IRC log for #wowwiki on 20080822

00:03.59*** join/#wowwiki bleeter__ (
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00:13.46g0urraKaNNis, and everyone else interested:
00:15.22g0urrabah, Unable to validate game version ;_;
00:15.41*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm (
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00:15.50Kirkburnpcj, oh look! Sindragosa's Fall! ;)
00:16.04pcjdoesn't mean anything
00:24.42Eraclitowotlk new patch?
00:25.24KirkburnEraclito, indeed
00:26.10Eraclitostorm peaks too, cool
00:26.28Eraclitooh in the new map there's no more crystalsong forest
00:26.34Eraclitoso there will be a new northrend map
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00:27.06Eraclito"dun nifflelem" lol
00:29.31KirkburnEraclito, Crystalsong hasn't been a part of Icecrown for a while
00:30.24KirkburnOr Storm Peaks
00:30.34Eraclitoyep but it was in the "map"
00:31.08KirkburnOh true, so it was
00:31.40Kirkburnblimps have disappeared from icecrown
00:32.26RagestormBack to Sindragosa, is there any info OTHER that her Fall?
00:32.46KirkburnWho she is?
00:33.06KirkburnShe's <The Frost Queen>, and is resurrected by Arthas in the cinematic
00:33.25RagestormHow can you tell?
00:33.36g0urraKirkburn is datamining
00:34.01RagestormI'm only asking because I was trying to explain earlier why the article was removed under DNP
00:34.16KirkburnPer g0urra, it's not "released" yet
00:34.20g0urraDatamined content
00:34.33KirkburnAs soon as servers are up though...
00:35.02KirkburnSindragosa's Fall is identical to the location in the cinematic
00:35.54KirkburnAAAAArgh ... "sorry the installer could not start, you may be out of hard disk space"
00:36.12Kirkburn136 GB is a bit much for a patch
00:36.26RagestormKirkburn: Sindragosa's Fall is identical to the location in the cinematic
00:36.26Ragestorm[8:35pm]Wow. That is the single most logical speculatory statement I have ever seen.
00:37.15RagestormAnd I'm not even kidding. It's logical and it makes more sense than any of the half-arsed speculation I've seen in the last two years.
00:37.28g0urraWell gg, Blizzard haven't updated their servers
00:37.31RagestormANd now a word from our users:
00:37.33g0urraAnd the wyrm is lagging >_>
00:37.33Ragestormthe big beast in the opening cinematic that the Lich King summons is a Frost Wyrm right? I just want to make sure since it really looks like one.SuperN (talk) 23:19, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
00:38.06KirkburnActually, it's a hammerhead shark in disguise
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00:38.28pcjis that how you were able to determine the gender
00:38.36KirkburnOf course
00:38.52KirkburnYou can tell a female hammerhead shark a mile off
00:39.24KirkburnIt's a secret.
00:40.00jaxdahlit's carrying a couple of shopping bags
00:40.00jaxdahland has red lipstick on
00:40.00jaxdahlwell, that might be a male hammerhead in drag
00:40.28RagestormNote to self: do not go to an aquarium with jaxdahl in the vicinity
00:40.30pcj"Females in many of the larger species have bite marks that appear to be a result of a male grasping them to maintain position during mating."
00:40.36Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:41.10jaxdahli wonder if sindragosa will be an outdoor boss
00:41.27pcjno, sindragosa fell
00:41.35pcjand can't get up obviously
00:41.40pcjso theres going to be a quest to help
00:41.59KirkburnBtw, she reminds me of this:
00:42.27KirkburnI'd get a better picture of her if Google gives me one
00:42.41RagestormIck. I will never be able to take Jim Broadbent seriously again after that.
00:42.49Kirkburn ... better maybe
00:43.20KirkburnSeriously, it's totally Madame Gasket in frostwyrm form
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00:43.57KirkburnIt's the kind of thing I could do a ytmnd montage on, flicking between one and the other
00:43.59RagestormDown to the shiny silver son trying to sell upgrades to the undead population?
00:44.25g0urrabtw, new loading screens
00:44.38pcjyay we needed them
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00:44.42KirkburnI never quite understand why we go through so many loading screens in the betas
00:44.51KirkburnEach patch, let's have a new one
00:44.54pcjbecause the manga screens suck
00:45.02KirkburnRelease! Oh, no new loadings screens now.
00:45.06RagestormKirkburn: Does this mean Ewan McGregor will be taking over for Death Knight voice acting?
00:45.19KirkburnThat would be awesome
00:45.33RagestormOnly if it's with the lightsaber...
00:45.38KirkburnBut who could be Robin Williams?
00:45.48KirkburnI mean, who could Robin Williams be
00:45.53Ragestormor Krasus
00:45.59RagestormOr Nozdormu
00:46.14KirkburnOoh, Nozdormu could suit his insane personality
00:46.27RagestormNo, that's Malygos
00:46.32Rizzlersooo im late but i just watched the Wotlk cinematic and all i can say is
00:46.35KirkburnHalle Berry is .... Alexstrasza
00:46.36RizzlerEpic *drool* O_o
00:46.39kd3pokes his conn...
00:46.41kd399m to go
00:46.52RagestormKirkburn:  :O
00:47.09RagestormActually, that works, is the scary bit.
00:47.46KirkburnWhat fun :)
00:48.24RagestormThis means Amanda Bynes has to be Chromie.
00:49.23pcjyour mother can be the lich king
00:49.54Ragestormpcj: was that really called for?
00:50.01g0urraThere's also one for the black dragonflight part of the Champer of Aspects, but I don't know what to call it...
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00:51.59KirkburnThe game logo in the cinematic is different from the normal one
00:52.31g0urraooo anub'arak sound files
00:52.35g0urraand Alexstrasza
00:52.51kd3pokes wget harder
00:52.57g0urra"And so ends the nexus war."
00:53.16KirkburnAnd I thought Malygos would win
00:53.43pcjhe does
00:53.56pcjin the next expansion: Return of Malygos
00:54.03g0urraAlexstrasza sounds like a bitch
00:54.23kd3krasus must not be putting out
00:54.49bleeterkd3: since when did the US Realm List by Datacentre become an 'official' Blizz doc? ;)
00:54.50pcji think he's mad because no one's apparently ever heard of him and doesn't guess him in a certain contest
00:55.00kd3official? the hell?
00:55.10bleeterwell, they're using it as a reference for tracing foo haha
00:55.25g0urraOh right, it's just the Culling death sound file..
00:55.38g0urraoooo rivendare
00:55.54bleeterreturns to his rant of 'blizz need their own damned network diagnostic tool that even idiots can use'
00:56.15pcj"the data on this site should prove to be correct" should be our tagline
00:56.40Rizzlerpfft fail. sindragosa dosent have an wowwiki article yet! :P
00:56.41KirkburnWoWWiki: now with implied trustworthiness
00:57.20KirkburnRizzler, intentionally
00:57.36EraclitoGlyph of Polymorph      Your Polymorph spell also removes all damage over time effects from the target. <- cool
00:57.40KirkburnWe prefer to wait until something is announced or can be found in game
00:57.46g0urraKirkburn: every NPC at the Scarlet Enclave gets sound files
00:58.03g0urraWell, the most important ones...
00:58.24Kirkburnlooks like it's level another dk time
00:58.36KirkburnThat is, if I manage to patch in this lifetime
00:58.40bleeterKirkburn: WoWWiki: Now with more Boobies
00:58.42Rizzlereven if it can be seen in the gamefiles Kirkburn? :(
00:58.58kd3hot damn. did noth's bitching about heigan get voiced?
00:59.02KirkburnRizzler, /especially/ if it can only be seen in the gamefiles
00:59.49KirkburnNoth: "hot damn, that Heigan eh? Phwoar!"
00:59.56g0urraKirkburn: "Sound\Creature\Lich King\SW_LichKing_StormwindAttack01.wav"
01:00.12KirkburnLooks like the Lich King is planning a holiday
01:00.35KirkburnDo you think he'll stay in Goldshire inn?
01:00.58Kirkburns/Goldshire inn/Lion's Pride Inn/
01:01.27kd3meh. we knew org was gonna get razed... guess sw getting nailed makes sense too
01:01.33kd351%! go faster, damn you
01:01.50KirkburnBut will the Lich King nail two cities at once?
01:02.02g0urraKirkburn: special sound files for death knights too :O
01:02.07KirkburnCan one half-undead guy manage it?
01:02.26KirkburnI suppose they're on two different continents
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01:02.35KirkburnI mean, it's not cheating if it's on two different continents
01:02.36kd3considering he's in the scarlet enclave, howling fjord, bt, the wrathgate (probably), and icecrown all at the same time...
01:02.59KirkburnThe guys nailing cities all over the place
01:03.11KirkburnOne day he'll settle down
01:03.15kd3ooh, I wonder if they finally implemented the wrathgate cutscene?
01:03.20KirkburnGet a wife.
01:03.41KirkburnHave some Lich Kids.
01:03.42Eraclitowhat's a "wife"?
01:04.09Ragestorm[[Jaina Proudmoore]], in this case is the closest match.
01:04.10DottedRagestorm meant:
01:04.18bobjalright guys any clues on number 2? i mean i think its deathwing but im wrong
01:04.26KirkburnIndeed, it is not
01:04.31kd3nope, not deathwing
01:04.33Eraclitothey removed katrana from WoW?
01:04.34KirkburnYou're looking for a good guy
01:04.45KirkburnEraclito, from Stormwind, yes
01:04.47kd3erac; in beta. I'm still of the opinion that it's a bug
01:04.50bobjeven though he is shadow and instremental in the burning leagion defeat
01:05.13kd3she's involved in too much stuff for her to just disappear
01:05.41KirkburnHe's shadowy - by which I meant he normally doesn't reveal himself
01:05.45KirkburnBasically you can ignore it
01:06.07KirkburnI didn't realise how confusing it might be to those who haven't read all the novels
01:06.23g0urra(3rd part of the end speech)
01:07.23KirkburnHe does sound a bit haughty, but then ... how do you voice a dragon?
01:07.37Eraclito[03:05:11] <@kd3> she's involved in too much stuff for her to just disappear <- i was thinking the same
01:07.44Eraclitobut i like the way they changed the throne room
01:07.58g0urra4th part
01:07.59KirkburnNot only that, but how do you voice a female dragon who's more powerful than pretty much anything else we've met
01:08.13RagestormSomething close to that, apparently.
01:08.43g0urraOh and they are not using the warcraft III sound files for the culling. They are using fresh recordings
01:09.12KirkburnFresh recordings of the culling?
01:09.37g0urrathe 'purging' of stratholme
01:09.40Kirkburndid wonder why Blizz had ordered so many goats recently
01:09.53g0urraOriginally in the sound files there were just re-used sound files from WC3
01:10.39KirkburnSorry, but you're ruining my thoughts of Blizz ritually sacrificing goats
01:10.52CorganO HAI GUYS
01:11.00Corganhow2open >2GB mpq?
01:11.08kd3I rather enjoyed the throwbacks to wc3 with the two alliance cutscenes
01:11.15KirkburnCorgan, get a bigger crowbar
01:11.16kd3mpqedit2 can handle huge files
01:11.26Corgan<3 kd3
01:11.42Kirkburns/a bigger crowbar/mpqedit2/
01:11.49KirkburnSee, I was first, <3 meeee!
01:12.08Corganversion 2 of the 'crowbar' known as mpqedit
01:12.18g0urraI'm using MpqViewer
01:12.23KirkburnNah, first one was just a stick
01:12.32g0urrabtw, the last boss in Gundrak appearantly summon rhinos
01:12.50Kirkburng0urra's thing is more like a twig, or possibly cheesewire
01:12.58g0urra"Say hello to my big friend!"
01:13.19KirkburnNow I see why WoW is rated T
01:13.33g0urraHe's talking about rhinos
01:13.34mxs <-- that STILL isn't up yet. Euro servers have had it for a long time now (the GB version, that is)
01:13.35kd3you mean the torture scenes didn't clue you in?
01:13.43Kirkburng0urra, that's what they tell you
01:14.15kd3still? bah. suppose someone should poke tigerclaw or something
01:14.35KirkburnDamn, I deleted my soundbite of the Scarlet Crusade torturer guy
01:14.41jaxdahldid anyone here download the .AVI of the cinematic and have a few minutes to help me out?
01:14.49kd3what's up, jax?
01:14.58g0urraKirkburn: what's his name?
01:15.03jaxdahldo you have mplayer, vlc, something like that that can load subtitle files?
01:15.10kd3mplayer <3
01:15.26kd3so, yah
01:15.41Kirkburng0urra, wish I could rememebr
01:15.43jaxdahlsave as .srt
01:15.45g0urraAbbendis sounds so stupid
01:15.47jaxdahland check the timings for me
01:15.52jaxdahli'd like them to be pretty close
01:16.08jaxdahli should be off by a second, max
01:16.21jaxdahlbut want it within 1/10th for the final version
01:16.34mxsjaxdahl: why do you capitalize "King" at the end ?
01:16.44KirkburnInterrogator Vishas, g0urra
01:16.56jaxdahlit was that way in the flash file
01:17.04Kirkburn"Naughty secrets!"
01:17.21Kirkburn"I'll rip the secrets from your flesh!"
01:17.27kd3you're about a half-second early for the show, but the hide's pretty close
01:17.35jaxdahlkd3, which line
01:17.47kd3my son...
01:18.02kd3one sec. I'll make some edits and repost it
01:18.34jaxdahlsure, easy to edit.
01:18.46jaxdahli use subtitle workshop to make the original
01:18.51KirkburnWhat, no musical subtitles?
01:19.04KirkburnWhat's that lady singing, dammit :)
01:19.19jaxdahlno clue Kirkburn
01:19.22jaxdahlcan't hear it
01:20.47Kirkburn"But the truest victory" was certainly a little early
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01:22.23KirkburnThinking about whether King should be capitalised at the end - I'm unsure
01:22.37jaxdahlif you go to
01:22.39jaxdahland go to the end
01:22.42jaxdahlit is capitalized
01:22.44KirkburnI think it might be capitalised because it's referring to the King, not a king.
01:23.13KirkburnI know, just explaining why I think that's right
01:24.13Kirkburng0urra, checked Vishas?
01:24.26KirkburnAwesome or what?
01:26.17mxsKirkburn: yeah, used as a title ... my gut, however, would tell me not to capitalize that use. My gut is unreasonable though.
01:28.36jaxdahlthis sub file can easily be used to post translated subs as well if we put it up on the forums and ask volunteers to translate
01:31.02Kirkburngoddammit, apparently the installer won't work ... again
01:31.27jaxdahlis it in your wotlk folder?
01:31.46KirkburnIt is for this third try
01:31.46jaxdahldo you have a beta account?
01:32.13jaxdahli'm not going to assume, g0urra
01:32.17mxsKirkburn: md5sum ?
01:32.19g0urranote to self: bad idea to have mpq viewer up while launching WoW
01:32.33g0urrastill no patched servers ><
01:32.35mxsg0urra: yes.
01:32.51Kirkburnmxs, gonna dl it now
01:33.14mxs<-- has grown ... really, really ... cautious with what is running beside wow since they banned me
01:33.23jaxdahlhmm, auth server is working now
01:33.33mxs(I still don't know why that was, but oh well, it was reversed :)
01:34.18CharitwoKirkburn: we have issues at the simpsons
01:34.26kd3that's every line... I'm still not happy with the way "Arthas" is displayed, but it works
01:35.06jaxdahlwell i can remove the quotes
01:35.14jaxdahlit was that way in the official vid
01:35.14kd3nah, I mean timing-wise
01:35.32kd3I can't come up with something that works for me
01:35.43Kirkburnmxs, uh, how do I use it?
01:35.46jaxdahlwell, if it is spoken quickly, it should start at the same time, but not go away too quickly that you can't read it
01:36.31kd3I also want to split the "...of righteousness" to a separate line, but if that's the way the official titles went I guess not
01:36.41mxsKirkburn: md5sum ? :)
01:37.01mxsKirkburn: open a command window, go to where the file is and type md5sum <filename>
01:37.08mxsor md5sum *.* or some such
01:37.14mxsthere are GUI tools out there for it as well
01:37.28mxs for instance
01:37.38mxsit should give you a nifty string describing the file
01:38.34mxsif it says something like
01:38.34mxs3e7c14c7af01608467f4c8246a790952  ../public_html/wow/dj/wotlk/WoW-
01:38.38mxsthen you have the correct file
01:38.45KirkburnI'm enGB
01:38.46mxscrap, I just disclosed where the file is :P
01:39.02mxsdoing it for enGB :)
01:39.14*** join/#wowwiki Sky2042 (i=9bf6aa42@gateway/web/ajax/
01:39.23KirkburnAs am I :)
01:39.24Sky2042hello hello
01:39.30Kirkburnhey sky
01:39.31Sky2042attacks Kirkburn.
01:39.40Kirkburnhey Fisker
01:39.53mxsis its md5sum
01:40.05Kirkburnyeah, I don't get that >_<
01:40.06jaxdahlthank you for your help, kd3
01:40.12mxsthat might be a problem then.
01:40.27mxswhat size is your file ?
01:40.49Kirkburn660 o_O
01:40.55mxsthat is not nearly enough for enGB
01:41.07mxsthat should be the filesize
01:41.16mxsresume ! :P
01:41.35kd3which is 749.6
01:41.42KirkburnI did try, but Firefox forced a new download
01:41.57mxsdo you still ahve the incomplete file ?
01:41.57KirkburnI have 30 mins left on this one, hopefully it'll go a little better :)
01:42.15mxsif so you could use the torrent to finish it up
01:42.24KirkburnAye, but I may as well finish this second dl now
01:42.28mxstrue :)
01:43.13KirkburnWhatever would I do without Download Statusbar
01:43.23kd3oh ye gods, no kidding
01:43.27kd3best fx addon ever
01:43.28KirkburnStrangle that bloody popup download window, methinks
01:43.56mxs<-- Opera user.
01:44.27KirkburnTonight you die
01:44.43mxsI shan't die
01:45.08kd381%... c'mon wget!
01:45.11g0urrafor some reason Illidan has decided to face to the right on the Outland loading screen..
01:45.27Kirkburn76% ... c'mon Firefox! Beat kd3!
01:45.47Corganwarlock glyphs are in the files
01:45.48Kirkburng0urra, damn, he was Republican. I knew it.
01:45.49g0urraare you guys still downloading o0
01:46.12jaxdahlif you wanna post something similar on EU forums, feel free
01:47.01mxswget ... firefox ... pah ! lftp !
01:47.05PoisonSystemXWoo! Just completed the WoWlympics competition and it was very fun to do ^_^
01:47.23KirkburnPoisonSystemX, great to hear
01:47.51PoisonSystemXYep, I think I'm gonna voice what a lot of people have already said, but another one in the future would be great
01:48.43CorganI think they may have opened up icecrown..
01:49.01CorganTo Icecrown - Player - Aura - Dismount Trigger
01:49.28jaxdahlno flying in icecrown?
01:49.50Corganpossibly an intro to icecrown quest?
01:50.14CorganFlight to Icecrown - Tractor Beam
01:50.21KirkburnPoisonSystemX, I'm planning on it :)
01:50.51CorganTo Icecrown - Aura - Approach Response
01:51.31CorganPlayer Mount Wyrm
01:53.40jaxdahlno teasing!
01:53.42jaxdahlservers not up yet
01:54.03kd3whoo. guess I've still got time to tear the mpqs apart once I'm done downloading, then
01:56.05Kirkburnmxs, uh, second download failed too
01:56.41KirkburnGot a torrent link?
01:56.49mxsyes, sec
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01:57.38mxsthat is, however, odd. I wonder whether Coblitz does not like files that large ...
01:57.43jaxdahlwhy does the login screen use so much CPU?
01:57.58kd3mxs; it keeps dropping me every few minutes, thankfully wget just picks up where it left off
01:58.00jaxdahlwish there was an option to have a static screen
01:58.39mxskd3, Kirkburn: seems to be dependant on which Coblitz node you get ... whenever I try to fetch the patch, it works all the way through
01:58.46mxssometimes stalls for a few seconds though
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01:59.39Kirkburnthe second dl stopped after 611 mb :(
02:00.03Kirkburnso the enGB tracker isn't up :(
02:00.41Kirkburnoooh, actually, now I have one seed
02:00.50mxsyes it is
02:03.00bleeterKirkburn: do you think we should start petitioning Blizz for Booby critters in WotLK?
02:03.49KasoThe birds of course?!
02:04.04bleeterwhat else would I be talking about for a T rated game??
02:04.05Kirkburnah, phew, managed to force a recheck on the file
02:04.09bleeterget your brain outta the gutter!!!!
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02:04.39g0urraso that means Eastern Plaguelands=Northern New Jersey. wow blizzard did a great replication.
02:04.53kd3hm... need to come up with icons for the pvp portals in the dalaran annotated map
02:05.36Garoukdoes his usual check-for-beta-invite routine.
02:05.53KirkburnDoes it involve a song and dance?
02:06.26GaroukYes. And a magic show, to boot.
02:06.44Kirkburn"The level cap will be 80. Storm Peaks will be available. Icecrown is still unavailable."
02:07.00Kirkburn"Also, we sped up the leveling curve from 70-80."
02:07.09KirkburnNot too much I hope
02:07.10g0urra"We'll also make the following dungeons available:
02:07.10g0urra# Halls of Stone"
02:07.28KirkburnIt'll be mooore available
02:07.38kd3c'mon wget
02:07.38KirkburnThrough a reeeal door
02:07.40kd3finish it!
02:07.43GaroukOoh, new build.
02:07.53g0urraYay, they updated the client
02:07.57g0urrawell serve
02:08.01GaroukPersonally, you know what I'd like to see?
02:08.04g0urraserver* w/e*
02:08.16g0urrabut no realms up ;_;
02:08.20GaroukThe opening of the Icecrown doors alike the opening of doors to AQ.
02:08.40kd3ick. no more "great bandage collection quests of '06"
02:09.19g0urrafun fun
02:10.16GaroukI'd like it, since I was never there for the door opening to AQ.
02:10.43CorganDo want CoT
02:11.09GaroukMmm, CoT. :D
02:11.23g0urraHLARGHBLARGH i r deaded
02:15.25mxsouch .. 38 people online on Northrend realm :>
02:16.46Corganit's up? what
02:17.23pcjhmm i liked the old outland loading screen better
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02:17.55g0urrascrew sleep, there's beta to be tested now
02:17.57Corgan33 people lulz
02:18.10mxsCorgan: yes, it's up
02:18.40g0urrawieee gnolls
02:19.05g0urrabtw, K3 is a goblin outpost
02:20.16jaxdahllvel cap?
02:20.19g0urraStorm Peaks music <3
02:20.24Corganholy crap
02:20.34Corganheroic leap changed to 41 point talent
02:20.40Corgantitan's grip is the 51 point
02:20.45Corganwithout the 20% speed increase
02:21.09pcjwoot new FP ui
02:21.33Corganthey changed the glyphs too
02:21.36Corgan4 major, 2 minor
02:21.49g0urraI think it's random
02:21.56g0urraI have 3 major and 3 minor
02:21.58pcj3 major 3 minor
02:22.01jaxdahlthe cap must be 78+ now
02:22.07jaxdahlsince my quest rewards are back to normal
02:22.27CorganI have 4 major 2 minor
02:22.35Garoukwishes he could see the glorious beta. ;_;
02:22.52pcjpvp objectives are visible worldwide?
02:23.15pcjare towns assailable now or something?
02:23.30pcjthere's icons all over the world map
02:23.36pcjseemingly indicating status of pvp objectives
02:24.01jaxdahlit was like that last build
02:24.04jaxdahlbut with 4 icons
02:24.23pcjbut now it's all over tha map
02:24.34jaxdahlnew NPCs in ebon hold, they replaced the placeholders
02:24.35g0urraYAY I CAN READ MAIL
02:24.46jaxdahlyou always could g0urra
02:24.52g0urraI couldn't
02:24.52jaxdahljust had to hold down shift
02:24.55g0urrafor some stupid reason
02:25.08jaxdahlhmm, unlearning talents has new text
02:25.13Kirkburn|sleepyay, patching
02:25.26jaxdahlDo you want to unlearn all of your talents? This will unsummon any controlled pet and the cost will increase each time.
02:25.39mxsbah, the launcher still doesn't have the downloader
02:25.51mxsanybody got a torrent for the mac version of the current patch from their client ?
02:27.34*** join/#wowwiki methansentic (n=473f04b0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:28.26g0urrajaxdahl ... you're a warlock aren't you
02:29.03jaxdahldeath knight
02:29.56g0urraholy bat shit mine field
02:30.13g0urrain storm peaks
02:30.21g0urraI have to get a quest item here
02:30.21jaxdahlwtf i'm randomly getting a buff called Path of Frost
02:30.31jaxdahl'grants the ability to walk across water'
02:31.44Corgankd3, I like your haircut ;D
02:31.46pcjlol judgements aren't doing any damage
02:32.07g0urrawtf that's why I make less damage :(
02:32.14bleetermxs: there were some links in #WoWUIDev earlier, check with Scytheblade1, think he had them
02:32.41bleetermxs: also... did you get your account reinstated? i seem to recall you got permabanned at one stage, was hoping you get back
02:32.48Kirkburn|sleepHe has a nice beard too
02:33.50jaxdahlblood presence is just 2% healing now?
02:34.10jaxdahland blood aura heals people for the damage _they_ deal
02:34.15Kirkburn|sleepkd3, you do still have a beard, right?
02:34.55jaxdahlPath of Frost works while mounted
02:34.56Kirkburn|sleepPhew, however would I recognise you at BlizzCon without :)
02:35.02g0urramy damage is a fucking joke now
02:35.16pcjthis is gay g0urra
02:35.29pcjmake it stop
02:35.30Kirkburn|sleepI fear the term is "owned"
02:35.38pcjthe term is "bugged to hell"
02:35.48methansenticanyone got a cryptic hint about item 4 of the wowlympics?
02:36.03Kirkburn|sleepBetter than you killing alll the quest NPCs :P
02:36.09pcjsmall things people collect
02:36.35g0urraTHIS IS AN OUTRAGE
02:37.02kd3whee, the first storm peaks quest on the wiki
02:37.08Kirkburn|sleepoooh, yeah, nice login screen update
02:37.25Kirkburn|sleepAnd it doesn't have the random blue landing lights
02:37.35methansenticok tyvm
02:38.16Kirkburn|sleeppoint of note - is that perhaps the Frost Queen herself on the login screen?
02:38.34pcjthat's sapphiron
02:38.41mxsbleeter: yes, I got it back.
02:38.49g0urrano it's galakrond
02:39.38kd3lol... fell for 99% of my HP
02:39.44kd3survived with 12
02:40.09Kirkburn|sleepAll addons still working okay?
02:40.17kd3pretty much
02:40.20g0urrathese female crykul got big chests
02:40.22kd3ah crap. ui diffs
02:41.00Kirkburn|sleepI was going to say oooooooold, but it would give the wrong impression
02:41.24g0urrajudgements are broken
02:41.37g0urrathey don't do any effect and does no damage
02:41.41jaxdahlwhat is 'Demand' ?
02:41.49jaxdahlg0urra, paladin timeout :D
02:41.52Kirkburn|sleepyay autoshot
02:41.55jaxdahlto balance all that time they were OP
02:42.06Kirkburn|sleepAnd woah, lots of dmg boost
02:42.16jaxdahlUnholy command reduces the cooldown of something called 'Demand'
02:42.25jaxdahlbut i can't find Demand in the tree or on a trainer
02:42.43Kirkburn|sleepSome news quests around too
02:42.53Kirkburn|sleepJust picked up two more at Amberpine Lodge
02:43.11pcjwhat are news quests
02:43.57Kirkburn|sleepAlso, uh ... Fubar is giving the wrong name for each of the modules >_<
02:44.34Kirkburn|sleepin fact fubar is ... kind of fubar
02:44.56pcjlol my scourge pet is killing the scourge detector npc
02:45.09Corgan'The Lorehammer'
02:45.23Corgansomething is amiss in time, and the lorehammer reacted to what i told this guy
02:45.52g0urra"Engine of the Makers"
02:45.55g0urraa big f'in pit
02:45.58Kirkburn|sleepI think flying may be fixed
02:46.16CharitwoKirkburn|sleep: major major cross-wiki vandalism from]
02:46.33Charitwohe's on a hit-and-run spree
02:47.44g0urraUlduar is big as hell, I give you that
02:47.57g0urralol instance portals aren't working, gg
02:48.34pcjthats ok because paladins can't tank instances now anyway
02:49.16Corgan'rescue 6 goblin prisoners'
02:49.25Corgan'Goblin Prisoner Freed: 0/5'
02:50.06jaxdahlthere goes the server already
02:50.55pcjblizzard realized they fucked up paladins
02:52.36Corganstorm peaks is awesome
02:52.40jaxdahlthe naxx shields are gone from the shield merchant now
02:53.12g0urrathey were removed from the latest build already
02:53.22g0urrahm, this is strange
02:53.30g0urrathese frost giants has a faction: "The Sons of Hodir"
02:53.41g0urranot a title... but a faction
02:53.48jaxdahlnew titansteel shield
02:53.52jaxdahl7530 armor
02:54.10Corgantemple of storms
02:54.22Corgandude's epic
02:54.50g0urraalso, storm peaks is fucking huge
02:55.11mxsI wonder who will get the server first level 80 achievement on the beta realms today
02:55.20jaxdahlthey fixed that spot in dalaran where you could be attacked
02:55.56g0urramxs: I know that the first 80 isn't going to be a paladin ;D
02:56.20pcji already have the level 80 achievement
02:56.59jaxdahlyea got that a while ago
02:58.08mxspcj: as do I, but do you have server first level 80 ? :>
02:58.08g0urraThorim in Temple of Storms
02:58.14g0urrahmmmmm I wonder who inspired that guy
02:58.25pcjheck no i'm a paladin
02:58.37jaxdahlhahahahhahahahahaha @ this minefield
02:58.43mxsg0urra: yeah, Blizzard seems to love the average-nerf of late
02:58.53mxsi.e. first overpower something, then get rid of all the power
02:58.56mxson average, they're balanced
02:59.06g0urra...what are you talking about
02:59.16g0urraah, paladins
02:59.17mxsseals not doing any damage at all atm :>
02:59.32g0urrabtw mxs, it's broken
02:59.37g0urranot "balanced" or "fixed"
02:59.37mxsseals, judgements, at least I got the CLASS right
02:59.50mxsof course it's balanced AND fixed
02:59.51mxson average
03:00.23g0urrafuck yeah, about time... scribe tools can be bought at starting areas
03:00.28g0urraand parchments too
03:09.06Corgandid you notice the moving icons on the icecrown map
03:09.16CorganI'm guessing they're the airships
03:09.24g0urraI don't see anything moving...
03:10.54*** join/#wowwiki Triestel (n=47b4a3c3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:11.08Triestelanyone here?
03:11.12Corganmaybe you need to be close to it
03:11.15CorganI was on the edge of icecrown
03:11.26Corganand could see them moving on the map
03:11.44Triestelwtb cryptic pointer for wowlympics
03:11.46g0urraHOLY CRAP
03:12.19g0urraI made a catapult
03:12.26g0urrabut I'm not enough high rank to ride it
03:12.53g0urraOH MY FUCKING GOD
03:13.10Triestelcould someone help me with the wowlympics thing? I am confused
03:13.27pcjyou can get dazed off flying mounts now
03:14.21TriestelI can't figure out the furry things clue
03:14.46pcjsmall things people collect
03:15.26TriestelI was at that page an hour ago
03:15.32Triesteldidn't scroll down enough >.<
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03:23.26Triestelwtb cryptic hint for clue 5
03:25.34kd3Triestel, "what". not "where".
03:26.27Triestelfrom reading the comments in the contest page, this "what" is "hostile, aquatic, and intelligent." correct?
03:30.23jaxdahlthis minefield is hilarious
03:33.17TriestelI'm still stumped. :(
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03:33.47Triestelonly place I can think of with canoes is mulgore... and there are no hostile aquatic npcs there
03:34.04kd3again, what. not where
03:34.37Triestelbut the what is in a where, and locating the where will narrow down the options for what
03:34.46kd3no it isn't...
03:34.58kd3wiki just break for anyone else?
03:35.24Triestelnot for me
03:36.17Triestel...but how can the what not be in a where... if it exists it is somewhere, and somewhere is a where that the what inhabits
03:38.02Triesteloh I see
03:38.24Triestelthe what, being a what, can individually exist in a where, but... yeah
03:38.33Triestelmy guess was right, go figure
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03:39.12Triestelanyway, thank you for the cryptic hints
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03:46.11mxsso ... what extension do you need to give firefox to make it resume a download that got prematurely disconnected and which it thinks is complete, but isn't ?
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03:50.34Kasoi'd just use wget myself
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04:03.00jaxdahlhmm, if i die in storm peaks
04:03.06jaxdahlmy ghost is on a ghost gryphon
04:03.26jaxdahlepic speed
04:09.27mxsKaso: me too. But some people on the forums are having dropout problems on the mirror which I cannot fix (apparently, some coblitz nodes just drop the connection halfway through), so I'm looking for a solution that's easy and palatable to ... newbies. :)
04:41.58jaxdahllich king world server = boom
04:48.10kd3northrend world server = boom
04:48.27Corgandamn it
04:48.33CorganI just beat up a yeti on my bear too!
04:52.02kd3but holy hell, storm peaks is awesome
04:52.09kd3and I've only covered the southeast portion of the zone
04:56.31kd3corgan; have you been to camp tunka'lo yet?
04:56.43Corgani have.
04:56.51CorganI'm in uh
04:56.54kd3where's the FPs connect to? K3 and Zim'Torga?
04:57.00Corgannot sure
04:57.04Corgani'm in brunnhildar right now
04:57.09Corganthis questline is EPIC
04:57.33kd3I'll start doing quests once I finish exploring. the damn iin-game map being broken's annoying
05:00.56Corganhah, that's awesome
05:01.03Corganyou can bandage while riding the vehicles
05:02.45Corganoh my god..
05:06.49CorganI can't spoil this. kd3, do the questline there asap.
05:07.23CorganThey need to make this a daily or something
05:15.38*** join/#wowwiki Fisker- (
05:15.50Bibi`any simple way to remove the max height / width restriction on the chat frame ?
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05:20.18Corganhai bibi
05:48.33Niatmorning mates
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06:14.07SacholasAnyone have a hint for find the last item of the WoWlympics?
06:16.07Fisker-it's out there
06:19.46SacholasI've searched all the areas that I can remember that canoes in them and all the underwater bosses I can think of but no luck.
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09:08.19jaxdahlgoing to be so busy this weeken d
09:10.27jaxdahlgnomish army knife
09:10.33jaxdahlhow is that different from jumper cables?
09:12.47jaxdahlhey, that hammer pick looks useful
09:12.59jaxdahland the bladed pickaxe
09:14.13jaxdahlhahaha, x-ray specs
09:31.41Fisker-why so kd3
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11:32.01Camiciowhere can i get the list of songs played during breaks in the olympic beachvolley games? googling "olympic beach soundtrack" didn't really work and i dont remember the name of any of the songs...
11:37.54*** join/#wowwiki Chompers (
11:41.17Garoukupdates his LK Beta client, despite still not having a Beta Key.
11:41.33foxlitCamicio: gracenote it?
11:43.16Fisker-destroys Garouk
11:43.41GaroukCan I at least know why I'm being destroyed?
11:47.13Garoukcomes back as a ghoul.
11:47.49foxlitYou know, there used to be an awesome bag
11:48.12foxlitYou could actually get out of the ghoul shapeshift form and continue spamming your death knight abilities while ghouled
11:56.27*** join/#wowwiki Lopen|Wooork (n=lopen@
11:58.08bleeterKirkburn|sleep: IT'S A LONG WAY, TO THE SHOP, IF YOU'RE AN UNMOUNTED TROLL!!!
12:18.55*** join/#wowwiki g0urra (
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12:20.38g0urraFisker-, have you seen what the blues posted about broken judgements?
12:20.50g0urra"Any changes you're seeing are liekly because a designer was monkeying around with mechanics and numbers a little bit trying to come up with something he or she liked. Whenever you see just a few subtle changes, particularly if they are undocumented, it is more likely experimentation than anything else. "
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12:40.41Fisker-g0urra my friend
12:40.41Fisker-world server down
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13:06.33Ose true?
13:10.10Osedidn't think they'd raise the cap to 80 this soon
13:13.50g0urrathough palydans can't live to see it
13:14.03g0urrathe class is utterly broken
13:15.12foxlit"Increases your armor penetration rating by 55"
13:15.14foxlitmy what now?
13:16.34g0urra...your armor penetration rating?
13:16.53g0urrathey're changing "Your attacks ignore XX of your opponent's armor"
13:17.02pcjmmm penetration
13:24.55*** join/#wowwiki Mohjoh (
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13:26.08MohjohWotLK cinematic trailer is the most epic one I've seen
13:26.22MohjohI want a Scourge faction playable. :(
13:26.44huraxi just solved the wowwiki contest
13:26.57huraxand solved another riddle
13:27.11Mohjohoh joy
13:27.28Mohjohisn't doing the WoWlympics because he wants to be surprised and play a not-bugged version
13:27.29huraxkurz the revelator... the vision he shows "vision of the remembered"
13:27.37huraxthat's tirion fordring
13:27.39Mohjohi wouldn't have said that in here
13:28.13huraxthat's not part of the contest, it was a riddle i asked myself
13:29.02huraxbecause i just got the annoying kurken vision all the time... so parked a character there and logged in each 10 minutes
13:29.40MohjohI need a good name for a human Paladin on an rp server.
13:30.59Fisker-why so vrykul g0urra ?
13:31.07g0urrawhy so snobold Fisker- ?
13:32.11Mohjohwhy so howling fjord bear kirkburn?
13:32.20Fisker-i am no such thing g0urra
13:32.39g0urrawhy so >:3
13:32.46Mohjohoh shit it's a lion get in the car
13:34.54Fisker-why so frost giant g0urra ?
13:35.45Fisker-pretty weird lag
13:35.51Fisker-one of us can lag like hell but the other one is fine
13:35.58Fisker-why so local lag?
13:39.16g0urrawhy >:3 Fisker- ?
13:40.01Fisker-i need people to get in kar
13:40.28*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm (
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13:47.18sacaraschow much does the cold weather flying thing cost in the beta?
13:47.41RagestormBagginsww: that was quick
13:48.20g0urrasacarasc: nothing, it's a quest reward
13:48.29g0urra[[Cold Weather Flying]]
13:48.29Dottedg0urra meant:
13:49.37g0urraRagestorm: seriously? Making an article named "Ominous island" is not really wiki spirit
13:49.55RagestormI agree.
13:51.01RagestormThe island in question does have two chapters set on it, but it's a minor incident.
13:51.55sacarascthanks, g0urra
13:52.50Ragestormg0urra: He's been a decent contributor when it comes to editing, it's just the new ones that seem problematic
13:57.45huraxso what was that ominous "ominous island"?
13:59.30RagestormA questionable article]
14:00.01RagestormBasically, when flying to Kalimdor to investigate the temporal anomaly, Rhonin and Krasus rest on an island in the Great Sea
14:00.29RagestormRhonin has nightmares, turns out psychic ghouls are present.
14:00.51RagestormGhouls defeated, they fly on, Krasus will return one day to finish the job
14:00.52MohjohI'm all confused because I can't read the books.
14:01.06RagestormIt's in WotA 1
14:01.24MohjohI know, but I just get too bored with this "reading" thing
14:03.01RagestormNot touching that one with a ten-foot pole...
14:03.40Ragestormhurax: the island is unnamed, nothing else happens, so it's not the sort of thing we're looking for
14:08.41Fisker-you're on fire
14:08.54infobotACTION gets in the car
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14:34.17KirkburnThe first volume of WoW comics has dispatched, yay :)
14:41.23Fisker-ooh Kirkburn
14:41.32Fisker-IE8 should be final in november
14:43.25KirkburnSo I heard
14:43.37Fisker-oh u
14:44.25Fisker-why so srs pcj ?
14:46.27*** join/#wowwiki AckisWork (i=8ee558fe@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
14:48.38foxlit... amazing
14:48.47foxlitXarantaur says: The Lorehammer...
14:53.38Fisker-why so surprised g0urra?
14:54.08foxlitYou know, mice would fit perfectly into the northrend storyline
14:55.19foxlitThe titans could so be running a profitable planet remodeling business.
14:57.15g0urraThe Lorehammer...
14:57.57foxlit"What does The Lorehammer say about his credibility?"
14:58.13foxlit(not that that's an ingame quote or anything)
14:59.51g0urralawl mecha gnomes on mecha striders
15:03.51Fisker-kisses g0urra
15:08.35Fisker-you know what's hilarious g0urra ?
15:08.37foxlitDid I mention that Storm Peaks are 17 different brands of awesome?
15:08.47Fisker-awesome indeed
15:08.51Fisker-billions of kinds
15:08.55Fisker-except for the bugs of course
15:09.26Fisker-only one bad thing in that zone
15:09.29Fisker-and that's the bear quest
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15:09.42Fisker-That quest is unBEARable
15:09.45Fisker-(hoho etc)
15:09.59foxlit << shall be king
15:10.06g0urrawhy so bearious Fisker-
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15:15.08Oseso they finally updated sylvanas?
15:15.47Fisker-why so norwegian?
15:16.03g0urraOse: where?
15:16.11Ose ?
15:16.22Oseor did Warthok fall for a photoshopped thingy?
15:16.54Fisker-hair looks shopped
15:17.11Fisker-i can see from the pixels, etc.
15:17.47g0urraif I could log on to the damn game I would check
15:18.03foxlitFisker-: your Fisker-sense is tingling?
15:18.35Fisker-why so disconnected g0urra ?
15:18.42Fisker-yeah foxlit
15:19.31g0urrawhy so loading screen Fisker- ?
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15:21.10Fisker-you're telling me that you are some kind of paladin in my group? >:3?
15:21.28Fisker-since you know i am in loading screen
15:21.45g0urralolno I was at loading screen
15:23.41Fisker-i'm sooo loading screen
15:23.50Fisker-takes like 15 minutes to go from one place to another
15:24.01Fisker-pretty annoying as i wanted to go to old strat
15:24.11g0urraok, Sylvanus has a new model
15:24.28Fisker-hair still looks shopped though :(
15:24.36g0urranow she looks like a propher undead high elf
15:25.10g0urraWHO HERE IS A SYLVANUS FANBOI!??!!
15:25.32RagestormHow does it compare to the fanart?
15:26.07RagestormIt's Sylvanas
15:26.27pcj"If you are asking if I had an orgasm, yes. It was a job, sir," Breiner said. "I didn't have pleasure doing this. I was paid to do it."
15:26.57Kirkburnyes, I saw Ose's link
15:27.12pcjshe looks dumb
15:27.12Fisker-that image is shopped!
15:27.13KirkburnCool, but higher quality would be good :)
15:27.42foxlit"That's no statue... that's..."
15:27.44Kirkburng0urra, impress us with your screenshot skills :)
15:28.06Fisker-that is pure awesome foxlit
15:28.16Mohjohthey upgraded sylvanas?
15:28.27foxlitI wonder why everyone's screenshots are so bloody crap
15:28.36Fisker-why so shopped g0urra ?
15:28.40Osebecause the use paint to crop them?
15:28.46g0urrawhy so banned Fisker- ?
15:28.56Fisker-why so not a chance in hell g0urra ?
15:29.07Kirkburnfoxlit, anti-aliasing? wth is that?
15:29.09g0urrawhy so >:3 Fisker- ?
15:29.14Oseand paint's jpg compressor is liek: OMFGWTFCRAP
15:29.35foxlitThe exclamation belonged to
15:29.42foxlitBut yeah, lack of anti-aliasing is an eyestore
15:29.57Oseso why does WorldofWar's comp get on the mainpage, while ours don't?
15:30.18KirkburnOse, we're part of the US fansite prog, not EU
15:30.26KirkburnWe're on the US one, so I've been told
15:30.40Osewell that's just dumb
15:30.55KirkburnPerhaps, but US has more visitors :P
15:30.57pcjBeta contests continue on various official fansites, but they won't last forever! Here are the contests that are still running. Be sure to get in on them before it's too late.
15:30.59pcjWoW Wiki: WoWlympics (ends 8/25)
15:31.02pcjso yeah
15:31.16Ose"Okai guise, you can has this part of teh intarwebz, and we can haf tihs"
15:31.16g0urraI wonder why nobody fucking categorizes screenshots
15:31.36Fisker-Ose the better question is "Why is WorldofWar still a part of the fansite program?"
15:31.43g0urraOse: internet is serious business
15:34.36Fisker-g0urra i just wanna die :(
15:34.38Osewhy does people believe the wyrm in the cinematic is sapphiron?
15:34.39AckisWorkKirkburn: can you run the bot on the event list to create the achievements and companion sub-categories?
15:35.13Fisker-Ose not like frostwyrms look that different
15:35.24g0urraBUT DIS HAZ BLUE GLOWZ
15:35.26*** join/#wowwiki faxan (n=808fbb7a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:35.32KirkburnThere is no special bot, each bot is coded specially
15:35.35OseI mean, if they know who he is, they should be wondering how he'd relocate from naxx to beneath/inside a glacier
15:35.45Kirkburnfails at grammar
15:36.00faxandoes anyone have a cryptic hint for #5 of the wowlympics? I feel so close
15:36.03KirkburnPoint is, someone would need to code a bot for that purpose, and it's not an easy task
15:36.07Oseinfobot, punish Kirkburn
15:36.08infobotACTION forces Kirkburn to install and use Windows
15:36.31AckisWorkI thought there was one already
15:36.34AckisWork""I" iconNote that this page is automatically generated; editing it is pointless. To edit event descriptions, edit the entries in the alphabetical pages, e.g. Events/A, Events/B, etc. Changes there will be copied over to here within a few hours."
15:36.38Osefaxan: don't overthink it
15:37.00Kirkburnfaxan, think about what might steal canoes
15:37.10Osewhat would attack YOU if you wen't for a swim?
15:37.16pcja shark
15:37.21g0urraa lion
15:37.22KirkburnA Fisker-
15:37.26*** join/#wowwiki Jaruio (i=Jaruio@
15:37.41Jaruiohello Im looking for hints on the contest for the beta keys
15:37.45pcjyes you are
15:37.50Oseof course
15:37.55pcjwell guess what
15:37.57pcji'm not
15:38.04Oseme neither
15:38.09g0urraNO U
15:38.10Osewhat hint are you stuck on?
15:38.11foxlit"Kirkburn: A Fisker-" << I second that
15:38.18KirkburnJaruio, how may we aid you?
15:38.21JaruioThe one after you find the second item.
15:38.40Oseso... horse?
15:38.48KirkburnSave Francis!
15:38.50g0urraso... fisker-?
15:38.58Fisker-so g0urra ?
15:39.06Fisker-Why so loadingscreen?
15:39.10sacarascJaruio: you got further than me ;p
15:39.18g0urrawhy so can't log out Fisker- ?
15:39.19Jaruioaye, horse and stuff.
15:39.27KirkburnJaruio, hint: it's not live yet.
15:39.36Jaruiookie dokie.
15:39.42Fisker-g0urra it's the loginscreen i'm worried about >:I
15:40.25Fisker-been loading for 30 minutes
15:40.54Kirkburn"Are you not entertained!?"
15:41.08Kirkburn"No ... do a joke"
15:41.29Jaruioyay i got it!
15:42.17Fisker-Kirkburn i need a solution
15:42.17KirkburnJaruio, :D
15:43.23AckisWork~seen mikk
15:43.29infobotmikk is currently on #wowuidev. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 3d 10h 54m 39s, last said: 'Because watching 14 year olds drool gets old'.
15:44.11Jaruiohmm... this next one is harder
15:45.26Jaruionvm got it. =]
15:48.40Fisker-btw wee
15:48.41*** join/#wowwiki Aloysius (
15:48.44Fisker-stargate: atlantis got cancelled
15:49.02AckisWorkold news is old
15:49.42Fisker-and the new stargate: universe
15:49.43Fisker-The new series will also be aimed at a slightly younger audience, SCI FI president Dave Howe said.
15:50.08AckisWorkyou should be happy Fisker-
15:50.15AckisWorkyou'll be able to understand the show
15:51.55Fisker-omg g0urra
15:52.11Fisker-Taken me an hour at least to get from dalaran to thunder bluff :D
15:52.12g0urraWHY SO~
15:52.16*** join/#wowwiki Camicio (
15:52.18g0urralolk Fisker-
15:54.02Fisker-but really AckisWork
15:54.08Fisker-atlantis was setting sail for fail
15:55.02JaruioWhat about Warhammer?
15:55.06JaruioWhats that gonna turn out like?
15:55.27Fisker-Not having tried the game i can say it will be crap
15:58.57pcjalso, having not tried the game it is crap
15:59.47AckisWorkWAR is fun
15:59.51AckisWorkendgame = PVP
16:00.03Fisker-The only thing they do know is that they cut game developement time to release september
16:00.10Fisker-Bad idea in my world
16:05.25KirkburnBut then, who wants to live in Fisker-'s world?
16:05.55Fisker-noone likes unfinished games >:3
16:06.19AckisWorkFisker-'s world is too serious
16:07.05Fisker-why so battlescared AckisWork_
16:07.24AckisWorkat least I have scars!
16:13.06*** join/#wowwiki Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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16:29.07*** join/#wowwiki zomggir (n=cfac8a37@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:29.33zomggiri cant find the thing after the gun
16:30.02zomggirteh shadowy dragon
16:32.01pcjdon't concentrate on shadowy
16:32.07pcjmight look at the history of the burning legion
16:32.36*** join/#wowwiki Malgayne (
16:33.22*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm (
16:33.22*** mode/#wowwiki [+o Ragestorm] by ChanServ
16:33.23Jaruioso guys I heard you like to be FROSTSHAWKED
16:39.03*** join/#wowwiki Mohjohlol (
16:41.11zomggiri cant find any dragons under burning legion
16:41.11zomggirbut im not done reading
16:41.11zomggirirst invaion i think it is
16:43.43RagestormDragons don't work for the Burning legion
16:44.08RagestormThe Nethers looked like they did in TFT, but it isn't clear
16:45.04pcjthe blues might be
16:45.59pcjseems awfully convenient for them to be all pissy when arthas gets pms too
16:46.01zomggirno nethers
16:46.15zomggirnot the dragons of nightmare
16:46.18zomggirnot deathwing
16:46.25Ragestormpcj: you raise an excellent point
16:46.30zomggirno onxia or any other important black dragons
16:46.37zomggir*not nethers
16:46.51Ragestormzomggir: dragons are fundamentally opposed to everything the Legion stands for
16:47.05Ragestormwe don't even know if they're found on other planets.
16:47.14pcjyou mean like outland
16:47.21zomggirsum1 check the emerald dream
16:47.41Ragestormpcj: Well, Nether dragons are warped blacks, they're not native
16:47.49Ragestormzomggir: y?
16:48.04pcjmmm there were a lot of blacks in blade's edge
16:48.34zomggirsum1 search blades edge
16:48.34Ragestormdescendents of the ones Deathwing brought there during the events of BtDP
16:49.07zomggiri researched all the events of war of the anchents
16:49.16pcjnot all
16:49.30Ragestormzomggir: to my knowledge, the dragons have never allied with the legion at all
16:49.42zomggirthey didnt
16:49.50zomggirall the dragons where good at that point
16:49.53RagestormThen what are you asking?
16:49.57zomggirand where allyed w/ the night elves
16:50.22zomggiri still think its sum green dragon
16:50.40zomggirmabe it has to do with the war on ahn'quiraj
16:50.48zomggirthe first one when the gate was sealed
16:51.05pcjit's red
16:51.39pcjare you looking to the answer to the second question
16:51.51pcjhe is definitely red
16:52.14zomggirgrim batol mabe
16:52.21zomggiril search on that
16:52.32pcjwar of the ancients
16:52.35pcjhe's mentioned
16:52.39pcjand played a big part
16:54.25pcjdon't guess in here please
16:54.57zomggirPcj do you know the answers>'
16:55.42zomggiris it an important dragon
16:57.12zomggirso its war of the anchients and a red dragon
16:59.59*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm_ (
16:59.59Fisker-pcj is awesome
17:01.26Fisker-why so serious g0urra?
17:02.05g0urrawhy so bear Fisker- ?
17:02.44Fisker-i no bear
17:04.28*** part/#wowwiki Ragestorm_ (
17:05.05zomggirok i have checked all the red dragons related to the war of the ancents
17:06.59*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm_ (
17:07.23Osethen you found it
17:08.45*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm_ (
17:10.08huraxwho of you wrote the puzzle btw?
17:11.03Kirkburn<-- :P
17:11.53zomggirim so confused about the shadowy ragon
17:12.03zomggiris it like a nightmare dragon?
17:12.11Mohjohlolfigure it out
17:12.42Osedon't take the shadowy part literally (like looking like it)
17:12.52KirkburnIgnore the "shadowy" bit, it'll only really make sense if you read the novels
17:12.59g0urrawere nightmare dragons involved in the defeat of the burning legion?
17:14.10zomggiri read up on the war of the ancients
17:14.19zomggirthe site says nothing about the dragons
17:14.24zomggirand its not nethalirion
17:14.40zomggiror whoever used the demon/dragon soul
17:15.20KirkburnHe's in the novel account -
17:15.30huraxzomggir: ose said you almost found it
17:15.49Ose[19:04]<zomggir>ok i have checked all the red dragons related to the war of the ancents
17:16.02Oseif you did, you'd have found it
17:17.01g0urrazomggir: there's nothing we can help you with tne
17:17.51zomggirFOUND IT
17:17.59zomggiromfg i had alrdy checked the page
17:18.03zomggiri just missed the pic
17:19.05zomggirit this all released stuff or does this include WOTLK stuff
17:19.58KirkburnIn my defence, only one of them
17:20.11zomggirand by bears it mean like bear bears not fulborgs
17:24.35zomggirare tehre bears in alterac mt?
17:25.17JaruioHey guys
17:25.20huraxno, unless you count feral druids in AV
17:25.24JaruioWhat do you think of this name for a DK
17:25.27pcjit sucks
17:26.28sacarascthanks for the hint, Kirkburn, i'm now steaming into the third clue
17:26.57zomggirim stuck on the thrid now
17:27.29JaruioFor the beta keys that you send out, when will they get to the key winners?  The day the contest ends? Or do you have to wait to recieve said beta keys?
17:28.05pcjWinners will be selected in a random drawing on or about August 26 2008, from among all eligible Entries received.
17:28.10pcjWikia will attempt to notify winners by email and/or by post at the address provided within approximately three (3) days following selection of each winner.
17:28.35pcjThe winner must then respond to Wikia within forty-eight (48) hours.
17:28.43JaruioOk.. thanks.
17:29.53zomggiri cant belive i forgot the dwarf place
17:29.55*** join/#wowwiki KyleH` (n=Kyle@wikia/KyleH)
17:30.01pcjyeah you did
17:30.04pcjit was pretty terrible
17:30.14g0urrashame on you
17:30.30zomggirso am i looking for an area or specific placfe?
17:30.37*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
17:30.37*** mode/#wowwiki [+o Tekkub] by ChanServ
17:31.35huraxthe Nightmare Vine of Doom is there again
17:33.18mxsI am extremely impressed with Beta tech support right now :
17:33.59zomggircan i get another hiint towards #3
17:34.05pcjit's on azeroth
17:34.28zomggirlike the world of the section of eastern kingdoms azeroth
17:34.38pcjno, azeroth the planet
17:35.01sacarasci got that from a hint Kirkburn gave earlier...
17:35.42zomggirtell me
17:35.45sacarascit will probably be a day or so before i get this one
17:36.03zomggirwhat are you on
17:36.56sacarasci just got to the third clue
17:37.04zomggirwat is it
17:37.17zomggirwe can work together :D
17:37.27sacarasci dunno the answer...
17:37.37KaNNisCngratulations! You have successfully upgraded your World of Warcraft account. You are now ready to experience all the exciting new content that World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King™ has to offer, including:
17:37.53zomggirwe did?
17:38.18zomggirare you on the bear one sacarasc
17:38.38sacarascKaNNis: grats
17:38.43KaNNisthx :p
17:39.03zomggirnice :)
17:39.17*** join/#wowwiki Grtuz (n=55e63525@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:39.54sacaraschaha! i worked it out
17:40.32zomggirwat worked???
17:41.27zomggiris it a named bear or an area
17:41.37Grtuzdon't say
17:42.12Grtuzalthough i could use a hint on the last one :P
17:42.25pcjsomething that would steal his canoe
17:42.53zomggirsarcarasc have you found the bear yet
17:43.14Jaruio7. Affidavit; Publicity Release. Each winner (and their legal guardians, if winner are minors) may be required to sign an affidavit of eligibility, liability waiver and publicity release that will allow Wikia to use the winner’s name, photography, likeness, voice, prize information, and biographical information for publicity and promotional purposes without further compensation where permitted by law. By entering the Promotion or accepting any prize, each e
17:43.27JaruioSo if I win..
17:43.27JaruioI gotta show the world who I am?
17:44.00KirkburnVery unlikely - it's standard rules for contests though
17:44.40pcjyeah we don't really care to see who you are
17:44.45Rizzler <--- anyone know what boots that is ? =)
17:44.50Jaruioah alright.
17:45.09KirkburnWe do have to announce the list of winners, but that's nothing more than a name
17:45.19Malgaynehahaha Rizzler you cheater
17:45.29MalgayneI AM ALWAYS WATCHING
17:45.36JaruioAh okay.
17:45.59Rizzleri have just that one left Malgayne :P
17:46.09JaruioAnd 2) sending an email (which must include your name, address and phone number) .. on the page without all the rule stuff, it just said your name, not your address or phone.. so did I screw up?
17:46.21Grtuzyea that last one is hard imo
17:46.52sacarascright, i'm stuck again... which is fine as i've got a lot further than i thought i would
17:47.07Grtuzwhere are you?
17:47.28zomggirdid you get the bear???
17:47.36Grtuzyea got that one
17:47.41sacarasci got the bear one
17:47.45zomggirwat is it
17:47.50Grtuztook while though
17:48.28Grtuzstill stuck on the last one :(
17:56.01*** join/#wowwiki Grtuz (n=55e63525@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:56.43GrtuzCan you send in your anwsers nore than once per person? (i'm thinking not)
17:57.17KirkburnIndeed, one email per person
17:57.54Grtuzwhat if someone uses the same name, address and phone number but from multiple email addreses?
17:58.32pcjwell that'll be caught
17:58.35Fisker-Kirkburn who gets the emails?
17:58.43pcjthe e-mail monster
17:58.52KirkburnAlso known as Doug
17:58.56pcje is for e-mail, and its good enough for me
17:59.01Fisker-Was considering making a BILLION entries
17:59.04Fisker-just for kirk
17:59.44GrtuzAnd what if my brother compeats too will there be a problem as we have the same home adress?
18:00.04KirkburnThat's fine
18:00.18sacaraschis "brother"
18:00.21Grtuzwe were kind of worried about that :P
18:00.37KyrinI have three brothers, but none of us are playing
18:00.43Kyrinyou could use my address instead :P
18:01.34*** join/#wowwiki zomggir (n=cfac8a37@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:04.21MohjohlolI'm slightly mad.
18:04.28MohjohlolI want Arthas to appear in Warcraft 4
18:04.35MohjohlolScourge is too fun.
18:11.50huraxthe forsaken will be the new scourge probably...
18:13.41*** join/#wowwiki gOurra (
18:13.41*** mode/#wowwiki [+o gOurra] by ChanServ
18:28.55KirkburnAn interesting little read - Five alternative Olympics medals tables:
18:32.51pcjtheir information is a bit old
18:32.51KirkburnYup, and *shock* it's a US site
18:33.25KirkburnI've never seen sites order it by number of medals before ... oh noes, the US wouldn't be first.
18:33.48Kirkburn*number of total medals
18:34.00pcji just said their info was a bit old
18:34.09pcjyou don't have to be all anti-jingoistic
18:34.36KirkburnOh, you mean the magazine's table
18:34.53KirkburnYeah, they don't generally update those after the fact
18:35.15KirkburnThe main one is at
18:35.59KirkburnI wonder ... at what point did the US tables switch from ordering by gold medals, to ordering by total
18:37.04pcji really don't care
18:37.47pcjheh, the official olympic server sucks
18:37.55pcjHTTP Error 500.13 - Server error: Web server is too busy.
18:38.36pcjthere we go kirkburn
18:38.40pcj"rank by total" column
18:38.58pcjas opposed to rank
18:40.31Kirkburnpcj, I just want to know if they switched before or after China started whooping your asses ;)
18:41.02pcjare you trying to be confrontational or what
18:41.10pcji really don't care about olympics
18:41.20pcjmichael phelps achievement was the only thing i really got in on
18:41.34pcjand bolt was pretty cool too
18:41.38pcjbut other than that, meh
18:41.45KirkburnAmazing races
18:43.06foxlitgrumble grumble
18:43.16foxlitI compiled PHP with gd but no jpeg support :(
18:53.09*** join/#wowwiki ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
18:58.13Fisker-why so dreamy kd3?
18:58.16*** join/#wowwiki g0urra (
18:58.16*** mode/#wowwiki [+o g0urra] by ChanServ
19:08.38Fisker-lift me up g0urra
19:17.06*** join/#wowwiki crucially (
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19:25.29*** join/#wowwiki Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
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19:26.10Kirochihas adys shown up yet.
19:26.54*** join/#wowwiki Cakebert (n=51a62861@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
19:27.28Lukian~seen adys
19:27.30infobotadys <n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowwiki, 3d 7h 11m ago, saying: 'thats nvidia yea'.
19:30.10CakebertCould anyone give me a hint about the clue where there's something to do with "catching them all"?
19:30.29KirkburnThings people like to collect
19:30.51*** join/#wowwiki Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
19:30.56CakebertAh, thanks, think I know what it is now :P
19:31.24sacarasclucky you, i don't
19:31.33Cakebertyay, found it
19:31.37*** join/#wowwiki Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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19:31.39sacarascgrats, Cakebert
19:31.39*** join/#wowwiki crucially_ (n=sky@
19:31.46AdysHello world \o/
19:31.48sacaraschi Adys, people were just talking about you
19:32.00sacarasci didn't believe any of it though
19:32.09KirkburnWhere'd you disappear to? :O
19:32.10sacarascjust isn't physically possible
19:32.24Adys[06:23:51] <Lukian> +~seen adys
19:32.24Adys[06:23:51] <+infobot> +adys <n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowwiki, 3d 7h 11m ago, saying: 'thats nvidia yea'.
19:32.28AdysI can see that!
19:32.33g0urraHELLO ADYS
19:32.44Adysmy comp overheat, spent a few days fixin it
19:33.07g0urramy comp is terrible too
19:33.09AdysIn the end everything works
19:33.13Adysbut I got a new motherboard :D
19:33.18Adysand cpu
19:33.20Adysand power supply
19:33.24g0urraafter I installed my new graphics card it sometime freezes ><
19:33.29Adysand computer case since I was renewing the stock
19:33.30g0urraand I have to hard shutdown the computer
19:33.32sacarascKirkburn: can you give me an extra hint for the same problem as Cakebert? :D
19:33.43g0urraAdys: so you got a new computer
19:33.52AdysWell no I got the same ram
19:33.56Adysbut was about to buy some new one
19:34.53Adyshot hot fps love
19:35.07Kirkburnsacarasc, not really
19:35.14sacarascheh, thought not ;p
19:35.14pcjsacarasc: things people collect
19:35.22KirkburnI said that >_<
19:35.28pcjso did i
19:35.49AdysWhere can I epeen over how much faster my cpu is?
19:35.57pcjbecause mine is faster than yours
19:36.15KirkburnI bet it's slower than molasses in winter
19:36.16CakebertLadies and gentlemen, a real e-peen faceoff
19:36.29Adysdual qx9775 sucker
19:36.40Kirkburntries to work out how epeens faceoff
19:36.50pcjyou'd have to prove that dual qx9775 is faster than quad q9450
19:37.58CakebertAnyone got hints about the last one? Got no idea what it could be :/
19:38.07*** join/#wowwiki Ecozonz (
19:38.44pcjsomething that would steal his canoe
19:39.05CakebertWho would steal a canoe? :D
19:39.14CakebertA pig? A kraken?
19:39.24pcjthat's the riddle
19:39.44g0urraI think it's a Fisker-
19:40.21g0urraI think Fisker-  is a pretty cool guy. eh steals boats and doesnt afraid of anything
19:40.49infobotYou cannot understand nature's perfect time cube! (2008.08.22 19:40:49 GMT)
19:43.47CakebertI don't get it? :p
19:44.07g0urraThink harder
19:44.39*** join/#wowwiki Ragestorm (
19:44.39*** mode/#wowwiki [+o Ragestorm] by ChanServ
19:46.33CakebertWhat does a danish pala have to do with the riddle? :P
19:46.54Kirochismoi qui te cherchais
19:47.09Kirochit'as des screens de la dernière bataille dans la questline des death knight ?
19:47.38g0urraCakebert: nothing
19:47.40Kirochiça a l'air roxxatif
19:48.05Kirochig0urra did you take some screenshots when doing your initial death knight questline?
19:48.41g0urrawhat are you looking for
19:49.18g0urrawhat are you looking for Kirochi
19:49.21g0urrawhat are you looking for Kirochi troll
19:49.24Kirochithe final battle
19:49.27Kirochioh u
19:49.55g0urrawell WHAT DO YOU WANT
19:50.04g0urrait's a big friggin battle
19:50.37Kirochiall screens you have from it
19:50.47g0urraI have one
19:50.55Kirochithat'll do
19:50.59Kirochig0urra my lion
19:51.06CakebertWTB Hints
19:51.35g0urraSorry, out of stock
19:51.52Kirochigimme the screen
19:52.18pcjhands Kirochi the 21" CRT
19:52.28CakebertAre hints BoP or can I get them off AH?
19:56.55Fisker-why so dreamy g0urra?
19:58.26CakebertNo one wanting to give me a hint for the last part of the WoWlympics contest? :P
19:58.36KirochiI got one
19:58.48Kirochigive me all those you've found so far and I'll give you the last hint
19:58.58Kirkburnslaps Kirochi
19:59.28KirkburnCakebert, what might steal a canoe
19:59.34Kirochia murloc
19:59.35Kirochia thief
19:59.39Kirochian algerian
19:59.49Adysa fucking cloud
19:59.57Ecozonzsomeone without a canoe?
20:00.00Fisker-l2camera Kirochi
20:00.02Fisker-my good troll
20:00.11Kirochila mort monte comme la mer
20:00.14Kirochije suis murloc
20:00.18KirkburnMan, Robot Chicken is so awesome
20:00.19CakebertDoes this involve an alliance only quest? :P I'm horde
20:00.55g0urrait's like common knowledge
20:01.20g0urraone time they stole my lake
20:01.24g0urraa whole fucking lake
20:01.27g0urrathat's pretty badass
20:01.55CakebertOh, I found it ;)
20:04.21CakebertI don't know why those somethings would steal a canoe though :/
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20:05.02g0urrawell they're pretty crazy you know
20:05.30CakebertSomeone that ripped apart primordorial Kalimdor would be just that though :p
20:06.16Kirochinaga ?
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20:07.43Kirochiwtf ?
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20:11.55Kirkburng0urra, what's the server like now?
20:13.57g0urraKirkburn, I think it's stable
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20:19.55g0urrathough thunder bluff is empty...sigh
20:19.57g0urradamn lag
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20:25.03Kirkburng0urra, :(
20:25.14KirkburnWhat you doing in Thunderbluff anyway? Training?
20:25.35g0urrayes, thunder bluff is famous for their paladins trainers
20:27.26CakebertIs leveling a Death Knight easier or harder than other classes? 60-70 70-77 etc
20:27.31KirkburnHow do you spell your chars name again?
20:27.50KirkburnAh yes
20:28.00KirkburnI didn't look that closely when I shot you down over Stormwind :P
20:28.18Kirkburncan't wait for Azerothian flying
20:28.33Kirkburnaka Fair Weather Flying
20:28.46KirkburnCakebert, easier, especially early on
20:29.16KirkburnThe gear you get when you finish the dk zone at 58 is excellent
20:29.30Cakebertah, nice
20:29.36g0urra58? more like 56
20:29.40KirkburnThat being said, I know little of levelling a dk past early Outland
20:29.49Kirkburng0urra, yes, 58
20:30.02g0urraThey boosted the XP? :o
20:30.17KirkburnAye, ever since new Archeus
20:30.32KirkburnI finished 57 first time through with the old one, 58 after
20:30.47CakebertSylvanas has a blood elf model in the newest build :O
20:30.55g0urraUndead high elf*
20:31.04g0urraBlood elves has green eyes
20:31.11g0urraAnd less pale skin
20:31.16CakebertBut it is a blood elf model ;)
20:31.24CakebertShe has red eyes though
20:31.24g0urraNo it's not...
20:31.30g0urraYes because she's undead
20:31.52Kirkburnhigh elf and blood elf are essentially the same species
20:32.16Kirkburnblood elves are just more magicky
20:32.37g0urraMAGIC ELVES
20:32.40KirkburnI'm not sure which one I would prefer to meet in a dark alley though
20:32.45CakebertBlood elves feed off fel magic don't they?
20:32.54Kirochiw/ the POOL OF AWESOME
20:32.55CakebertHence the green eyes
20:33.01KirkburnAye, mostly
20:34.02Kirkburnhigh elves at least won't steal your mana then throw it in your face
20:34.31CakebertDeath Knight Blood elves have blue eyes though :D
20:35.10pcjbecause they're undead
20:36.14CakebertDar'khan doesn't have blue eyes :/
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20:37.06Kirochibows before the might of Ragestorm
20:37.49RagestormOh, I wouldn't bother.
20:38.27RagestormMy rage doesn't scorch IRC
20:40.38CakebertIs it allowed to talk about WotLK spoilers here?
20:41.20KirochiI don't care
20:41.21KirochiI bow
20:42.48KirkburnCakebert, only if they're minor
20:43.13Kirkburn(or obvious)
20:43.23CakebertSo I guess I shouldn't talk about the opening event then :p
20:43.25KirkburnMainly cause you can avoid spoilers on the wiki, but not on an IRC channel
20:43.30g0urraCakebert, what?
20:43.32Adys# Glyph of Frostbolt - Increases the damage dealt by Frostbolt by 5%, but removes the slowing effect.
20:43.33Adys# Glyph of Fireball - Increases the initial damage dealt by Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect.
20:43.35KirkburnOh well, that's fine, since it's mostly speculation
20:43.39Adysgee, they must have spent loads of time balancing that one out
20:43.53g0urraWe know there's going to be an invasian and "razing" of Orgrimmar and Stormwind... it's in the sound files
20:44.24KirkburnWell, razing of Org, SW is still rather an unknown quantity
20:45.05MalgayneIt's also mentioned by the npcs in warsong hold
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20:46.13CakebertSomething better than level 10 mobs outside major cities I hope
20:48.23Kirkburnyeah, it will be :)
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20:50.03pcjwhatever happened to SW should already have happened
20:50.30CakebertIn live realms or the beta realms?
20:51.40CakebertWhy's that?
20:51.49pcjthey're already starting building sw harbor in live
20:52.19g0urrapcj: I'm sure they will at the start of patch 3.0.1
20:52.47CakebertBy live I mean 2.4.3
20:52.47g0urra<pcj> whatever happened to SW should already have happened
20:52.53pcjlike i said
20:52.59pcjit should have happened in this order
20:53.04pcjarthas does something to sw
20:53.26CakebertDoesn't SW have a harbor before WoW in Lore?
20:53.29pcjsw begins building SW harbor (or really the path to it) in preparation for the revenge on northrend
20:53.40pcjnot the other way around
20:55.12Adysexcept they dont build sw harbor
20:55.18Adysthey build another way to it.
20:56.15pcjok well whatever it is they're doing in preparation for wotlk events should've happened after arthas does something to SW not before
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20:56.37Adyswhat tells you its in preparation of it?
20:56.43Lukianpcj, maybe he did, and you were sleeping :)
20:57.02pcjwhy would they suddenly be building it otherwise
20:57.11pcjand arthas just happens to attack just in time for the harbor to open
20:57.15pcjhow bloody convenient
20:57.33pcjthats my point lukina
20:57.38Adystheoretically sw is a town alive
20:57.55AdysWhy wouldnt they be building it?
20:58.13Adys"Last week they were building something else, arthas might have attacked then too"
20:58.28pcjexcept last week they weren't building something else
20:58.36Adyswhat do you know about that?
20:58.41pcjand the only worthwhile place SW harbor goes to is northrend
20:58.43Adysits not because you couldnt see it ingame that they werent
20:58.46pcjno one wants to see night elves
20:58.58pcjso its not tourism
20:59.06Adys[23:58:46] <@pcj> no one wants to see night elves
20:59.13Adyswell here goes half the alliance population
20:59.28pcjagreed, kick night elves out of the alliance
20:59.36pcjwaste of good lumber
21:00.10Adysalso its just that the king of stormwind realized its fucking inconvenient not to be able to access the Stormwind Harbour from Stormwind
21:00.36pcjyeah that was pretty inconvenient
21:00.44pcjawful short-sighted of him
21:00.56pcjbut he's just a kid so i guess you can't fault him too much
21:00.59Adysyea i dunno how he missed that
21:01.02CakebertWTB Zone north of stormwind
21:01.24Eraclitowtb complete azeroth without blank zones
21:01.54pcjwtb better storytelling than wotlk beginning crap
21:01.55Adysthats like a teacher asking a student to fill a lesson completely without blanks
21:02.08Adysmight aswell put it in a bath of ink
21:02.24pcjmmmmm ink
21:02.50CakebertIs the WWI pet one character only?
21:03.49*** part/#wowwiki Mal|afk (
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21:16.59Kirochito you all chrissies
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21:17.35Adyshaha holy shit
21:17.53AdysThis expressgate thing wins
21:20.26Adysla 2e est nulle
21:20.39Kirochit'as compris quand même :p
21:20.57Adysjsuis pas sur
21:21.20CakebertIs runic power gained by using runes?
21:21.52KirkburnCakebert, by using abilities, so indirectly, yes
21:23.27CakebertAny news of a player Frost Wyrm mount?
21:24.32Kirochiyou wish
21:25.44KirkburnCakebert, yeah, it's coming :)
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21:44.30pcjGlyph of Fear - Increases the damage your Fear target can take before the Fear effect is removed by 20%.
21:44.31pcjoh god
21:47.35g0urraI'm walking on waaaaaateeeeer
21:54.28kd3the hell? they've changed the names of the four naxx wings
21:59.07g0urrawhat are they called now
21:59.23kd3check the R&D achievements or the naxx page. someone's updated them
21:59.25g0urraoh I see
21:59.27kd3they're all "quarters" now
21:59.49pcjjohn, paul, george, ringo?
21:59.59g0urraThe Four Beetles
22:00.19g0urraThey scrapped the four horsemen idea
22:00.43pcjthey're all bards instead of death knights
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22:04.39Jimminccan anyone give me a hint on the last WoWlympics?  The hint is about canoes, but I don't know if I'm looking for a Lake or Ocean, or what knocked over the Canoe... any help?
22:04.58kd3"something", not "somewhere"
22:05.15azzyGiant more evil version of Murlocs (yes its possible!)
22:05.27kd3they're called 'gorloc's, azzy
22:05.56azzyBut not what I meant, heh
22:07.45Jimmincis the last answer in the game currently, or in WotLK?
22:08.01kd3yah, it's in the game now
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22:10.10JimmincWoot, got em all!  yay :)
22:10.29kd3np. don't forget to include all the info we ask for in the email
22:10.29Jimmincthanks for the hints :)
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22:11.45JimmincThat was really cool.  Very inventive way to spread the beta love
22:11.50Jimmincprops to you guys
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22:12.03Jimmincthat second clue was a killer
22:12.03kd3hopefully we'll do more
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22:13.48azzyPlenty more ftw! And fix the google thingy :P
22:14.09pcjwhat google thingy
22:14.13kd3the google thingy?
22:14.32azzyGoogle can give you search result for all the pages required easily
22:14.40pcjoh, you mean like
22:14.48kd3yah, there's not much we can do about that
22:14.49pcjexcept no
22:14.51pcjlook at it
22:15.02kd3oh wow. only the title
22:15.07kd3s/title/first page/
22:16.19pcjof course one other issue not based on google has yet to be fixed
22:17.16azzyWhich would be searching within wowwiki :P
22:18.23azzyand other search engines still have them :P
22:18.24azzyTry MSN
22:18.40pcjand that wasn't even what i was thinking of
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22:22.29g0urrammm vanilla almond ice cream
22:22.40Adys`Splashtoplicks g0urra
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22:29.55jaxdahlwhat is the defense crit cap at 80?
22:30.01jaxdahlversus boss mobs and level 82 mobs
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22:32.49Adysthat was better than sex
22:32.55pcjthats what she said
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22:34.21infobotfrom memory, time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting, an illusion, or 2008.08.22 22:34:21 GMT
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22:39.16Kaso|iPodwhats was ?
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23:09.33KirkburnAnyone know where you can get the new ammo on Northrend?
23:10.06KirkburnAlso, why on earth do I have two badges of justice in my bad o_O
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23:25.21AdysKirkburn: dc'd?
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23:26.00Kirkburnno, just ignoring you :P
23:27.36Adysno, thought I got dc'd
23:29.45Kirkburnah, heh
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