25F (-4C) - Feels like: 11F (-12C) - Wind: W 18 MPH - Conditions: Partly Cloudy - Humidity: 38%
05:12.58ClearnessI'm gettin' out soon, before I adopt a lifestyle of heroin and minimum wage jobs.
05:13.18ClearnessWestern Massachusetts, where true love happens (with your cousins!)
05:13.33RawsI didn't even know anyone lived out there
05:14.08ClearnessWhere ya from?  I'm Californian by birth, Vermonter by upbringing, Massclown by schooling.
05:14.23RawsDayum, well-rounded
05:14.23StormkittyI play all of my records backwards! sdrawkcab sdrocer ym fo lla yalp I
05:14.35fewynAckis: did i?
05:14.39fewyni replied to a lot of emails
05:14.55RawsClearness: I'm a Masshole by birth, by upbringing and by making-a-living
05:15.01Ackisfewyn: I was told to e-mail about my profile being broke, I did, you replied saying it works ;)
05:15.17ClearnessWell, hail and well met. :P
05:15.21Ackismentioned I'm on IRC, I like penis, etc
05:15.22RawsLikewise :P
05:16.00ClearnessArgh, I've just been burdened with laughter.
05:16.24RawsThat owns
05:17.05KorenOH HERE'S MY PHONE
05:17.36RawsThat dude's ringtone rules
05:17.46Korennow my question is why is someone videotaping him ironing a shirt
05:17.52RawsI was wondering that
05:17.56Koren(that's my fetish)
05:18.15Rawsis listening to Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major Op. 58 - 3. Rondo, Vivace by Krystian Zimerman, Wiener Philharmoniker cond. Leonard Bernstein from Beethoven: Piano Concerto Nos. 3 & 4 (8:37 / 10:04)
05:18.18RawsThis is my fetish
05:18.35ClearnessI'm listening to liquid DnB.  That's one facet of my musical tastes.
05:18.36KorenThat's a long ass name
05:18.43RawsA long ass-name
05:18.59ClearnessLong-ass name, to be proper.
05:19.24ClearnessWhen you're linking words to use a clause as an adjective, gotta abuse dem hyphenz.
05:19.35RawsWe do, don't worry
05:19.45ClearnessAlso, because this is the internet, the name of that song includes "Wiener".
05:19.58ClearnessLet's all regress to 4th grade and giggle.
05:20.08RawsWiener Philharmonic best philharmonic
05:20.08starspunI have yet again discovered an inexplicable bruise on the back of my calf.
05:20.16*** join/#wowhead nmsiz (
05:20.19RawsMaybe raising cattle just isn't for you
05:20.28starspunBut they're so cute.
05:20.31KorenI'm currently listening to some progressive dreamfunk, after this I'm planning on some post-avant jazzcore.
05:20.44RawsPost-avant, I wanna hear that
05:20.44ClearnessKoren, touché.
05:20.51ClearnessWant some 90s era sci-fi themed surf punk?
05:21.02ClearnessI've got a few albums of "Is It Man or Astro-Man?"
05:21.06Korenno, but i'd love some neo gregorian chantrock
05:21.21ClearnessTwo Steps From Hell has some good songs that might fit under that.
05:22.05bladekittysneezes all over dogel
05:22.15RawsI was pounding a handle to some deconstructionist ukelele thrashcore earlier
05:22.33bladekitty<Raws> I was pounding a handle to some deconstructionist ukelele thrashcore earlier with my pelvis
05:22.39RawsYeah, that
05:22.41ClearnessReally? Because I just had an urge to listen to a hobo playing a banjo.
05:22.51RawsBest urge
05:25.30starspunClearness, I just want to announce that I love you so much right now
05:25.41ClearnessHow's that?
05:25.45starspunIs It Man or Astro-Man is amazing.
05:25.47starspunThank you.
05:25.55ClearnessYeah, well, I grew up on that and Royal Crown Revue.
05:26.07ClearnessI was a badass dancer at 6 years old.
05:26.12ClearnessI hope nobody ever caught footage of it.
05:26.29TroxiorIm laughing my ass off at this shit
05:29.32ClearnessSo odd.
05:29.39Mr_RabiesMiyari/Corgan if either of you are here
05:30.10Mr_Rabiesas fellow druids, did Hyjal just feel like an awesome huge class quest to you too
05:30.28ClearnessI heard you throw bears.
05:32.51*** join/#wowhead silph (
05:32.51*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
05:33.23dogeljuggles bears.
05:34.02RawsHuggle bears
05:36.00*** join/#wowhead Zeiris (~Zeiris@
05:36.19dogelhuggles a bear that looks like Raws :|
05:36.33dogelactually that'd be pretty scary
05:36.43RawsI am man nor bear nor pig
05:39.15Inc`zomg a Raws
05:39.27RawsAn Inc`!
05:40.55dogeljuggles Inc`
05:41.41dogel@weather report caxx0400
05:41.42[Wheaties]Location: Richmond, Canada - Updated at: 12/8/10 9:00 PM Local Time - Temp: 45F (7C) - Feels like: 39F (3C) - Wind: SSE 10 MPH - Conditions: Light Rain Shower - Humidity: 87%
05:46.58Mr_Rabies[00:46]You have gained the maximum amount of guild reputation allowed this week
05:47.05Mr_Rabiesguess i need to get used to that
05:47.14starspunYou do.
05:47.43*** join/#wowhead Omgpewpew (
05:48.01Korenhow do you get guild rep?
05:48.18starspunBy doing quests.
05:49.58starspunAnd apparently also through earning guild achievements, and rated BGs, and participating in a raid boss kill with a group coposed mostly of guild members.
05:50.19RawsBeethoven's 9th is forever associated with Rejected in my mind
05:50.42Gary13579Raws how do I convince people to learn Ruby
05:50.52RawsHugs 'n' nugs
05:51.12Gary13579if you are oldhippie
05:51.14Gary13579my mind is blown
05:51.41Gary13579don't toy with my emotionsl like that
05:52.00RawsYou are the demons
05:52.44*** join/#wowhead deek| (
05:56.32dogelim wearing this shirt that says
05:56.36dogeljesus is my homeboy
05:56.46dogeli like it.
05:58.52*** join/#wowhead vajjtastic (
05:59.43vajjtasticanything kewl happening guys/gals?
06:00.21RawsWorld's first headlight-mounted intake
06:01.03bladekittyRaws: sleep
06:01.04vajjtastici have no idea what that means. not a car guy
06:01.05bladekittyyou bastid
06:01.25RawsI refuse
06:01.28RawsI'm on a leveling roll
06:01.30vajjtasticOw i see it now, lol
06:01.46RawsLevels one through four in 2h 41m 34s
06:02.12starspunYou're gonna be 85 before me.
06:02.14vajjtasticmy xpac camein the mail today, but im at work si still have not played
06:03.01RawsOh my god a snow leopard just leapt like ten meters onto me
06:03.32vajjtasticand yet u can still type! Amazing
06:03.47RawsSnow leaptard
06:03.55Korensnow leotard
06:06.24vajjtasticthats the snow leaptards battle cry
06:06.26dogelRaws is an amazing, amazing man
06:06.37Wardman I just drove to the train station in back
06:06.38dogelPRETTY COOL GUY
06:06.41Wardall the way in 3rd gear
06:06.44KorenTroxior: This is your kinda stuff -
06:06.53*** join/#wowhead Pharod42 (
06:07.01*** join/#wowhead treeger (~quassel@
06:07.30RawsI'm secretly insulted that you put me in a 4chan meme, but I know you mean well
06:07.46TroxiorKoren; listening right now :|
06:07.47Pharod42How do I make links that are just the name of the thing, rather than the URL? Like
06:07.55dogel<3 Raws
06:07.57Wardit's not fit for man or beast out there
06:07.58dogelI MEAN IT WITH LOVE
06:08.02dogel<3 /b/
06:08.27vajjtastici only like caturdays!
06:08.43*** join/#wowhead Zeiris (~Zeiris@
06:09.06RawsNo day is a good day at 4chan
06:09.18TroxiorKoren; good but vocals are too low in mix
06:09.35Troxiorjust some good ol' shredding
06:09.36vajjtasticwhat, what in the gut!
06:09.46Troxiorpunches vajjtastic in the gut
06:10.53Troxiorfucks shit up and doesnt give a flying fuck move
06:10.53Troxiorvajjtastic; you died
06:11.22vajjtasticbu... but.... i dodged! i have very high dodge
06:11.37TroxiorI dont care
06:11.43Troxiorits hard to dodge my ball of fat
06:11.53TroxiorI weigh 180 pound you know I can be as fat as I want
06:12.23Troxiorlol durids wat
06:12.40Troxioryou uhm
06:12.44Troxiorcant brex urself.........
06:13.01vajjtasticmeh, haxor :)
06:13.52vajjtasticugh, i wanna play cata, GD job
06:14.06vajjtastic4 more hours
06:14.17starspunYes, that damn job that enables you to afford playing. :D
06:14.39Owkkuristarspun: you and your logic :(
06:14.53Troxiorstarspun isnt entitled to asay anything about expenses though
06:14.56vajjtastici kniw right, who do thet think they are enabling my addictions like that
06:15.27*** join/#wowhead Sockett (
06:15.44starspunTroxior, o rly.
06:15.55Troxiorstarspun; yarly
06:15.57RawsI think it might be time to znore soonish
06:16.00starspunAlso why have you chnged your nick
06:16.02vajjtasticspeaking of $$ i think im going to buy my GF the murlock stein
06:16.08Troxiorbecause I fucking can gawd
06:16.32SockettGirls don't play wow... :O
06:16.45Owkkuriyou play wow, :O
06:17.01KorenFire doesn't play wow.
06:17.02vajjtastictell that to the 12+ girls i kniw that do!
06:17.07dogelshowers Owkkuri with glitter
06:17.12Raws12+? You barely hold a candle to rosco
06:17.26SockettI know, i was kidding though, i know like 4
06:17.28starspunOh that damn rosco
06:17.29TroxiorLOL OH U
06:17.29RawsUnless you're talking age
06:17.34Troxior<3 raws
06:17.46Korenwhat a pimp:
06:18.03vajjtastici went to a game college lots of female mmo'rs there, and most were pretty cute
06:18.13dogelKoren, you want him, and you know it
06:18.17Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] Intel SSD Sweepstakes -
06:18.21KorenHis pecs are magnets.
06:18.26SockettLololol, koren
06:18.28TroxiorKoren; thats like the kid
06:18.39starspunKoren, did you even get to play games with him yesterday
06:18.46Korenpfft no
06:18.46Troxiorok koren
06:18.54Troxiorits like the awkward kid I saw in a mcdonalds one day
06:19.00KorenHe "left for a margarita" and never returned
06:19.02Troxiorhe was on a date with a girl it was lolzy awkward
06:19.09starspunThey have mirrors at McDonald's, Troxior?
06:19.22Troxiorcoure there was the fact I had just chugged a 32oz slurpee before
06:19.38Troxiorstarspun; why would you ever imply that I was with a gir;? o_O
06:19.51Troxiorthats the only reason why I remember
06:19.53RawsDates with gir
06:20.11starspunTroxior+GIR 4eva
06:20.18dogeli think i won $50 from this random scratchcard mom gave me earlier
06:20.20RawsI just saw a guy in <flash me your pixels>
06:20.25TroxiorIm just surprised normally Im called gay or its heavily implied Ill be celibate for life and not of my choice
06:20.31dogelnice, Raws
06:20.37Troxiormy guild is called
06:20.43RawsOf course I flashed mine
06:20.57starspunMy priest's guild is <Dire Bears Best Avoided>. And my rogue is in <Cold Turkey>.
06:21.00RawsArby's brings the pain
06:21.08RawsOh man, you joined?
06:21.14Troxiorok afk
06:21.29RawsHow long before Cold Turkey becomes Old Turkey
06:21.53dogelmy favorite guild was <Fails at Safety Dance> one in that guild ever failed at it
06:23.44dogeli baked a dozen cupcakes last night
06:23.52dogelbrought 6 to school
06:24.00dogelthey were all devoured within 2 mins
06:24.01SockettWhy werent you on wow?
06:24.24SockettWhy would you spend time baking, when you could be working on 85
06:24.26starspunBecause she was at school :|
06:24.33Sockettno she was baking
06:24.33starspunOrrrr she was busy BAKING
06:24.50*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
06:24.53starspunshe doesn't play WoW right now.
06:25.00dogeli don't play
06:25.16dogel12am cata launch, i made this decision. XD
06:25.23dogelmom was proud of me
06:25.35Sockett12am cata launch i was camping the flight master
06:25.36dogelfor kicking the habit after wasting a third of my life on it
06:26.20SockettThe only reason im not on right now is because i have to be online in order for my transfer to work
06:26.25Sockettoffline *
06:27.38Sockettbroccoli is good
06:27.56SockettEspecially with cheese sauce lol
06:28.12dogeli could totally go for some
06:28.22Sockettwhy not
06:28.42Mr_Rabiesthis is too much brocollis
06:28.52Sockettulcers is bahhhd
06:28.57RawsChoppin' broccoliiiii
06:29.11dogelthey ARE bad
06:29.21Sockettoops almost typed my wow info into chat
06:29.52dogelmy password is d2n02101--
06:30.05Sockettmines "IlikeTurkeys666"
06:30.09Mr_Rabiesraws i had a sound pack for tribes that would play that among many other things
06:30.12Mr_Rabiesi really don't know why
06:30.15Sockettbut you cannot know my password >:D
06:30.19starspunI've put my password in here :(
06:30.26Sockettor authenticator code
06:30.30starspunThen, less than a month later
06:30.40Sockettwith your email?
06:30.40starspunI put my new password into another IRC channel.
06:30.46RawsAwesome, rabies
06:30.48starspunNo, just the password. :P
06:30.55Sockettyou get hacked?
06:31.04dogeli never type my full password into any irc channel
06:31.09Socketthaha i just did
06:31.14starspunI did it on accident, silly girl
06:31.25dogelmy password is um
06:31.33Socketti did it on purpose lolol
06:31.34dogellemme go type it out cause i forget XD
06:31.39starspunI boot up WoW and type shit in IRC meanwhile
06:32.02starspunand when I'm at the loginscreen... the marker in the password field shows as active even though it's not
06:32.03dogeli keep typing stuff in irc that is meant for msn :|
06:32.13starspunSo I think I'm typing shit in there.
06:32.18starspunand then BAM PASSWORD IN IRC
06:32.40*** join/#wowhead TheOnyx (
06:32.40*** mode/#wowhead [+o TheOnyx] by ChanServ
06:32.55RawsThe mnemonic for my WoW password involves A1 steak sauce, the C5 galaxy, 69, the word "ung" and fornication
06:32.55Sockettive done that
06:33.01Socketti did that on facebook
06:33.11Sockettand youtube
06:33.15Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] More Cataclysm Hotfixes Live! (December 8th) -
06:33.17starspunMine involves Oprah and virgins.
06:33.18Sockettdual monitors trick me
06:33.19starspunI don't even.
06:33.38dogelmine's.. a ton of passwords condensed
06:33.42RawsOprah and beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
06:34.31dogel"Use your wet noodle on them"
06:34.38dogelnighty night arky
06:34.54Sockettso my char was moved succesfully
06:34.58Sockettim going back on wow
06:35.14dogelhave fuunnnnnn
06:35.32Sockettsee i just about typed my password in here
06:36.08Sockettmy char does not seem to be on the new realm
06:37.16Sockettoh nevermind
06:37.19Sockettfound em
06:37.37Socketti love when my authenticator gives me easy codes
06:38.16dogeli had like, 28888388 once
06:38.21dogelor something that was basically all 8s
06:42.11Troxiorsups dawg
06:42.14Troxiorso i herd you like meh
06:42.18Troxiorbut you dont
06:43.52*** part/#wowhead Clearness (~victory@
06:45.32dogelholy shit
06:45.34Troxioryes it is
06:45.38Troxiorlate start friday :D
06:46.23dogeli just realized
06:46.29dogeli have cookies in my backpack
06:46.37dogelTIME TO EAT
06:47.17*** join/#wowhead Zeiris (~Zeiris@
06:48.50Gary13579Troxior, v2.0
06:49.30TroxiorGary13579; <333333333333 that looks sexy as fuck
06:49.39*** join/#wowhead Slackwise (
06:49.39Troxiornow I need to make sure I get it updated lol but omfg
06:50.00Gary13579trying to think
06:50.05Gary13579of all the tournaments I need to index
06:50.35Troxiormeh youll be getting a couple more in like janurary when the tournaments are announced
06:50.45Troxiorbecause A class will have good players too
06:50.53Gary13579I already know the GOM tournaments
06:50.56Gary13579and have them listed
06:50.58Gary13579on the site
06:51.03Troxioralso reading the fanpage on oGsMC is like :| hes amazing
06:51.04Troxiorah kk
06:51.05Gary13579but I mean non-GOM tournaments
06:51.10Gary13579stuff like mlg
06:51.11Gary13579and wcg
06:51.24RawsLug, time to plan your next fabulous vaca,8599,2034027,00.html?hpt=C2
06:51.25Troxioroh uhm I cant think of anything good besides stuff like dreamhack
06:51.31Troxiorbut those are like one time deals a year
06:51.54Troxiorall it would be is like an intel masters/dreamhack folder imo which would be "Other Major Tournaments"
06:52.38Troxiorraws lmfao they also have vodka so I wouldnt be surprised if I was buzzed there and got led there by the lure of vodka lOL
06:52.57*** join/#wowhead deltron (~deltron@gateway/shell/
06:53.24*** join/#wowhead xfiler7116 (
06:54.37Troxiorfuck when did koren leave
06:54.51TroxiorI was just going to tell her that Baliset is good
06:59.17*** join/#wowhead coolbond (
06:59.58Lothrikoh god
07:00.05LothrikI feel like I'm going to vomit
07:00.21dogelme too!
07:00.22LothrikI just opened a new jar of Nutella
07:00.32Lothrikstarted making some toast with it
07:00.42Lothriktook a bite and.. it tastes like poison and smoke
07:00.55Lothriklooked at the inside of the lid and it's burnt and yellow
07:00.57OwkkuriNutella on toast o_O
07:01.06dogelalso, nutella on toast is delicious
07:01.13Lothriknot when it tastes like poison
07:01.14Owkkurimakes a note
07:01.30Gary13579ofc it is dogel
07:01.32Gary13579its nutella
07:01.46*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (~zzz@unaffiliated/Gary13579)
07:01.48LothrikI'm not sure whether I should call poison control or nutella
07:01.51coolbondgood morning everyone
07:01.56dogelCALL EVERYTHING
07:01.58dogelall at once
07:02.17starspunim beautiful woman :) with nutella on laser
07:02.23Lothrikseriously though
07:02.34Lothrikit smells the same way it tastes
07:02.40Lothriklike chlorine and smoke
07:03.49Gary|tpshut the fuck up Lothrik noone cares what you think
07:03.53Gary|tpnutella is too badass for you
07:04.51Lothriknutella is badass
07:04.58Lothrika little poison isn't going to turn me off of it
07:05.12LothrikI'm rather disappointed though as this was the last jar in my apartment
07:05.13coolbondseems like they misplaced the needed quest in vashjir to mount hyjal
07:05.33Rawsnutella on laser
07:06.05starspunUh what, coolbond? Vashj'ir to Mount Hyjal?
07:06.30coolbondfor the achivement
07:07.20starspunUmm. There is no "Vashj'ir to Mount Hyjal" quest. @_@ They removed a lot of quest for the Vashj'ir quests completed achievement, but they didn't reduce the number of quests required for it
07:08.11*** join/#wowhead g0urra (5045e70a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:08.13coolbondoh and btw do you guys think its a kinda bad that a tank one handed weapon is the only kind of 1h weapon with strength on it or have i missed something
07:09.56Mr_Rabiesi think only tank 1 handers have str now coolbond, more or less, not much of a reason for them to otherwise
07:16.45coolbondwell strenght is a better stat for frost dk than agility
07:18.11starspuncoolbond, look at the link g0urra just pasted. There's non-tanky one-handers with strength ;)
07:18.30*** join/#wowhead arcanium (
07:18.50coolbondyea saw them¨
07:23.07RawsBah, lot of good these Ironforge Mountaineers are
07:23.18RawsThey didn't do squat when I got jumped by some orcs
07:25.29starspunI'm so tired I'm seeing your o's as ø's
07:25.38starspunAlso your e's.
07:25.40RawsMy ø's are o's
07:25.57RawsYou're so tired you just think you're tired
07:26.17starspunThøy didn't dø squat whøn I gøt jumpød by sømø ørcs
07:26.39RawsThat's an interesting-sounding sentence
07:29.08Owkkurihmmm jumpods
07:29.20Owkkurisuomo orcs
07:38.58*** join/#wowhead foser (
07:38.58*** join/#wowhead foser (~foser@unaffiliated/foser)
07:42.52*** join/#wowhead MindWorX` (~Nikolaj.M@
07:59.26*** join/#wowhead Lopin_ (~Lopin@
08:16.54TroxiorLAMEASS :p
08:17.14Owkkurino u
08:17.57*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
08:22.49Mori-neko*twitch* NotionInk blog just put up a graphic of the Adam, with screen saying "Pre-order NOW"
08:24.19*** join/#wowhead Lopin (~Lopin@
08:27.20*** join/#wowhead chiisai (
08:27.20*** join/#wowhead chiisai (~user@unaffiliated/chiisai)
08:28.26*** join/#wowhead Niadyth (~blah@
08:37.02*** join/#wowhead Anmity (
08:49.04*** join/#wowhead Lopin (~Lopin@
08:51.49*** join/#wowhead Lopin_ (~Lopin@
08:52.15*** join/#wowhead Astarael (~Astarael@unaffiliated/candescent)
09:00.09AstaraelSo I'm topping up Herbalism in Northrend before I go to the new zones. Typical that I'm finding Frost Lotus on pretty much every node, only a week after it is no longer useful.
09:01.09OwkkuriAstarael: got skinning to 525 last night
09:03.20AstaraelSkinning, the passive aggressive profession of vegetarians everywhere.
09:07.49Niadythi'm tempted to level a pacifist toon
09:07.59Niadythjust level from herbalism and mining
09:08.00starspunI'm doing that right now, Niadyth.
09:08.17starspunAlso archaeology at 20.
09:08.22starspun(And exploration, durr)
09:08.33Niadythwould be hilarious to have a level 85 toon with 0 mob kills
09:08.57starspunI have 6 deaths and I'm level 3 :(
09:09.11Niadythwhat class?
09:09.21Niadythgood choice
09:09.23starspunFigure the stealth will come in handy :P
09:09.27Niadythand vanish!
09:09.41starspunAnd that.
09:09.44starspunAnd sap.
09:09.54starspunAnd sprint.
09:09.56Niadythsap doesn't work as a pacifist, imo
09:10.08starspunPff, does.
09:10.09Niadythyou're beating the thing over the back of the head and knocking it unconscious
09:10.17Niadythno WAY that's pacifist
09:10.27*** join/#wowhead njoos (
09:11.03*** join/#wowhead Kroaken (
09:11.09starspunOhfine you win. BUT YOU CAN'T DENY THAT IT'S NOT USEFUL REGARDLESS. :P
09:11.20Niadythyes, useful
09:11.27starspunEr. Remove that "not"... I think.
09:11.35starspunI'm too tired for this.
09:11.41kroaken_Where do you quest from 83 3 bars left to 84 ?
09:12.22njoosaw you touch my tralala
09:12.58zerqthey should put in a pacifist achievement
09:13.14zerqif you get to level cap without killing anything
09:14.29Niadyththat would be a cool achievement, actually
09:14.39Niadythi have a feeling, as a pacifist, you'd die a lot
09:14.59zerqdepending on the class maybe
09:15.06Niadythshe's right about the rogue being a good toon to do it on, but personally I'd do it with a healer
09:15.09zerqyou can generally run from anything though
09:15.25Niadythexactly, heal yourself up, and kite until leashing kicks in
09:28.58*** join/#wowhead Vanerkin (
09:37.56*** join/#wowhead asq (~asq@unaffiliated/asq)
10:08.16*** join/#wowhead Broxer (
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10:13.07*** join/#wowhead Lothrik (
10:16.19*** join/#wowhead Broxer|2 (
10:26.56AstaraelI must have smashed a few mirrors and trod on a few four leaf clovers, I'm so unlucky in this game. It's taken us almost an hour to finish Blackrock Caverns because of wipes, kicks, AFKs and random team failures.
10:42.24NiadythBRC isn't exactly my favorite dungeon of the expansion
10:42.38NiadythYou been to vortex pinnacle yet?
10:46.27AstaraelI'm only 82, I haven't really had time to go anywhere exciting.
10:46.44AstaraelI just finished Hyjal recently and figured I'd stop by the local dungeon for that zone. Gonna do Vashj'ir later and ToT.
10:47.00AstaraelThen... I have no idea.
10:50.10njoosDeepholm ye
10:50.20njoosskip vash'ir
10:50.24njoosyou get more xp from deepholm
10:51.03*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
10:51.36manywow. congrats to the liknk from the site
10:51.57*** join/#wowhead Sonka (
10:52.26Niadythyeah, pretty nice isn't it
10:54.37g0urraAstarael: let me guess, you chain wipe on the armory boss
10:54.50AstaraelJust one in him.
10:54.57AstaraelBad AoE pulls though.
10:55.14AstaraelLuckily I'm a Mage, so I can Invis through most wipes.
10:55.14g0urrachain wiped on him last night
10:55.34AstaraelStill annoying that I have to sit and wait for ten minutes every time because some guy can't find his way back though.
10:56.05g0urraafter 5 wipes I yelled at the guild tank that she couldn't move the boss. she promptly left and another guild tank that was on vent took the spot
10:56.14g0urrawe killed the boss shortly after
10:56.44AstaraelArmory boss? As in the one with the flame pillar and the exploding Quicksilver armor?
10:57.24AstaraelI still shit my pants when we get to five stacks.
10:57.27AstaraelThis is on normal, too.
10:59.18*** join/#wowhead Slackwise (
11:07.32*** join/#wowhead djane2 (~yaaic@
11:08.21Owkkurihi djane2
11:08.25*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@
11:08.25*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
11:11.49djane2how be
11:12.51Owkkuribee fine
11:15.36Niadytho hai
11:16.37djane2go eat nia
11:16.46Niadythyeah yeah, can't till 12
11:17.16Niadythjust got a call about a last minute advert placement, the magazine goes to print at 12, and they call me at 11:10
11:17.18djane2order in!
11:17.21Niadythso like
11:17.28Niadythartwork needs doing
11:17.54Niadythto be fair, it's the cheapest advert we'll ever place
11:18.00Niadythbut it's a *little* short notice
11:18.17djane2just a bit
11:18.52djane2that was a good fry up
11:19.27Niadythfry up
11:19.34Niadythi'm tempted to order dominos to the office :D
11:19.56djane2.. I want a fry up pizza
11:20.23Niadythi can't decide if that'd be awesome or terrible
11:21.18djane2next time I stay at yours, deal?
11:21.22Niadythwhen my kitchen is finished, yeah :D
11:22.04djane2any room for sofa crashing at the place BTW?
11:22.34Niadythof course!
11:22.39*** join/#wowhead robokitty (
11:22.44Niadythyou know my sofa, it's huge and comfy
11:22.58djane2just like robo
11:24.08Niadythheya robo
11:24.08djane2ok. walking home now. 20 minutes till levelling
11:24.36robokittycoming up on 83 or something?
11:24.43djane2heh. I got a 2 day suspension by accident
11:24.59djane2got 83 last night robo
11:25.12robokittygimme a shout if you want to do HoO
11:25.18Niadythhow did you get a 2 day suspension?
11:25.23djane2not in wow in my day activity
11:25.27Niadythoooh right
11:25.49Niadythi expect funny stories!
11:26.12djane2more stupid and depressing, alas
11:27.00*** join/#wowhead Thaoky (
11:27.03djane2prot. people frown on 3 hour jogs when you have a fever
11:27.12robokitty•Fishing skill gains were increasing too rapidly past 500 skill and have been adjusted.
11:27.26djane2robo, quite
11:28.09Niadythyou went on a 3 hour jog.... with a fever?
11:29.04djane2doing stupid things without thinking about them is a djane speciality
11:29.16Niadyths'ok, we've come to love it
11:29.27Niadythat least you didn't charge the orb
11:31.05*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (
11:31.09djane2I was trying to clear my head. got carried away
11:31.09djane2on the other hand, dinton pastures is beautiful in winter
11:31.58Niadythjogging IS a good idea for clearing your head, true
11:42.27*** join/#wowhead briped (
11:48.30Niadythinitial contact was 11:10, since then I've set up an invoicing account, agreed a price, got the artwork ready and sent it off
11:48.45Niadythi have never done advertising that quickly before, ever
11:49.06Niadythand now, time for food
11:49.09Niadythback in a bit
11:50.06*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
11:50.27djane2dangerous precedent. now people will think you're always ready and willing to be competent
11:50.41Arkaendjane2: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE
11:50.59djane2I ummm, yes?
11:51.37Arkaeni will explaininate the countryside, yes
11:51.57Arkaendjane2: YOUR
11:52.14djane2yes. quite.
11:52.32djane2but...why now?
11:52.43Arkaendjane2: Because I thought of it
11:52.59ArkaenDo not question the way I think 10 minutes after waking up
11:53.03djane2djane in disguise
11:53.37ArkaenI just realized that Djane is sorta kinda like Djinn
11:53.45ArkaenWooohoo word associations
11:54.45Ashley_so anyone 85 yet
11:54.53djane2you're like a puppy
11:54.54ArkaenFewyn got realm first rogue on US Velen
11:55.15ArkaenI'm only 50%~ into 83
11:55.15djane2somebody give ark a bone
11:55.27Arkaendjane2: Nah I already have a bone
11:55.31Ashley_i dinged 82 last night
11:55.33ArkaenMy shaman uses it as a weapon!
11:55.44ArkaenAshley_: Which zone did you start in?
11:55.53Ashley_underwater one
11:56.07ArkaenI like Hyjal more than Vashjir, I think
11:56.13djane2I did 81 to 82 in uldum :3
11:56.15ArkaenBut mostly due to the lore badassery
11:56.29Arkaendjane2: Uldum is why I now associate djane with djinn, funnily enough
11:56.52Ashley_i need to quest my mage to 85 and i think ill just random grind the pally
11:56.59djane2djane the djinngenie
11:57.03*** join/#wowhead David_ (
11:57.23ArkaenI'm going to slow down leveling my DK
11:57.30Arkaenand only get the g exp daily stuff
11:57.47ArkaenI'd rather work on my alt on another realm, because Rexxar US
11:57.56ArkaenIs a lame, lame, terrible boring place
11:57.59*** join/#wowhead nudave (
11:58.12ArkaenOh I get it now
11:58.18Arkaenno I don't
11:58.39Arkaendjane and djane2 must be lovers
11:58.51DjaneHang on
11:58.53Djanemurders his lover
11:59.15DjaneRemote host is my second favourite assassin
11:59.35ArkaenMy favorite assassin is LEEROY JENKINS
12:00.03DjaneI think I just upset my girlfriend.
12:00.21DjaneShes christian and I mentioned I wanted to rewrite the bible by replacing all the main characters with robots.
12:00.31DjaneBecause robot Jesus would be 100 times the badassery.
12:00.36ArkaenDjane: Tell her that they'
12:00.40Arkaenoh you already did
12:01.10ArkaenDjane: Tell her that Jesus would be shinier and have flashing lights that way
12:01.21ArkaenIt'll fix everything
12:01.45DjaneMy response was "Yeah, ok. blasphamous, but mecha battles."
12:02.06ArkaenMOSES VS THE RED SEA
12:03.11ArkaenAnyways I am going to go o o o o o o :<
12:03.39DjaneArkaen, NOT HELPING
12:04.14*** join/#wowhead Lopin (~Lopin@
12:19.13Mowseylol Djane
12:19.14many"If this is your character, you can use the wowhead client to track your $1" (in german only, english seems to substitute correctly)
12:20.46*** join/#wowhead alexvc (
12:22.43*** join/#wowhead EvilGrin (
12:24.23Owkkuri$ curl
12:24.24Owkkuricurl: (7) couldn't connect to host
12:24.31Owkkuridies a little inside
12:26.55*** join/#wowhead Lopin_ (~Lopin@
12:27.54*** join/#wowhead alexvc (
12:29.24DisperseAnyone else having major fps drops in like Lost City.. the higher 5mans?
12:29.57*** join/#wowhead alexvc (
12:31.12*** join/#wowhead Jefus (
12:37.01*** join/#wowhead Lopin (~Lopin@
12:39.43*** join/#wowhead ralc (
12:48.26*** join/#wowhead Sonka (
12:49.51nudaveis there a portal in uldum to org?
12:53.53*** join/#wowhead magentar (
12:57.28*** join/#wowhead Noxy (
12:57.28*** mode/#wowhead [+v Noxy] by ChanServ
12:57.40OwkkuriNoxy: :D
12:58.08JoltMorning all
12:58.14Joltfinally i feel allright again
12:58.14DjaneMorning Noxness.
12:58.20Joltdoes a dance
12:58.26Joltoh yeah say morning to noxy and not to me!
12:58.40DjaneGood afternoon Joltalon
12:58.44JoltYay :D
12:58.46Joltmorning :(
12:58.48JoltI just woke up!
12:58.50robokittyhops on Noxy and meows
12:58.55Djaneare you ugting me?
12:59.16Joltwut :d?
12:59.20infobotugt is probably Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
12:59.25Noxynibbles robokitty
12:59.34Jolthai robokitty
12:59.39robokittytime to start the second 80-85 run :x
12:59.52robokittyand hai Joltkitty
13:00.12Jolti need a nice owl spec for 80 - 85 -_-
13:00.29robokittybtw, did anyone ever find out when your guild reputation cap resets?
13:00.38Joltanyone :d?
13:00.50NoxyLook in Owkkuri's pants.
13:01.11Owkkuriit bites :<
13:01.11robokittyguild xp is on a daily cap, but guild reputation is on a weekly cap :[
13:01.28Noxyhell i'd do it without a reason, hes pretty attractive.
15:32.05*** join/#wowhead infobot (
15:32.05*** topic/#wowhead is Welcome to the official Wowhead channel - IRC rules/stats at - Update your wowhead client pls .. kkthx
15:37.21infobotclippity clippity clippity clippity cloppity clop
15:37.45winkI wonder with what tool that flowchart was done
15:37.47winklooks smooth
15:38.28winkari5av: why the hummus hate on there? :P I first heard about it from a friend visiting israel...
15:38.48joltkittyman i am so bored
15:38.55joltkittycant get into wow
15:38.56joltkittyat all
15:39.00infobotfrom memory, jolt is a pony
15:39.20hyljelike half of israelis are arabs
15:39.26joltkittybites MaienM
15:39.28*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
15:40.01Kingcocomangoi beleive omegle hates me
15:40.08hyljetry chatroulette
15:40.15Kingcocomangobye alllowing me to watch all the assholes and mastubaters
15:40.24Kingcocomangobut all the decent people disconnect
15:43.16Mowseydecent people = females?
15:44.02hyljeyoung boys
15:44.04Kingcocomangoand non-punks
15:44.17Kingcocomangoi met lots of god people on it before
15:44.30Kingcocomangoalso,chat roulettesw being evil
15:44.35Kingcocomangoi can see peoples videos
15:44.40Kingcocomangobut i cant see what they type
15:53.11MaienMtickles jolt
15:53.44hyljeyou like tickles
15:53.46hyljeyou are a pony
15:54.33joltkittyi am a kitteh!
15:54.35joltkittyinfobot is wrong!
15:54.44infobotit has been said that jolt is a pony
15:58.33*** join/#wowhead poeticdragon (
15:58.33*** mode/#wowhead [+o poeticdragon] by ChanServ
15:59.46joltkittyhaaai poeticdragon
16:02.21robokittyhai poe
16:03.09joltkittywooh wooh 217 min
16:03.34*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
16:03.50MaienMcause you bited me, that's why
16:07.11joltkittyNoxy: Maien tickled me :(
16:07.26NoxyWhere? your butt?
16:07.30MaienMtickles jolt again
16:07.48joltkittydon't know!
16:08.00joltkittyThat's why IRC tickles are so scary
16:08.08MaienMno, not his butt :/
16:10.21joltkittyi swear
16:10.25joltkittyi wont be playing wow today
16:13.53Deruweidmaybe this will cheer you up joltkitty. Doubel dream hands!
16:14.50Glarlol jolt
16:15.03Glarjust use your imagination and imagine the tickle where you want it
16:17.02joltkittyDeruweid: wtf :o
16:17.12joltkittyGlar: XD nice idea.
16:17.26Deruweidits like a train wreck. You dont want to watch it, but you cant stop...
16:18.27Deruweidtransformers 3 trailer if anything is interested -
16:27.54*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
16:29.34*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
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16:32.15*** join/#wowhead Terra (
16:33.03*** join/#wowhead Nedrae (~nsdragon@
16:33.33robokittyoh GOD
16:33.46hyljenotes that Nedrae is robokitty's god
16:33.49robokittyMagical Crawdad off the first use of the first Mr Pinchy I caught xD
16:34.52*** join/#wowhead Ose (~chatzilla@wikia/vstf/Ose)
16:36.20*** join/#wowhead sygnous|mbp (~sygnous|m@unaffiliated/malikeye)
16:38.43KingcocomangoAll countries around the world want to be like America, and with good reason. It's the best nation and offers more opportunities than any place on earth. It's hard to have a slice of the good life in a third world h3ll-h0le like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or Canada.
16:38.46*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
16:39.00*** join/#wowhead panoukla (
16:39.00Kingcocomangoall i could think of is WTF
16:39.57Deruweidlol canada is a third world hell hole now?
16:39.59joltkittyAmerican propoganda.
16:40.05hyljeDeruweid: whoosh
16:40.34Kingcocomangoas saudi is
16:40.41Kingcocomangoi dont about iraq ,havent visited it
16:43.03*** join/#wowhead deek| (
16:45.13Mowseylol what
16:45.20*** join/#wowhead halfy (
16:46.01Mowseyvomits on #wowhead
16:46.05Mowseysorry :|
16:46.28RawsOh my god it worked
16:46.39Mowseyyou put ipecac in my cereal?
16:46.43*** join/#wowhead kshawkeye (
16:46.51Mowseymust've been robo or jolt then
16:46.51*** join/#wowhead blutwerk (
16:47.15Mowseylol wtf Raws
16:47.24*** join/#wowhead nicko (
16:47.38*** part/#wowhead nicko (
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16:49.26*** join/#wowhead kshawkeye (
16:49.54*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
16:49.59Kingcocomangoraws how does that work?
16:50.29Raws/usr/bin/say is a text-to-speech utility in OS X
16:50.53RawsYou can use it to make your computer speak things aloud
16:51.25Mowseysay -v cellos droid
16:51.26RawsMy friend gave me SSH access to a computer in his apartment to do some testing
16:51.32Rawslolo Mowsey
16:51.52Kingcocomangowhats ssh?
16:51.52Mowseythese bulk oreos are inferior to regular oreos
16:51.57Mowseyeven though they're regular oreo brand :/
16:52.05*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
16:52.46Mowsey"My mom knows I sometimes wear girl's clothes, and date a lot of transsexuals. But, that's about it. :P"
16:52.48Mowsey"I think, at most, my mother would shrug and not care.  I mean, she once had a conversation with me about dildos.  Not, like, "guys shouldn't use them", but more, "this is why this brand is great!""
16:52.53MowseyI wonder about my friends somtimes
16:53.20Kingcocomangoisnt os x an old os?
16:53.31Mowseyos x = new mac os
16:53.31RawsNo :P
16:54.03joltkittythat's fucking scary
16:54.17Mowseyoh shit
16:54.25MowseyRaws, show me how to do that, I wanna creep out my dad :
16:54.53Kingcocomangoplease do
16:55.03Rawsman say, Mowsey
16:55.10MowseyI know how to do say
16:55.13MowseyI mean the ssh stuff
16:55.18Rawsssh user@host :P
16:55.50MowseyI think I'm too dum for this
16:56.04*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
16:56.09*** part/#wowhead kshawkeye (
16:59.40RawsHas any male ever figured out how to fold elastic bed sheets
16:59.45RawsScrew these things
16:59.49RawsWhy do they exist and how do they work
17:01.07MaienMto mess with our heads, quite well, it seems
17:01.47*** join/#wowhead starspun (
17:02.10RawsI don't even know why I have more than one set of sheets
17:02.18RawsIf I only had one, I wouldn't need to fold sheets in the first place
17:02.24RawsI'd just put them right back on my bed
17:02.50RawsI think that was an epiphany
17:03.18RawsWhat if… you put all of your sheets on your bed at once
17:03.30RawsThen when one set gets dirty, you just rip 'em off and BAM, there's a fresh set waiting for you
17:03.35*** join/#wowhead hylje (
17:03.55Mori-nekoBecause dirty soaks down through sheets
17:04.19RawsNot if your sheets are made out of plastic
17:04.21Mowseyput disposable sheets between each layer
17:04.23*** join/#wowhead Anmity (
17:05.44*** join/#wowhead Kensaki (
17:07.02RawsSpeaking of men doing manly things, it's time to vacuum and clean the bathroom
17:07.12hyljeooh the testosteron
17:07.21Deruweidonly many if you are wearing tights
17:07.51KensakiNiadyth you little bitch. I even said I'm sorry for daring to say I wanted to sell the blue 346 item i found on that rare i killed soolo
17:08.08*** join/#wowhead [1]Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
17:08.10*** join/#wowhead kshawkeye (
17:08.10Kensakigo fuck yourself with a shi
17:08.15Kensakigo fuck yourself with a shot gun
17:08.28Kensakiok now that that's out of my system
17:08.36hyljeKensaki: common typo?
17:09.13RawsGames and drama: made for each other
17:09.27Kensakithe bitch got me thrown out of guild cause i didnt want to give her an blue i found for her offspec
17:09.53Kensakinote ive given about every cloth herb and item ive gotten to 85 to the guild
17:10.01*** join/#wowhead nmsiz (
17:10.21Kensakiapparently wanting to sell an item on the ah to actually make some personal gold is a crime
17:10.44hyljeyou're probably on the wrong here
17:11.02Kensakii want to be wrong
17:11.02hyljestop trying to manipulate us with one-sided information
17:11.21Kensakibut suddenly shes ignoring me and then im kicked
17:11.31Kensakifuck you
17:11.58DjaneWhilst I appreciate your frustration and upset, I did state very clearly that it wasn't anything specific, it certainly wasn't that since I had no knowledge of such and I'd appreciate you keep such things out of public channels.
17:12.01Kingcocomangofirst of all,if you were expected to give everything to the guild bank
17:12.06Kingcocomangoyou probably had bank acess
17:12.11Kingcocomangoand could get what you need
17:12.16Kingcocomangoand so didnt need much gold
17:12.23Kingcocomangoespecially if it was a large guide
17:12.32Kingcocomangoso you had to give everything to the guild
17:12.33Kensakii didnt have bank access
17:12.37Kingcocomangoand had no bank acess?
17:12.40Kingcocomangoi dont beleive you
17:12.48Kingcocomangowhen i was a newb i had bank acess
17:12.51ZiconThere was no "had to" involved.
17:13.06Kensakii didnt but i wanted to help people get their proofs and stuff up
17:13.19Kensakiim a pretty generous guy normally
17:13.20Kingcocomangoif you wanted money
17:13.24Kingcocomangothen keep those
17:13.28DjaneAnd it should be noted those items are being returned to you.
17:13.30Kingcocomangobut give rare drops to the guild
17:13.40DjaneSince it's not working out
17:14.13Kingcocomangowere djane and zicon and kensaki in the same guild?
17:14.23DjaneKingcocomango, Zicon and I run the guild.
17:15.09Kensakiwell have fun hope you had some fun at my expense
17:15.11hyljesounds like a perfect conclusion to this drama
17:15.48JunkHeadHey Djane
17:15.49*** join/#wowhead drama (
17:15.51JunkHeadGot a sec?
17:15.52DjaneHeya JunkHead
17:16.00JunkHeadLvl 85 Arcane Spec.
17:16.06DjaneAhh i'll whip one up
17:16.10JunkHeadI'm lvl 84 and got 2 points I can spend.
17:16.12ZiconFun? Jeez. No, I'm not even going to comment on it.
17:16.22JunkHeadI'm thinking the pushback talent in fire?
17:16.22DjaneJunkHead, gotcha
17:16.36DjaneLikely, yes.
17:16.40DjanePushback protection is <3
17:16.43*** join/#wowhead [1]Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
17:16.47[1]Kingcocomangothis time i dced
17:17.08JunkHeadThis is me now.
17:17.10[1]Kingcocomangowas the blue drop worth it?
17:17.35DjaneKingcocomango, the blue drop has been returned.
17:17.36JunkHead  <-- correction
17:17.53DjaneAhh ij
17:18.04DjaneJunkHead, hmmm
17:18.06JunkHeadBut if I put 2 into puchback, where would my last point go?
17:18.12*** join/#wowhead Sonka (
17:18.14DjanePersonally I would drop prismatic cloak
17:18.15[1]Kingcocomangowait returned to who?
17:18.21DjaneThen take improved polymorph and invocation
17:18.21[1]Kingcocomangoi thought he didnt hand it over?
17:18.35JunkHeadI use invis a lot when I get into crazy respawns.
17:18.45DjaneJunkHead, sure enough but at 85 you won't ever use it
17:18.52JunkHeadOk I can see that.
17:19.01DjaneRight now for levelling, invocation
17:19.03Ziconkingcocomango: He did. So it was returned, along with other items (or gold equivalent), and all gold given.
17:19.08DjaneOr improved counterspell.
17:19.17robokittyexcept when you're doing Tol Barad dailies
17:19.23robokittybecause omg respawn rate
17:19.29Djanerobokitty, that's what protadins are for <3
17:19.29Kensakii didnt know about the policy about blues cause it was never explained to me
17:19.36robokittynot these mobs
17:19.46DjaneThere's something paladins can't do? :|
17:20.03Ziconkensaki: There is no policy beyond "don't be a dick."
17:20.03MowseyPALADINS SUX
17:20.08robokittycaster mobs mixed with melee mobs :P
17:20.08Mowseysets paladins on fire
17:20.18JunkHead  <-- So this at 85?
17:20.22Djanerobokitty, that's what grand crusadered avengers shield is for!
17:20.30DjaneBut fair enough :p
17:20.32KensakiZicon wanting to sell a blue on action house is being a dick?
17:20.39Kingcocomangoso he handed it over,after acting badly?
17:20.47Kensakiand said sorry
17:20.48DjaneJunkHead, Yeah. That's what I would take.
17:20.48hyljestop the drama
17:20.53Kensakiseveral times
17:21.04DjaneKensaki, and as I clearly stated, that incident was not the reasoning behind this.
17:21.19hyljeGM judgement is final, even if you can convince him it will never be the same
17:21.24DjaneWait, no.
17:21.27*** join/#wowhead booths (
17:21.27fewynthere's supposed to be a portal from hyjal to stormwind, where the fuck is it exactly?
17:21.28DjaneJunkHead, you won't ever use fire blast.
17:21.32Kensakitell me why niadyth ignored me then after that incident if it wasn't the cause?
17:21.36*** join/#wowhead SAVIOR`117 (
17:21.41Kensakiwell fuck it i dont care
17:21.43JunkHeadI misclicked
17:21.47DjaneFair <3
17:21.48JunkHeadI meant the pushback talent
17:21.54dramagood afternoon all
17:22.05Kingcocomangowait drama
17:22.10Kingcocomangothe dramas not over
17:23.01Ziconkensaki: You are being amusingly loud for not caring.
17:23.19dramaso im making my first priest and i just started play wow can i get some starter help???
17:23.23Kensakiwell i was pissed now im over it
17:23.24hyljeZicon: why would you stir him more
17:23.40hyljejust get over it
17:24.25Kingcocomangosee i told you,more drama
17:24.51Kensakihe and his guild can laugh all they want at me
17:24.56hyljebut not here
17:25.22DjaneKensaki, for reference. zicon is female, I am male. Niadyth is male.
17:25.27Ziconkensaki: The only thing we'll be laughing over is how you decided to throw a fit over it. Charming, really, but proves that we made the right decision.
17:25.37hyljehey fuck you two
17:25.58hyljedrama: i don't think there's any gotchas in getting started, particularly with cata's changes
17:26.08Disperse3mill XP to go >.<
17:26.21hyljejust hop in, look up quests when you're stuck, start worrying about things at 85
17:26.56Zicondrama: Learn to not stand in the fire, and you're already ahead of the curve. ;)
17:27.11dramalol i got that down
17:27.35hyljethere's sure lots of things to learn but most of that is frivolous
17:28.12*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
17:28.37Kensakizicon love you too.
17:30.16Kingcocomangocopy pasta me what i missed please
17:30.24Kingcocomangofrom just hop in look up quests
17:31.08Mowseyhooked on fawnix
17:31.22hyljenot muchh
17:33.22Kensakinormals on 85 can still be done the wrathtard way
17:33.29Kensakibut your healer will hate you
17:33.47hyljehe's healer
17:34.05Kensakiok then i feel sorry for him ><
17:34.48Kensakimost people haven't learned what cc is nor how to move from bad stuff.
17:35.34Kensakibut if you use cc and people are intelligent they are pretty easy
17:35.48panouklanever heard of it
17:35.55joltkittyyou're from wrath-era right?
17:36.02panouklaim kidding...
17:36.05joltkittyk ;P
17:36.36joltkittyMowsey: Like my naming on the mage?
17:36.49RawsThis is extremely awesome
17:36.51Mowseywhat name
17:37.00Mowseyoh yeah, lol
17:37.05Mowseyisn't claire a gnome? O:
17:37.11*** join/#wowhead matty (
17:37.23poeticdragonYes ... ?
17:37.33poeticdragonWhy does that get a "O:"
17:37.54MowseyI thought you hated em :/
17:37.55joltkittyhaha claire is a gnomey yes yes :D
17:38.12poeticdragonI hate many things.
17:38.19Mowseylol Raws
17:38.35joltkittyi wish i could play right now
17:38.36joltkittybut cant
17:38.39joltkittygotta write
17:38.41joltkittymy essay
17:38.46joltkittywhy i am here i don't know"!
17:38.51poeticdragonBut in specific, its males playing female gnomes (aka pedophiles) or *anyone* playing male gnomes (because they're just repulsive).
17:39.09poeticdragonFemales can play female gnomes.
17:39.10joltkittyatleast i chosed a male gnome ;P
17:39.28*** join/#wowhead sygnous|mbp (~sygnous|m@nat/cisco/x-cyotfkmtkdrkhkbn)
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17:39.45Kingcocomangois super fun
17:39.48Kensakipoeticdragon: so males who paly male gnomes can't be podephiles?
17:39.49Kingcocomangoto make it better
17:39.57Kingcocomangohold the click until it turns to dust
17:40.02Kingcocomangoit more fun than a line
17:40.27poeticdragonTHey could be, but it has nothing to do with their character choices, since male gnomes don't look like prepubescant children, just creepy uncle midgets.
17:40.42joltkittyuncle midgets XD
17:40.49poeticdragonCREEPY uncle midgets.
17:41.02poeticdragonWith their fat, stubby hands
17:41.04Kensakimale gnomes look like they want to touch you in bad places though
17:41.09poeticdragonTHey do.
17:41.12poeticdragonHence creepy uncle.
17:44.33*** join/#wowhead M1Garand (~blacknet@unaffiliated/blacknet)
17:49.31joltkittyI want moose pets in wow
17:50.48Limberowoo, Frostmane EU 3000 people in the queue
17:50.52Limberogetting my US on
17:51.32MaienMOutland EU is at 3500, I hear
17:51.51MaienMI've seen it hit 4k myself yesterday D:
17:53.09joltkittywhen did Limbero play on Frostmane?
17:53.10joltkittyWHAT THE F?!
17:53.17joltkittyand you didnt tell me :(?
17:53.19Limberosince Cata
17:54.01MaienMyay!! :D
17:54.06JunkHeadI'm finalyl getting to do BRC.
17:54.48MowseyFAT WHITE LUMP
17:56.41*** join/#wowhead Clearness (~victory@
17:58.01*** join/#wowhead stew-a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
18:01.40boothsI alt tab back to IRC and see that from Raws.
18:01.43boothsI should expect no less.
18:02.24fewynmorning #wowhead
18:02.36RawsHolla at my fewyns
18:02.53RawsAnd my booths
18:02.54*** join/#wowhead Niadyth (5690be7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:03.25RawsAnd my Niadyths
18:04.24*** join/#wowhead hylje (
18:04.32Niadythello Raws
18:06.25g0urra[19:05:42] Horde Negotiator says: This is madness!
18:06.25g0urra[19:05:43] Warchief Mor'ghor says: This is...
18:06.25g0urra[19:05:44] Warchief Mor'ghor yells: DRAGONMAW!!
18:06.40hyljedragonmaw are sparta, okay
18:06.51hyljethey better be an army disguised as a city state
18:07.18Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] News Roundup: Ghostcrawler Blogs About Stats, Social Warcraft and Community Site 3D Models -
18:09.57*** join/#wowhead Jefus (
18:13.19fewynwhat dk spec should i use for leveling?
18:13.46Kensakifrost is very nice in my experience
18:13.56Kensaki2h frost is what i'd suggest
18:14.48fewyn ?
18:15.19fewynsteals from t he SA forums
18:16.05joltkittyurgh i need a balance spec
18:16.36hyljeall you're going to get from SA are trolling specs
18:16.37Kensakisomething like that yes fewyn
18:17.26boothsback to leveling again fewyn?
18:18.44*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
18:19.02fewyni need to get a couple levels on my dk
18:19.11fewynso i can mine safely
18:19.29joltkittycan you mail from a alliance char to a horde char yet?
18:19.40joltkittyon the same realm/account that is
18:19.41fewynonly voa items
18:19.45Mowseyoh hey Raws
18:19.50MowseyThe application can't be opened
18:20.01RawsMowsey, you really are good at breaking things
18:20.06Mowseyfuck yeah
18:20.15joltkittywell a moose is kinda big
18:20.22joltkittyand yeah ;P
18:20.26joltkittyeasy to break things
18:25.15*** join/#wowhead Mowsey (
18:25.35MowseyALL BETTAR
18:27.16joltkittywhadya do mowsey :D?
18:27.35MowseyI spouted flames out my ass and keeled dose beetchez
18:27.37*** join/#wowhead sygnous|mbp (~sygnous|m@nat/cisco/x-osvjmyamdxxzmqtr)
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18:30.38*** join/#wowhead Kazie (Kazie@
18:30.38ari5avi have three full days left of sick and personal time before it expires at the end of the year... what should I do with it?
18:30.48sygnous|mbpdamn, this network sucks today
18:31.06Kensakiari5av: relax and do nothing
18:31.20djh-ari5av: sex tourism in Thailand.
18:33.34*** join/#wowhead Malgayne (
18:33.35*** mode/#wowhead [+o Malgayne] by ChanServ
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18:44.18*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
18:47.50*** join/#wowhead Smitty (
18:48.36MaienMdamn, server just dc-ed me D:
18:48.50MaienMluckily, the queue has shrunk to 200ish :D
18:49.17RawsDo you play EU?
18:49.31RawsBecause dang if there's a queue on US realms at 14:00 on Thursday
18:49.41MaienMyeah, I do
18:50.26joltkittyMaien is a silly eu player!
18:51.00MaienMI'm a silly EU person as well!
18:51.26RawsGuh buh
18:51.46RawsI've been trying to write a cover letter for the past two days, and haven't gotten anywhere with it
18:51.54RawsWriter's block is the worst
18:52.11joltkittylike i have now
18:52.37joltkittyI have had two weeks to write this essay but one of them i was sick in the bed
18:52.41joltkittyand now i have to return it on monday
18:53.13joltkittypissed off on my self
18:53.41joltkittyFever, Cold and migraine :(
18:53.47joltkittythe whole fuckin week
18:56.05joltkittyno workingz
18:58.10RawsI saw that yesterday
18:58.12RawsWanna try it
18:58.52joltkittyThem crazy russians..
18:59.54joltkittyI'd never ever ever ever ever ever ever do that.
18:59.57*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
18:59.59ralcwonder what went through her head on her way down
19:00.04joltkittyI was like pff that isnt so high then O.O
19:00.14joltkittyralc: "I need some new friends" :d?
19:00.34joltkitty*saves that to favourites*
19:00.58ralcor something like "this it it"
19:01.08ralc"this is it"*
19:01.37*** join/#wowhead anadept (~a@
19:02.23*** join/#wowhead [1]Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
19:02.32joltkittylol yea
19:03.50MaienM@status EU outland
19:03.58Raws@realmstatus eu outland
19:03.59[Wheaties]EU Realm Status page down. Do not spam this command, be patient.
19:04.06*** join/#wowhead Kroaken (
19:04.09Kroakenwhat happened *?
19:04.12Kroakento servers ?
19:04.21MaienMthey went down, it seems :(
19:04.21*** join/#wowhead Evious (
19:08.18MaienMseems to be back up....
19:09.21*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
19:10.16MaienMthe login servers anyway, not too sure about the world servers.... :/
19:10.19kroaken_no for me
19:10.55Kensakiargnt dawn had 2300 people in queue XD
19:11.38*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~TD@
19:11.43boothsRaws: So wait.
19:11.49boothsIt says I'm not supposed to know what
19:12.44Kensakiseems login servers are under some pressure
19:13.09MaienMprobably, yeah
19:13.14Rawsbooths: it is a mystery
19:13.18MaienMeveryone is desparately trying to get on now
19:13.21MaienMat the same time
19:16.32MaienMI'm back in now, so it seems to be up again *crosses fingers*
19:16.35*** join/#wowhead Disperse (~falsegree@unaffiliated/false)
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19:26.46*** join/#wowhead BlackNet (
19:26.46*** join/#wowhead BlackNet (~blacknet@unaffiliated/blacknet)
19:29.06bladekittylooks like I have a satisfactory weight scale for myself
19:29.26bladekittythen again, I did round everything to the nearest five
19:29.45bladekittyand agility should be a bit higher for crit
19:30.57bladekittyI might be valuing threat a bit more than I should
19:32.58*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
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19:34.56Djanebladekitty, I perosnally feel threat and survivability stats are incongrious to each other
19:35.00DjaneYou cannot compare the two
19:36.53Glar@weather report 75028
19:36.55[Wheaties]Location: Flower Mound, TX (75028) - Updated at: 12/9/10 12:53 PM CST - Temp: 57F (13C) - Feels like: 57F (13C) - Wind: S 24 MPH - Conditions: Mostly Cloudy - Humidity: 44%
19:37.11Glaryea, warming up a little
19:37.32RawsI've got my windows open right now, it's pretty balmy
19:37.35Raws@weather report 02043
19:37.36[Wheaties]Location: Hingham, MA (02043) - Updated at: 12/9/10 1:54 PM EST - Temp: 28F (-3C) - Feels like: 18F (-8C) - Wind: WNW 12 MPH - Conditions: Fair - Humidity: 31%
19:37.48Glarlol, balmy hahahahahaha
19:38.25*** join/#wowhead Ressolute (
19:38.58Ruminator@weather report 85635
19:38.59[Wheaties]Location: Sierra Vista, AZ (85635) - Updated at: 12/9/10 11:55 AM MST - Temp: 68F (20C) - Feels like: 68F (20C) - Wind: VAR 3 MPH - Conditions: Partly Cloudy - Humidity: 15%
19:39.08*** join/#wowhead kadroid (
19:39.23Clearness@weather 01301
19:39.32Clearness@weather report 01301
19:39.32[Wheaties]Location: Greenfield, MA (01301) - Updated at: 12/9/10 1:52 PM EST - Temp: 23F (-5C) - Feels like: 10F (-13C) - Wind: WNW 15 MPH - Conditions: Partly Cloudy - Humidity: 36%
19:39.43ClearnessMm, genuinely toasty.
19:40.33kadroidi wonder if i can make aliases in this client
19:40.41*** join/#wowhead BasicPRO (
19:40.48GlarI remember spending a winter in fall river...
19:40.58Glar@weather report 02720
19:40.59[Wheaties]Location: Fall River, MA (02720) - Updated at: 12/9/10 1:53 PM EST - Temp: 29F (-2C) - Feels like: 19F (-8C) - Wind: WNW 12 MPH - Conditions: Fair - Humidity: 27%
19:41.15kadroidfall winter
19:41.54ralclooking for someone to stand in for me in my last exam tomorrow
19:42.05ralci will reward you with a pat on the back and maybe a handshake
19:42.39MaienMsounds interesting... what is the exam for?
19:43.05Limbero:o demon hunter potential spoilers in Darkshore
19:43.06ralc2. year algorithm and datastructures
19:45.11bladekittyDjane: that's why it's hard making a tank weight
19:45.28*** join/#wowhead Koren (615f26db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:45.31bladekittyit's almost brainless to make a DPS weight scale, given a sandbox
19:45.42Djanebladekitty, i'd personally make two weightings. One for survivability, the other for threat.
19:45.53DjaneAnd then you need to make a threatr V survivability judgement call
19:45.56bladekittyI take out the DPS stats
19:46.01bladekittyfor my use
19:46.07MaienM"Transfer aborted: Instance not found" is what I et when trying to take the portal to stormwind :O
19:46.17hyljestormwind doesn't exist
19:46.20bladekittyNever had threat issues
19:46.23bladekittyeven without RF
19:46.27bladekittyit was like LOLTAUNT
19:46.49hyljeLimbero: what's there to spoil about demon huntards
19:46.52bladekittyI think this is a nice balance though
19:46.53LimberoMaienM, I heard abortion can be hard to deal with, just try again
19:47.02bladekittyhylje: they haven't come out of the closet yet
19:47.05bladekittyit's a big closet
19:47.07bladekittyand comfy
19:48.08Kensaki[20:43] <Limbero> :o demon hunter potential spoilers in Darkshore <- blizz about spoiler "Yes there are playable demon hunters in Diablo 3."
19:48.27*** join/#wowhead kadroid (
19:48.35LimberoI meant possible demon hunters in WoW
19:48.47ClearnessNope, there were demon hunters in WC3 though...
19:48.59Limberowhat do you mean Nope
19:49.04Limberohow can you know?
19:49.05*** join/#wowhead Kelisar (~Kelisar@
19:49.14KorenHe means this:
19:49.53djh-hey guys, I was reading some TBC quest text and I found hints about a dance studio feature!
19:50.43LimberoKoren, oh, it all makes sense now
19:52.17Limberoyou can all laugh, but it's not like they're denying the possibility of new classes
19:53.36hyljedemon hunters are a strange combination of warlocks and rogues
19:54.14Limberoyes, and they exist within the Warcraft universe
19:54.19djh-the line on new classes has always been exactly the same.  "we'd love to make some, maybe someday we'll have time (we won't, ever)"
19:54.24djh-therefore there's nothing to spoil
19:54.34bladekittydemon hunters are those things I used to farm in tBC
19:54.50hyljeand blizzard foreshadows on a lot of things they never intended to even halfway finish to foreshadow
19:54.56Limberodjh-, "ever"? Like with DK's?
19:55.08*** join/#wowhead Parall4x (~Parall4x@unaffiliated/parall4x)
19:55.24djh-you also can't spoil guild housing, 5.2 raid itemization, and level 90 spells.
19:55.40MaienMah yes, guild housing
19:56.07MaienMalthough, they finally seem to be adding something that makes a guild a bit more than just a group of players
19:56.13MaienMeven if just a bit
19:56.19*** join/#wowhead Kelisor (~Kelisor@
19:57.04RawsKoren, please tell me you're not discovering nope.avi et al. just now
19:57.12*** join/#wowhead Kelisar (~Kelisar@
19:57.13RawsOk, good
19:57.31djh-Limbero: will you excitedly report spoilers about the Path of Titans?
19:57.43KorenI'm rediscovering it back from march
19:57.54Limberodjh-, will you turn down MMO-Champions' "rumors" about the Cataclysm
19:57.58Limberothe one that never happened
19:58.00Limberooh wait
19:58.51djh-briefly explain the difference between rumor and spoiler.
19:59.21Limberowow, you really are _that_ ignorant
19:59.42Limberothere were Cata hints during WotLK
19:59.54Limberosimilar to this demon hunter quest
20:00.07MaienMyou know
20:00.10Koreni don't remember any worgen quests
20:00.13Korenin wotlk
20:00.23MaienMwe'll find out eventually
20:00.50LimberoKoren, there's been hints in a few quest texts about the Cataclysm happening
20:01.49RawsTime for a run
20:02.22MaienMwhy is the first thing I want to try when seeeing this gigantic tornado in darkshore flying right into it? D:
20:02.28joltkittychases Raws
20:02.32joltkittyRUN DOGGEH
20:02.40LimberoMaienM, that's where all the fun is
20:03.11MaienMbah, nothing happens :(
20:06.29MaienMI'm getting kinda exited to start a new character seeing how all the zones I'm flying over changed....
20:09.02hyljeand agonize over not getting to fly until 60
20:09.45MaienMyeah, that's a major downside :(
20:10.12MaienMI remember doing northrend after outland.... and not being able to fly for a while D:
20:10.47KorenNoxy: You here?
20:10.49*** join/#wowhead Namelessjosh (Namelessjo@
20:17.21*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
20:18.40hyljeMaienM: i first did northrend after 4.0.1 landed and gave cold weather flying at 68
20:19.06MaienMyeah, it got changed to 68 like a week after I got it D:
20:21.33starspunYou could get Cold Weather Flying at 68 before 4.0.1, you just needed to get the heirloom :D
20:21.52bladekittygets starspun's heirlooms
20:22.09starspunNnnoooo, my 'looms!
20:22.36hyljestarspun: not so much on first characters
20:23.29bladekittyfewyn: nice
20:23.39fewyn8th person to 80 lol
20:23.48bladekittyOnly one on alliance not on outlandish
20:24.06Limberogotta go
20:24.12starspunhylje, actually I think anyone could buy the tome as long as they had the 1k gold. :p
20:24.16KorenWhatever happened to the defense stat?
20:24.23hyljestarspun: really? heh
20:24.26fewynit's gone Koren
20:24.29bladekittyKoren: got turned into dodge
20:24.31fewynyou no need defense
20:24.44bladekittydefends starspun's honour
20:24.50Korenso there's no defense cap?  cool
20:25.03bladekittyKoren: you get 6% crit reduction in talents for tanks
20:25.39starspunhylje, I think so. It didn't require any kind of reputation, but you had to have 225 riding to use it. I wouldn't really quote me on that though, I picked it up on my main for both alts that got up there. >_>
20:25.40bladekittyImp Blood presence for DKs, Sanctuary for paladins, Imp Defensive stance (I think) for warriors
20:25.52robokittyhops on bladekitty and meows
20:26.00bladekittypops open a wowhead calc
20:26.08bladekittysets fire to self and robokitty
20:26.30bladekittywarrior talent is called Bastion of Defense
20:27.00bladekittyDruid is Thick Hide
20:30.58*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
20:31.02bladekittyKoren: you don't have a plate tank, right?
20:31.13KorenI have a pally
20:31.37bladekittyour new "cap" is once again the block cap
20:31.43bladekittyof 102.4% block/avoidance
20:31.52Korenwhat about warriors
20:32.12bladekittysame to them
20:32.31bladekittybut they have shield block
20:32.45bladekitty25% block for 10 seconds... I think every 30 seconds
20:33.48bladekittythey also get 27% base block for mastery and specialization
20:33.53bladekittypaladins get... 18%
20:34.08bladekittythey get 1.5% block per mastery... but they also get critical block
20:34.13bladekittywe get... 2.25%
20:34.18bladekittynothing else
20:34.30bladekittyone of the most boring masteries out there
20:34.42KorenProfiler doesn't go up to 85 :(
20:34.46bladekittyI know
20:34.49bladekittymade me sad
20:35.21bladekittyat pre-raid, you're looking at ~10-20 mastery, warriors less because they need expertise and hitcap
20:35.28bladekittythat's our advantage
20:35.40bladekittywe don't need hit and expertise as much as they do
20:36.23bladekittysay 15 mastery, warriors have ~50% block
20:36.34bladekitty+ ~30% avoidance
20:38.09bladekittyand paladins have about the same
20:38.45bladekittyWHY AM I TALKING TO MYSELF?
20:39.44ArkaenStormkitty: You read webcomics
20:39.49ArkaenWhat do you think of Sandra and Woo
20:40.54bladekittyIt's cute
20:40.58*** join/#wowhead [1]Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
20:41.02bladekittyI love raccoons
20:41.48*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
20:43.12ArkaenYeah bladekitty, from what I see it's definitely worth reading
20:44.15Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] TankSpot's Guide to The Stonecore -
20:44.16starspunGuild on Runetotem EU :'D
20:53.50*** join/#wowhead Thrae (
20:54.42Parall4xstarspun: Love it.
20:54.54starspunWhat? :|
20:54.58*** join/#wowhead Anmity (
20:54.59starspunThe guildname? :P
20:55.15Parall4xYou can't use numeric characters in guild names, can you?
20:55.30Parall4x(not related to your guild name)
20:56.17*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
20:59.34ArkaenOh hey
20:59.48ArkaenI just saw the new comic
20:59.51Arkaennice work, Noxy
21:01.45*** mode/#wowhead [+o alayton] by ChanServ
21:05.08*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
21:06.36fewynwhat's the name of the new jcing currency
21:06.38fewynanyone know?
21:06.52fewynIllustrious Jewelcrafter's Token
21:08.57starspunI seriously hate the skyfall star spots in Vortex Pinnacle
21:09.16starspunSomeone always rushes in before the healer is good to go :p
21:09.28starspunOr the rest of the group
21:11.32hyljeyou must go fasta
21:14.37Rawsfffkkggnn did not anticipate brutal wind chill
21:14.42RawsMy nads are ded
21:15.12hyljethat's what you get for standing in the fire
21:15.58*** join/#wowhead Jefus (
21:16.23hyljeActually, though, the Transit Police *do* have the power to arrest other police.
21:16.35hyljewe found the police that polices the police
21:17.03*** join/#wowhead Clearness (~victory@
21:17.22*** part/#wowhead Clearness (~victory@
21:18.11RawsTime to steam myself
21:19.53starspun"polly the green"
21:20.38sygnousdamn video keeps glitching
21:21.01sygnousGPU is getting up new 74C
21:21.04sygnousthat's can't be great
21:21.11sygnousCPU as well
21:22.28TechDevoutsygnous - What GPU?
21:22.29starspun"Hmm, healer is way back there drinking, LET ME RUN INTO THE SKYFALL STARS
21:22.35*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
21:23.11sygnouscome to think of it
21:23.15sygnousI haven't heard the fan come on really
21:23.20sygnousmaybe the drivers are fugged
21:23.38sygnousI just forced the fan at 100%
21:23.51bladekittyThis post makes my head hurt
21:24.26sygnouswent down like 4C immediately
21:24.35sygnousstill going down
21:25.26TechDevoutLatest drivers, syg?
21:26.03starspunSTOP PINGING ME JEEZ
21:26.24bladekittylet them die
21:26.28bladekittythis is more important
21:26.35*** join/#wowhead Ruminator (ruminator@
21:26.48sygnousit's stable now
21:26.56sygnousonce it gets hotter it tweaks out
21:27.35Jamashcheck the fan/heatsink for dust
21:27.48TechDevoutThat, and the fan power connection.
21:27.51sygnousI don't think the fan was kicking in
21:28.13TechDevoutI had my 9800GT crap out because of a faulty fan power connector on the board.
21:28.17TechDevoutHad to do a bypass.
21:28.34sygnousthe fan works
21:28.45sygnousjust the logic maybe wasn't turning it up all the way
21:29.03TechDevoutUsing any special software?
21:29.11sygnousjust the nvidia tools
21:29.15TechDevoutI see.
21:29.17sygnousI just put it up to 100% fan
21:29.20sygnouswe'll see what happens
21:29.28sygnousI don't wanna manually tweak it every time, but, whatever
21:29.54TechDevoutIIRC, you can create profiles for fan control.
21:30.09TechDevoutOr was that the crappy ASUS software that came with mine?
21:30.51sygnousI never had to before
21:32.10sygnousyeah, now it's hovering around 53
21:32.14sygnousinstead of 73
21:32.55TechDevoutWell, that's much better for idling.
21:33.06sygnousno, in game
21:34.00TechDevoutThen that's awesome.
21:34.18TechDevoutMy 9800 used to idle at 53.
21:34.23TechDevoutAnd go up to 80 in games.
21:34.26sygnouslike in a really firey place... it was just at 54
21:34.55sygnousI just updated the drivers recently
21:35.04sygnousso I'm betting the drivers aren't triggering the fan correctly
21:35.15Parall4xHave they gotten around to supporting an XML response for the realm status page yet?
21:44.23*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
21:50.24Limberookay, so I like that it was all #debatehead in here last night
21:50.28Limberoso I have a new topic
21:50.33LimberoI hate animal rights activists
21:50.56hyljei hate Hitler
21:51.07TechDevoutFair enough. Care to expand on that?
21:51.23Limberothey are dumb and claim they're backed by science
21:51.25ari5avwell, hitler was a mass murderer.
21:51.26Limberowhich is only partially true
21:51.50ari5avi do love internet debates.
21:52.02LimberoI do too
21:52.24TechDevoutI'd say you have to be pretty damn bored to be an animal rights activist.
21:52.36TechDevoutOr have no other career opportunities.
21:52.46KelisorAnd he was a vegetarian, which thus proves that it is not always good
21:52.47Limberoand just to make this clear, I was a vegetarian for a whole year
21:53.13*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
21:53.30TechDevoutWell, there's the endangered species ones that I agree with.
21:53.39ari5avi think we can put animal rights on hold for a few decades while we deal with the human rights issues in the world.
21:53.40Kelisorvegetarian in some extreme cases can lead to genoside ::P
21:53.57TechDevoutBut the ones that are screaming about lab rats being used to test shampoo and related stuff are just retarded.
21:54.09ari5avthey're the cleanest rats in america!
21:54.17ari5avwhy should anyone complain about that?
21:54.18TechDevoutThey have a home!
21:54.26Limberooh, I only hate the "OOH MEAT IS BAD" activists
21:54.34TechDevoutOh, that's just dumb.
21:54.39Limberothe ones that care about polar bears and whatnot are cool with me
21:54.43ari5avrats spread disease from their ticks and fleas - this prevents the spread of disease
21:54.52ari5avand on top of that, we get great smelling hair in the end
21:55.54Raws "Using its fins to walk, rather than swim, along the ocean floor in an undated picture, the pink handfish is one of nine newly named species described in a scientific review of the handfish family released in May”
21:55.55TechDevoutNo Bambi-lovers here?
21:56.07TechDevoutI'm itching for a good debate, tbh.
21:56.17RawsYou should've been here last night
21:57.04TechDevoutWhat went on last night?
21:57.14TechDevoutI've been away from IRC far too long.
21:57.24hyljeUse: Cupcakes make you happy.
21:57.41sygnousflying in BRD
21:57.47Kelisorlol i miss irc being the only form of internet chat
21:57.56RawsTechDevout: there was a pretty impressive, multi-hour debate concerning… religion? It spanned too many specific topics to generalize
21:58.10TechDevoutAnd I missed it.
21:58.12Limberoit started with the AA iirc
21:58.26RawsI think it was the longest-running debate I've ever seen in this channel
21:59.01sygnousany everybody was wrong
21:59.07TechDevoutHaha, indeed.
21:59.07Limberodid it go on for much longer after I went to bed?
21:59.11RawsOh yeah
21:59.15RawsAnd on and on and on
21:59.22LimberoI'm glad I gave up
21:59.28Limberobut I still overslept my entire schoolday
21:59.50RawsYour parents don't wake you up? :|
22:00.33*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
22:00.38Limberothey try to
22:00.48Limberobut, I think I lie to them while sleeping
22:01.01Limberobecause they always say I've got the most clever excuses
22:01.05Limberothat I can't remember
22:02.11TechDevoutOh, last summer was fun for me.
22:02.31TechDevoutWe were renovating the country house, and I had to drive the workers there every morning.
22:02.39TechDevoutMy dad would come to wake me up once.
22:02.51TechDevoutI'd say ok, and turn the other way.
22:02.55TechDevoutThen 5 minutes later.
22:03.00TechDevoutWAKE UP ALREADY
22:03.06TechDevout*HEART ATTACK WAKE-UP*
22:03.18hyljei was renovating the Hitler, and then omg nazis
22:03.33TechDevoutSuddenly, ninja bears with heat vision.
22:03.50hyljesounds like druids to me
22:03.54Limberoseriously though, my sleep arguing is arguably amazing
22:04.08LimberoI can get out of anything and have no recollection of it what so ever
22:04.27hyljeso in conclusion druids are Hitler
22:04.35TechDevoutPretty much yes.
22:04.36RawsHandfish in motion
22:05.41KorenIf you have a flaw, then someone can find a way to compare you negatively to Hitler.  By extension, if you have a flaw, then you are worse then Hitler.  Thus, Hitler is flawless.
22:06.16hyljeThus, Hitler.
22:06.16Rawsworse then Hitler
22:06.23Kelisorhitler was the worst thus you are better
22:07.47*** join/#wowhead Ketho (
22:09.27RawsPico, nano
22:09.31*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
22:09.54Limberolol Raws
22:09.55Limberoso cute
22:10.26Kelisori do stand corrected koren
22:12.21Limbero worst quest
22:12.48Juippishow come
22:12.59Kelisorcompared to other quests its like mega easy
22:13.06Juippisyou get achievement from it too
22:13.08Juippisand it's easy
22:13.19Leifsolo it and if the quest giver disapeares wait he will return with next group on same quest
22:14.06Leifit bugs alot if you party
22:14.16Juippisyou actually have to do something in there?
22:14.31Leifhow can you not?
22:16.18*** join/#wowhead Kelisor (~Kelisor@
22:16.20ari5avi want a religious debate :(
22:16.25ari5avbut wait for me, i'm going home from work now
22:20.28*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
22:22.26hyljeit's over
22:22.28hyljeWoW is finished
22:22.40Primar./join #planethead
22:23.06sygnousI have so much shit that is worthless now
22:26.29fewyn got to love new expansions
22:27.43fewynthe web auction house, worth getting? Y/N?
22:27.49VCHDF is now region wide across all servers right?
22:28.12fewynno all servers in the same data center
22:28.14fewynfor LFD
22:29.33*** join/#wowhead Furyhunter (
22:29.58RawsWhen the president of a company calls something "the coolest god-damned game," I get little glimmers of hope deep down inside that maybe there are real humans working on it
22:32.30*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (~Pattrick@
22:36.14ArkaenRaws: hwat game
22:36.28Raws"Planetside Next," see Primar's link
22:36.45sygnousdestroying purples for greens is traumatic
22:36.59RawsIt is
22:37.58Wardfor crappy blues
22:38.01WardI look pretty epic
22:38.18Wardthis new gear has some awesome designs
22:39.02sygnousI have tier tokens in my bank
22:39.04ProNihilistCruicible of Carnage is such a clusterfuck
22:40.54sygnousthe cata food and water are like triple the health / mana I actually have
22:42.37sygnousI'm still flying a TBC drake
22:42.48sygnousit's like flying with delta on a 20 year old airplane
22:43.41Leiftill you get to 85 and have 100k+ hp
22:44.46Djane<ProNihilist> Cruicible of Carnage is such a clusterfuck -> Yes.
22:46.55starspunI read that as Crucible of Cabbage.
22:47.01starspunNow I'm hungry, thanks a lot :(
22:50.32RawsI'm starving
22:50.36RawsTime to go find some soup with snausages
22:51.20*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (
22:52.28Arkaenstarspun eats cabbage crucibles
22:53.40sygnousthis hard to get ? :
22:53.46sygnoussome dude standing next to me has it
22:54.30TechDevoutGot it the night before Cata dropped.
22:54.35Noxyoh god
22:54.42TechDevoutNeeds two weeks to get done.
22:54.44sygnousthere's a bright green with purple scales down it's spine too
22:54.47Noxyhis kids get here in like 2 mins
22:55.04TechDevoutWhy's Noxy freaking out?
22:55.11NoxyOH GOD
22:55.24sygnousthis a new guy or something noxy?
22:55.43fewynwho could hate you Noxy
22:55.50sygnouskids are kids
22:55.53Noxy; __;
22:56.14sygnousyou're a step mom?
22:56.19TechDevoutNoxy, try throwing some shiny treasures their way.
22:56.31sygnousI'm way behind I guess, lol
22:57.21sygnousgoin to vashj'ir
23:00.15TecnoBratnoxy they will love you
23:00.48Mowseyyour kids
23:00.58Arkaenoh god
23:00.59MowseyShe's going to eat them om nom nom
23:02.00TechDevoutDid I hear nom nom noises?
23:02.13Mowseyno, lay off the drugs
23:02.15Mowseydruggie :/
23:02.21Mowseygo play with Gary13579
23:02.24TechDevoutBut but but?!
23:02.25Mowseywith your "DRUGS"
23:02.44Mowseyhai garyschmoogums
23:02.53starspunGary Sweet Guns
23:02.54*** join/#wowhead silph (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
23:03.04starspunOr was it Sweet Gary Guns
23:03.16MowseySweet Gary Pie, oh yeah
23:03.47starspunOh, it was Sweet Gary Guns
23:03.57starspun :D
23:05.58Kelisorlol nice name of an npc :P
23:09.16RawsGary's Smokin' Guns
23:10.15RawsTonight's a wood stove night
23:11.01RawsCoupla fat logs, and this place'll be toasty until the morning
23:11.48JunkHeadHey quick question. I saw someone say that the Spell Hit requirement for raids at 85 now is 14% instead of 18%. Is that right?
23:12.04MowseyYou can check in your character pane
23:12.37MowseyIt shows your chance to hit 85/86/87/skull mobs
23:12.50JunkHead10.12%. But I'm only lvl 84.
23:13.28Wardthe old armory doesn't exist anymore
23:13.32Wardand the new armory doesn't work yet
23:13.34Wardgg blizz
23:13.36JunkHeadI miss it.
23:13.49TechDevoutI don't.
23:14.03TechDevoutLaggy as hell.
23:14.10RawsThe new armory is fantastic
23:14.21JunkHeadSorting options suck.
23:14.30JunkHeadIt just lists results.
23:14.35sygnouserectile dysfunction and constipation ads on wowhead?
23:14.41TechDevoutHell yes!
23:14.43sygnouscome on, I'm gonna have to start blocking the ads
23:14.44RawsIt's targeted advertising, yo
23:14.48Mowseythey're targeted
23:15.03MowseyThey're stealing your cookies
23:15.05TechDevoutAlso, I like the fact that after you block ads, you can block the frames requesting you unblock the ads.
23:15.05RawsTecnoBrat set those up just for you
23:15.12Mowseyand sending your personal information and browsing history to your grandmother
23:15.23*** join/#wowhead Jamash (
23:15.28sygnouswell, my pecker works fine, and I take a shit everyday
23:15.37Mowseyso she can write about the amputee midget porn you watch in her christmas letter
23:15.38sygnousso obviously they aren't targeted right
23:15.49RawsThat's what you think
23:16.30*** join/#wowhead _EvilGrin_ (
23:17.31*** join/#wowhead kadroid (
23:18.50*** join/#wowhead Kazie (Kazie@
23:18.53fewynevening #wowhead
23:19.05RawsGood evening, fewyn
23:19.10RawsHow YOU doin'
23:19.55robokitty <3<3<3<3<3
23:21.08kadroidI'm trying out droid irc clients
23:21.31kadroidI wish I could make aliases
23:21.46Jamashwhat sort of aliases
23:22.10kadroidAliasing irc commands
23:22.25Wardis there any PVP gear from HP yet for level 85?
23:22.30kadroidLike /slap
23:22.33WardI got 4k HP just sitting
23:22.48*** join/#wowhead rikai (~rikai@unaffiliated/rikai)
23:23.13kadroidI wonder if this disconnects if my phone is locked
23:23.37*** join/#wowhead kshawkeye (
23:23.38kadroidNope Woot
23:24.24Wardusing AndChat?
23:26.06*** part/#wowhead Thaoky (
23:26.19fewyni feel like i'm going to sneeze but i'm not sneezing
23:26.20fewynso annoying
23:27.05kadroidIt's worse when you sneeze and fart at the same time
23:32.22sygnousis there a way to disable the proc effects?
23:32.25sygnouslike surge of light
23:32.40sygnousshows a couple of things around you... I don't wanna see those
23:33.26kadroidIt's underbinterdace options somewhere
23:33.37sygnousk, I'll look
23:34.11*** join/#wowhead rikai_ (
23:34.13kadroidInterface options. Yeah. Droid keyboard fail :p
23:34.37sygnousI shoulda just looked there :P
23:34.46starspunHaha, underbinterdace :D
23:40.35Limberowhy do people call Hyjal "Vaj"?
23:40.51starspunWhat? :|
23:41.08Limberoa few people in my guild do
23:41.10starspunI can see people calling Vashj'ir "Vaj" (for some reason), but not Hyjal
23:41.28Limberoyeah, that's what I thought too
23:42.04RawsI'm gonna call Hyjal "Haj"
23:49.47Limberoto bed!
23:49.51LimberoI am being responsible
23:50.51sygnousis Blood and Thunder! still bugged?
23:50.59Juippisit never was
23:51.14sygnousI jumped in the water and the quest hasn't completed
23:51.17sygnousit's been like 5 minutes
23:53.00Nathrakhvery tempted to turn my tauren warr into a female belf ...
23:54.22sygnousthere it goes

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