IRC log for #wowhead on 20120918

00:15.31*** join/#wowhead blademeld (
00:31.58*** join/#wowhead MidnightAge (
00:48.12Ama|afkso, when the level 90 version of the Theramore scenario comes out
00:48.36Amarandeare the epic drops probably just going to be higher ilvl versions of the same, or is this the only time those plate circlets are going to appear, for instance?
00:49.47Paarnnot sure
00:55.32Amarandeand yay, the unpleasable fanbase divide
00:55.58Amarandesomeone in the AMA complained of the excessive amount of time between the last raid of an expansion and the release of the next
00:56.13Amarandebut, of course, if you make the time too short, then you end up with the Vanilla Naxxramas and Sunwell traps
00:56.39Amarandewhich is really no good either, and probably worse :P
00:58.42AmarandeI guess I don't see the trouble with that delay being long
00:59.14Amarandewhereas the feeling about the reverse idea (which was tried in the first two phases of WoW), is that then you end up with an entire raid that is pretty much just a treat for the top 1% of players
01:03.02Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] Theramore's Fall: Scenario Preview and Interview with Christie Golden -
01:12.23JunkHead6:55 left in 1st quarter... falcons have 3 interceptions on payton manning.:P
01:15.28Amarandeheh, this is because Payton has proven he's actually the lesser brother
01:15.41AmarandeI remember when they used to insist Eli was the lesser brother ... LOL
01:16.05Amarandebut let's see ... Payton has what, one Super Bowl, and I can't even remember who the Colts got to beat to get that one LOL
01:16.22Amarandewhile Eli has two *and* he had to get both against probably the most vicious opposition you could give the Giants in the Super Bowl
01:16.48ElysaPeyton rose to the challenge issued by his brother
01:16.51Elysa3 ints by halftime
01:16.55ElysaI CAN DO IT FASTER
01:17.30JunkHead3 int's in a game is considered bad.
01:17.39JunkHead3 in the 1st quarter is... wow
01:17.57Amarandeyeah, I'm not even sure I got that many int's against me when I tried playing NFL 2K5
01:18.06Amarandeand I lost that game 51-0 :P
01:18.13AmarandeWith eight minute quarters, to boot
01:18.21ElysaFor the record, the Giants did end up winning their game this week :P
01:18.31Elysaso there's still hope for the Broncos!
01:19.20Amarandealso the Jets oughtn't to win the Super Bowl this year :S
01:19.35AmarandeDon't get me wrong. I don't mind if a player decides to pray on the field. A person's faith choices are his own.
01:19.49AmarandeHowever, I also live in the New York area and would like our sports media to actually focus more on, say, football
01:20.01Amarandeand if the Jets win, they'll instead most likely *never* shut up about "Tebowing"
01:20.11ElysaTebow hasn't made much of an impact, yet
01:20.22Eraclitoi wonder if i can enchant ranged weapons now... for, like, hunters :P
01:21.35AmarandeEraclito, I've been wondering similar, but about wands
01:21.49Amarandeeven the MoP caster enchants I've been seeing previews of say they enchant "a melee weapon"
01:22.08Amarandewhich makes me wonder if wands are going to end up being second class citizens by far in MoP, even with their upgrade to full-scale mainhands
01:22.49Amarandesince if it's anything like previous expansions, frequently the optimal caster enchant will be something with a unique proc effect that can't be duplicated by simply adding extra stats to wands to compensate for the lack of enchants
01:22.51Eraclitoi hope not, because blizz recently said they want wands to be on par with daggers and swords
01:23.33Amarandelike how things like Black Magic used to be BiS at least at times in LK
01:24.08Amarandethough really, there's a solution to this sort of thing and I've seen it in LOTRO, although I'd hate to imagine the hue and cry that would happen if it was implemented in WoW
01:24.22Amarandesince being that it would be a pretty huge new thing, it would doubtless be buggy for a while, most new things from blizzard usually are :P
01:24.36*** join/#wowhead one_zero (
01:24.52Amarandebasically, there are two things about LOTRO that are of most significance here compared to WoW
01:25.18Amarandeone is that gear upgrades seem to be a lot less drastic in general, even going from (old expansion cap) to (old expansion cap + 1) than WoW ones
01:25.19Eraclitooh totally off topic... i want to create an account on twitter just to ask ghostcrawler to add belt + boots for my transmog set in game :P (mage purple tier8, the one rhonin wears)
01:25.27Eraclitoi wonder if he'll answer
01:25.47Amarandebasically, while there is indeed a continuous gear upgrading cycle, you don't really *need* to upgrade as often as you do in WoW to be able to do content
01:26.11Eraclitooh that's nice
01:26.26Eraclitolately upgrading gear has been too... a necessity
01:26.30Amarandeexcept maybe for the hardest raid content (I haven't really done many instances in LOTRO, they tend to be quite brutal as even 3- and 6-man dungeons require a lot more party coordination, so when you end up with a PUG, it tends to go horribly south)
01:26.35Eraclitoeven more than years ago
01:27.25Amarandethe other thing is, the Legendary Item system they have, tends to destroy a lot of the ills that affect games like WoW
01:27.53Amarandeparticularly, the sense of regimented BiS and cookie cutter builds that WoW has often been prone to
01:28.37AmarandeLegendary is not a loot tier like it is in WoW, instead, it's a type of item that virtually all characters use at 50+, and two per character
01:30.02AmarandeUnlike the static stats of most MMORPG items, LIs have randomly assigned stats, and a system by which they gain item XP and level up, then you gain Legendary Points which you assign to various stats on the item (including a weapon's DPS value) - each stat is called a legacy and has a fixed set of tiers, which each cost a certain number of LPs to upgrade to (and of course you have to buy all the lower tiers of a legacy to be able
01:30.03Amarandeto buy the Xth tier)
01:31.16AmarandeThere are ways by which you can change the legacies on the items, but they tend to be inefficient and require either insane amounts of grinding or very large outlays of real money, so "the perfect" legendary is virtually impossible to attain to
01:31.58AmarandeAnd since as a result, everyone's weapon (and one other item - sometimes a weapon, but not always, depends on the class) is different, you can't really come up with a static optimal build and gearing like you can in WoW.
01:32.12Eraclitothat would be a nice thing
01:32.30Eraclitocookie cutter builds are a problem, to me
01:32.50AmarandeAlso, the ultimate investment in perfect legendaries is discouraged by, yes, the primary aspect of gear resetting in LOTRO
01:32.56Amarandetwo ways, really
01:33.24Amarandeone is that top-tier (First Age) legendary items never, to my knowledge, have been made available at the start of an expansion, they typically come out with the later or last raids of the expansion
01:34.33Amarandetherefore, you'll most likely end up needing to start with a Second Age and later on scrap it for a First Age (although dismantling a Legendary gives you various stuff you can use towards other LIs, such as upgrade relics, and if it's a high level LI you can turn a legacy from it into a legacy scroll that you can use to replace a legacy on another item)
01:35.37Amarandethe other one is that legendary items also have character level requirements - the higher the better of course, and in particular Second and First Age LIs (except for the old, 51-60 range) are now only made available with cap-level requirements
01:35.56Amarande*and*, those level requirements are made into defined brackets
01:36.15Amarandea lot of the things you get from dismantling a legendary (including and especially the legacy customising scrolls) only work on legendaries in the SAME bracket
01:36.53AmarandeSo you cannot take your perfect or near perfect First Age from Isengard and carry the best legacies with you into Rohan, because level 75 legacy scrolls won't work on level 76+ LIs
01:37.40AmarandeAnd since you can't get First Age LIs generally till fairly late in an expansion, it kind of discourages you from spending all the time and money to perfect one, if you could even settle on the notion of 'perfect.' :)
01:38.41AmarandeAnd of course the level 85 LIs, even the Third Age ones by that much of a difference, will be better enough than your 75's that you won't want to stick with the old
01:39.21Amarande(at least for weapons - the turnover on class items that are not weapons - and indeed, on most items in general that are not weapons - is less rapid, depending on how useful the bonuses were)
01:40.12Amarandeoh, you want to know the really "fun" thing on top of this? :)
01:40.25Amarandepell-mell mindlessly upgrading to higher level gear can actually make you hate yourself in LOTRO. :)
01:41.47AmarandeSee, in WoW, when you get serious gear upgrades, they pretty much always include a reasonable amount of Stamina as one of the stats.
01:42.10AmarandeThis is not the case since Isengard in LOTRO. Isengard quest gear is so heavily weighted to your primary stat that they even tend to forget about Vitality (the equivalent stat).
01:42.29AmarandeUpgrade mindlessly, and you will find yourself a glass ... no ... not even glass, more like a tissue paper cannon LOL
01:43.30Amarande(It matters, too, because soloing is a lot more important in LOTRO. Unlike WoW, where endgame content almost entirely revolves around grouping, and where even solo quests can always be grouped for if you need help ... LOTRO features quite a large number of quests that are explicitly solo - as in they're instanced, and you're specifically forbidden from bringing a group of any kind)
01:43.57AmarandeBasically, 1) Cookie cutter is avoided, and 2) You have to think a lot more than you do in WoW. Both good things.
01:44.28Amarandehopefully, MoP will involve a lot more thinking, too. :)
01:46.05Amarande(although I'm not sure how well a system like this would dovetail with the various LF* systems in WoW which are gatewayed by item level ... people would probably get a little annoyed if they had to acquire inferior gear to meet requirements because lower ilvl items pack more punch for their particular character :S)
01:50.34Amarandeindeed, I could say they could get a little annoyed
01:50.58AmarandeI remember when I went into Cata for the first time and noticed that the starter greens in Vashj'ir really weren't improvements over my ICC10 heroic gear
01:51.23Amarandebut because all ICC gear apart from ICC25 heroic has a lower item level than 272, I was forced to accept them anyway in order to meet dungeon finder requirements
01:56.18*** join/#wowhead MidnightAge (
02:11.58*** join/#wowhead madre (
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02:36.54janeI didnt replace my ICC gear until 83 or so
02:37.19janeor rather, it took until late 83 to replace all my ICC gear
02:37.32janesuspect something similar for my current set
02:37.42janelooking forward to replacing my LFR ring lol
02:41.25Amarandejane: yeah, it took me a while to replace my ICC gear too
02:41.51Amarandethe problem I had was that because epic 264's often outperformed low end cata greens, I had trouble qualifying for dungeons at some points because my ilvl wasn't right (and of course I would sell useless quest greens instead of gaming the system)
02:42.29Amarandewhich makes me think the more complex, thoughtful item system of yore (that other MMOs tend to use, as I noted above) probably can never be brought back now
02:42.49*** join/#wowhead Mewtwo (Sephiroth@unaffiliated/sephiroth)
02:43.03Amarandesimply because it would be too much of a nightmare for the LF* system as it would reduce or eliminate the viability of ilvl gateways and make it too hard to ensure a reasonably geared PUG
02:44.21AmarandeAnd the introduction of more random things (first it was BG queues, then LFD, then LFR, and now CRZ) suggests that Blizzard's design philosophy is developing a greater, not a lesser, emphasis on random player matchmaking, no?
02:45.02AmarandeBy comparison, it's only been a few months since LOTRO introduced a dungeon finder at all, and it's still far from complete
02:45.45AmarandeThey did, however, for much longer than WoW have instant-from-anywhere instance entry, though, which is something that I often wish WoW would do more completely :S
02:46.18Amarande(e.g., things like doing lower level dungeons, where once you can no longer queue you have to walk to them. which is "fun" for things like RFC as alliance)
02:46.48Amarandeheh, yet another reason I'm glad for account-wide achievements
02:47.03AmarandeI was not relishing the thought of having to make it into deep Orgrimmar to finish Classic Dungeonmaster on the mage, not one bit :)
02:47.21AmarandeAnd feeling like Alliance got the short end of it because it's a hell of a lot easier for Horde to make it to Stocks
02:49.38jane"fun" with level 90 guards :p
02:50.15janeyour epic 264 gear was more likely to have been enchanted/gemmed and itemized better, not to mention tier sets/bonuses
02:50.39janethe last things i broke were my tier bonus and deathbringer's will (which tbh when arpen went out the window wasn't worth as much, but nostalgia..
02:55.03*** join/#wowhead Sephiroth (Kefka@unaffiliated/sephiroth)
04:05.53StormscapeTheramore's Fall is like Dragon Soul but even less fun
04:09.50Jammerat least it'll only last for a week :P
04:22.02Freyja1 week 4 hours 37 minutes 59 seconds until the release of Mists of Pandaria [25th September, 2012]
04:22.15tatestill can't buy game time with battle net balance?
04:44.52*** join/#wowhead madre_ (
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05:08.46*** join/#wowhead Neffii (
05:27.35tatelol sold 92 mill diablo gold for 71.76€
05:27.42tate-30% but still D:
05:35.07JunkHeadok wtf....
05:35.11JunkHeadon kael in tempest keep.
05:35.20JunkHeadhow does the dagger breaking mind control work?
05:35.35JunkHeadI equip the dagger and it breaks MC when I hit kael
05:35.39JunkHeadam i correct?
05:37.20tateye, with melee
05:37.38JunkHeadthat shit isnt working
05:38.29*** join/#wowhead Neffi (
05:38.53tatei want game time nao!
05:39.00tateit can take up to 72 hours to get my money >:C
05:44.50*** join/#wowhead Mori_ (
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05:49.37Amarandeheh, I decided to burn the midnight oil instead of going to bed, apparently :P
05:50.15Amarandespeaking of D3 RMAH and such, I'm getting an odd vibe about Blizzard's business dealings in a particular way (in terms of customers ending up having to spend more money overall, not in terms of actual shadiness) :|
05:50.19Amarandenoting this, particularly
05:50.42Amarandethat 1) in order to get money from the RMAH, you *need* SMS Protect, and 2) in order to use SMS Protect, you *need to* maintain a CONTRACT cell phone, not a prepaid like Virgin
05:50.59*** join/#wowhead Mori_ (
05:51.07Amarandewhich ... is somewhat annoying, as someday I'd like to have the option to switch to something like Virgin without losing my ability to fully play D3, when I get it :P
05:51.41Amarandelet's see ... 55 for unlimited everything, vs. the 130 or so I pay a month to AT&T for a contract phone and that only gives unlimited text and talk and a capped data plan :S
05:51.52Amarandeand yeah, if you're thinking right, and know much about blizzard
05:52.19Amarandethe vibe I'm starting to wonder about is if they got some kind of price break from AT&T (who is known to provide Blizz's hosting) for server hosting in exchange for steering people by making their security plan only take contract phones
05:52.24Amarandewould I be right, or is that just paranoia? :S
05:53.14Amarandethere certainly seems no actual rational reason for the policy otherwise, nor can I really think of a logical one other than that sadly :|
05:53.24Amarandeafter all, SMS is SMS, why should the phone company matter?
06:01.38tatei dno, i live in Finland and can use prepaid to use SMS protection
06:02.32Amarandeanyway, I should probably actually sleep
06:05.10tateyou do that
06:12.55*** join/#wowhead lorjeo (
06:13.04lorjeoahh more like it :o
06:13.57lorjeodont spose any wise warlocks are around :P
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06:45.50tatetaste the rainbow motherfucker
06:48.47janeI just replaced a 384 with a 410.
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06:57.28lorjeoCan't get my head around affliction :<
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07:31.10Freyja1 week 1 hour 28 minutes 52 seconds until the release of Mists of Pandaria [25th September, 2012]
07:33.30WardI have a massive deadline at work that I have to finish before I can take time off for MoP :p
07:33.41Wardthis week I'm gonna be making 70 hours
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10:42.03QuarkTheramore's Fall is the biggest piece of junk Blizzard has come up with. Hopefully that is not an indication of how MoP will turn out to be.
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10:42.54hyljeit's more effort than the precata event which recycled old raids and bosses
10:44.44StormscapeI like how people think this is anything other than a preview of how scenarios will work
10:44.50Stormscapescenarios are not supposed to be hard to take long
10:45.56*** part/#wowhead Stormscape (~Blarg@unaffiliated/stormscape)
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10:47.02QuarkIt is not about been hard, or take long.
10:47.22QuarkI think you missed the "biggest piece of junk" part.
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12:04.16linuxuz3r_hi ho hello
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13:18.28tatessd :D
13:18.43tatedat windows install speed
13:19.02tateoh it's done
13:27.24*** join/#wowhead eidyia (
13:32.44Freyja6 days 19 hours 27 minutes 18 seconds until the release of Mists of Pandaria [25th September, 2012]
13:51.51*** join/#wowhead limbero (~limbero@unaffiliated/limbero)
14:03.50tatetakes 23 seconds to restart windows
14:03.56tateand i thought i wouldn't even notice
14:09.19*** join/#wowhead limbero (~limbero@unaffiliated/limbero)
14:18.05eidyia23s to restart? that's it?
14:18.12eidyiayou must be on a brand new machine never used before
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14:21.10abwesendhab ne frage bezüglich wow ds ids
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15:33.19Gunrunfucking US server maintanence
15:34.34Ama|workheh. yet another reason to sleep in on Tuesday. unfortunately, work keeps me from sleeping in further, even though I'd love to since it's gloomy and rainy and it's still maintenance :P
15:51.06eidyiarain sucks today
15:51.19JunkHeadwas raining here too a few minutes ago
15:54.10*** join/#wowhead Jerek (
15:59.06eidyiait's gonna rain here all day
16:00.19Joltthis isnt twitter
16:00.30eidyiacould be though, r?
16:02.15fewyngod i love my headset and all but if it's hot it's super uncomfortable
16:02.47eidyiaanyone use gunnar glasses?
16:03.03fewyna friend of mine was talking about them the other day
16:03.05fewynhe uses them
16:03.07fewynloves them too
16:03.22fewyni can't get a pair that's inexpensive because i actually wear glasses
16:03.23eidyiahe wear them all day or just at the comp?
16:03.37eidyiayah - i have glasses, but figured i'd give the contacts a try at work
16:03.44eidyiathe Rx ones are pricey!
16:04.14JunkHead[11:03:20] <@fewyn> i can't get a pair that's inexpensive because i actually wear glasses  <-- Worst part about having to wear glasses? Fucking Headphones man...
16:04.23eidyiai hear ya !
16:04.32fewynyou have a problem with glasses and headphones?
16:04.46eidyiatwo things competing for my ear
16:05.02JunkHeadTight comfy headphones = good.
16:05.16JunkHeadBut the leg from my glasses can hinder that.
16:06.30eidyiayou don't suffer from this?
16:07.09eidyiawhat kind of headphones you wear?
16:07.12JunkHeaddo you have headphones that like...
16:07.15JunkHeadsit on your ear?
16:07.24JunkHeador have huge cups that go all the way around your ears?
16:08.03eidyiaJunkHead - good summary article - personally thought it was way too easy and short
16:08.08fewynsibera v2
16:08.19JunkHeadI thought it was easy, and short. But in a good way.
16:08.21eidyiafigured it was too easy cause they require a iLvl of like 350
16:08.32JunkHeadI couldn't imaging spamming it for hours on end
16:08.35eidyiafewyn: big cup ones
16:08.42eidyiaagree - i did it once
16:08.48eidyiagot a piece of gear, i was good
16:08.56JunkHeadah. ok. I don't see how you dont have the problem then.
16:08.58eidyiaif there were some achieves tied to it, might go do that
16:09.21JunkHeadMine (because they're tight) basically can mash my glasses leg into my head over head
16:09.46eidyiasomething like that
16:09.48JunkHeadthis is what im using now
16:10.00eidyiayup - painful
16:10.27JunkHeadand yeah i got a piece of gear too. nothign I needed, but im using it as my old tanking weapon was blue.
16:10.38JunkHeadthe new one has hit and haste on it, but who cares
16:10.54eidyiai had a DS bow (hunter) - and it dropped a 384 gun - so i had no need for the gear
16:11.08eidyiai was really hoping it'd drop like mists-lvl gear
16:11.13eidyianow that would get me going a few more times
16:11.19JunkHeadalso, switching from axe to sword allowed me to use a transmog
16:11.41hyljeeidyia: it's supposed to be a nice perk for players just gearing up from scratch to the new xpac
16:12.07eidyiaelse it'd be great
16:12.32JunkHeadThat's somethign that kinda pissed me off about a stream I was watchign yesterday.
16:12.39JunkHeadGuy was playign a boomkin doing it.
16:12.46JunkHeadand they were just tearing through it.
16:12.57eidyiai saw that stream
16:13.02JunkHeadand he kept saying. yeah this character has only been lvl 85 for like.... 13 hours
16:13.06fewynanyone else playing borderlands 2?
16:13.07JunkHeadso he has crap gear
16:13.17JunkHeadthe fuckers ilvl was like... 387 or some shit
16:13.28eidyiaso he ran a ton of LFG
16:13.29JunkHeadlike, wait... what ddi you do in that 13 hour span???
16:13.30hyljefewyn: bonerfarts
16:13.41JunkHeadwell, he was in blood legion.
16:13.53eidyiamake it a bit of a challenge
16:13.54JunkHeadso who knows what all he had access to on an alt
16:13.57eidyiai get it's more storyline focused
16:14.16eidyiai know gear is a small drop chance, but still would've been nice
16:14.23JunkHeadwell, i'll be honest, i knew theramore was getting bombed.
16:14.29JunkHeadbut doing the scenario....
16:14.34JunkHeadi didn't learn anythign else
16:14.50JunkHeadthere was no lore to me.
16:15.02eidyiawas expecting an NPC to walk around with me, fill me in, show me cut-scenes between phases
16:15.13JunkHeadyeah. something.
16:15.25eidyiahope the other scenarios are a bit more exciting
16:16.06JunkHeadI'm not going to complain about it, but it was a bit lackluster.
16:16.13JunkHeadIt's a good jumpstart point though.
16:16.44eidyiai thought the cata event was fun
16:16.56eidyiabut at least this introduces me to how a scenario will work
16:16.57JunkHeadyou horde or alliance?
16:16.58fewynall other world events > this one
16:17.07fewynthere's not enough story if you haven't read the book
16:17.17JunkHeadbecause from what I saw on that guy's stream, horde looked a bit longer than the alliance one
16:17.42eidyia4 phases - first was the longest
16:17.43JunkHeadalliance, you start on the boat, then run around the docks setting fire to 3 boats.
16:17.48eidyiarunning around 6 boats
16:17.51JunkHeadmiddle, left and right
16:17.56eidyiayah - 6 for us
16:18.04JunkHeadthen you kill the guy by the fountain....
16:18.08JunkHeadthen talk to jaina
16:18.15JunkHeadthen destroy ONE tank
16:18.15eidyiawe go kill a tank thing
16:18.25JunkHeadthen go back to jaina
16:18.32JunkHeadand kill the boss and his trash
16:18.33eidyiawe destroy 3 small tanks
16:18.39eidyiathen do the same - boss and trash
16:18.44JunkHeadi remember you guys have 3.
16:18.53JunkHeadbecause if 2 blow up at the same time it bugs
16:18.59JunkHeadand you dont get credit or something
16:19.01eidyiaso, yah - same scenario
16:19.15JunkHeadseems like alliance's is simpler
16:19.26eidyiaslightly - not much different though
16:19.49JunkHead6 boats and 3 tanks vs our 3 boats and 1 tank
16:20.15*** join/#wowhead g0urra_ (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
16:20.16eidyiawell - 6 boars, 1 mini-boss tank, 3 tanks, then final boss
16:20.24eidyia*boats, not boars
16:20.31hyljeboars are great
16:20.41JunkHeadim sure there are videos of full runs out now
16:21.03eidyiatook me maybe 10-15 mins as I had some problems not falling in the water on the docks
16:21.38eidyiaif i ran it again, i could do under 10 mins w/o trying
16:22.46JunkHeadIs there a way to queue up for it without using the lfg interface?
16:22.51JunkHeadlike a portal or anything?
16:23.01JunkHeadim guessing no
16:23.02hyljelfg with a premade group
16:23.40JunkHeadbut theres no way to go in by yourself
16:26.12eidyiai don't believe you can go less than 3
16:36.10*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
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21:11.52eidyiawhat's up ppl?
21:13.46eidyiaare scenarios in the DB somewhere?
21:17.52eidyiak, ty
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22:15.06Mr_Rabies[18:10]Ol' Emma says: Where's the water, Emma? Get the water, Emma? If'n it weren't fer me, that lot wouldn't know what water looks like.
22:15.07Mr_Rabies[18:10]Melris Malagan says: My family was wiped out by the Scourge! MONSTER!
22:15.07Mr_Rabies[18:10]Renato Gallina says: GET A ROPE!
22:30.33*** join/#wowhead TehSkeeziX (
22:32.02AmarandeMr_Rabies, did you just start a death knight? :)
22:32.09fewynscenarios -> average wait time 31 min
22:32.56fewynit lies
22:34.10Amarandeheh, that "average wait time" is as unreliable as your damage figures in Diablo II :)
22:34.46Mr_Rabiesnah Amarande
22:34.57Mr_Rabiesjust a great coincidence in sw
22:35.00Mr_Rabiesas i was idling around
22:35.01Amarandeif you did, was going to ask you if they neutered Rayne yet :P
22:35.15Mr_Rabieswho dat
22:35.27Amarandethe druid in the final battle at Light's Hope Chapel
22:35.31Mr_Rabiesoh right
22:35.39Mr_Rabiesshe's the druid outside LHC normally, too
22:35.41Mr_Rabiesthat's all like
22:35.47AmarandeDKs have been reporting that it's next to impossible to finish the start chain atm because the 5.0 changes made her Starfall do OMGWTFBBQ damage
22:35.48Mr_Rabiesor used to be
22:35.57Mr_Rabiestalking to the earthen ring dude
22:36.07Amarandebasically, it's get hit by starfall (and if you're anywhere near LHC, you're almost certainly going to get hit) and even with all the buffs you get in that battle, you're probably going to get one-shot
22:36.28Mr_Rabiesas it should be
22:36.37Mr_Rabiesmake these guys work for hero class status
22:36.41Amarandeheh, the trouble with that is then you die and don't finish the quest, so your DK is stuck in start zone forever
22:37.08Amarandeand actually "work for" hero class status practically becomes "hide on the very border of the quest credit area like a wuss until you get credited"
22:37.28Amarandeso yeah, that's the thing right there
22:37.33Amarandebeing a wuss and not working for it gets you hero class status
22:37.42Amarandeactually trying to fight at all is likely to just get you OHKO'd
22:37.50Mr_Rabiesor they could pull themselves up by their bootstraps
22:38.02Amarandedammit Jim, we're death knights, not shaman
22:38.56AmarandeIt would be one thing if avoiding starfall was a normal 'stay out of fire' reasonable thing to expect
22:39.13Amarandethe problem is that its AoE is just so ungodly huge that it's almost impossible to do except to not get her attention in the first place, which means not fighting at all
22:39.43Amarandehell, the damage is so out of whack that apparently the named DK NPCs are sometimes dying from the LHC defenders according to some reports
22:40.55AmarandeI'm guessing between that and the worgen and goblin starting areas, that 5.0 just adjusted some of the math related to health and damage without taking enough time to test what effect it would have on existing content
22:49.04*** join/#wowhead madre (
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23:05.48fewyn glad my friends have their priorities straight when taking screenshots
23:06.18Amarandewhich game is that? TOR?
23:06.58Amarandewell, apparently I've learned another good reason that I spend 130 bucks a month for AT&T instead of 55 for Virgin Mobile, heh
23:07.05fewynborderlands 2
23:07.20Amarandenot only would I not be able to use SMS Protect if I switched to the latter (and I would have to if I ever get D3 and want to deal in the RMAH)
23:07.29Amarandebut ... Virgin Mobile uses the Sprint network. And around here at least, Sprint sucks. :P
23:07.51Amarandethough, heh, Blizzard really needs to rethink their carrier restrictions for SMS Protect
23:08.15Amarandefrom what I understand, you actually cannot be absolutely sure to be able to get SMS Protect unless you not only have a contract phone, but have had a continuous contract on the same phone number for 10+ years
23:08.33Amarandethere are reports of people WITH contract phones who can't get it either *wallbanger*
23:08.58Amarandeapparently, it's possible for a number to be poisoned
23:09.20Amarandeso it functions as a normal contract phone except with certain services that will insist it's not
23:09.41Amarande(I've not yet tried to sign up for SMS Protect or other such services so I have no idea if my number even is or not, heh)
23:10.16Amarandeseems that the most specific issue is that if someone has a VOIP phone and migrates it to a contract cell carrier
23:10.40Amarandethat number will go into that contract cell carrier's pool, but verification systems will end up having it still flagged as VOIP for up to *ten years*
23:11.11Amarandeif that person eventually gives up their cell contract, and the number goes to someone else ... that customer in turn, can have a contract cell phone where the number insists it's VOIP :P
23:11.52AmarandeI'm really still wondering why Blizzard cares what carrier people have, a text is a text no?
23:12.01Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] Mists of Pandaria: Best Buy Developer Chat -
23:14.40janeAmarande: no
23:15.33Amarandealso, although there's an ever dwindling number of people in this day and age of smartphones who don't have one so it really is a moot point anyway
23:15.50Amarandebut I'm still a little curious as to why a *data* plan is required for a phone based service that operates entirely via SMS :S
23:16.07Amarandeyou don't need a data plan to do texting, so it seems odd
23:16.19janedepends on how you send the text
23:16.25Amarandethe whole thing seems a little obtuse, really
23:16.41Amarandebut like I said, why do they care about the carrier so much?
23:16.52jane...because it depends on how you send the text
23:17.21Amarandetrying to *not* think it's the conspiracy theory that AT&T is giving them a break on hosting prices because it means a lot of people who might otherwise go prepaid stick with contract
23:17.30Amarande(although, knowing AT&T, they probably do ... LOL)
23:17.33janei give up
23:18.14Amarande"how you send the text"?
23:18.30AmarandeI thought texts just all went through SMS, it's a pretty standard thing
23:18.51Amarandeunless you're doing something non-basic like attaching a photo
23:18.58Amarandebut then it's not a plain SMS, it's usually a MMS
23:19.00janeyes, just like the internet is a pretty standard thing, fuck everything like routing
23:20.15Amarandewell, the IPv4 protocols are quite well standardised
23:20.30Amarandeeven the most complex Web sites don't need to know if you're on DSL or cable or whether your ISP uses Juniper or Cisco routers, say
23:20.33janethats not my point
23:21.34janeit doesn't matter how standard anything is, it's the routing that's the problem
23:22.46Amarandeah, more like some apps need to be aware of whether you're behind a NAT, then
23:22.54jane...more specifically, peering
23:23.29janei went through this when i had a client that wanted to send smses.. finding a service that had enough agreements with enough major operators
23:23.54Amarandeah, I'm guessing that's still a lot less "standard" than IPv4
23:24.07janeit's all legal and nothing to do with technology
23:24.40janefor future reference, the company i went with is twilio, they are pretty fucking awesome. used them for some hobby projects too
23:25.34janei also get the butt end of it when i use google voice sms
23:25.42janea lot of services send them as emails and google voice can't handle that correctly
23:26.30janethat's scary
23:26.34fewynoh wait
23:26.39fewynit has my beta data on it
23:26.42janeI wish /played didn't count afk time
23:26.54janei just afk before raid all the time
23:28.10Owkkuri704 days
23:29.08*** join/#wowhead Torhal (
23:29.27fewynNotholy is vanilla/tbc, fewyn on norg is tbc, felayn is tbc/wotlk, furwyn is wotlk, fewyn is wotlk/cata
23:29.31fewyneverything else are alts
23:30.11Amarandehowever, the money-minded part of me would still love to be able to switch eventually to a prepaid if I were to need to (although I'm probably going to be locking myself into two more years of AT&T sometime in the next few weeks anyway, heh, so not for a while)
23:30.24Amarandemaybe when I get D3 I'll just play hardcore exclusively
23:30.28Amarandeno RMAH in hardcore :P
23:31.05janei dont understand why payg is not popular in the US
23:31.17janepay as you go
23:31.24Amarandejane: probably because for a long time, PAYG providers had far inferior phone selections
23:31.27fewynbecause people don't want to be locked into contracts
23:31.28janenot anymore
23:31.34Amarandeparticularly, to get a decent smartphone of any sort, you needed to get a contract provider
23:31.38Amarandeso people got contracts and stuck with them
23:31.38janefewyn: why is it unpopular
23:31.48janeonly in the US
23:31.55Amarandeespecially since it's a PITA to switch providers usually even if you don't have an ETF to eat
23:32.01janeone of my friends made fun of me after i raged that at&t won't give me an upgrade after spending $250/month with them
23:32.02Amarandeif you want to keep your number, anyway
23:32.04fewynbecause until the last few eyars
23:32.09fewynyou couldn't get decent phones
23:32.11janehe's like lololol here in the UK...
23:32.15fewynthey were all nokia brick phones
23:32.17janeim paying way less than you for the same thing and no contract
23:32.28janewell yeah, now it's carrier opposition. but they dont even offer anything
23:32.45janeso people have no choice but to go with these obnoxious mvnos currently in the US if they want that
23:32.47fewyni'm only with sprint because of better coverage
23:33.03Amarandeon top of that, in very few cases can you switch your provider without having to buy a new phone on top of it
23:33.10janeeven if i buy an unlocked iPhone i can't get a plan with at&t :/
23:33.14Amarandekeep in mind that in Europe, almost everything is GSM
23:35.44*** join/#wowhead WooKi (
23:36.07Stormscapeheh, was clicking around on ED, came across the Caramelldansen page, top of the page, and bolded: WORST MOTHERFUCKING MEME IN HISTORY.
23:36.10AmarandeIn the US, there's three or four different standards and you can't use any of the phones from one with another
23:36.59AmarandeEven the two companies that use GSM (AT&T and T-Mobile) have incompatible 3G bands, so if you swap providers, your phone will be limited to 2G service (aka, suck)
23:38.00*** join/#wowhead iraton (3258f443@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:38.11iratonanyone here?
23:38.23StormscapeNot a one
23:38.30Amarandejane: how about the poisoned number issue I noted, though ... what's the good logic behind that one, or is that in fact just a lame-o computer error?
23:38.30iratonlol ok
23:38.40iratoncan any of you send me a scroll of resurection?
23:38.51Amarandenamely, that numbers that were once sold as VOIP or prepaid phones
23:39.22Amarandeif people migrate to contract phones later, for some reason the number can still get seen as being "sorry lmao prepaid" or "sorry lmao VOIP" for up to a decade
23:39.34iratonstorm you got wow?
23:39.50Amarandeand, what's worse, if you sign up for a contract phone, you can be assigned a number that *used to* be someone's prepaid or VOIP number in the past, and it's STILL flagged
23:40.06Amarandeso you can only be sure of a number not being considered prepaid/VOIP if you maintain a cell contract for 10+ years on the same number
23:40.09janeAmarande: i'm guessing it's the same reason why my google voice account can't receive a lot of smses in the first place, although i don't know why porting a number makes a difference
23:41.00Amarandebasically, I'm wondering why they don't take the VOIP or prepaid flag off the number when it gets moved to a contract provider
23:41.08Amarandeand why it takes *years* for that flag to be removed
23:44.03janedon't ask me why that's the case, but i'm assuming that's just a quirk of the implementation blizz is using
23:45.11janeif blizz is doing it on purpose, i can kind of see why they won't let people do that so it's harder to abuse, since it's so trivial to get a phone number otherwise
23:45.25janealthough its kinda dumb to do that
23:46.52janeyou'd think there's other ways to cut down on possible fraud or whatever
23:46.59janelike requiring a verified paypal account
23:47.37*** part/#wowhead iraton (3258f443@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:47.40Amarandethere's also some conspiracy theories that Blizz also wants to limit the cash-out option and keep most of the money going to Balances instead, but I don't know how true that is
23:47.53AmarandeI imagine a lot of people would care a lot less though, if they would do just one particular thing :P
23:48.14Amarandenamely, actually let people pay for their WoW subscription with the balance :S
23:48.30janewell verified paypal = verified bank account..
23:48.37janethat would be far harder to scam than a phone number
23:49.03Amarandeor, in general, actually make the balance be more useful
23:49.15Amarandeindeed, atm, it's pretty much patently useless for the folks who only play D3
23:49.34Amarandevirtually all the things you can actually do with it (unless you don't already own all the Blizz games you care about) are WoW character services
23:50.01Amarandeand a $250 cap is only enough to buy one top-priced item in the RMAH, to boot
23:51.04Amarandecan't buy WoW game time with it (hell, a lot of people probably wouldn't care at all if they added only this), can't buy WoW mounts or minipets with it (since it isn't usable in the Blizz Store), etc.
23:51.41Amarandejane: you need both a verified paypal *and* a contract phone to use RMAH cashout
23:51.44Amarandethat's what people are railing about
23:51.54janeright, so why not any phone
23:52.01janeverified paypal is already good enough
23:52.03Amarandeyeah, that's what people are saying
23:52.24Amarandeand I can't really think of any logical reasons to forbid certain carriers except for two things
23:52.25janeyeah it's dumb
23:52.35Amarandeeither your indication that maybe they can't get the SMS to go through to some carriers due to peering arrangements
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23:52.48janewhich is ridiculous to consider given blizzard's size
23:52.59Amarandeor the conspiracy theory that because one of the largest contract providers is also one of Blizzard's primary ISPs, they're getting some kind of break from AT&T on server costs because of it
23:53.12janeif i can set up something to send smses to the vsat majority of phone owners worldwide for literally pennies
23:53.19janethat would be dumb
23:53.21Amarande(since there's apparently quite a number of players who would happily switch to Virgin if they didn't need to keep a contract phone for SMS Protect)
23:53.23janethat doesn't even make any sense
23:53.45janethe subset of RMAH users is miniscule in the face of what blizz pays/uses and at&t's customers
23:54.15Amarandeheh, big-business deals rarely do. I wouldn't expect Blizzard to ask for it, but handing breaks to big partners seems like the kind of thing an old school megacorp like AT&T would do *shrug*
23:54.38janeexcept when you'er talking about a ridiculously small number of users that use AT&T and RMAH
23:54.55janeyou're not talking millions of users
23:55.12janeanyway i'm curious how the RMAH requirements work in the EU
23:55.28Amarandeyeah, there's apparently some countries where you can't cash out at all and can only use the Balance
23:55.40Amarandealthough, there's a two-letter solution to all this, when I really think about it, heh
23:55.42Amarandeit's called
23:55.45Amarande"play hardcore"
23:55.59Amarandethere is no RMAH in Hardcore, so there you go :)
23:59.20Amarandenot to mention, this avoids the inevitable horrificity when the last feature of D3 is rolled out
23:59.22Amarandenamely PvP
23:59.52AmarandeGiven how gear-based D3 is, I'm guessing that in normal, once they roll it out, you don't stand a chance participating in it unless you spend literally four digits worth of real cash on the RMAH

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